the bank op hamilton chamlik git a nt lit 1872 ueajd opfiob hamhton ont capital all paid up 1 404000 reserve fund 1 000000 total assets i 3 1 03000 j turn hull cashier savings department one dollar or more received interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank have oer five million dollars of surplus security fanners notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair bates eery banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch ehtaulhiied ovbn twbmtt tbab8 j p bell agent the news at home montly of a looal chrtotar and evarv itsm intoresttlnii wat xtaa jfm tes thursday december 14 1809 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week next thursday will be ibe years sboittbt day bnow for christmas sleighing ia anxiously awaited yesterdays biiovt storm laid a rood foundation for bleighiug mist jessie alexanders reoital in knox oburob this evening miss monteltb his kindly favored tbe fuse pnaus with copies of interesting papers the obildreu are feasting npou tbe christmas novelties shown in tbe shop windows a montreal horse buyer will be in town next tuesday to purchase heavy draught and carriage horses tbe monthly meeting of tbe fublio library board will be bald on friday evening at 780 oolook the west half of tbe kinnard swamp is still for sale mr w newton purchased tbe east half of lot m only the clinton new era has been enlarg ed and improved it has not blunted bro holmes energies to get into parliament dr potts announces that the methodist gentnry fund has arossed the half million mark and now etinds at 508850 the christmss examination at dnblin publio school will be held next tuesday afternoon 10th ioit the publio will be welcomed a meteor of exceptional brilliance cross ed the heavens last wednesday evening and was observed by many residents of this eeotion tuesdays terrlflo gale blew down one of the electric lamps on mill street tbe suspended lamps are not anffioeolly rigid to withstand snob gslss benj harrop of norval has sold his fsrm in esquesing to george leslie for 5800 and has purchased a farm to east gbingusoousy for 16600 merchants sprues up for the holidays it will pay all to follow the example of some of our wideawake shopkeepers and arrange attractive holiday window displays work is progressing at tbe floor mill and very shortly messrs humphreys hawk will commence operations with a firstclass mill modern in all its equip ments the alexandria neut qlengarrys leading paper has been enlarged and improved mr a o f maodonald is ons of the molt enterprising publishers of tbe provincial press this is tbe lime when those now sdverllss who never advertised before and those who si ways advertise now advertise tbe more and they seem to appreciate tbe fair paras columns many shoppers are acting on the excellent principle that the early buyer gets tne plok of the holiday goods from every point of view early buying is lbs best in tbe busy weeks of december mr a t brown president and dr foretsrbonvener of tbe lllterary com- mitto entertained the menjhjirs of ibe jbpwoltb league beading circle in matthews hall lut evsnlng it was a very enjoyable occasion president l grant of georgetown met with the superintendents and other workers of tbe various sunday schools in town in tbe veitry of tbe disciples baron last evening to oomplete the programme for the coming county con vention on tbe 1st and 3rd febuary in renewiog his lobsoripllon to tbs fiute phkms for another year mr nelson martin writes from vancouver i bavs to thank yon for tbs prompt delivery weekly of tbe fbks pmuw to this far away western coast ws always find it a dean readable newepaper may it always receive from an impartial public tbe patronage it merits the weekly sun of toronto offered a splendid list of premiums to those who gel up clubs a watch is offered for ten subscriptions and a silver plated tea sal for forty subscriptions those who do not cars to compete for a premium are offered liberal cash commissions send to tbe sun ofhoe toronto for a full list of premiums and for sit particulars as to terms the end tbst popular annual event georgetown fire brigades ball sopper will take plaee on friday decem ber smh no doubt acton will be well represented adv jtsgolar action of tbe bowels is necessary to health lexauver pills at tbe bast occasional cathartic for family or general use frlce 35 oents any draggle to las jdaur a rich lady cured of her deafness and noises in the bead by dr niobolsoos arthoal ear droms has sent 1000 to ms institute so ibe deaf people onabie u procure tbs ear drams may bavs tbsm free apply to department k b the institute 780 eight avenue newport h fl a ureum ot fairyland the cantata dream ot fairyland will be given in tbe town hall neil thursday evening 2lat init in addition to tbe cantata thore kill be a numbtr of carols and tableaux and a grand baby show tbe entertainment will conolcde aa usual with tbo distribution of presents a successful stock mun one ol ibe molt ebcoesaful raisers of bogs in tbo provinoe is mr robert agnew acton year alter year he hai won valu able prizes at tbe christmas fat stock show at guelpb and last week he won another series of sqooesses there be was awarded first and third prises for best sow any age or breed third for best barrow under nine months third for beet barrow any age or breed and second for ibe heaviest bow or barrow mr agnew is juetly proud of his porkers pronperoaa halton farmer prosperity has maoifeitljr favored numbers of the farmers of oar oonnty during the past month three neighboring yeomen in the vioinity of aahgrois have added farms to their already urge posses sions mr richardgrahamhaipurobased mr john ghishloma farm on be filth line mr guishlom and family inund moving away mr d mcgoli has sold bis farm on the same line to w fisher the price of eaoh was 15500 mr john wriggles- worth recently purchased tbe farm of mr w s hall who has removed to bedunds cat for 85000 removed to rcdland a cat mr and mrs wo s hall andtbeirson harvey of hornby left last week for tbeir new home at rejlandi california mr and mre hall are native of helton and bigbly esteemed prior to their re moval a number of refreaentative members of the hornby methodist churob met at their home and presented them a complimentary address a gold watcb to mr hall and a set of silver spoons to mrs hall both had been members of the choir end had made themselves useful in the churoh the beet wishes of tbeir many friends follow tbem to tbeir south ern bom6 the couuty model school tbe standing of tbe model school pupili at tbo last examination is given below tbie report is based upon the average marks made durirg the whole term in feyoology bnhool management methods in jsng methods in mathematics school law physiology agrloultare drill and calis thenics plan books and practical teaching total marka 1000 e erwin dickenson 838 harold holmes 768 lottie lioak 786 errrf norton 720 ethel oniaholm 725 edith moolton 700 gertrude dajfoot 700 hattie cook 081 margaret moqneen 084 nellie springer 681 andrew arthur 652 agnes wooding 047 john maiion 601 manaasah campbell 523 tile mfheroaae club mttterlajntaostt the entertainment given by tbe crescent laorotse oinb in the town ball lut friday evening was not as largely attended as was hoped for many of those who iters most conspicuous in carrying torobes and ibout- ing themselves hoarse at the various reoeptions sf ter the victorious return of tbo playera dnring the season were remarkabla for tbeir absence when tbo clob desired their financial patronage tbe entertain ment waa meritorious in soma respects mr w- b townleyb oonoertoarapb gave a variety of popular selections whloh received repeated applause the ooncertogrsph is one of edisons latest enlarged phonographs snd reproduced the tongs speeches cto in a loud and natural tons mr neil burton tbe oharacter impersonator is very good but bis selections were very nnhappy aoton audiences do no relish repeated numbers aketobing ibe antics of drunken men we see enough of thst is reality mr j h matthewe president oooopled tbe cbair anoiaer ztalion newspaper the third newspaper establlibed in helton county in ibis year of areas has juat been launohed at oakvills by orr broa with mr 0 b orr an experienced journalist formerly of ibe defanot indeptn- dtat as manager tbe new jonrnsl is neaty pridted and well edited and will be quite an acquisition to the journal of the provinoe its location at oakville is bow- ever a aurprlae to those acquainted with the newspaper held of tbs oonnty the star has looked carefully after tbe intimate of its constituency and has faithfully fulfilled all tbs funotlona ol a loyal enterprising looal paper and the field is meutfeitlj too limited for two looal papers tobsstuxesjatnlly oonduoled two papers have been experi mented with in oakville hot tbe mall was nol ssttsfaotory tbs town has already had tbe abmrew standard indepcmat and star tbe latter of whloh has been m folly published since 1881 now the jvcw em has determined to try lit lortanee there tbs pais pans ia glad to weloome mr orr back to ontario journallim but bit looation at oakville seems somewhat unfortunate possibly unfair when the field is already wsll filled methodist a s anniversary the christmas services iu connection with the methodist sunday bobooil promise to be oocsaions of unuansl interest anni versary sermons will be preached on sunday 24lh mat poeilblyby lev dr witbrow editor of tbe sunday school periodicals ot toronto on monjy even- lug the usual christmas entertainment will be given aud it will be of a rare and unique cbaracter in addition to a short musioal and literary programme bid exhibi tion of limo light views vividly illmtrating the laat voyage and shipwreck of the steamship labrador which was wrtcksd on maokedie bock off the coast of sootleod on tbe 1st maroh last will be given by mr j w smith ot hamilton one of ibe most expert scioptioon operators in canada amongst the unfortunate peesengtra was mrs j w smith of hamilton ontario wbo with all ihs others on board lost everything and barely escaped with their uvea sinos hsr return to canada lbs has bsd made a set of beaatifal line light views of scenes and places in connection with tbs last voyage and wreck of lbs labrador snd tbe reaoaa of the paeiengore mrs smith recounts tbs thrilling exper iences of herself and other pmsmgen this with the splendid platans and hymns makes ooe of tbe most interesting uniqus and uptodate entertainments now before the public it is approprltte and soluble for the occasion the insosnos and tsacbiog are of the highest and purest morals tbe entertainment ia endorsed with complimentary tehlmoolaltbr sera j l gllmoor t a 1 bet i moore dr clark geo f ballon and dr mango fneer of hamilton and all tbs hamilton press mr h 3 hill manager of toronto iodui- trisl exhibition speaks in blgbsai tercel of mr smith at a llmehsbt operator thsobriatmsssntettalnmsntls bound to please the cbilaren and tbeir beet ol friends who will spend christmas evening with nearing the end the last meeting but one of the municipal council or i 8sb connoil met on mnnday evening at tight oclook beeve pearson in the chair and councillors francis clarke and murray in tbeir places the committee on floanoe presented tbeir twentythird report recommending payment of tbe following accounts jainaa brown lumber sim gj g t it frelgnt and duty on coal s3 11 it w ohlebolm co coal 27 28 j o bui coal 17 15 j willlaule teaming llro onglno 10 03 united bleotrio co euppltot 0 00 xv lynd teaming coal out h i moore printing advertising 4 is 98 20 moved by i francis beconded by j a murray that the twentythird report of finsnoo committee just read bo adopted csrrisd moved by john clarke seoonded by t a murray that this counoil adjourn to meet on tuesday evening 20th december 1800 carried coming and going vlaltore to and from aoton and varlouaother personal notes tbo fokk fnusb invitee all lte readers to oon tribute to this oolumn it you or your friends axe going away on a holiday trip or if you have friends visiting yon drop a card to the faxe pliess mies hannah utafford has been tbe guest of aoton friends this week rockwood mr n h buok won first pruo for fat steer at guelpb fat stock show nassaqaweya t wllaon and son enatohbull woo first priae at guelpb fat stock show libt week for the beet ewe fed and bred by ex hibitors george kltobing corwhin won first second and third prizee for best barrow any pure breed erin rev j k smith d d of toronto formerly of gelt preaohed ablo anniver sary sermons in tbe fresh terlan ohnroh last sundsy on motioo of messrs mogowan and lang in the county council this week leave waa given to introduce a bylaw inoorporatlog tbe village of hillvborg into a police village the by law passed its first snd second stages and waa afterwards read and confirmed everton laat thursday afternoon the infaut eon of mr and mrs amoa tovell of guelpb was burled in tbs everton cemetery we are glad to learn that mrs tovell who has been dangerously ill is improving miss j motavisb of ospringe was in our village a few days laat week mies m duffield spent sunday with miss j coogdon mr a thomson and sister visited mr and mrs jas black this week itov mr stevenson of erin exohanged polpits last sunday with rev mr yowell tbe disciples purpose having their cbriatmas eutertainmont on thursday evening 28th december georgetown a g h luxton has been honored with eleotion as president nf the western hookey league mr e b nioklin is president of our local organization the eleotion for the beeveship will probably be between beeve kennedy and mr frank 3 barber the annual christmas treat of st georges chnroh sunday school will be given on tuesday january 2nd 1000 the aoton methodist sunday sohool ia arranging to have a eleigb drive to george town on gbrletmas afternoon the methodiet superintendent teaahera and offloers here will give tbem a hearty recep tion if tbey come the hockey league bae arranged for gamea in georgetown rink on january 4th 16tb and 25tb alao february 15th and 22nd and georgetown will play outside teams on february 1st and 8th and marob 1st milton one hundred dollars was paid tbe band last week as the council a grant for the year preparations are being made for tbe meeting of tbe grand counoil b t of t to be held here on the third toobday in february tbe 80tb annlverssry of tbe milton methodist sunday school will be held on the 17th and 10th of december appro priate sermons wilt be preaohed by the pastor bev geo biohardson ou sunday lieut f h deacon no 7 co lome klflos osmo home from toronto on satur day having oompleted his oourse of instruction at the royal school of iufantry and passed a creditable examination for a second class certificate champion on monday cj e featheraton photo grapher went to pern to take a portrait of donald mogleren heltons oldest resident mr moclaren was born in scotland 00 years ago last sunday came to canada in 1888 and settled si peru in the township of baqussing two miles from milton where he has lived ever sines champion qrgbnock school the following report shows lbs standing of tbe pupils of greenock sohool no 8 erin class v annie s gurrle 141 robert duff 180 william near 120 maggie john ston 118 class iv jennie allan 158 boy wana- brough 127 william forbes 122 howsrd lambert 120 class hi sr grace mcoutoheon 170 herbert currie 128 olaes iii jr richard near and jennie growson 170 fred crewson 160 robert carrie 1s8 thomas mcgutobeon and may grippe 149 basil johnston 140 lola wansbrougb 180 cecil mclacblan 186 joseph allan 100 class ii ada allan 200 elva molacb- lan and willis moartbor 170 mabel bald 100 ethel bsld and daisy bennett 76 class i br louise currie 100 darwin grippe 185 haggis near eddis allan and lornis moaitbur 175 fred masalas 60 class i jr willie allan and albert mccotoheon ico lena allan 144 harold molaehlan and herbie lambtrl 142 mabel mokeown 76 class a arable allan and haxel allan 176 fred lambert 150 annie mc- arlbnr 146 marks passible 200 average attendance 40 our publio examination is to be held on tbs afternoon of friday 161b inst all are cordially invited e 0 ccania teacher christmas school examinations the annual cbriatmas examinations will be bsld in acton publio sohool nsxt wed nesday afternoon xotb intl the five department will be open to the public tbs pretence ol parsnts ot tbe scholars will ss appreciated by teaohere and pupils tbe higher we rise tbs more isolated we become i all elevations are cold ii yon desire great things remember thst you matt nol ny bold ol them with small effort to cur a gold in one day take baxsmva broau quinine tablets all drossitb rrtond tbs ruooeyl it falls to ear tfletb w droves signature is on eaeh bos mre maopherson sr bab been a guest at tbe manse tbe pait week miss rebie sm- th ia up from brampton to apend the holidays lu her ol i home mr gordon henderson spent several daya last week with frlende iu toronto mrs z a hall and son ol pooetan- guiebene spent a day or so this week with acton friends mr t b akins is rapidly recovering from the effects ol ble reoent eerions illness and operston mies e m stltzel tbe professional nurse in care of mr t b akins returned to her home in toronto on tueeday mr w j mccoll ol campballvllle spent a couple ol days this week with bla friend mr johnson tbe furniture dealer mrs s a seocrd of hamilton was iu town last thursday bha is enjoying better health at present than for several years mrs maopherson sr accompanied bar son bev h a maopherson to tbs churob opening aervioeo at arthur thli wai for years tbe home of tbs family mr alex seoord brought hlai bertie smith home irom the general hoepltal guelpb on monday she ia quita oon- vnlebcent and will shortly be around as naual mr w hawthorn who vent to toronto hospital a ooople ol months ago is rapidly recovering and bopea to return to acton and settle witb hie family here eatly in the new year mr david tovell wbo waa stricken witb a mild attack cf paralysis last week is feeling much better this week he was able to go to eramosa on tuesday and will epend a week or so with friends there intimation ol tbe serious illness of mrs dr payne at chicago was received by tbe friends here on mondsy mrs w h storey and mrs a e nioklin left on tnesday lor chicago to spend a few weeks witb her there mr ernest pearson who bas been for the past six months engaged with mr w r beynolde in installing an electric plant at elemvale returned home last week he aaya tbe plant there ia lbs same as aotons and ia giving great satisfaction mr john muhausen wbo has been act ing aa relieving agent at parkdale bright and other points for several months has returned to bis place on tbe day atari at the g t r station hs is oordlally welcomed baok by bis nuny frlsnds the second operation for appsndlcitl in town within a week was performed on mr jamea h brown jr last wednesday evening by dre powell ot toronto and f j b font or tbe operation was very successful and the patient is dolog very well mr john williams was in duudalk lut week visiting his mother and other friends tbe old lady who is now in hsr 84tb year ia in good health and enjoying her declin ing yoars witb aheerfol spirit she ie as industrious with hsr needle as a belt century ago ohas l nelles the big bookstore guelph decokbbr christmrs come to guelph and see the finest book store in canada no exaggeration you want a toiler sot just received t5o ten pleco toilet sets new designs new patterns this week 8175 i per set it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts fijr8 solid specials teachers large bibles complete leatter 90c same with new index fti30 leather bibles small size 40c books tbe finest lino ever shown sets doyle kipling caine lyall pack man thackeray cbah l nkllbs gubliii just received 15 dinner sets extra value regular price 850 this week 9750 grocery department extra cholceaelected valencies currants peels nnd icing sugar 6 lbs old raisins for 25c i lbs new figa for 35c when you are leaving your christmas order ask for one of our handsome calen dars subject a pretty tea party the noted tea store and china palaoe ho uihc to be com comforts of another a mccrea otjelph henderson co xmrji christmas for all the ejuerlion of purs lb one that comes home to oerjonc fortable orrb tho gift giver who is just now studying the comfort but comfort does not depend entirely upon prlccnor is a nllt to be measured bv 11s cost still price has a good deal to do with it very costly furs do not keep one warm because of iho price nor will the cri cheap for they are badly made thin brittle improperly cured we do not keep the former and will not keep the latter but wo rune a large wellselected wellmade stock of beautiful soft iur girmcnls for the women folk that are neither costly nor cheap tho tho priccb are for lood reasons surprisingly low special purchase electric seal jackets a fortyfive dollar jacket dependable in evory htooks 3250 a fiftyfive dollar jacket dependable in every juat a good as 4300 way it looks goods bny something useful for sigkh positively cored by theee idttlepalla they also rebere distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dirtiness nausea droiral ness bad taste in tbe mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver tbey regulate the bowels parch vegetable mall pih man dom mall prlot substitution tbo fraud of the day sec you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters i ittlo liver pills snow in britain london dec 12 a beavy snowstorm is interfering witb trafo in railroads and street oar lines in varlona parts of ibe oountrv skating has oonomenosd snd bunting and raoing has been aospsnded toronto western hospital invitations have been issued lor tbs open ing of tbs nsw toronto western hospital on tbe evening ot december isth the appearance of the bollding aa shown on tbs lithographed invitation shows a very large and imposing institution eorronnded by tress snd walks tbst suggest an idssl horns for tbe invalid tbe necessity of snob an institution is wellknown to all wbo have given the matter attention and the names of the board of governors is snfflolsnl guarantee that ibe toronto western hospital will be kept op to a blgh standard of effiolsnoy pleased a bio a speaking of tbe series of lime llgbt views illustrating tbe voyage and wreck ot the steamship labrador off tbe ooeat ot soolland on let liaron last to be given on christmas nlgnl in oonoeotlon with lbs methodist sonday school entertainment the hamilton spectator says in jamas street baptist churob last night before a large audlenoe one of the most nniqus ami interesting entertainments that has ban given in ibis oily tor a long time waa given by mre j w flmllb in relating bar experlsnos of being ahlpwrsoaed and illus trating tbe lecture by beautiful set ot lime light views of sosnes and places in oonneclloo with tbe wreck operated by mr smith tbs wellknown lime light expert of this olty mrs smith has lbs distinction of being ibe first woman to be able to illustrate her own shipwreck with lime light views mrs smith tells her thrilling exdstienos in snob a way ibat everyone is more than interested the holiday season our store is crowded with goods that will make the most acceptable as well as useful holiday presents furs small furs are a great sale this year we have them very cheap from 75c up one of these would make a very welcome present also gauntlets in fur or imitation grey lamb caps at 250 and 295 silks if you happen to know that your wife sister or daugh ter would like a silk waist it would make a much appreci ated present we have them in large assortment also silk table scarfs mantle drapes etc silak hrndk6rchi6fs colored and white plain and initialed cambric and fancy handkerchiefs for young and old an immense range and very cheap 7wiens ties our new purchases for the holiday trade just opened a treat to see them come soon before assortment is broken a fifty dollar jacket depandable in every uyobi 3700 bockaran astrachan jacket s32tos40 coonskln jackets s4 a large stock and a fine stock of capcrincs in novel effects in prices rnnfiing from to 00 10 923 50 no end to the stock of neck ruffs nnd storm collars which may be seen in nil i he novel effects in sable otter opossum mink and in lamb and in price ranging frjm aa75 to ftio50 then there nro muds and gauntlets all priced in evidence that it pays to buy at bollerts e k bollert fe co 25 aud 27 wyndham st guelph christmas gifts we are now ready for christmas beautiful goods in ebony and 8ilver sterling silver novelties manicure coods fine china plates and trays diamonds and other precious stone rings etc lhdies jhckets great reductions in all lines to clean the balance of our stock henderson co bring the children in to see santa claus in prlngles window before christmas he will be cuter than ever men women and children in the little house anxiously awaiting his coming he drives around to the side of the house climbs up the ladder to the chimney and goes down head first and then goes into the childrens bedroom h never was our slock larger nor cheaper than ll is for this christmas we could not beftii to name all the things lust think over anything a jeweller generally keeps then add anything olse you can think of nnd we have it everything in the camera and photo goods lino sterling silver manicure goods rings watches and chains in abundance you need not being much money with you for w can give you lots of things for very little dont the boy want a watch or the girl a ring 7 you just aalr them and see if you cannot think what to buy come and look around perhaps we can help you c d pringle gublph rba r jit nelson merchant tailor asn gents furnisher in buying her husbands shirts mies underwear and furnishings of all kinds a i lady la perfectly safe in pleasing him by chooe- 1 ing from onr novel styles and superb aaaortment our heavy winter underwear handsome and servlc- able mocho and kid gloves dress and every day shirls and ties are here in a prolusion of popular yles and at prices tt suit tbe scon omlcal christmas novelties now in stock savage co jeinzeilbrs olelph krk8h this week foe christmas boneless fish white beans cheese another case of fancy china -at- c f coodeve co 7uvilist hcton have yea fought ef the money saving you may effect by supplying your needs for cold weather such as cloth jackets astrachan jackets fur lined capes caperines muffs boas and gauntlets at guelphs progressive dry goods store the lion if you have not make enquiries at once about the assortment and qualities they show and the prices they ask or what is still better come and see ior yourself d e macdonald bro th6 lion gu6lph qurney co i for choice xmas specials choice pruits consisting of new selected seeded and sultana raisins choice christmas currants crosse and blackwells choice citron lem on and orange peels fresh baking powders extracts spices icing sugars shelled filberts almonds and walnuts choice cooking and table figs finest blends of teas try our special at 25c per lb also choice breakfast coffee a full stock of staples and fancy dry goods for christmas needs lbruo your ordbr 6rrlv gurnsy st generhl 7vrterchknts