Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 15, 1900, p. 3

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bank uf hamilton georgetowi branch aqeneral 6ankingbu8inosa tranoaotod corrgspondonoo solicited saving dopaitmeut latarot allowed lah and upwarl ntt auv ijol- imy of tlnitntlt lo the news at home lohtty or a looal clmraotar an nverv it aim intbretfctjntf w of withdrawal nu iormaullaa mid deuye in drawing money ffarmetv buafnii sojfeljed notew ieionihh lirniera qlwoufaldd and loonajoincd for klihiialo dublnesa purpoua tir collection lepavlmcufc ha ivory facillfy for making prompt pyurns j sale notaa handjed ami money a lvancd oh account otuimal low ralne n lnicrmj head ol i igl jiamk10n jaiahtuhod 1b7j capital 500000 capital bain four- lo meet toe dmamla of in rm aaa mtmd i uflnm 250000 reserve furtd r oooooo total assets 13163000 jkuiu 1 uhhudll cashier b forsayeth aoknt georgetown branoli splendid stock-of- biousc sets beauty pino cuff links collar buttons- stick pins belt buckles gem rings waltliam watches elgin watches jtpiriof itanm promptly rmt olm vrorx ottr chart mrtt raagontlild oeo hynds acton oat ije qttnti jfm jss tuuhhuay mahou ir 11100 little local bbieflets it t- oty or- o proa pro a a toooriora this week hi wtrlovi day bail futurdey the deer tittle ibararoov will be in yldeacaoii baturdvy another apellof aaro weather wan aaperlenoed thlaaoek uapbqrn co boaldt alio merchant uuelpb have maid au wltftlumol tba morolnrt aervloe 10 by lha olo trio light plant will 1 ducontluued in a few day bolil txt fall wylia c clark of hramptou will preach in jioox obdroh nxl holiday ita mr aepbereou goe lo uramplou lreeldant matthew faahfialled a meet for to morrow evening iu tba town ball foe lbs orginaatl a j ilia cnout eroea club for tba acaaoti dlwsalon court altllntta wari brl 1 hare by judge ham ii too ual wedueeday kftar nooo ouly two mm were bead aud ibov wore oqmpejuwely trivial mr david tovmll bower avenue who a injured by a falling ira wljllt vuillmj hla brother lu fritt aooia weka bfo ia ablao babaat again with tba aid of a oaoe tba torouti xiadlaa lied oroee com mlltee have acknowledged with thank a o aoh lady tbo tracelnt of tha hopltil appliaa ablppl tham far oulit ar04 on ih latjoit- froro aoton ian autartaliiit in- bobalf of lb india lamina uud will u hald iu kuox church op monday march ifllh local ulaot wilt pnrulah 4hd proraniia aca poaur lalar for pajuoula tba tit iaaaa baa jui vaoalvod fraauvtf it lll who u t praaaul ao- joarlng at uamtltop lurwiuut h otollo of baaatlfol iboloravnro vlawa of uiu prttty olty and aurroundluu llav w 8 lloldau oi ifook wood faaohal two abla aarmoo lo tha math odlat ghnroh laat sunday hay mr mafnohlan praachad auparauunaua- fuud aarmon on tha itookwood olroult a ry uooaatlvll ala of atook ni- plamaou bah bymr wioiimi lamb uu wadncaday mr lamb will aborlly ramova iu oualph aud mr jamaa uoat wlu taka laiou of tba farm ml- w ii iuty wlio nauaral ktf for tba coofadaralloil ma klid ami lk ul0 nor inauraimmompaula luvltaa tha atubllou pf vmm vnau raadr it ft oalfd ou lint pb maitar lufhu qauibu aou of mr tbomaa carobu inrrowlatl aarflouu tojory whild juniiioii ti ulitu monday afiamoo iu h oil d tha ul run ar bl ikl- icuuutf il tnwual lufully tk hrtll lioliilu of tba walhuukut oouwly oouiioll lfct tl w dldal to 4 k fut 10 ftwjllmaolluk lllftbla bull uutc for tu ftarmauiit atb hrnl of lha lrovluolal btook uliuw ualpl a wall iuuutlood wrpoiidonditil f klul h iwlullon ul ha xirj houaaby aoma lobaooo ur du falu w i y v u awmplut whn ublloatiou lolrcd t omratbwti f1rxld aaya thai lha a r of john bykaa wuuluu uufaoturr oliiwlllu burj iba u oi lha aral ul roli lm looo jt 1 1 a a a- v lioat ww uu amouii tha hw oouipaulaa inir ssioo ibnao mr dd h rttaod m 1 aliou u l 0u o ha dlio m a frot lanrfaa jaj o section mb ilia laiiagnritotil of ilia liand trunk uuy aniiotiiiaaa ukloj ftoot on april 11 an iuoroaaa in llnijrof aectlon iota man on lla iliiaa in canada or ian oanta a day an 1 in lutaw of all track- laborer who aiu at pieaaul raooivluk one dollar a day i tiq fncf eaae will aftaot a ufo majority of optioutiiaji on thia portion of lha aylaui uuru 7cijj jfve tha 1 u lotto zuud ilia olul ackuowladoa tha following iubrl lion to tha patiloala fund ywotri fow frleuda at acton raoalaad ou marob irji j k itlccrall u00 oao uavlll tf do w a hioray t 0i john miltao tluu a j moklimou 1100 j h kan ii y ifloo j 11 iaaron f 1 00 ii j klunalb llou w hpalllbl 1 00 jo2c lhy 1 00 john qlark fcl 00 vrat j aal wood 0 3 j iiiwaonc0o maatar vrank ft havill j6 uuhftij4t jknxtrur cortootttl lha mlltoo aa- w with to curraat a tnlitaka id tla laaua of a oouple of weoki ago in lha t port of tha maatinjf of tha hnral uaanvy of llajldo at- jaw villa hi lobmary it w a id tbat tba itav w i- tpaliug waa iaoud aearaury oa- uv w k godjt of apton who m pravantl by illneaa from attending lb met ting it abotilil rightly hava haao aald that tba iuv c i bp lln 4u rleotak baoraury pro tm vloa ltv j k dodaii juiuiedabhjimomi o ixnlm tbo 1 ttkt luitaa la in taoalpl of a odpy of ilia wiuilipcif dtyjnbunc a wblcli rtlouur ara ulvan of lha ahlpment laat wiiuk by aptaial tvalu of forty oir loada of of hardware to cuilomori waal of wluul pt ly mr j ii athdown wholaaala and rnlkll hardwara tnarubatil winulpok lha tralu- waa hauu by two anluaa au t lha mi waa no ipoaad tif ullaoall 4 aotta hafd- iwaraatil waa valued at hatweau 60 000 ami i 000 hi aahdown ougla of mt cbarua qooddva who ocouplca a aituatlon in ihnaoloaaaifaeubllihuiant and who ifl ktptaaantvlaitinq hi parvnta ttara ummouid htippat alouday ivtutladt an aujoyablaoyatar adppar waa hald at tha dominion botal on monday evening tba oooaalou ttflrig tba vtell of it w hi v x lktihaw of dundaa ddom largo uuiuber of t iilnff hrthi qeorfatowu loda waa praaanl aa waa h v m llro j 1 uraa m i loronto mr wu 1 rick w m cocaplad tha chair tbo aalpulol mad frauf nal loaala wara drank and alnsoal anjoyaua voikljottod about foriy aat dowd to tjia lamntlnff tnanti provided by mr aiul mr auuew tba 1pporttat1uy waa alao taken by lha brvtheri of aaylu good byo it lr7 h u campwll who tomovea thl week to tha hault v xtapotuttt iutla of rjioroujtnbradsrocjk- oleaara kilinarl luroa of lha aaooud una two tulled ulb of aoton bv been diepoaliitl of ibelr real batata and havo alrranitad to maka a clear lo aal of thair i lock ale ou wodtieeday mth i net tba took tnhraoed a vary find hard of tajflalar til thorou abort born oatue wblob ara likely to allract a tmiabac of atookmatt lo tba aalo ilia herd luoluded ro of aoton iu03 kelly gray wja bed lloaw 1134 lut ifltwi lady jaua jnd 107 llad cberryaod 1900 daley i00 lady anna ink aud lord iloharu 1h00 tba took bad the reputation of baliiii of a flrel olaaa inllklutf lalo uuara klnnarj uroa ara about to rllra from farmluk ibey will b cordially wlaoniad au future qulkeuh of aiou the vutmxdl at the xmte uarloy ilryar ilia reiiiaitia ol tba lata moruy iiryora arrived from it xaul by ilia uaturday morn in if train mr fred ilryara brolhr of laocaeed waut lo bt paul ftutl axoom mn fed mrj dryer j and bib itul buraa hard a fuueral aarvioa waa bald at titer home of lliv wm ilryera ou balurday iiioriiinjfby lla j a moltohlan m a aaaltud by uav ii a macpharaon tba tamalna ware taken to naaaxne un lha monday morultitf train for inuouut iu ttie family pbtthard mr vrad bryar mrd dryara jr ami mra ilryera ar waul with lha ramaiue uraiuhld ol niagara falli and mrs lloblttaou of liltujetoil lurlvejltara iet thuiaday and pant aavoral daya with tba maud hard lha floral trlbulaaaant by tha ooloerd of tha northern raolbo ii it fttid othar rlaudd wara uiajiulfialant a new iluulneum hlixsk air acloti itlailatod ou iood atjlborlly thai tha rtaal proiuvyoppoalta lha poet ofuaarliad beau purobaaed from tba trueleaa of the llapliat cburob at a kood prloe and lht 0iaralloud far the eroatlou of a flrl olaa bualuaaa block will ba ooiiiriancad aa aoori asjpriu opeuh tha kantlemau w tjia purohaaail tha property baa had anparleuoa 111 ilia erection of buiiufii propartied mud intaiida tha naw block hard to be niodarti and up lodatd lu all ita appolalmaotd it lii propoead that lha urouud door be puimed for tbrae atorai lha option for lha corner vltfra in bald by mr wall to mau ajtar of tha uarohiutd ilauk and will probably ha fitted up an preailaad for lha bauk tbdolhertwo eurea will mutoaio- tlald a dry goodi and a dtorf atora tbla block will to dojibt b tha praoraor a other kualuaad blockd and ha boaajuaul tmuolt beaded tuprovexueot cf oar nleroai lltd buaiueae plaaad vmttwott ta mr mdxr ir o cjheji tba orfloera of knox ohtuob sunday hobool and cbrlatlau endeavor tfoolaty twt uatlburaday aveolntf lo wlah uauul mra it q campbell clod apeej in tbalr tmoval lotlaullula maria out afur a bruf but vary timely ejdree by mr wm molmiail uuparinlaudaub of the uuuday bobool in which ha axprdeaed tba load falthtlha rauioval o hr wud mra canipball who had baaii auarkalid workara ha wuhtj tbaiii auooaad in thsir uew huuia mr j j laweoii then praaaiital tlieni with haaull fully bouud voluuiod of bcoll and lontf fllilvr and addad a faw worda of approl tlou uhorl apaaohad wara mjti by ucadrv john caiilalod and j it kauuady mr orimpuu iiibahawif mri cauitmll km hlmvrk bauked lha dunnrs for their baautlful tolthtia of atlur- u ajtialha lha ihra yaara ha bad apit in knox gliutoh bad ban plaaaauldliad ajid iu hid removal ha ml that lrovldeuoe wea itltllo uiallu aiiillliaid wnuhl in yprk for i ham o do for the uaalar l their uaw homu in oloaluu ha uajd that both mra campbell iid bimajf wotill walooiua any ulellord from kuox churoli lii iheflebu iii fant atiyoaapurolrtil tout acton would ba wfloumaj mr caidpbell waa alao niadw hia roc 1 1 lu oil tunjiy of a beaut fill vcliitkie foni liu huudaylhobool alaaa or mlrla 1 riajcalblll oflhd tthb uiuiu had elilleladht luroiilo tor tjerrlaot duty at llalirea u llauefd hiofd vjlih uiet ohla and dwalhii vl iurmti war datroy by tire laat weak nriomoohhoop nliwo nassaoawtya air 1 clar habere arrived hoioo ou mon day from lha general lloapliaf goatpbt where ha had apeul a mouth or mures ia frelintj remarkably well and aaya bo a like a now man lr a 1 hiraband v ii arlvod home from fori i ulna n y letjyfdey jl haapant tha winter with ijrw j darby aaulluu him in hie laotice ii era on frldajj uat mr hujjtf jvaleajii of naaaagawaya reoelva1 a oablakram auduif that hla bulbar majar rvttagli of liar uajeaty a clod oxford i bt infutrj and in oommand of ave oompauled of ruomiliwl hitautry or the finn iln undr oera praoob had htni tikon pilaotier by ibelloaraaluuk with ute whole of 1 divlelun and vcn at ltloiia mejur vf tull bad lauly ralnpj hi- poaltioa it ulhury aeoraujry to fjlr oaonfe wliy oomm ending lha madrae 1reeideroy of india coming and going vleltqra to and from aoton varlruothr peraonal notata mlltof mr j 1 toed lor launer ak ciamptlon from tucaa fotulva jaar1u con tide ration of lha reballdldifn hie tanory tha aamao a baoqner and ooneart will bo hrld in thd towt hall hits dtantntf lloy jl w weodawurlb wllritmaofa eduoatlonal aarnond in the meuiodia cburob uext hunday tha prokraaalvaollisanaof tbla kood nhj town rejoloe at ihe raaolt of the carpet factory by iaw iu tl e euotion laat frl day j39 volaa werocaai only 7 wernbgainel it thia glvra b of a aaajonty over the iwolliirtlj vole baeeeaivy another lm portaul manufactory la now almoal aa tlia ouriluj audtkalluifriuavlaltuauiua tha wei ol buow aoakil with ralu waa loo much for tha roof aiafioulliso with report heard at a ojneldafabla d ufa no the eotlae roo fotlowd by lha aided all ia latt thnredey rnomtng tba wrack la a rjomplila oat tha timber belntf broke o up badly atnhatvmalu atanding are the waiting roouia for aoma yaatd lha build fog bad bean looked bpon aeuuaafaand a wad alwayd prevlootly taken to have- mi tbo roof cleared of know it la bloel fortunate that tbraooideut oocurad wheri there waj ho peraan lit lha building the eprfhg aaalud will be held belt tuaaday ajtlha court houa sevside- oeiojt to the targe fall of anow luga and wood are rapelng freely thia woek mr alvx cjjpphrll intondd oiovlmi to manitoba early in be f runda bare wlah him avery bacccai in hla nhw boma ur jamaa iloa chaok line vialled frlenda in upeyildo on sunday laat weak while uieruareh livingtton of opayaidff aod mim mafrdnnald of tor onto were vuillutf frleuda in hie qootch 11 lock mita llvltigaton had the mleforlune to ran agalnat a board and aarlomly injure bey ay liar many frleuda with bar a bpeexly rioovory tba dona of bcotlond patriotic concert proved a failure to young coupla in our vlolnlty the young mau got aj far u hid beat rlrl b boom and owing lo the moa btorm on monday avaniug would naitbrr venture tba trip lo the concert nor back bomd vbilajhrei001f yontf kneo froranbt bootch jllock ware ralumlug boma from aofou ob a rtcint cutiday waning they vanlured in a horad race which dnfvok prove vary eellaaolury to lha win litre tha colli 1 auaoadluit in retting ahead loal their hald and tha other two rig ran over them and oomptalrly deetroyed oua ol than thd olhof eioeplug with aljlit jojurlaa we are vary aorry to haar of auob sunday worltaud wa hopa tliat in the future they will avoid anoli praellcaa ltwchouul wood baa coma in it a llvaly mauuar duripg ilia alalghintf of the paal week lo tba klhie hart an eauamad rnamlar of lha hoard of the lorontollma co died last saturday ia tha praou of mr john damp o t4ato ha wbu an occtaiotial vlallwr lo tba utile work her and waa tnucll litaamail 1i was born uaar newport lale of wight la kwi and cme lo canada when about lhhty yaiaoi ajfa lie willed ol jqavaii port road in a ooltnge built by hhrjaalf oloialy ad joining tha elation of thai batua njha korlharu now tha o 1 it- vor wauy yaara ha oarrlwl ou bitaiitma aa a halt dor and ouiilraotor and had a lara ootinecllon tba following u tha roll of houor for tba tlioulh of 1ohruary at tha publla loltool oldaa ollv miuhall l oarin kmmauootl frwl ijw4jikbtdtiir iv br ijobart marahall john hauer jodokll jhanckll charlie una will mcdowell v hwaokhamtnir iv jr kva maradith clara oilbralth duucau bbarp delia whalarmay o nail willis dokbld lurvil uerrlt frank had aay itt claad nalll rwokammii lua uootl pioaala modowll wur uowman ii hr kail haiuar willie marahall uav marahall charlotte mcdowell mag ti myrtld hcotl famw boott wilfred lliaaay 11 lha mina willie oa born 1j jv lommy dobhla waalay line frl ii ci i frank o nail jlifrad marahall llarila mcdowallieddy how rnau daley mino fbal wh lr llduay kirpkaulck co tie iteey cadju cod jaa morton tl i claadfrad noroo tub donation u appudciateo car brook quaana iark toronto maroji ijih 1000 to tuu llltotl deartllr ulgli aakyouiu lha uaxt leeiia of your paper to thank lha kind frleuda in aoloit who aant a vary ure donatio of boapllal tupplud to tha had croaa huouta oily hall toronto the thlujt liv banti all pack- and blpprl par h h montorry to tlouih africa wbard from bnouunlu ihy ara uiuott uadall i have acknowledged moat of uia dona huu pivelaly but w aoma of the ail ireeeed of ihd dotiora were destroy d n iraualt i should ha very uuoh obliged if you woul i bwlu ibu in your oolumuu all d loin wa h work golng lu oltr roomcatlha ollyttall a praaaul wa are taakiutl llaiitivlelta altfri urge alaad and wd hope in hava a ureal uumber kaaly tujeud uul lojiuy canadian aoldurd by ibavilrat pportumly aiuouhi auy ul youratadtarw foal truuganl to makw hhlrti or booka and tend them to ua wa ahall be gild to forwatd them with oura to africa tlia kajre i aaae invitaa all ita ulluiaui tlila column ii yoej ea jroor fjtaoda ara going mmikj aa f holiday trip aa if yoej ttave irlanda vlaulaaj th drop a eajrd lo lbe vauuj mr a o warren of toronto waa in towjj on i uaaday mr a l- tfanauoe4 of tralahraa- waa in town on uoaday j mayer no eon of ooelph wea in town on ttaturdey a ml mootlvy miaa liaaia macdooalil of toroolo ia a kuet at ihejiooieof dr uacdonald mr and ura jamae raonedy of george- town vijud acton tileoda laat friday miea fbmm tabby of toronto ha been the gueel of aotou irienda tbo pa t weak uaiter willie ilmyth waa ap from ilrampton for a fow day a vuut thia week mr hamol ioweji orcjnalpb waa the kneel thie waear of brra datrgfctw mra t k u hecord mrs h ooumaij and uute vfotow epeot a week at arkall and relnnird home on hatorday mr wrp waldm jr- awl mlea wahiiat returned lo thoar lotoalat cartwrlgbi man iaa4 k he k w dadeon 1 1 formeciy editor- of the canadian ftyff rlh la oniral on monday mlad campbell reiomed front the illinary openlnga al the toronto whole sale booaea ual friday air urlio uolfat of ill faal man la pending a lew week at the borne of hid father mr cbrutopher moffet mladjaonaa bleallafluatraxeti to 4a- rrlemla in olao bhe contemplated return ing lo taooma waahinxtoa ahoilly mlad liulo aloora re to road home rrom an extended viall to frietwhrio toronto and hramptou laht friday roocb improved in health i meeera thornae cernhla and william mullin w to lrln on toaeday to attend the funeral- of their oooarn the lat john mr aeorge bnyder and uted ixmuu returnednaat weak una- two weeke vielt at their autara mra btewah llfrida xk mayor jolin odooogho and hla daugbur miea mary helen of htratford apenl eavaral dayd thia weak with ur oeorge mnlhollad atnt other fneoda mr j h corry who haa been oo a boaluaaa trip id lha rnahlim province aino cbriaunaui rein road horn laat thoreday kia trip wad a vwry aaoraaafad one mr joe gibbond who had hie finger lacerated lu lha roller upon which he la employed at the acton tanning com panya worka uma weeka ago td abla to be al work again mra hevj k coddan waa ao much improved that ahe wa able to return home from the hbepital yeetarday her t4ny frlaudd hope her oonvalaeoenad will be- rapid and complete i mr joaepb autlaraon left for hla home at qarluey man bntaeedayailerapead ing tan weeka among friend i in tbld vlnlnlly- urn a takinaf a boople of head of thoroughbred cattle back with him mr a t hoabaud v b who bad apant the wlrilar with dr j w li fort x v aaalatlnd htm in bid aatenalve praolloe there ta turned home laat weak and kpeot tuaeday with aoton friende miaa ii v maneely ii a bt oaruion place who wait a mam bar oi lb ataff oi acton fuhllo uobool in itrw paaeed through acton saturday avening to take a bltuellonja tbeixablio bohool at cbeeley meaara johabymd and it j caoip- ball left on wodnaeday morning for ban i bl marie theeoen of their fnlar b operetloua mra gampball and maalaa c ball id leave lo morrow the beat wlahed of their toaby frlanda follow them ur j u t mckarhao of the q o ii toronto on al toronlod recralt to fill veoapcied n the hra hoyal cahadu contlnaanl who ha frlendd in aoton wa preeer tad with m in rou by the km ploy ej ol lb turoulo huhbar co of wbloh b wa hook kpr prior to uavjog for halifax on tiatorday councillor william returned homd ual evanluaf from attendln lb fnaaral of hid brother- in law mr w j morrow at dandalk who had bead iii aloe jfoly laat mr morrow waa a reetdeat of dundalk for twenty yaara wak iu tba council for aeved yaatd ua wb aleo a membar of beveral aooletlad which atlaoded lb f hilar al in a body absolute segubltf genuine carters little liver pills huil br blonatura of tcakters rukiiautic rw auiilliut roa auuanam rulapuutdl fbi cmstipatifiba ruxalljwuual fu thccompujuoat jtl oujieqick headachk ohas l nelles tuulilti bodkstotte tcuelph- 7 aln althjully yura t yalkiu jiurubli hud had loronlo ladled uialiub 1u1 uroee hojaiy to cumtl a cold in onu dav take laxative itrouiu quinine tblu all druaautd laluud illwutuuhvlf t talw tu ears v0 k w uruaealua4uie uun inmltliua la it too early lo talk wu j ij uouhii- wiauiow ikaja cuwaj w 1 rorsqod hot a ui we aio iah wiioti you r joiitl d mokoo la our agent it acluii whimper youf vvanla lo him chas l nellcb cuolph wtntct finds out what summer lays by st spring summer autumn or ivinter sonieone tn the family is tinder the weather from trouble originating in impure blood or fbxv condition of the system all thren ofatmuiter ijamo eftthe curwrf y uio groat blood purifier hoxxrajharaapduriila it nctvr diary tjwini nssatlu w fe aaiartlla and alter iinliur a lew imltlee have no alnrw boen houtru k 11 jr ibwih tvjro m h coiddnotblep- i tll not lure any api tlln i 1 rtaih ipft alrcii al lilglit waa aiitlml i roulfl hardly walk ilra1 alxxit iicmmi a karaaparllla brut knir uhtle atxi it reatnnwl mo to pcrfrt boaltli afiaa jaaaia tnaataiiu tranlnolr otu 3toodt its noted tea store r and china palace or wanted iiiixmi pound itnm llrlod at plc r r juot boooivpd lako huron 1 rout in hall uaircla itko huron merilnulo half uireli ialnador herring in half ur labf4br i frrrlng in 1rrdu in the chin n palaoo wo ha i aphony ollt liui luuweck 15 fiwa- ijltravalivariii tam urrltatlax da jt vaic j a mcqrea r c amveu 1 lj ladies helts something entirely now m belts h spring bkltjtlcklks ladies- blouse setts come in and see them when 111 guclph next tinoo savage sv co jowollors cuelph glasgois jlouse acton grocerydepkrtm6nt our grocery department is particularly alive just n6w to the demands of the season note the following dried iviaclici fine hjlcpflr lb u evaponilod applet ioc pr lb 1 ineal california iruii6a 3 lbs for 35c i ilb 5c per lb urighl goldni syrup 15c vt nx caiinsdreas com tomalorf and rumpkln 3 for 35c tews- mwiwom itl packers 350 aoc 50c per lb ulue itlhlmin in packajta ac rc 50c per ih our hulk teas ara carefully aclcclod and blended wa euxnuilod to undcfaell any podhur by 3- f all lines of groceries eomplctewith the best brands and most trustworthy goods to be obtained at closest prices orders solicited prompt delivery henderson cq grieat sale silver knives ferks andspsons i have bought the largest quantity of them that ever was brought into guclph at one time and at a price that will enable me to sell the bebt rogers bros goodb at prices never before equalled genuine roger bros plain tea spoons al quality 3 45 regular price 2s- genuine rogers bros fancy plain tea spoons ai quality 3 gn rcgiilar price 475 genuuie rogers bros plain dessert spoons 590- regular price 7 50 genuine rogers bros dessert knives 425 regular price 500 genuine rogers l3roi medium knives 4 45 regular price 550 these are all brand new goods direct from the factory and guaranteed g d pringle jd0llr ctjbl1ph new spring hats pays to buy at bollcrte it pays to buy at bplutts increasing attractions hlncn ibi announcement of the opening nf millinery nnvrliw- l wert we havo opened a numlxir of ahlpmcnla tif new york novnlllrs aa welt 07 t- un ixan impuila all ul which are on dhplay in our f1 ow kuuin mlaiimtwikinv baa til mi mlurnwl to lay tin i iu bny with uf hljff trimming new sprlnft mlllitinry which ivlll u put forward lntu bhxk oath day aa ii ia- prnluco ladled art mot c tdlally mviiml tn ilroji in and wolhe novclltea tial ariulally jiuiltlln uut v gruiiii lo buy llio jjikxis 410 on lala for you jjiumx- atllliibry fjwinlng ovrty iuy 1 thd lltun forward in our drosarnaklnifkumiiiilii i kvhi x a liavjng 1 r forb joriiprinjj cuv ilinim ruthingjn upon hr wa rrxtfollyjlaiila ljihtfa 1101 10 put uu placlflfc hrdcra fotltater coaiumea until lain aa lha evidences arc that wp alia ii ho vary much cr6wdir wlilj ordcri j openlnfilbla wa aomc ltranf ifutneepfjn covlume lolliu e h k boiler t fe co strand 27wynhmnr8fcrrubiiphrr junfiuwmiuwiuwiumiunfiuwmwmfl 1 1 gburney fe co 1 1 3 e spritig prints j wc luve received advance shipments of g oursridgnprmts ihllie newest designs and g 3 patterns g 3 g sprincr flannelettes g e large assortment newest patterns 3 5 new spring cottons cottonadcs shirtings g 3 and shretirtgs pitsed into stock during the week rg recognized loaders in groceries 1 qurney co aoton is huiunfiuwiumiumiumiiimiuflriuiumwium l 8000 stock 01 jturniture ahp carpets to ij sacrificed in bhe nexfc2 months havfljuil finlthad slock taklatl and find blork eullrcly too heavy aa all chuus of furnilure liavn adiancot from 30 to 30 ur cent in value alfice july lail any one lookintt for genuine liargalna and wanllng tllliar furniture or carpets should si e us niirouc iiuying 80 upper wyndharn street guelph coodanold on eaay urmt of payment j ml strttthers we have reason to congratulate ourselves beca of the preference shown for our new silks and dress goods ily tha ladlea of guolnlt and r urroundlpif csuntry how do wo tinow of their refcicnco why tha treat incteaui in ourioloj of the m xu 1 1 avi s no koom 1 ou 1jouh1 our imports for spring aw on a mora extensive kcjld llian uet wove never had anything to compete with litem for si yi i quali1 or valu1 audita wlih confidence iu our ability lo pleau that wa respectfully invito you lo ui them and buy what vou like if tlilplil ml hit andoult iuicl lnnuaicea ynu thai way wo roapocttfully invito you to 8uu thom now whllo our bhowintf is complutty j a specially go6d lot opiv vabtiftv h r trimmings suitable forweddinlin ufyx iciiu cutfcjtot theyre beauties we have placed lit alock bboiil p doieit of the laic i up lu date spring hal in all i ho killing rolora 1 hd nlrnal kirid htltalm we m or tihowti la the trade tbu la ibo lira coobinmentd our spring utile r nobby stiff hats from i to s275 latest soft hats fro 50c to 276 spaciiais in black fibhmnie sox new specialties infilockwttar d e macdonajd bro th6 lion guglph cue i lite only r e nelsons maivlutnl luloril ite puruleher ti grunito monumonto 1 a lowxbt vwomti jill uluiltoii moitumeiilal worku uejpti hka oirn iww worth r1 marble and giaiille of utehl luelm mill dtlln the month ol lebruary he will take 0nl for bpdiu delivery at lowcet prlcee nut wllhafundint ihj very larne advancee in thr raw maierial duiln lite pjt lw tnoitlba all eapemea blluwed ruhtomatb in hi i fiont luelh viall our sm at nntc jt u hamilton w ouolph wtfguanidm that tdcaa laatfta will rallava pain qjikkr thau tny othar iut up ouly i sciinbcuaandsmk yard lolla tu ww alluwa vixi lo cut that phuhtf any alca ivory tatknlly hjuuld haivo ono reatdy for an ero eotacy oayij uwbwc co umiiib bumm llawaia tt tmtf lun ibljkil

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