t volume xxv no mi acton ontabio thursday december j8 1899 price three cents ih pdduhoed every thubsday morning it the frco prcsbstcamrrintlnpofllce uill street acton ont thumb or sunacniftion ono dollar per year strictly iu ttdvauoo all subscriptions discon tinued when tlio tlmo or which thoy have boon paid baa oxplrod tbo dato to which ovary subscription is paid la demoted on the addross label auvkntiaino itatefl traublont advertise ments 10 cents per no n par oil lino or first in sertion 3 coats per lino or oacb subsoquont insertion oonthaot bites tho following tablo shows our rates for tbo insertion of advortlsomonts or poclflod poriods christmhs goods bpaob 1 in 0 mo 8 no 1110 soooo 8500 aoeo 600 83500 3000 13 00 sm e 2000 1300 700 300 llnoh 100 advertisements without apooiqo directions frill be loaertod till forbid and charged accord- ngly transient advertisements must be paid n advance advertisements will bo ohangod onoo each month if desired for obangos oftenor than enao month tho composition must be paid or at regnlax rates ohaugos or contract ad vortla omenta mno do ntho ofiloo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hfmoore editor and proprleto he store is lull of pitt tiro hooks toy books fine christmas hooka bibles toys dolls and fancy goods for the christmas trade buy now and get the pick of the stock and at extra low pricos call and eamine our stock we can suit you in style quality and price goods arc scarce and going up in price and at christmas prices will be higher now is the time to buy and the best value in town is at doll sale next 8aturday 82 00 dolls 8125 sioo dolls 65c 50c dolls 35c 25c dolls ibc ioc dolls 7c come nnd see the goods we have the stock and carry out what we adertise days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap -the- traders rank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1000000 700000 9tafitnejefi dtreriorp john m macdonald m d c m buccebbor to j f uren m d 0 m otfloo and rosldonco cornor mill fredoriek roots aeton office hours 6 to 10 30 am 1 to 2 pm and to 0 pm d r f j r forster bucckbhon to dr a b elliott lato roaldont physician and surgeon to via- toria hospital for sick oblldron toronto orwck mill btroot lately occupied by dr dlott ttr dryden eyb evn tunoat and node mcleans block douglas st near p o gueiifh rrioe houna 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm l bennett lds dentist j qeonqetown ont1bjo jcoghlan d d slds dentist woiie cauepully dome pluoes mo debate omob ovit boowns dnuo store hotrus eveiiy day fboii 9 to 6 j mbell ddb l db t dentist bllookville honon graduate op tononto unitensity work mado satisfactory prices uodorate viaitlno days monday afternoon curat- ellvlllo tuesday aoton oillco clarks hotel friday hock wood m clean a mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers 0 privatofundstoloan offlee town hatlaoton wm a mo lean jno a mclean a j mackinnon baiuusten bolioiton conveyances on ice mill btroot in mattbows block upstairs jo mcleod babjubtkb boliciroband commibbios eb fob tlkiisq affadavltb main btroot georgetown conveyancing done and money loanod on first mortgage ou farm property at 4g r j monabb clerk fourth division court county of hal- ongonvoyancer agent firo and x1k0 assuranco roal estate agent monoy to loan oto orrice ferrymans block aoton ont miscellanso us m iss s l schram late of lla eboal colleoe toitonto is prepared to give thorough instruction in both vocal and instrumental music piano or organ terms reasonable and made known upon application at tho homo of the mlbsos lai a k aa pbebs 0ffi0b miss maggie e thompson t o mof tobonto conbebvatoiw of muaio ruljl or du edwaiid fibukii la proparod to glvo inatruotion in vocal and inatiunionlal mulo iilauo and organ at bar room at mm john wlfllaui mill strayt will bo itaoro ovcrv mouday beginning docombar atb henry gbist ottawa oanasa solloltor of patodta for invention oto propane applioatlona for the canadian amer- laan and bnropoan patent olhoea and for tho llegianauoll ojr trade mark bond for pam- legia inlet f ibanois ntjnan dookbindkb wyndhem st onolph ontario ovorwllllamabtore aooonnt liooka of all ktnda made to order eriodlcala of ovory deaorlrtlonearefullybound ulinpneatlvid promptly dona mtabrtage licenses u p moose liwntn or maiuuaaa liokneua private office no witnemoa required laauod at residence in the evening vreepreea ofboe acton w m hembtreet jjiombbd auotionxeb wor tho conntlei of wellington and balton orders left at the fbbb pbxaa olbce aoten or tmyroaldenoolnaeton will be promptly at ended lo teruia ltaaaonahlo alao money to loan on the moat favorable uma and at the loweat ratei of intorett in nmaof iwoand pwardl buobonidud b o 13000 the weuinqton mutual fire insurance company usetabuihsd 1840 heart office j auhlph ont inbdiianob on oaah and mutual plan any eonvmnnlaatlon forwardad to my addre uo 303 or tolopbo10 09 will be promptly tended to t agent uualph acton saw mills and wood yards jhwes brown man or airruitmu ami dbalhh in itiimuor luth si wood xlc all kinds of wood in stook and promptly a1 do llre i to any prt or tltl lowu ak reasonable prices j djfood and slabs out stove isngtb alwajs ou hsttid telephone communlaauon b irtjifii waters bros calendar for 1900 you ought to get one wyndham street cuelph cqhl order your coal now from j c hill coal dealer firstclass coal of all sizes required delucred promptly at reason able prices stoves ranges pipes pipe varnish stove boards coal scuttles etc hcton jc hil1- oxford oxford stoves and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaces the imperial oxford bunge is the lead- ing cook stove maybe seen at anx time at pannabeokers mill st the otxord base burner is the leading coals kir pipes scuttles shovels stove furniture at low prices c a pannabecker mill street acton twojkindsjojmeji there aretwo kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and see our new limes w williams mill st they win every lime do the students who attend ihe guelph business college because of tho thorough and efficient training given by experienced teachers winter term will commence january and circulars free j pnarp principal wantbd revoral bright and liooeslprsnps to represent us as ifanauers in this and clots by ooonllea balerr f000 a year aod lpeis htmlttht bontvrtdff ho mom no fees vnalai fotlwon termanjravt ottrrofandee afty bask d any town it la malntv offlca work oondaetm at bom itefettodoe ifnelom selfaddresam auknpad envelope the domlulbu uohptvtry dart 9 chicago rry cuelph branch wo are now issuing monoy ordors payablo at par at any branch of chartered ilauk in canada oxoopting tho yukon d 1st riot at tho following rates uiidor dlo scouts 810 to 20 10 cents 830 to 830 isconta 30 to 50 11 conts 0irn highest ou11rent itate op intehest raid on sums dopouitod of 81 and upwards n tercet allowed from date a doposlt to date of withdrawal and paid or coninoundod hall yearly no charge mado for collooting salos notos 1 payablo in guolph a gonoral hanking husinoss transaotod a f jt jones manager money saved is money made at no time in the year is so much money spent with aa little saving as at christmas and a rret many people buy articles of very little real value either to themselves or the person to whom the article will be given our christmas goods are roods se lected specially for christmas presents articles useful as well as suitable for gifts we hae sterling silverware and plated ware cutlery knives and razors tea kettles skates sweepers toy sweepers childs enamelled dishes unbreakable and we save you money by our prices john m bond co cuelph motto satisfaction hardware john mcqueen acton agent for frost woods binders mowors eta and ooold sbapleyjt uvzits windmills and grain grinders and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott whe resides on the properly will attend to the wants of customers warerooms john st john mcqueen the uptodate tailoring store in thanking our friends for their patron age for past seasons we beg to announce that our stock for fall and winter is now complete and in anticipation of a larger business and also a great advance in british and foreign goods wo placed our import orders early that we might give our friends the benefit of the advance which has taken place we have the production of the best mills and the latest novelties in designs in suitings pantlnps- overcoatings call and see our goods it is a plrabure o show them fit and workmanship guaranteed cooper akins mill st aoton we are sole agots lo aoton for the oele braud bellmrp and blenheim serge whloh does not fads or change its oolor in two years wear or money refunded boventlath ysar 1900 lool the country gentleman tub onlt agricultural newspaper and adm1tbdiy tdk leading agricultural jour nal of the world every department written by specialists the highest authorities in their respective lines mo other paper pretends to compete with it in qasllfloattons of editorial staff olvos the agricultural news with a degree of fullness and completeness not ovon attempted by others best reviews of the crops best market reports beat acoounts of meetings boat everything indibpbnbablb to all country residents wno wisn to keep up to the times single subscription 92 two subscriptions 8350 four subscriptions 6 special inducements to raisers of larger oujbs sf write for particulars on this point club agents wanted arsry where tour month tril trip far so a oats ibpboiubn o0p1es will be mailed free on run unit it will pay any body interested in any way in country life to aeod for them address the jmblishers luther tucker son t albany ny thc old yeak tlio da a of tho old yoar are nutxiborod ills fltay with us will soon ho oer ilia lifo with vast earea has boom oumherod iioll soon sloop to waken no more his friends dopartod alone andsadhoartoda ho goes to the unchanging shore no vtouder that be is now dying such sorrow and trouble wore lis his young hopes around him are lyidr llko fallen loaves blown from tho trooj far away oer the hills whore oternlty fills may ho join all the past centuries bo much has occurred of disruption since first ho appeared on tho scone of b laughter repine and corruption to darken the tlmo of his reign the base persecution and vile execution has branded bis life with a stain his twolvo sturdy obildron proceeded each soon passed away from osrths stago excopt the last ono who is nooded to choor the last boars ot bis sm wbon the father expire nothing more he desiresi and 11 lea llko a bird from its csfie a month was tbo longtb of their sojourn dorno down with lifes burden sud care tbo weight of the world on their shoulders was more than their system could bear discouraged and jaded earths pleasures all faded thoy vanished like smoke in tba air the first three were snllen and frigid twos seldom that either one sallied thoir reign was so chilling and rlflld with little that oheerod or beguiled few mourned them wbon leaving or feigned any grieving dut welcomed with joy tbo next child with gladness rocoived the young brother though molting and moody by turns who waked up tho old sleeping mother from resting to growing concern the rivers to flowing the soft winds to blowing till emerald beauty returns tbo next ono was busy and merry wbilo songs of bright birds fllltwi tlio air each day weaving garments so fairy to cover old limbs brown and bare all nature transforming in gay robes adorning with blossom and bloom everywhere then follows the gayost and brlgbtoet whose secrets no alchemist knows who borrows his colors from sudtmams which sol tbe great artist bostows with delicate tinting invisibly printing no brush of poor mortal oer shows tho two noxt with warmest devotion assisted tbe work to complete bo silently without commotion compounding a worlds needed meat of com herb and root with rich lucious fruit to lay ajafii- at m foot then two more each other succeeding bearing burdens of bounties cr store to last till tbo earth reproducing shall pour forth ahundanee more to serve as a feast for man and for beast wbilo wintors storms whistle and roar tbo last that is loft us to mention has httlo indoud to commond so barren and void of intention that nono will rapine at his end though sometimes reminding of storms fierce and blinding as fogs and tho dark mists portend dear ninetynine well net forgot tboo for bloaslngs which thou has bestowed thy prcbonco has loft no dark shadows aswo journoyd oer lifes changing road wo will bid tboe adieu whilo wo further pursue our way to our lasting abodo p i grant in newmarlrl era a lew fears gift it was new years morn andrew fotter tvas up much earlier than uausl in troth he rolgbt as well bave remained up daring the night for althoagb bn bead rested on a downy pillow steep never visited him daring those iodr last hoars of the old year nor the first of the infant successor at the beat of timec when a mans or womuna heart ia free from tbe burden of a disapproving consoienoe there is something deeply im pressive about tbe old year night ab we wateh passing passing sso awlfily dying out those last moments bow many a heart is filled with vain kgrats bat there is another chance a bettor time we say tbo morrow we will begin anew make amends for tbe past to him or tier vet o i it within tbe passing year that one that we might bave made happier has gone too rod e beyond recall theot ours are oeaaeless regrets it was not thus however with aodrew foster the partioaur ons whose happi ness ho had marred still was with him daily he saw the face onoe so sbrigbt and beautiful growing paler mined the merry birdlike voice that flllid tbe boose with tbo sweetest music i yea although he knew she was fading under bis hard un bending will he would not bring her baok to life aye for whittle life without love constantly during those midniabt ho arc as vainly he wooed sleep there would come instead the plaintive little face with the ureal beseeching looking eyes why would he not yield 7 why because pride said oay could be andrew foster one of tbe wealthiest men in the city give his child to one so far beneath ber in position and possessing nothing more tbain his own good name harry ltndnn was one of her fatherti clerks and qeitle foster despite the groat gulf betweeu them grew to love with all the devotion of her nature tbe handsome yoong man every one liked harry and respected bim and no one in andrew fosters employ possessd more fully hfi confidence many times he wool 1 remark lo friends landon is a fine fallow i a noble ft how but when the troth oame to the proud father that hi yonng man had dared to love bis child his opioiou must bave nndergon a great cbanke for be oould scarcely restrain his wrath sufficiently to treat with soy show of decent politeness harry ltndon when he cams to him la a manly truth rol manner and told bis love have you presumed to tell miss foster this sir asked tbe indignant father no sir i oame to you flrat scarcely dariugto hope you would give my permis sion to apeak bill there was sa possibility and i seized it but i am sure miss foster it not ignorant of my fet- lings why why are yon sure air why 7 ob air i why dot the bliud know tho son is shining when their whole being isjllled with its warmth 7 need we ttll them what it is every true woman knows when she ia beloved ola air i ask you nottokive her to me now not until tlic free lrves wishes itaa readers i can provo my worthiness but let me speak to her impossible i i never will consent tib oseloes to say more on the subject and after this conversation i suppose you will not feel so well aontented in your poeition with onr house i was about to aek sir if yon would give me letters of introduction to some other ebtamibbmont certainly certainly laudon i will see that you bave a position qaile as good to say tbe leatt sb j our present one i i am sorry this has happened- i am your friend in every other way you must remember and command my eervicebwhen you wish and so tho youd man aud bid employer parted days passed until a fortnight bad elapsed and gertie had not seen harry landon she missed him from the store too and with her usuol ttralkhtforward candid manner she went to her father and asked where is harry london father he has left us for a better position at blaoks answered ber father with his eyes etlll on his paper why did be leave yon father i heard yon eay you were going to do more for him andrew foster raised bis eyes then and looking sternly into bis daughters replied he presumed too far on my friendship and it was desirable to both him and ray- solf that he sboul seek employment tlse where her beautiful truthful eyes were still gazing into his with eager noxious expres sion bhe sunk down on a stool at bis feet leaned ber head caressingly againbt him a moment and then whlepered with a bluah sottnstag ber pretty childlike faoe father did be tell you that be loved yonr daughter and was it that you sent bim away for yes qertle he might have known i oould not listen for a moment to his suit he is a very worthy young man but really it was very presuming in him to presuming father in an honorable worthy man to love mo i dont think it so i feel honored by tbe love of saoh a one and father he has told you bia secret i will do so too although he may never know it i love harry landon there was much said between tbo father and child she gently pleading for her love he obiding and unyielding a year had gone by since then occasionally gertie would meet harry landon on the street once they stood side by side at the oharoh door and gertie oonld not resist placing ber hand iu bis notwithstanding the probability of mrs grundys deolaring it very unmaidenly ebe whispered i know all and although i may never be yours i will never wed another harry was nearer happiness then than he hd dreamed of ever being agiio now that he was assured of her love her con stancy he would hope and work on as andrew fobter stood before the window that new years morning looking out on the pissornby many pleasant faces greeted bim with a srailo and happy new year flir a moment more aud tbe room door was ihronuopen and bis boy his only one the youngest of his children oamo rnnning up orylng out happy new year for papa i bee pspa eddies happy new years day with new clothes new boots now everything i am going to be a new boy too gertie says everybody mast try to make some body bappy today i i am going to make nellie happy for ill ttop teasing her i wish i oh i wish mamma was here his bias eyes filled with tears and bis lips quivered aud in a sorrowful voice he con- tinned i wish id been a now boy when mamma was here was everybody striving to place before bim bold up for his inspection his harsh ness was every word intended to deal a sure blow when tbe little seven-year- old eddie bpoue of mamma andrew foster could scarce repress a groan she was gone two years before she had passed from earth oh if she was with bim how different be would be i ho had been a good husband and tbe gentle wife oonld not find in him anything to reproaob but he knew how much was left undone how many little loving aotb that made lifo so doubly bwett wore for gotten then again eddied voioo soundod in the father d ear flip re yoti aini to be a new man today li mtke me happy first with a splendid pair of skittes and nollio and gertie must be happy too papa make genie be a now girl please she wont sing and play with as sbos getting ol i i believe no argument no pleadidg no matter how earnest ockild bvve made snob an im pression on aodrew foster as that childs innocent prattle again the door opened and gertie and nellie were beside him the kisses were given and received tbe father saw bis ohild was striving to be ohoerful and not cast her shadow over bim he told them all to speak their wish what ho should give them that dfcy eddie and ncluo were quick to tell but- gertio said with a smile that threatened to bo a toar give mo what you choose father you give me so muob i have no wish to apeak bat she hesitated bbe almost dared to breathe it forth no no sho would not cloud his heart that day she cast aside the wild hope and oontlnnod bring me what you think id like i trust to yonr decision after breakfast ho said yon will uy aside yonr deep mourning today my child aud help me reoeive my friends we shall have many i think bbe promiaed aba would but her father knew it would be au nupleasant task that gertie would muoh sooner spend tho day qaittly with her little ones or in aots of love and mercy tbe gueata were all gone the tireaome day was neatly over gertie bad thrown herself wearily int an arm chair there wasuo longer need for dissembling the forced smiles oonll die away she could rest and weep the children had been made happy her father had given all save her thu new year present she had not oared for any but he had held a lingering hopo that be might come to her with a word that would break tbo long silence that she might plad anew with him had him fast the english people will never under stand tbe humorous tamper of the american which makes him ask such questions as that recorded by mark twain as having been asked by a friend of his in tbe british museum a guide had ex hibited an egyptian mummy and dis coursed long upon the antignity of it and the egyptian process of embalming and so forth and at list the ameriaan asked is he dead it was only recently according to a letter in an exchange that in st pauls cathedral a london golds held forth thus to an american gentleman that sir ia the tomb of tbe greatest naval ero europe or the whole world ever know i yes it is blr tlio tomb of lord nelson this mar bio saraopbiggaa weighs fortytwo tons hlnside that is a steel receptacle weighing twelve tons and hlnside that is a leadon casket ermetloally sealed weighing two tons hinsido that is a maogany coitiu oldhiat tho ashes of the great ero well said the yankee after reflect log a moment i guess youve got bim if he over gets out of that telegraph me at my expense battlk at sea with chalk and vinegar a happy iscw year 18751900 a happy new year just at tho turn of the midnight when tho children are fast aaloop tho tired old yoar slips out by himself q lad of a chance to bo laid on the shelf and tho now year takes a poop at the beantlful world that la waiting for the hours that ho will bring for the wonderful things in bis pedlers pack woatber all sorts there will be no lack and many a marvellous thing flowers by boats and arralos stars aud sunshine and rain i the merry times and tho sorrowful times quickstep and j ingle and dlrgo and chimes and the weaving of joy and pain when the oblldron wako in tbe morning shouting thoir happy new year the year will be started well ou bis way swinging along through ills first white day witb tbe path before bim clear twelve long months for his journey fiftytwo wosks of a spell at tho end of it all hell slip out himself d lad of a ohauutt to bo laid on tho shelf at the stroke of tbe midnight bell andrew foster had closely watobod his child ss sho did wttb so muoh dignity and grace the honors of bis elegant etttb- liahment and he taw through the parmente bbe wore never so plainly was shown tbe changes that the latt yoar had wrought when he saw her sink so wearily into the chair bis heart smote bim and be went out quickly possibly be feared bhoald he linger he might grow weak and relent gertie heard the hall door o16bs and she know her father had gone out for the evening likely how long she remained she knew not dreaming her mood of depression had taken wing and she was smiling geatly sweetly visions of happier times were before her a cautious step approached she heard it yet moved not nor opened her eyes she wished not to throw off the sweet in fluence whioh was over her he her father bent gently longingly over her and murmured she is ilteping and bappy now gertie 1 ho called softly father ive not been sleeping bbe answered softly i thought you were and dreaming i was dreaming happy dreams vain flef ting visions she said her voioo filled with sadness have you forgotten your new years gift i was to bring you gertie he asked no sir i thought you had have jou brought mo ono she asked forcing a show ot interest yes little daughter i have brought it i have never for a momont ceased to think of it it has been a subject of muoh weight you left it to my decieion and i wished to bo auro of pleasing yon now put yoar arms around me and givj me a kiss one of gerties old loving caresses and then go look in the library and find yonr new years gift her father said bis whole form trembling with emotion she was aain a ohild clinging lovingly about bim forgetting for tbe time all but her fathers effort to please her bhe know not why it was but she saw and felt his agitation and she strove to make bim calm and happy go go now darling you arc still my own dear gertie he said with another caress some one will soon rob mo of my dar ling he said smiling badly not likely papa she answered thinking i ah all never leave him oh i why will he not relent she opened the door passed through he hall and entered tho library the father strained blb ear to catch tbe soond of joyous surprise he hears it it falls on his ear and sinks into his heart and he murmured gone 1 mine no longer seeking her fathers gift she raised her eyes and there smiling standing before ber his arms put forth to welcome her was harry landon she oould not realize the great joy it was too much bhe dared not accept it yet and withdrawing herstlf from hib encircled arms she said come oome to father 1 can he mean that we shall be happy kneeling before him sho abked botween tears and smiles do you mean ob father i tell me what it is gerties new years gift her fathers choice have i buooeeded in pleasing you little one how he paidthe minister shape pieces of ohalk into ships plan ing tbe bottoms evenly and use matchjft for maeti and smoksataoks mark rome of the ships with bluok ink and leave the others an colored place tbe rival ships in a pan or plate pour vinegar in between the foraei yoa will hear a sharp hissing soond like escaping steam and tbe ships will at once move forward leaving traqks of foam in their wake their speed increases as they near the dividing line and they oome together with a crash and a jump striving to posh one another out sometimes the battle is very exoltlng the victorious side being the one with the most ships left iu tho centre the oh em 1st ry class may bo able to explain why tbs ships are set in motion resolution cushions the was an expectant smile on grand ma bartletts face bbe polled the shade over the lamp and drew tbo ourteins shutting her room in cozily the clock on the mantle was ticking tho oil year away as fafat as it could hurry him off it was duak and new years ovo and that was tbe timo for tbo pinouahion roremony at bartletts fred met alice on tho stairs and belle and atthur came along the hall belle oarrled baby lelty in her arms end they eaoh bore a briatliug little red tomato pincushion in their bands grandma had placed five hassooka in a row come dearies bhe callod out to arthurs subdued knook thoy tilled in laughing stools of repentance cried tall belle dropping to her haabock o grandma my oaebion is full of pits i broke my reeo- lation every other day i resolved to keep my temper yon know and i got bo tired of poking io a pin far a blip nights as bed time look ot my lazy pine mourned fred and my behindtime stickers chimed in alice i didnt think i did put off thingb so often sighed arthnr and then baby letty stack up her cushion it wsd empty now dears said grandma proceed witb the ceremony solemly they eaoh tumbled their pins intoa box on the tablo another stood near why theres not half ao many as last year grandma 1 oried fred why why i and we all flt so badly i clean oosbions again said grandma happily picking up lelty to hug ber now for grandmas new years pre sents they were beautiful boobs and games i always feel as if you paid oa for being nanghty said alice looking up with a smile from ber book bat i wouldnt part witb my resolution cushion for tbe world i arthnr looked at his empty oashlon im glad those pins are gone he said a clean start for a bappy nsw year i say grandma how we love you t and four impetuous pairs of arma almost smothered dear gentle grandma mother at prayer onoe says a writer i suddenly opened the door of my mothers room and saw her on her knees beblde her chair and beard her bpesk ray name in prayer i qaickly and quietly withdrew with a feeling of awe and reverence in my heatt soon i went away from homo to school then lo college then int3 lifes sterner duties bat i never forgot that one glimpse of my mother at prayer nor tbe one word my own name whioh i heard her utter well did i know that what i had aeen that day was but agllmpue ot what was going on every day in that ssored closet of prayer and the consciousness strengthened mo a thousand times in duty in dangor and in struggle seasonable size johnny jones was one of the ohlldren who still have faith in banla glaus two days before christ mas he entered the village store and asked for a pair of atooklngs what sizadoyou want inquired the salesmen about number twenty said johnny but my litle man you cans wear an thing lamer than a four yes but i aint going to wear them dy after tomorrow is christmas the wife of a welltodo vermont farmer called the attention of her husband to a newspaper article describing a wedding out west where tho groom had compensated tho miniater for hia services iu farm pro ducts how ridiculous commented tho good lady her husband smllod- it isnt tbe ordinary thing he remarked bat then people who live in glass houaea mustnt throw stones what do yon mean jonas farmor aakad his wife sharply wal returned jonas twhen i married you i paid tho minister two pigs and he gave me thirtyfive cents change and witb thai mr farmer burst into a laugh to tbo great dieoontentment of bis wife ive lived with you thirty years and i never heard that before she said and i should like to know what you moan by it t believe youre saying that just to hector me no mri answered ber spouse when bis mirth had somewhat subsided ill tell you bow it happened you know i had been ranning the farm for father before were married and parson steadman who married us had just oome to town he wanted a oouple of pigb and oame over to oar place to get them i wae gone bnt tbe hired man sold them to him by weight and they amounted to juet ten dollars and thirtyfive centb parson steadman told tbe man be hadnt the money by him but would be over again in a few days and bottle and tbe hired man told bim that would be all right well when we wero married i gave tbe parson a brandnew tendollar bill one that i had got clean from the bank for that parpobe next morning bright aad pearly over oame the parson to our place he asked tbe hired man if i was at home and when 1 oame oat he was pretty muoh surprised to see that i was the same man that he had married the day before he turned kind ot red and looked a little qacer and said he had come over to settle for those two pigs and ho took from hie pooket that very tendollar bill that i gave him the night before and thirtyfive cents besides and banded them to me i buret out laughing and he lookod kind of sober for a minute then he buret out laughing too if i had recognized you as the man i owed for tbe pigs when yoa were at my house last night he said i could have handed yoa thirtynve cents and wo eboald have been square 3o you see mri that while we went through the form ot passing the money back and forth you were praotloally bought for two pigs minus thirtyfive cents tui old and tub new tho old yoar has gone with its sorrows i its grlofs and its paiub bwajiowod up with tho hopes and tho alms of tomorrows unoudlng tho swocta of lifoa cup am hittornofls hatred roboutuient in obllnions sea now aro cast all ploaauros dolighta and oontoutmont aro mlrrorod hi mists of tho past for a fortnight tho earth has slopt uudor a mantle- of downlcat snow a calm chlldllko unbroken slumber a droamloss and poacoful roposa but tho mantle grow murky aud blackouod by asbos and deapost of grime just as all of lifoe puro things aro ravishod and tarnished by cycles of tlmo but now as i look from my window with an optimists vision of choor i soo lioecy llakos low doacondlng the mantle looms purlnod clear 80 tho plotures of hope that havo vauishod shall be framod in a uotwork of goij and tho puro and sweet thoughts ot tho now yoar blot out all tho sins of old he got the sugar the following anecduta of a tame monkey t3 whom waa riven a corked bottle with a lump of sugar maido indi cates that the animel though unable to invent oonld imitate a phrenologist wonld eay that tho monkey had percep tion but not causality how to got at the sugar was a problom that bade fair to drive him crazy sometimes in an impuiio of disgust be would throw tbo both out of his reach and then be distracted until it was given baok to him at other times be wooli sit with a countenance of intense dejootfon oontampntiog the bottled ougar and then as if pulling himself together for another effort at solution woull bternly tuke up tbe problem afrohh and gaze into the bottle ho would tilt it ouo wuy und try to drink the eugar out of the neck and then suddenly reversing it try to outjh il as it fell out at the bottom under the impression that bo could capturo tbe sugar by surprise he kept rasping his tettb sgaiubt the glass in futile bites and warming to the parauit of tbe revolving lamp ueed to tie himself into regular knots around the bottle fits of tho moot ludicrous melancholy wonld alternate with spasms of delight as a new idea seemed to suggeet itself follow ed by a fresh series of experiments nothing availed however until one day a light was shod upon the problem by a jar containing bauanaa falling from the table with a orattb and the fruit rolling about in all directions his monkeysblp contem plated the oatastropbo and reasoned upon it lifting the bottle high in bis pawb he broaght it down upon the floor with trenendous notee smashing tbe glabs in fragments after which ho calmly trans ferred tho hugar to his moatb and munohed it with muoh satisfaction enterinq the new year it is fitting that christians should bogio tbe yoar in tbo upfrit ot praerfnlness the week of prayer aa organized by tbo evangelical alliance has had a remark able influonce for good 111 all churches and in till laudji it has boeu followed by a season of bpirituul awakening in multi- tadab of oasoa and the followers of christ in tbe various denominations bave been broaght oloser together tbe services that begin tho year 1000 will be characterized by specially impres sive associations it ia tho let year of tbib marvellous century and tho year that is to preparo for tbe etitl more marvellous twentieth century all christian en deavor sooieties should cooperate witb the church workers to the fullest extent is making theae services spiritually powerful the week ot prayer will be vsluablo in proportion aa believing bouib lay holl of tho promises and thus link themselves by faith to tbe might of omnipotence he command b infinite resources nothing is too hard for the lord his power aud wisdom and grace are sufficient to quioken and dull boui strengthen any uggard arm gird with miht any bdlier for the fray what blueings may fall upon tho churches what multitudoa of aouu may bo led to christ before the dawn of the twentieth aentory if the cnristian worll ehould uuitodly wait upon god in earnest behoving prayer i endeavor her ald ready for business to be diligent in business in commend able but eurely one may err on tho sido of too great diligenco by being ready for a trade at an anfuitalli time a map- peddler in pursuance of his vocation obanced to ttop at a hotel in a long island villsgo a friend whom he had known elsewhere seeing him at the hotel invited him to a purty which ho was to give the same evening tho mappeddler came and when received by bis host at the door was found with three maps io bis hands how do do ho baid got any nails i thought as thoro wan to bo a good many folks hero tonight id hang up some of my mapb bore and lot em look at em good ohauco for bubiucas maybe eomo of em would like to buy em and i could oxplsln em jubt as well an not his host endeavored to persuado him that it would not be a suitable plaoo to urge his busiutbs muoh t the mans surprise 1 now you dont understand urged the peddler twoald amaso and interest em theyd bo r baaed and besides thai beln visitors thoyd feel sort of obliged to bay but ho was then epoken to so plainly that ho waa forced to abandon greatly to bis surprise as well as hts regret his pro ject of mingling business with entertain ment mortifying the other day a detroit mother poured some ink on the pantry shelf near tbe sugar box and went up stairs leaving her small son playing with the oat when abe oamo down the boy sat by tho window wearing a placid iunocent look but there were ink stains on hib fingers there i youve beou at tbo ougarl she exclaimed as sho seized him by the collar mother do you think id ttl sugar what made em 7 those stains mother will i aaniiot tell a bold lie mother i think ive commenced to mortify sho wasnt sure and he was allowed to go out and play olroua llt free press wishes its render happy new cur 1751900