m4ife the father p gone for the doctor the mother alone with her suffer ing child will the doc tor never come when there is croup in the house you cant get the doc tor quick enough its too dangerous to wall dont make such a mis take again it may cost a life always keep on hand a dollar bottle of l it cures the croup at once then when any one in the family comes down with a hard cold or cough a few doses of the pectoral will cut short the attack at once a 25 cent bottle wlllcure a miserable cold the 50c size is better for a cold that has been hanging on keep tbo dotur llu m bu4 about 25 yean ago i camo near dying with consumptlonibat ml cured w 1th ayers cherrr rftotoral nlnco hlch time injure kept acers meiuolncb id the house ana recom mend them to all my friends c x mathkiraoir j in 10 1800 bristol vt complaint wbjuavcr and dailra lbs hat medical adrloe write the doctor frwlj address dr j 0 atm lowelu km wry 3 t ctnn jfro firm thursday december 28 1899 f be 1onn olhs new vizs morning a jolly llttlo strange is in town today ho camo last night at stroke o twelve sollies them bay and ovory one is smiling ab morry as yon please pleasant words are dying too ijko leaflets in a breeze pooplo tailing hero and thorn walk and drivo aboat young folka old folk boys and girls all am mustered out no ono thinks to give a frown ski oe and oyei aro bright een tho prim old gatopoits havo donned thoir caps of white woar tho jaunty pointed things with an sir of gloe you would laugh as woll as i if you cuancod to see i every fftco is full of tun every heart is gay all small quarrolb forgot forgottonlot then stay hub the old score out my dear begin snow today new year resolutions by this time that innocent little twig of mietlotoo baa done moat of its wicked work and the red berriea have one by one dropped from tho bright holly branohei there is one turkey left sod one plain padding bet by monday next these will have become thioga of the paat and then wo ahtll have launched fairly ont into tbe new year with all onr new year reaolntiona on board now year resolution fibaw 1 take my advice and dont make any theyre treacherous things theae furfaced little reaolatioaa they flatter yon so blandly and tell yon a a oh delightful thioga about youreolf how noble how solfsaoriflolog yon are or at least easily oan be bow diligent bow eweet tempered and what groat things yon are oapable of yon look in your glaaa and tbink yon behold an angel bat it takea only one abort week and then toey tarn on yoa like serpents tell yon you are an ignoble wretob that yon are eelqah lazy and bad tempered and incapable of doing any good in tbe world then they leave yoa those wretched treacherous little new year resolutions and bide away until next new years day when tbey think yoa have forgotten everything so dont booaugbt in auoh a trap this new year just be good withont telling yonraelf yon are doing to be thats tbe right way tho bird of titno has bnt a little tins to fluttor and tho bird is on the wing hiohly humorous an american who has been travelling la england declares that he has seldom found tbe average inhabitant of london inclined to bo discourteous as a rule any infor mation aaked by a stranger la given freely and kindly bat yon most not expect an engliabman to forego an opportunity to make a good robuat british joke oa ouo ocoaaion the traveller happened to bo lu iho neighborhood of millbank prison and fanoied that he wonld like a glimpse at that famous place of detention oan one t11 me tbe way to millbank bo aaked of a stoat tradesman whom he met aye answered jo ho bull knook me down and rob my pockets and youll soon enongh boon tbe straight road there 1 then without vouchsafing any futtber information be passed on with a chuckle ethels new years caller all day long ethel wished and wished that abe was a grownup lady like bister graoe so that abe coom have a new year caller bat the ion bright day went by and not a singte call did fibo have after supper she went slowly up into the parlor aud looked discontentedly out of the window right under the alight alio dawn glossy black oat he took op first one paw and then the other out of the flaky snow and looked tbfa way and that before buitfng on his journey once more then ho ran along tbe sidewalk in front of ethula homo and jumped quickly up ihe steps its my caller 1 exclaimed ethd breathlessly it truly is 1 she opened tbe door aud in wnlkod pussy over tbe fur rng into the ptolir and sat down in frobt of the fire in a second ethel was beside him bugging aud pe ting him pniby seemed to like it and ourled hi in at if np contentedly in etbfls lap he purred very load for a few minutes and then went to aloep itd my new years caller v exclaimed ethel he oamo bis own eelf mamma and im going to keep him for- evrl pussy has never made any objection to that plan and so ethel still baa ber caller and abe says her new years call was the very beat one for it has lasted nearly a whole year buyinc3 buns the grown prince of denmark la the idol of the army one day when the autumn military manoeuvres were pro ceeding the danish army was euoamped near the old oaatla of hald in jutland the grown frlnoe was in command and walking about in oamp after the active dntles of tbe day were over be found a orowd of soldiers gathered about a woman who had brought in a cartfnl of buna to ell it would be payday next morning and the soldiers bad not even money enough to bay a penny bun still it was evidently a oomfort to orowd around the oait aud inhale tbe warm odor of tho dtlloaoy which they oould not otberwiae enjoy and no one noticed tbe grown prince nntil he was dose npon them what is the price of yonr buns good woman he called a penny apiece air said she vory well ill buy tbe cartload get my treasurer to pay yoa and yoa my soldiers you have worked ao hard to day that yoa are euro to be hungry i hope the bans will make a palatable desert after supper 1 the soldiers oheered and felt no doubt that there was never a prince so thought ful as thalra rather hardon the railroad when the children are hungry what do you give them food when thirsty water- now use the same good common sense and what would you give them when they are too thin the best fatforming food of course somehow you think of scotts emulsion at once for a quarter of a century it has been making thin children plump weak child ren strong sick children healthy jocund 9imtmdntfrit fcottakwnbclismlfvorontfc tlift free prea wishes urn reader i a happy ww year we have just read of a mercantile travel ling agent who weighed abont two hundred and fifty pounds and who rinding it very important to ret on board a railroad train at a small station where a train did not usual ly stop telegraphed tbe oondnctor to atop there for a large party tbe train a topped and he atepped on board when tbe con ductor aaked him where the party wae he replied by asking tbe conductor it he didnt consider him a large party this story will go very well with that of the country merchant and deacon who in vited six drummers to take a seat in his pew sunday morning brought around tbe contribution box and obtained from each a liberal donation but on monday saidhe felt obliged to tell them that ar he oould not patronise all and as be did not wish to show partiality he felt compelled to order from another honse not represented we pre same those drum mere thought as wo once heard president pieroe aay to a jury on the trial of a case in new hampshire that a good honest old deacon is not necessarily any better than any other good honebt old man bakers bad backs we little know tho toil and hardship that thoso who make tho staff of life undergo long hours in suporkeatod and poorly ventilated work rooms is hard on tho system gives the kidneys more work than thoy eon properly do throws poison into tho syatom that should be carried off by theno delicate filters then the hack gotabnd not much nse applying liniments and plasters yon must reach the kidneys to care the 1330k doans kidney pills euro all kinds of bad bodies by restoring the kidneys to healthy action mr walter buchanan who has con ducted a bakery in sarnla ont for tho paat 15 years saysi for a number of rears previous to tavlnff bonns kidney pills i buffered a brent deal from orate pains across tha small of my back pittas in the back of my hand dlnlnesi weary fooling- nnd general debility from the first few drm of donas kidney pills i eommeneed to improve nnd i have continued until i am today a well man i have not sjota pain or ache about me my head is clear the urinary difficulties all gone my sleep is refreshing and my health is batter now tin for rears the single effort with which we stop short in the downbill path to perditloo is hull a greater exertion of virtue than a hundred acts of jastioe easy mr thambsarew now this is the first of tbe year and i am going to make a resolution mrs tbunbaorew with a pneor bah i you make one tired i its the same thing every year yoa make reaolntiona only to break them mr thambscrdw well ill bet i keep this one i mrs thambsarew yoa are nit man enongh what is your reaolotiou mr thumbscrew why i havoreiolved to cat down your expenses onehalf the coming year what he would do father left in oharge no yon cannot have any mora cake very seriously do yoo know what i shall have to do if yoa go on making that dreadful noise little ofrl sobbing yes father well what is that little olrl give me some rooreoake i and sbe waa quite right tub interpreter tbe new year on tbe threshold atands with the kings message in his hands for so a thousand eeme before and a ilka royal message bore aud who save tjovo dosorvo to rend this gospel if the world flvo bawl 7 for only she by day and night may tall tlmeeravstery aright i am the aw fnlflllsd she aalth ooma peace or war come ufa or death sbe doth npbotd while others mar and bate and fear falsa propbau are through all tbs earnest years that were love bath been lifes intreprater of alt the golden days to be lovh holds the key love holds the key a mysterious password an amusing experianooof the baroness butdett ooutta u going ho ruuitlp the baroness wae once hoppluu in pnut and waa pabsod from nuu department to ancthor by tho shopmen always with the remark twoten she wub escorted from counter to ooanier everywhoro the chbaliutlo uordtj twoteii ware repeated struck by tho piouliarlty of this refrain the baroneat asked tho proprietors as una loft the eatibliuhmont pray what daea twoten motiu i noticed qhoii asais- tant aaid it to tho other wherovor i went in your uliop ob it is nothing he replied merely a password they are in iho habit of ex changing but tbe bar opes a wae not natufled wltli tbie exulinbtlon eo in the overling when the porter a youuu boy brought homo tier purchatks bug aaid my boy would ou like to orn flvo franca of course ho had no objeoiiouu tell me baid the lady what doeb twoten mean and i will nivo jou flvo francs m vhy dont you know muurn aaid he evidently astounded at tier iguoranoe it meanb keep juur two ejea on hor ten angers the mybtcry waa solved tho bhopmen of the trots quartiers bad taken the rlohest and most generous woman in great britain for a blioplifter a story of kruger illustrative of krugera peculiar faith an amnaing aneodote ie told by a fellow boer onoe in tbe early days when game was soarae he waa one of a party who went out to hunt thehartebeeet after scouring tbe veldt for daya without a bign of game paol said be would retire over tbe hilu to pray for food aa the patriaroha ol old after several hours he returned and solemnly prophesied to the party that in three days a large troop of hartebeeat would paee that way tbe party made their camp there and euro enough in two daya u number of these animals appeared the boera were atruok with wonder and kruger became celebrated aajtbe man of prayer afterwards the kaffir who accompanied him over the hilta gave this vereion of the inoldent when kroger got out of sight he etruok for a neighbouring kafflr kraal where calling the induna he informed bim that the men where starving for want ot game that a large number of armed boers were on the other side of tbe hill and that unless the induna and his men discovered game in less than three days they would all be shot dear bought experience of boer methods frightened the eafqcs eo that they eet out found game and drove it towards the boer oamp those relations which describe tbe tricks and vices of mankind by increasing our uapiolon in life retard our sucoebb dollars for doctors but mrs oouglas derived tittle benefit till she used b8b proof after proof we have been furnishing how b 13 b makes bad blood pure blood and cures cases that even the doc tors failed to benefit heres the case of mrs john douglas fuller ont an ac count of which she gives i have used bbb for impure blood pimples on the face and sick headache i tried a great many remedies andspentdollarsfordoctors medicine but derived little benefit i then started using bbb and only took four bottles when my skin became clean and free from all erup tions my other troubles disappeared also and i am now in perfect health i showed ber that books were sweet nnre- proaobtag companions to tbe miserable and that i they did not bring as to enjoy life they woald at least teaoh us to endnre it thousands like her ten a moleod severn bridge writes i owe a debt of gratitude to dr thomas eoleotrio oil for curing me ot ft severe cold that troubled me nearly all laat winter in ordef xo rive a quietue sto a hacking oougb take a dose of dr thomas eoleotrio oil thrice a a day or oftoner il the cough spells render it neoeasary ask your doctor had i bnt bestowed halt the paine in learinif a trade that i havo in liaring to bo a scoundrel i mlgnt iinvo been a rich man at ihia day mrs wm herman roland man writes i havo betu mtiifj dr fowlers eitrapt ol wild strawberry for the past aix years and onnaider it a grand rtmedy for diarrhoea nod dysentery tbe nakedness ot ihe indigent world might be clothed from the trimmings of tbe vain tobacco heart have you been smoking a good deal lately and feel nn occasional twinge of pain round your heart aro you short of breath nervoe unhinged sensa tion of pins and noodles going through your arms and fingorst better toko a box or two of mllburn s heart and nerve pills nnd got cured before things be come too sorlous horos what mr john jamos of caledonia ont iy about i have 1875 1900 hns to sa thorn had serious heart trouble for four yoars caused by exoesslvo nse of tobacco at times my heart would bent very rapidly and thon seomod to stop bontlng only to commence again with unnatural rapidity this unhealthy action of my heart eausod bhortncflrt of breath woaknoss and debility i tried many mcdiolnos and bpont a groat donl of nionoy hut could not got any help lust november however i road of a man nfllictod uko myself being ourod by milburns heart nnd nervo pills i wont to ropers drug store and bought a box when i hnd finished taking it i wfu bo much hotter i bought nnotlierbox nnd this completed the cure my heart hns not bothered mo sjneo and i strongly recom- mond all snfforora fronihenrt and nerve trouble eausod by excessive use of to bacco to give mtlbiirns honrt and nerve pills ft fair nnd faithful trial milburns rionrt and nerve pills are coo a box or 0 tor 12a at fill druggists t mllburn co toronto lie will ttll yoa that bootts emulsion cures poverty of the blood and debility of the nervea he will ray that it is the ben nmidy in the worlt tor dtliouto ohildreu iiohpitul ty i4 ono of tho first chrutiun duties a pleasant medioiue thero aro eome pills wbiob have no other purpose evidently than to beget painful internul disturbances in tho putteut adding to bla troublea and perplexities rather than diminishing them ono might us well swallow somo corrosive materittl parmoleeti vegetable pilla have not this diaugreeabh and injurious property they are easy to take are not uuplcasant to tho taate and their uctioti is ml 1 and aoothinu atrial of them wilt prove tbia they offer peace to the djapeptio the dullett ftllows my learn to be comical for a nitcht or two the d l emulsion f the d u emulsion is tba best and most palatable preparation of cod liver oil agraclng with tho moat delicate stomachs the d l emulsion is prescribed bj tba leading physicians eft canada the d l emulsion la a marvellous flesh producer and will cive i you on appetite boc 91 per bottle i uo sure 70a get i davis lawrence 1 tho genuine co limited montreal premature aoaaolntion is bnt the remem brance of sorrow a druggists faith whats most called for must be tho best remedy a druggists tadtimooy of tho popularity of a remedy is the strongest kind ot proof that it will do as it promises paul livingood drugi of altentown pa bays dr agnews remedies have eold away beond any expeotationa you oan quote me for saying that dr agoewb catarrhal powder is the beet seller for oatarrb i have in tbe store many ot my customers praise it highly it is a great remedy and baa a continental reputation superior finery ever beems to confer superior breeding worms weakened daby- my baby suffered terribly with worms i used one bottle of dr lows pleasant worm syrup whioh completely cured bim mrs wm m meaaeoar water ford ont none but the guilty can bo long and com placently miserable milburns bbeumatlo pill are a epeoiflo remedy for tbe cure of rheumatism aciatlaa neuralgia and gout they will relievo and cure these painful diseases when all elio fail good aounstl rejected rtturna to eniiob the givers bopom that aching bead can bo instantly relieved by taking one of milburns ster ling headache powders 1 powder 5c 3 for 10c 10 for 25c castor i a for infanta and children tbsfio- tlmlla tffutnrd of auc istm vrapptt offences are cubily pardoned when there is love at tbe bottom 80 rapidly doae lung irritation spread and deepen that often in a few weeks a aimpie cough culminatea in tubercular consumption give heed to a cough there is alwaya danger in dcuy got a bottio of biokles anticonbumptive syrup and core yourself it ia a medicine unsur passed for all throat aud lnng troubles it is compounded from several herbs each one of which stands at tbe head of the list as exerting a wonderfol influence in curing consumption and all lung diseases he had not resolution enough to give any man pain by a denial hehtiiol piaster we guarantee that these plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other put op only la 25c tin boxes and jloo yard rouv the utter allows you to cut the putter any size every family should have one ready or an emer gency dav1i uwrence co uurrtq montieal beware of imitations there ia no ohiractsr morooontamptible than a man who is a fortune hauler regular aotion of the boweh is ncoeaaary to health laxa livoi pills me tho best occasional cathattio for family or general ubo price 25 oeot9 anv druugiat that virtue whioh requires to be ever guarded ia scarcely worth tho seniintl hagysrda yhow oil curej all pain in man or beaet for apraino cats brniaes callous lumps awellloke inflammation rheumatism and neurauia it ia a apeciflo some are born to command and othora to obey heart starts dr agnews cure for the heart- one doee helped in 30 minutes two bottles cured mr m k oalhyer 2u pacific ave tor onto wan troubled with heart diaeaao for years oonll not ttaud without growing dizzy going upetairo or being auddenly started brought palpitation suffocation and intenao pains under he shoulder blades she tried many rcmodiea- waa treated by heart apenlatimta withont permanent relief bhe prooured and used dr agnows ouro for tbe heart bhe got relief within so minutaa after the first dose and before sbo had taken two bottles every nymptom of heart troubli had left bor i mt a secret pleasure in doing my duty without reward languid women take the hetp that south amerloan nervine offers and be well strong and happy miss luolnd butoher of teeiwatsr ont had a very severe attao4 of maarlil fever it left her very wek languid and threatened with nervous prostration south auuerloin nervine was recommend ed to her and she tried ii after taking a few doses abe mi a great benefit bhe contiumd ttktog it until six bottles wre used when ti u her own worjs i wai com lilt ly restored t healh i on recommend it as a gravt remed pineapple essence in the shape of dr von stan a pineapple tablets id curing stomach ailments of every kind tho pineapple jiae u valuable oonatituont known hh vegetable prpun a wonderful digentcr of food tout this by mixing equal purls of pincapil und botf nnd agiutinyat a terapertturo or lutt fahren heit when in due time tha mout will boontirely digotld thin ruro juioo ia tbe prinolpbl ingredient in dr von stunu vioeupplo tablcte und anyone at any time oin enjoy tbe healing irtuea of tho ripe fruit by their use you cut them lilio candy they are very plitable hnrm- lesri aa puro milk thoy afford instunt relief in nil capoa ot inriigettion mid dyspepsia their right use will euro nil stomach trout ha ami thttit libit sound health box of do tublutu 3j centn sold by a t brown tho fortunate cionmituncua of our lieh aro generally fouud at 1 tat to be of our own procuring dent the uoelois mr b m bowler cmbrae kiukb co n s eajm i whh truubled with a running aore in my tar for which i tritd all kinds of dectore but could 1101 git oared i wae recommended to try 13tir dock blood bitters which i did und tho eoro waa completely heulid handsome is that handsome does much diatreaa and bicknosb iu children ia oaubed by worms mother graves worm exterminator gies relief by remov ing the cause give it a trial and be convinced the separation of friends and families id perhapb one of the most distressful oiraumbtanoea attendant on penury d 3 woods pine syrup cures coughs and colds mro alonzo ii thurhcr frooport nr nays i had a lcvoro ntticlt of gnpo nnd a had cough with g lt diflloulty in breathing after tnkiug two bottles of dr woods norway pmo syrup i was com pletely ourod lxaliver pills- work while you sleep without a grip or gripe curing sick headache dyspepsia and constipation and make you feel better in the morning aspiriug beggary ia wretchedness itself jirs james clark a well known lady of com man da ont aays somo timo ago i waa greatly troubled with headache and constipation one bottle of laxaliver fill oured mo even the humblest fortune may grant bappinesp which depanda not on ciraum- btunces but on constitution denied ear last winter ray ear boaled aud i tried everything to cure it but nothing did mo any good borne one recommended hal yards yellow 01 it houlad up my ear entirely and my hearing camo bxok liziio farlinger cornwall ont the good are joyful and serene like tra vellers that aro going towards homo the wicked but by intervals happy hka travel lers that are going into exile only those who have- had experience oan toll the torture corns cause pain with your boots on pain with them off pain night and day but relief is sure to thobe who oso dolloways corn cure mortifications are often more painful than real calamities anxious mothers find dr lows worm syrup the beat medloino to uxpcl worms children uko it wormb dont young farmers who would bcorn to raise a scrub calf or a mongrel chickon aro fools enongh to take a wifo from a worthless fdmily grapes aro source on thorn bushes tho jeeti of tbo rith are ever auccoibful thero never waa and never will b3 a unlivoroal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh ia heir the very nature of many cutativm hoinu audi that were the tarma of other and differently boated diaeahls routed 111 tho tbtom of the patient what would relievo ono ill in turn would aggravate the r wo have however n quinine wtue when obtained in a sound unadulterated btato a remedy for many and grlnvona ilia by itb gradual judicious u the fraileat aystemi are lod into con valescence and struugth by the inflaonoo whioh quinine exerts on naturos own restoratives it relievos the drooping bpirits of those with whom a chronic btato of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranqnilizing tbe nerves dipposea to sound and refresh rig sleep imparts vigor to the action of tho blood whioh being stimulated courson throughout the velnb atrengthentng ihe healthy aniintl function- of the bvitcm thereby making activity a neceasary result strengthening tho frame nnd giviog life to the digestive organs which naturally demand increauod aubatance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have given to tho pnbliu their qalnino wine at tho uauat rate and ruagod by the opinion of bcientiatu thin wine approaches nearest perfection of any tho market all drucgiata sell it the days of courtehip are the moat hu py of our lives a purely vegetable pill parrathed vegetauenli are compounded from roots horbs and solid extracts of known tlrtne in iho treatment of liver aud kidney com- plalntiandin giving tono tt tho sjttsm whether enfeebled by overwork or deranged through excesses in living tbey require no testimonial their excel lint rjialitlea are well knowu ti all those who havo uied them and they commend themselves to dyapeplice aud thoso subject to b 1 onauesa who are in qtest of a bonencl mediclue diaproporiioned friendships tvor tnd in diagutt m to patent flood man may be secured by onr aid address the patent record baltlnwfs md experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other f unera supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets ti delivered 1 j a speight co hcton isbskw agents you will be sooted i the liaitge fonthill nurseries 800 acres can satisfy any energetic man who wants employment and desires to make advancement wo have the greatest assortment of nursery stock in canada our goods are in demand position offered is permanent pay weekly allsupplies free if your have never sold nursery stock for us try it nnd see how easy it is stone wellington toronto tho riterrth irlahen ii render i a ko v 1s751900 agents wanted for unrepresented districts good fay to good men secure your j3ist rict for tbe comino season now freight and express paid the peliiam nurserv co growing a compiete hue of nursery slock includ ing many new varieties of hardy roses ornamental shrubs and trees all stock guaranteed free from san jose scale we hold government certifi cate of inspection covering onr stock write for catalogue pel ham nursery co toronto tvl conhvmption nnd 3rvy bp1ttino or bio 00 f w l coifuii lohh c- op appetite uebuity th benefit or ihia oruclo aro moit manireit by tho aid of tho d be l emulsion i have gotten rid of a hacking cough which liad troubled mo for over n year and havo gained cooalder- ably in weight t h wing ham ce montreal 00c and si per bottio davis lawrence co limited montreal acton- livery bus line tho undoralgnod rospootf ully solicits tho patron go of tho public and informs thorn that well equipped and stylish riga oan al ways bo secured athlbbtabloa a oomfortablo bus moots trains botwoon 0 am and 818 pm careful attention given tooveryordor tho wants of commercial travol- lersf ully mot john williams pnofitletob about stationery are you out of invoices letter heads enve lopes or the like we require what time and prices are consistent with the best workmans hip and often require less of both than the most care less printer thb kcton prbb ff2bss atam tillmikauway uoinu wkbt mail 10 02 a in uxnroib 2 25 pm 7 15 p m i2xtro mail gointt uaht exprceb q 115 0 ir kxprohb 10 50aui lall q hpm mixed 10 01 pill kunday traliiu oolnjl wont 10 02 ft m doing liaat 0 jo a 111 0 li p- m tiuk ov llobtmi maimi going wutft 0 40 a m and 6 50 pm going cast 10 25 a m and 5 5 pm this tlmo tnblo wuut into effect on feundiiv juno 20th 18tw aoton machine and repair shops henry gr1ndell proprietor itnwoll aqulppod with all tbo machinery jt nouobbary to oxoiute all ropalra to machin ery and ogrloulturaumplomontb and to do all kinds of ntoainttttlugborbo shooing and roiiora blaousmlthlng woodwork repairs performed u a satisfactory manuor wo can ropnir any machine or lmplamont of any mako saw u mining and 11 hug donu everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sate chopping ccry day at everlon mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthiyinstaimentsdf50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 8g000 aid in maturity value 810000 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton w barber bros paper makers georgetown ontario book is eras colored pkpers john r barber main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of sash doors framonhouldlugd ia all btyloa dressing matcbma and mouldino to ordor on short notico vnll aaaortod stock on hand at prlcoh torn tbo tlmos john cameron proprietor patents guaranteed our fee returned if we fail any one sendlne sketch nnd description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same how to obtnlu a patent sent upon request patents necured through us advertised for sale at our expense 1 patents taken out through us receive tjtcetai nocffwltlioutchargeln tub patent rucord an illustrated and widely circulated journal consulted by manufacturers and investors scud for sample copy frck address victor j kvans a co pmtcnt attorneys evans building washington d c f if you wan r ood nop av i n g h ptfoto engraving ha tones aljonls patlsnkis promptly secured write for onr fntcrostbur loolcs inrcnt- holp and how you cro imlntllcuv sondtihnronghftkatoh or mod 1 of your lnvontlon or lmprovomutt und vo will tell you freo our opinion au to whether it in probably patontablo wtt imiuo a htot inlty of applications rojootod in olhcr lumda highost roforoncos fiuntahod uaiuof bcajtxou patent solxcxtobb st k3cpbrts cltil a kaehinlciu ynplnirr oradualcs of th folytechnlo hchoot of tuulnrctlitu nnchelort in applied selene lnvn tulrciilty mcmbfrm patent iiw afboctatlnit nkitean wntrrwofki aitocutlon kvw riwlntirl wnter work a moo i q buivttyon aiwxiitttftn uua iilcr cau bocloty of civil rulu flrriftm j york ufc il do montkral oan llii d ilnm sihot0m 00 bo years jcpbrien tiimnc marks duilqns oopvnmhts ac anrono istidfnc iketeh and description rrmr qiitokly aseeruln oar opinion fne whether mi liivononn tspronsblr patentable communlm- tloiiqiitrlctlvconlldentlaj handbook on put mils tout free oltlosl otrency for jmrntinirpatoiiui pntenta taken thronah hnnn xo7rocolto peefal notles without eharn in tha scientific jjhncricati a hsndiornolr lltnirtraied weekly tnret hr- culnttnii of anr clentlno lournaj ternii f1 a rnrt four months l boidbrnlnawslmlcrii braoeh ofllce 03ft f bu washtorton i c