Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1900, p. 2

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c v7svfte 5 utv t rzn floktf jw iiimll itr i ul it 03 kiul weal 11 je 13 ipuo u lie hi 4 uim t i re a leit1 ilauhtt iff i j liifylw u a flu j ai 1 liubflnrun ahfne il wluler jet 1134 t ur wlluaia au thesleqeoej4alxsmjmrljja0r boys at o iii j ery mr aleierjilar lmru aged tl imaaiuimj bj uif mini h vriur i ja narv llubrtll li ly of aoiou imjirralnfrl ue willow kueel alf whi hiiik tat ul tl january ltll irlll a wmeeref tibial vvuuojumaljiall xuc at 1 u rail t nma i nf rmwaril k ooov a a rial u ju lalulloi u it hook aoun age ul jeeia 1 in tl aia 10 year ihuhbuav januaux 1oo notes and comments j1u expantl i in lb bnaluea of lla danliiloi fa shown by 11 a iou bank tllariug- for canada whioh amouulod laii wk lol35 773bfll ail looreaao owr ilia prf mi week of 7 339 mi lllwn tiuuflrwd ai 1 ninety elghl ral- layoa au alluai ur uuljh bavo ptl ll lei ilohjiy coui ell 1o rodom the number holel ioeutm lu iho city io tiki tin number will but be mora than una llcne to 1 000 of ilia city e popula tl o ii ratio al i reeent u o i ilea dm to 7 jo crtln ll idu lbt oau fun iteelf on iv n uoiolpel cimtmlt if tnoomptaooy nat lu thi oo nei polltto tn 1 tqnotlag it em ub bad om of grit and tfory whatever n ay have been tho prima object in removing mr o if kennedy from th lnwiibjllicelp il be aalufao lory to b i in t 1 tl a jmtoplo ware unmlmoe iu aaurmg t tb i b duoluniaj tbo iluilaof ill ofltcm li kuatimr tl kt llt rto inifitcomplfclntryawii lurl now t ork in- tit north wt aro of tha opinion thai hip ulea of kuorfa la that parr of ih dmotntoa forthi cuuliig aoaon will b lrscly la tioa til pruvlou yoar tbo urrfliojlow of mlijl tha ait year nod i bo proapocc oti iarnat locrtah io uj popalalloo ibu yaat jotnblued itb tba lnaraml proapafity of iho farmer aro tbn rtou on wblob tl oy bild tbalc jpoutlon of lllornaaaa in biuitcf tl a ns- of lbs- death of tba 1- arl of ava 1 i boutli africa ijai ott of tl a mar juia of duffirlu waa roiad wltb jrofoonj urrdt id oapada tba young earl who died io tlu harold iufno- of i id u tilth- allhoaiib k frcjaatit 11 tor to canada whro hl bojtiooj wf apaot u not jcrooly known in odr popla at utr bnt tbir ayropalblaa ar with bl ilhof id mother who whaii thy filled tl d vicoacal omoa in lb dominion won all 1 orta i b ontario ooormnnt as oodr eoiuijoratlon an ahtodmut j to tba rcjolauooa rtpolltig pulp wood which xirovlcev forlb flotloa uf tba mn ufolurh g cuqhm to pruo togt thtla i tllllatl thaol oil tba imt bia m aw inm iho ordar- wlll uhtttfmet lit tba cloaa of ik praaatll uooum yr oul of april tuid- alur that dau xxa ulpwouj t ou tiuy tlaibar llmiti hot 1 by iho joi luanl oiia axporlod from canada rb aauual fort of tba onurlo liooqm xeprtniaul bbow alriillajf dooltna lu uvern imdw and altoilar 4olln lloaoaa travona wblob hao ban cdanlfaat durii it tba pjul faw ymr in lr7cjbra wra 0 luo lloanaaa in 1b07 lhro wr- 0 ljjfl in ihim 81j3 alid now ibara i i 010 of tbl autabar ui ar ordinary lloanaea 67 bar and wltia hi are for al muuliii uli ahop aud 23 wboloaalo j ibo rovotiua from tba jloauaaor amoaiild to tcm lthl to c03 hi in tba yair bafova dttliirrk3 b89 waitto munlcijthtl4 tld jul sid io th lrov tlica ibalivaaof tba llauuoaut ootoraora of u lr canada and ontario by ur d ii head q 0 aaya that vrauou oor la ihoj marrlad a rah la alur of hlr ttrrarl w tkulaq lf iltoti j1 t to aak la il uot probabla thai mta oorodliialdou ualtifl iaprplul1 in in tba uamoof iba oounly of wanlworllit iho clara dutrlot it olud 1 tl couutuv of ilulton nd wruwoirllijialli forbad and uainsd ilurlitjj tba governor oor a ajmiu utrnllot nallillwat0llljfl 1 oovijrjior m uaratary william ii allot ooro after tba qovrnor himaalf and why tiol wentwiwlh bfler tba oovoruor a wife hdr brolhar or bar father s ohuwsons oohnbiib jl flikid- uuuibar fioiri hitfl1 vtuir oonvolloo al aoluu ou iba hi u 1 l 0rtr ouaba ulli iul f h4 malumlut obbtob itookwood bald tbair linnlvuraary ajt4loaa oil uuuday co at luiilly thera wa no harvloa 1 rri uw h w ilouau ullvarod auaioallait a i lrcau io tlt ilabbatb twbool ou homuy utb int uklnu for- ilia tit tba word waloll lis ilia to b ldi lhl raloi u i tl d m iilrr4tlon mut ll wkiuboroub aj tl wl vsr lyt wlufill w niuoli tfpi raolala 1 ii oiuw pulof bl llaod mmiii a vary uncial e voi intf al tba boma of ur win 0in uuiiuy avaitiuif of iml jwiiuk mr auil mm bri pa dtt all in lliulr i wur tunlitalu thlr uuaud a vry ui joj alda iliiis wai apaut by mil mia i llwi niiim ruurud boma uit wik lar nwddlnn aonia lima voy pla anlly willi fdi j l mllon mr 1 iwln orlijw who 1 aa ln oon hue i lo hia bouaa with aryaltus u htilirovltif j iiim hvavy fall o atiow ol tba pant fw day i a umdi aplaudld luuhlurf a nun bur frotti ham jttotidad iba auul varary imlcealii hpokwojoubuty ant w-r- dcllubati with lb aarmona dliv rl byllav lr uatvay of varuo- a former uilnuur of llila olroult a iiumbwfrorri brrf inuuj ukln lu una loatiiro i churohlu ou ihurajay plrbt mr ji ainurou of arkall pnt a dajiuraojal waakacmr n vorwa ur kid mr kaddv if haiiuaw mlob ivultiuifavuil nmt w ham of mr ju moorv ucaroaly any brio b foouil to roiut tba powar of lung t loaelug tauiptatlou foflbflfat 11m ary baal may t- al iu tf uada a uutfy arnj uillta ntnriv noituhoij laf wraubaj ii aou aulbaiumoaoilofooiilfoit iumuuk pollovwcl to bit 6b triaf paint of bailna lal fv ormral uultar who la slowly approaching qtibrmogn u nifcauuiid fjikv jan 17tla r ill wild rntar i ti lb uparall oa in wlikl ov uului a furoaa ara ai iibko i in nl1 liuuvalilmi rullly rlfliolarl an 1 ll uli ahnr f l owe l n odlnlal ohirolr tl w heat minora aja rmrr v olera a aiaji tload puble j frootlbxa anurwajji ilalcrmirllaboritalalln ibat bay orlnu waa laard libm ly fr mtha dlriolioti of tba turtljei4rr mxl n alaly i arl ndlllntf 1 aj lralr ltulu il la uiv in military jril a that cln i itrr taalol alynolnff or iad mltl f4 iltt a dapilol hiviuu i rwa r lu rillaf may bapjtad at auytn mouf mi iu bu uanjuiai on mduday a hoar ooattnajuiit- fioio t hfbath altamlad lo atpm pojlidu bald tiy a oompai y of tbavokabh 1k menl and ba nw oataudera ilia iloera ar baatau ot will a toaa of jl kilbxl and co wooodetl ttior i no nawa of impoi tanoa from auy ctbir part of the hj xi6u ion 7itau oarrvapuudant rvpoitt that uavy flriditwu heard at uprtould aijd cblelayjlrday th report ravlouly dauled jbal oaneral matbnen will ba raoallao ia nefw aaaorudto ba uw liraaix i rroijiixo out tba orjrraapondaol of lha thmf t lor oso my in a trlajiraphlog monday ja lli aaja i arojoformed oa lb beat atithinty thai mix daja ago ulafakinrf waa holding out aa plockily tba then lio likelihood f oapitulallm ttifc rarrlaoa bad i uucy of calllo an 1 ui oad niaata aa iwjxui iljnttk yum fiaia tli a dully ckroxe pqhlfabe tu day a detailed atatarrlent ahowln that 10373 men wllb 3w guna aro now in tba fhhl and that with tba troop bow at ao or preparing to aall tbars will ba an aggrrgala alraojtuiuugoooo roan 3j ood boraaa and 447 kon in lha oooraa of ajw weaka tbu will bdona without ktjlpplnd indl 1 ttgland and iralald of tl elr baluiloua ajjtfonod by miliua aiul wllhaal callntf for mora than 10 000 eltllen aol llrt aat tan uttilnlno van tukuvs rllbt iha lurban oorreapon ftttinjartl daala with iba bnmarooa trpaila ibm lkqkra btatara ba tlnd of ola wirand will abodoo iba mttpgn a mou aa lha atritiab croaa iba- bordor ii men tlona an extraordinary a lory with rafaranoa to a juurnay of jmldeol kruer a ioa in u- xlutf la xliuaiiayui fc aarmjkl warabip acoordlnif to lbl iiloff hi beau making arrangement for 1 roalcunt kroger a ao ihiourh oarmau damara land in titer avent of ll a capluraol a tori lux ttoiiu vumtuit id e rob ant a of ileurmaritxbur bav rcaivad maaaauaa from ldyaoilli bay trijj hrluk np jam alo iiidloallnrf ibat tbair ladyro lb agaola antlolpatad au imomdlata opealnk of ojmmnniaau whil ladyamllb to la lraubad lha bellff pravatanl tbervon jar lblh tbt ibsljoara wars too i u d ooooantvatlnrf tbair forb laawbar aa oorrobrativa of tba urlllh aolmty in ua dlraotloii of tl tralult of laxlyimllb tba akeoolated 1v- la abla to ay a dtapauliba4 beau rnoclved in london from general jjuflai lo ibu fficfcthl ba epold thai all lh ola- poaltiona for a ayohronoua movmaat ol thavarlooa oolamtia ajraltiet tba baaima won 1 ba oomptatad tbla morulnif uuder tbeaacjroumaunoaa it la opoidorej juita probabla that tba advauoa ou tbd balaaguersd towu ham mimmmicctl and that fl la progrmting dalllmafad indaouou aarrioa will bam li llalllnaiad oaxt toaaday ttsnl itjtj jt- aoolookwbaihuv oaora mlloa will ba indooud into iba paabjeat of knoa ulttrchbiflldafad and mmiw cbntob caladon luv urowllo ol uwia will praaide juv mr uoohaun of dnndajk will praacb uv ur mo kay ohtulou addrm tba mlnlalar and luy mr uoklnoou limaburttlbeyoopltf ifrtlba ataotnit ua tamaun will ba klkaa by tbi ladlaa tt tb bhurob addraaaa wlllto daluerad bylo abo talnulara and luwtf h a macpbaraoti of acton and h wblt worth ol krlo ur lao axpaotad thara will b m rood choir tnuain on tb vlollu will ba ro4rd byuiaa tbompaon andmr rlbortlll good alalgbluft ha com il 1at iuv mr mlln i vultlurf fruid iu itintbat ttir out mnti upinaia yihu qunrtarad in barrack at k uttama uktoh hauiiax tn monday 1r i ll wmj llr iu taaa i iikkii viti rorrwpnl d tt ottawa l u raad w il trt u ltltry cat adlati artillery ware oaitttfid al ll a rxtilb lloi rqun la aa limit la i at a mn acouittn olaton al tl n ifnrrrrlrntr ri ti nni daricoa i an ad mix rvar fl lluaa cot p falivow tlatf ko lilind lu ala will ttiawt llr rati it bablud jp ud tl b found hu arl tod lib tl i ajua ii ulil fofbama jar x ovwr fie tloof f llrir ahojo wii u lha b uarla b ra tmjaally ihpjr rialo li aorlpllon iba uaitraajb tba ttbu ued til lb axblbitmn hot new flra and atnraa b made aoall ohano lb i ibq plpn ia -rro- liouoor i at ouolilabla a jtny rnlliiary blrraoka the cnartra havabaao ukao oot of iba alalu aiil a luk plalfoifttf alublaoa loohea from tbfl floori poviav tbhioqvered wltb aaauaeaa ainl ul ty uf blauketa gu a k bad at 1 a bftat deal oiuro roumlhai i i w tu l al niagara baaidoa al y fallw dupoawl lu kick lit hu aleej baa tba pporlunlty ol jolntf ko xainat tba aid of tba alat wllhovtlujury to bla uelithbjr a ooroa tile oantra of the loo la flltad withbaooho and able t at laal l hey anekar tba parpoie adagtna at lha pbllaoljironla tuclotiaa bafo aent j a aoeroua apply of rodlui matter llut lb tommy a urn in lha arlll brat ch or lb aevtlcattaanttlftlm for redli r when tboa rlvl at ftri thy wt very ly nopaoklntf and liillo up tba iurlcr aoion a bu of iba tbln nv hnahavo tbdalall at tb tititmo end of ahd away from lb aariaanl and are not 0 apt lo b called do fovjuteculduty attar aral dy all got t jamd drill h iba guni mora in iba p in tore banc betng otlored iba kmi kbada a itoalh afrtoa aabd wlllli lha veu wero aolaotlnrf horaia fo thi lba a lou of u r for i omiiattwta had tiro lo wauih ruoed inita torn frlowa- mma to think tlutl any uli liorao that wa bo ba lo tbtn would do for tommy atkina oanacfuaully tlnrflrattiajrtboaargijotjbad tbepleaiaar of looking ou mora tit if boned anavlnwl ultima thfkp ha bad aoan in hla who praxtloc aitrr lheao hal brort eont wy koot hotita were urohaaod a ad a 1n lot o ht r llty at moatly blooky rioraaa for havy load til uelt fw day were pent in branding and u n ruber ti h whlob a1dofft x an tbvtiiid hoof and th uurour on ll o front 1 oof on th off ild- don with m rad itot iron otyxvadtaady 10th intt th whole outdrrm inaprclcd by th mjtrf qeoeraj to lb forenoon lt mu wax exam in ad in lha main bull 1 i i tl ay all i aax 1 it pc uouho thir quartrra klla ale in ll a afternoon ibay wr lo ma rob in ruw ih lha tluua and ammunitl i wajjonai and tl at waa whau 11 a fun brja tba tiu1 1 build it f wbfcw tl guih war ban a uu roof atid many of lha horim had tittver bati 1 itct oil duuhl bafurr but whan it oatita to hitch alk boa lo on of thoa o4iitoo tb anowahdmif off thatin roof tb driver ou tbir bank tba gay uniform of tb officer and tbd ratlliuk of lh chain it wa too mqali or mot of tbatti rama roa atralght up fin tin ir hind fact other balked whit lha third team amd to be iluelnii ai finally with a nun lad intf baxb hora ibay got pavt ll ttiepaollnrf offloer 1 on tbtiraday tbentjftau a parade up lhroujb lb oily ti allow uu ullltinn to bavo a look at tba men horc eta iuj kl lb borud tiaoj to their work the horae wool wil atutaoou no fw armed up dragging tba heavy unalbromth tba buow jeu weather wu below aaro an 1 although tb man bad plenty of el o lb a overcoat aid had it not bean for tli warm patriot lam that burned wllhjn aaob broaal i ni baro lb drlyar ou tb hora- woul 1 hav beau oold your acton hero wra not fatlutf ao badly gould wai od a fiou cirflajt and uboraou an ammualuon wjjon and tby jtot- ahmkln4 aoouli to keep thaol waxtd and aaour an appall u the hud o al v ttn awful abaklng to a fallow tha aprlok on tbm aro tb earn tiiawajt althy happy girls i nrnltll 1i ipp milj u li ik omo lanfml tutl t unnlt m frtm no npp ir nt iu l in tlui irly 1 iys of ihcir w hnanliood i hey dr ifinr- olway tircl never liunry bteitli lc and witli pilpiutuij lit irt nftri slight t x rcisc o tli it to m rely v il up tiii ii- cdi iu tin smik times i short dr coull lc id to tin fcir tli a tlicy in ulto n jumptinn ijortof trll tin in thtj ire aineime whrcli nn in ihittlu i ivc too little blood a i that more pale tnt nnaemic pooplchivc hten uiadt hnrhi active andupjirg by lx william pjak ml tritrmiiyorhm medicine mr m n jtmcaa licit ctrr 0 nfr v tji 1 adl rftnbjihn iriowli k mxi 1 r1 1 tlrouktl m u n htlk 1 uu imt wa fv tefchl i er 1 loottwo mmx- j i 1 wjlnry j ti sbti b wn irouljm llh 1 ttflacik u t nnhi tlrri mhui 1 uway full x4 aflcr i rn f i f tpte t f dr wuiurnn ill v i ilia tlm la offtnytnt a ln i health a any irl efliafaecn wo uro r j jjuo lie cm lit u jur grand mcdliiijrt mi liver wtltrttavn i tulhlntn u ll ey i cul ujio ujl eir yoflnp danfllrinni taking or wiltbm link 1 ill i l 10 not talo anytl i tl at d c3 n i lr 1 e f ill tiim dr vili i 1 1 ik i iu r fir 1 ale i coplo it iv an vtwtimn i an i atiaianl iuu i n to wi u u lol 4u bobl ly all deader orttpai 1 at 51 ceilta ct u k of u boki i rjjii 1 y at irrs i ik iho or vimm ltruckvllb j55 ur cro campbell ar id vlallltm bu auur iu balbi o 0 campbell uild a buainaa trip to aoroutolaal week w uu unland tl al aouie of our youud udlea fjullfl put out bedaui luay did bol kel ih oakd lu aalou lha olilef bvaulutf for heal dauoer olknwilliamo war reporu from tbd olaa r daoldodly oonulolluaf tb boutllct u between ur norton who bait been toher 111 lha gun fir tooceof yar and tb praaent truf tee a yeajt ao ad it u turlooj fev vdrbal braerimitl wai utad between ur nnr inn and lhtruiua that b nhould laavd their amj loy at lb and of 1w0 ur norlot bowavar hoi 1 an a re meat earoeled ultteleeu yaetfd t4fo by hit end ll then iruetwe whjob rtmjulre tbi btf ahallb ulven twlv inonlhs nolia 111 wrltli wd 1 return lu natd hi erviom ar not rriulrt mr norton claims thai ihta y n t ilnua and that b u llw on iv aulboriiud laobar far 1000 ilu truleea atiffaad another teacher a ur 1oler torn oblnguaopuay 11 lb prr ad to ukdohartfeou tbe dyorohool au 1 liotwilaundi itf lb proteald uf two of lb three trual ueaua aluty uri i owajiv mr horloti b uo al did aob ol daily aa uaual wl in mr foetr hav afeo ben at hu poel ili paoullar flaw ul d tbd oouttt may lav to eellld l gaortcd towu html i oun oolqiuit uovu von uouth atttoa fjatiada lie beail kpl wll ulttiu yh illovatilellte of tl tlrel oaftailun oonlln ketit lu hootb alrio by lb xm1li t olbu llaer aavloa of lb xiaijy hral4 bad weekly amr- of uluttat- t will ba luuraetlu to kuow that tb inwly tltralit opmputad arrattvatu tu llave another apeolal oorreepoudetil to port tba doing of lb aeoouil ooatltgeut lb war llew lervild of ih silmy jjtwlj and weekly iur lj aupertor lo any pat uu amerloauonumdot arid beero to bojyipxtpiaud ni u aal4 twenty fl tboed new aubftk haa baat added during the peat twu mania au aaumpt a to be tnaa mllui to lha lulny hiver dlauiot ihi year b auob ubarei indunamania aa wilt aupourt thom laevtajf ontario matloaaj to o lo lha oew oourio hi prefer win lo 1 uauuol i that of dan graham wheejbrrow vrltlay wa a pent praoutlnri bd hora wllb tld iin and lhy got into uu prally well bat uo firing wu dou ou acoouut of titan beiif tto raui hard uouej iho boraei u trained lo itaudiuu iluriiif aboolintf i am afraid thy will atalniped lfdrblirhortnnleddldirnioblean a nk oa beturjy u ar was auolbar puradd through ll 0 alroet and lb uiirii werd ukao lo thaatatiou and ahipned to iratori via ualifak and cu town in iba af urtuwii ih tuitltary atrioltieed wadaomewbatrrauiad and tbd viuitom were allowed through without jnu 1 waul ll rotmli lata iu tbd afternoon fcttd aotue of iba uan war tutreetititf tb ladled lo help willi aluralloui uaoeeaary to olotltae whlld olbera 4re aamplln uu and other duojl tb udle btul brouttht out uoat of thnt ward paokiug up redy lo uo off ou ihelr loutt jouruay aoto 1 d ijuola hid rjuita a lot of paoklug tl do aa ibdy war aboul aa gaiieroualy unj had with dairau for iba jouruay aa any of tba mu i nuiloed two dotid thai thd fellow war uklu with tbm while lu aawly arary inald inxjkel waa aim of th qui i ifi 1ui h j u ol tirub erald wa an hi u lor uuoduy a 1 1 jei oral lake it cy for the reel of lha day ihaiifdofan arlhury mm la to snap ooilparwl with iba infantry t th- 1 orate gun alo lo look afur mak enough work to kep tbtni tioui all day long iniprul army rguullaua fiqvand ui onnp aiil very few of lha man got up ture al 7 ao tl a toll call took plana with all prevent and ulthouitli tl e pejt fori night ba been full of enjoyt lent hnd morrlmetit tl ana aeemed lu be an alrtif aaduee over thu tul roll nail al llw oapitvl and a lutt wo jrtiow many of them will return t anawer rmi t or would any or alt of them iwor ll lat roll cwii in houlh afrloa flj tin for qoeaa and lmplrr r the tlrt march waa to ll a fralrbt jard whro ll a harte were lodwl at i by the aollona of aone of thtni it waa bvldhl the horaed war not aa atriotio aa th mail on bout in parltoalr i ad i bd ooejted into lha cirtthrope and hood wink- aud that after h lia 1 ftaoorted a driver mpond tba yaitl for a 1 l hour on lb ajtlramaaiulaf a halter tba borie i thul 0 30 the frara triumphal para id of atmu tot cent 4 depot loobxttw btcoiu ruy ll bill u of owf go v or general 1 not uuard uxi ilattaliou haiul an i lhltmu tlrtjwiih tl d taj hairy voteranv of 1hj5 70 decor aud with otfeir arilna madali whioh werq laauexi saturday aoth g aa a guard of the g rufteertybl earned amell union janka whioh were frtwty eaobanged with lb boy tor butt inu lj ua aouvenlf t am afral an mo 1 1 thta wo 1 t pr ii apec tou atier ihaorduul al lie tution waa a will but ad iil i uoibxia an t tlttra ban iii d t arm 1 1 to tl lr 1 y of ll e let oonllngut busty farawnlu 1 utid abkltu raaa mldieru kialilit t lotbjuaauui aletard and other y 11 iw aautffi in fad it lecauia ao ttonaral tliat i would not car lo y thai our own two acton tvpreevt w veawaraabl to will tan 1 tb 4cm t tlonj of thd many pretty faoea that- aurned around ihfm uul lb order all aboard for lreluria utoeremontimily brok up tl oen an i w ittt lha ben 1 uyiutf auld ijug dyne tb train uarryluif a banner god 11 peed and a vlilorlou luturti klowly moved out atidll d crow i obaerej itaejf lioartr wblla women falultd and many a uarwa abed aa tba boy pd oat of alghl probably for year and may ba forever tho governor general mat lb train a blild out aud bad all farewell aud hoped lb boy would brjnif bok mora tjnn than lliey took away m the right house l f ifamii ion lavoifltl ilji i pxc 1 i a it bargains in eyery department- w rn ulfrrll c ch allfacti ins i cte it inlrip j i mi wb nocd anythii in airaig lr and many arn laln d 11 i iwiulin ll o think 1 l t rntai i i ul tuli a ram g ojl chancn ailp ia 1 outh tl at nxudy un fujj bel if ir ih a tin 1 ih llmlr ntanat i v 1 ivantao ol uursiicclal oflcrlnx wh ho rwufci l lhal ll not- 10 ut i liapn jieciaijr lhod iliu damaaa- clotl mimr 1 f tficiii alifhlly lmiriiscl riqihlenirrn vulobi styw 1 slw itrbhjr 1 r ta inch aiuar ft aj qjr a v a yaliu li i t j 1 1 yawl x m t 5 j j x aarda 3 jo 131 il in van 11k nat kit 1 oly 4 or atwgn loul in marke 3 j ntlci rwiry wrtin itli mr uh caile jjrajv uooti ach r lulf ign litany lied jirirn jc lo kue rudt in both he lit a i try raulurrs 44 inch nd dark rmerly diagonal scrgca nil wool ha loci in irnfawn atld btuwji formerly cue now lc i aitcylictllalrriaja in girxn and ilia mulurek r3ilar 81 33 aid h 50 for 1 y jmcktix iojj thn 1aj- illack jnckoia in frui louclti an 1 crrget 1 oniiarly 1 50 1 ow bj h i rmeflyf w tow u sl 1 orincrly 1 7a 73 colorod jarbola itl ct vert coilnga an 1 lirnwr colore i rowui i lackvainj fawna 1 ormrrly h 5 1 npw j 73 l uneilylvoo ttuw rj tj4 50 1 ormcjly lt 00 uou f3 00 jjoya o60 xhtkj rbr hotj- rjoys gray all wool lanncl shlrti wirt cnlur an 1 iorkot alxes 14 biul4t wtrnlnf nowjscjai ii 10 13j were jjcnow y ilia rimaomimttm far 9 1 he t fancy 1 rtntl 1 lanncleiiee in plai 1 at ripe and floral draiflni both li i n daak colorinut for wrapper bloue am chiwteo a wear lorrqcrly 5c now hc is 3 xc friatm tar joo jl umitett luantiiy o tleal 0 pnglkb prtaia moatly dark ahadaol of blue cardinal hraen klao wclr varloua good dcgr4 wcrw tajc now r w 760 uadrmrjartite very llcay cotton llenco i hd v r women buffa alee were wnm ji5 now jsc xaoe r jajc yhc- oriental lace in huller al ado wldihai to hi nctic vor 40c ralucal lo 1 aoc wmo c rtxlucod to jc wcr aoc mlucetl to rue wcio iai reduced lo sfi oinghmta at tlmit ric clnphaina for bulla waist etc itijttr bimharmn a ii it i nueai aaal tt i u j x atataa teeia o e o w 1 k al4 uiu1 i jiank iiauitlh iiomhy for salts wanrto juoooqi id anion it l tiih uanafiklt carrhk antaybi on v t ii hon una 4vn almul tl a middle e4 novenibecj jmw two iteeu uf nettla ou lua lev aan old oenet may hava feauia by pnivlobl prcpeily and wring eipanem lluncan micaitttly atifints prut j ujucott 1 ulifhiiihm ompany toronto moatly in atripext hvdantf aomo plaid i ormefly 40c now 1armcrly joe now i ormcrly 15c now xic wa am ttlwayu lul to uut tamrdea an 1 price on apijtcaliop and wt pre 1 ay lhnchaiie lo any riiway atetlon in oularto ou all mall onlrra amountlog io8icnuver king st east cor hughson st hamilton tber war iso horaes at d 17 men th rcplonu aloth the hue ware vary nnibuuuo m 0 omwi uouday4auy 15 1000 tumi ia no uulitiit ihty about pyuy veotontl it oukad youi oou rjulckly all brouoblal alfotioua ftud way to ll j5a of all dniftguu manuf by ut proprialoi of parry davi 1m i kllur i vlaw hoed faced with dibt whioh ndver frit lha deformlud i aud of ambituti or dltraw cu uurrh iu cured- hhibrd o froi clutliam n h -wnlee- fota uuailternf fcat i have beet iroublej wllb caurrb dud hadaoh and baua tried many raiuadla during lhal lltiif but wtlhoul avail at lsl i heard of your mfidioatad air traalmanl au i i roournd a gatarrhoniua outrit wnhio twenty four hour a my head eh diaa pparj and ban not a i no returned and in a abort tllnal bavd beu oomulataly curad of calrh i eooutoiaud calrrhoeona aa th aafeei and ohpl oura fat oaurrb on bottl did lb trick far ma oatarrhoxooau told by all drilgglil 1 rial jiyuhbfnt for tail o ita in alamp n o iotuou a co khigdlon out i roprletora iiockwood j yfosslsso iwj kr a uh ll lua i n- ulvu e mu tuixi j ulej ikauliuu ui e iu r iw a j cjji e lwuluj liu lui ifw a k t t twb4is- urv w 1 iuumuniii j uli hb ialauir i- u a ll1lt tuh j rw et k a 1 bc il j klnoall cd- uosbubd vuls vt eiiihv za i 0has ij itelles the big bookstore guelph is ll loouarly to talk jtollfihilgr on ualaruy guuur moora waa ap poiutatl oolltr biaker au 1 will work at repelrlug hartiew wlo ao will mini a rl da of guard aud taligu work lb orow 1 aa a whole weld a uuelooklttg lot of it uu ihibugh not aa letl a tba- lu fan try l1 u l tinge tbav mad up lb dllfraudd in urea lib all war jolly aii 1 glad to get away yum vlhhjwalj vit tl d brat week of lha mobllbuliau of 1 itllury the- dilferont oouimspu- arrlvd al the oiplul very julitly awd iu aom oaai il tulgbl bd urbuhf k ulght attack ibat loay captured tb oily 114 uoev oad d ubl var autottg ib ts 000 peopu antrnfuej lha itreet mounud auow bank telrgra4l pole virandab tkjfi ud avory oouoeuabl feeufof vanlag lo otiaat to boy bff tbare wai no one- but wlabed them all good licjk i iaoaa of biiatnoe werw uloed aobnola anap4adad aod bbaluaaa at a land aid 11 id ailoa fell id join lh4aubly oulbral of auil ualaam ul wblob the te itr i geiiarlly t ol f r lla thatiuual uibeili g of lha i rajuoa agrloullural locuty waa hv 1 last waduia day lu th tiwi i all lha following ohloer war i leotbd 1 reaidnl it ihort 1lbot vice pre- jol u oibboti ueo trex 0 11 i la nuron uiruatorn j iota gray wra argo mattlaw lara itiontta luih uo itmltb juuim keouuhi othr j xbop w k uiula jubu uonnblt iba boouty haw a bulauod ou haul of llottcr alur hylug for lb reoeul in irovnla tl a fair grouuda iliaauuual m bet lug of tba cougrdgatlon of lb prwebyurltn ohuru was be i ual weekh- aflar lha huelne of tli uliuroli waairinaaouitlangh waa earned a maalluji of lha director of tbd pullh boaled od of 1 tew w woo j wai held at p lee a boltl to el la up tk btltlueai of ilia year iai week luv w h uarvary u a o fru praeobkd auulvaitary ainoo iu tba method 1 1 ohurob la i uuuday lioiu moru ng and aveulug hd alao kdjraaaad tba flabby h tojiool iu lb bftaruood al two olook tla aormoua aud hi vuu war yaj biiifih aujoydby lb oa4graatloii wiuduw shuus curudn iulos tar jpoo n i a uu wo arc ready v hen you arn john d mokoo i our ij cm i i vbiijr your unt to i u i chab l nelle8 jcuolpll trt ajr war up ai gray ttam inli morning grooming boreee aud ihemwlve and bulling t binge u leedlueaa lor dpr luuajthg laiuaaig lii lb eal of tb d tr l menthol ltaaur evldaftoaj tbd fact lhal il a uaeul fur alt rbaulnallo palua la nbago arrdtame bank alu lu lha bide vtu llavid a i awreiioa cj lid hnufaoturtr vhal wa plane moil iioied uu generally prove luoel vital uwnauil dajixirr and a run down atalaal for a icntt luuiu lu ll d ayatem lnh 1 the o it 1 kmatilool uuilda you up laramaag your walgl t glvat beellu uad by devu k 1 xantim 0 ltd o ir vila u ivdw t ulling on air willt ilu nowly fuitallad auouia hjbt lha oititu ara daltghul wilh lha effact ro duced mr 1 rmit piarauu uaclui ia ai jd on the eluotrlc llgl t vyiv 1 rr william mb kui am t clavaut i m ur llwmvikllum oflouio ara i e uu a vuil 1 1 tl air i ari ts mr an i u a jam muiklha n of thia laca juv w w wtlja ilirftl tba wal mar it ad lujtul cliuroli loronio will deliver bla faiuoui ucturo f u ideal homa or tl u cot tody an 1 iragddy of home i if lu lla lown hall baro an friday availing 30th inut ontueiday of unt w k t era w a urge ataaiody in lbs praibj tnrian lhutclt hard iho annual mealing nf thu orante villa prdbylery i 1 1 hero thia year au i the annual uiuaiiug of tba wo no i a voraigu ajualonary macuty a mbii c t to draw a urge congregation auoriautpwn tb ulau gvuerallt aro lijj aul al tb dlacharga wllboul oatnui of mr georga kannady thutfilauul cl rk of l 1 104 lug towuthlp nounoil tb ooui oil at ll a aral imwlli u graule 1 il a a liallmoulal tu i uut luiuiiljinr who la in tb aaootid ujuliugunt for huutb afrloe at tba annual mating of tl a llaul f huroh but tk mr it j warr 1 waa u jiucud curk tit ilia itualuii aud tfupar lutetidaul of th hjiiuuy llohuol 1h pi re urlgada hajl but twu n a ul year tireln 1116v 4 hv brigade ba bllueiuber rhafarwll to ifr j tl of ll liaak of ualm unu wlie hah been promoted lo do rlln belli 3 udy vu g of ial eqk wa a moal oardial eand ut much rrgtlj fall at hu remove i the early bird 1 w iiavc 4icard it oaid that tjic early bird gets the worirr it miy be o but we have noticed the weakly wirbhng of the bewildered robin compared with the full burst of song of lu rnorc sensible fellow who wilts for tliregulartirne- and more congennl our samixe goodslshjl will be in good time as usual we arc not rushing to l any nor are we paying attention to what other may do we arc nofparticular totnatcit tlittfirst btrt wc will make it the greatest sale some of the goods arc here now others are on the ocean and more are being jrian- ufacturcd and we want to tell you that for price quality and quantity you will be safe in waiting for our white goods alc till about thcrtimcryouwill need suchgoods j we are busy now with millinery mantles and dress goods and the winding lip of the years operations and we will have further interesting announcements lo make latcr spxcb- j- the hjraiik io3orletlqo- cuelphs greatest store carn an orchard 1 mlte4evj oaelewtw i a ul f cl4 tlte kwl tj oroertuil raubuti u a mrfa uuu cue i wiite lur ai ltwl ltuk mafoat a afoaueaj iujhm mv tkua iu iootrees200 bua aaj all buarm jllyww vlul ih l iflliai abxviae aa r a m- bl u e avf kuald tboed who vouldkuow tba muaiu of th poor mutl fc ufa and endur if r itr mcluci ru of tba oth una la oilajon was probably fatally cruabad by threl ing angina fajling oil him on uoulay ii wag augavd tu i aiding the angina luwywgb whan t fnll eulal fri turuyf llilbtaa of h aku i aud ou leg snap krrubla ou foeefbweaakace wu yjd f kta hu laaw tatuin m t slm- icb ice 1 anijtnej laving aadored the ifen4er umi cbeo lime poodefor the piat u paeh lo lo tee hooeee u lr rphh wihii town for roar onu par brbcarauat aj tanuata at ou ao4 one- halt cent per block andthon a kinofioully agents 1bott at are alaraortng- tat aaallmmlri hutoffyof the hoerliiltulrsar we have a blgy edaap book hy two e the leal blatortcaj war wrttart of the world urndtnpoely ilia ueted rraa towcograntiui u laa ibe pot tb only hriuali canadian book bi perlaooe or capita utineoeeaarf tlir i 1hbcott puui thhintj coulam trelo job sale thle ttam of the impt datn marmltm at iddge lien dm of the omm and i tuettrofei and o oak i kateet fiaawfunlog yorkablre bard tn auer ainjy al leil oon a rln o j hubher ualtlnalaj aoents i rxwolaed blatorieal writer uveain hmtth atrtne and tjoe new and picture of battle eoeoae it u bdlbentlo and give loformauoa eahadlan weju kverebod buye nov la the flu to eomoioaoe work lluatil byjaiutktko ico uroltej hrantfmd agents i it- ipamouh kien and oreat kvwdu of u e nineteen lb centary all u e meat baulee are oaaertbed tbe araaxaat hab ofu wotld in varioua walks at ufa arw lotrcdoead every gieat erant whlob ba obanged the tua and akaped tb rt of maaloae 1 detailad lu gitalin lenguam tno rwograea ol nation the he and fall nllnp all begreeta uona and dlaeovextea to uie uarvellnw ram a of the oanttiry are bar creeolj wwderfnl revlaw of tne moat rerouaebl o nothlred eear h ail the enaaja o th wurld axoepuonaj lndueemeota for agent luuulfcyoaiuuctsonco uoilud lkautoij for oxledallar- on thursday leth friday 19th saturday 20th inst viu iiibjt t1ieyotirptclcof 25 lairs mens tweed pants lu neat alripetf checha dad puld colore bich are aold tu ilia regular way at from li jtovjniuir will you bo ond of the lucky 5 lo jjer a pair for a dollar d e macdonald bro ioldenlion guoiph higal voutm wheti you ac a man oltl ciloilei to he uurumuiithcr lilck up a hvy tnnil and arch off will it on liu alioiiulr you wall re tlul a i mu tuny 1m oiinij ut tin almost uuy ne j hlooil cuiltuiiib tli tumciil hint outh la uiuilnof lhal t tin wirt t uth that or lkru colilcii dlcal itcarry puu mtn a ihii a vcina it uhrt him ii utwer it turua hia fiod into owl tioiinuliu if l hi uxl it ciiul leu tlu lu r lo lietr that ht khi l it uu 1 fitc in t i 1 h ua u iu ul it lill liui wilh tnuuriilir btrvuth aul luihty it umltg him in the tnicaf aciiu- i iti ui mi on 1 utju him an lliri raut i mw i llr c i l rtly v ill v j i y ym 11 tki u 1 u t a iw i u l i mrl 1 il i iiiuhi j a lb i 1 nw ybllv trwl ll li i nl i mr a uytl h l 4 4 li willuwi vo u and a liiul g i ul i l if lk i lie i i va hi r w i i i htm t ywyll r n dh rm uie lly i h r tcrd lakii g 1 lif 1 it rt alt wl uf 1 j ve imaiikrvrv uj uim ur i i lltmlur aad a lfcyiljlu4l a raturwtinjktoal 11 i v i ilgl i attmittfrnnf ll wry uu i at ul ll k bl i k- lltrlittif uva i tl t ml all j vf i y iii i iu r1 all li u f fh an1 u uu ur ikjiii ili ikune 1 i jjlyfcey i llw 1 iblk hat il t m bermt- iklug lit ti- lh- ikalc and if you aid in tux r hn h v wrrw of lliirrlt timl j on imthliig whuli v 1- dreprt iu t riki itli wilt to or n v it will ir hla aflviic lllmugh ho la at llw xnyticiul of hi imilfcaeloil in the tuattmnt of otlatiluilaj cluutilt tliacnaea u aawll ltiiac a atwewfecbu1 a vuy kmuy jy ttal hal j bl a wy umimw ly eia beukcr tj itnfcboel m i wu aui mi jwivnir m a briuiael rreacla ul uuy mrwwuewu ike bem ever twl ufoj lb latdbc k ihe all lml kaje tk ixwib taal bietra k ullliu vtimei oly oualaautryauavv wa bj auauf ibi jflr fmtb puryne of 1 uejttung iw giu i iba pukbc u kormf a putmif u wuhetiaeed w taxaatfxwtby j buy bkilaualu iptchibu wi imw paru m universal perfume c solm luld sih3 hot loli hu 1 60 oyralloljlll 1 00 iutuluei 100 gloag optical coe 03 vortit gtrwwt yoiunto tliprps elevator c t r station jbockwood novopcti for lb scaaott fill host itfoea jiahbror oats poao barley wheat ryo etc auobu lurud for tnla vloui vatd sltotiood olleaka oauuaol coyrmjiiaj sulpbuv oatuo stju ota itorao- niul oalila uidei qbaapakltia lo waiiud coo j thorp tfuwih klmjr mmtf jtookwped whallt represents when you alt lor a pttologmiili you uanl iho ukeiiea in leuomnl y i prutiorly when you alt lu ua w want th woik to tej rcactil lie ttfoparly our imprint la ben on nono but tho boot iphaio- icraphs andluruur aae aa well m your wo ara auu lo gu you uu like aatuiaj lory pboltinnipbs m h rkwshhw photo hrtist rcton i new years i gifts c a 10 l i e a n and r d 1 a e r s s f at or i goo wn bro tu run dif a kioh lay n ol br br- uj nul in ih llu4 b ur nloholtou artlaokl 1 k dram j 1 ullkju lu 11 lillul uubill iui vofi uoli ptwar- ie em duniy uvllmtk ddpljr lo ujprlmwl k 1 tl iortllul 780 phu a xwvok u 1

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