vw t t s tft itltchrarq ketoa on uanday to mr and sir oeorge luteal a ana i aat i4mehoue on hand sib april tuur udui bc uu j william lbfmibal 1 nslnvaaxaitaya0tfniirrday april miti hubert puk la bis ifttli year n galaey tk affhl mn wui oofllcatolinwntuntm taeady april xltb luouft annoooh aged n yeers wiuiii la ullton do ueodsv april 13rd juum weldje eged on yea sj un 10 moolh uauiilu krln ra monday sard april ibe wllov of uie ut- donald ubiu egad n tni j u b lequeld b ley april mui idool m lot 6 near hornby jeeepbtrhn siit 2vxtmv3fm rss taiuiibday may 3rd 1000 editorial nottss- the ok- ftr vr says la tbs court- orhla rtmnrki on ur flints raaola lion th member fdrhalloo mr header an- uu that it vu probebjj tho lest tlmo ha woald has the opportnaity of apeaklagjn parlies men t on um objtet tho ontuio government baa decided to orgsnlxe a labor bureau tor lb diffusion of neoeessry information to moon solos ud working men generally respecting lb lhor market ths settlement of disputes ee to wsgee boon of work etc tbu borcart wil no doubt krov of greet vela to- the labor 1 ng ol asses the bill passed by the pruvinejel legis lature providing for lbs regulation of tba width of waggon tires u ml important one a bo bill pravlauthkino whwud veblele dm wo by bore or other animal ball carry a harden of j000 pounds if tilted with tires 1cm then thraa lnohe ll eon oerfooi ba denied tbt barrow lir r largely reapooalhl for tha many raid totrod on kdhi of oar mghwaytby oat right into tha roadbed whore a wide tiro woald ran smoothly ovar tba sarfsos tbs n set 4pm not ooma into fore for a year- the tendency of tha time with reference to eubecripuoos hi evidenced la lb follow log paragraph which appeared in last boo oeib towwte j leader ami or- tfr th fifty canl aabacnpuoo rau having proved a failara in tuv of advano- left prirea of whita pa par inoraaaad um- papar poataga ata wa bag to notloa tbat no aabaorlpuona to tka header autd rtconur will ba aowpftod at uaa than opa dollar per yoar lo advmooa or 91 50 when dot ao paid on and af tar hay lm 1900 waaa gia tba fitty oaatvau a fair trial for two mooaaalva yaar aad wa frankly oonrasa it la a failara tba upais imaat baa at uaat giraa a a larga amoont ot valtiabls cxparunoa bat tba aipcrlaooa baa baan parobaaad at too fraal a ooai tba hopaful ln abowa by kb work on tba utwraj aid u tba poaluon of john it harbor m p plq obanxiak ha law uuto praauoally oompal h toronto btraat batlway oompany to lira tip to iu agraamaot aod iha activity of p gra ham m t p against tha altampt to torn tf oaog suaat ipto a railway rlgbl of way tho mam bar for ilalton and tha toantbr for broefcut war troa tarsals of lliit maaffti i j joauoa la ily glu polliioa it would ba wall for tba ooontry tba oovornaunl and tba liberal paztytu mr qraham and mr qoeatlona and it thare wara mora ubarala lik tbam to do tba uma toronto a badlag rritar in tha daily praaa koggaata tha following malhoda of improv injf tha roadl tbroagbool lb provtdoa aboliuoo of btatala iabcj dovarnmanl tpproprialloa foe tba ooostrootioti and maintonaooa of ooontry road aothorla log coonty ooonella to paaa by law ragnlating wjth otliroa on waggoaa od oarta according to aobadola laid down by tba loguutaxa dointf away with tha nooaosuy of obtaining tha oonaonfc of tha townihip ooonoll bofor tha conniy ooonoil can taha ovmt a towoahlp road making proviaiona tor forawa arrang tnoou with tha railway for tha oarrytng of grtl and alona ootarnmont loana to mnnioipalluaa for road or atraat improvo- mtpu at tba lowaat rata of iataraal with mfcaat u m k of a aapayac tha annoal report of tha iostmaaut aanaral has j art uan raoaiad tha fol lowing paruonlars raapaotlnif iha- boainoaa of tba aoooaotinsj effloas of oar coqoty wilt ba found qtaraaung 1w pdtaii uomm koarwaat pfpht if o ftenaui auia itaikjius lioaivsas kvo aotoo u luii n vtum 04 mtm durlliigton 190 m 0ju4 m bail campbauilua 05 il ua lift 1 1 tm nun jtm how tisom r kaaugawara vartl oakvlua 111 tba aggragwia mooay ordar hustnaaa lo qajtoo u tlujrtq 21 id this dapartrnani tba baalnaaa of acton qaorftalowd milton and oakvlua u tamarkahly olooa in tha swtaral usoodu tha postal rafoaoa in anc of thaas towns is slap almibur in tba saaral kmodnls balnrf oar 200q oaah u aaoh naas oaorrou laadlntf by afaw hondrods tba salariaa oooitnlaalona and allowanoas to tha aavaral bostmasurs ara also a stody s tba saalous fr lands of thw poluuaua la ihia good ooonty ualtoo will h chary ahonk aanaglajf intuajtsl and corrupt praotiaa la lotura alaouon in tba put uamurs pf parlumaxt almtad by bolh tha political partlaa bas bsao bnsaatod or bribary by allsgad aaots and lb ogauu baa baan panisbad for thoir oorrnpt aota until lbs trials last bowsvaj jjm ansa and aanuooaa inpoaod haa idallv bet baan ao aartoaa as in raonll iu dslorriotf a rapaullon of tha offsmcaa aalnat tha aot j in faturo no doubl tha matlar will ba rs gardod la a mora aarloaa uiht and lbs enormity of tho offano lo tha oyaa of lb law and of right wwnklnd poodhi u lo bo nly raallxsd whan tha oormplioa of tha olociorsla u llksly to ba followod by floas amooiitlatf t hon of dollars and to dmranoniasatant for doarly a daoado thora wll ba aw paraona samouiitly ool rasull tha unas inpoaod in thu eaaa wars claatly within lbs powvr of iha also- tw uw add tba imposition of tham will n a moan faar laqllnna in uslton iu tha k day to ooma tborw s litua mttunoa wbiob ara arorytblutl ibar hr iuainvlrtr wiyk canadas crea thrwaj thousand owalllngi lara manufaotorlas lumbar mills and public build in is in mwlt and ottawa dastroyotd i 2 ooo homeu8b 1 b ooo ooo lobs tha muti iud1 oro that has awar oocurrad in canada took plaoa in ii oil aud ottawa laat thursday and antsllad tha annbiuuan of soma tbraa tbouaand bomv h a hf tba i torlaaln hall tba patua bolldlofl and ltja area of that aeolioti in oufcwa adja- cfnl la ibo davaalatsd joabeo inwo th loaa lseiimtdataboatfls 600oqo wtlh somatbioic 0ar 1 8 000 000 uf naoi eiilhl or nina paraona wra bornad to hualh and a m paw walling htlmll oranialad in tba airtbla ootinftiallqti tba groaljaper mills sawmills matbn faouriotl alo eflbakldy wo- h rona too bl saw mill and lajabsr ysrd ottha bronaonsths hall export qo tha eiport lombtr co j it- booth tbi lomherklnijof onada th msokm mil llosfpo wsra snnlblutod at on urns tha parllsmant balldldis war in gra danitsr tba ntgb oarrlc hnrnlng babris avoryw us tha spundid rasldanoa of tba uoo o e kos tar was dastroysd tha or awpt olosa an aroa a mils and half north and sooth a mils wldo i oily of ottawa in addition lo thraooilha of tho oity of hall- wbiob us diraotly across tha ottawa htst tba only build inga isft in lb wool oily of nail of 1 000 thousand inbahllaou wars tha ro man catholic cbotoh tba salpblta mill and two or lhr haodrad am sit hoa and store xtnding in a thm fritgo sronod tbw tam dorthaxu sod jrastftin bonndaria in hall tha bat aloq walla of th doaaoinllta and waxahonass of tba eddy co remained stand log th fir orlginatad in tha kltohan of a workingmans boms and as naarly all lb bolldinis in that vlclnuy war ot framvht was only a faw mlqotaa with tha prevailing high wind whan a hugs area was in tba flra land a rrasp contilbatlons of ossb cfbtliinjrfood and household goods are pouring in from ail parte of lb ooaatry and a wall organised relief oommllu u die panaiajr relief to th twelve thoossnd bo melee people to tb h i a uodj u mum infantry end mlthputiau brinada ol glaioant a dulaiun at heulitey b ounc himself oppo ed by klrouj forcooommaiij etby uennrel luth in paroo juinfuro moots robl thin io iluii k llo dy ssjd i ditvslad irenoh ttr atrai glbnu him rlnrlntf hf imht ft n gliu thu he wee able cn 1 aa tba i neighborhood news miltorj th- uojlials in iownhu aaeetlag for organisation in tha town ball baturday stsoing mr samoa weldl ttlaoksmith on of milton oldest reeldauu died laat a after a prolonged illnees if milton gets tba oovetad earpat faetory from port hops the town will bavvto pay tort hope 100 first jailer vaoallew who la suu eonflnea to bu bed ss a rasalt of his aoeidaot soma wash ago bad a eavora attacks of oooges tioa of lb nogs laat weak bnl u pattlojt over it- ckampom xr wiokaoa baa sold oat his drag boat noes her at j hi mocollome old stand to a k itowan of orange 11 le ho took n day ago erin stanley perk wlib iu pio- talcing eqalp- ocnt u 6ffered for asle at 11b00 aid saatue budjohjei itohei of ere la town last weak looking up a sol table pair nf horse for us in tha lira department at ths jo not ion laat week ir gosr and coaoolllor boott aaoh sold a boras to b shipped to booth africa flood prioe were obtained foe the animals j msosrsrwilliamsijd johnasuoarwitb lhli- wives and ramulas left last weak for dauphin man on monday tha spirit departed from ths body ol mrs malsan 6th line tsloot of tha lata donald mclean who dud naarly fifty years ago deoeased was ninety nine years of ego bhs was hals and hearty for one of bar years till about three weeks ago when she fall sualalnlng serious injuries which avantuelly oaoeed br death jftlmxau nabsaoaweya wa ha tn record this week the dosthof xtohaxllark who died on thursday apr 3eth aged aeveaty five years and aaven mojitha mr lk bad been ailing or a long time with bronchitis which finally tamed to onosa caption through all his long ulnae ba bora h trouble with christian patunos the fonaral took paoroo otnrdsjrtrontnu rocldanoe near xnatchhuu to the kbeneaet oenoeury where iha remains went interred th pall bearars were meesrs itnbert wluum and thomas park luohard bslt mr mulr and mr tomllnson the 1u dr sosnlan oondooted tha burial aarvlo sod preaohed lbs funeral ermoo tho piokstt sou of ahoar piokstt h4 toh takso to ths hospital st ouelpb on saturday to ba opera ud on- for sppendlojtls we bops h may ooma through aafsjy mua that his ut may be spared while longer mrs h p cranger of moore field 1 visiting at lbs poelmaaure at xnelnhbah mr tulwerj darby oftcbatohbull fiuuhod weed log on friday lest crewbon8 cornchb all a number rotq her eluojed its mr fcoibev farewell aervlos at ch archill on sunday mr vprus was welt known and was always an spprooisted visitor to our belgbbofhood and we regret t mbsb huramoval uagoeatnlutuwal blanew field nf ubor this week mr u 4 moor of th vasal lsss aotoo ocoupisd tb pulpit of ths methodist churoh here on buuday end tulird an excellent sariaoa mr moore la always walooin v 11 to to our bamel mr xemes dam u luet a valaabls jaaeey oowjrom blood poison no monday mrj strewn bed a hand ealahal eon tsinlng a stani ol mooay awl otbr velnau paper fetoled from bar buggy while la ouelpb s week ago mr x orlpps who has been 11 wll winter w ar pleased to say improv lug mrs jes bteveosoo who has been visit ing frieodw here or tbvpast two mouths returned to her home in fergus on baur day mrs potter of georgetown is visiting friends her mr and mrs jemee usmsuawepaat bnnday with truods iu lowvllle mr a keuloer sud mue keuusr ot jiajuofsd visited et mr n for bee on booday mr jasml uomble and muoss itajjha and mlna gambia attsndad lb fnusrsl of ihslr udolslr v oopsland of qtorge to wd on monday mis mettle moors u visiting irunds at oharablu mia meggu wilds of jaotoo vlsltod her graajnaronu mr ud mrs jasaes moor the advance begins lord loborta forona under con hamilton ara morohlnk north ward a qltf uattlo ex- rtauotad 1wimim may j tho wr oqloe rerjilvfil he rollowlug daapalob ffoiti tleoeral iuji erte j ea tarda y blosur xtsim my 1 leo ikmllturl marched yevlerdsy in an rlheily dlreotkn bosrniiiuieuoithwrbkxiortheben clo bad ooualierahly drcreebe 1 lx additluo- to rhsse troopa lumllpfi booll be rein faroed dorlng tha flay by uroedwood oav airy and brno uamlllous inuutry bl gada usmtltoii maqtloneil tliavbls deiuttlea yeslsrday wer about thirty atith e brlfaaa i the seventh diviainii yostsrdsy oooupud and buhsoauresl a ruw uf koploe without meellng with opposition hot tha mounted infsntry were engaged fursomr h6ars tba canadians ara with ilia advancing troops under general llmdui very intenestinq iteed tbejarge advsilumont of iiiooim 0 watkins the ulght house hamilton in tbla uue the advarlumeat deal with carpels end home vwriiichlirg a very tlmrly toplh now that the eeaeon hae- fairtirarttvki when very hot eebnld lao too oh ooo opted with the aprintf honaeolean inf thlefirm has one of the larreet and finest carpet and houae famishing dapsrt menle in caned a end all tha reiialrenepla in thee llnae should oommunioat with thorn they have th beet of aollltiee for filling orders from outof town residents h alton brider ueavilbv rifeo s200 or x month impheon- mant and dlafranahlsamant tor elfitht yaara the trial uf tba men tried for bribery was completed last wodneeday arflo moot was beard in tba 8 her word case but tha deotslon was raeerved both lo thet ebd tuoltyi tba following penalilvs were lcopoed for bribery oa thomas a dent and george btor a one uf j00 esob or als mootha s imprisonment a i cross ooii viewed on three charge ffioo fine or six months imprleunment diafranchlsemant for right years follow lo all oases their lordahlpa auted thet they wool hear any application for remlssloo of fiuee that ooaneol mibt be advised to make the court then adjourned till 11 o clock on rlstnrday 13 tb my kt osgood hall when tha decisions la th rassrved case will be anuoanoej heart palpi a quebec lady released pj great sh had wlthoi ponnda curat through the uaa williams pink puia sprinjc and summer weakness aa truing hjncci n vmlimi an i deljll iry uiih lo wilro on llio ait iiir nnd delicslo alllo die circulalk n kickk ac foutiltf llio eahautod nerin forcer an 1 llie blood u poor n ijiahiy s id dodcjont in building nlemonia a a a rcsulftunro le a k toonlnji lown ul the ayslcm n a ma appo ixfor he liver kidneys nn i ixiwclt iwcmnr inactive an 1 ll ere it a lack of energy nnd anil uu ii whlrli ren lem w rb oi any bind a i urden it ian h mti iigdiutuor j urpatlvrs udlh llulrdni rrulnjactluii i lull la reuwod t ut a food u tiourieli the iiorvo cm tin j nil enrich tu blood wards blood and nerve pills contain din prli iplrs ihir jj i ifolldlng ap i tho body hnijixh tlip in of ttw blond smt norvri because tlioy mijly tho j rojmrtu ilia rutcdtni la i mo lip ilia nynlom w lox al tluil riji am wiu iau a co totionto dont guass at rosults thii man knos wluit ba did and how 1 a did ll kuril t ndnrsfiments bji tho follow iiijj uru mo a hunltkiif i roof nllbl merits uili -h- parta tvrt la war lrtumh rilaxk jubdi1eh lew bodily afflictions ere more terrible than dieeeea of tha heart to live in oonaunt dread and expectation ol death sudden and with last farewell uapoksn is for moat people mora ewfal to contemplate than the meet serious hngermg illness tba align test emit man i bring j buffering and daogt4 such people jvor several years mrs or vi wife of v h a o ravel foreman in barry cigar factory bl johns eaburb quebec wei such a sufferer but ibenk to dr wu llama pink pill she la again in the enjoy meal of good health mrs gravel sayri 1 my general bellb was bad for several years my appetite was poor aud 1 was easily tired bat it was the frequent ahsrp peine and violent palpitation of my heart which ceased m the gcea i tried many medicines and was treated by aeverel doctors but iu vein finally i became so poorly that i was but sbla to do any houeebold work and was irn neatly confined to my bed at ths sugijeelloa of on of my friends i doaldad lo try dr wllusw 1ink vliu afleruklnil e w bosee x bogs to gslit bew etmngtli sud vigor th pains io my heart wore less frequent ahd less savers snd in every way myhtalth was irobrovlng jl rvinuliiiml using th pills until 1 hsd taken eight boes when x bed completely recovered my health i bav gained iu fieeb my appetite is goed slid i am sble to do all tny household work without teallng tha awfal atlgoe i wa before subjected to i am very thaakfuf u dr wuiume link tills for they have truly released ma from much suffering and i hop that other nay be induced to try this wonder la 1 dr wuiume 1iuk p1u our by goiuu to the root of th dlam they renew and balld up tl blitoj and strang than the bervee ihu drjvlug dlaease from tbs yatam avoid imitation by loauung that every bos you purchase is snoloeed in a wrapper bearing ths full oerh abd trade mark dr william pink lmlts for pels people if your dealer doe bot keep tham they will be sent postpaid v coo oeut a hot or silt boxes for i 0 by sddreeeluif thedr willisma medicine co brook villa ont vaster lo ell jour mployediop tbelr loola ths ineuul that tbs wbletle bin ms t lloye ob bo but all uf them lbs btor orderly one be lblr loou put iwy oelor tbst tlms a mat an hugmaki3it bpeaks of 1ha- dyks rotector of poie by ajjoatabla to av hot an 1 u arransa so it uia ucrae cannot get lis tail over tba una c beebsimtatl u eny trls ut owe tnlaute a and o lor single hga ii or double plticfe puim rse nicku puij si op orders by null will receive prompt atteiitlb sooo aqent8 wanted james matthwewiatontqo aoton ont bolfd gold t bust gold rill 100 syr gold t ill 100 ucetglssece 100 wo guarantee perfect mliefacuou globe optical co d3 von bo gtrwet tor art to evbrton mr ii horlopsbdnlr wiu dsmfll 1 of rdeii mill lilm th mill litre oil thursday mies ads talbot of oaprlnfi apeut a few days with lullaat hillcrtl farm but week ws undvrsuud tht fhomas tsthotu family go lo alberts title wek where mr tslbot baa bsu alnos 1 abru ary w wish tbsm proaiierlty iu llulr new hom beta will be ba presoblu in ths methodist church on bun lay baoramaul will ud admlnuuredbl lbs issthel aloltil meat at 10 00 a ui mr jousthsu osku sod fslnlly moved to guel pb on tuesday after residing jier over ulead years all tkulr married llfd thy will bsmieeed bointf so well luowil wurealusu wsf htiudreds sr killed iu war but hundred o thouaebds are killed by oou sumption titer would be uo desthu st atl caused by tbli torrlbla dlsesas hvh u oould be made to ua ierslsu i that ubllohv oougb sud oouutajllou cur la tur tsmedy if takio iu the early etsge 3o aud fcoo sud 1100 a bottle drutuu willratuud th uioiiay if a ours la bot stfaolod bold by a i urowu sho would wot use any other make the beet and moet aucoeaeful makar of homemade oar pat lust and hoar rageuie th dlamuud dye 10 their re- yama jod warp try buimd dyer knows wall that tb diamond dye glva 1 fssust and bright t oolors abd ars tbs slmpleet dyea lo use mrs a y lif id luthurat t toronto bk dutlngrthalut isd ysarst i toavw mads msny mau and rugs from woe i and obtinn rsgi aud ooaree yarue th dyeing of the ragi and yarua 1 have a 1 way a done with diamond dy as they ve the rlobset sod strong colors i am fully convinced that tba diamond uyos are ibe safest aud ohaapset for all who wsv oarpsts met sod ruga 1 would not use of mount puasant farm foriog uw weak any otbor alnd of dya hou4mu sud cirrui hsv oollo sud ursuip pain killer ylll our them every hum half s bottle in bot wsltr repeeled a few limes avoid nuballtulvs thare- is but one islu kuur prry dsvla jte sud fcoo jt jood thing our tlraudmathers rrla ooalslnad th bams herb uf ell heeling found in xsrl a clover ltool lee ihoy usva our suoeslura bueuglb kept lbs bluod pure and will do the earns for youf you ayx prlo i3 ol aud oo ut hoi by a 1 dafwu tvx goad book asurlllos wiuk eunugb for two or three ktrurk with uiuilu4l v nvally deeorlbe tba poelllou of a lard or soil ooru wbu patuam a lalulee lorn katraotor is applied ll doe iu work so quickly sod without pelt thai it seems magical lo sclluu lay ilaluoollect tba os me f alusra a pslulaea mru hifraolor bold by slldruggisls aud doatar every where th6 right tt established 1843 hamiltons favorite bhoppingplaoe ho may 3 1900 carpets and homofurni a lot of informattbd aboit thooo llnoa thafa of intnat to oatof town eoildenta hood isvorjr word 1k1n linieex ia ilng time is hem aq i l ioouicwil buying new ihlnl io iho way of lloorcovvrin end ilomnlurnlhln ipi uc iho on thai 6vniccrfno iho worse lor wear wo sra very careful about tho aurto- j ments iui nulm la tho iacrv ji our cuilonun know and- wa havw no hesiiatlno in sajlng lhat lbm ua t a slarnill the country locler prepared ihah wa sr li fill ynurtvery wsnj in ihrso lines you d hveto travel far before you d fin 1 ono to vcjl prrpami if you vc never hern in this siore you ve no idea what so importadl part of our business tbee v are iino rntjre flkr of this greet huildlofl i devoted i them snd ic isn urge b vc irtlberodlor tills aiwlng a business xhmn i matter whether yourspring l- lr 1 v- ultful er prct r ifjol carpet andjl imotiniuliing ivparti ulii iu hold itxr immeme stocks itinand refurnishing tails lor blr c refit i and tefnrnlehlna calls for bin enprn iflhre oi little thla la the slom that s able 10 make lhaijependiluro most resul como to hamilton it pooniblo if not ordor by rjrutll- i wo pay tho svoigm on oooda bo ordorod wc nlviee you to comeand joake yor sclccilonf personally but if you cannot do o tlien order by mill va 111 nice aaliafaril a and will pay l lie reigbl or ei prees lo your nearest rairwayataliotin onurui aa we do on jjjf i over wo idiall ik lesl to send yo i samplej re of diarge ol carpels and anything tbat can be pntlilvely riiy ordrrs uf 15 that you state as fully a will te id dlurlptiuna nnd prlto k few hints of the new spring carpets brussels carpotif ery ijcit uallty 1 t llrlilal tlriueu ery large variety of about 60 dlr ocnt lylea bejutlhil now effecis two make loth lcudl 1 valuo at i is and i j5 a very popular wako ol ltruuau in a u nmi selectluu of lullcfii iii medium an darjf tha do i uo seclal ilnoof vi r uruamiu k wealiuk mavn about lj tlllfereiil ntylns to liioomi ronl ehr value ut roc velvet corpotfl iha iar and fne i ttockoicrou ley a lit lnglluli velveln in canada about j5 styles vrry handaoine tleslriia 111 rich thada fieclally jfood lo uar e it ira alue at 81 is all wool carpet ttt juallty all wool carpets 1 ng unit make eacellenl caqiel lo wear guaranteed to rivc satlaactlon good rango of colorings in rover alble deskn f 1 varloua other makei of all wool carpet nil ood ahea 7c to yoc axminlbtor oorpota s tboico new a m luster best 1neluli manufacture cempleln range of die lateat atyles of pailerua n all tin new color combinations sueiceed ingly rich an 1 beaulful llonr cover jll le hat you require as fo crilor pripes tic tor anytbli soythanb liing ihr can 1 lc wrap imphsd led we ing about 33 atylcs in all lent value at f 1 35 and r 50 tapostry carpots cel range of colorings mverslblo dc sign 37c to ac secl3 line of canadian cotton clialn carpers wllhll wool bjlinr very satisfactory carpel to wear 60c bargains in carpots a large lot uf hugs made up from llruueli axmliuter and tapejtry carjieut in various aires with border to match selling at shout onethird under value we mention a few -3mpler- biru itegubu tof h f 1 3 innjrt i in if i 00 h ft 3 in y ft u in al uo 14 50 h ft 3 in v u ft 5 in 1600 ih 10 h ll 3 in n 14 fi a j 00 lu uo io 1 6 in x 13 fi 33 50 33 00 10 it 6 in x la t 33 uo 34 00 in i 6 in a15 ftuln 4a 00 3000 iktter securcaskw or more of these bef re they re rooe gurtah department we bva most admlrsblo stocks of tare net and mosllo chrtahas 4 j variety enough to snlr- every tasto and value that will delight e ulk jut a few hints white nottingham lace curtains well finiihed edges good designs 3 yanla by 46 inches apodal 69c pair j yard by 34 inches special il wlr 1 iner ones including some very dainty and tacey eftects fast edges si ajtols pair dainty while muslin curtains with frill atrlped and small figured pat t 50 and ll 7 per palr designs japanese jkattlngj ojual rocejvod a hurga sblp- ol jspanesa cotton warp wo men t joint leas mailings huge variety of oewpallems very neat and eenn le floor coring 36inchpetrard 050- in 4q special price ifyou want a whole jwece of 40 yards japanesb kagfl andmatu a large lot ust received from j a in really beautiful dark rlclr- orlenlal eflecla clever copies ol turkli uugs sim ixq feet each j-b- ire t 6 feet each 3 75 sire 3 x 13 feet each 3 75 sire 1j feet each 4 5 sire 6x9 feet each j 50 sice 7 ft 6 in- x 10 ft fi in h 50 sire 9x9 feet others in fancy pot ted designs j 73 plf beautiful new 5wus net curtains la handsome renalssanoo styles 3 yards by 54 inches a 4o flu psnt 3l yards by 63 inches 6 to 15 oi nburv cartslns i be rooet pop ular make this season an excep tionally large range of effective pallcrns some 31 yards by s4 in 473 to i6 75 pair mora elsboralo styles ranging from ff8 to tz3 pair taposuj75rporiotoj one line fringed at both ends re versible handsome patterns in twolone effects b4 50 pair lidtef ones heavier aoaulles and- riclier colorings shades of blue green ted havannah and terra in two tone and combinalina shad lug is 6 f7 and to pair furniture coverings a it was bought before lbs prices direct from the makers ally one third the llet urillth make carpet in about 3j itillruiwla cfdeta light medium thadinga lliorouj liable iiuallwooc good make of raoiiic about j rjlfierent desij iu variety ol color ng ipeclal 40c other grades uf tapestries el 50c to 75c union corpota qulfealartd ossorlmciit la a jaod queioths and unoleum we can fill every poalble require ment in tbla hoc in uiooleuma we have immense assortments in best scolrli makes ranging from printed linoleum at 40c per auare yard up to the best inlaid ijnoleams st f i to and fll j5 per suare yard 30- inch 85c 75c and 50c special bargain in 1 rench tapestry cpverings 50- loch good patterns hi gold green fawn sod bine regular f 1 35 or 90c prencai tapestry furniture covering tine assortment of new designs in various art shades it 75 fll 65 i aj uul fi 3 tatuper apace it s ve sell window blind ask for price 1 ii thla mull write uti about ll 1 tatalogile wo male a specialty of church carpets ami upholsteries alio of carpels linoleum curtains snd ifomefuraiah lugs kenerally for hotea and public plica slid we shall be pleased to submf deparltneiit potklhle lo mention everything and if tvlial you are interested in uo t included we are ag rata for johnson s fa mou hardwood floors write for t of carpels lin ibmlt estimsles on rwuest write us addi king st east coit uuanson st uauilxon tlioiiaas c istatkins wanted a travelling general agent whatjit represents when yoti sit for n photograph you want the llktuci to leiitcacnt you properly whenyou sit to ua wewant the work to represent us properly ouf imprint ib soon oh none but tho boat photo- irophp and for our sake aswell at your we are sure lo jjive you life ul utlafac lory photograph h rhmshhlfli photo khist kcton an experienced canvlsier or a man with good character and addass with the nccciiary ability to travel from town to town and appoint agents no canvassing salary and expense paid position permanent and promotion accord ing to merit 1 the bradlieycarretson co limited ucnilon iu ur branmord ont acton baliejy t- uid tauay 1 astry we hsv blade eiraaia bieuta to gt a liu kunuiy wary dy we bsve slo seist varlty iu uad leave wojj st tbs ebou if v4u wuu tbs waturaii to ull j c uxttltxwu jixijjweoj we iijweas usual the best stock of boots shoes in town we have no room fur cheap iraih uttd no tkjre io tudl in ii we guarantee dial eiery julr of ilools and shoo in our store lias got th money s vsju tn it and i worth eiery cil of the pdt we ask we sell the kind of slioei ttiat improve on doee inspec lion aud stand by you lud a brother we make lite twice as low as can bo made for an honest stllcle alore money ij lot in lb wear of cheap goods than is eve saved in ibe buying 1 he luallty of goods icpret the money value lluy s uoaaullcle cheap and you lose your dollar ttie loei dollars are ibe ones you pay for goods that are made cheap iu sell heap 0ollsjeaiiyrlkbuijnutojarwrchasaat runnly llltob wbcro vou are u ured of ketllng lioncsi goods st fair prices a comunation that is as good as gold 10und avjast whites of eggs and glycerine the ttinemt shoe drasln for ladlos flno shoosj w ijo uk if ad atoultstoltli ij xt ll i- i order sod hejialring uromptly ailcndetl to by experleocej wurkineu we anl always willing lo show goods aadglva pricel 1 hanking you for your liberal patronage tot 0vl a year and bollcitmg continuance o same d remain yours truly kenny bros- main street acton m j xir nkv tl u lv on ttiaoudnm rondfi oil couutry roads- on rrood routlu und bd roads dtfulop dotuchablo rvtt ura uufest nnd cithict to fide ifyou meat with mis hap u puncture ten tulle front ho in t lie so lire ihnoiilytoolwyoiiueed tsomij tw1 k moth br gvmher necqssity iahitbiaekr covvns from boo up to si bo soo up to si 56 1 skirts tram drwrs from 200 up io so chaknlsa r 70o and bo corsot covars from 4d up ttt 40 we are making ting one of our specialties and are sure tire ladies will lie pleased with tho largerange we have y show them c f goodeve co mill st kcton 8pelght jtrbrady etanufacturor of watxm motw3 jaoljmajii qjlh k mitaana musg at mow caxtatojs t i 1 i j j hopalrtng i promptly dooev aaorfstotown ont aoton f- machino and renair tiliopu uwkur q biw dell 1roputee aubwall aqatpww wub at tba maabu swessjaary leasaate bij repairs te meet uy aad bnwmtaraalmiuaadwlikanl lo do fltbt j4brrtibtmtnts genkraij uliip wanted att uowl a capebl flrl aoenatomail lo senersl luk tntaha alleallati l toronto apply et utieesl vukk rickhh ovpiob oirus wanteu a m- west toronto iaulnku wanfeu vaone with good hnovileds cf ui i ilo will fln wed ehaoe nere add oooe jteton notice uaftkadupoaedafiuy nieilieal praauo in jtj acton i hereby requeetell petaooajnoebl art to me to eetpe ibeta eoenunyi wui ue by ibe aetodsfaclsa tenders wanted sealed tetaafcrs marked teoden for uotld- inc will be reeelved by toe anaersigaed np toawtedststsv1mnrl00atis wetecsvsh fee the enatlea of a brick blek at the em oclfulsae wlimwutatnibevllugaof jtetou 1 una and speetqsauna may be aeen u tbe reeideeee of far one warren acton oa end after wedaeedsy hay sad tb lowest orsqy teuder not beeeessrlly aeoepted uweiv -j- card of thanks tur undersigned- deeue to estaod heartfelt thansa to the many neighbors and friends who aaeiatad la aettn property daring the eeo- ibureuowlbst pridsy wa fael that it snuf only uiroogb thalr etrennob efforts inst so mueb of tbeooetaate ofoer borne and abope wave aaved we appreciate vevy folly tbaee efforts- j 1l1iblld d 8 j a snrtacioaut v 8 u mtulii an j uauuow new drcsiimakijik establish ment hit unlet of acton sad vkiafiy will be t hy will i pleaeed to learn tbst s arstlese dtaa laetsbllsbatesit wiu beopenad thla weas a buwet nader tb maaacemont of ml saowfl hlaa barret off mmiw vw uvtaaatona of boaeslnc la mies ueeeeya oeoraetown tberlong experienae off mies meeaonald la tbe elty snd tbs hies uvlag atone laajaad tba trade with mlae beeeey u ample proof that sausfseuoo eaa easily be guaranteed lo all patron theffeeikelson n ulsxbtlcsntaperlbribll akau per lb 1 seek a eeau per lb- beef roast to 10 mtperlbbtsekloeentatvlb hteekehopped a full seesona eappty olaagaranredthania baoon and baeas eoastsntly aq band oomb oe co uk all pise year order wttb the oaog ansa ee be make si reonda every- moramg cell and eeule all old aeeoante t h uolbtom llateher the piibijic health mr oitizihs abs bxqttxbtxd joouiv- vrrh vsx pubuo mbtuna ace rv ana remove i or other anlntent tnapablla baaltb and to pleted by tbe lou a hilary 1 ib sjl dirt 1 wbleb may eodaass have tb earns eon v 1 wllle take botlee that i keep free from atandlag srssar and rega lerty elaanaarl wtu be strietly apforeed a fqpiaj tokevp a sad ttuwoaghly ejr tansmle elafeeted aeton april ssrd noa hkvbvetcrtkred the new merallio long distance telephone xines betwssh arownuu rohduro sorrjoo xoofrur service perfect half rate from pm to 6 a m the minimum night rate is 5c except where the day ate is less 1 lbu seeds manclls sugau hiuts nilo cakkots cwaill usjlix bkl j ana 1 ud ur ginlcn sla of all lliull wltui tuqqlrlitg ktiy ul itw abjve glv us h oil our irca r tha low iht k bbcds cil hi fcolj fur james hewer beadsman 45 maodonoll st cualph- ehriunorcpd oo susskh arrl t ee ta htm etll ws mi r oae eild sseeaajns u4 t uouklm tiaialwbau na far aeteklme ill utaj mx wwlm write aajawtleaai w shjalsl ivatoa cox mlaeat m tfaakalar m y im 11w idotbeesteflosash iaejjreiegs aasaorstor- w h seeds all kinds of weeds in bulk of canlcti and rsrui 0uootone paris croon etc 1 at spraying copperas chloric of llimo crudfj carbouo acld cto i or disinfecting a t brqwn olmnui aoa qillnar acton ffa vu ui 1 if ilajbamaswa l tiliimir -ttj- asg s j j i jiiy