Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 28, 1899, p. 3

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tab bank of hamilton charter gkantbd 1872 hbad offiofl hamilton ont capital all paid up reserve fund total assets j turnbull cashier savings department one dollar or more received interest paid it best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass book to be presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book security the government returns show that depositors in this bank have oer five million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible firmer s discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair rates eery banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited the news at home mostly of a local charaoter and everv itom interesting georgetown branch kstajuisued oven twbntt xbabb j p bell agent ijs retort jfm ns thubsday december 28 1890 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears o free press reporters this week happy new year to all write it 1900 next monday it who good wintry cane trans weather wasnt it pnutc bohoola re open on wednesday next 3rd mat another year has joined the o cling chain of eternity on iters are rannieg and the merry sleigh belli jingle the sohool boys and girls are enjoying ha christmas vacation lieut i h deacon milton baa onr thanks for one of the aplendid ontario life calendars the oolamna of the qnelph mercury contain car da of seventeen aspirants for alder manio honors miia maggie mcqueen haa bean ap pointed teaoher of the school in section no 4 naaaagaweya a ohrlstmae tree entertainment will be given in the brick ohoroh thin evening commencing at eight oclock owing to the indifferent sleighing on ohriitmaa tho methodist tianday school eleigbrid waa postponed until better ietghing conld be relied upon keewghoroh sunday sohool new teatif enleruiment will be held in tb town hall next monday evening the programme la an excellent one a memorial service relative to tho late james horace brown will be hold in the methodiat churob next banday even ing bsv mr mclaohlan will preach hundreds of fdee press subscriptions expire with the present number is yoorb one of them ifsoou will gladden tho heart of the publisher by prompt renewal miia clark will continue ber olass in maalo after the new year fapila deairiog information as to terms eto will be informed upon application at her homo on frederick street the sermons by rev j a boss of goelph in knox ohoroh last friday wero llbtened to by large congregations they wero able expositions and much appreci ated by tbe bearers the disciples sunday sohool will give their annual cbnatmaa tea to morrow evening the georgetown sohool ii invited to be the guest of the officers and teachers for the evening mr anthony mason has secured a position at first brook bros fish ponds and removes bis family this week to the new honas just finished there hie team ing business has been poro based by mr edward kingsbury messrs john m warren and fanl s kennedy attended the sale of w d flatt of imported thorough bred durham cattle ml hamilton last week some sixty bead were sold and the females averaged over f 100 each and the males from f 150 to 900 a ball calf four months old sold for 900 pretty fancy prices farmers werent they bayers were present from many points in the united stitet and canada to th di a rich lady cured of her deafness and noises in the head by dr nioholsona artifloal ear drums has sent 1000 to bis institute so thai deaf pooplo unable to procure the ear drums may have tbem free apply to department k b the institute 780 eight avenue new york u s a personals miss laurie of st albann vermont the guest of miss cameron main street rev father feeney leaves this morning for brantford to participate in the brantford old boys gathering mr and mrs g a maloney and children of carolaohle were guesti this week of mr and mrs frank harris mrs young whose husband is one of the soldiers in the canadian contingent id south africa is visiting with ber little daughter at the home of ber mother mrs gardner mr w a waldle and miss jennie arrived from oartwrlght man last saturday evening to spend a month or so with friends here mr waldie continues d praise of bis adopted country and thinks there is no place like the northwest a kindly remembrance at the meeting of the junior league on tusiday evening tho juniors presented tbefc superintendent mrs joile oram with ft beautiful parlor lamp as ft christmas gift mrs oram is most painstaking in ber efforts to help and encourage the members of the junior league to lives of trust in jesus and they evidently appreciate her euiftorlflofng work in their behalf christmas services at 8t josephs very interesting and impressive christ mas swrvioes ware hell in st josephs oborob the sacred edifice was beauti fully decorated with evergreens and natural flowere the altar and sanctuary were espeolejty attractive the choir sang bitniftos maw miis boo it of george town preelded hie organ with maoh aooepunoe bo father feeoys minla- fatlone were mott appropriate to the 09oasion 1 494 ooo jtfias lexto clark winning laurels 1 000o0o misa lexie clark who ia studying mualo 13163000 ftt toronto collego of music under misa graham sang at tho annus christmas entertainment of tho baptlbt churob cheltenham on christmas evening with very greet aocoptanae marked improve tnent in ber voice was notioable the urge audience exprersed highest praiae of her ringing mjoo annie curk was also present and played the aocompanimonts for hor aietar and other vocallsta who took part rurmcra institute meeting at acton a mealing of hal ton farmers institute will be held in the town hall on monday 8th january afternoon and evening sessions will be hell mr a mcneill of walkervilie aud mrs a klnny of grand view will be the principal speaker a upon topics touching the farmers work and his home mr d henderson m p will also address the meeting opportunities will be given for discussion upon the various papers present at tho evening session a rood raueioal programme will intersperse the addreaaeb dr d bobertaon the president will preside christmas surprise party the friends of the congregational church churchill surprised rev and mrs forbes at their residence on bower avenue last friday in a moat enjoyable manner it waa a eurpriae indeed aa one rig after another drove up to the door leaving behind a sack or basket full of good things and a message that they would call later in the evening after the fnenda had ell gathered at a later hour the ladies prepared refreshments which all partook of and edjoyed a pleasant and happy evening followed and concluded with oordiul wishes from all to mr and mra forbes for a merry christmas and abappy i new year mr forbes made a very timely reply thanking the friends for their kind wishes and practical deeds 8 s anniversary sermons the sermons preaohed last sonday by rev w h harvey b a in oonneotion with tbo christmas anniversary services at the methodiet sunday sohool were able and timely at the morning servioe the scholars and their tsaohera 00a a pied the centre pews the text of the sermon was a very happy one and the presentation of the subject was so interesting that it commanded the attention of the aoholara and tbe streets of the city shall be foil of boya and girls playing in tbe streets there of zeoh a 5 tbe evening discourse was based upon john 14 6 i am the way aud waa a very able sermon there were many eloquent and impressive pass ages bav mr harveys visit was much appreciated by both aoholara and congre gation the christmas mualo by the ohoir waa enjoyed very muoh by tbe congregation the choir was assisted by miss spencer toronto miss walker berlin and mr l williams london beady to go to sooth africa the fiiee pnuss has received the following letter from a former resident who removed to st clair mich about twenty five years ago whose modesty forbids the publishing of his namo editor fiuce press dear bir i have never received my discharge from company no 0 halton battalion aud i dont want it now if there are any more volunteers wanted for south africa i dont know the present captains name will yon inform him that i will be ready to report at company headquarters at 21 hours notice my forefathers have all been soldiers my grannie jean lyill gave ber three sons to fight for king george douglaa william and john my father foaght in the first kaffir war under capt ealspton by water and sir alfred clark by land i am one of the old sea- forth highlanders and am ready the letter haa been forwarded to capt lang- ton who will appreciate tbe loyal spirit manifested by a resident of a united states city an enjoyable christmas cantata the annual entertainment and christ mas presentations of tbe st albans sunday sohool was held in the town halt last thursday evening as usual a large audienoe gathered and the ball was nicely filled a ohorua a aolo and a baby show proceeded the cantata which was entitled a dream of fairyland and of the following nature two orphans leate the city to find fairyland they grow tired and go to sleep and while asleep are found by the good fairies who change tbem into fairies after living with the good fairies for awhile thoy were found by tbe evil fairies who enticed them to live with tbem here they grow dissatisfied and wish they were back with tho good fairies the good fairies found them and brought them back and the good and evil fairies were united in one happy family three tableaux were given after the cantata and were muoh enjoyed mrs j k godden played the accompaniments very acceptably in the absence of miss stone bev j k godden incumbent presided a pretty christmas wedding bunnyside the residence of mrs laoblan currie dud line erin was the scene ot a very happy function on christmas day when her eldest daughter euphemla clementina waa united in wedlook with mr george midglsy of acton the oere mony was performed by bev amoe to veil paator of zloo chapel guelpb assisted by bev h a maopherson pastor of knox churob aoton tbe bride looked exceed ingly pretty in a travelling costume of pearl gray broadcloth with white satin ribbon and pearl trimming and carried a bouquet of white oaruations and smilax the bridesmaid her sister lena was becomingly attired in pearl gray velour with blue satin and ribbon trimming and oarrled pink carnations and smilax tbe groom was supported by his friend dr nixon of georgetown at three oclock the bride entered the parlor on the arm of her brother mr will currie to the strains of he wedding march played by ber sister miss kitty tbe marriage was performed under an arch of evergreens english holly and maple leaves in the presence of aboui sixty invited guests after congratulations wero extsnded to tbe bride aud bridegroom the company retired to tbe dining ball were a sumptuous dinner was partaken of immediately after dinner amid bhowers of rioe and good wishes the happy couple escorted by a large party of their young friends left for tbe evening train to spend a short honeymoon to or in toronto and other points east after their return they will take up their resldenoe in oooks- vllle where mr midgley will assume bis duties as prlnolpsl of tbe publlo sohool the numerous and valuable presents attested the pop clarity of the bride and mr and mrs midgley carry with tbem the very best wishes of their many friends for future happiness lo their new home tooufle a colo n one day take laxative bngo qolnlns tabuta ah lbrd lbs uoqavifli falls to ea seen box drnggltu refund tbsuoqevimi falls to cure o7v w groves stjnmtute u en met municipa nom contests for the reavoshlp for councillors and for sohool trustees a hot cont ne nonday tho nomination rooetinr at noon last friday was not largely attended but there wan no laok ot nomioeea for tho various positions of honor wilhiu the kilt of tbe municipality for the btovoship reeve pearson waa prevailed upon through tho importonato bolioitationa of hla friends to allow him belt to bo pnt in nomination again ho pled in reply to their requeiti that bo had already aorved tho town to tbo very beat of bis ability with considerable uaorifico of bubineia interests and personal oomfort and feeling that ho bad now fululled hla whole duty as a oltion to the municipality desired quietly to rotlre and enjoy peaceful private life again the justiie of bie claim waa fully reoognized but many oitlzedb who have the best interests of tbe place at hosrt felt that with mr pearsons experience in municipal government and eapeoially in view of bis intimate relation ship with the eleotrio lighting plant it waa moat desirable for tbe oomimg year at least that he occupy the position ot ohief magistrate to the earnest aolloitatlona of his followoituens numbers ot whom had not previously supported him be finally yielded and agreed to allow bis nomination to stand his opponent is mr t h arnold glove mannfnoturer who served one year as a councillor three years ago ho hb built op a good business for bimbelt and now aspires to the government of tbe town of bis adoption mr arnollo watehword s economy and a reduction of the rate of taxation is his alleged aim he also claims tbat he oan superintend the operation of the eleotrio lighting eyatem more profitably than thoso who understand it and have bad practical experience in that dlreotion i beduotion of taxation is a very bappy ory about election time and has oooasionally landed an abpirant into the pooitton he ooveted bat in most instances alas i the promised rednotion is found impossible of accomplishment and the promisor finds that bis predecessors were jut as honeat in their efforts to be economical in the man agement of publio affairs as ho can posaibly be in the present oase thero aro many citizens eapeoially among the work ingmen among whom the ory of econ- omy is most aasidoaaly used who oannot persuade tbembelves of mr arnolds sinoerity in ihia mattor if they say mr arnold is so anxious for redaction ot taxes for us why has he for y ears been abking us to pay the bulk of his taxes he applied for and recoived exemption upon a portion of hia manufactory and we are paying tho taxes be woold have other wise bad to pay we appreciate the value of manufactories to our town and are not very mnoh averse to partial exemp tion from tixes but it doesnt seem to be very consistent in the man who reaeives the rednotion at our expense to talk to ub of redaction ot taxes then in the matter ot eleotrio light they bay mr arnold talks to na of his ability to run it at a greater profit this seems very funny to us too when we know that be opposed tbe eleotrio ayatem proposed beoause he owna a water privilege whioh be claimed the council should buy to run the plant with if mr arnold is so anxionb to help tbe town along with its ileotcio lighting plant ab he now claime why is it that he bas never used a lamp and absolutely re fused when canvassed to have the eleotrio light installed either in bis faotory or resl denoe t we dont understand mr arnolds logio and we oan not aeo our way dear to ubo our ballots to plaoo him in the position of honor he ooveta these are the opinions freely expressed by the c-leo- tors the polls next monday will p rove whether thoy mean what they say a long list of good men have been pnt in nomination for councillors tho removal of mr jamsa curk and the retirement of mr j a murray leave only mea9rs john clarke and i francia ot laat years council in the field neither ot these gentlemen appeared anxious for reeleotion bat both have proven themselves worthy of publio ooofldonoe mr francis stated at the hustings after nomination tbat as obairman of the committee on streets and walks last year be had won a place occupied by few auoh offloers be had kept within the grant voted hia committee at the beginning of the season mr clarkes position aa a professional aooountank bas enabled him to give valuable service aa ohairman of finanoe mr john williams la the only other candidate who baa served the people in the counoil he also was muoh averse to entering again into publio life but hla three years experience in obarge of the streets and walks of the town showed that he was an adept at that kind of work and he was earnestly solicited to stand hfi business is of soon a charaoter tbat being so muoh open the streets be knows the needs and is abls to give them prompt and workmanlike attention the other nominees are all good oillzens messrs kobert wallace j j lawson j a henderson and wm gorney and though they have never sat at the counoil board they woold no doubt pvovo uisfol members it elected from tbe long list oar eltlsens will have no difficulty in electing a strong and efftoient counoil for sohool trustees the list oontains the names of two more candidates than oan be elected mr robert wellioea retire ment leaves only messrs hynds and holmss of laat years board for re election these gentlemen are old members having eaoh served long periods tbey are true valuable and experienced trustees messrs agnew and mattbswa have ohildren attend ing tbe sohool and are consequently interested mr dill is also in that posi tion and having served as a trustee for aeversl yesrs in bis former horns bis friends fell that be wonld make a valuable member ot our sohool board three are to be elected the following are tbe nominations as presented lo retarnioiofuoer t t moore on friday for rests 1 psiiwox j b nominated by h moore atoondsd by george havill 2 abnoid t n nominated by t h bolston seconded by john b chlaholm ron councillons 1 waluos bobbbt nominated by a e nloklio seconded by tnoa eaaton 2 wnxum jons nominated by dr mokeagne seconded by a t brown s cubxi johx nominated by j h matthews seconded bv j 3 ltwson s iiiwsox 3 j nominated by geo havill seconded by john williams 5 auidld t h nominated by j a henderson seconded by moses smith 6 hnnsbsoif j a nominated by george agnew seoondod by george hynds 7 mobsat j a nomlnstid by q a panabecker seoonded by william williams 8 kskixoy j b nominated by george hynds saoonded by george havill 0 qusitst wiuitu nominated by b b johnson asoonded by sidney saunders coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlouaother personal notes 10 faixca isuc nominated by wil liam williams seoonded by harry jeans of the above messrs j a murray and john b kennedy withdrew from ihe eon- test and mr h x arnold candidature for tbe beeveahlp nullifies his domination for councillor fob school tbu8tms 1 hxmds gsoaas nomlnsled by geo agnew seonded by john a henderson 2 houms bobbbt nominated by john moqoeen atoondsd by james joyce 8 ahoiw joint nominated by h sweokhammor eronded by t franols 1 mattbcws j h nominated by b d graham eeoondrd by t x moore 5 dills gsoboi nominated by ales beotd seconded by h jeaua tho fask pubis luvites all its readers loeen tribute to this column if you or yourrrlenas are going away on a holiday trip or if you have frleada visiting you drop a card to the vase piisss mr w lawson of goelph was home for christmas mies may moore ia epending the holi days in toronto mra j b pearbon visited friends in toronto this week mr john h wordeu of orton was home for cbrihtmaa miss mlna walker waa home from ber lin for ohrietmas tide mr park sills ia home from johnatown n y for the holidays mr lawrenoe williams was home from loodon for tbe holidays mr tom boasell waa home from london for the holidays mr edwin francis was home for a few daya during the week mlaa annie tqrton was home from berlin a few days this week misa maggie ebbage ia homo from qloversvllle for tbe bolidaya dr and mra moeeagne visited friends at toronto jnnotion laat week mr joaeph obnrob of arthnr spenl a few daya with aoton friends mrs walker of berkeley is a guest at the home of mr george leslie mias evelyn mokeown is spending the holidaye at her home in toronto mr dill mokorrtben of toronto was the guest of friends here tbib week mrs bobert grains and misa tiny spent christmas with friends hers messrs charles and arthur moore were home from toronto a oouple of days miss minnie holmes is spending her sohool vaoation at ber fathers home mr and mrs w j cook of toronto were guests of aoton friends this week mrs george edwards of port hnron mloh is visiting at the parental boms miss rhode f featheratone ia apending the vaoation at her bome in copetown mr 0 v stafford of bt thomas la spending tbe holidays with friends here misses daisy and edith nioklin are are home from goelph for tbo holidays mr and mrs harry ebbage of toronto visited aoton relatives over tbe holidays miss maggie and ada- fyfe are home from toronto for the christmas vacation reeve kennedy and the mlasea kennedy of georgetown were in aoton on christ mas mr and mrs wblslle ot toronto visited their daughter mrs f harris this week mra bonald johnson and babe of johnstown n y are visiting the parental home mr and mra j m fernley and ohll- dren ot brantford visited tbsir aoton friends mias ada franoia spent a few days this week at the homo of her father ooonoillor franoia rev w h harvey b a was tha guest of mr a a seoord during his stay in town mr gordon mclaren of toronto was a guest at the bome of mr bamaon day this week mrs harry strasser and children of waterloo were guesta at mr thomas btathams mr miohaol flynn of buffalo visited tho old home this wsek after an absanoe of aeven years mibs ellen nioklin and matter feroy nioklin of aberfoyle are guesta of mra alex brown mr samuel molam of pt edward apent a oonple of daya tbie week with aoton friends mr and mr mark sutton of johnatown n y are spending the bolidaya with their acton friends mise e jean mophall b a ia apending tbe christmas holldsys at her bome at oampbellville mlaa ethel bprowl went to brampton on friday to spsnd tbs holidays with relstlvea there mr will barry and misses getty and bella of barrio were at the parental bome this week mr holland bmltb of bherbrooke spent tbe holidays with his mother at fairview plaoe mr and mrs adam lalng of brampton were visitors at the home of the misses lalng this week messrs fennel arthur end willis smytb have been spending the vaoation in tbe old bome here mayor and mrs nelson and children of guelpb spent christmas al ths bome of tbe miaaes nelson dr j f b forater spent christmas and a fsw following daya at bla fathers home at falmerston mrs john m ohiaholm and miss blanobe are spending tha holidays with friends in bt marys mr jos fyfe arrived home a week or so sgo from brltiah columbia to spend tbe holidays with bis family mr and mrs thomss brnnt and danghter of toronto epant a few days in their former home this week rev and mrs j a molaohlan miss winnie and master harold are visiting in fergus and arthur this week mr and mra bert mokerrlhsn of toronto were for a oouple of days ihe guests ot principal t t moors mr hogh melangblan leaves in a few daya for gale missouri wbsra ha intsnds spsnding several months with frleoda mr and mrs john movelgh and children of watertown n y are guests at the home of mr john thomss church btreet mrs woodland nt toronto returned home last thursdsy after apending a oonple of weeks very pleasantly with bat annt mra jennie b cameron ohas l nelles the big b00kst0be guelph dgcembbr chhistmhs come to guelph and see tho finest dook storo in canada no exaggeration specials teachers large biblea complete solid leatler 90c same with new index 9i 30 leather bibles small size 40c books tho finest line ever shown sots doyle kipling cuine lyall pack man thackeray the noted tea store and china palace it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts ouis l nbllbb gublrn our china palace la crowded with the finest creations of the polteries of england jgermany ranee ana japan here you will find such things as particular people give and people of toate are glad to rocelve our stock of taney china is the largest in western ontario and our prices are tho lowest special for the holiday season 50 dinner sets from 95 00 to 940 00 100 toilet seta from 9i 00 to 9io 00 we will pay freight or express on all largo purchases to any part of ontario our china palace is on the second floor j a mccrea guelph i qurney co i for choice xmas specials th6 dry hfter there are good reasons for gift giving on the first day of the new year perhaps you prefer that day or it may be some one was forgotten christmas plans often miscarry never mind the wreckage ot a setisfactory christmas trade are in evidence all over the store and theres lots of salvage plenty of choice and prices are essentially agreeable such things ks these fine embroidered lawn handkerohleft 3 10 ladles good cloth skirts 95 fore irish linen table napkins 1 25 mens elegant pur cups 1 76 mens padded neok muff lers 65 2 75 choice fruits consisting of new selected seeded and sultana raisins choice christmas currants crosse and blackwells choice citron lem on and orange peels fresh baking powders extracts spices icing sugars shelled filberts almonds and walnuts choice cooking and table figs finest blends of teas try our special at 25c per lb also choice breakfast coffee a full stock of staples and fancy dry goods for christmas needs ib7cu youh obdbr 6hhly gurn6y st co generkl merchrnts ladles pur neok ruffs and a thousand other things these latter days will emphasize that it pays to buy at bollerts and that cash and one price benefits the whole community e r bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyndham st guelph you and tours have wishes for our sincere a prosperous rnd a happy new year d e macdonald bro th6 lion gu6lph h co vsqs7s christmas goods buy something- useful for the holiday season our store is crowded with goods that will make the most acceptable as well as useful holiday presents furs small furs are a great sale this year we have them very cheap from 75c up one of these would make a very welcome present also gauntlets in fur or imitation grey lamb caps at 250 and 395 silaks if you happen to know that your wife sister or daugh ter would like a silk waist it would make a much appreci ated present we have them in large assortment also silk table scarfs mantle drapes etc silk hrndkerchiefs colored and white plain and initialed- cambric and fancy handkerchiefs for young and old an immense range and very cheap 7viens ties our new purchases for the holiday trade ytist opened a treat to see them come soon before the assortment is broken lkdies jkckets great reductions in all lines to clean the balance oi our stock henderson co bring the children in to see santa claus in pnngles window before christ mis h will be cuter than ever men women and children in the little house anxiously awaltine his coming he drives around to the side of the house climbs up the ladder to th chimnoy and goes down head first and then oes inio the childrens bedroom never was our slock larger nor cheaper than it is for this christmas we could not begin to name all the things just think over anything a jeweller generally keeps then add an thing else you can think of and wo have it everything in the camera and photo goods line sterling silver manicure goods rings watches and chains in abundance you need not bring much money with you for we can give you lots of things for very little don t the boy want a watch or the girl a ring you just ask them and see ifyoucnnnot think what to buy come and look around perhaps we can help you cd pringle guelph jvresh this week fob christmas boneless fish white beans cheese another case of fancy china -at- c f coodeve co 7utii-l- st rcton xv e nelson merchant tailor amd- gents furnisher cu6lph gifts from santa claus that will be appreciated by men who love rich and handsome furnishings will be chosen from our superb stock of holiday goods umbrellas scarfs gloves initial handkerchiefs shirts pyjamas smoking jackets dressing gowns and neckties will be found in exquisite profusion and in the choicest goods for xmas gifts you can mike a dollar go farther here than at any other place in guelph newest shirts and neckwear just in xmrs match shle savage co of guelph have started a 20 per cent discount sale of gold goldfilled silver and nickel watches for cash only during the holidays patronize them lor your own sake and you will get a bargain savage co cu9lph est lrao4 sb ssswt

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