Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1899, p. 3

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the bank oe hamilton charter grantup 1872 head office hamilton ont capital all paid up 1 404000 reserve fund 1 000000 total assets 9131 63000 j turnbull cashier savings department one dollar or more received interest paid it best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sanding in a written order with the pass book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank have ocr fue million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair bates eery banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch established otob twenty tkabb j p bell agent the news at home mofltly of a looal charaoter everv item interesting ft 2utoit jxtt frcas thtjbbday november 80 1b09 little lo b whloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week a seooud looal paper in oakville is hinted milton is now talking electrio light under mnnlolpal oodtrol miuone colleotor ox taxes returned his roll for 1808 last week tho qlosing examination of the county model sohool will begin on monday deo 11th tbo conit of general sessions of the pesos will be held at milton on tuesday lath december the saoramont of baptism will be observed in knox ohnroh next sabbath at tho morning service the town of brussels laid 80041 square feet of granolithio walks this sum mer at tea cents a foot the ontario akrioulturl college shipped by 0 f e ten cues of dressed poultry to liverpool latt saturday the funeral of the late atlas lizzie mann will take place ftom the family resi dence at two oclook his afltrnoon dondalk is pnttlng in a oomplete ays- tern of electrio lighting under municipal ownership at a coat of about 6000 mr wm bell of naaiagaweya sold bis team of flue black horses to mr gibbs of blora tho olhor day for a handsome bgore ladies in all parts of the country are adopting the sensible praotioe of removing their bats while attending public enter- taiments a meeting of the exeoative of aoton branch bitls society will be held in the council chamber next monday evening at eight oclook miss evelyn mokeown has been reengaged as teacher of the bannookbnrn sohool for another year and mr fred nexion at dublin miss warren gave an address at the recent yonng peoples rally of ooelph baptist association at erin on the disciples enemies a number of men have been laid oft at the aoton tanning companys works business being somewhat slack in one of the departments there the month of november baa been shaved off the winter of 18991900 at any rate and the winter will no doubt be that maoh shorter than usual mr wmdumfleldateof renfrew has purchased and taken possession of the business of the palace barber shop lately operated by mr q hwordou numerous properties in town have been in the hands of the carpenters and painters the past few months with bene ficial results to actons general appearance bev a blair b a cf naasagawoya will assist the minister at the evening service on sabbath december 3rd and deliver an address on the lords supper would it not give an added interest to the nomination meeting if the council fixed the hour at 780 in the evening inatesd of at 12 oclock noon on friday 23nddeoember the remains of the late thomas orlpps who died ol dephlheria in toronto on saturday were driven to aoton and interred in fairvlew cemetery on hpnday the funeral was private the provincial educational council has appointed mr 7 b deacon publio school inspsetor or ballon ss ons of the examiner in normal sohool examinations forthsyear 1000 an excellent appoint ment messrs c c ppeighl and a t brown who are expert amateur photo graphers are each seeing neat calenders for 1m0 bearing attractive photo views of landscape to the idea is en exoellent one and their friends who secure ons of their dainty productions will prise them you wish a first class farm and horns paper t then see the ipeeuy sim before placing yonr order a post oard request sent to sun office will secure for yon font successive numbers of the sun tree and if at the and of that time yon do not wish to snbsoribs yonr name will be dropped and there will be no charge what ever t p smith eye speolsllet will be in aoton on thursday december 7tb ons day only rooms at agosws hotel if yon have any defect in yonr eyesight it will py to osll and ess him btamlns- tion free tisll early or yon oan make appointments at a t browns drag store to tits durs rich lady bond of bar deafness and moles id the bead by dr nicholsons arlifiesl em drams has sent 1000 to blosuluu that dps pwple anaue to proeur tbs bar- drams may have them free apply to department k b ths institute 780 bight avenue new york tj 8 a two t tm bsrnees and two set of sibjmmjfefm yet to be sold at oott yon pwwmrjftbln ft a t0 wmiiwjljtfsvb mitthiws tho anrrjiiativfl won an interesting debate on the question la it part of the duty of a church to provide amusements was a part of tues day evenings programmo at the epworth league tbo debatera were members of the miaaiouary and christian endeavor gommitees tho deoision was given for the aoirmative county couualla last session for 1899 the last aeaion of be county council for the present year was held on tuesday the business was the usual routine of the closing session all tho members were proeent at the oonolusion of the business of the day warden eavill entertained the membera at the wallace hones to a quiet dinner after dinner speeches were then indulged in and many kind things were said of warden havill for hia able and oourteoub oocupanoy of the office during the year toe liaptiats new edifice work on the new baptiat church is progreaaing the plaatsrers are at work this week the tinsmiths and painters have the exterior pretty well finished and their bandiorafl haa much impoved the appearance of the building the clare bros co preston have been given the ooutraot for the furnaces and the valley city seating co of dundan will put in the seating it looks as present ae if the opening would not take place until welt into january another new home on church st mr john j lawaon oarpeotsr and con tractor has purohaaed the two lote belonging to the milburn property at tho comer of ohuroh and willow streete the large frame building on the front has been removed to the aide of the front lot and will be uaed for a oarpenter shop etc work is in progress on the foundations of a two atory frame or briok veneered house on the corner whioh mr lawson intends to oocupy himself this will mnoh improve what haa been a very untidy corner in town for a long time sneeeaafnl special services the misses hall of guelph wbo con ducted evangelistio services in the first methodist church over a year ago says the london free preiu have beeu engaged with rev joseph edge in the wellington street methodiat churoh for the past two weeks from the first the congregations have been large on sunday evening many bad to leave not being able to find room a correspondent writes ihat the earnest and tender appeals of the cvangellat have led many to deoide to lead a better life the servloes will continue through tble week to morrow evenings sociable the ladles aid of the methodist church have completed arrangements for an enjoy able social evening to morrow the pro gramme whioh will be presented in the auditorium inoludee an address by rev john saunders m a the new pastor at georgetown solos with guitar accompani ment by rev w s moalplne b a elocutionary numbers by mis mina walker of berlin solos by miss hettle j lawaon of stewarttowo and mr b j gnrcey of aoton and instrumental seleo tlons by ths bnnday school orohestra the entertainment oommenoes at eight oolook an enjoyable thunksglyiag service an interacting servloe was held in con neotion wtih the knox gbnroh christian endsavor sooietye meeting on sabbath evening it waa the regular consecration meeting bnt was in charge of the ohofr wbo had prepared a special programme the tbeme of the eveniog waa thanksgiving solos were given by mr a t mann and miss jennie smith trios quartettes eto by other members of the oholr and readings addresses eto by mr j j lawion mies sinclair and miss e jean mophail this together with a couple of snthem by the choir and the regular cooieoratlon service of the society made up a very enjoyable and profitable hour farmers inatltute meetings the regular and supplementary meetings to be held this wlntertn oonneotton with the balton farmers institute and depu tations for each have been fixed aa follow begolar meeting at milton and aoton on jan oth and 8th respectively and sup- lementary meeting at brookville kil bride poatvllle and burlington on jan 30lh and slat and feb 1st and and res pectively speakers at regular meetings to be a monelll walkerville and mrs andrew kinney grand view at supple mentary meetings andrew elliott gait ando w nash toronto helton insti tute enjoy the distinction of being third in point of membere in the provlnne seo- reiary j l warren informs the fiuta push that nearly 500 members are enrolled halloa zoro rittes oo tbs reeornmendelion of gsn button all oorps of tbs canadian militia are like to be equalised shortly and if this be dons rural infantry or rifle battalion will here after consist of either four or eight oom panlss the 20th lome rifles having now seven oompanies it la to be hoped that its strength will be increased not reduced and there should ba no diffioulty about tbs organisation of the eight company there is toom for one at oakville the head quarter of no 1 co have always been at that town but on account of its officer having been trafalgar men for year past it has been reunited altogether or nearly altogether from the townahlp there is no good reason why its headquarter oonld not be removed from oakville to ay omagb when there 1 a drill abed and the new no b enlisted at oakville where oompany there is plenty of good material for both officer and men champion pemeetnuy satered lata mest death touched the frame of mrs ezra d priest mother of mrs rev william bryers on monday eveniog and aba peace fully fell asleep shs bad attained the ripe old age of 88 year mrs priest was born at eernesltown near bath in 1810 and lived with her parent there nntll her marriage after her husbands death some sixteen years ago aha went to live in napanee where she remained nntll five years ago the paal five years she bss spent with her daughter mrs bryan in aoton owing to failiog physical and mental vigor the put year or so she waa oonllned to tbs house and latterly ba been a great oare her daughter and other membere of the family ministered to all bsr want with loving attention and every thing was dons to smooth the path of ths old lady in her declining yean her father bouse and bet own bone always eitsnded a hearty welcome to the pioneer mlnuter and mr piles always enjoyed tbssscvlomof tbsboomof goda loog aa bsr health permitted bar attendant a print funeral ssrvlos waa ooudooted at thebotnoo tneadsy attains by bev j a iutabfajm a ajeuto by tb lljan ths nmelnt municipal election coming the bylaw fixing polling plaoes and deputy returning off loers passed council met on monday evuning in regular session members all present reeve pearaou in the ohafr the committee ou tinanoe presented thoir twentybeoond report reoommondlog payment as follows g t h freight aud duty on coal h27 17 w ponryman 0 days labor 6 05 1 mills teaming i so rice lewis ft sou roll wlro j oo j a bpolgbt co ropalriug rtono boat 1 a moved by i franoia seconded by j a mnrray that the twenty second report of finance committee just read be adopted carried moved by john clarke eeoonded by james clark tbat leave be granted to introduce a by law for the purpose of appointing the plaoes at whioli the polls will be opened for the elootion of reeve councillors and publio school trustees in the municipality of aoton in case a poll is required and to appoint deputy returning offioers who shell preside at the respective polling places and tbat aaid by law be now read a flret time carried the by law was introduced read the required number of times and passed the nsnal plaoes being named the town hall and 0 c speights shop and the returning officers thos t moore aud joo g bill council then adjourned coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes georgetown a tramp who wai being given his walk ing tloket from the g t r station yard hut wednesday by agent mooannah turned on him and gave him several ogly gashes on the hands with a keen bladed knife he carried he was bnbaequently arrested one day list week the member of the family of mrs g w goodenow were poisoned by eating oanoed kippered herring miss goodenow assistant postmistress was most seriously affeotod and was for several daysm a very critical condition bat she is now recovering mr chester j mattbews of the aoton post office who relieved postmaster henderson while away on his bridal to or has filled miss goodenowa place daring her illness the psbt week chester has become qnito a favorite with the patrons of the post office after a brief illness mr t s sogers died last week he was a yooog man and bad been married only a few months he was employed at the tannery lung trouble was the cause of death milton h th6 authorities are advertising for fifty cores of firstclass body wood beeoh and maple for the goal improved look boxes are being put in at the post office thos morton barber and thoa morton tailor were losers of a dog each by poison one day last week halton football league has been organ ized there are only two teams burling- ton and kilbride a matoh was played on saturday at burlington a committee having been appointed by the town conn oil to wait upou the milton electrio light oo to ascertain their terms re purchase of their plant by the town this matter will probably be a live issue at the forthcoming muoloipal eleotlons the programme for the band oonoert on december 8th will be an exoellent one miss flanofgan soprano toronto pupil of mr e w babnob bert harvey cana das favorite singing oomedian e u dickson tenor victoria university tor onto b e gollins baritone milton will take part in tbe programme a white kibbon tea under the auspices of ths w o t tj was given at tbe resi dence of mrs dr robertson on tuesday evenlug from b to 7 oolook an offering was taken and tbe proceeds devoted to buying prizes for the fobho sohool pupils for best papers on sofsmlfio temperance tbo fines pnebfl invites all 1u readers to con tribute to this column if you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or it you have friend visiting you drop a oard to the vaau pubis mrs james brown visited toronto friends during the week mim annie monabb has been visiting friends in toronto this week miss may moore is spending tbe week with rtlitivea in georgetown mr autu man and mr john monabb returned last week from the northwest miss ada hynds went to toronto a week ago having secured a good situation tbsre mr asa hall left list week forpenetanfl he will spend the winter with bts son and family there mrs john hisoook and son went last week to col hog wood to spend a month with friends there miss bertie soott of eequesing visited her sister mrs modonam fredertok street this week miss arabelu russell of hornby haa graduated as a trainod nurse from guelph general hospital miss junula somervile is spending a month with friends at uxbrldge peter boroogb and toronto mr and mrs carlos williams and miss may have returned from a three weeks vieit with friends in erin mabter willie smyth was up from brampton on saturday visiting his aunt miss lizzie moore and other friends bare mr and mrs a e nioklin went to guelph on friday evening to attend the collegiate institute conversazione miss daisy was one of the fortunate pupils wbo won a certificate for junior matriculation mrs alex secord sooompainod miss bertie smith to tbe guelph general hospital last week where a auooesifal operation for hernia was per for mod miss bertie is recovering end is expected borne again in two or three weeks miss maggie e thompson to m of toronto conservatory of music a pupil ot dr edward flsoher will give lessons in vocal and instrumental musio pfenq or organ at the residence of mrs john williams every monday commencing next week mis thompson is well known in this community as a musician of unusual ability and attainment chas l nelles the big bookstore guelph dscembbr christwrs come to guelph and see tho finest store in canada no exaggeration specials teachers large bibles complete leatter 90c same with new index fti 30 leather bibles small size 40c books tho finest line ever shown sets doyle kipling calne lyall pack man thackeray solid direct importations we passed through the customs on tuesday 60 toilet setts 16 dinner setts importf d direct from bish op stonier hanley england the noted tea store and china palace pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts ohah ij nkllbb qubliu j a mccrea chjelph- xmas aifts we are nearly ready for christmas new goods com ing every few days we will have a fine stock by december ist savage co jeuetlbrs cueiph everton on wednesday afternoon of tbe 22od lost abont eighty invited guest gathered at the home of wm jaokbod to witneaa the marriage of their eldest daughter lydia to mr wm everdell of hillabnrg tbe oeremony was performed by rev h brand pastor of tbe bride miaa minnie skeritt playing tbe wedding maroh after all bad partaken ot a aomptons tea and were gathered into the two aittlng rooms tbe organ wai drawn into the hall and ths minister as ohairman oalled on all wbo were willing to entertain with ainging reoitatlooa epeeohee and instru mental masio thae tbe evening was spent tll nine oolook when the yonng people resorted to innooent game hot ooffte and oaks were aerved before twelve and then all disparted feeling thst tbey bsd been highly entertained by their kind bosk and hostess tbs presents were numerous and beautiful aa well aa useful tbs methodist friend gave tbe bride a bible and the obolrs present waa a framed pboto of tbe oholr of whiob miaa jaokeou ba been flret soprano for aoms year her faithful aervloc will be missed very moob still ibe oarriee with ber to their new home in blllaborg the best wfahee of the oommnolty and it a hoped she may do faithful work for her matter wherever plaoed in lite dame rumor aaye bverton la to be favored with a bride next week mr and mr david robertson cele brated the 25th anniversary of their wedding day on friday last when they had about aeventy nelgbbora and friende in for ave oolook tea then the young people apent tbe evening together the presents moatly ailver looked riob we wish them many happy rttnrna a new addition la being made to tbe dwelling on main street next tbe kennedy atone honae mr humphries miller haa removed bis furniture to aoton end taken np bis resldsnos on obnrob street weat ol main miss jessie alexander will be sup ported in her reoltsl on december lstb in kuox oburob by mia grant of george town mr d m henderson and ths obolr tloket for the resllal are on hand and may be obtained at any time tbe friends ot mr and mrs j t hslsted from oalrnt obs ahop and zion ainrlog das orprlead them on saturday svsning at their borne in berlin and presented them with a beautiful album a very enjoysble evening was spent tbs band of eight indian basket makers wbo bavs been living in arthurs buab for several raontba have broken oamp part of them bavs taken quarters in a boost on boaae street and the others oooupy tbe old offloe at the dominion urns kline dolly varden to curb a cojd in one day tak laxative brono qalalns labiate al iittle iver ills sick headache positively cured by these little pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dullness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue tain in the side torpid utver they regulate the bowel purely vegetable small phi small dose 8mall price substitution the fraud of the day see you get cartel s ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills crewson8 corners tho revival servioea are again being oon- duoted in the methodiat obnrob here tbio week tbe meetingt srs being well at tended and mnoh good is being aocom pliahed mr tboa orippa a former reaident of this place died enddenly in ths toronto general hoepital from diphtheria on saturday mr orippa was a young man well known in these psrti snd his friends will have the sympathy ot all in their bereavement a number from here attended ble funeral on monday to pair- view cemetery aotoo mis mary e williamson returned boms last week after spending two week very pleasantly with friends in borlinpton mr john snd master eddie hoffman of woodatook who have been visiting tbeir uncle mr n moarthur and tbeir brother mr will hoffman for tbe past two weeks returned boms laat week mr lewie oanu and willie oann of luther epent a few day this week witb friends here mr wentborongb ar of hillahurg vlaltsd bis son mr r wsnnsborougb for a few daya dnrlng tbe week rqckwood hie honor judge jamleson preelded at tbe division court sittings here on mon day mr james j hill one of tbs old boy whom rockwood turned loose on this oold world a good many years ago and wbo baa long been knowoass one ot tbe oontinents greettst rsilway magnates la still meditat ing new and vaal enterprise ths minnespolls horm outlines what it aays fa bit great aoheme now approaching real- isatioo for a worldbelling transportation line rivalling tbs canadian paolfio ths links in it are liverpool lo new york 8068 miles north atlsnllo steamship companys prsaent ayetem new york to chicago 1000 miles baltimore ohio in wbioh mr hill la tolerated already chicago to minneapolis 430 mils wla- oobtln central which bs is credited with ibe intention of buying minneapolis to seattle 1813 miles great northern ssattla to hong kong 0160 miles great northern psciflo steamship company for whiob a fleet of 19000 ton chips i to bs built tbs whols line would thus be u600 mllea long or bsltway around lb sartb and it would take thlityona dsys to journey by it from liverpool to hong kong rev mr soott ol oarllidge indiana addressed gospel meetings in the friende oburob on monday and tuesday tvenlnn tbe marriage is announced of lflts emma banbam to mr w h hortop ot everton for wednesday dso 8lb tb oeremony will lake pltos at lb home of the brides parent i the sohool oonoert will take plane on tbo evenlngof dee 8th no deo lrt aa w announced last week gburney fe co tv mill st acton for special values in fall underwear sieves and hesiery perfect fitting corsets in black grey and fawn special at 100 our blankets at 100 are leaders new wrapperette cloths in newest pat terns special at ioc try a package of our social special at 25c lb tea gurn6y st co krwrfersjrr have yea jfhmght qf the money saving you may effect by supplying your needs for cold weather such as cloth jackets astrachan jackets- fur lined capes caperines muffs boas and gauntlets at guelphs progressive dry qoods store the lion if you have not make enquiries at once about the assortment and qualities they show and the prices they ask or what is still better gome and see for yourself d e macdonald bro th6 lion gu6lph rtstoaj nelson merchant tailor and gents furnisher guelph correct evening attire means that your garments should not only be cut in the very latest and most fashionable styles but that they should be perfect in their fit and tailoring generally none but an artistic and first class tailor can give you swell stle and exquisite fit and finish and our reputation in this line is unquestion able our prices are reasonable our fab rics exclusive and our tailoring superb the very newest and uptodate hats shirts glove and neckwer v o gents amerigan ix lage shoes in 5 widths a b c d e about 90 pains to be sold at 260 they are goodyear welts box calf uppers neatly finished all new goods you oan see them in our window another sliipment we have just passed through the custom house another shipment of the very latest in german jackets direct from the makers in berlin germany these will be put on sale on wednesday morning among them is a special number to which we direct attention it is a very natty jacket made of a fine aixlachapelle beaver in fawn navy and black lined with bright duchesse satin sleeves lined also trimmed with 12 fine pearl buttons with all sleeves quadruple stitched and fancy stitching on lapels and around bottom thepiice of this jacket will be only s0o we have seen worse looking jackets for 10 more velveteens we have also secured another 25 box lot oi those ele gant silk finished velveteens 22 inches wide in good colors which went on sale wednesday morning at 26c better be quick to get some e r bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyndham st guelph direct from factory just in ladies and childrens wool and cash mere hose boys heavy hose fit for school mens hose very heavy red black and grey yarn also a large stock of mens and ladies underwear fresh christies biscuits o f goodeve co m m h co hosiery every mother is concerned at this time of the year about stockings for her boys and girls she requires something warm and good to wear of a correct shape and comfortable to the wearer we have such goods as these in worsteds in heavy and extra heavy qualities and something extra nice for girls and ladies wear in a beautiful fine merino wool ribbed hose suitable to the most tender feet and very warm at no advanced prices either notwithstanding hit the yarn has advanced over 50 per cent since we bought these goods we have made a special study of this branch of our business and we can thus give you better results than you can get any other way rhhwfr overcoats mens boys youths we have all kinds tbe comfortable ulster with a deep collar or the up to date gentlemans coat made of beaver or cheviot pea jackets and reefers in frieze pilot cloth and beaver a complete range o choose from correct shades and well guaranteed workmanship give us a look and you will be surprised at the values offered ii ladies jackets a feature of our jacket trade is that wo ttre constantly adding something to our stock tho latest novelties are to be found here as they come out a fresh shipment of new jackets expected this week see them svssvrjjjbfcvacsap henderson co neill the shoo man guelph 8 stores just received a nice lot of cliildrens slippers all sizes from 20c up also gnildrens slippers with a picture of santa claus on them something new hens bobbers and socks from 125 u mens fine rubbers a us ual prices loiifi boots ready made and made to order mr stovel is very busy but still able to attend to all orders repairing a special ty- geo stovel mill t aoton what it represents wban yon alt for s photograph you want the ukensaa lo repiesent you properly when you sit to us wo want the work to represent us properly our imprint is seen on nauift jut jho best photo graphs and for our sako as well ni yours wo are suro lo glvo you life like stiilsfac tory photographs h rkmshhw phot nanst kcton

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