Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 5, 1900, p. 4

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v kvnguld many a sihool- blrl is aim to f be lazy md shlf tl c 8 g when she doesnt d6serve the least bit out sho cant study caally foils asleep is qcrvous l end tired all ihe time and what cdn you ex- pect herfcraln is being fed with impure blood f and her whole system la kulrorlne from poisoning such girls arc wonder- fully helped and greatly j changed bytaing sarsapariim h hundreds of thousands of schoolgirls have ukcb k during the por30 ytsts many of these aids now have homes of their own they remember what cured them and now they eve the same medi cine to th drown children you can afford to trust a sanuparllla that has been tcmcd for half a century 41 cm a ttue all aviasfatv if your bovola are eonatu puled uke ayera pill you caill llvc vood health unteu hi hmvo dally action of the r reu hchrkm on ho at 1 ill ktai eay v ij6 rfait jfm r5 his opportunity i a blend and palronixhttf he yorker aa paaetng throli a raw and naar hamlet in lb wni which proud foundare nad lobbed d cliy and vara kuro would eoon brooma a ihiivlnf hlva or human balntf addieaaftig a lauk youth who waalounfilnit al ttta door of one of th rods ahantioa tltt naaavd for a ahoafoiaporlgrii lb nnw xorkaf aniulrad aarcalicaily who la i bat important looklutf gnllanan in ilia rid saniial ahlrl thai- ham ifura ilia proud raply ilea juat opened lha how poet oftioa 1 and tlia ull praou with no collar ii va ivin milui joel opauod a rooery aloral and 11m j orop individual wlui bau baad t uauidy jim 0m tha now ltotl indeed t aaid tha naw yorker y ally aaama to ba pretty wait atarted i boa id aoppoa trier ea nohlru loll for a auanttar tlka mveelf to open 1 ityt 1 dunnol drawjod ilia lanky una way- aint got ho loonaltio aaylum ye yotrniljilit tart thai younqmun keep yoorpttcottd tthaaa wars tba leal worda of tha eloquent lemparanc locuirar jqhn ll cloojdi apokeo in tba vrmbytenaogbtob frauk ford 1a oli tba nlubt february 1u 1bhc befora ha aank inaaoalbla into a ohajr from which ha wa naarblru haa iri ihacoorao of bla laclora haaald i have mta yaara la record of my own ufa wlrnn x wa brld in tba iron rmap of ibumnaf anoa i woald flln ha wortj ut btoi it call bat alaa 1 i oaaoot than tappiotf forward with art impromlv roatora ha addad j yoaoit knaa kaap yotlr raoord claab aa impral djlntf taallrsony from poll an avantful ufa it m thrtjorli lllo mvaraat atrdlea that ur ooujill caroa out into liberty wliateoavoi- a mail aowttli that aball ha ajao reap jetcartwo ixiuiuiday alitll clh 1000 br joung 3foilia uluwr- 0ulv albyattitajijnypd from that ikta oulya laubltia faea two aanny aya only two ohanry lltx otta almbliy noaa onl twohuiahaiidj utilltuato only aaulu bil 6urvy aiit bolt only a tontfua uiat at loudly atsj olt only luua brain tun ty of tboucht only a 111u- hoart lioubl with uau only a uh ur flowr titu traalr duly a ufa lo lova ltiu ra aira bar4 only ababyainall uavr at fact utiiall but bow tlaar lo ud ooi kuowatb lett ifxqltik pajwr wicdom opjosh dillinua health i a luau al ell wluat ii a aotli i am glad of ll a fib 1 a llm palttud o watai oolort ilinoraliod iri tba wat bbraa of prjudo wo havo rnada juuoa axniyoi owu ixallou wil wllliool aa u kvraitai- without 1 hatidla it laeilalar lo so a harmbaa dova thau h dooont aarant lime ia mauay and tiiuy peopla pay tholrdabta with it ueiiovolatioa la the craatti on ths tallk of human kindiibai jut pom pun oua of tba buy wam brattunk i manifold aooomplulimntlli uull oua of ui oonipatiy al i ha rouud labia loat pa llano and aald hi a grail ion mow wov heard lioujli opwliat yotl can del coma tll oa wbaltharala you can do an lllodflak to do ll myali wall rapllad lh aluiiant with a ywu m oabl pay my aooouul hard bo ulad to find youra tba mat to do it coltirs wtrl v health km april ttsfttfwlds3rqatest sprinmecucine hi- the d l emulsion tim p- i muision ia ibalnlan trl jiiji ii 1 tpnf jlln n airl c wnjli- lllula tilo i 1 i muision la txmrllb vrtlio b f tla lii llijucuin af 1- emulsion nli 1- 1 rr 1 irt luduui ttlia aoa 11 par itotlle -p- f bami iwhithcp 1 co llmllcj muoliiul ilia niolliar w trlllik a llttla mem phla boy of tho ohlblhimxl id hrlt ia tbacouraaof bar alpry aald that lhrlat ihalillltifrllowliokad up at hr vltl wide nycd t fnuhinint and will in an awodina i wliy rnulhaf j tvlwa uolnht that tha tofl waa a irchy uf ieii ukuugtion n wuck of pr aunawa ontmrrlal powijiir tba- prion of llr akrtl 0trtlial iwdcr uaa lwil icdumwl by llio nianutao ilixrrfrom atrty xmfiu tufltty ou por boltla rbu tuniiudy wbmhhaa brfait j oomijmndad aa tu otharona to mlatatioa by rakmbatb of iarlaiuaut mluutoia at j oduoatlotialtiinii call liow lm had of a4iy drugjtut at fifty featits a uottln it rallavaa in too m inula haadacha an i all jwln oauaod by ould of oalirrh ll ia ilolilit ful to it nurea oomplalely iidm by a i ilrowu aim blglii yountf tlien allravotion of uavilallun if nothing nlaa may gat your ball into tho bullataya whero otlirtrf ail lbrrt xt tully a iilu jpr ova iholr power to uiir ljvery qiia an two in lo ha rauiaiijbaral aftoi- tlioy aro dead and ynl not on in a millloti oaii ylvo any jtwul raou why burdock blood maines celery compound it la tho ond remedy gladly and tjnlvorbally ttecommondod by tha ablest doctors it la wall known that aliuoat vry oou dlllou ol wlalar ufa ha baaii datrluuuui to the health of thouudhf of laao atid just how thk bt ham a lawyer waa oroaa quaauonhifj an irith woman tba point under inquiry balng tba relative poaitloti of tba doora wludowa and ao forth in a houad iu whicli a carlain trauaaolion waa aaid to havd ooourra and now my kooj oron tba lawyar aald will you ba uood anooghi to ull tlia oourl bow tba alalra vun in voorhouaav how do lh atajra ruu tha witnaaa rapllad hara whin im oppulrt tbay run down and whin im dowuitaira tbay iuuopp uundrada hava taaliflad lo tba good pottya pilla hava dona than the gamt uuy dikfkiliint coaimular when i qrat waul to llv in tho counlry i pronounood tha mm of ruy boua oakhurut cottlma cillmaii wall how da you pronounoa it uow7 commuur o curat catl nw york 11 or halyard a yullow oil onraa all pain in man or lwaolfor apralna eula bruiata oalloua lumpa walling inflammatlou rheumatiam and nduralula it a a ipaoia anucdotal a gbrton ulfthlandar now n tha houpl tat duorlb4 hlit axpariaioaai of a raoatit battlo wa dllul ua a alujjla bloomiutr hoar only fall thalr blaomiuy buluu and when ilia ordar cam lo ot undar oovar lhiloukjiavarliiqulij floij w v dany i llolloway a cam oura la a apaolrio tat thr removal of coma and wartai wa hava uuvur luajitof lla failing to rattiova avau the worat kind lucpla of uood awuuiara ttioa whoa opiiilonu auraa with ouru l aslf your drutuut for 1atlya lill if ho hasnt ual uidin wrilu na euqlaajuh ilioptico tootnu and wa will aupply you i werylblilkof any valuaaoilajuimalhlujj what ia of no valua howayar may often ooat mora that what la of vial value -r- uav i i turney i colds chest arerfinjjcroii tlicy wtjken the constitution inflame the lungs and often lead to pneumonia cough kyrups apuelcss the system must he given strength and icrce to throw oft thd disease scrillx tiutlsieru will do this it strengthen tliclung jiki huildi ii the entire kystcm it coiiqiicn tlic inflairimationcurc the cough jud ptovonl scrioui trouble t j 111 d bcthrjoyownk lliul iiuwiu lb blood baa bodoma cloiijad and ltd- pra tba akin ia uuhaallby and muddy abdwlnl wapllona and plmplaa tba vt aradalland bonkan tha narvba ar uu aiaajly r ibara la loaa in walbl and alomaob trooblaa rbaumatlam and nurj kla taak ufa a mlaary by day aad nlht lalnaa oalrydoiolouud la hi only aprlutf raadlolna tbit tha baal puyalalana ars now raoommanilluft baoauaai bo olbar ramady cau aa quickly brlujuaw and vlttorotui liaallh u umirlbachalf daad and brokandown talnaa ceury compound ouraa dlaaaa by flraa purify lorf tha blood and ourlohlng and uetiilkikiln tba uarvaa i makaa tba waak blrouk ittaulau dud itivikok alaa uu aullra narvoua ayalam from tha brain to tba mlnuleil narv dumabt baaing that tha aitparlatloa of lana ol ihiuaajid baa paovau thai palnaa oaury compodttd a tba graauet of kill aprlud madloinaa tba ona tamady that the world ooald iiot la4 la dy u my prloo it ia foohah aad aololdal to daiat ita uaa oua oa 10 hot ilea ua4jj al ibla aaanoo will aurajy bantab all aymplomfl ot diaaam and fit you fa work and dullaa ot aprlnjf and ahmbaaa wbau yoa vra buylutf iainaai ciry compound aat tlial you sat tba unulua wilh ibe nma ialnaa and tha blalk of ciry on th lahal olhai oompounda ar frauda and dooaptlona u ia tba luaiaro and alula tha tiua woman with whom ihawlmpulaaa oj kind oaaaaramoat powarlul and by whom the ell foa- balp ia not uuhoadad and tbay ara baat fitted for uaalulnaaa wlui do not waatn thalr sympathy in tha frultlaaa purauit ot qmlaaaaxeluraaut ubal fjulllnit aold ttiat ttrlaw trom tha alomaob and almoat blraoiaa la oauaal by farftianlatlau ot food ifi tha alomaou 11 la a foraull ot luilikaetiqii nl oylvp ala and if nauoud it will titvalop into tha obrouloata taka ouaot dr von buu imnaatppla tablata i luiiied lately alur aat in and ik will pravnt uila dlalraaa apd aid din 0 hi box 33 baau bold by a v ilrowii intjulrliiti child patliar tliarvaa lot io tbla book aboul olhallo who ww- olhilya 1 1 falhar othtdlol why la me my boy do you meaii to lo ull ma you no to flunday bobool aud don i know a simple uilutf ilka ibal t im aahauiad of you i mra cbjavr tamuir uopa- town v q wiflai i uaad to ha iroublad with iwvan baadahaa and oou ll pat ion buty lasa llvar iilla hava ourad ma and 1 liaavrllly raoommaud jhaui to jny rlanda ilia lllllatrouua n a uravan ituara to bj palianl avn in fly uma uayyarda yellow oh rtllavaa pjdii ro duoaa awalllnu taktw ul inflamniatlon iraa rbauinau croup and kiduay ouu plaful oat litiiafcl twtyiiftlly r ukan- intvrnally lrloa iio oh ahuraila dopvv wa u coin aoulh abrlw invhd 1 m baokr anolllar man ajloajalhar i fact i lil all liallf mialll wvou are a dyafwpllofuka tatty a if your u ok aolw tyitlatlya ifyourlmadjaoliaj take plty if yod ar ttervoua uk vthv if youara waak lakllly a ihya will iikavka iha idok wh r tlopa atnl lova adarw ibaiuaalvca to a poifeolluu navr allaad ami vt ttrmly lld tbay uooma tba tail fd aurfoimf- tilavauaon taaiular aulloubl tba liowjrf laiivooaary to baalth yaaia idwr luu ar lha heel oooaeuinal oalbaf tin fut amity or k uaa lrloa ii any drtiitajth bitters the best spring medicine llomovita all poiaon and impurltloa irom thr ayaum clv atranoth an 1 vumily 111 plur nf woaltubiia and laugtmr- j ha moit vrotadarf ill 1 lood purifier laaeoravliva juii blrnngtlimiut known ia aolcuca mr geo ilonot dalllloboro out uavn two yoaru ajio i waa vnry povtly lutha iprintf had no uppollln fall weak and tiarvoiu not able lo work rmush and waa tirwl all lha lima k aaw bnnlook dioo1 uuloru lilyhly rfcobmundndj uo hot a botlln i aurlftil lajtliltf it fnd inaldo of iwo moo tha i wau aa wnllauovor i wau in my ufa i chcwrfully rooommbnd h h u u uuloiulld blood putiflor and eprlny tuku olua canadian uoyalty i i waa aver in canada jael wavk ramatkdil mr ilward frahoi- ttimnt i lha allan i mr in a rapraaontallvo of hi uhlaafio ilrlliab amarhiaii in i navrf iuiuy ufa tlnie hava i aaau auoh luyally lu1tyal why air whan 1 waa real lent of ilhicfiiiutry wohal hilda raadliip and i raara ttafora braakfu ffatwi li irn din ufid prayara autl ijlule roauloy before rrlldiik all tbta o banged ntfw jfoforo breakfaal tlia family aeaonllilo atttl a lug lo 1 havg ihn gieon and lu u10 uilti nflba uluht they will wka you up lu trll you hi tho jin ure of llm war in afriol loluucbaoii wtf uar llullf urtuula and in tha aronltnf wa have 1 hn hoi mara of iba jueati llk abtnll patrlutlam why air avitry man and hoy ii olamtitirlutf u bo 1 crmltlod to uu forward lu tlacnc of qurcti ami oiiuittry utl 1auv rjotkb lli ileal xhrurriaof harria td to u nua of llm faatura of lha may l lu lltnu jixl it a looal uharmlth plutura uf it lurrlo and jju ul cad tbinma poiiil by ui mry ll tulutt a wrltar whoea 1 ruluimd admiraklun fuf ilia author lot bar on a pluimu f brut dhoabattadof lurhr will huuhthbora and with tba prutolyjxa 111 olirotera lu a window in thrume hlantlllu hit aoanaa porlrayad u that book and oatiiiht a ttllmbjutof llm aurilmr himarlr mba writaa ol all t1aa wllri a fraabnaa iih otlir wbloh brinjea llarriaanrl hie honiu itild rcallello view a plotura full uf plrll almoiphera and aolhn illegally a moving piiotortph of tha peoplo and puoa astrrllin oucli i bid k lerribld couyb ami old and not uelliuunytllliu lo hulp ma i tried dr wool j noway vina hyrup and am ulad toaayilourad ma at onoa fdlaa carria llowman laopabuu 1 o out all luitli itw- ti atiaj how auooeaa wauaitaliud ut tbi liar rrplitd i lloulu auacsed by urtat talent sonni by hid itillnnuoa of frleiidn bolna by a miracle hut tha mojority by aturllnu wlihodi- a ahilltnij noelty ia a ularn uak mailr but au efotivo oua luud by aima in hi jiully cola braud iilu dr rannalaa haa uivau to tha world otia df tho moat uuhpui inndioiuta olfarod lo tha pullio in lata yearj po pared to mat tha want for a pill whiol oould bfltaaeii willioul itauaoa aia llt would ptirr without pain it hau mat all reiulrapienta in ihal dlrcollou and it la in euaral uia not only baoauea of thead two quali but uoauaa il la knowihod vllaratlvo ami ourallva powara whioll plaod ii in tha front rauka of medloin ioola will blta 011 auythlu ilk- a fro in a puddle you oau otlab iham and throw tham back ajjaln aa often aa you plfeasu an an all round family ramudy 011a hat alwayt ahould ba in the houia for an etiiera 11 oy ur paltya iilla dlboounl any tiling in tho market j ii ay are ao amill a ol lid oan lake them with ease ya onoe a doal mamma itaaala how many iliutdjm your nw pliymalo 7 uaaala lla haa one matmna ha tried to uk lao in by aayiny that he had iwo half aialara but he didn t know that i havaaludlad arllhmalla pliiaqunlg penalty whan tha doctor ulvaa pue up moat paoplo iom heart but itwaa not tbii way with tha youuf aooiaty wouau lu a waatarn ontario oily who had contracted kldnoy tfoubla throuflh laok of oara in wrapphig up aftar au evanlnea round of plaaaura hh hoard of boulh amorloau kidnay cura and pltiuad luufallh lo it to aura liar and in an iaaradiably ahorl lima fait bar health ratornlnff liar aufforlnu abated and lluaa morilhi front lha day her pliy alolan hiotid her oaaa waa bopalaae alia praaautad haraalf to lifro a cured woman bold by a aurown you cant ba familiar without loaiujj a oorlaln amount of raapaol for youraalf and for tha other man too quloccurk or coughs and colds pyny pectoral tu canidlia ef mj tot all toroatfhdlunc affections lirgr bottle 25 cent djlvisartjlwiu nck co umllej pa ivrry djvu ran killer hew yoik llonireil ijjo man who navor txkoa bia ohauces la baaion just aa often safe certain prompt 1 rjonomu ihew tdjaolivae apply with paouliar force toprthomaa i clootrio od a standard extarnat anil lutcrjial remady adapted to tha rallof ajittouro 1 couuha aoro throat hoaruanoaa and all blfactloiia of tho broath luoruana kidney trouble a eicorlatlona aoras lamouaaa and phyaiosl pain vary prar iat pwmlp hayo b fowbritll ie lo u l ni i lhat la what makaa tbeip ao ireolno bolalloa uiat mojt inlonsaly palufutot ditaai that doflw dootora traatmaut can ba proniplly relieved and tliorouhlily cured by miluuiu lltietimatia ldla clara after a i iff i proaumo ou would ilka your rlutf baak oeorue nnvar mind koop it no olhbr jlrl oould uw tint rlun 11 11 1 en aha wo it oi hlir flminu d0ans kidney pills y tu utmif duya of imiluilnw it la yrll for rirujiio lu bi 1 tu hil whit ho tmv- kfcmitiltj k tlilwnilihiiy wliuikimtlfir lfl lllhlulllwlwhl i hi re un ii 111 nil 11111111110111 of 11nui u kid 1 y illlioit vlti iiiirut- mmu ut lliutii uhuduli l worlhlt uim w uwu you ui h nntuiilii tu ili0 lfl 11 min uud ihwirmlu iiwult ol llm miuitul urn on i ry ihik iu luiw ullhmit lhiyhi am ihl 1 llmuitiiiin il ividmy lill v hit ii h ia t dm d t ii imiiiv s v i 111 a of kid u y implilill in llio imli i shilfs a1nl1 ilu auull iiiiltnl i 11 na in 1 mi t uuiiltu 1 1u uout ui lu y 1 ill l u 1 omnia man often climb half wy up tha ladder aud tuy hi era but it u aeldom ihay fall half way down and atop abort of tha bottom that aohiufl liaad 0111 b inatanlly ra llavad by taking one of milbarn a btrllnj headache xowdora i potvdar n i for loo 10 for 3co i it iwt i knov wliala 011a whits mm a burden i axclaimed tha bad boy uili i aaolalroad bla ldefalaurludljdaully if you donl atop pukluff into lha parlor wlian mr joneaoalli ill never filvo jod tho monay lo buy aiynora marbltu m pimply faces two yearb aulfs i lh i vaarai of ithoutnutla tor mom boulh a 111 oricnn nimurrjntlti ciiro driven jut tlm tovuitait in mr j dm cook ol j7 imtim alrtjet loronto aaya i ur fllntit year i uuffurel aa nionnaver dlt with rhuiitilu 1 twoyny luymi my l e lt ap mnoh aa foo i iiiyadf i waaaihtlp lea lhq i irtnrr linlaaribat 1 dootnred ant lrod avory tnindy i uuill hjr if but recalvpd hu lelliutrnelh i am ralbfnl for tbi day wlin a ldy frlji1 raoommeii lot boulh am itlie itnaliu ouro afur throa duna i abla lu all op in ui i oinlliiuod ita uaa and 1 1 day look at ma i am aa airun an 1 actla avaf ilimy ufa itolllya t ilrowu 1 ie ar loll ol paopu whn uiiwl r kuuw auylhlnu iiabljilyljyiwv l aulthuii thoy know kwuuiub im hviih l-ad- tu biuh iblubmu oa jour h ad kubnt lw a 1 tty jjoaa your bank aubn f iaka a imly d your hlltaohny ukn a i ally an i ilouoi 1 d nlliirv wliataraalai omlathv akillhn glrpililmlnl l jmiday totixl limy aru aluu ou ouiiil id lvo commit ted and uavul anawrrd oiin t f lha amalur hil irun lo ihoaa of fwunwry oocupmlq mail who ridbw uuduntaly txsupillu- whfoh daprlva lb 111 of freed ft aro mora prou to dleordoia of the liver 4nd klrinnya than thoeu who io4l aotlva oiltiioor uvea lha former will hud in rarmelito a vr labia rflla a rnl allvo wilboui qnaatlun i bo moat odloaoldmi on tho market limy ara aaailv ijroourabla canity uknii act uniiodllloiialyranr tdoy art uuepruiiiufy obi ap ooiiildorinh thlritralit ncr whilt lha ilia fox girrlan i kb hid now turlla orawu with tba 1 on i 011r wfl fijki i ii it la your throat or broiioiill tub a if you lakaoold etvilv takuhoulj 1 miiklon 1- ii ohooku any tendmiay eimour ayalam to aorioua luuu trout lo tain followa 11a to lha r4v acratalitta a hiaty epllapb on our ombatona and than huriioraway for lb ntitl man dr petty a uover jail lo uiva rpllol atld they euro if uiven an bonsai trial t aqkfaavou lriliijaa mnosi dlihsalft flrtvlt todtcar k xliavatalioraalaaa oarrlalfa lit wall wy don t you hde in that i hoaauae 1 hava aol 1 my liorw i dubc all voub pains wlth ars paifrkher a mlpiaanctiat im itaelf simple safa and quiew cura lot i qpaypsdiflnr colds rheumatism mcuractjut 30 and bo oont hottlod i dcwart of lultatiokb i buv ohly tim qkhulc perry avib jwww m u k httr what a dnno dut dr aunowi ofntmont la a buro cure ohaa u lilly 41j lunarna ave waal fit lion ra write i am a harbor an i maat many paopla troublod with plmplaa i hava irlod many preparations claiming tooura auoh and without liiooee until i uaad dr auilow a olntmont wjjliiu tho uil few wavka i hava used it on very atubbom oaaaa and in eaoh oaaa il haa mada a oure haa rlaatiad oft all tha pinili and blolohoa and left tha akin claafaiu a oil jta ilia uraaleal ikln ramedy iva heard of and a boon to pimply facoa bold by a t iliown ouaat ian l your little boy rather uar vous mra ulmm mra oimm no i think not liu boy yt j i ui whan paopla who 00 mo hem hay loo lonu it makaa ma wrlurla aro u ml and klok my chair lrea and aaiy expectoration immediately rcliavoa aud freaa tha throat aud lunrja from vleoid phlum and a medio no thai pro motaatila la tha bait mod lei n to uia tor oouuha oolda iuflamniatidn zt tha luiiy and alt aefuotlaua of tha throat aud chaal tide ta preofably what uiokloa antl con- sum ptlva byrup ia a apeolfio far and wharavar ubmi it haa given unbounded batufaollou children liko it beaaujq it ia plaaaanl adulta liko ll bocauia it ourea tho diuaao ojico in a wliilr iald undo lben mmpumc f op liabjilll pallauoa whau ho ia limply loo laay to make a kick vqt a clear complexion take lotly iilla wuiuvcr fail to claar ilia akin thousand of ladlea awoar by them mamma aald little uaaaie jtlel aftar attoiidiuij aorvlcaa at church are peoplo who alt lu tho middle aftloa wlokcdor than thoao at tho aide 7 oartaiuly tiol dear why ilooauao tho preacher only- prtaabad to lisin a llouii to llorafiucn lnullah opavin llnimoul romovoa alt bard oft or aalloiiaa 1 lumpi jr blaiiilihoa from boraiui blood apluln ourba aplipt riuu bono awwuy itlfloa apraina aora awollen ihrual ooujjlu olo xji uaa nf ana bottle may make you co war raiuel tl moat wandarful joiulab ourtl over known haw were you abl aad tlibloor loac julro auoh an immanaa fortune 1 lly a varytuitijla malhoil rapllad tha wealthy oltubu when i waa poor i made out i waa rich and wlnmi not rluli i made out i waa poor ljltya iilla ara small mars milt a buloiim la a itnahtl i uvery iloaa ouunli lipra aro un blauki uiveuia lujakflullio ruiolahla bul ia dauurdly in a man a if all uiitury llenirtl dr lowlrel ireelof wild illrawbaryy ta now uou in ilea fur flty ytara aud lhara ia iiolbluu tn tiual it aaa rapid ami f1etllc oliru fur bawal ulimplailludfyouiiu or uld ramlllarlty i not rlandilnp pupplea end all tlialrfrolkd in a quarrel keierlili yruni uorjui two of my lilt boy a ware trovblad with worm 1 tbay would waka np in ihe night and vomit and ihroiidh lha day would omellmae ba vary faveriah i tave iham dr lowa wdrm byrap and it oawrdataly ouvadtbaiu mrevwiu marae tail6 villa out trzftcheryjroubles ftovy teachers may prctcnt tbc breakdown ofthff nervous system which often threatens tim worry and ork tho utrti a and anilely of a uarbara lllo am am ii nt u ull anvbtfily on thn nnvita avaurtn 1 1 mo and at aln uarhflrn itavo hail tu yio up kmi rmmirdoj on aooouut of run down iieajlh add abitlurad narvoai to ancli aawoecu tllanaly ruomruand mubtirna uav4 and mrvo jlllu aod n ciouilj aowa ara anp porlotby tho tatrniony of mra ttaltly blrwrnn treat chatham out who made tho fillowlnu auluunruit mubnrna ilaariaiid hi rva ihlik tra twjond qoaatltwi tba tiaal rnity for tarauancaal abd all afhanatod ooodltiona of tha ayatem z kndw of iry daughter ma rraiill ofovcr alody alul rloau j 1 ikall 1 to imr dutlfaaa aabaol itmrhrr ihiitiimi much run dowrf andfla- rillilalwl and waa vry nrvua two hi ntho aoi aha lxuau taldnji mltburqa luaftaiul nnrwililla thyaotadqulcvdy and eft tii illy in hnr cajw maklnfj bar at iujj and i oidiiiif un fiar onllr ayalam klilbiiniwhanri ajid narva 1111 oura 1 ulpltalloif nirvoimlmm blmplflmntrea auaautla loualo troublaa aflnr klteola of orlpitodflliluv oriuyoondllion arlamg limn biko lr i ilrvawau uri or waury woo i irloo foca bo- no man can ipcl toliv with uia vlr luoua and riiliiula with tha violoua audtiaat pur build cold thh uaatcomlidl j iso fy cold pill 100 ltt01ai 100 wn tcuaratllaa parah auafajlioil globe optical co 03 yonp stroot toionto b6rj mecready aboaa la a bj undid p- strait f tb wo raily one nf tba batt fuilball utajrara la cannln ula ar mrdlwr the oitawa llalireralty iaty 4004 haa uvifln all of it rbamiitonalilp tnalclin iu la n apttnuld aperlmvn nf roliual atvultan lualpkj but etroiuaf lur ja la uia known who i it la to auffcr from oppela mi ycrlonaly alfllct eo waa ii at ibaopantnc h ltt batt tsuo araaon that bo traa af a la to go out with bu leaoi cjni in tie hark otii aturjt la tertnlttrtit baailsili on i tba awful nri ha aurrerad aflrr aatlnit tl raautl fit an luiplrvd weiublm ut la waa in no toudlllon to play foo1all lb bnrta ot all inm tlealdra tu- lackad tin pnarty i narry ulto ibraiisu a cam ttmfin lla ctineultatl bla pbyatclaif but that ntlrmnrt c blm tw rrllat at tbla tags lir trltaa i waa adrtard to try ir fatly a i lit ilir now reualj ibat opa of tnyfrlaqda ouuml m waa won icrful td ita effrct f waa alrullral but ba aouurjod itimr 1 me a kr itrnlly i bat i waa at lrbtb liidiurril to try 1lm tb vary rlrat il m rfnii p tla t tiln away and at llm and of a weak i rj inel toy itam and i bava rimp llinmtli it t uur hanlrat keaaona in i in- ixtt tori i tbjl i bava er bn lit r i rtly a 1 ilia nr alot to thank tor my flu run 11 1 bin liny arc th lat lnllrl in i bitr ftrr lnk 1 1 bry makw imrw airuac and w full of nrrsy i rrr nr kball twiar lik any ntlera whm i fl in bead if a atraticlltanrr kufb la tba tart to men ilnlhkt of ibla well known alhlet ami aucb viii lltaprlnca of aryihia wtxatrua lli wnnilrfwl rmly if your flrnfartat r atlpply you wrtttuto ua aacloalnar fria ko rvnta a hotfta u battlaa foa jalk adrraatbdr iatty m31cloa- co ottawa t aba la v agents ijfvanted jeorjjjirjurfleojltiijdlatyiota j nflhh pliiuu nuaaaav co itrowlntf a irj- complete lluo of nuracry slocklnclud inu many new variatieaof hardy itoiea ornamental shrubaand tree all block kuiraiittcd free from san joso scale good pay to good mori skcullk yovil tystjuct ojt thk fvoight and express pold wrhordrqovorjimont certifl- ottto of inbjjootion covorln our btorid write for catooguo pelhant nursery co toronto noluro cam mako abiolule lawa but aha- oant break the least of bom we aro ipaphlnfl thoujiandu lo mako petty u pilla known our mouey prove our faith a trial will socuroyoura tha ureat mlfortiimo wilh moat ol ui io wa are aonatanlly looking ahoad for our xparlonca initeailt44jkitru uiuind jlxixoua mother find dr liwa worm byrup llio beat meiloluo to expel worms children like it worm dont natur abhora a vacuum 1 therefore aha fills soma heada with eaw dual uaxliver ruils you cant bo healthy if your bovvfila uro conltlp itcd and our citom clogged with liolsoncuiu matert if there should i a nnttiml move ment everyday and the bet laj wny to iccura it is to take luxaijvct pills tho mo t obstinate ctay yield to their 1 action tlity neither jfnpe olclccii nor weaken aroeay tp tilled and prompt to act j cure constipation dr woods u lqothea the norway pine luniri i ttyiup anj colds ol thowortt knul nfter othur rcniltlil full richs tu till prilo 3- iaoa all ihiuua adveraly ij iltlo to a tnaiia faoa llilira novor wu an i nimir will hi a titillvocuftl pan act a in 0110 remndy for all uu to whlih fie ill ia liuir tljo very nature of many euiallv- btijnu auoh that wore llio gornitf of rfthor and dlfforouily aoaiod dlaoahea routed in lha ayatem of lha palianl wiat would aliovo 01 o ill ln turn would ftiluravatu thu other wo hava howavor n quluino wine whun obtained lu a so unit uuaduuaralad utato- a ninudy fur many and tfrinvoua- ilia ltyllu uradual ju uaiulio ubc tha frailuut autuma arj jml iuio oou valuuronno an 1 alreuulh by llio jufluouoo whloh quinino uxorlu on nalnjo a own reatorallvoa ii rollavuo lha droopluu spiriu of thoiio with whom a chronic alato of hiurbld daakiiidciuvt an 1 laok of internal in ufa fa a duaaao an i by trantiuuuinu the uorvoa diapoaau to 11011ml and rolrrali inu aleap imparla vinor ti lliojtcliou of the j toud wil lob uiun id 1 11 111 ulw i oourau thrttuhboul thw vtna utriinutlienttnj tha haahy animal fuuolluim of the ejium thuraby makinii activity a iinobiavy r aiijt atreiiil huulim thu ram an i uivli a llfo tu tho di ur naturally demand luoiuatm uuualaufa nuiil im provad appumle northrop ib l ymii of loruntu liavi ulwii to tlm puldlo lliulr quinlna whin al tho uaual rat- an i uuauuj by thn opinion of aduutiata tliia wlna u pruaohoa uuaiuat pnrfimlluii of hi thnmrk4l ml denial mil i undertakers by dealing with us you aro afisurad oftbo moet-carotul- attcntion and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies nnd at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered v j j apeiaht fcgo kcton cballj till tu raiiatjly ulia 10 trj 1 uoluu wl u 11 i a ui 1 u lolnt i- ml low tin 1 111 1 m tbl ii ix ulu v til ii t u 1 wih n you want flour oatmeal gttour everton and eden mills brand tht btt in thcmsirktt ajl w1dc1u1ku di iltr ut it- lixtra quality price right henry hortop car of old dry corn just rucolvodmat 1st i ahl sll d iotatoi s 1rlil nltlm voilh 111 si clovl u si i ij iurjn niiaiilltrrrcrlvrd nml now un talc nl llm nintf soitvai i iouk 1ljri mcj1ioha molli al i kinds ol i 1 u uoli i d oats bui aki ast i ooijs tlia lies at tmonahlir prlcca in ulways lie lieaibt vou call let tile ln al robertnobles flour feed store rjuhk luluus aanajr1- malnslroot planing mills actonnt- john cameron architect anci contractor uauufaoturnr of ilaab doorfriiim uouldluej luallatylaa juu tctano and moulding to order 011 abort nolica john cameron proprietor joiin 3vfjo0ueen aoton cghl oidor you i- conl now from j c hill cool dolor v r cuaa coal of all nixes required lcllofd promptly at ttaron ablo iriaw noi kali ea liwa ilpb vornlill btoio ilniriu coal scultla etc wctol jc hill speight brady tnufacluror of jo y n a ju as ecixamtrc uorons watxtt uotohs cuiohxy xtoivas xvojjjb j a won casruos ro oiwxjt kejulrinfc rrmnptly lonn h cjoorkotown out agent for mosr a wood a ittutltr uowora 0 xud ooold sltjullcy a u ui31 s wnutuiihxauii qrio oriadar and a cqinplolft una of rami implement aud all llndb of uepaim in my ahwsncd mr john t eihoirwlc rekldei oa tha property will attrnd to ihu vaiila of cualomcra warotooma john st john mcqueen patents guaranteed out- lea returned 11 wa fall any one uillliiii akclcb aud drrlnlott of any luviith u wlfl tiroiui lly te tvir ot lilou ice cwnccnili a ihe imtculal hit v o aaiiia how lo ot alii a latent wul upon iriifu lalcnla ucutd tbiotiili ua a iveiiivrd ail at our rxntnir aiaijwtkoitclanilii ataiannrliuiau an llliiiirattm anl wllly circulate j journal coiimllr i iy moiiufacturciaaiml linattora uiu 1 or unile copy rbke additiu vjotor j cvava mi co triitlriainxs kvaua uulldutf wavihinqyorj o c r jjiljg h tapltetcidldui losy lie aawurej by akciiti wanted for tho largo jtonthill hurseries h00 acres can tatisfy any energetic man who wants employment and desires to make advancement wu have the largest assortment ol nunery- stock inctnada our goods are in demand position offered 11 perma nent pay weekly and all supplies free if you have never sold nursery stdck for us try it and sec how easy itis stote st mellington toronto about stationery are you out of invoices letter heads enve lopes 01 the lilttj wo reqmru what time and pittltut coirsctcntwlth thttfesrvoikmahmlnn and often rlquin lessof both than the most care- it s printer j i thu hcton phbb lbbss h pnwoore proprietor irvood engraving j- ii photo engrav1nc lus- halftones i ati jwtbrontoo5t patbfcfts promptly segureol lluu nr luiir yuii ryaa our 1 u 1 nibal y lutti m li t it 1 lie hitltr it la d n uruliy oulur haiula htglviil rvf n 111 c rurnlf liwl ujlutom ew uaujom vatkht solkotroutl aa t30pkalvn nll a ulii ifl ihuhiiri lmiialtaorila tmlmmtu u ltd k 1 1 vuul il i ii i l lit 1hiih1 iukii iji t 11k uuuii lauui uw avhlitli 1 s i a atff wl almilaluii m w l 11 tki i u muivvr- aii 11 o mi lit istr lau brtlrrfllvtll 1 miltl uiwv m dc l cam orrioib imiiut j w nuhoiotlabb 150 yeart8 expkmence ira corvrtiaurp qj ijfffll al d eriflt i mat- ll ui i irii al ia 11 w- 111 1 lly j un ii 1umimi l lillaf iriwiali lluimi a taoalva iful auu illuuitiliraairttlid sclctttffic jfincricatt t liall ciyt l nuj i u i 1 sv lva lavj t i

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