Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1900, p. 2

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ho- tin i in arloo m saturday hercb si and urt j no u leodonald bbtml alorewann a fanner on tburadar kmli irl to ur an i tttm tieorgn enn tan it in kwmc nu wadneedertli i ur til kl ailhur ttaeart j uia u1 ir n al tl a lianib r krlii i wedneedey noi 11 fnwll 4akie jualin lo i ilul ur of wullem uetnllloa f il i allll jeroiea colle lie evening tlnlutnh by ii pier ify albert jen lie teller tf whom lud lfjlw una aimiiiimh y on llitular i i he uuier wlf of albeit k ual f ltivaroal aged 31 year t k fkitflr tun tiurryktreel ra uaallu sttje rton 3fm jms bditonial notes i 1 raditlrtueilloi bill waa defeated o lm henaln tet wedneaday eoood llm bo volfi wa on strictly politieej lb couorjlivrb who oied f th bill loealoii vnlttig wltb lha party on thl uilj fwv lb county dijiidl the rat per ty to county rotinaillor waa luorreaed from 13 to 13 coniilorhig th faol lbt italian courtly coqnoil it bill hair f dnien meetings of day n during ba jfar ibi- refill were lion oointotbdriiedeiorbluhl lbi warden- alary 1k paranoum yeara tjqd ii th uuri jo mi coin doting hi cabin i probaily uks cuiiiuiw will b intrvt merlin i rttn baa iuopmdl jit l tb lectio will a in juu tjrillab a turmoil daring tba raining etfength md ilia bcltaod b mill tueowj in berrying th country and have a good working majority fd afaclji la on of tba too i an hallow aver mo oat ur whitney election bill peaied th aooond reading lut wdnday tba measure provlda that briber arw to b puulahed wltli mix month impwoimnk ktij fluo of fioo which i pjtood tmmar hut tliara b othr provuioori which j n to comtnend ihemiewoi to uw letfulharikiid u thontbt um btli will not a british reverse th poors ambuph col uroad- woodi forco 20 mlloa from- dlnomrontaln hi vbnguns and 3sombn losf ijkoom april 4rh mliwtntf lcli dlfl uarolijh wa mau t fbs tb imlub ro dommtodxl by c1 ilroajwood txnautltif of the lolli iiu rai hon noltt0ratrt bormwbmt urle krul a foroft of moan lad jntantry umlor cul illohor wbloh had bn e runnlnk thob n obu wai otiicl in 6onjooo of ill near approach of fc ur foroaof hor to ivava rt ollib ctl iff oil wood tdudbod la lb nioora forjuin waurwarlu aooib of uiolto3iji77 whom b anoampvd t 4 thla mocutuif airly dan theoflp w idlilod by lha inanty from rt nar poinj tlrol wood aauii off convoy with biuilaai whtla thfl roalof lba fuiaa rwnftlumd took m raaur rruud tb ooavoy mril t ip aprolt vbara tb iwrt war oonotlw avnd lh plir body wald into rnbb n4 vaai okplnrddt togvtlmi t fin ty fb of h aanot rr aloo moat of ih urlllth bdwtkd into tli trip bforw hot u jrad an coliiuadlllon wblob wtdlom- foolaiq lly tbla warning arrlvwl b t noon mid bo la ddm ajallin tb hot jan oolvllloo dlviaon incltfbm th jtjyaj fjarlfi jyt tlanerfl llobsrl 1 dow bllvd to b mrroundad lb lkni abj tba gr batlla u immlnanb if it hu not mjnavdy uko ptac provincial fat btock shout haau batan rriautntly ix3tawit bualph and that poultry show also tim fpaii of um minui of edocajioa tor tba yur lkra boi tlt umn hjm7 ptihllo aoboola la oouvrio ma incraam of iblrteain over tut kod s mpavntu bclioou an iocrm of flvw th urua of imblio aohool uchar ai rjoroin 1 bo kvarftg wy ua fa wu ijul and for lhori sji tb profeuiotl ta beln ruqiioiod by woraad to a urg uuol lut y of 8 000 lnhrt 6 h00 v woman mu itiora of 123 jjd u tq wat bou a decraa of ml at tb head of caitdutt alary wrlum luinl ghurt irl- kt to blm lb bonorii ar fajrly oeu blwi w a ivaiwr aud itobah lurr wjlb tb fofmaf inhibit uroand faal both rjar nbd juff lmva aiorioa in tb april cakodia jyuim4 atorlea whldl well llltlatrwu tb diffeonoa botweeu tba work of tb two oauadlan in thla luo thai r am olbar eicoliinl faaturaa loalodlnjj two jjtulratd artlelo on hlfmtboonai ilpr a itumlwf of aprolal photograph from booth africa u artlel on tba llod oroa by ir ityaraon and a o poam by ivatlklill qadaby v lltu dclalou iu a um ufor tba oaalpb iolifto oiitatrla acainat a houlkaapai- bbafl with havlutf paojii in hi bay iltihiijf prabbilad hour i of jfanral intofeul ta ltaulman th magrau uaalaln1 tb vjw adanod by tb ooudm fur tb chief of iolio that any plao wbtrd llqnor wah trafficked in wtl a bar roouj wlthiu tk rnaulnt ot tua m of um li juql- iitoaua anl willi thaf wan only on bar alio w3ty law ancl tb twraanwiiiobifaajjjlcadwa kamadt tb bit toata ytt tb law apparently outi tam plated otbar rooroa iu which liquor woultl h aoij by tb uo of tho word 1 tits barroom or bar roonia lherof and ba yliould bold in lb la c nd in fulur tlikt ity rooin in lb bfal whw ujuor wau tradlokbd in auoll u wudaut oloak room wm a bar room and uut ha olotiad lo th publlo iutltijt problhlud boort at lb annual tnaatl of tb dam lb ion catll baaadar aaaoclauon at toronto laat friday tb principal boain an a dlaouaalon a to tb parmanant location of tna 1mvlrnul yt hlock qbow mayor nolaon aid llaker and uaoara huff tfnd jon appaard a dajaua lo bapport th tdajinof qualpb mayor neleoit aald opalpb wool i do orylhio in ui way of providing lb naoaaaary aaeotn modalioo van to tb vaat- of 110 000 aid wbltbam oi mayor v lltntt ur henry as m 1 and mr llrooki nupporud u ran word claim and offered lb max aooocnmodktlow a coalpb they alao offered op behalf of tb tlrantford co lo taka all tba caroaaa oajh in um block 111 at tnarkai prlca wbaa tb vol wa takao tl raanltcd j favor of ooalpfa th ebaap and awln braadara ha alao imtresd hpoa qnalpb a tba looauoa pr tnaaaouy for their anboal fair tba pool try taoan hav uktn timilar anilan 1 tbu will eivwunalpb an annual oh rial raaa fair of large proportiooat with aibibi- uona of oattu abaep pbja and poultry from all parbipf th provlnoa thaoiiy ooanly and adjoiolnf towoablpa are knakiotf libera grant toward tba bjilldiog naoeaaary to aooorntnodau um fur qnalpb williwap large and obatan- uaj financial benefit frond lbta aplandld annual gathering chin lt bondnywaitlia lanmelli annvar ary of lb paatnrff of iu il voha th nvefii waa ouinmtriioil with apeoial enrlooa on babbelli wbilo on monday evtqlott a nniqu eoolal rrabef niii waa bald 1im wbi half of lot no k in 3 ud oon oeaaluu i rln townahrp 100 aorea i uu old lourwm ix maud for la 0w rll alowhky 1 tawn are uiu mil ton a rnaatlntfof hie dirodtmra uf iii jiallon agricultural hoclty wbh 1m 1 i at lb town ifall milton ual lulurday aftiuooii it we decidod to purchaa from lb 11 ion rata to djoiolotf tb ground of tb ho claty an ear aud a half of land anil to araot tbarhn a bml lini about loojj t to need aa oaltla a 1 tad a on fall th clllni of tbia food jubilant or lb iripwm of tb l of tb carjxl faotory har il la oipeoled that atlrita nuintiar of banda w11 b am ployadyand uot only will all hha yaoanl hooaa 0a unanud bal a nnmbar of tjaw one will bo eraulad hlaaammar bufrehin ychqol vclaaalhybnllth 1 iv cim fl iaaf haor howard ttonia uagtftauartinklb kerr llrvey iui lidy hi llaaa rioii juibattn num murley wlllld campbell uob moihuiald willi mol wen ii riawallla mwitr j roy maftln 11 llcrt worm reading fdnamoarthnr waller blank dredga il ii hlak hnm alfrel cauiphol itabbt kforay itobblo kfr abnle vleal vt i uina fjiviuiftun maymaarlhur arthur hallulay lva hmlth k j culruvw jaohrr v1 will hd lt nliillmhi fr in tl likiia t ich 1 l inhxvl thirty mtr of hi- iigr 1mb lmmd wi ll fiaj imih uni wliik r mil rtiw lok 1 lor a fi- i f i fi ymir tjtildrii mtdtcal iioviry ullll i 0lirw iwatw vrtlir ror-dm-inr- ta jiipmy i waa i buamraa n hal tin lore ail iumi rlmiiiitmllmii r llini moutliw iulilut walk nt nil i tjlrj tlit lt iktm i ulil rrt but titoy it 1 ie in krf1 i uhik uirrclm iiick of dr iirrco ft f olflrti m ileal ihykry w ll riticl ntr aoitnil i cflinn itotilo l minfllri mid lliero vrt r tltrrf ca dlfirfmt illbrima t mlvinrd tit- yluith lo lv ur i irrcr a mciliciitci wlucli lliy did nul nil weir l urc 1 no ulcohnl cocalnr nor olbcrjj trcotlc lne ir 1iercr a comttton sciim mriucal acj iiier lorvl jj i wnt free tl rctpf f 11011111 t jhv ttlimi f custom and uwiliiti viv srtul i me ant ktuilipii u rln lwwv lyillhil iii lultef or 9 tliiiniw cor tloth binding u lit k v llerw lliifritlo n v ix ooo pnee bamrleb ouaraniaad cur for catarrh irortoltltla aithmi ttiront irritation colds iju dui i nbatcufrll or jlrooomtu run un ii tut it otlt bafora it moomn clironirj tba ulalinpleal anil jill kkl rente ly i lllrae cuitpuldl- i ltrrl x no jl no lr nothing iu irat hir wo will i jim free mi oonl otlm aull latil hi riiny oaaee in cure and onn itixmsiid led tmorrrfi kaalqaa m qm potg ao lolaod a o uhiualon i tl lotiimy who wi ibe teaobar noah wl tna i hi ui jiiom tf ci may bfl taken with nt t byihh who ri li- uf an tifrlii u by lb 11 cavity a donlll oils la mad lb mluw with tb apada huibfuoruiincr ibrnwn away by woman annually in lb purchaa ofooanutle lot inn an i powdarm nuim of which vr anoooipllbrb i uljrol uaauty depends on baaltliy blood an i ond dlneatlolt aitcll aa trl cltrr llontlaa gaaranlcea yon for j5 uta and txi oa tx iaokag lekallaitd uoantlilaa jour compleon jack kill folhfa do not rrtakn htia bird 7 mkbet mo long foatbars ard tb tblnt uow onoi ra cov iiim and c 1 14 are all irlioby cured by iyoyvleotoral it curaa a crl i very ulckly and laaaena ihn ouuitb alntoat iualaully manufactured by tba pro ptuuraof irry uwimiti k irr canadiam hohbir bwovv tb um hald at that armorlel to ronto oti april so 37 mnd 2b all railroad at lbs annuel banquet of the oaujullatj uauufaoturerara aaaoolatlou lu toronto in i irtdavur d k tixjmpeod q 0 delivered ati in urea tin add re od baukruptoy llition in canada iwoooiidltloo wera undrtooj baaald flfil th proiorty bf au mtolwaut b loured by rigbl lo hi creditor aud eaooadly thai tb insolvent having rnad a fall aurrender of ble property should b fejeeaed from futua liability in repcl it hlt debt canada hi aarioualy iu uaed of 4juiubl aud workaulabaukruplny lawa tba bul beta autqa of tbia ooaulry ha bean oon blderably bauiitarad bouof th lattk of such lawa during tb pvl deoaj tba bllalluad houeea of oraat ulllri ar very inuoll diaaatis wlul canada a poaiuod in till niaiur aud it will only biupoo uj uaotiuatit tf aatlefaotory lawa loocblug- tb properly ut iuaolvaou that oonndetioa will ba fully restored tb blfttb annual canadian uoraaubow will balield in tb jtoronlo avmouru on thuraday friday and saturday april joth j7lb and i8tb this year um show promlaaa to ba halur than vr tba elaa of boraaa wilt ahow w great irtiproventaol land th number of antrie will be largely i kfany addiuooahavw hawrr mad to tba pria hit and baarly tijmo are bffarad in prarolnrqs tba canadian oovarntnabt through uta mlaleur of agrl cnluir hon bydny viahar baa bffarad apeclar pflx amoonun to woo for horaaai adapted for military burpoea tb flrat of thee special claaaa la for bora auilabl for artillery purpoaaai th aaoond for boraaa soiled for okvalry tnouuu ha uilrd u far horaa suitable for tnoontad infantry iu sach of um uirea olaaee tba prlae ar dividwl 0 to tba flrt imi o th baooud aud 15 to tba third tba anlria do on april 1ltb and aboold ba road to weury henry wad tarua idlugs toronto luduoed rale store tjp energy for the spring work tho dally round of domestic duties is to many a woman more than she can accom plish without feeling completely worn out no woman can possibly endure the continuous drudgery of household work and the constant careof children when lie is unible to sleep off the worriefof the day dr wards btood and nerve pills enable the mother or homekeeper to accomplish her many duties with an ease that makes them a pleasure as work always is to a healthy perlon because they induce sound sleep good appetite and strong nerves thereby restoring snap energy and strength to the system 50 cents per bo all druogists or sim williavs co toronto ont trom pai to health a chippewa ladv tells a btorv ofuufpkmincj andmilkaliir suftarwd from llaart trouble tor years har mlaarv furirtai ab- trravatad by kldny and tomoh trouble limuhoube quiiun victoria in ihklawd jriv 0lam maeaaltb bbarp htr malaaty arrtvh at klrtkatowrr uy 0 kail w dobu if wheur 11 on tuaauluy aftarnoji dumim atwil 8 th royj yaau vc uttui and aluri with quaari viatovl u board arrived at kiitgalowu at u odook tblj hftunioou three aud a half lioura alload of tl allied uled tltud aud wfji ureetej wllb a royal aaluu from tb oliau ual squadron llalu bad bu ml in all tb iiiortilny iu dublin itself saveii uiile from kluga tomti th aplllwl dfj dirty dublin l waa liever baforo pfeeumably better justl hod than yoaurday dublin waa bdv gled il nitery wbluh rivalled londoua jublleo ueouatiuiu drootilu sadlyfrum ihaauady rain wbldli accord 1 11j to ui wpalhuf 1 fllpllalj waa to be repeated lo day uowojof ust aveulnat wtieu lha alidwiirw waved lllniuluatiouj such as irvlaild bad uevot aeau lit up to atreebi and were vuwed by erowda aodauae thai lb savoia tburouglifar trawl waa luipo aiau in sal of stock and farming tuple weuta by mr n il llndaay on iburaday wtb march wau vey largely attended tba slock brought vary attracllva dgura but soma of lha beat farm maubluery weut very 16 w ur and mrs a dobbu aud family aud ur aud mr- uodouald of aelon apaul utiuday al th paranul bom mr w w oootl what la the mstur with our road hiaaur tbat ba do4 dot ae to a daugaroun part of tba road in front f mr j 0 nsda already aeweraj aooldattla hava oooured uu ada bouiarvllla who bu bean vry ill la now improving- lb peopla of lltuehoua will be aorry to loe oo of their ideal realdeou iu uia parwm 6 mr j 11 lhuaay and family who ruruova to torould tba lima kilos arau food work lug order abd inund taking uu u vtttra ataffra man lb i week ur john newton ot barnu pa faw day al ur joa kewton tbl- wk rollawlttg la oar aoboot report for uaroh v ojaaa0 uarahall i quvin v uaoll br 1vu uarabalt j 0 nail j hlok all j haluar v bwaokhatumer 0 rrodlhebur hl oetharlnea out in th village of chippewa and along tba niagara f ran ur there la probably bo betur known dr rmpectod rreidepttbau ur and ura dvui bohabal both ara of cermad daacant and dltplay mnob oljbat old faahlonaotbqepiulily aojifun fontnl in th fatharlabd to a oorreepondetit of iba blcalhajrlne a far who raoeblly celled at ur bcbabela bom ur bobaul related tb following story year ago my pby tioiau told tna 1 bed heart troubl i bava iu troubled at inurvala wlih pklpslta lion aud betrerw pains and aomeliniea my heart would altnoet ocaa lo beat i would become diaay reatlee ahd frlgbleoad al dont qubss at results i i inured in this atal until ial wluur wit ukjinur tl cobl affected nay kidney and nouildeuly prn tratad ts tbia siring oam when my complaint war further aggravated by stomach trouble i loathed food and oould raojua that i waa dally urowlug weaker my pbyalelaua iraatmaiitwoufdaoiiiatlniaa aliablly bettsrt un ibeii again it waa wors than aver- hoally attr alt hop was apparently ron aud a lartt sum of money had beau thrown away or uivdlciiia that did to ho good a friend alrougly advlxul mi to try dr will ism li ok rill two boiaiof wlilolt wrn brougbt nu at hie hegluiilug of tba summer of kvj i used tbca aud lo my joy uotioed improvement i oootluuad tba ua of tba pllti fallbfully until i had uiao sight bc i am now abla to atuud to all my bouwework fa ling anlirely on red x hava never had letur health tbau i am now eujflylotf mu slno dloiunufng lha pilla ba had no aymp toma of lb old oomplaluu i feel thai i uax hudarllfalougroblbjiauouafo lha beuaul ihava derived from dr williams imnk illl and will ootllluu lo praiad tbetu wbau opportunity offera thli hum lnouii rliut i10 did ami lioiv 1 0 ml i turli tmlrrjiiinlh ui hi follow in nio 1 ro a uiilklqit proof of itiirllj privacy for the telephone thecell telephonecompany offers for sale at reason- able prices ound pj100jf cabinets ofliandsotncdchign and with all the improvements which experience suggests tlio looal moncujor will bo ablo to fllvfl you ftill parlioulara meiaf carpets mind curthins n ady for showing tin it id- without room for vv v jti t t hi 1 li off and hay be st pilurn the best tguahtit irguniliit the btt values in tapestity 2 and ply wool carpets and lace curtains- t zz its ever btcn our privihg to po scs 1 vouliu rn woney jlllau1 youll jshu it if you come direct to tiiu jlion for carpets curtains and louseurjihings generally put us to the test d e macdonald bro th6 iioin guelxjph a reputation to sustain noarly a quarter contury supplylnc cood ttonost diirablo foolwoar at lowest llvln prlcob kenney bros main st acton hv uii in limlimu aelon lonjcr than iy oilier wtlalrt and liyd nlwvi blvon llirirciulomiua hoilcal ijooiljjil ruonabl c lliy liav don bulnoo on 11 a principle ol lirmaliocy 1 h pulllc h ly known lo find lhnl thoy liaio ncvr dc builnal by dliolne ol iraaby and unuililaolory bod our spring stook is now in ami is very cornnl1 in all line nolillhlamlink ibd lieavy incrtu ilie fs 7 7 y wlolcl fl w liav uol iaenrod our prlcm in l l lo m y d in ss5mais xaz- ell known as among the vry wis lwihlla kinci3tird mcthcrson s pooj- ikiapniamilaciurorar custom work and ropathhg rocolve sltlllful attention wnhamlloil ideal dltusblng in ulaek and tttiw only drejng which will not injur he fnil lcjlbcm kenney bros stylish hats for spring l bia u th qttaani fl rat vllt lo iradalid aiuodlhdl and lb populaaeiaraaulfaaulial an vulhualaani eurpaaaiti hi ever bafnra aouorjaj a uro toned bead liiia- uoa your uudlady mia unod talluf liogf 1 lit i lioll i itlabuitallv lul fl a iiahtr put t1lbiu uu ii uvrrll0 ottluallb iii guaan hw v mo dc- jl jjs boolt wu uowmarj mr ilolaaaw 4arthall k haiur k uarahall u bcotl u uooul il mi 10 1 boou 0 uadowall jr ii olsaa tbouim doby wlay lana ll iivonuduarbll t how uiau t kltktifiilok v wliaolar daisy miuo bert uudowall jmnwu iiumuadm teieher baa beau ptopoeed to tiiaka htuplr day tbia year wrd may mora uumor able tbau utual th auggaeuoij la thai tba adhclars of ba public schools of oauada and ii a olbur llritlab cojonle sign au addsea of loyally and devotion to lha oueetl arrailgaiiletlu for seourhiif tb slguatufe ill lb douiluiou ouqld ba load by th iduoetiou deperlmaiil of aacb jhovluoa iba addree uilgbt ba bound or at wrlu aa wa don 111 iba world w 0 v v patlllorj iba propoaat u to raueet tb oovaruor oanaral ui uommtiuioau with tba goroor of tb uuiar llrilleb ooloula lu aaour their ou op ration iu lha adoption of may isrd a im dr dy in all iba oolonle and tu una aiiggealiuii ttfa tthilrv addrra u lb i quij ur u v uoiuliej oauadlau qoveni rnanl immuratioti akul baa daepatobed ninety settler and aix oarluad of stock abd affaoia from uloblgau to weeurb- oauada hlr william macjouald hu mid an outar gift of 1360000 to motllll unuarally plvu luhuii la aud uiucm viui ofuu liiv bad affecu upon tba atrial boy who over ludulge lu llleol pall killer aa a lioueahold iiisdidln for all such ilia la utieualled avoid aubatltulee thera but ous 1aiu khur iwry dvla wo jj wo wliau a woman jo v a man alia puu blm in asliflua wbloh is bo vuuoh loo big for blm tbel ba tumble oul iu vlim main isolou t if you bava a haggiutf oougb and ara toeing heeb go to a drug itora and gl a botlt of ulilloha couauiripltuu cura taka two third of ii an i ibeii if you ara uol benaflud rutrn lb uollu to tba druggu i aud ba will returu your money ton t that flr no on oould aak mm la el k0 ota and i 00 a lolls hull by a 1 11 owu yweay tliateurjrrmart llvaapjiul for all your iruubla bow la tbatl will b married ma tuu i a l ajktuf 1iisiau ta th iituet largly mil i in cauada lor lok ache aud all luutoultr paina ibar a i tiii1 toll lub 1uir in air light tu jjd l b lawreiiu i i td uiakei of counw wfl can trim uati and ilonneu at hlolicr pricey and at lowar pricoo tun we make a specially of stylish trimmed millinery at j jo to 1 oo if yon haven t ecoii ilia kind oit if you haven i 0011 ilia xurprlui in nore for you tbay ra pretty tantcfulj tyllah and of food material in fact you wo ill tin t think ue d be abuj to ntakr hats womalia at itifcao prlca ikervs a pleaaant nrial li charming head wear lor npi3radelphia v- uvll iinl nllnmhliih niton lib ill nun ml lu u liiny wrltluioii lu llnr nidi ulll liriiijr by rvturn mill it 111 tvlttl lilt llyil ii co jl of hitrrees rami auuufli fur woo ihh li it ti lit unnl full f fuuljl until it ui mil tr i thtuiii 11 4 iiust si i ds that uuowitlilili uo ii i r l ji t io pliliihr nlllumlnuv iddh ui u mill h mi inii il tiiiic ilrinlh jsq cow i si ol ooaiiwoi ijtsiwifjajlyaimiliii t jtnwvk 11 ltlij uaiul tumu tall early and nvail yourself of t valuable services as this is an opportunity to have your eyca iirojni lyteaiffcifretf of clurye no fiieti work but a scientific cchalitty jitli cult cats uccurutcly lifted al wuuk cuaunthit k i tfc mil al arltut will 11 jj al agfiows hotolaototi uim 1uv omi y and ituei inr itnh amon laouu mills homhiiilrio i jjaltlavloiirijuu waui l fiui hawku in flialiila mil i u i ed lilac tlueryuem eiifcuia auj j ltltii ih vwy the will always bava on ban 1 anour ohou mill ieed oraukad wllaat alto at lji i uea ror uall leltattlaltlll and laam uur plj belw ilhu tellser i ro iiilbriuauy lett ul tlie v be lft at a t llluwua uytll i i uut tbat ilfuip a iiavke all hun i ijt tijw u d on macadam roads on country roiuli onjjood rondu and bid roads t punlop dotuchuhlo tirt j nro safest iintf easiest to ride if you meet with uiiwl- liup u puncture ten imlen from liomi thiin arc the only took on need t3 5 and j oo cajarsd er ifafswa splendid aiock at navy sarw for nrlnir urga assorlmniit of rellibla uajitl63 44 inchon wlda oatintf mnko 33c up to 50c cheviot mirke- 404 up to fi 15 vioreiu suiting for bprln tailor uiarid silils 15 diirarcini tliadeg wool 44 inch 50c 65c and 75c jl inerijlyllahjpriq aliada 4j inell joc droadclolli biiltlints full rano of lha neweet coiojjil including lbs panel uliados 45 inch special value h5c lluak drkj jlatwair letoil en t stock of new dlalk ser 4a lncliea to 30c 46 inch 7sc silk and wool graailitia for sum mar wearju various small patterns about 13 uew stylen 44 inch special value oc to fli new sedan sulilngo in broadcloh tinlih correct material for spring dreisea all wool 43 inch 40c and i6oc ataw sukmnnxinm special lot of yootl new i oulard sul11 in a lartb varlalj of about 15 different spot and tlora ejtocis on bloc croimdfl extra valun 30c i ancy bilks for waist brlghl tinlih sod make larjja selbctlon of pmlty pillerns to lie iwid only at this iioro guaranteed to wear icry npeclal value joe and cot voptry uto exproutj wtvarthecbarkatiortinyrallwayatutioniri oniarhrbii all nialio7iiera imountlnk lo 3 00 or over and fuaninim to oka you uilafacilon sample ami piled cliecr fully furnlslied oil rapieit writ- us llack mmclllolu silk for waliis purdtilk nlca bright finish- eilra special 53c iilrfyiufspaoal vju wd are still selling our slilrtlas nl the old low prices no advance uokt quality canadian shirting- indluo bind dy i a rye aaaortraant otchacka and siripevuict- camullaii calateas for slilrli wrappers and children wear in blue and while clicka special ioc inglltli oxford sbirtin light 1 qrounui with checks tad slrlpod deaijiu special i3jc aud 13c ru out jyhitm 35 piecea prints that ara tpcully good value tome iu navy blue grounds with flora aud slrlpn de signs oibort iu light grounds rut light blue and pink with striped doilfiiu too jruansu t tomsjsel j a very tine clock of i launaleitas all of them very special value worth considerably mora hun the price we auk far hem large variety of striped patterns hints of prices jo in worth 6jc for c 33 in worth 10c for tlic 33 i i iiglish special oc 3j in 1ngllili dry nice dark effects far men a shit 15c ilflu fjbrrtisrmfnls jlojmwy forsalo a duiiiilt yu a village anlyjm 111 hutu jknhkaij hklip wantki iooh oaiiel la jirtaoaaatoiiil i neial 1 t- iitoiuii 11imjti llun lu ikiluf ofkici niw drhmakintj jtithbliffh- ipiiit lllh ulla it lkii aitl vlnhllly will i jl lttee1 leaxi tl at a tlrl u tlin mssnig aatal mai ins h will e lw i l i wk tt uahi ktteet lilt tr tl i llbeiiiei i ut ulaa uji0ii410 tnrularlv umil lie uell a i ml tuantla makera u tl ui i ii wl nnwn ui ilarret ol to 1u1 i ul i liuieatous or herjupaltif let t alia ilea a haorjteioau the ittug otiuuiio ui ui uecduitell in lb olty 1 lliat ulm utntf alette hidi tlln inute willi ulaa paeeer u aoile ilrmr ual ul i faction dji eaally i k buaraiileei to al truis wantih nuhruhd mar aiiuhrilhll uiau or itt to reiireaenavili ileitlu afulual hro intutat oe 6 iceltlal flq0jiujtu acton ai1lr4 agents rtiujitajt vj l ten ixxiiia r t oi il t ba tiuuilallikeit tuaseiy inoweil litt in work ou lloer ildtuu war- and kenoliia i lie of liol awda bteryuilua- ft a llialrj alii heit1 yuuradlteaa aiul itt uinta julok wmllcott i rjliuhuimu 0111 kw y riulo agmnts f uaiidle voluitl canadian lnanulafllure1 woib iir vullltue reaily aooil romilote to date ulus vui utiuf eat euiuutlmlda h vfny wole llt willi liieoui wpeata free luliijhma couiahy agents t lut year ol tba nenlury halt lie ear neteenin oenturt- txwk ueentlb all uta ureal batttea great in great invent d and dtaaovwie twoaieaa of hallona full aecuiutit of ureyfua uiej tiutory of tuutlt altlea to data war with hpaln and every great snlol uia oeutury liltf book wall llluiram uoiti for buauara illuunuvtuukutholl co t imlux llraulforu agents eastt flouth jcftlea about t f too nobllabedbeowrj orat only canadian atenuteauuej boak brerybody oanoela tqelr nler tor anlstieau booaa when aaalng onra if a btutler tbia u yoocsolj mine i roapeatua ire lliudlfe qalutlitflom cttetnjltej haaud auction sale qp valuable proptantv in tub villag ofa in purauanoe of the eat tmipedung tb 1 dlw 1 or rallgloua inautauoaa uiio eliait sot the trualeeao ui aotoa iuj tlat uitmh will offer inr aala at nubile atiou m by william hmatreel kuolioneer on frbuy al ill uli 1000 alihreenoloek in uiealiernauu at ilia old llapiiat cjiurob tile tol logins fiiertlwi i all and alnguler uia lettds tut i j reullua situate lying and leliig lu tu vlllae of actuti being ooinpoeed of part of ttie nrtalnal waterly rter of lot number twetilylglilli in ilia d oonoeaalan of ut toenaltlp of ijqbul and better known aa part o lot tmuilr uvi leen in block number uire in the ul i village dotnmeneliur at a poet plalite1 al th aattu erly angle ol aald bt aeteuleeu tbst degreea and tweulrtwi cbaju uteno north u forty nb aeal toutll nee hoi 111 fimly m east en drea an i lifts ajweial thomas c watkins king st east- col hughobn st hamilton our link ttieno aouth forty uaauaa and twenty two tntnulea weet el illy four lllika tnora or leaa to tb aaaterly limit of willow htreet ihanoeaoutb fortyon degr all libit ly minute out ou ohaln and tblrty nva lluks tl lite plao of baginnlbg ooolalnlag by a luieaa- nt niaeteeo andoaebelf souete penttea or lea the aald lands belug liouoded ou outh by hill hlrvet and nu the feat ut wiiiow street ii all and alnanlar tbat earialu paroel or treat of land and pfemlae altuat in uia villas 1 aoton in low nab tp or keqnaatng oatiulttlng by ed measure meat tea and ooeuuarter aouara perobeamor or leaa being eotnpoeed or liert at wwtterlv noartarof loinntnnertwiitvelbl of uta lawbablp of tuber i lot t laxao puet i aa ut old ll tiro pert y a tb building upon the bioraaald proierty forme 1 y need aj a uaptut m eating iiotua taruta i aroel one oaan pamela two and three ten percent iq ba paid on day fti sal and the balance of tb pnrobaae money to ba pay abla within one oiorstb tberaaiter wltboul inter e4t or a efbarwla artanaed ondef of sale tba property will be offerad aabject to s uxukux waitlus truateea jauuh uointuilll la u wolldr t3anrjel and sugarbeel seed evoub flawloe mongol slatids i phica anions twenty setcn varle ilea of mongols leatad at tba hsverlmental farm far tba past eight ycarn tl o snjiar uoela wo would rocommrnd to ir customer are i ho royal giant sujar bt if you sow mangels and sugar doeu b ire to give ua a cut u we lutndle only the bst seeds also turnip sweden rape eto ratonted horao tail protector jtciii james hgwei cuolph soodeman 45 mocidonoll st acton- amd bus line vliiieiiblseel rod la atuebej ui uia tiiafl or iota t y aolln wllb a aet serew ti not la a ltutal le tu any ti ma an i la atiatued lbe u a bo i eou ut iu tell orertlia hue vu be vital ut ut any rig in nv niinutea a kit 111 for stiitfl rigs u fir doubl tmiuu fls mt nkau lutmt td oijrs by niall wfthreeelv rotuit atutttluu 2000 agents wanteio jameta matthoyvsj tatoiito aolou ont cnhjlhorghjlnd aaiteeer4 uuvi if it mill u null bee aaald stellej i i l4itlne ul h uia uu wu iltuui ill 1 alxlhle i mum li wilt 11 ll lii i us si axsmms 14 umii1 vju icvj i v v luu iu a j alt i m-u- at rw i i t wtjd luliisjul vetr twiner t ifll rail arahee al re weaueal tbuujilkulrwlfulyt age of lb bubllti and lurorttia tbenj thai wu equipped suid btyuliruhie oau al waya ba baourad atblsaublar a oomfaitabl bus nieela tralua batweii u a tu aad a18 p tu uaraful atuntinu kivu toavryoider tb wauu of commercial tiav1 lars ally met v john wjlltaus what it represents when you sit for a pbolograpff jmu want ltd likeneaa id eplpaoill you properly when you all lo ualwe want tliejrkjo tprjrclllu34l0icily our lnriiit soon on rton but tho boat hto- ixrapha and foe our sake ua v nil a yours wo aro sura lo glva you ufa like satufac tory pbotograplis photo hk1st hcton r new wall papers sami li s now ul adh ioh insil ci ion ciiudlau and amor lean tajier mswealdalgtl ill vuluhks 11111 iii gialttaaul uellluga to uisiuli i lain ait 1 luilwiuil iu uinhsiil artlllo latlna hi t lubt tniu ilioimi treltu 1 ifftil irean huh uolun i au 1 uuesflredil eltelbl ask for nua f nor 1uxi ieeul oltou lallng lumi la li mk 1 alia from cu i a l8w ljlul lalt whiai we wll keeeimne al 1 alf 1 if a lu ulai r tuui fur our nw floods a t brown uhauiial aiui buttlouar acton

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