Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1900, p. 3

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h jtbrrankop hamihton cliututl rant lb7- ujcaeovjofc hakmytdn ont total aaiatn 4 juhnuuj i si 4tooo i ooo ooo i i i oj ooo savings dopai tmout ona uollak uf mora haoolvet al with lnirrl pal wllcl id pilwlpal with t wnltl lrijj 1 juccnjed auy iuuu uiiy bc wlihdra ti 1 y un ly eci lb g 1 1 rh- tydar vjlftj ilia iaaa lfex k lift i wnm depuolloia in ll f million 1 dura seem ity ltrlll ketlir ha ilk ha him u w lul af i ivt luus iriiy jtyl illtj- uotes f f rrj unil in fir iier i illmulummpd money loil cd to ieedcjllr elc 1 umeru ala note c iwlcd putnil lv o i n ivancee roado qp actoanlj mumu u low rate 1 i lotoretft securit com taj kan llata 1 my ihinulif i tiuy afforded which oaii ks ohulnetfiii iliti rlly ijr cluiithcre corretpon lefico solicited georgetown branch kbtiui iintp oraa twrtt vb4kb i j p bell aatftit the news at home wedding presents no other lore in towil offers you such 1 choicc-llcc- tion of wedding gift our stock is always frch new and iiovl outprices will please yon voddng rlns rogers knives spoons and forks silvcrwear and fancy chmawarc pine watch repairing a specialty oleio hyhdh aoton ont jktkjxkll tuiucl berjo xtt jlress niuiibday janimuy 11 1juo uttle loclbrieflets whldh caught thly or emrn o prva prwaa ruortr thlaieuaak 90 if how thev 1 hoeaa oook bake wtlb coidaui letd u uo l all hat tbalr rul ara inljl ty baru borne tuea put it air ad ititiapai them on u un never eiwllled wbo ouelit id bava mux tenia ctimotlui haur tiv mock tkh tha vmn 1 uwj give the ooel how ttiie flrrrj- nwnwl lil iflwil oh monday ciogtoo txilud ius vctm lu ibfl munloipl aotoii lt1 tjondy rltf lmod ftlitiosl anirraly lio maw wbicli bti uln lot mtrtl wk ujtroily touaoll votvl taiola lh xuilofi ol ib ulb afrtoti cjotiojtil going from tbt blty mr- clkrl urowu hlt up ma miiaourl ll4 1 lli vmkh ikuj a k trlend tola boma try o ii f y ou your oa cootiil hou i liorrov your neigbbor tby ilun i uka it 1ho ckaim lu lu ftuxiom far uiiiau lo bohb it olj tlma ojmu vcl nytlini fof lection of 1oblic bcbool trutaa ur wniillrowd aclotiwi lt wek ohfarl lb bkodkuma flgara of j wk or hi ba ftrro on lbs foartb lino liijoiurt tb vllltj of mfvj opok- to iipenj f 0000 in b fmnu tb coat jtimpejl jsorjuj 5rvic lunmu old lhrfiootimprpmnl n n pun of frouugtir hf tbointg lluu liu imiii iuiiotj ouauker of tb ulludut ohurolt 11 u pttdtaaw or afr ud mr aluu wob war in ob htt uftbs chard for twolvff yer mrw k dtattv b fvol th by lb cwijiiuoa ilf auil th ualoa tire hnurnecotiipnlt of wblob h u lrtaw w j moor aolabwinjtj oot m b uieinlmr of tb opiitlnaiit wb4 la tb udrtom watr nd la piully acqaatbtad wltb giurl llobcitl dolib itriturv lutf j0u1 utlk of aulpb pfaob iao exoalunt karmooata tb mttbodlat oburob laki bt4uily htr ooouilaj tlia tolpll lu ibaammdoa tf iba ttaaluf koy x uolblau u xi who praaolkaj ht tbaoponwit alo of lltu uw oliurob fct yraeltonj tba bkx 1uu ipfalrl iba miiy roarala of hubaollt lloiiri tbc bava b4u tnada iba lt 10 or lbraa kiaaiuu vs oooaltlar till ilia bluett umlbla com hu4t to bwi4l tlfort to lva a ouu uaway up tu ltalocal xt ramautatlva of ilia comibiiiuuy tfa uil im 6f tba ioawary 7vm4j py k bljli oomtlatnaut u wn jobo u utod jujutilwajra uxobaot oaalpb fur tbafaollbat bla bualnaa hmm oaotl fur thirty two ya- lu uooaatul auuuuj ttuolutjj lu btyt hr uotid wa mhu4jr of hiod iwl lo i0400l0 whd bamd loiioiulo luiluirt for hi iu mali ill ibot jgwyr xi- iiumotf iduw cburlt kuoi jlmiob wmfavord with vlalt ul ubbtb frumjlav ur itobrlwiieiuparlu umuvt d ul- i on 11 if tlm norlli wml ulg kirmonu woii munb wi joywl ktiif ii rliiiu ol tba 1 rormiol ibaqliuiob lu tba hiwa baotloila ol i lid w4tra vary uoournuif ihapr u a u hw of jjr jot auiurmin klklll blraa4 wbo u juatly irouj of uw laiimtul iwaltlou oaouplaj by liar kluamau montly of a ioont c rutrsotar and ovory ititm intaroatlna a ijmcfut umwia thittawm mr t j wheal l robatly braaka llir rcoori fta a acoralay ha baa jua oora ilofad i f iibtoanth yoar rvltaqialajry ot oourkiu n maaoolo jloiluo tin i ben 11 f rjwauty aarjiyeara vaatry lark ol ht livuhla ih nrrti twmity ituir yora hocrj lry 7 olllalluwa rloonjr ileciuiy i bo litjtli hcl l mouj ui w tftr jfjrnxy sraimbiy of tha ublio uobool ii tarj icoritalowf lierall uitaiy treaauror toaml3 jptprovinf uuob iuum will bo fait lhouliuol tha ruuiity wban it u learned lhat ilia i jxu tloll truiiai a onliiwllvlllo 1aat-a- u 1 cuuuty troaaurdr alaoaiaa icoarf llj tl a oauaa 1 t i i ulnem wit removed ii j lia u now in a air way for raroiary ii l min tltlon tj lo tl a tlmo ol tbo oiwrv ujjo wnry oriliaal ami a majlol man wbipaaalibyl aaya thai but il hcjl baan performed ur maiixloa wool 1 lot havo lutxi many daya tha witodmtyt 0 itarltl thopniror ofxh ahldn 0oar0ofj of j tba w mxlina llaoa bu rlal f how for tbo en- yaar c u 1 i kiatua lilv riui 1 a ftxll culkua uiv iwii i raart uooma vlnceol watrl malitl uoii fuutry tilua nbot d uausaui vriwu aluruala tloffi a fin w uanaiait llaotlooou ii 1 f tlor bul w it kuuay v fr lulxt 11 wajaoo of tmt florida writaa tba fk i nxah thai ttjq haw vrar wa oftbcrrd in with a- oool apall jo i tin ownau uf 1 ranta grova ara faarf a j llltl 1 nf tba froat of tvaymmi i40 am lowarar baltar rapaad ncrw ji flfra til lu tbalr orchada during iba oold waatbar rxparltnaau hvli a avid thf pua a b cffactua ijiriwulino farinlnfl iid phospliala tnlolnff artf on tl a boom ndw 1 lmpa 1 flouruliio tba jooarnmbnl la ilrcdgintf balwud tba city rod ioftxtcopa o lhi oosaii vnaaala will al oiuy land at tampa dooka fr m walton and family ara enjoying axcaluul bo lib and aood boat at tal toallcauadlanjriattda ibay ai th kx mtmrniatikwy to chlam aftajn bam ilajtoo tba booor of tending forth a mlionry la a forvijrn flald of labor tbla tima latawolu war taij to trafalgar 4 yooojt friend xr wellington hujibana foil of uannrutvpbot danda blkctuwliqlcit ololucbjayiicfl twlh op lila long jourtifty to the interior of cbln r juirjiik two morilba iravellitit by boat and foot from uootf kong xt hupbana am by th m ml l society wilh ur and mr kilgoar of ijoodoo and la pledged to remain t lilt elation ohantu a boot two tbqaaaad mllaa inland itanf hbaojfbal id aavea year oj to uarn all language wblob b tubtbt be eallatl upou ti oonvaraa in wblu all ttqttl hit lapaxtura tbay atill bv3 a feel log oi rajuloinal that oho mo oaaiila of doluft rood work baa to opportunity of rsllaviudj anob ijfooraul peopla oakvllu halt telephone co itarorcbteut t uil wo intrordanta ara bclujf twaucwwloaaitflliatlt rfllu rtlattt thl pafuiiltmiuheaathuh ind wlttitttalr rftini0and frlndfi liavo vary bioqoaurul mttatinira i t tnoflllnjn of hall n far mora inali ppleliiqh oiinri ball o monday aflorooon afi i avaim l were inulily anaa ful iiieroalliif ao i prolllat lr 1 he atw jwooyaaton waa mora lnrly attai ded lhat 11 ty aauluna hav ever ben in iho tiaaf while fnr iho ei it n lt o 1 all waa crowloj n o relul u tf aubiota of ihitu ltiirt to unnrti h olr wla aid fi h ol tie t di il 11 which brooitbluul lomy ulliuin ulyiajal value mutt b f laalinu r hi 11 kl kitit who are wdla awake aid im ly lo a i opt moder mtbota which hi l 1 tuvn adva itajeoue all i dolrablu v i u1uu n mill lit i rvuideul onri ihktltulo occtiiiit in ajr at ik tb uuumu 1u- makaa a tn xlal i rvaldini onion- ndaidd oo aju imiiiiu of inuietl d trinaf tf a meeting mr j jt fvaxretf tba very officio il aecrtltry la doi valuabbi wurk fur iba itikllioii i aat yaar ibrouiib tbe ttii 1 1 u l a rm dait fcud aooraury luitotl th ujll a aniau ooouty ton jha dulino lo 1 of occupying third place in tbe provltm in jitll of nmberabli and alio lalioa al ttlaika ttio aral rubjcct dlclb4e4 waa projutc 1 by mr a uqn11 af walkrfvule ijerahjlftni t alu 1 d it wa handled by a loan uf expayiaiica anj tha ood ijuabtlea of i hi o pioduot of tba farm wort imprieaed iba ooutanllon wblob had baatr froljudlrcuili by ork paokara aiul otbert that qiru waa uu lualr abla aa a feed for hoj waa txtlolod ur monoll tuil fooihu rxnoruiim ill eadlut and marketing boti that tberojt no better nor morn pruuuble fed uiaii oorn wtioii uijtol oly uael 1 mr llenleraoia adtr oil mlalakaa ma varmai a make wn rot lol with valuable blntt at the 6ulint lie wat daro fill tl eittetn tbit ha hiuu fanner raadoyuwcy tnutike than any other nuka amoaf inliumhiialtkaa tuanlntkad wotd allowltjjj milk cjwt lo itvt upu vv1 in tba twarnjx and lu few uiu ltraw on tba tnaniirit heap llaviii lllti two brio i of boot wblnb ly whit 1 brown rjjt wbao it t a fket that brown ta ar pralerred on tlf market a i raising poqliry ii bred- wbeu larga atraf ui wblob lay large rtfu and welub mora whan bolcf at draed ioulry ooeaaily l obtalnat hiv krowrnjfvftmalltxrtatorfoi aeed wblcb yicl 1 an infrior or rip kprclal atraaa waajaid upou tho errur of cbautlnir aad tfrain willi farmora lu olhin- ti strict a whan it baa beau proven to bo fat kuorn profitable it aqw ued nloetttl from lb qrup on tba farm atidtto or riui u arlutulqt andaoituidfraul tba aaloclod tin nak aftar year tbaicaaull vu uy t3 lbs u lib yaar be ng tar more aaliaftotory than ooulda aead l ilel high com iiliuiauu wen paid lua coming and going telepboud company and ataiil a 1 drown will iu a few day bav oomplatad for iii til aaou1oa equlppad with tba moat inodoru appluvlicau tlia will be im provetttciit both exurnal and lourual lhaiwopolmoolaldtf with multiplicity of wire runnlntf into iba offioa era baiuh replaced with ana latitor adil blgbw pole audall tba wire ara eocloaed in two baavy oabla l tba iolarior of iba osluj ufo tranaformrd a naw oomblnad local abtd totiii dlatauca ttteulllo awilcbboard of ui vary ulttt typa with all wiroa ctmccajodx raplaoea tba old llmaapf uauoe 1 bo tpaaklng cabinet bat baa a dvau a mora lent poelttontlud tbr improveotanta uava baan tlfedud tba work uurouuoul bqa boen mtaoolad in w moat workmanlike tnaunar for wblob credit ia dda lo ur u l valrbattk who attpailutanaad tba loalda work and mr joaapll curaon the ootelda thnjunceaiultbauultay ii d cook lut trjjay waa aluadad by a urga nutn br of nitiaan and friend attar a vary brief aarvloo by tba paator of tbo obavob iu w h uoalpidah a the ruulue wero ooavaytd fron tba bomo lo tba ukpllat c batch where a vary dlllng momorltl aarvloa wa bald lrayar by tba luv t ll vorua wag followed by cba 4iyual j a molacbltt m aiaad h aarls of appropriate acrlplara jwlaotloua ub paator of tbe oburob delivered uiebawulng addraaa itt bbi r4mark baaackaof iba aaddnaa of tba removal of llaf mr cook wbo bad baen aaaoelaud with tba dongreaja tloo for forty aara bot ramlndad tbam of tba ylarlou bopab tait tbaw tba lord batbaald uro coo real and b bad fallau aalaap 11a had left a rich irraoyui tba lttatiiberaof bit family and to tba church in lba tntmory of bla prayer a bit aiainilo bla blaiualeaa lift lliatwl oi acloo ara left a laaoy lu ibd uitmory of tblt kuod mau wbo bat fiau lu and oat among theni no many yaart riving auoour agamenl and oujiaolallnu jhall waaoirow then t carujuly not tat a ulariout bood 1 left u ttv w llryart tkokotbi loug ail 1 plaaaaut acq ilautau till p with da oaaaed and aaleulad btui a a una alld gauulna qbritllau hi lua wat beyoi d rejuoioh aud tba hiillaot cj rtllgiou wud utlvatlou waa a ooaetant opld of oonvaraa tlou with blui llru cook la lu ulury lo 4 wbara uia joy of immottabty will be bin luv ii a macpbtriou added a gwwlup tribuu o lha itiuueuoa of uv cook a lift upon bit loybood a daya lu tba old bom il arthur end rivfwj to how traorvly wa an linked togaiharln hutiiari dealiuy wa all aey ba wat a good tuau a nii wba compelled you lo ova biuj illeaaarvelloua fldalllv losiapj ttutb ww twenty iuttoent uulow j if netnlllu lit ot i workt reliably marble d kanllt workt uualib kuiunliiom tbal ba will owtluut lo plao- ba beat ulat of graulta and tnarlla rtonumautt loub- eld at t rlaa- guar autaed iu be tweuty par eaoar balowolkr j no rgul lu roelva otioimbiiloii looallwj o aij froo amlpb lu urohaaora tocynk a cold in onk day taaiti tlrom ulnltia tl i tit all jru-gli- laluo i hi 1 ur if it alia a oma ja k yf uruia a a la uu aaven itoil tnraloollega cualpb and tha lxnorlmeii ul varni ottawa for their value to farmartof tlielr ulalloctual and raollnal oiparimout wllb aeed graiu tba adiraat of mrt dituiay of grand via on tha homo dairy and how n utnufaclura a quwrlor qual ty r uollat with lhot5ry day a pliaiioo if a well appoluud famior t ho to a wa lb recital of the praolloil axparltuoa of v farmar a praxtloal wlfd and brlpmael and moat luurcatlntf and httifdl mr j jfinaey bbowrd liow with the o til wtfnttiamllina and observing ulmoat cltmthlitioa firatatdonrt llilr and all ltd time farmora buttarcau odmniand better price than craatiury hut tor aiid fartnert wlvct otli demand their own itiblatil of allowing iba groor to ba both buyer tnd arllrr her pruoaat waa lucidly enilaliiikj mrj kin iey dlcard tba oti tfnio7ivm pit and lt cjinr a flud a ibarmomitor an abaoluta daoaaalty hint wart blveti at lo tba value of heat eleau butler baikal know will to riolh and iially dreaard farmara wia wbi dtliwrlnj ht butter mnob valutlli diatuailoti wat itidlgi 1 aasba oloaa ul aaoli addmn ita wvaiilug aoaalou wat of a big ly papalar oearaoler able addraaaaa wart drlivared by mr klnuoy vu mwlmo prui iii fa and doniotlo hoieuba aud by mr bfoneill ou iho iduoetlbtl of iho perintr wblob wars 1 t sued to with inltoai a land i j tnualoal prograuuia iloiuded lard touutbara by mlaa ofaaaia nlukliu the bur of qetbleum kud marjory xt maaic uuuiber by a mala juartctw ooulpoaed of meaart oibbout uanil hail daraou atid williaiui ood 1reaarva our wajjw liud liltiid durdco lbs uarlaxeaf fvaver and wi mova a vouj of thank xhd aotdii orobaatra waajibaaal it tba uuubr ot their aaleo ln tboalouaua warajtlltuiioycili mlaa hick i in wat in tpttndid votea and br uunibcrt wara uua ludaad iba juarutl ajtoalled tbcuiaaivaa and wdm reoalld wblla tltgtorobaalra oavar played batljl than c tb oooaaiou uiaeaa anul clark jaidla hmllb ktid meja malaou war tba aooofnpablau and tbalr pajit ware aleo wuab enfioutbd at iba pouoluiloil of tha proramma a hearty vata of tbkuk waa moved lo nil who bed taken part 111 tl a programme by aauh i uoora aud j t warreil and iheproeeediug wofn oouclmlud with tha nation anlhtm r chin via t of to and from aqto nd vorloutothr paraortal note j ttta raatyvnoilbvltaa alt it raadara w ton ulbuucli ii la oolun n if jou or your friaoda arebulnil away do a holiday trii or if yon kaa irlatuu lttiaj yrn drop a am to ui falra 1 uaaa uiaa klp maaaut u now living in jiiuda m aanneinearll of ilrampton vhjllad frtni da bare tbi- weak mr i ll- ilammll f fargua via trd anl 1 iricuda ihjl-kccb- mlaa nequi ululd waa umm fbu weak froin ulonwilliam for a tawday lmr tlumaall akh a ia rapldl regain ligatrai an i la n w allien walk ooi evrry lay mlaa 1 ua o m xir lft lt friday for lorontl to amud a raoalb or ao w th f riai di tler mr angui knanedy willow htraal bat baan vary ill for mverel weaki from uervoo proatiet on mr aud urif ibornaa kaalon wara a i i ilrodfjylowti laat week atlandiog iba fowvratuf a rulaliye mlaa amelia iluabatid left on saturday 16 apond a wnk with rrlilweaabd frjaoda in ilurllntnn aad nlon mra v j kmllli ba returned homa after orandlng tbrro rnoalba very i leaaautly with frio frianda rt mr ant mr ii tl tlandaraon of gnorgatowd were gaeata at the home of mr 1 han lreon u 1 aver hunday mr frnaat hamilton who bat engaged in elrctrlo work at huynac and lamvala alnoa laaiapcjng it noma fo a few waalia mlat nillie horn baa retnndj allay apendlng new vaa with frloqd in cleorgetown and aolorl tlarllnrion gu mr it d warren of tba mtralj qaorgelown waa ju town lat friday altaodiafflba funeral of tbo lata llav ll no eye like the hasters eye ryoa are mttfer of yoar fiextth and if pots do not attend to duty the blame is eastfyjocoted if your mood is out of order hoods sr- saparillk wlfl purify it 14 in tlm apociflc nimikl u tronldoa of tlm blood kldndpv bxiwt or llvtfr rkrtttt trouwo i but lxtart trootle torn mimtter of yoara and dlltcreni modi rtrma ullllt brrvjilt m j ihimi ii xxla baraaparllla ui ttirae txttta romi letely aito partnrtlycnrtt ma waa- c juvuh waltara llrtdga n h a saqfntpril at 1 had loat rivo chit drmii wlttidlphukirla i itavn my ranialnlng two uilutron ii mm karaaparua aa tltof are re tuort u uiruat lrtutili and were tm nry atrunff tlt am ttnw ttealthler and trimuif ami bave nn l cold uli vlf p4axakb inimtirp htu fssssi3ss mr u hyun returned to montreal on monday ha baa beau wau tine in tbak otyfor tba iai tlva year and im doing all thai mr hemu1 coleman of itoekwood ia not expected to taoover bba baa bed 11 fall ng bealtli for borne lima and it vary otayraant mr jobn 1 cynoxpa arrived bona from oloveravilfo n y l- week eajud benca thromh the aavora illnaaa of bar grandmother mr wm smltb imr attl and mr oaprg huabanj matter troaelklid mlaa jan uaaband ol mootamoaout tf am crltliadlt tha bomt of j wiioaband laat ww m danirl and william wbltuyl vt w111 mw yl wbaro ibey bad boeu at landing iba funeral of their blatar mr johd kloalaoo mr henry walaon of cariwrlgbl mall it apaudlug a cotlpl of monlb with bit brother mtaara john ahd llobart wttaotl it lit bu yaart hlnoa ba waa horn before mr irvmoore lettlbu mornlntf lo attend the king tow hobday riobool convention at noblrton wbara be will deliver two addraeeo mr moora will t h ooujla 0 daya wltb frianda id loronlj mr wut uawtboraa wbo wool lo toronto qtnaral hoapital for iraalmao ubl qalobar baa raid road to acton with kauswod iiiiik hi lqnr hi family will bhorlly arrlva and tbay will uka up taaldctlos 11 tlwn mrj john grlpp of the mapu craw aqn coruart baa juat raturuad bomaatr viwog her brolbar william coumau and family in ttraulforj alao bar broth r baudartluaalt who weara aorry louy la not improving in haaltb l 0 x cook rato u hit borne al llloomri- n j oa monday avaalnff hi tnolhvr acoompanlad blm andwlll raniain uotlll upring when li it i pooled hr aon tdward will rampva bla family jp aolou and aba will makau ba boma with tbam tba friend bara of mr llobal t abdar- aou wbo waa aoraa yaara ago a aalaamao with llandaraon a co will ragrtl lo laaun oftrtrdeathfrora typhoid favar at llodaay ou tba sotb zlaoambar altar hti llluta of a fw day mr andacaoo waa head aahuman for m i carur undaay ha wu a general favor ll l avwaya a partnl ha wa oouragoouf it apeaklug agaiuat tin genial warm hearted iu aooial lil wa all inourtl bideparlur llav c a look aud of dtueaeaj apok unjtt word of love for lb memory of ft father belovwi from a full heart luttr eatlug teferenow waa to ad a to 11 haur baodfloiilg vflorla a a pionaer mlaalouary ovaroomlug ttlauy obelaolaa tbal ba might ireabll xjhrltl 11 tba early ealllar of vvallin oid qy uir tribnu u hit itlamory an tba bead of a christia liom ud ibafailbfuluaat til bit olntluy wara touching ludaad won of appraclitjoo of tbo kind ayinpatby of paator oburobaud oommanlty war apokaa 1 beee bavo baan aad ttayt ba aald but falbar laave to oj al blataed barltaga a a family wa ay fara 1 f wall but wa ahall rnaal fa tb tnomln iur ur uaalpua ak u ood eight well maal cr u haaartaouo marwincl aud uf ear vie waafltettad maatra jubu llobociaoo uaq uaiul jmaa uolulnall u cljwavrvtil h ariod41 aud hdw lokuu bora tbi rra aloe to tba tomb ou pnday availing juih dcoetubor mil ada collier orgauut i ah ualiila 0mby waa pmaeuled wllb k baudaoin gold walob aud ohain by iba member tw vleaiio hxht will aodu ba au aatab itabatf tact on our tlracl vba new buodoluwat tworu in en moudiy mr chut ualdwiu boll bit taaul of heavy draught tuarnt raooiitly purobamtl from doualdatm v larmlobtal for ih xby go to carman manltola mi- jrhu umall lot iri ooj l 1 rlu il 17 year old bulluaclluaiiueiiieii walktkl id mtmaaa to jrrh bt voiv mrjanlm umall of ill village i oua of tha falu ly uaorgahrurl c v u bguut al ordt fork aapwulu ba otluu botua ba hug laud hv it oaj tali of tbu vumtenry cavalry itarkihlra england i ltxmu uallinafad hullday aicfover mi 1 evar boilyiaj houia again cold ami to ba tin order of tba day mr george uoaall it al ptuwi t vrry 111 ulaaaa1 liruwtl illd n oalulull hv raturuad humu altar anudlng tba hulidty ia allialoti 1m1m faith cuiphall ilul mawcatt wllb hr broibay hanry u loroita me aud mrt o a moniabol ol wiw york were tht gosftu of thalr umu tud autt mr and mia jvo otpiuhell goo gauilbll r told atlua burta ual weak to nun lu loronlo for the ilea t euro of 1190 rraalimetfy tba foluik if o wood la out uf urdac brgiu takjng hood a 8ajaia illtav nttdi an piavvnt aailuua sick headache positively curdl by tbose tbcy also wllcro tulrca from pytpepjl iiuliictllouadd loo llcty tatltig alcr ftct iciunly for turinia mauij iqrowal hoai luil rawirtlliemoolbcoauatortgurj ltln hi tiu sid torvid uvfjl- tbc kruum tlm llowdt ivrcjjr vegthab small mu small toe bmau awrlce substitution trffllotarf tea store and china pauge our china talaca ia crowflad vllb tits fincqi treall ni of fbepolteriea of fnglaod cnrmany franr and japan here you will fin i audi thlnga aa particular proplo jvo ohmi pcu kle t latin are glul to receive our atrvji n ancy cldiu 1 tbe urgem in wcairt u ontario and our price arellin special tor tho bollday soabon t jo dinner set m t 00 m i4 ckj lollcl l frm 1 xj in likl ft pays tajluy ilolurls ll pays lo uuy ariiolltrts llthiswesk the 1 gbreat sale in mantles jackets costumes etc will continue with unahlel vlgxir w uuumi now wo are determined 00 a llioroonl i irjmr uutticoa ao 1 w lltal ibcxe la no flotation about 1 f u ugbl from iho biggest bod trot iliakcra in iter hi 1 1 valuta in guclpb ak our regular prices what can v- to mnnrfhan onehalf i tetter coma in giwl lim ami ih puj t 1 1 iii hale in ibrio kmm llilat i the x htl wo iraya put i rpurpoaa ur jacketu t unr umli ul ic llylba te 1 y lllmmy when ihh la will iy xcislit f exireaa on largo pirchafa lo any part 1 f ontario our china i ejaca u on ba aacond fl 1 j- amccrea olleeph i i co a great opportunity during the month of january we will offer the balance of our stock ol ladies jack ets at marvellously low price aii new stock and very natty garments tin a chance to secure t n up to date jacket at a saving of 20 to 25 t i- 1 i- i i tr i co we 6krly ro2s3visc5 henderso c a pointer for ds a 1vi n before the rrnt alvncln jwlca 4yone of the beet p hoalodnctt in caruda on tbe future condition of tils loxtllu x ubrlctttarot allowed us ll a opporlunlty of placing order sot ihe moat aj proved weave bnu iiiitbea in white cotton o canadian urhul and amerlau manufacture bloached shootings 1 lj 3 j yaruijr unbleached shootings in uma wldjlu pillow cqltol i all circular all uidlli white laco curtains at and in ftome laiaoce lea ladles white muslin underwear tki the lowei iko for ycant a pointer fer you fhlajlildoca not taka in nil of the ood crfectl ami fot cit wd hveplacod i racii but it important in yoor own iulreit lint younol oiily aecure at thcae wbl i raanl need demkmi but that you alao anticipate your requirements tor the ruturo -d- bjveacdonald bro th6 llongvelph i gurne co i gene5rhl werchknts tabru aryrbargains beforg stockthking iho fnuiil of tlid dy sll you get cartels ask for carters ttisist mil demand cutr i ink i iver pill chas l nelles tiibitlgbookrokk cuelph in ii too iiy lo tall wf ll upr curttua fell pi woo n ii i ll wd uid uatly vwiku you ate jolill d mokea 1 our ucnl in atou whumir your vnuu to tilm chad t nellee cuelph r una month will surpass ill records maffording chances for economical buying pricereductionh thnt will clcaru our slock in liort order jqjkissgods 8j jackets nil sizli prjes from i to t 50 now 2 jjo 52 jackets ill sires prices 5 to jio do now for s 00 4 jackets all siye priees- from 11 to 1 si nmv s7 5 jj wisseu empire coats all izcs prices 2 75 to j now- for 2 00 56 tweed ul it r ill il pners from loin ilou f j o 2 lur lined opiricloik prjee o for 1 i 00 2 elegant cloth ciitimci7- 1 bluel black price i 10 for 1006 1 black broadclotlr costume iprice t8 50- for 1300 v asrtraohtn jaokoto coon jackets seal jaokaxn capes cdponnos collarettos fluffs geruntlets caps hll ht cut rjricbs e rhrrbollert qor 25 aiul 27 wyiidham 8t wtjkiipuj his gustemers a ghan pringle ths jbjiubilr oimlph i willcoiitinuc his ejiscormc- sale of 20 oil all watches during janu spi pcctt write i il mciin for prices if want one this 8alo is kqnulno 1tto you wtill clear thelot h6 pairs mens kubben olid ijace shoes box calf goodyear welt you will not heed rubbers with these shots tei imeillj ihe shoe mttnr 3uelphzr jtailing eyesiglit u 1 1 n 11 i ill 11 1 1 i we h ive purehjatid a jebbs ontometer y to enable us to test the cj eight more accurately comi to us when in need of eyeglasses plain and fancy dre goods black and colored dress stuffj at bi discounts to laic prints to clear at 8c clear blankets hosiery and underwear at low prices jixtn values in t ible lineili 1 5 ibi of our famous japan tea for 1 canned goods 3 for 25c gurnfey co aow xv i nelson mttreliaiit tailor ini guiiim km uishcr cifts from santa claus lliat wiu4aap byrneit wut iwvw iwb klid haurfkoina furnlshlngl will lu chuaeii vt m our niwiri kv at holiday good umhiella star i love initial llaldkeitblol shlrta tyama m iklug jclol louiug cuwnt and navtiet wlrt im j jund hi r mialla prolualon and in the liiouob g wsdi fir ma gift you urn mate u dollar go trilier lio jm at any ibei lauiii imlt b mawal ktid v iuat ill savage co jquioliqrs cuolph thanks 1 ot the lllwral lutronagd va have recelvul hum you during tha jutt year uu i m hi jm il iiuy coiitluu lltqiiuli iho c tiling ou aiul that we may give jou ainh aallaliclioii m will in uie it wo will do qlir lleit wllb thai object in view what tould bfl iiiqi noodad in luu told ucalhcr thin good warm uiularuaar aud hoalery ll woiil i jvy you to take a look m ouhl we still have i lw of ihowi 0efc0jta bad at half jwicfi c f goodeve fcco jvtltusv kcton wantki l ikntit tuavary tlauuti utiuhmtnla uta liii mllh 4 aiwalaluo auutb bau lea fuitiul l ilea aohoaiuuauoa la any unajuaae tbaaa poaluunawratuu ey biaketaabd urrluwy about i be eeoarad at onee lor the aaaua by all buallart or a good llilua our aaia alita w alaaliu udmi i a larval la uiuu ttoi aaiuliw uat la oafimmilaauob wltii lilua ml ia umojto yt yar ay l ulfiaa all opportunity lu taxaaaut a wall atabllabed bouaa 4ulllly luur lnttor taut uiaaaipartanoa imtlu uluitutlux lmuatx 1 inter uat loual murfcor im 1 1 load hi uonuaal qua utuliatur n y wahtamiueflritiltl i i til iknu to lunmu ba aa afaoai i i thlt an 1 ekwa by pom u tutaryvoeoa y ant iothmt hlaubl boaana u lil t- u lam aalaiy lualjouihauaoi lini it any tuk lu auy ulan l la lul ilv uawamli v i lot i at bolila uatlvaw u dom aalf i 1 laiba bhv14i tl d tkiuili ml cu hai v ueit a- tiiaaan v wantki imiiu fl v ultg l k w twili jdi4 h irril vtli ukucori lubll iuw it 1u iaw x-

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