Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1899, p. 4

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liohwdl many persons have their good day and tbclr bad day others arc about half sick all the time they have headache backache and arc restless and nervous food docs not taste good end the digestion is poor the skin is dry and sallow and disfigured with pimples or eruptions sleep brings no rest and work is a burden what is the cause of all thisi impure blood and the remedy it clears out the channels through vblch poisons trc carried from tho body vthcn all impurities are removed from the blood nature takes right hold and completes the cure if there is constipation take aycrs pillo they awaken tho drowsy action of the liver they cure biliousness wrllo to tut doctor tvo haro tho cxciusito lorrlro of aotno of tlto molt omlnont plijrlcliil ta llio united btlc wruatrocljiuiuic- partlculara in your cobo you mil ro- xowoli mass a b a the life or a telegraph unebroan is ono full of peril in utormy weather tho work man holdi bis life in his hand soimtirae bidoo booking accident drew attention to the daoreronb nature of tho work two men were at work on a telegraph polo tandldk many feet above a lino of railway a wire bad broken aod they wore buny repairing the damage the wind blew fiercely from tba east aod the polo rooked to and fro in the blaut buddenly a ttrodg robtcaobed one of the men to torn in ilia poiltloa in doing so ho lonoehow paibed nil companion who taken unaware fell backwarda he olotohed at bia mate and both tumbled over amongst tbo wiroa for a moment the two men bang without speaking a word then one of thorn said bill i cant reach the post and im afraid if i move the wires will break and as he epoke a wire broke well mate ita a big drop down into the grauo replied the other man bat as youre married and have m kids i dont see why i iboald stay bore no dont do that bui youll got killed oorely lets hadg a utile longer bat another wire broke and bill made up bis mind goodbye mate he aaid to the other who had tears in hie eyes goodbye then be dropped a fall of forty feet he fell amongst borne budbesi and rolled down the embankment when he arose for be wai not dead be oravled up the embankment im all right mate im going for help the station was half a mile distant when the poor fellow who had risked his life for his mate told his tale he fainted away the dootor said he had broken his arm and a couple of ribs bat his noble action saved hia friends life and his own working boy our memory spiders made useful the woba of ppirirrn hove intely been uttraoliog muohelteiitiou iut the real parieexpositiod of 1900 there la being mado a wholo tlrcsii of bilk woven by epidera and already for balloon ropes these webs are heme used extensively borne of tbo nativob of now guinea are beforehand in utilizing tbe industry of iheao repulsive but inlerebting insects they do so in con nection with a most ingenioua oonlrlvanoe poeseibed by thorn for catching flan a kite is constructed of four loaves eaoh about one foot iour and three inches to four inches broad two strings are attached to this the one varying not less than onethird to a quarter of a mile in length though for longuhore fishing it may bo shorter is hold by the fisherman aud serves to regulate tho motions of the kite the leoond string is usually from ope hundred yarda to three huudrod yards in length and terminates instead of in a book in a bmttll tasstl about onehalf inch thick and threo inobeu or fourluobos long made of spiders webs tho fisherman boats himself fn bis oanoe and files bio kite allowing the short string with its tasstl to float bobbing on the water the inquulmvo ash making a grab at this etrango bait entangles its teeth in the loo bo olattio web from wbiob it oannot disontanglo itself tho flflbrr- man tben opmplotea hia gapture by quietly slipping underneath a amall triangular not wbiob is monnted on a forked stick the web is procured from a particular variety of spiders aod tbo mode of extracting it is peculiar the fplder is tossed on a long cleft reed or bamboo nntil a otoao double liesue of web about three inches or four inches bread and fonr feet to six feet long is obtained the best spent money dr jordan in the september number of men striken tu ibo root or kood citizenship by shuwiug thu relation between eduoution aud tho wtlfara of tho state in tho follow ing words tho bettr political eaonomy 10 the care and culturu of mou tho bett spent money of the present h that which ia used for tho future i he force which ia used on the present is spent or wasted that which 1b used on the future ia repaid with compound interest the foundation of a univorsity as prof howard has told ub may be an event grnster in the history of tho worjd than the foundation of a state by its life is it justified tho state at tho best exlau for the men and women that oompoee it its needs can never bo the nobloit its aims never rise above the present its limit of action is that whiob now is tbo university stands for the future it deal with the possibilities of men with the strength and virtue of men which ianot yet realized it foundation la tbo oooperation of the slroog its funo tlon to convert weakness into strength the heart wails of thousands have been turned into the joy sonets of tho cured by the almost mastic medicine dr a smews cure for tho heart it relieves in thirty minutes mrs john fiupitriott ganitnocjue wiq for five yeara a groat nufterer from heart diseaso spent somo timo under experts in kingstou hospital without letting uuy benefit aud was pronounced incurable she commenced taking dr ariibws ouro for the heart and when nlio had taken three bottles all dropsloul tendencies pat pitatlon and pain loft her and eho has lind no return of it and ascribes hor ouro to this greatest of heart remedies sold by a t brown b i with dreyfus droyf us lot mo bee fteully it seems aa though but im sure why isnt that funny to think i shonld have for by jove tbat makes me mad i now wait jugt a minnta dreyfus drojfac drjeyfaa well ill be ob yes yes yes i i have it now i he was a fellow who lived on an island somewhere there was a lot of trouble about it wasnt there and something in the papers too yes i remember nowdetrolt free prca ijj jut0 fttt flttss take no false step thursday november 31 1809 sit 3auttfj jfoiita the boys wb w11 rtubn our joy is stilled and our eyes grow dim as wo think of tho hearts that yearn pgr the boys wno woro left on the battle bold the boys who will not return they gave their all at their oountrya call with the dear flag waving above we think with pride of the death they died x tbat gave them a nations love the voice was kindly tbat from afar gave the message tbat bade them oeaae ae they anoborod out by tbo soundlosa bar of the warlesa islands of peaoe bat our hearts ore full and our oyoa grow dim aa we think of the ones who yearn for the boys who sleep in their foroff graves the boys who will not return denver col new in doll land in germany there are whole communi ties of people who make dolls whole families that work all day at doll making eaoh one having hia own part to do not only do these families make dolls bnt the fathers and mothers of these families make dolls and so did the grand father and grandmothers a man making a doll out of a piece of wood using knife to do it will draw himself up proudly and tell yon that bis grandfather made the same kind of a doll the mothers in the families oat out the bodies the children make and atuff them the fathers paint and treat the faces in some families where there is a great deal of talent the whole families make beads some of these doll makers have come to new york and tbey live near together making a little german village of doll makers these people make only tbs rag dolls wbioh we see in the stores dressed in gidgham and wearing sunbonnets on their heads some of the women and girls make the clothing and bonnets the boys stuff the bodies and as in germany the men make the faces life and health stake are at at twenty years of age the will reigns at thirty the nit at forty the judgment where love is there ia no labour and if there be labor that labour ia loved erysipelas this dangerous blood disease always cured by burdock blood bitters your case calls for the use of paines gel- ery compound physicians and druggists re commend it us population is 75000000 in jane of next year the people of the united state will ba counted for the twelfth lime alnee the eitsblisbment of the government it will require about fifty thousand enumerator writes clifford howard in the november ladies home journal to take oeuaas and their work moat be salaried in one months time or by the flnt week of july 1900 tbat means tbat abont aeventyflva million people moat be reoorded in thirty days or at the rata of two and a half million a day the rats will ba sven greater than this however for in towns and oitisa of eight thousand inhabitants tba ennmaratfon most be oompleted wilbin two weeks the enumerators will not be permitted to have nny aaaiataooa in tbe work it mnst be done by them in person exoept in saoh sections of the oonntry as oontaia a great many foreignera where the employment of interpreter will be allowed aa otherwise it would ba impoaaible to aeonre tbe necessary data the enumerators will be paid for tbeir servloes in acoordanoe with the atnooot of work they are oalled upon to do one false atep taken at thla time when yon are weak nervous aleeplees deapon- dent or soffaring from the agonies of rheumatism and nenralgia may prove falsi thousand are now hovering near the grave who can ba brought baok to their former health and strength if falnes celery compound be faithfully need for a time this wonderful medioal discovery ia acknowledged by physloians to be tbe greatest boon evsr placed before suffering and halfdead men and women painea celery compound is at the present time doing a marvellona work all over this canadian dominion the siofc are throwing aside medioines and remedies need for weeka and montha without good results and now have their confidence firmly established in painea celery com pound the medioino that truely bestows new life this statement is made on the strength of letters received from the slok and suffer ing and their friende cares are effeoted for thousands whose lives had been des paired of cases that baffled the akill of able pbysiolsna if your life is mado miaerablo by ner vonaneas aleeplesaneaa heart trouble stomach derangements djapepeia rheu matism neuralgia liver or kidney troublea try the magioal effeota of one bottle of paines celery compound and you will joyfully go on nntil you stand on tbe solid rook of health most people are aware how serious a disease erysipelas is cant rout it out of the system with ordinary remedies like other dangerous blood diseases though bbb can cure it every time read what rachel patton cape chin bruce co ont says i wish to state that i used bur dock blood bitters for erysipelas in my faco and general run down state of my health i tried many rem edies but all failed to cure i then tried bbb two bottles nearly cured me and four bottles completely cured me painkiller a htdlolae chest in itself imp fa anal qulek ours for oramps diarrhoea oouohs colds rheumatism neuraloia 2d and bo oont bottle bewark op imitations- buy only the ocnuine perry davis iwi let yoar life opposo slander and like the sole of your ohoo it will gradually wear away no censorship in glvlnsr the news of tho or sat cures effeoted by south ameri can nervine it has saved an army of sufferers from the pangs or indigestion and nerve troubles like evil it naif virtue often obrlnka from tbe light bat from what different motives 1 suffered untold misery south american rheumatlo cure thwarted dlseaseand cured him outright kobert e gibson merchant pembroke says that ten yeara ago he oon tract ed rheumatism iii a vary severe type boqered actold misery resorted to ttybliatora and other severe treatments with no lasting good or relief when hope of reoovery was well nigh gone he wna induced to try booth american rhenmatio oars the first dose gave him instant relief half a bottle cured him outright his own words were it is the best rhenmatio remedy on oartta sold by a t brown l m holm ea of parraboro n s was takfln severely ill about a year ago with nervousness and indigestion and for some time was completely prostrated he con sulted tbo beat doctors but they failed to help him a newspaper advertisement brought south american nervine to his notice he tried it with the result that be was greatly benefited from the first bottle oud six bottles completely oured bim and be would be pleased to give all details of bis case to any person asking him sold by a t brown you oannot find an iimunco of any mnu who is permitted to lay out bid own iinij contriving not to have tbo tmlioua liuurtf in naturod storohouao tburo uro cures medioil experiments havo hliown con clusively that there aro medicinal virtues in even ordinary punti growing up around us whiob give them a vulue that oununt bo estimated it is hi id by some tlmt nature provides a cure for every disetiej which neglcat and ignorance havo visited upon man however thi may he it is wtll knowu that pormtleos voutabiu imiib distilled from roots and herbs are a sover eign remedy in curing ull disorders of tho digestion lbmving hcton the man who can lead learned first to obey tree to imieumnllc sultera those who are billeted with rheum atism sciatica lumbago neuralgia or oont who have never tiied alilburns rbeumatio pills can hae a full regular sized box free of charge by enclosing four oentbin btampi for packing mid pottage t milburn a co toronto oot dont jest with strangers nine timed out of ten tboy will misuuderotaud you the liar needs a better memory than he or she usually has moral dont lie i have used hagyards yellow oil for burns scalds frost bites sprains bruises sore throat and pains in tbo btomaob i always say it is a regular medicine chest it can be used in so many different ways mrs br wiliamb gooderbsm p o ont we need a new word praotiology mean ing the knowledge wbioh comes from practicing or doing what we know one jjaxaliver pill every night for tbirty days makes a completo ouro of biliousness and constipation that fs joet 25 centb to be cured 1 ppypeetoral a quick core for coughs and colds f very valuable remedy ia all affectlona of the throat or lungs j large bottles 25c davis lawrence co limited prop of perry davit palnkfller emphasis in the wrong place creates tho weakness it wonld avoid hagyards yellow oil cares eprainb bruises sores wounds cuti froetbites ohilblains stings of insects burns eoalds contusions eto price 250 many persons after thoy become learned cease to be good all other knowledge is hurtful to him who has not the science of honesty and good nature it is only by labor tbat thought can be mads healthy and only by thought labour can be made happy and the two cannot be separated with impunity dr lows worm syrup is a safe sura and reliable worm expeller acts eqoally well on children or adults be sure you get lows labor rids ns of three kat evili irksomeness vies and poverty castor i a for infanta and children lata wrappn the kindhearted man feels bitterly tbe difficulty of exoahing himself without accusing others t emulsion eoamtriabtion aaa a u disaubeg rimtro r blood covc2h low oar arrmu aaraxmr tka beacflu of this aittela arc aaeal aaaaircst bjr tba aid of ttia d l emnuloo i hire gotten rid of backing congh whlcbhad troubled mo for over a year and to gained consider ably la weight t h wincham ce montreal 80c and per bottle davis jlawrekcb co limited moktsial i thoakhth odipreied are oply hull poaaeaaad what docs kaftan 1 it mearjb rloh blood atrong norvea and sound digestion is mesns properiiy and growth to tbs yoodg it meana good oolor and mental vigor thats what sootta emnlaion mesas faitb baa ita reasons with them only oily will reason no gripe or pain when yon oaa those gentle aoting little laxallter fills they oore oonatlpatlon biliousness sink headache and dyapepaia and prodoce no weakening or aiokening effeota children should always increase in weight not to grow not to increase in flesh belongs to old age present and future health demands that this increase in weight should be steady and never failing to delicate children scotts emulsion brings richer blood and firmer flesh better color comes tovthe cheeks and stronger muscles to the limbs the ain in weight is substantial it comes to stay see and f n all dnlggbta scott a bownb ownbu toronto pin has many toola bat a lie is the ban die tbat flta them all my little girl 7 yeara old need to grind her teeth at night with pain in bar atomaoh i gave ber dr loara pleasant worm byrnp and it acted promplly and with good effeot mrs jos soty fort qilberl n b no ooonpation oan ennoble any one bnt any ono oau ennoble any booeat occupat ion milborns sterling headaoho powdere anre tbe worst headache in ftom five to twenty minntep and leave no bad after- effeota one powder 5s b powders 10o 10 powders 25o the beat judge of human nature at bight may be all at aea when be attempts to estimate people of another nationality liberty will not deaoend to a people a people most rise themeelvea to liberty it la a bleaaing that mnet bo earnod before it oan be enjoyed a oare for ooativenesa costiveness ooroes from the refusal of tbe exoretory organs to perform their duties regularly from contributing oauae usually disordered digeation parmelees vegetable pilla prepared on soientifla prinoiplea are so compounded that oertaio ingredients in them paaa through the etomaoh and aob upon the bowela ao as to remove tbeir tor por and arouse tbem to proper aotlon many thouaanda are prepared to bear testimony to their power in tbie reapeot dr woods norway pine syrup the reaton why some men oannot keep tbeir heads above water is beoauae tbey are helping others to do so a word of warning there are bo many aubetituus moat of tbem dangerous being foisted on the publio that we would advise every ono to see that tbe full name dr fowleru extraot of wild strawberry i on every bottle you bny we should count anything great or small done for a friend aa a amuu thing worms deraopo iho whole system mother graven worm eitoiminator de ranges worms and gives rest to tbe sufferer it only costs 25 cents to try it and be oon v need the flrit thing requisite in all tntoroouree bat ween men in uoneety 1 time to quit a janitor in a oily sobool threw np his job tba otbar day when asked what was tba trouble ba enewered im hodmi and 1 wont stand being slnrrsd if i find pencil or a bandkerohelf about the sobool when im sweeping it i hang it op every little while tba teachers or somo ona elss whos too cowardly to face ma gives ma a alar in what way aaked aq olnoer why a little while ago i aaw written on the board find lbs oommon multiple wall i looked from cellar to garret and i wooldnt know tba thing if i met it in the street what mad me quit my job last night in big wrllln on the blaoi- board it aaid find tba greatest oommon divisor well i aaid to myeelf both urn things are lost now and ill at blamsdforsvrlploaenisorilqolt tho throe groat vital factors of this body of ours are the heart the nervosnndtho blood it is boouuso of tho triple g wer posroseed by milburns enrt andnorvopillsof making weak irragnlar beating hearts f strong and steady toning np rnn down shattered nervous systems and supplying those elements nooesflary to make thin watery blood rloh and red that so rnnny wonderful euros have boon accredited to this remedy here is the cose of mrs b j arnold woodstock nb who says i was troubled for some time with norvoae prostration and general weakness feeling irritable debilitated andsleep less nearly all the timo my entire system became run down as soon as i began taking milburns hoart and nervo pills i realized that thoy bad a oalmlng soothing influence npon tho nerves kvery dose seemed to help tbe euro tbey restored my sleep strengthened my nerves and rivo tone to my entire system think them woudorful mm fll to patent flood wm may be secured by onr aid addreaa the patent recobd bahlawiatd every person is a fool in some particular therefore strike gently at tbe others my friend the pineapple curb is n6t only the pleasantaat but the surest means of cure in all stomaoh troubles better stop that cough now with a few doses of dr woods norway pine syrup than let it run on to end perhaps in bron- chitis pneu monia or con sumption its a wonderful lung healing remedy that cures the worst kinds of coughs and colds when others fail price 25c 50c all dealers jqjtjibi cure comtipatlon bulousneu sick hadacbe and dyspepsia brery a bupd pill sruaranteed perfect ud to act without any griping- weakening- or nil a alckenlng eflccts 15c at all drug- pills guts as wu have been askctl so oflen to wait for a few days we have decide d to extend llic timo to 1st december but there shall be decidedly no further allowance all accounts must be paid before that date or put up with tile consequences croceries honey drip syrup 30c gal worth 70c 5 lbb ginger snaps 25c very best american coal oil 29c- gal granulated sugar 20 lbs for 81 00 6 bars iory soap for 25c boots 7nd shoes childrens stockings and rubbers combined 50c worth 1 00 ladles stockings and rubbers combined 81 5 worth 1 75 tadic s low shoes sizes 3 to 4 81 00 worth 8t 75 lndics fine kid button shoes sizes 3 and 3j 1 00 worth 81 75- 2 prs ladles imported kid size 3 8175 worth 83 00 t mens fine lace boots j d kings box calf 82 50 worth 4 00 mens long boots z 25 worth 88 00 mens gaite s dongola 8i 75 worfh 82 75 a first class heat y horse 6 year old for sale cheap suitable for road or farming will go at a srenfice as we are leaving vvviubuiav heart ana nerve pills dr von sttna pineapple tablets are an unfailing and delicious remedy for dyipepila and the distressing con sequenced of ao impaired digestion the juice of tb pineapple abounds in vegetable pepsin an invaluable product in that it is natures ohlef aid in digesting all kinds of food dr von staus pineapple tablets contain this grand essence of tbe iflsoioos frnit in a consolidated form eat tbem like candy or let them dissolve in tbe month they are efficacious and pleasaot will at one relieve all the afflicting symptoms of faulty digoatlon and will ouro tbe most inveterate case of dyspepsia box of sixty tablet 05 cent sold by a t brown the land laagh that spoke iho vacant mind there never was and never will ba a anlivereal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir the very nature of many ouiativob being an oh that were the gorma of other and differently seated dibeaaes rooted in the system of the patient what wonld relievo one ill in tarn would aggravate the other wo have however in quinine wine when obtained in a aonud unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious u the rrailout uyhtoms aro lod into con valescence anj strength by tho influence whiob quiuino exerts on natures own restoratives it relievos the drooping spirits of tbobe with whom a chronio state of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life is a disease aud by tranqailizing tbe nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of tbe blood whiah being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the eye torn thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and fiivlog life to tbe digestive organs which naturally demand increased enbstanoe roanlt im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto have given to tho publio their qafnino wine at the usual rate and gnaged by tbo opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest per root ion of any t he market all drugibts eoll it to bo proud of learning is tho groateat ignorance pessimist is a man who growls because be cannot wear his shoes interchangeably a permanent cure oc sooh serious diseases as sorofnlt old aorof eczema ring worm ulcers and all msiihnant disease having tbeir origin in bad blood can only be obtained through the ose of burdock blood bitters i have a great pity for those who love tbe wrong for tbey hate and injure them selves there are so many cough medioines in the market that it ia sometimes difflcolt to tell wbiob to bay bat if we bad a cough a cold or any affection of the throat or longs we would try blokles aoti-con- aumplive byrup those ho have used it think it is far ahead of all ether preparations recommended lot snob oompkints the litll folks hkmvjl is as pleasant as syrup hale old age bad to seo people advancod in years suffering from back ache lame book urinary troublea and kidney weak ness a hnlo old ago freo from pains and oehe enn only beattnliifd ly keep ing tbe kldnoys rfgltt and tho blood puro doans kidney pills befrlond the nped by freeing them from bain and correcting all dj borders of the iidneys and urinary syatom mr thorane ash an old ipsldent of renfrew ont epoko an follows am 72 yoars of ago and hnvo boon troubled for a number of yuan with pains ncronn my back when i would stoop ovor it gave agonising pain to straighten up i wns so hnd that i could scarcely walk i havo taken roanyklndfl of raedl- clnofl but got nothing to holprao being rocommondod to try donng kidney pilla i got n box after taking tlireo dobes i notiaod a great change for the bettor and i can now got around ns smart as a criokot i can split my own wood and am i in fact just ltko a now man cop symon bros mill and main sts acton experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem- ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight co hcton agents wanted for unrepresented districts good pay to good men secure your district ror tbe comma season now freight and express paid the peljiam nurseuy co growing a complete line of nursery stock includ ing many new varieties of hardy roses ornamental shrubs and trees all stock guaranteed free from san jose scale we hold government certifi cate of inspection covering our 8 took write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto about stationery are you out of invoices letter heads enve lopes or the like we require what time and prices are consistent with the best workmanship and often require less of both than the most care less printer tub hcton prbb prbss h p moore proprietor w drowned in dyspeptic despair are thootaudn of suffering canadians like the stub of a knife it catches yott m the side 01 ccidu figonuing paara through the pit of your stomach after catta il worries end wean yon till yonr tiervru ffive out and like a drown ing nau you feel ycu are sinking day by day aud help can net reach yon in thla you rn ciit ken no matter how deeo 3 ou have tnak pctty8 will reach yon as tlicialkj uermaid scold to seek and foti tu drowned so will the real i t lfs seek your trouble and soothe your pain indigestion biliousness headache and that despondent feeling lutrrs to raany iivcsraiseramcde rrt ucn w5tty8 c called 111 no other medicine ia compounded with such care no other is so pure so effective aa dc pctty8 pitts cbcshtnl nalrt ii mlniulwriuuhllii i he n1f d hi tttb fccts u am uu tst cmtclta tub e08bntuu actxtb nikcmxa ohx sh ik vftllmt cictsmatts of lhaj fnttftum ttm wtalclittty ra nhaam insula mm tjsmtkttmlu fro i o imsvltut lwulbu 4mc borstrftbotuabotumfbfaaautffm front tba dr petty bfum q ausj cuam tuimi uillay qoifa webt mall 10 02 am ex pro so 3 25 t w mall 7 15 i m aoinq kaht exprcbb i 35 a ir express 10 60 4ni mail 0 14pm wixod 10 ojpni sunday trains oolu wost 10 03 a m goliid kut 0 ma ui 0 14 p ui time ov cl ob i nil msyilo oolug wot 0 0am and 0 60 p to going eaat 10 25 am and 5 5 p m thin timo tabic wont into ifiyct on eunda juno 2fltb 18ot acton machine and repair shops henlly gbindelii proprietor a uk woil equipped with all tho machinery tioccbbary tooxecuto all ropalrs to machin ery oiidarrioultural implements and to do all kinds of steam fluing hone shoeing and general blacksmith lug woodwork repairs performed n a satisfactory manner wo oaa repair any machine- or implemont of any make baw umming aad filing done w barber bros paper makers georgetown ontario book n3fls colorgd phpers john r barber rrjhe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert nobles flour feed store at acton also mill feed and chop ped grain of all kinds we want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble the uptodate tailoring store in thanking our friends or their patron age for past seasons we beg to announce that our stock for fall and winter is now complete and in anticipation of a larger business and also a great advance in british and foreign goods we placed our import orders early that we might give our friends the benefit of the advance which has taken place we have the production of the best mills and the latest novelties in designs in suitings pantinps o vorcoati nsfs call and see our goods it is a pleasure o show them fit and workmanship guaranteed cooper akins mill st acton wo are sole agents la aoton for the colo bratsd bollwaxp and blenheim serge whlohdoesnot fade or ohanse its color in two yeara wear or money refunded patents guaranteed onr fee returned if we fail any one sendino sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same how to obtain a patent sent upon request patents secured through us advertised for sate at our expense 1 patents taken out throuph ufl receive ipectal ttoticf without charge in tun patckt record an illustrated and widely circulated journal consulted by manufacturers and investors send for sample copy free address victor j evans a co patent attorneys evans building washington d c want s d engraving photo enckav1ng di half tones sibss writo for our interesting looks invent oris help and how jon rro swindled scndusaronghajcotoh or mcdilofvour invention or improvement nml wo will tell you freo our oplnon ns 10 whether it is probably pnteiitublo c nmkonnncclahy of applications reject wl in othor hands highest roforoncob f uniifihod rubion axabion patxht soxioitors a kxpxkt8 clttl a jfthnlci fnntnrrrs orianfttfi of tha rolytechnla school of innlmnlntr luchelon in applied sdcnws livnl uuhrnllr utrnbcn patent law aitoclntlnu xntfitcau waurwerki aaaodatloo hw fnalnihl wntcr workt auoc p q saitflron aitoclatton aisoa ueinbercail bocitty or civil kot innrra omties- 4 miw vofik ufc d moimrm cam 60 ybara experirncb stents trade marks dciqns copvniahts ac anron tmdlng ilietoh anddeserlpuoanf qutoalr asosruin war opinion free wbothar invanunn probably imtentable obmratnilcsv uonaatriotlynoitanual nandtfookonfuatatii ent frm fflrtmt aprniox for wxrlnrpatanu patenu takon throqah alunn a cb reoatra xetal al without onarffa in tfia wwt scientific jfmerican a handiornelr ulnntrntd waeklr irfimtsst cir nnlatlon of nr orient bo jnnrnal terns w a ldbyslnewadaalera oar 1 fonr monthc l so fessslh vraahlbfltor

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