Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1900, p. 1

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vojumk xxv ifo 7 acukjlh ontabio tiixuwbav jaujuvj tllloo iuioe tiiuioji okfir inr artnit w lrr ro i rmihlrun t rib ting oiqr um r htllkut aotort out tmjiii i h w j utfldylii flluimi all airwiltl ii iiihxjii iiiibj wliou ibo tibi jdljp l bu uttjd ia oil jrmh jha del to wlilcb- e ibl anutrxo lut tralialobt itiub mnu iqubu pr nvie-tllllu- for fltat 1n ertlon m mdu per lln r ct nbeaqn- lnruau vittm4it jutmtii fntlowlntf table ebob u nth for ilia lniluif orkiliwuiiutu of twqiawl doo ar a 1 lainoh- blnb ilneta ftn lm 1m i eaooo i afido i ttjm j 00 woo j 00 i boo l oo u00 i isa bjo r eoo o 01 i j lr tratuleot dterua mania mnil b bait bidfuhm adrrtitel will charmed ooe eb aoh u rfaalred for nkuum often then aooa a roath tlie ooaipoaluoa moat be paid for a reculai rata changeefaronlrect adverua-roe-t- but o n lb offlm by uom do tuwlja aunu payable tnouthjr u yytoaiku bltorandlrow lata ijfhank public jor our bi ctirlstmai tril- th balance of our 8tock- oamc toyu dollt toll lulie 1iiii cirtlim kajlwsy j miiis drum loy hiuiu 1 lua clliu ilc wllj be old ul ltlucll kuduccdj days bookstore cuotph lay oll cfiap thadebs bank of canada capital authorized cp1txbui up i ooo doo jooooo cuelph branch tvq r no lwr kt ajiy l ul ler10 mm u tm to 30 lu u1 liceiita lloonu whmiiiw hiiukrv wxthlwwiuiht wii nil nulla iuikwlto1 if iti i wrd nlmhllqlfrii uiklilh1u i wllburwal kivt 111 tr eoiu pounded half aly unss jdufrforp yohn umaluonm i ai j y ujutjm p0 u 1 h r p i oitsrni ihl i h rluorr lt mi1iil ltiljiijaj banmn to via tali iioailtj fur hick clillufmi tortuw omtmwti hwtiataltjroplad bjt 11l1a d r dltyden atottiaa llloek lout iiu lar 1 o rvicta itxxjm 10 tn lalpkrt utjsldspu uiilvlo iv ul u 1 v bj jdxvtxz l fja buntim woiu llkmrou v 1omw x iwu uu1uuutk koum kvkmv uiv vltuu 0 to ft ju ukci ddhmih ommrorr llkooavililt vuiyixo divk uotulay niurtioott cmt- ulllituay acuiu oslo cutka houl iariutwssa m ean a melkan batewia ikiuollodl houtl ootivavluftra fa riivauluuaa to qui ottlea tokh iu1i aoulh wat a malkimr jko a molaw f jk 3 kuakinnon orcmultl lhuni lu unltliow illaok jh u0llod hm ro tkiwu affadvltri 1 iimituut aocl4u cdvaelb ifmiiwi fl uiuitatfauuwu woiwiy rv r j wonahu uik vurudlvuloti court couul o hj ou alvludulaaauitia4 uiwtta8iit liiii aw oryicii lrrymiaiialllaal acton mlucjtlumxo vs ij itialiahvi to ulva lliorougli lualructlub in bilvovtl wj imuuuiwui uiaiui or ji iuuliattaitlmbq utulilma nl 1ukuu osvici mibo maqq1k 1 ihoulhon tcuui tukotito cohahhivolv ov uuait 1 utlfc ov diuut- is lili it ua juu wllluia mill fcnrl- w1u kllitsw vry kloular lumlni jwcnb a erniytoiabt hallnlwor rituuu forluvauou t i l- 4hihllm tar th oual jltumt lutjtu urru umki luiul loi hui free water8lb08 calendar hor i ooo you ought io oat ono wynbam sfreet 7 cuelph everton and eden mills the placa 10 gd for ltf best flour bran mlddlingsrchop food chqppink every day evcrion int11 oni overy niclay thuradjy nnd saturday ar jmch muu aluayt buying wheal no credit henry hortop man stroot plan inc mills acton ont john cameron architect ondcontr actor uhuklu o iuli doom vtaiii uaulilugt luklltyl 1al ygi1wo toonl au diorl npua john cameron proprietor 183 iuvuiuui yr tim 1900 country centlembri agricultural newspaper minnuiyniiltiajt leading agricultural jour rial ofthowbrlrf uawoibiuham hookitlhokh ufliur u tlva i uiouluttv j0u m- aluhaoktrfofenblb rrotrnm lit ll hvuiurf vr 1 iw ooloa autow 11tm jukmulhklfa liaumuku auotltlmuuh t- ol wslliimtoii iuii011 1 ji7tilvmi vuuu lutti oalc acuu a uasm 1 t u i qui uu uiuauf ftmfcul iiwaij aulukuuiluu ii100u c11ith lii tllu wkllimqtom mutual hhuinuuiiinciicomianv klmbluh4 1mo ud 0iu- auulvu on yl if ulilui hi will tjtfuijlhy acton saw mills ond wood ybrda ulmllfaknoltmu iklhib uu 1 wh autt iinutpuy klltta t i y iwrt if ilia uuf alklu mil uj utimlll alvurt taubiuu cjiiiuiuuljauuii ukry uiuitiinl urluad by iwhjuiiu tlia lllskiat uibluaa lit uiair almtu humd ua nib tiatkr 1 un u to nohit pu willi ii 111 fi ua urta lit 11 klitorui aulf ilyj tbarlnullua nbu11 ultlt r larm of ullliaa till 1 mini uuum ubt fcrad uauilaj i y blit xual iuvuw q tlia cropi ilmt uurkallttporlij but aooouuu of jutatvllnilii uat tvaoluuii all country reeidekitv two lubordlloiia 13 0 irtiur bubaoilpuoiui 0 uvicoial induokmumts to haukjloj ov l alia tilt otuua club jjuu maiiim vrywliar t hi lu1u1 n lql ivli will ba uialla1 irwou rjual it will wtu bojy lnlarlj lu v y in iwiuiiuy 11 muj lor biui ad ha ui ubllbaia luther tucke soisl albany n v aw ibla ui niajia tot htlltwibif aalm tilua li polr a bauaiaj baaktnf bulnajniij a r-a- jonhu money savod is monoy mado at iioilme in ibo year la to iniicli nionywnl will 111 liltlo saving ha al clrlfchlm and a i tfirtany ol1 imy arilclra ofvrty liillo rtalvaltm cltbfr lu ibciiiuclvcb or llm wrwm to wlionfllin anicld will ufa lvc our clirulnini oodn tiro ijuada ui itcied icially or clirlatmat prcaeitlii urtlclc umlul aawcll 1 ulliablfl for glfli wb liav slbrlltih bllvorware and plaied wan ciilkvry kulvc and iaor tea kciiuk sk ilea- suinj 3 ty liuaaparv cblula linajflijbxl dlihe futiltvjtjbjrattjl wa uv yoil moimy by our prfcra john m bond ifc co oublph molltt sliaclloii hakdwakii machine and repair siioks liemuyaitlwdemi ttoiwtoloy a uuwll qultl mllfi h tb iimjililtiry j bcry loauujhrllloultiii ary aaila4tibiiilturalluililauiilita hi t irt iln a11 kltidamju ntliutf bureaolniiiiaiiimi bluikniluiln woodwurb pllra mmru rml u mtutmuity mm r wu om i1 niiy tnaahlim oi- lrltlaiilnl 0 auv him- hw- iulhilnj atii oiium liona acton livery bus line ttiauuilaiauinadl ksa uf tbo iiubllc wall bqulppd lrurmylbh itblk ou al wftjrg b bourd jltblanublj a oomfurtabl a bm uiaala tralua batwaau b a tu uij hh 1 in 0rul ivluntlotiklvil uvirycrir tlt wkutaof 3omriiaralltital laiafullymn john williums i mirmikyokl sun savings and loan go head opf1ck tononto ont iuucwmd cdlitl 6000 000 od tea year roalurlly tliaraji arpaij montlily iiiattliilciilb of 50c par ebar or 130 months when paymrnti ceaw ko 00 aid in malurlty value lioo oa money 10 loan at 3 straight loan or juyabl inrnontblylnatalmcnl on apph cation atioiit aolon i tt ipj j fphmy win i vory litnc tl llm mw leula wu uiimul ibn guiiui ftbd itioraimb uud cliuleut irquklif kuoii hy ojiririltml itfclicih f wiiiur ln wdl commoiil t jftmury jud cllclllai f j- j r vj wwntkittalrlhlatttllumihra t ua m maaara1ft til o4 ol 5 vjt lain biicta oja waiaian jlalullui ifctlulmlfmi juw ju iiur un u la majult ufflu oa ootduo 1 al itoimr llalaxajicti hootoaa mil a4flnaad uidp tyvaluirf to uouilolun ouulu43j w barber bros paper makers j georgetown jl onlario ioarjerrii uumalhn jilian all lllaa tmtum hun an i run and atam foavvr lilon liv hi th tlc wlilell out araajt jtwunhtita tint i hi tip u ar wlub ra aruvwi wltli ulia wat wltrriuli btorm or oai of ufa a ak pbjbt aua i- alilna id1 in dafa blua and w aball tv iktw kll oodt yuna u vtabt au4buwwbat aaatna ijiroof wm lo moal trua arul aballamboa wl i a frown and ik lul a tfana guouu baajlloa jott iod m ijdw wbml wa callai labadad tto par erf lltcauaa 111 wladcwi to tb atrnl oqld aa an iifdu trudaat wnbll dlaallqw tim uiuali of awaal to orlnj babytukxf kadnl prbi la kiaplntf froto tu tww ufa a aaut waft bmc iluumh abj uiaornatlmaa imublaui wltb tlfaa wlua va3inrl ui wormwood d mta4 mc larixk 1 auva a wua band than ymira or mlna 1 nun out tliu twxuon for bar up cadrlnj abd if aouia jilond wa lovm u ijlag low oli do not btajna tba loln v ao tim waav yonr borrow wljii obadunnttu i alul you iia1i hotlknow tbat laaftbaaad ir ob u uot lba awataat gift jojawd bla fruod al i tba1 aotimauiad u t la lll j du coiiecmla lb lalraat bpoa tila lev oaiivaud if w nould imah cljiabu- j ufa all haulij within mjllloa wwklni aatf w dqu illun hit 11 llijadpavjw and fo jaeu uiylwy aould oudaiay hut not today triu baooulnt bwtt tod a t laj ilka ihua tmr and wblu tasfou jit a tnuit jptr tba clnaa abnt la apaxf raiia will tavaaj tba ulyiaj ubuij aod ii tbroiwjl uac toll v raalab lb lfcttd 4jt1 i v- j wltar twait fl witb kamula looa3 ror it at wbiti wa lbtdl olaly know umi uodarauuj i lldllk that aa will my tod krvaw u if waali flaoro or ft lh youu wan in looofa kw oow flajioal abj hi1j brcoslfea and lui ony auioajd boou uo bd a ditllal p of blf a fo tllrmnil ly tfnuburtjad r uul oorad by a broarn oorly board and il arinn aipoood by liu rolbatl up iblrl rloavaa wortj brown axml owy lla look off bla bat to jrs0 ami ml ml ad bl baod to br father lby uaorttv wiad tba uttar ui coukllo ua 1 lobar 1 1 aod 1m leaned ovar nd ioiooaly book l ho young qiini hanu uro a uttlo ffa wa thta roogb jfoonrt a do 11 n bcardd mo i aaonod tbnarbilo handed lariimof ilia bljaaiirt xbn ilobt fjolokly ktjpod fbo wmiton and reaohinhtiit awuinohaw utbuy to th ftroond olaj lo weloom yon o tiimiiuiaa olambamuiitui iy tuiuiior wyitb bo tfftoa of aajf oooftotoaaaraa- aod wba1 aaioauba graoo nol of all raa ibt ba rnajd no axouaeai for hla decidodly utioou vwoliooa1 katb uoldoo qijd tht opualla tboy walkad lowftrd ho aaporlouodoot aotlaf aeoa ou t jdluti wbat ibo cbldto 000k call rn uoghad tba yountf man and i boliavo tko trct of tho damp ijaa ajoptad tb uilati all havoor jtiilflkftkma out jiaro you knot hot tbfa la tba auwrln uodaola cottar mi 0no9 will tako my room abd yod will talto mr ilikarwoua tb- cblrimo mrvabu will arva your rnaata born ahd will you rot j 1i11 un y mkod qraoo lu lior hwaotoat maimer imphovtnq countrv boaqeh li may hlun smui tttl jfamujjr idnmg orj uuiil aobari a mattcrof eniroritoicnt wy af koalk xxtllkh hoe irndrioka knonurlho viuoflly daugfiur lint hm touhl ond it iuaaanl to aooompatiy him od a jo u may horoaa tlid oonllnanl alio cry a with him wban bo ddd ibai alio would havo io roash it for atwtek or kwo aliawa doji i muat ilop at our llw villa to i da lb nvia aod tharall boav wajoo idbj s5 tolls fjfoui tb 11 railway aud bo ullibawhat yudo abooitlbiodatldnh aflar wa ut thar 1 doul aay a word dajdy juv cug i til juat dylbtf to bat away from all q3 n0ws coloftd cotnmnrjiaoo lunnrle i wot a ohabic i m alokro thaafrtto oaat i waal to om myu aoniawhafd by on j thai odor of factory auiokd ttml tbo flr of lotrto llfibla you ii u ylul lo walooma both aajd hotter ifkridrloka a ihtlo itrlroly whan you fibd yoarulrwhr therw lant th thulitltliit of amok on tiiducual hol xon and whar your alcotrlo ihthl la au yjl aiiirlliuif lamp or apuiuriujf tallow eautua- trnt luuaj qraoi you u find my romabtio vlw hava vary prac ileal background and w aro lo vuu tb minoa fcvwt yea rphd llattet lh uwmida iwaot to tooirthanrovarniyaalf tbty are ibo ooiiiln wondra of tho raftilng bald ndl m arralona id aaardai what ahapa lhy arw lu uy tba way abd b loolud kl her utrrowly jn old frleud ol youratla our aikiataut auprlnuodaot at tba mlbm a fmndof rolnatybo ilobrt coukliu iiobttl i kuw ha waa itojoif away hut lud uo idaa whar ita cauiaiiuy a tranu nvironmot or tba ptlna of tha jar toau daddy i want toutl you aoiua tli 1 1 f ilobarl akl tarn to b bla wir jiul before ha want away did li wirll thar ra wora yodtirt man than ilobart atathara daddy y i tbouflbt tby ware all mouolouottaly allka th aabia claatikhanrf ca7than mjaaaaea- mid whlta tjifaj l latbra aud languid drawl i and loan aidall talk llobait waa a ohakmluti fallow of tha boa vaiitioual type aud ha had beautiful whlta band j and a lovely ooiiipualou hut ha wau too inuoh ilk ainbe otharatto plaaw yoar faatldioua obild what did ypu ull biin myuiil 4 jvhfllbjj wpldjl-oliilolluiui- 1 hiutly that ha wikn t my idaa and i aanl iii ui away ilojor htutud 1 vud b cam to me lia bald and i aanlhim away faiilur uut it wiliiot ambarriua you to mtl hlld at ihaitilns t not in tha uaat daddy why bool t 11 t f dont knnw ie laubad aud turnad phpbrs john k barber the ttptbnate in llunklny nur frloiuu f ir iolrtctron h for paal twutons wo be to aniiqimco llmt our stock jot pull u nd wlntor is now comploto and livautielpalloit nfa lrictr ihiuj and ajui u urcat ulvaucd in trrlihli mid l rootu wo ullvj our luiiwrt otdora tally that wo infant nlve our hicitdi ilm ikilciii ol tlio ndvajiw ubich baa tjkoii pine waluvo tha priultictli i f i1 t tn and ibo luleal nuvnllui h dnaui hi sultllltfb pantlnyt ovqroonilnk call aud vj our tiuurt it u u phj uro nali iw boiii i it an 1 wof luiuiiahip j il cooper aklns mill 81 acton wa ura aola imeiihi lu autuii for theoflx braud uollwaip and ntontiulra owx wprnatnf f rtflawm h l 111 i abonld bo plaaallv h p y toai or imply and turnad iwy lo walk witb bar l bow oonmid or ud w ytobrt nam ho tapper atul tbe only chanifaa h had wado in bla lollol ware tba rtnovi of hla alouoh bat and the additlod of a rough aaok 00 t ha wrtaluh wy uowlaa arnbarraaaed ijatajkad wall and ly kttowlp tby tired and presumably lapy aa tb ootid of hie foouupa dlrtl on ihe wravol walk tbe capiulut inroad ta bla daughter uoema httl diiraraot daamt h b akad dijwamt from what daddy 7 r from tb whole ibraaoma lot of oon voutlonal youorf mii lla doa aald 0 li tbre waa a pum arent yon juat a iitle aorry uow you rafoaadhirti 7 obuoklod tho old man thl lant the man i rafuaod aald oraoa boftly ybtfien dayarof their lay-paadjrapld- ly tbauka to tba prtiaraliatirujada by ilobarl for their wmiio the rotgbiea of aajoadp dlfa waa relly aoltaiiad il had workd like a trou to mala tbern oorafortabl ue liul actualty houjjht waur lu vluloe piiwat fvout u iprlii j 11 1 mountain aid abd fltied up a rude but vary arlckbo bathtub lit tba oollaiio for the um of oraoa in f aet ahe haar j of hla aoarijy abd luduatryitt favery baud aud uotlead toohaxpniirtrthar jaabad upou him tnora kbd mora qiioe ahe took bar pavnul a litll for abaorklbh m aoboh of itobarta laltbra tllna j ihe boy li futt ol bualuaaa aaid her father aborlly yltvtt oarrylnu a blk load hare and thei uo ahiflinri it till iiitoraall oomea hack hn doln what l oatl to llfilltajilt litle whenever aba aaw ilobarl he waa liable idy ulilili i atalwatft he nver elludad to lla did not ull bli at iled darling lhal hawai itolwrt a awbrn ally or tbat bit waa plotting tbaf vary momajut to i4iir what lie tbouuht waa bar bappltiaa tlirae waka later a two aatd waaoti drawn by a tm of btout thotuth vry tirj homaai mounted tba ual bill hat inlatvaiitd batwaii tba railway aiatlott aud lha mmaa uilu4 lu thw waicou ware ilokf ufjdrink and lrwbe and an ax- uuiwiy tauuru lltouu highly kilui driver who had bn hol over to trtect tailoring stofea j att uloull tba f tb- uit two yoaua wor or uiouy refqndwj anu hill llnutr lundrlok turned lo lb driver in uuperinundant iiigaraoll well7 ba aakatl uuuno ud ibadrlvr doul know i eelioad tb capital i it lunt heat tbe mliie nope u a aeroaa lu oallforny what fort haellb i dldut know h- wa 111 id tba oaplull1 j wbathulrottut 1 knife it tbi ooupa a mur from rrkfulira ilkt oauiit uvar aud kl triad u fuaa- rluprlntti ul triad lu aup am an ol jahbatl hobay ruir lit an floored tbe fllare bjf i bautt 1 biu he t itad auper lutenaiit uie t- uaraoi and tb mitiit mltiae le tuunluj bl rbilib runtilti am wboliuhyr rouyh autt anuburut elufcwy hla ololbaw ktid fjraoe cam lo lltove that he bver thought of tbid he waaalwaya ftlaua in her prwouor and ytl atrabite lo aay paid iir bo oomplitnauu a fact wbioh aeaued all the mora remarkable wberi ahe ilunod in her utile mirror and taw the plcaalutf etfisou of the pure modhuiii air bd the dimple whojaaont dlft bbe couldnt uiidaratand u had ba bad he caaawl to car for bar 7 abd ahe whlaparad ime 000 ihnionoy with a kl 11k in if heatt had ahe like lha iuorant klhlop thrown awey br pearl t hail thla aplandld unoo ftltow julle oulworu hr aarlir faaoluatlonaf it badly looked li it bttbam rtuirtn7tra and illll ltobert apoken uk- abnu in tbu early morning ba aald to her bltall we lakai a farewell iwk leather a1 tba happy valley 7 bo tbsy walkod u tba biul 1 path a abort diklmoa to a wooded tutfulbal ovitliokcd lu valley and lit foamin eearti for minv rnilrw uobtit had made brllllu ujtuiiutuiliiu tha thiokataud they sat d iwn fur a moment both wer allttil ibeli it ibrl rpokp 4 we 1 baqulityaad have yoo re oonabufwnr grace lookad up with a atari tha re wataptuaatarful kit about hi 111 tbat fairly paralyxwl bar louuue hlie could only tare and womur 1 ppintf by aald itjbeit aa be oouiulud bli watob i mukl aie tbe tlralnpporlouuy 1 1 fpeak to your father oiaoetrled to av tba ouulnji tlllnua that eurajed in her mind bui wbau aba qtuubt ilolrte aye looking down upon bar wltult tatideritfea of expircbjjoa tliil alio ltlher ulled tit buaiuaaklik fostii oym ajaoh ihe gave a little gaap and liioaiitl uautu lurratiderrd flllu itiiuutae lator iloblt agl h14 caviulutdniptd hauda warmly au n eb 7 iiariad lite lattir with a nh aiiie yea air replied holmd it worked jiul aa you wrote ma it would lutft haa baau b bard prl to lay u you played to wiu h waa tba old olothea- aud lha brtuiua matiuer and above all tbe en v iron 10 an t that veiveil ta rlluah liar abtoilon for i in eurd my little qyripalujxu tim evmttma abound in oveiyrirr tttft country bat paopla of all oooupictoua and purault are ooneldarlng otrefully tbe raaulla to b obtained by having hlgbwaya bard ahl arm fur uaval at all iaaaooa or tb year a farrnar in kanaaa ktmtae the dim truly auiiaijiaaayajml tbara la nn one wbn eppraclatoe kuq1 ttnorothan doe 111 faimar and ba 4 lata that lt aprlng thay had oouli aipwrrafioo with bad roade to eat anybojy thlokinr ha aye 1 w cjtdt go to town or anywhere elf till it gate to he a grouud lion oaae l then w hi toll up and drag tlrrougb the fbe mud rouink up over tba wheala and jand making grkai jurrowa in tb roade than whan tb aprlug ralna come the waur runa down the hill in fhoe furrow a and wmabce out great ditobee lu the middle of the roada than tbore la jub about audhtthnuul work dona lo patch itlkrd up ahr4araiiadta ba aaw only to ho repeated aaln next year why w car tjpj t9 obnub 00 jbuuday wubout halt g afraid or getting ftock in tbe ma3 si pulling a atngle ira lu two or eomeihing vlwof tbe kind buoh eapertaiic ie oommou to every rarmloa dtatrut and to each aoctlorf a tba land wbera or unary oouiitry roada eilit liulj reojwly la to improva tbe roada y a iborough etlam br tnalntetieuca htt rnallat whotllar they wintiiinad a dirt roaile dp wholbtr gravetahrll alone or other aubatauoe he laid upon litem to fmprov tbem it le oftu tbouubt 1 nl tnoat mlalaketily that if a road la tuaaada mixed it will need lit it or 110 care at leaat for a nornbor of jeer there la no lhtfyi oonatant watching in order lo keep it kt lie beat and get thamaiimutn raaalta from lu thla not only eeenree tha blgheat afnoienay but the grnaleat aoobomy of aarvloa couulry roada oail he mmeneely improve b bavin g than cared for -non- atantly by j parte and hiringqojnpetnt porvooa toatlaud to ibem jnatead of depending on the worn out luefflolent x ravajjaat and uubuatneaahke ptaa of worklug out road lain in order lo hava halter roada than bow nilat hy bo luaabe beoaaaary lo tbooeatide of doll are in making eubalabtlal atone aurfaoa tinoh of court are tha moat aallifactory aud uaeful whenci roura eta uoee permit of their tonntteuoathqriaeie iraoa7otivu and looallllea and apatuty ae tiled du tricle in whlob lhy are bot praotloablatuo aooounl ot tha eitpeua nor aoltially a tmouy on aooount of ihe relatively hbiltta jtmoudt 0ltttl jnauoh plaoee and uudar aueh olroumitalioee it la quite loawible to get along without tbem end actually to do very well by itnprovhigr the bomtnod earth roade ah j inalltuting aoieulltlo ayaum of maintaiianoe for ihm s in order lo get good tstaulte from 00m tnoti country roada they aa a rule require to ha thoroughly graded and drained for if lhy are not kept frw of wur at all liutee it ia abaolnlelv aeea to axpaot thai they caj he made decent the flrat and fundamental requlelta of good roada ia thorough drainage abd ihje tneatta both eurfafla draluage and subilrainae rauit ba itiltuhle guture ou both el tha road water tnual be carried away from penetrating under it aud the aurfaoe ttiuatb kept aniooth aud even ao that rain will lmmdlelly vun off into lit ture aftrthia1providd forrwnfyaum of malnubatioe muit he talabllahbd whereby aouia one mail or a few man will b oon atauily employed lu going ovr the roada rilling up hole and deproaaloue removing atone clearing gutura and djjlug lha thouiand and oua thing which areevdauy iieoeaklly if roade are to he kept uood tbla of rjfluraoitb that working out road taxe muat b done away wltb for ferfr and a bualuaaa like mouey ayatam adopted in lla bleed ihls u a noooaaary prellmluary to decent roada and ouoe put inlii op rat ion la more eoouomloal efllcuot and aatlafactory than the old way and if properly ouinblnad with a buiiible ay item of road maintenance will in a ahott time iminanawy improva lha roada at ilia dti vauutrj conductor lauqheq last buma bright young men are employed on uiejltoet rallwaya of uaaaiohuaalu jl waa with lha hope of april fooling one ot atranger grip hag lu i tbem wt tha llrooton j- urfru ha hit lil ffienda borrowed a dreiiniaker e dummy they clilhaduhcoouilugly and at the ptopiir moment stood it wblod a pole wltb one of ila htnda outuretobed aa if to tlip tha or the molorinaiiuiimiapacliiiuly atoppd lltibeye 1 hie th dui cowir he polnlad wuli buwhlpatan apprwao lug tlguie girl baa lovatl you for a long lluis my boy r he took uobarlsi arm affaclloually and walkml with hlnrio the otniipany a oltlo autl araowalohilliljlt ol rwtage window aud qiillaainaohatluu uf tbe lnt that bad hrougbl her lnppia that ell waa wall iigr im coming taat au aoou aa ur oil raturiie nail hubert when it oamri tllna for hie aullue ai 1 titan i can tnijoy lha luxury t a tihmi wardritw fie ovar tbe hue to xdteuri and aettl waljied haf emilitlgly ha aptik rautt oitywitb the hi tern bbe laugbe- aoftly li learned to i we you tur bhe nnarmurw1 tu thai jl tiring it will you lat i fhe s t bll u itiy lwgllawarpa uuglta 1 all i atitlr t vaagratle 7z u any venrrcih oraoe tbare niuln laud vim ttur ofatorofjia twrnmori pflople mot not only epoak tlxlr tongue but ho ia in aympathy wltb aueort and pdndlljona of men tha late ilaory tv grady of georgia had thle idlu thbdeepaat feeling of bienalnr wae aympathy with oblldrnn and with aoffarlug and defaooaleaa pao le wban a two year old boy ha waa waited 00 by llhle neto bojf wbnnjhe nailed brother faaao if the weather waa 1 1 utile henry would wake in tbe nlbl and call oai tjeacmother do you think tbe- eervanta havg bnougb over tbem 7 it a cob and i went thorn to b warm v whju lt wa a pcoeperoua joarnajlat at auihti ha of i en llluatraudhhlhoory that i lit rich who have inoom poor aultor mure and i bore fore uad more aympathy than ibo who have alwava beao poor one chrialmaa ewmiu walking tba old eeedy looking marrwbo bad been onaof tbe loading aube the towu but wae now annk a moat lo tba level of the gaiter tyondar le tba ju ige and mr graify lo bfaoompablou lr jo- 1 j ifarne who tola lea tho aneodole cat na wbalbe lo going to hava lor cbnalmaa ik an t too early to wlah yon a marry obriatmaajlliop aalj ur grady lak ingliaodawitlutaold may r mo no replied tbe judga atralgbtenlng hlmeelf up with dlgnilv not at h tlio am tjyou tny loy let ma yon a inotuonl lho iwojpki whtked lo hi nl ol tbe ptvameiiland ootivorard the judge told tut rir t ouumtiistt nt tliey daiitcbl ia itilotuikvy and i iaarnit tixi truii7 toliiljlarfcl le uatrataauliaulka i lay wllil um jl- iii far coraa i wu 1 rhult ul mu i now ballot 1 1 lliare m ua4 tnln ife eiopamd tut lho traitiaj og adllor thalba had u u aud aakrd fur a a provli loan tb buy tbetn i ii do bellr than lhat amwarej um orady niiiowllbyoii mid duty 1 1mm myaelf ibo luyjjnu t- butxiiiipabeow he ad with a qtiiixloel amlle- tiiid baa found a family in dlalreae and wr are golngtonnd tbam aomathluf aubltantial for ohrlitmaa tba tbrwijtjeo entered a grooery store aod tha judge recovered blaoaliv dltmlty now jadge eatd ur grady weouat heduorwet aa well ae liberal wa tnut gt what we think tbla buffering family wu neade youoajiofl tl- artloltw the olerk will at them down and i will have tbem aeot to the houe tha judk leaned agalnbt tb oouutar with a oarvloaa dhtnliy aud aniaoktng ina l we will jrat down bo tile of oho w oho w ploklae why of nourae ta tb very thing i exclaimed trady let me a aaid tba judge oloaiug hla ayoa rcmtley two tumbler- of b berry lly ibree pounde nf mlnoe idmi and two pextude bf data if they are rami fcftftd njifjtj hitijjal letn rarf fit devilled ham livery allele the judgd ordoiwd waa anathiug hahail baen ubed lo in hie happtoruayb mr grady waa delighted with the humor juid patlioe of tha hoone wbiob reoallad pagaet from ou of dlokaoa bovala ife olten bald that he nvud the bokt down old man tb an joy men i of the iuurla of whioh ha bj o lung hewil daprivod ur gradya aympathy whlob put hint there lif the plaoe of a aun alao made him kin lo the prowde ba addreaeed they aaw lu hla fab that he fait with them ajfneod feale with friend hia worda orrepond with tha epreeouof hla faaturee and h moved ilia people beoaua- hw gave 14mm their own mnllon ottbioerrroerrriin bo many aervatite ara iudflornt to their dutlee tbat it la pleaant to hear of oiiawhoohave inntruolloua faithfully aud lo the letter a lady who uvea in ilia auburb of ilafl on haa auoh aervanl harhuaband had beau away from home for kevral weeka aud tba aervaut waa engaged during hla ahaeiioa ii reluruwl one day unoxpoudly aud it waa on thla jwsaalo thai iba uaw aarvanla fine ane of duly maintained ilwlf so dtoldully tba lady wentoul after dinner laavlujl tba brvant alone in tba bout and aaid lo her on daparting now barali pit- ruiauibar lhat we never buy an thing of aganta or plln or of any on at ihe di ri tin rf any-aemltli- oome into tha houir- i will no ma am replied bar ah firmly r an hour later the frout door boll rari barali went la the door there alood a tbowttb imv nreefc torbtalttjnwa to my wide ijiiutilaile lurir r i waa burrud ojt to cuba to anouiav little war j and i iiwlcbyl rauauiad jjnhj lonuia han lloonauaiil aub liull i ba 110 koo coeulau to aftrtftra atock of dtttob ah my truul led uioutlib of ituy aliny alphalieue leabi- ail the worda tbudty brfttirftsl in myjuarnalulm li 1 are aa mautluavv it lrliltu ortbe uieiaxjof d r 1 i loo a cuiuatitlthkxt aixl ci tijal laapoijt trunl uia tlanaea i call wrlla id ureefc aad tulkljli ul ak b4l la jafna ant at iiaklaavuvato ijuaniah i have uevar failed to i iww now oxraaaipaiiansrnjoeni uuwat to waakantrooiii i uak vrybalj vryburgkiiiktyroleia jhaetfurtrin cheltevl bundav uuodk in masbachu- ii itt4ina to an not of the l4itiilor a yiiar mi llu fbuhultii utran of iabor btalullol buihailuaoarful hiquuy itilo the atnouiit uf butidy ulwir uow per formed in the coimtl ifwallh it uuja that or i 071 uk iriii- xnuted i tul oooopationa probtuy 100 1 mm am eipeoled lo lalior on butiday uf thee boat two tlurda am enlaced in dootp aervjqn iii wllich th ooilaoilli4 ff ulla twww nflaii aailfn rrvailu a frm half day durinthe wek ihj imihaua amount of bunday wortt parformad by woman fur their own bouaeholda la of oourae ubrroorded h manufao of tbe alal wrifh am oiuau of lb worklug populaliou iwitlotm praatlcally no buoday work whlivr uwoantlu huiueaa inbkee ulmoat aa olb abojvlng it a only lit uawe an llranportalloo aervloa lht vha proimrtinu of man employ d on bundeya l urtta nrincraaiiig the tiawpaor ofatn oovd report that uf ihe 1 1w pron aiutloyod hy tbem 311 work on lianuya ihoub gen orally for lrlr boura tba ulapltoiwr and ttlcgraph coujpttilaa report that tbacr working force ie 1- oil buildaya agalnat ltt- ai weak day the apre ooin pan lee emphy xj peruna on ruuday aa aalnju i7js during the wnii the rail d and etfvwt yailway onrrtpatolaa how avat perform tb ureal hotly of sunday work that baa recently grown up not uttlh ltwi kaye um bprjngflald mrimlbta did the mataaohnaotla tgialature permit the hallway couuuliatun tb tioatialhe runnluu bf aucl sunday taaiita a lbs jyikllo oohvanlano drpadsd inolndjog- axaurtoii raiiiebt la than the rgalar vlj bilio tfijit tlmu thr he bn a- gralual atenbiotl of tba bundey aervlna on the vtam rallroidj tho av oumbar nf pereoua em liyed onhondve ia now c71u au aifeinet 2140 nu wmk daye aud 011 thetret railway it la h j1j on ban aye aa elnit 10 ujfl on wck day a on the tret reilwaya ninnhonre rmierally ofnatltuta a day- work on sunday aa agalntt nn ou week daye hut ibere u uot regular roat day for the men who do bun dey work and one cut li obtained only with loai of t at tba fcontit of the managmeut thht u oerunly wrong tlia rnituieure that peruiiti bunday work bboull allpultte that employ aball by one ftt day li avery avu 1l la unfortutiateitbtbe proeent report lull marei tbatamplovetfe prefr week day for real if thle be true it laiuipoibloto ikooouut for tbe trada uniou agilatluu aalnal bunday work outuml new york nikldtngttlaily to ilia nt ba about lo enter wljan lurub braocd liyraalf firmly h t door an aaid go bickl why girl be aaid 111 aurpriaa and sctino and posunvina paring a war lijwn amtria and turkey it baker in hla cellar kneading breai notal a tllubt nola ritihg and fall liiivintirvit whioh aueto ooma from a dulaut oornar of hia eelltr ha htippv hie wirk an i tracinn lb aouudaj lpovrettnattheywnnraud bywrew mart lea dancing up and down on lha hdt of a litlla drum hit olid i lie 1 uf t thre 1 lha majirily nf piraoite woul 1 bavo hi katurtld lo altttbuj tho moliou oj tho ruarbha 10 lha rumbling in tha street ur litho ocoauional flriug uf guiiuvhul 4hia kia n- indignation what do you msau 7 wltuxio ma b iryln lo poke aud tba oondnolor wallml for lire pmnerottlf into other yolke house 7 oh you lo get alioird aa thar waa uo apparent inovanienl tba ooududlor awung bla head round tha corner and iuqulfd if tba lady waolftd to take lhat oar at thla point there waa a uaream uf lullahl from a bear by houkd and a oborue of friiuaja voio bang forth obrlly u xprll fool i 1 ha oondu- tr never ohand preloii he bteppad from ilia oar oarefully lifted lha dummy aboard and off ibay wuil you try end come in bora if you di upou hia return- h found aqnl youug lad lea with serloua fate walling forhim you mubt relum that dummy 1 do lared one of lhaiii in a tvarful voio whoirowedt ftild jiave not lo return it tuilluuthiuf to do wlurtiw r tha couduotor otieerfuhy 1 va uan tbe laily la ilrldgewblar and uok and if you want bar tbem t twenty oantb lu fare t he paid aptala werewalli aud at last lu dea pwallon tbe fale wro utllsd and tha dummy rturual lveh lho dug ladle aokuowledge there ie a quaauon aa to who waa foolrd v im b long aa one tlilug oontlnua ti inok ilk hiiobr hn lung wlir men ooulluua lo thuj ibeiuwlvae felling into mjatakee i ha litrit li4 utdly ohlfoiilclikl oaae in polut irluclpal hmlth la una bf the wiut and kluiuat nf teacliaru but uuw uu i tbui hie walolifiilnil lnkh- bin ur upulluu in the kthvgraphyftaairb otur day ue y fell upon a ly who aeeineil t h aal lug aomalhlug jank aalloler maalor atantly lak iliat piece ti ualidy nul ol your tiuulirl to ula aqiiilah a igle wkul tun 11 1 l luuil lanir j7lf ntiui uure at ma ika tint 1 1 tin i afeerd of yel tuo augry aud too much amaitsd lu offr any explanation tha gentleman aaid turnly bund aal le aud let uia pba 1 au umbrll4id one raok elood lu tha hall hy ibo l1 td beialug a heavy caus aha hraudubad it bravely aug aa aba did o 1 atiawer imll ull lulu t ftferd of yal goutoioua of be ludlcroua aibl undid ill flit eppearauq be pieauutcil tau hug ou hie own door plap with a bervaut glrf braudlsbiug a oam over bla bad tlut master of the houa for ba it waailoid to oapllulel where i your mlatresa 7 ha eaked qho aln t at homa an i aha aaid for ma 110i lo lot nobody lu while ahswaj goua ajid i aiu t goln ta replied the girl dogtidly hut my good girl raplwd tha gull irian ida aenaa of good humor uvaroomtug hie anger m am mr h- lha huahaiid m your mlatrb now may i 00m hi pteaaat nol alt aliaalud by this iumriualiuu lb girl btepptd aal le baying in a toue of onnalderetl ooiideonalin wvll if you r bill i a poaa ydu6ii ounia hi kl ivp ktut thai t if you wotil i plaak mi ilier pri- kr ol 11 bill lul lwilh die retioil a vialllnggiullehib had anbinlltail for untie-v- tha it tbr year old imy uf hie hoatoee but at ubt yrw a httl lire uf having hia whlakera pulled anjtriuiivrtii trodden uimu wdii- ball he uiere u one thing btiiil yuv obarmlug lllue biy wlihh almmll yuv avtlallypuai iii i what la that 7 kake ill hinllillg nbr llialitlii t a twin ilurpiitod at thu prfrchtuurily with whoh tba marbla jiplup iroiu th drumhaid ba put u ear ti tbe ground and noftoe i a diulaut tap ut he rocalled hw aa a boy ho bad board from ono end of 1ju lug onjpani in raiahiu wilt pin npon tha o hor an 1 and ha judged tbat aar lb waa juit euah a con i uo lor of bound ai lbtltg had iwn bud i snl y i ikhed vpon him bat what ha haar 1 w ibo nnu 1 of a piok and tha turks wef doing what ha i no long heu faid tlw city ihe new waa carried in tho aiulnan lenantl oxpla tiallon made a oounlermine preparnl and biljjl and lbtirk put lo l1iht in lbs eatly pail of thin cnluy an lulub hull 111 maker ikuuma faniau for the btl waittooit jinl oua which ha ubed toiimifaciur- with 1 na out unou thetrl forornauwnt he gradully put tba una boater and near ir together aud obirvj that b he incr td lha number of ijuw illo ll tine txicama more an 1 morn iri s nanl ll nplaintul hie diuuivry lo a itoiedtlit who lmgan experimenting upon rodatilat a of lct tha rrrft wae lla wonderful dllfraclinn grating winch i how i lit 1 1 itlti uf tho i rat pfulii biou all great liltopu in break tliq ray of higt into ita printary chir- a bevy of aohoolghla abou1 t praia aftr graduation 04 aurtnuiulod tlfalr profuaor and aaket bun how thay wure lu mtke llr new if lulurealhig lrui wee wa 1h rjdji yuu waul lu punetratu into tblu thrm stulbiugtirt aarth which when ubrvd la unt of nuoruiuuh inttirvmt t nt hcoti u qi1atiyudl an ul 1 farmer n lining liujiiu from tho iaiauy niarkl i hit ihiokrlboiik oud taliitug a noiiallerablu mint of money in the bulmu he likj fr it but ooul i inttludll kill bad ivmi up all hope- when llmov ijt tu htm hurit niok i ve fun yor hunk ihuul1mau wet bvrlliwliig with ural li m 1 i lil i i i 1 v uy ball u iuillulle top 111 a n 1 1 i- illiivi u

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