Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1900, p. 3

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y thbbankof hamilton lltu ati i luimrrrfarrornr capital oiinairtu rbmpv fund totar abiioii s 1 4w40o0 si oqo ooq v t j i 03 qui the news at home msjhvotj loaal ch nd j tintnllljl ca iiii u 3aviiign dopaitnmnt ono uollar or mora tt31vj w intimrit pahl ui4fcl current vale ml added u rin ipj without willing trt t au hk to lo irveiilot any trf n y txi vriitutljun iwcltnply trndinj n ft wntmn tinier with the pau ilook security thu coonuncnt itcluri kit w that dponut3 in ililt lu k i avi i err inn miluurj ikiluwiof uiplut orlcy farmers i stole fid renijtaui ijln iln jim led money loaned to fsadcalllc etc 1 armors al nthwcyllirxt prrti lly mil advances made on account of muic al a low rate ul jutereu seairitcotn tey fair kates or friday aftexooaa t llier ownereot team ju thx iaa lo convey t jt liw al trip all about j livery unliu faolliy- i an be obtained lit l ho city v correspondent o tolitlioil georgetown branch kotbi ihikd ovss rwbjttt iuu j p dell abo avrarv horn intorastlny ttw ioltltctmu orammie rim jliorvellfca f ltt oounty id helton mot in anndal aaaviop a milton on 3 tuesday to elect officers end transact tfcmtrx t aeines th iletormer- wtit meet m tl ly town la day lb elmllar tnrpoaa smi ijo l ulalihrta jljj win i r tl jnaoh lalkdof liiubrldnbr t mhodul hun ly koium i 1 jurituwu aud tlurn i as beu0lod fi rrmrj ant rw r hv bludly agreed llit hulare u lbir praposstl interested ra r iqmteil tu mi at tit niftoll t ou ookock- good hlillbilli kixl ion wllio fcrq hi il for iolmrnan hauth afrlem tb i iorlh i smi bp mmd wliw hergt mfjir boh for wt4irtorboaar atriokdil tj trul to bytionln ibu mruiodut j hot eh ob moody nlnj j5ib fbiuiry jlr hakoaf wj fi ycmis k ujuunlkd pyhcmo la booth afrit wd hll mlsnciiil ppoitimuj foc- enrinj iaimwllun lnornlloa ha la th ooaalry and tvtli u huuoiutvd in over two hnodrwjoluyaum la wia kulnor to putvrtiu baudy bti workvti aotoril- to b bonorl on u tml ant jurf febnry with the nnor awrtebllon of ilalton rnninvy hcbonl auooiatton a plana lj prugumms baa bean triigd wlr i wedding presents no other store in town oitcrs you such a cijoicc selec tion of wedding gift our toek i always frtsh new and novel our prices wijjjplcuc you wodduig rlneis rogers knives bpoons and forks silvlxwtiaruxdfaacy chinawarc flno watch ropalrlnej a spofclalty j axo hyndsoton oat iiixcr to j ije 3to r jjrtsis tuuksday januaiiy 18 1900 litt local bbiefu which caught tlisevb oferv of frprm rtkrtr thl wk vim aljtuok o fnimara arw bliay lmiiji wouj bow council ueliutt u6xt iloudy evenloji oik villa uaa ormoi a boar j of trade rrgua comic i will ay iu audita tit 00 twoli the uualilofl juctioa dial lahtawu itul lot orjniatioa ilalloo bunilay bckmil oonvcutloa- l ax ton iklaiut idd iotraary 1 unty of uo now ahoul alxioohe fkll dorlujf mwuiay uibl a a mr cowmtdbortihliu uu kppoiitud aamiaor oi jviutwug towualilp fur 1000 the organisation vt a had croaa and jthl tnnlln fun uwii i talked off coaoly coauclluir llai i utt tided coadty cuudcii tuctiu al ulltou ou tady tba furnara wire filuj to kt llie fall wht veil oovavad halti mitb aiiatr ut tbaraday nuruniored tbi mr o 0 clark bae old out the oatopball 11 quae to gatllle- uiknfitim-nriiaajwu- ah aldewaltca tnual be olwad oj know by 10 to aiur aach aumntacoodlu is tha urqm tt otu uw tbe uuauur ware out lntull i nalfliluft jralty winter aeory 1 yo would iik a broffrftinuid of tld codtity boijuty bhool couvantlou to aeud to friend call at thla ofricv wedding blli joy ou iily tijj forth ibelr bppy boue at the borne otou of our moatprobperoaa farcnera lul a toning uamcb abdraoa nd uiaabary lave rhaaera loacpljwwhl faoil tau ibalf joe jiaratio4 ojntralloo very ihuaii mr 1 uonabbe natne waa twuittod fnvn ut of aji boaxnxa al tha fnmiral of tho lata iuv 1l u gookt pablubed u wluim mr t j day booamllef oulib bu uu uppolowd to ui oolm oxlixlvulod oiiurtoiark in utat oily to u voatad by air tl eo hofarj about marcb lat mr jibti w liordor at maiawja wbo weot but weak id oil too uat april baa left wt t bw yorkloolaua to aol aa aooal or roab ri4ar lu thu to the reappearanoe to our oolutuua altar aa abne of aoioe year of the kod4l hpio qure jvmtujemeot wi u b t tmroy of our redii ilk luowlujt upuo fabebl a fnlllr frlnd ur jih u 1 of olph iu of ibri uuriliuuu 0ut will dilivar uctuie tu tu oily bell itmlob no lie eninif of th sulh itul on the bantli afilo war tbo i roood will be tuvolad lotbeu cro- a national 1alruo vuud naw oaiid to lb fiunja bar laat wek of tba tlaalb oil vrlday utnjtauuary ol tlobejiiliuuloruiily ojaciou dlood puiaollltj wan tba aaue of dealll timt family of two too and two daublra avrw grown up ibe ubm living ht bunie wllb lhaif moll r eitd tha dauttbtra both biarrled mud oiufubly wltud tu bom j of lbelr owu twbntv ilill cunt uulow j u luiiillloii of tba iij reliable marble and kraoit w uka oualpb aunumtoe tbat be will continue to llaod tha beat olamri of jtninlta arid marble montiuieula tontbj via at prloea ifuaj anuod to be tweuty per cant below other da ut tu reoellre ooaiuilaaloiii ajxpeoaeawlluwed u and run oooljb to parobuera to thoum aout to mahhv youuij tni r old men who intel i to marry u b blei tu imjtu that the tew marrlaie act la oadelte aliupl- by iipjyijg 1 mli laauoiuf ihaariae lioeoee t uiovava 1 aaimt oulo cll urn dy bfi r brmony and he the matur aiplaiued lriaale oflltje- all boalnaae atrtqlly uivate at d bouqdentlal al roauunoaj lu avouloe t and uumaroug workerfl from throughout the county aro espeolrd in ordju- to arratmo for billeting and oibej tnatiar in ooonectlou with the convvntlon a mealing of all the huriday bclwxd workora u town will la held in th aobool room of tba uatbodlat oburoh nt tueaday evenlntf i3rd luai atfcjwomock karjl taaulyi- and edeer of all the ohoole in own la tiivt4 t jjireaent a ud be rmrf taunt aw dayakfiar relurnlnit to hu borne at imarmo after paying the lait dutiful rpeti to tba rmaln of a father well boair fdwsfrx cookreooqrtr ut4 hav v it cooktof aotou waa olij upon to rloae in death tba eye of hi only bou tba youa tnau bad jut i raaohed manhood e eltr being irthla twenty esond x ywr go itf uamlltou u work at the bakery bpalomi but after six or eight raonlba wae oollfed taxiraup abd rtturn borne owing to iii health conautnptlon was the ailment and on vriday morning laat oharlm it cook uuuy breathed hie teat the family ha tba ioriatayropuiy of tho toiilujuully lo their lioavy bereavement- about a aar uyo tha tl teat daughter dltd audjuly after a bilf illneea suiift dmlh ml mr jtmgh uubohinl lke ai alcxanderqorrt ol oipriug look plana at tba homo of ber bruther t lluxb maodougell oil bun day aveulng under yery ead ciroumatmnoeri about two nkl agomra ourrla oam to visit her brother in tba enjoyment of health and good awrlu and oontlnucd ao uutll the 6tb i did wbed ha waa auddauly btrlokau hrtmcblll pneumonia a pbyai ciajl waa called hr fatnljfaeot for and everything that loving band a ooalj do wan done- hut bblwllhitanding oil aba paaeed away on hunday evening burroundad by tboect who loved hr ller bpaband mr alexaudtr ourna precwued br four ea ago uhe laavm to mourn her loea three acne aod tlve daucbtera j v d of hnifto7 leuobllu uaar lllllaburg mr uomilun or riu mr cmbjl of niauajt val kad maggie mora ml and jamea at honiq boidea four brolberai vnunnemitcr lbefunrl look puoe from her me realdauca uoat otprloga ycatnrdy after doou vory jteroua uoajjmttl lletween tleveu and twelve a clock laat tburaday forauoon mr john wauon ooa of our eauetrtod farmer of lot ton rousting met with an aocldentoi a moat aarloaa cluuatttr in company wllh hu brother llobalt and ifanry be waa vo gaged in tearing down u old alone honaa aakil4 brolbar llobelt wkert tha heavy plau on top tj tba una wall thirty eja feat loug fell uiluog bin upon tba bead aud back tuiil lhaashoutiduig ft abort d lu no by tha blow bla vpinal oolutnu waa f raotored at thaaleventb doraal verte bra and hi beawaa aleo uadjj oat- icooal jtbyojcun mluiaurod to bu pfflne and bajtt morning ha vu taken to bl uiolurl a uoeplui toronto whara tba met killful trealtacnt with moderu apr- liano la being glvau contrary to ejlpeotatlaoe tha tnadical man give aomo hppe for hu rooovcry h waa a paralysed from the ebtjutdere- lowuward bbtajflaat aooouul the paralyala waa urad uauy dlaapljaarli g 11 ie doing a wu aa oould b expecud and bla many friend bops be will rooovr from tha earloua lu juxlaa auauirtod mr watooo la knboh teemed in thl hootlon ix a realded for a to umbwr of year in manitoba but abbot four yba ago ho pcro th home kload and ta alboa raeidwd tbaca tmth mr cbrlaiisjm wo1pjmjj lraoernlly thara fall aauep ysaurday morning at hr bottja ou willow auoet a niotbor beloved and a neighbor highly eeteaiued in th partou oi uxa chriitna mol ball widow of th- lat william mo i hall of maulllt and mother of ml c mol bull tbaahar of the aautu department i faolou ruhllusohoo though in old gr mr mclhau enjoyed goodbeajtb ubtl vailytu novntnbei atuj was ttot bou ond to ber bed uutll lb lstb daambar lurlmrfc4lluee bar tlaubler and other frlellda tuluularod to hr wanuwilb under atfetilloii nd ik- olod lu awol aud oonfldlug twoa chi lu u mouotumh waa a native of argylblr lioollmd and cam utgeuada with havautw flva auur aud two brolhanj wbbti a elillj llta family eelt1d ut irefalgr towaiblp near htrceuvllu in 1115 ah wak married lo her laubuuud mr vw mol hall and the following thirty ye we tbu aput lu oulaim aud victo4- couiilles uf mot ball we a pubtio cwl tvaoher bub ibo nloali g yaara of hi ufa wr apeul au au ageut of tba libl ttodly tba tlirea obildrail wllllabl ii of muutroaj llarab ol w- vork and ctbarlor ot aotou all ttrtvlve lhlr lareutv iwlv year ago mfa mol hill eoourej a alluailoii oil tba uaohlug alati oi actu uoblu uoliool aud aim anj bar mother m tiled in aclou mra molball was of a aw i dlanoal llou aud waa blovad by all who knew bo hlnod oblldbood aha was a tuaoibar of tba lr f and a oonalateut cbrillku ml mol ball will fl ptom kaauly the loaa aoatalnod in bar toolbar a death tha utijrael evmpatby of all la fttanded to bereajf od vhe otbeff member of lu ramlly a briet aoiftba will be bl 1 at lb boot ihla wetting anarche rauialn will be conveyed to c for inter maut by the 0 3s train to tnorfuw morn knox church annual jleettno ini i low 6eportmnnt of y pchurcb th annuel mealing of knot ci arch vaahold on monday availing a aoolal te wp arrrod in llie baaemtnl iiraviuu to i ho boincea mreling mr 0v elyndeaolad aliailuimi aod lit ru- a mokeacue wrforroetl it e duties of anriba luporta were toafl from ell organ laatum and warn mot tnooluaglng in fc ilia tir 1hw was kunrrdrd a lb omml v in lba 1 buury of luo cburrh tim litiidtcr a tepoit preyi id an noraaan of nrly lio otrr tl year imw id ilocily rauod during ftjil nil at the niefjik eniod tba hoard i f mhuvk wit a ohruof aiwuor ll njrtt 1000 the woman a vorruu milonary uomtty gave an intamrfy lolaraatldg report hetwmn loiuog and monay itn jum dmlio wa ralvod of whjtih over f 1w was in oaab on of the wy rallfyint waa l hat of th lyuta 1 ndaavor soouty bowmigamambaral ip of ci aotlva aod aeoctu til work dooa in kfj0 indl dears a vltotoaa uidy ol 0ng oie the a moo tit an lad by tha eoouty dur lngtbykr w0 fflhi leaving a bajno on had of u the new lepaitor tblu year liyolulxfiu pit pm the aupyoi of a miaalonary iucllbcr itrltiali columbia or be uortb weet 6tadiy thabamberahlp aud vsulalbu butiona oi the uunday bcboul art advajto log th preaent whorh room tf jiilte nadejatv tat th pimbara now attending tbrrur7 trinl a titemett- wbioh waa highly plaalntf wneipaot li year of grace ldoo to be a banner y oar 111 our monday bchool worfchra from the kirk lieaaion oimo the report wbloh gave to the meeting an ida of tba landing qf lb ooogregatlon numonoally thero were ailded tluing th year on frnfeuion of jfajtb twenty thre member an 1 nineteen by certifloat or forty tuo lu all llemovad by dth elgl t aud by r tiflcal thirteen orwai ty oos h 1l laavlng a ll caln oflwonty one trml b umber added to lbs tatljlborahlp of thr buudradaud twenty praaout a tosmwr ablp of three bundraj aud tatty an baawo a huga h adbareuti t momberablp whn tha present paalorala bepjau waa two hundred and fifty alt lbs f raau rer of the cl urch llav pf wordui b for the year lftbj lbro0h aotual giving from tba oongrrgauon aud betjuntv from the aetata of our two liuly departed elders mfra oto mann and acloblbald campbelttanalvcd tih th rrnd total for tha year 1w la 3021 thlsiaakcluavaof b ueafa from tbbtvtaof the lata are ibal 1 omibrll wbkb was pal i dlroot ti dr wordn cou esquesing township council that i polls gyatam introdgood sit tha inauaurst mooting bleb avu tba uinu who ara repoaib1a forhii belug dupjacej alralt 111 tw deoaaaor the ulo c 1 murray couliuued lu bl potlllou undivturbj for many jer up to the lime of bla deatli in fact hou- wtlbltaudlog thatrior many jav id ring that ttlna tbom of ditforaul politioal opinlonjltd lm wr irrmmjorlty in tba council a- municipal oootlcill a very obdeairabla uoa lo iulroduca polities jthajpambere elect of 1- irjuulig town ahlp coouoil mt al u o clock a tti monday tub and 1 avlng made aud auh- aoribed lo ui declaration of ouloa and tiualiaoatlon took their beat aa follow hubert quwarl iteevd f h near hiobahl oraham jobu campbell vld cook couucilura applloatloaav wars received foclhb omo ol aeecaaor for lb eav kkklaji followa j cowan bborllll john uiogham jama newton w j ullla kil oilli- jj mkanauj h juddvll a by law waa jtaasod ml pointing 3 cowau ubotllll at a aaury of 1m a by law to aj point a township clark wa iutroduoed in oommllle of tha wtjoieveaar campholl and cook advauoed numarou frivlloua rabtoua for dropping mr kennedy as towuablp cjarkc mr john tracy 1u ruwrlruii lbs only charga agaluat mr kantiedy is that ba i a liberal a mora bonlainptibla yssolutlou was never ptaoed lu my baud councillor near bald till la my oevarcsl trial bioos baoomlug a member of thaooonoll mr kennedy 1 a partioular friend of mlna bol 1 cabt bow i can btiy with htm tba vol was taken and btood an follow yaa catnpbell cook hear maya bla wait qxahabj moved by mr graham aeooitdej by mr cook thatlsbepatd by thatreaaurr lo job hoard for killing a dog found worry i ig ebtap wllbltt gltt inuulolpelily carvlod ibe aoooodt for holding tha tuctlou war paeeed j v counoll thn adjouruod to mwl ou monday llttb vebruary coming and going vltm6ra toand from acton na vstrfwbpuvairpnvonaj ntttai tl pbjin passe in riles all lie tribsta u uiu oolojas u to or jroar eila ttiitm kvay ou a bolidav trip or if row bae triolavuiun jrm drop a sard u lbs wmmm mr fred 11 htorey went to o lovers v ills y ul week ur liavlda iluveell of uallioafad who haa borti vary ill la able to be a boat again llw4 jm l lvsisoq cdunaaaajuattja viiiled at ibe hooie of br at ol j w iluabatul lbu week mr lleury houod oi oxbow aasm vialuxl at lbs bom or bla brother j w jnlabanil llil week ua h itaurabam who has bsa visit login tunwp tba p montb ajlturnad homaon teaday s raping mr arthur tyih aod alia aogl tyroj of torotnslaitd lbelr eivr mrs a0ua kannerty t ll mr alf hersatb of gusanatblvwauy klugaian was tha goes for a ooupu of dayolxjf f j u fowler county treasurer jams meoxteef la algwiy rralninghis uaosj health and hopse bhoiy to be aioqqi agan my ofohnauamanof th tvropk ft or t j vlltad aotou frlabdt itqct favored tba furl 1 aras with a call an tuesday us ii a maophersoa went on a drlv ing trip to luther on tuesday va edding waa at th sod ol tb joornajr mr job jl trvy tba n desk of xjueaing is a eon otj the lm luobard traoy vtho wam aral clerk of tha townahlp mr anda w ti ptnnjf ww at morva over tlunday aitaoing bb anal vorsaryserviora in ibe orsalj charcb mlae jaaals mnionld i teaoblng la ibe baoond deparlmaob of ac too 1 obi in bahool to tellava mbw c mclbil tha hsguur traobsir mrs john uisoox and eon returned bcvnafrnmjjollttncwood on tnasday mora at tba lulllal moating of ilueaiug coutjcil last weak action was taken which iahkviy to be far teaohlug lo lie oouu luaoco mr aor kauuedy the aiu taking and cfucjol towtublp clerk waa diaobarged for no ntl r rson than that be wavtif a differeot polllicaj party to that of tba majority who till jr hold lha bitauos uf power in th council mr kennedy hia arvod tha coubuil faitl fully 4 msuo nuou psrforwwi th tngmra u jprovod in health xit a i- mtaohun broibsr of itsv 4 a mcjlachlan m a ba removed from hurl ing too to carman man wbsr 1 will pxaolto in fucurw mr w iunnh barbst bag bold bu buaineoa to messrs warden broaj mr j f wonea ha vsmovad to tha promises d by mr usuuld r tbomaa w mocnlloeb ofl oraml valley land william msjtwl of haalt bt maru mloblsasi arw visiting al u d oraksrasandntbsr frlaoda mia mary llluk of brandon mart and mr johu hamilton and mlas black otvarkua wars guest al the borne omjf thomas hamilton mill ufsat tbla weak mr aod mr uattto wiahart a mada a abort vllt at th boms of sir wm kdraulon uat week a tby war on thsr way to vlell riatlvtand aoqnaln lanea mr jtoberl walaon has bead wltb bla brolbsr johttfct ths xloeplul at toronto imj h f rtj iw dowa but friday mrs walaon their mot her waa down on monday uu jenbi c ojaroa daaibtar of mr ttioinas camsron umwweot a boooaeaful operation a monday for apboodlollu oponklion mr watson kaatoo of moosjomlu north wh tejritory u bom on a ilait lo6olph he olled 00 frundsin anton mit wek llo umaai lo lb woe are fairly cood mr aud mrs oxby of artbnr who ar ofijojmg tbeir hooey moon wsrsi guset for several daa tjha wek of me j a mo- laohlau m a and femjly at to 1arsoo age bower avnu mr and mrs j ii cbuoolui g- a farewell lrty to thslr dan mrs iolmatoo and miss klt and mr lrk dill on friday seoing nsfors tbslr jsavtng for jobnelown n y in tha last uaua ol th oahajutu tful mies maggl bmltb of acton is credited with balng vnaeitod tb bgbet standing lu her blasseir u jib x tot loo fo tha ijf and bumb at laellavilu mrs w m utoray and ml a v kicklla arrived bom from chicago bator day morning they left mrs fcvyoa in a vsry roo6drgiog ooujillou aud making rapid progress toward recovery mr charles moffat who baa had th uuuugeuisut of tba ahod pad dapajumsbl forw u storey df u lhdput two poeltlod lu a maniifaotory uubatm ilia ramlly will until spring penauug ala bard trv 1om comes forth with point forumfl the thorn pofatbf disease is an ache or pjuru bat the btood is the feeder of the xxtftotejtody purify u inuk hoodssrsafaruu kitnoya l and stomach will ac ouca rdapondt no uiorn iq uila mau oayvere p tiad swrr pains in mjf itoniadla form of nouralsu uy motnar urysd mm to ukn jtood e haraapw hiu and it mad m well and strorul j liar salqt van it td mjr jiabjraiulisau fsftutt rvsulta i am glad to recommend hood a hsrssparilu to others mas jon la fxus ao chnrch hl toronto out cornoiota ruh-juitort- artba- meul in hospital i was weak hardly abba 10 walk ms blood sjas uon f ook doous pvjtll wtdl gnd mt3 kviz 11 ijao tjtavsfltea my am era uius mmilmhlllfi aeanueasjitam tba hofwlteatore m chiiijlfttace payz lo buy at bolurts rrfays lo bily otbbutrl t an imki h in wis good ifiei applet jtut booeltcwi fbn huron trout in hsllmrrar 1ak huron llentagvln hslf harrrii lsjt her in half bsjx i jibrailor herring in barrel in the china palaoo wchavo 35buy cit toiler oetis worth j on this mek i aj j a mccrea avxvea only 13 in stock wc ircftr to what weve left in laclica aitrachan jackets and tint were joing to clear tlili week at theso reduction in pticc a11 tl tf inclc k inglli y litclim snn aj imw lio j 35 l toil 5 i j jo 1 ui i 3 1 1 i ifl y i 1 33 ijo i i m r 35 tio 1 1- m 115 110 y 1 i 31 jo 4 i ho jh 30 w lij tl thcic reduction should onvince you that nows th6timetq buv axje macdbnard fe bro the lion gu6lph nelson mnrdiaiit tailor gents furnisher guslph ciftsfrom santa claus tliat will ba ajpreculad by ma whd love rich an4 bandaomn fumlililnga will be chosen runt oar huerb alock of kulwuy good umbrella scarf gloves inlluljisjiuluaxhleuv shlrla rvjama smoking jacked dreuing cownji and neckties 411 holauna lu ouiulstto proxtuoaaid nxlh rhnlcsal goo for xtnaa gjftn yodan maka a tfolbur go firthcr herlban al any other place hcuoph newest shirts aud neckwsar justrlu j5jlttfclxsjlfle6ii tlie 1 qreat i 8ale hantles jackets costumes etc will cdoilrtue with unshatcf uor ya havn 1 3 u i i ltli ceaion now we areyirtermlnf on m tin u cuaiam 1 il jhokyaoo ijirtbmtuicte uuujiucilluo about liic succcjj yljimimij boujbt irom iheibigbeataod bcalmakers in iur1l0 grimaiir were values in cuelpb at our regular prices ivbat cart wo aay fihnv sro mors than one hall iteiier tomo in good iiiim and maka y ir wjfil the price list xl -tsncaaduu- a uathutrtllf ihm bt mi 1i10 j rlcctt b jackets all iize- jiriee frpm to 4 50 now 1 50 52 jackets all sizes prices- 5 to 10 00 n5w for s5 00 47 jackets all sizsj prices- frojn iito 15 now 87i 29 jvlies lmpirccoals all sizes prices 2 75 to 1 now for 5000 56 tweed uters ill size prices from 10 to 15 now for 1 s500 2 lur lincl opcr icioiks price jo for l5 00 a iilegrnfloth costumes a blue 1 bkek price 1 150 for 1 frooq 1 blaclf broidclotttcostumc price 18 50 for 1300 astraohan jaokots coon jackets seal jaouaw capoo caperinou collaretteo fluffs gauntlets cnpa kll 7ct cxtt trlcbs e r bollerfeco- 25 and 27 st gdelph gcmvney co vvtvve4vevvv f january bargains befor6 st0c ktjs ki 1s g tbis hnontli will surpass alrccords 111 affording chances fdr economical buying price reductions thit will cleir our stock in short order dress goods plain and fancy drcsj goods black and colored dresb stuffs at big discount to 12jc prints tocleir at 8c clear blankets hosiery and uudcrweir athm p extra values in table linens 5 lbs of our famous japan tea for 1 canned goods 3 for 25c qurney co do-vouwhnt- aolon tocork a jolo in on day take iatallvs llrout gull in- taiu al liussul rsfuud uautouvlf ll falls lo tun aac h w ursselaiwiwuitweeab utx tka xoo meet cojtf towrd vh oiber ths i wo or 10 of lo man lu town dot t peak aa lha paa by now with a view io a buooewwul alrokn of tjueluisa thl winter masara audroa a klngabury ae butad thsprlvlfoita of culling los on uilh tba nnilarauu aitd cheyus uroo pond for tba preaent asbooaajatbrrailgltig for a big iarvsat mr 1 liyne who pgrobased bu los p0w uat printer fsslblg himself unjustly abut out of the lunaj los flelda ssouiedtlta tdtosbobaa krloea aud cluu iawson pond and how advertise that ba will out and load lo ou tbs pond fur all faruira who apply fred of obar- it therefore look ka if tlmra woul 1 ha a hot tlm ovsr the ie bnaluso thl winur onirariibbf btatuticu th h troulnoow to uu htiloat tlaosr 111 the rld w tomoaiii jan 16 in ba irovluos iu tbsysarllhki aooordiug to aulistlo r pared by lu regilrar gouaral s70 persons died this u 11 death par thousand population lu hot lba record was utw ontario l aa lhe table bhow the utoel baalthy placo in tb woild tbavsoord lo ireland ie in bootland lbu ud i ttaisju l7 j of jnarrlages duiltia that year tbqrw ware ib iho wtijoii waa au incraaaa of lull tr iwrt aa in yr mmii th mvjority of penpla who wets marrls wsie matt v ruliivuuuu bared ltm f hers et uoo iroeby 1st lane 1101 auklloau 1157 llumau oatholioa and 1wm uaptuta sick headache i fay thomm utuo xhlbc they alto mcm 1ares fomyicpdj tdiiiwn aiwl too hearty kiting a pa- cct remedy tor dliiw wuj drowib lieu lud lauahiuidmavtbcolol tongud i am hi tha bid tokl id uv1ch they jicvblabj the llowcl vurclj vcguus mall piu- smbli boato subbtituuon u10 frail tt of tkotbay sue you get cartels asl for carters insist ami demand j pururs i ittlc liyer pills jt ailing 1 eyesigltt 11 nun 11 11 1 nun i wc have purchased a jebbs optometer to enable us to test the cjcsight more accurately come to us when in need of eyeglasses savage co jgwollbtes cjocll f rbooplulou a mau fotma of bla own prudeuoo i measured by that of th oompauy li kssps cli a lectuts will bs dallversdlo chttmbill congregational oburfth illutraud by atereopuoon views of lbs tranoeaal abow lug imsorlaiit jjaoe o tbs prwosot seat of wr bleu twany elgbt batulflolsqt vlawa of thai if of cbrjew by muffmeu arliet txi rhuradsy avsnlng ihlb inst tbsbboew will u ufllvnisu b ulli klei turopto at belt pa- aavro oolook loove opeo ab 7 n look admuaioo iq osola 1 h co a qreat oporttinity uunng the month of january we will offer the balance of our stock oi ladies jack ets at marvellously low prices all new stock and very natty garments tlusis a chance tosecurean uptodate jacket at a saving ot 20 ta25 1 44f4 4-i-4- gome ekrly henderson bo flannel ettes if so come to c f goodoves mid see his from 5c to 20c per yd e value a irtsli stock of groceries just in c f goodeve co 5rutlllilsr kcton jpsgiveau his gustemers a ghanee pitingle ths jbsibtieri will continue his dc count sale of 20 oft all watches during january sptcnl ale ol caineri nlko wrlto for prlcoa if you want one yltla solo la tionulno istill clear the lot 45 pciirs mens bub ber solid lace shoes box calf goodyear welt rrf ci you will not need rubbers with these shoos l neiil 1 he shoe mm guelph h stores wanted 1 rimiitk vvou nieu lu- e11 k jl taabe of sitsrmsil ulall paalallwl tuy uhoott rummwtir f totaut wjlhthu uaearal britiht and tt uuelsbl i lalllou patuiaimul ourraett ay lisult ii suytusu t lemalltlv unlaa l tej bt lo l utraujr vwwjet etouitwl auyalu4 tuetjomlulon uoutfsnr uept ubioesu

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