Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1899, p. 2

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married evkiciiuilacmtsm barton on wadnaa sj by bov hoary urand win ijvcnloli ol hmatmro to lydli aldast uauuhtor uf william jaobaou esq riertan jdiud m at tlio faintly rosldeuoe near acton on lucjkiliy sum novambar llulo younmst dauulitor at tbo lata potor mann aged 03 yoajrand9ldaa i r at tbo roaldaneo of bar aonlnlaw hst william llriare aaion on uoudsy tventab 7tu noromnor aubaa bboray rellot of tbo lato kara 1 prlaat of bath aged 83 years and 8 tuotubi kljc retort fttt xtss thursday november 30 i 890 notes and comments canadian old lino lifo insurance com- panioa are preparing for a general ndvanoo in tbo life inburauoo rates to go into effeot in january the georgetown herald baa glvon ourroney to tbe rumor that mr john r ijarber m p p will bo mr d hender- ooua m ps opponent in the noit domin ion elootion they would make a irons team in a oonteat tbo annual report of the superintendent of farmers institutes bae been published daring tbo year 077 meetinga were beld 110402 persona attended whioh ia an lnorease over lass year tbe membership in jul was ii 808 the moat of tbe toobniosl portion of the report is given over lo tbe subject of tbo production of baoou for the british market renewed aotlvity is reported from tbe big lumber oamps lo the north as a result of the judgment against the michigan lumbermen it is realized now that the greatest possible oat that can be made this season will be inaofflelent to meet the demands for lamber next year men are scarce and operations continue to be limited below the requirements of tbe big saw- millers dr bryoe seoretary of tbe frovlnolal board of health is sending out to tbe looal boar la at the province aud to practis ing physicians a circular giving details aa to the oharaotaristioa of the present outbreak ol smallpox in essex oounty it is of a very mild kind and similar oasea have frequently been treated aa ohlekenpox by local phyeioiana it is to guard against a repetition of auoh mistaken diagnoses that tbe oiroulars are beiog sent out the name of oounty councillor wrlg- gleaworth of esqnesing la receiving prominent mention for tbe wardenehip of the oounty for 1000 mr wrlggleaworth baa a splendid reoord at a munloipal ofoer a long term in tbe township council ae coanolllor and reeve and subsequently as a member ot the county council has specially fitted him to ooonpy tbe position of warden he will give the office both dignity and the fruits ot long tnunlolpal experience the manitoba legislature was dissolved on the 10th by lieutenantgovernor pat terson and writs issusd for a new election nominations will be held today and polling next thursday deo 7th a pro clamation baa been issued aommoning tbe new legislature to meet an dee 21st members of tbe government express them selves as confident that they will be sustained by a large majority tbe looal conservatives led by hngh john mac- donald are equally confident that they will be the winners the liberal convention of south brant has made a splendid choice of a anooessor to hon mr hardy as tbe liberal standard bearer in mr t h preston editor and proprietor of tbe brantford expositor mr preston is not only an able journalist but a good debater aa well and a man posseazed of praotioal business views he is presi dent of brantford board ot trade and is expresident of the canadian presa associa tion altogether be will make a useful and intelligent member and there ia noqueation ot his eleotlon by a handsome majority the fact that tbe const ituenoy returned hon mr hardy by good majorities for twentyfive years uninterruptedly amply speaks for ita biuoerity and augurs well for mr prestons successful oandidature the queen to qo to potsdam london nov 28 the german em perors visit will be returned by the queen at potsdam after her holiday on tbe italian riviera next spring there is no publio announcement of tbi but it it already well understood i in diplomatio oircles uptons qenerosity sir thomas sends 10000 to the prlncasa of wales soldiers and sailors fund london nov 27 sir thomas lipton in view of the feat that bit steam yacht erin cannot be utilized by the government at a hotpittl ship has sent 10000 to the princess of wales to be used at ber dis cretion for the benefit of tbe soldiers and tailors mr robert henry has been aeleoted to contest tbe south riding of brant in the conservative interest and mr t h preston of tbe brantford expositor in tbe liberal interest for the legislative assembly mr j turner routledge eoninlaw of the late sir hugh allan committed suicide at montreal by uhootldg bimaelf through the head obowinq times indeed these are oertainly growing timet for the family herald and weekly star of montreal and no wonder for everywhere ouogoes ho hears more and more ot that great paper this year it it a serious question for ihe publishers whether they will be able to meet tbe demand for their handsome premium plotorea the people of oanada oertainly never had auoh a dollora worth offered them qaite a number ot copies of alma and pussy willows have been reoolved by tubsoribers in tbit neighborhood and they are greatly admired a gentleman remarked on seeing the battle picture alma why that pioture alone it worth five dollars ot any mans money we notice both pictures are sent to every yearly subscriber to ihe family herald and weekly star even when tbe unexpected happsnt there it always soma ons who aays i told you to a bad beginning may make a good end ing but too many people never make any kind of a baglnolug all it fair in love except the actions of tbe other fellow if you want lo give your friends at a diftaao all tbe newt of tbe district tehd them tbe ram pant for e year it oovert tbe ground thoroughly every gen methuens forces nearin kim brltlah successes en route two fierce battles fought oop buller nearlad both columns ah6 driving the bobbs back losuos nov 29tha oouaorbp and the broken cable livo reduced d-day- news from south africa lo a minimum ibe brief obloiat despatches bolog practically tbe solo traoamlealona for many hours the latest operations known to have taken plaoe in natal are those whloh occurred on sunday dolotla of which are given below general bullet information oonoernlng tbe safety of ladysmtth on friday ia naturally reoeived with satisfaction both columns geo buller on the eaat and gen metbnen on the wett for tbe relief of ladysmtth and kimberly are nearlug theie points if they have not already reached them with telegrapblo connection resumed it is quite possible news may come ot foor simultaneous bailies at modder river arundel stormberg and colenso ax eventful iielk the past week bae been an eventlul one tbe two eucoeoatul and important engage ments at belmont and graa pan btruok heavy blows upon tbe boors as in previous battles tbe loss iu oaoh oaaa waa heavy though dispatobea thia morning point to a smaller lo by the britlah than at firtt reported it was st first believed owing to tbe meagreneea of tbe dispatobes that the ninth lanoera were lost at graa pan bat accounts of the battle published this morning put an end to all anxiety with regard to the safety of tbe 0th lancers wattle or helmont the first great battle ol the war won by gen metbeune forces while marohlng to the relief of kimberly at belmont last wednesday- they engaged a strong boer column completely routidg tbem captur ing their position on three ridges five hundred boers were killed and many taken prisoners the brititb lost in killed exceeded ibnt of any previous eingle en gagement exoept that one outside ot ladysmitb whcb involved the nioholaona nek disaster three olboers and 65 men killed 22 officers and 128 men wounded and 48 men missing oinedai sutthdknb woedb to his uen gen methnen after the battle addressed the troops saying comrades i congratu late yon on the complete success achieved by yon this morning tbe ground over which we had to fight presented exceptional difficulties and we had at an enemy one who ia a past matter in the taolica of mounted infantry with troops suob as you a commander can have no fear of ihe remit there it a tad aide to all this and you and i are thinking aa much of those who have died tor the honor ot their oounlry snd of those who sre lutfsring aa we are thinking of our victory a bbcond battle on batuhday a second action was fought saturday by lord matbnent column at graa pan ten miles north ol belmont where tbe first aolion wat fought lord methuens gal lant forces after an even severer figbt than that of wednesday carried the enemya position on tbe heights by a bayonet charge whioh teema to have been mora stubbornly resitted by the boers than usual and they retreated bat apparently with their gnnt and in fair order and in the direction ot a position where the oth lanoera were potted to interoept tbem the lost on both sides wst very heavy a number ot the offloers and men of the naval brigade fell here a later despatob says it ia reported that general methuen hat captured honey neat kloof 10 miles north ot grts pan and two million rounds ot ammnnition the eneut urtuuno tbe free staters are retiring to molteno akimberley despatch statet that the boer camp there it vaoated and that command ant orooje with 8000 men haa gone south this teems confirmed by the report that the transvaal commandant wat present at graa pan at midnight the war office iaaued two important despatches beariog on lbs advanoea of generals methnen and gatanre tbe former was within eight mllst of modder river on monday night forty milet from klmbertey and the latter it now in the moontaid district of bush- mane hoek all well at lusuitif general boilers despatch to the war office oontained tn explioit confirmation of tbe preat reports that all wat well at ladyamith on friday and details at to tbe oondition of tbe wounded it also an nounced that commandant joubert had satisfactorily explained tbe firing upon the fag of irnoe against whloh general white strongly protested similar outrages nnder the white flag on the western border have exoited mnch resentment in britain the relief column for ladyamith it rapidly movtog op having reached frere add it receiving reinforcements tteadly from durban two fresh batterlea have been sent to durban from gape town ao that the relief column will be strong in artillery iioers killed iiv tjoers the correspondent of tbe daily telegraph oabling under date of november 27th from naauwpoort aays tbst a dotohman living near the scene of the skirmish of november 23rd declares that a party of boers dressed in kbaki while approaohing their own position were fired on by their comrades who mistook tbem for british soldiers five or six of them were killed noxna plan or cautaiom berlin nov 28 the deutsche zeitung claime to have reoeived the following despatob from a diplomatio sonrot pretoria nov 27 president krngtr and president steyn instructed generals joubert and oronje the commanders of the tranavaal and orange free stale foroea retpectively not to split tbe belea guering forooa bnt to strike vigorous blowt gen jonbeit oonoentrated three corps tbe drat at ladysmlth the second at tbe togela river and the third to tbe east ward of the pletermarltabnrgbstoourt railway to out ofl the british retreat gen cronje is operating at klmberley and modder river and in gen lord methuena rear sabnm ian not axpjntkd moktukai nov 28 tbt allant at a late honr tbit evanlng said tbsy had heard ot no mishap bsfalllog the 8 s sardinia tbey sre expecting her arrival hourly at otpe town a second canadian contingent toaonto nov 287 military mtn are ot lbs opinion tbat a second contingent will in tbs near future be tent from oanada and id ordar that there will be no delay when the ordsr comes preparations are being mads to have ibe rata who an willing to go ready at tbe morotat tbs captains of tbe various oompanlee of tbe 12th york rangers have received a com- munloation from ool wayllog atking for the name of all lot men jn tbs regiment soudan open to the world the khalifa dead end dervish power at an end london nov 27 tllo khalifa hat made bia last bland and haa been mercilessly overpowered by general wiugates force ordered by lord kitchener to ouat the anooeaior of the mahdl from ilia ileal refuge in the southern soudan among bis own people the daggers the oonquest ot the soudan ie ended tbe last iijw of retaliation for tbo death of gordon baa beeu at rook the arabs of the soudau have been laugbt the same terrible lesson of britiali power whioh buller ib now teaching the boers on another portion of african soil the slay ing of the khalifa who aiuce the death of the mahdl haa kept alive the wave ot mohammedan fanatiolsm whlob devabted the boudau and wreitai it from theaontrol ot expt by tbe sumo ovtrwht leaning rush which characterized the conquebt of mahomet hlmaelf ia the oloe of the campaign whioh kitchener has been con ducting for ears with the wisdom of tbe serpent and the boldness of the hon the bplrit of tho soudan is too ntterly broken to rally during the next oentury and will now sttli down to an era ot reanperatlon and good government under british rule the batle which took place on thursday last when ahemed fedils foroe of 8000 men probably tbe advance guard of tbe khalifa waa vanquished with the loss of four hundred killed was ap parently only the preliminary ti the orown- iug battle ot the campaign stomach trouble a fhequbnt of the most inten8e misery mr harvey price of blemark suf fered for yeare before finding a cure dr wllllama pink pills restored him new books the vwer of the twohorned alex ander illustrated by reginald b birch one ot the moat original aud entertaining ot all frank r stooktona books tbe hero ot ibo story is an oriental officeholder who acoidenily drank tbo entire oontentt ot tbe fountain of youth the result being that he baa remained about fifty years of age for many centuries past during these thousands of years he has been brought into more or less contact with many of the worlda famoob characters inoludiug abra ham samson mosea joshua nebnobad- nezzer mr reginald birchs grasafo illustrations showing the vtaier and- bis oompanions in costumes of various lands and ages add much to the books charm w j gage company limited pub- habere toronto 1y takbv in time the d l emul sion will tnrely ours the moot serious affections of the lungs that run down oondition the after effects ot a heavy cold it quickly counteracted manufactured by the davis x lawronce co ltd a man frequently takeb a long cbanoe and finds himself abort we claim tiiat the d a l menthol piaster will cure lumbago baokaohe eol- atio or neuralgic palna quicker than any other remedy made by davis 4 lawrence co ltd life is a game of givo and take bat few people play on both aides that hackinu couiiii is a warning not to be lightly treated pynypectorsl cures with absolute oerlainty all recent oongbs and colds take it in time manufactur ed by the proprietors ol perry davis pain- kuler a sodden chill often means sudden illness painkiller is all tbat ie needed to ward it off unequalled avoid anbati- tntes there is but one fainkiller perry davis 25o and 50c a gentleman resembles the image ot what every man considers birnsejf to be to thosk about to mary young men or old men who intend to marry will be pleased to learn that tbe new marriage act it made quite simple by applying to h p moore leaner of marriage uoentetat the fuse pmuis office gall a few daya before the ceremony and have tbe matter explained private office all bnslness strictly private and confidential t reaidenoe in evenings twenty per cent below 3 h hamilton ot tbe old reliable marble and granite worke guelph announces tbat be will continue to place be best daises ot granite and marble monuments tombs etc at prtoes guar anteed to be twenty per cent below othere no agent to receive commistlone expenses allowed o and froir guelph to urabavert guaranteed cure for catarrh oatarrboxone ozonatedairoure isgusran- teed to cure chronlo catarrb attbma bronohitii and hay fever it onraa by inhalation the medicated air ie carried directly to the diseased parts where itkilli tbe germ life that causes catarrh and at the tame time beala up til tore placet and a permanent oura it effected ostarrbozone when inhaled la volatllo enough to impregnate the minutest cells of the lunge and bronchial tubes where it attack tha dltette tt hi foundation it ourea beoanse it la lore to reaob the right spot bold by all druggleta or by mall pries s100 for rial outfit tend loo in stamps to n o poison it co box 600 kingston ont ita a wiat man who shapes bla plans to fit the inevitable a hundred years old beulih ool nov 27 jacob d shoe maker who uvea about two milet from berlin wat 100 yean old yesterday and the event waa celebrated by tcoree of f rltndt gatberiog at his home to congratu late him scott act retained temperance people again win in westmoreland n b monoton n b nov 88 tbe election iu westmoreland county for tbe repeal at lbs scott aat today resulted in the reten tion of tbe act by a majority of 250 or 21 more than ibe majority in 1800 todays oonteat waa muoh livelier than tba previous election both tides worked energetically and over 1000 mora votes wtra polled tban in tba last election tbs principal gains for tba act were in salisbury westmore land and doroheatar while gains in favor of repeal ware made lo bbtdlto monoton and botiford tbt total ware for tba act 8218 against 2102 who will volunteer in ths event of a second contingent being recruited the aaoretary of tbe military institute ie in receipt ol papers in connection with tha raising of ths australian contingent for sooth af rlos there wsrs 9058 men offered uteat london voaoaoday afternoon nov 20 newt haa just bain rsoehtad of a great battle between qen jttbuena arose fed tns boars if modder river after ten honri bard ashtjnji he brltlah won a signal victory thole who buffer from alomauh troubles are truly t bu pitied lifo enema a burden to them food ia distasteful and even that of tbo pliinett kiud is frequently followod by nausea distressing pains and sometlmee vomiting huob a sufferer was mr harvey price a wtll known farmer and atookgrowor living at bismark ont to a reporter who reoenily interviewed him mr price bald i have found dr wi hams fink pills ol moll inouluulable value in relieving mo of a long seige of buffering that 1 am not only wiring but anxious to bay a good word in bohalf of this medioiue and thus point tho road to health to some other eullerer for five years i bad been aluicted with stomach trouble and a torpid liver i doctored and also denied mybelf of many kinds of food pleasant to ihe tmle but neither the medical trentmei t nor ihe dint peeined lo help mo to any drgreo iu january 18u0 tbe climax of my trouho seemed to be reaobed at that time i wae ttken down with la grippe and that added lo my other troubles ptacod me in euoh a pre oatioqb position tht hone of my neighbors looked for piy recovery my appit ti was almott completely gone and i experienced great weakneeb dizziness vomiting ttpells and violent headaches i was also troubled with a cough whloh boetned to raok my whoe bbt9m i shall never forget the agooy experienced during hat oug and tedious aiokneub medico treatment and medloineb of various kinds bad no apparent effeot in relieving me after existing in this state for aome mootbb my mother induced me to ry dr williams pink filta iu may last 1 purchased three boxea aud before heee were gone undoubt ed relief was experienced thus en- oonragad i continued tbe uae of the pills and witb the use ot less than a doaen boxea i waa again enjoying tbe boat of health i oan now attend to my farm work with the greateat ease my appetite is better than it has been for years and the stomaoh trouble that bad so long mado my fife miserable has vanished i have gained in weight apd oan eafely eay that i am enjoying better health than i have done for yeare before i feel quite euro that those who may be sick or ailing will find a oure in a fair trial of vr williams pink pills dr williams pink pills make pure rich blood thub reaohiog tbe root of disease aod driving it out of the oyatem ouring when other medicines fall mott ot the ilia aftiioting mankind are dup to an lmpover lahed oondition ot the blood or weak or shattered nerves add for all these dr wllliamb pink pills are a speoiflo whioh speedily restore the sufferer to health theae pills are oever scld in auy form exoept in tbe companys boxes the wrapper round which beara tbe fnll name dr williams pink pills for pale people all othera are connteiteite and ehould always be ret ubed get the gengion and be pnade well tbe laughter of girls ii and etcr was among the delightful sounds of earlb acton bakery jo matthevb prop christmas confectionery a fruits our took of obtlitmaa confectionery oto a now being oponed customers will find it embraces a very fine uaortaiodt of tlio oholoeit qooai oysters fresh oysters k1wss on band flour best btandi ot flour bread westons popular dread n yarioty cakes st pastry oboloe assortment or cakes and fastry tart shells jolly rolls o now ouitomorn desiring oar delivery riff to call will please leave wort bt bo ttore or nail our driver j o matthews opposite browns drug store there is one good tbipg about a charity oonoert for tbe benefit of the poor snd that ia the beneficiaries sre not obliged to attend qubens c london november 21 tbe queen bas sent gen methuen bor congratulations on tho brilliant action of my guards the naval brigade aod other brave soldiers burbkai at you travel through southeastern kan sas about one hundred end twenty five mllea south of topeks and eighty five miles coat of wichita the orakenmn eticka his head in the doorway and yell yreeky i and a couple of minutea later th train mills into eureka the proaperotn county beat of qrcrnwrod county one of the happy inuawlnllti nf rllwlfl la mrs sarah s taylor and the rcaooui for ber present happiness are act forth hi the following letter addreaaed to dr r v plcrot chief consulting phyalclan to the invalids hotel and surgical institute of buffalo n y mrs taylor bays i had been a aiiflrrer for fllteeti years ami tu august 1b06 waa talcn with aevere crainplnft pain in my atomach a hard lump alwtit the mm of a kooae cg formed iu my rljlht slile ii became au aorr- 1 could acarcely walk about the houaeandthad lit ao appetite i bdnaulted two of the brut doe j doc tors in town and they aald medl due would do me no good i gave up all hope getting well again one day i thought i would write to rat wilts iftaji bap i had en- wsrpjb cat ihaeotcry and pleasant pcllcta i had not taken more than half a but tie of each when i began to feel better and m kpctlte came back and tor a little over a yeai 1st i began to do my work dr fierset qolden medical discovery ia a medicine that ourea on rational scientific princlplea it ie tbe discovery of a regu larly graduated practicing phyalclan of high blinding it tones up the stomach atlmulatea the liver and regulates the bow els it brings tit the digestive organs into healthy activity it neiitrallies and eradi cates all polaonous effete matter in the hood anil fills it with tbe rich vital red eomals orfcealth and vigor r e clnri it contains ne tjwhol in any forsu m we guarantee that these plutera will relieve paia quicker than any other put up only in 25cunboirsandji00 yard rolls the latter allows you to cut the platter any site every family should have one ready for nn emer gency dav1i a lawrence co uhrrtd moirrnua beware of imllatlona twas not luck but twas tact judgement and nerve that secured to us 697 yards halifax and fancy tweeds at a wonderfully low cost we have them in browns fawns greys and blues zuc ouc and due a yard will give you the best value you ever bought in tweeds that is if you come to the lion for them d e macdonald bro golden lion guelph tlaoxp selevator c t n station rockwood now open for ihe season highest prices paid for oats peas barley wheat rye etg also on hand for sale flour feed flaxseed oilcake oatmeal cornmeal sulphur cattle salts etc horse and oatue hides sheepskins etc wanted ceo j thorp quolph elmira and boaltwoad nov join hamiltons 1avoritl shopping placfc our display of gifts for christmas the bptcial enrly displays ot christmas articles that are shown in our i ancy goods department now are well worth seeing if youre in the city be sure and pay a visit tn t his charming department and see ihe splendid assortment of pretty but inexpensive articles suitable for christmas gifts everybody agrees with us thai our stock this year is the best we cv er had come and see if you dont think so too false economy of cheap spectacles bight is too precious to trifle with when buying spectacles buy a good pair we use perfect lenses they cost a little more than tha commoner kinds but the difference in comfort is worth many times the difference in price eyes examined free pringle the jeweller practical optician guelph 8mlthfl of canada the eighteenth annual christmas fat stock sf8 under tbo aubplcea or tbe buelpli vat stock club and quelpb poultry association will bs hold in tbo victoria rink in the city of guelph wednesday thursday and friday december 6tt 7th 8th 1899 itoadlnff buyora have blgntqod tbolr intention to be prefent tfaosie bavin qbrtitmat atook to dlapoio of ibonld oomo to quelpb hlnaloftatmr on all rallwayi pucbaao a blngla fro floket to guolph and m the uakstagent to glt you a standard railroad coftlqcat pxlw hiu on amplication to jas uillatt john mccorkindale proftldent secretary lace curtains roducod 97 pairs white brussels nel cur tains comprising our full stock of his make of curtains all choice patterns and first class in every way they were excellent value at their former prices but we want to clear them out cry quickly so the prices ro down like tlnls were 5 pair reduced to 84 00 were j pair reducpd to 95 00 were 7 75 and 88 pair now 85 50 were 88 75 and 9 pair now 8650 and some higher at like reduc tions table covort roducd silk tapestry table covers arious pretty patterns and shades with fringe size were now 1 yird square 5a 5 ftt 5 14 yards square 53 00 8200 ij yards square tm 75 3 5 waists and cardifcins ladies flannelette waists in spot- ed striped fipurfrd and plaid patterns mostly dark colorings quite a large range cf qualities at 50 75 90 and fioo ladies cardigan vests in black all wool fine or heavy make wilh or without sleeves at 70 75 85 90c 81 00 and 81 25 this store tor carpets union carpets about 46 different patterns splendid range of quali ties at 50 45 40 35 and 27c wool carpets about 74 different pat terns variety oi makes at 8 1 00 85 70 and ooc tapestry carpets about 9g different patterns immense range excellent values at 90 70 co 50 and 40c short piece of english brussels carpets mostly in oneroom lengths large variety of good de signs and shadings spendid quali ties formerly 81 25 and 8t 35 v yard clearing at sc jvew wrapperettes lately received from new york a lot of new wrapperettes twenty different patterns in spot check paisley and various fancy effects for wrappers waists and childrens wear special value at tc 1 25 pom do sole for 2 oo black peau de soie silk splendid quality bright finish double face correct make for dresses worth at the present time at lenst 8125 special at 8100 shopping by mall we are always glad to send samples and prices on applies tion and we pre pay the charges to any railway station in ontario on all mail orders amounting lo 85 or over thomas c watkiris king 8t eaat cor hughson st hamilton fto 2vftyrttsemetts miss uaggie e thompson t o moftoilontocokhbrtatohv of mime pupil or dn edwahd fisukii is prepared to glvo itmtruotlon in vocal and loitruuioiitol mueto piano nd organ at bor room at mm jobu william mill btroet will hn ihoro uvorv monday bobluiilnu docoinbor itb miss s l schkam lilp ov ilamfnuai colli- o e toiionto ib procured to eo thorough instruction in both vocal and loetrummitul music pin no or organ torino roasotiablu and mado kuown upon application at tbo homo ot tbo mibbcb laliik auos bt acton or at kiiru phess office anoter great day in tho grocery department this time it is growing by leaps and bounds and we arc adding to its growth by fresh lines at pulling prices everything 3n the grocery department is uptodate and strictly fresh and good buy your xmas groceries now prices will remain the same sub ject to fluctuations of value only mantles a real 8nap in this week we have placed in stock two consignments of new mantle to repnisti our stock uhich was well sold down we can give you mantles for 1250 or 820 00 each in their way great values we know of no case where our nlantles do not win when compared we want to sell eery mantle tis jenson and we are not leaving it to the last to put prices dow n by all means visit our mantle department hrocc fiflflric 3 p 6 incfl beaver mantling in new castor mow uuuua shade3 regular 25o goods for10o 5 pieces amazon suiting good color 40 in wide regular 30c for 19c a pieces for nortlfnqd indies tailor suits 54 in scotch tweed 135 for 83c the frank dowler co cuelphs greatest store earhanorchardsh ioo fhalari apple tract on two ucra will earn annaally mo uid dollar and co t rou nothing but tfttv polk amonctourneuhborb illufltratoiloau- star tt y thlouo ills iqotreesszoo aean ot ctlfin arb ftrlnn protocu 100 trcos boms andaninaoou at towrstiwo nr snt pcwii biraotldtqtaqq your moneir u k if it full imjho i oomimqi comihqi t p smith loiumflo eye ikomutt tmiduni iinsf vnrk phlmctptila and toronto dprultolliie call early and avail yourself of ins valuable services as this is arnc opportunity fg jwve your eyes proper- if witoii f fee 8f elwge- no 5hi work but a scientific eirtainty dili cult cases accurately fitted aii wouk guahan1ued ffl bevcr all at rival imh w1u db at aanevvs hotel actor pga dt 0hlt t5ukb8av 7tl duqhwbbi wanted i briant mn m wonm who o not too proad to work and would ilka to tnka iomi raonaj daring tbo next three month baudlldi tna wondmfal light of ufa 300 a day rum win nlki twloa that expetlenoe or capittu uiiuawiilaif piuplflygabfutaon co limited prantford wanted soveral brlftlitaml honed poteoni to rprmnt nn aa mammon in this ami cloae breoanuaa salary 000 a year and ox pennon btralibt bonaflde uo mors no loan nnlarv poiltton parmanant onrfnrhrunoon any linnk in any town it mainly oflluo work ootid no ibd at noma bafertnoe unoloia lair adriromod tamped anyalope tho dominion ooiupauy daplbchleafo just in now isl no of writing tablets large anil small note ruled and slain heavy and light weights smooth and rough finish the latest styles in papelries invitation hole papers etc something new inb grinled tie sue papers watered silk xflsota huttablo tor waking ghriatmaa novo clot a t brown p s leave saw orders now for ohrlttmsu papers sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont 3olidqold best pold fill l0 5 yra gold fill 1q9 best aiaaos 100 w stohwloe mrfoot astlafoottoo globe optical co 03 yonge street toronto autitorimed capital 800000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of joe per share for 1 20 months when paymonta cease t6ooo aid in maturity value ttoo oo money to loan at straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j monabb agant aoton grandtrunk the great railwsv i ystlm transcontinental routs john mcqueen agent for rrqst waaws ifjdsru jafovf9 itf jfo 0000 saiixy m rzfl3 windmill tad ortn cmndart and a complete line of farm impements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott wl resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers warerooms john st john mcqueen to bt tools omaha los angeles 8an diego ban franolsoo and points in california arizona new meiioo colorado sod other paclflo coaai points if yon are contemplating a trip for health pleaaon or daaldsss to aba land of sunshine fruit ana flowars through tteketa to all foratcn polnta pot dmorlpuve unloat tmo- tahlaa ate apob to agents a t b system h b holmei agent aoton m o dickson diet pasar agt toronto chicago denver dog lost iobt ou tuesday slet november id aoton a j tnu houad uara vory larro six luontlin eld floderwlli nloabo roturu to hobt j 6illb acton property for sale tsumbizh of farms and villogo property for saloon easy teltua apply to wm hembtkeet acton wanted ahubtlino man or arm to roiiresent tho llorltt mutual llro losuranoo oo capital 500000 lu acton addrau the manaoe11 uorlln ont wanted faumerb boob or other industrious penonn of fair education to whom 40 00 month would ho an inducement i could also engage few lodlea at their own botnas t h linscott 1 brantford agents dreyfus tho prlsonor of devils island full story of tho most remarkable military trial and scandal of tho ago dig book well illubtratod iflllo on sight snap for canvassers ultadlevgarbeteok co limltod brantford agents 4 f ight of life tho njow testament or- xd plained and the lives of tho apostlost two books la one endorsed by all clergymen bonanza for canvssors a cents taking orders from throe fourths calls made it you want a bare in tbla gold mine hustle bkadleygaiutetbon co limited brantford palace barber shop having purchased tho harboring uuslnoss of mr h h wordeu i deslro to solicit a continuance of the favors of all who have in tha past riven tbe shop their patronago i nave nod experience in tbe tonsorlal art and am prepared to give every patron latufao tlon wm dunfield notice to tax payers i am authorised by the council to state that this year there wtll bo no extentlon of time for the payment of taxes for tho ptosent year all taxes moat be paid on or beforo friday 1st december 1899 b d graham collector agents i ouh christmas books are ready from fifty cents np four books oxplained in odd proapeotns one is famous men and a rent events of tbe nineteenth century great battles great man great inventions and dis coveries program of nations every great event ot the century u ypa have a slow selling book or ensued la other aceney business yon lose money to continue hero is the best oppor tnnlty for making money yon ever had big profit easy time new plan get our offer sure uradleyqaiiretbon co limited brantford ontario fajtm for sale in e the undersigned offers for sale bis form lot m eon s eoquealnc comprising 160 acres more or less on the farm ia a good stono house barns and ootbuildlncs running stream and excellent spring water convoyed by pipes to house and barn orchard about 100 seres under cultivation and 90 acres of mixed umber fenow in good oondition and tho whole in good state of aaltlvatlon lets than a mile from umehoase post office and leas than three mllea from aoton forfurthetpartlcalara enquire of wo hemstreet aoton or on tba premises from thomas bouebvule proprietor four parcels ot valuable property in acton f sau the following property belonging to mr patwcklciwjsr now or buffalo 1 offered for sale at low price and easy terms patbcsx 1 that flnebrfek residence and two lota oo tho corner of church and guelph streets contains 8 rooms hard and soft water snlondtd orchard ond good garden faucxx taood building lot 06x133 on gualph street next to alox bamshaws new reajdanc upon which la a young orchard pamoax fttho store and dwelling on mill street oocupied by gnrney bros who carry on general baslnes is in splendid location central and convenient falcbxt 4 three good building lots at his mill oinring s proximity to q ttb depot for terms and psxuonlazs enquire at tho office if w h denny young st actoii notice to creditors casual of toons sod tu11 streets splendid alte for a xoaaotaotiirtas ttstabuahmsnt owidh to ita pitudmlt j la a ttb depot of the estate of mrs eliza beth ismoud late of the village of acton in the county of halton wife of william ismond esq deceased rpa ptjbbuaht tothe sutaea in that bolmlf notiee is hereby given that all parsons haying any claim against the estate of the aald mrs hulsabeth ismorjd who died on or about tbo sixth day ot june a d 1808 an required to send by post prepaid or to otherwise deliver to jas l warren of the aald villsjto of aoton exeontor of tho said estate on or before tho tweotyflrst day of december a p 1809 a state ment containing tho nam address sad partla nlars of their claims and of tbe securities if any bold by them duly verified by statutory declaration and take notloo tbat after the lost mentioned data the said executors will prooood to distribute tha assets of the said deceasod among those entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of whloh notice shall have been reoeived as above raqulred and that tbo exsoatora will not be liable for tho said assets or any pari thereof so distributed to any person or e snoot of whose claim tuoy shall not than have ad notice j tj warrjqn qbobob bavill executors dated ihefloth day of novomber a d 1893 rs auction sale of tim ber bertb8 department of crown land woods and forests branch toronto nov itl is9q qtjcp is lieraby given that under jl nqthorlty of qrdw l council tinker berths as hereunder mentioned in ihe alqoma nipissing aud hainv river districts vis tho tovrashipi jitbovnkk foy hartv lumtnm rvan and part at mohcuiefp in the district of alooma i the township of norman part of caprbol berth no 4 davis snd the north part of the township of widdipisld all in tho district of nipiaaino and certain small was n be district of rainy riven will be offered for sale by public auction at tho department of crown mnda toronto at the hour of qne oclock p m on wed nesday the twentieth day of december nel sheets osntalnlng conditions and terms of sals with lnformntlorsaa to areas lois and concessions comprised to each berth will be furnished on application personally or by letter to the department of crown lands or to the crown timber offices at ottawa and rat portage e j davis commissioner ofcroicn lamli n b no unauthoriced publication of this advertisement will be paid for

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