Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1900, p. 4

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y v wyyzj i languid many a school girl is sold 10 bo lazy and y shift o sb when she doesnt deserve the least bit of it iiud foils asleep fs nervous end fired all the time and what can you ex- 4 fleet her brain is being fed with impure blood and her whole system is suffering from pojsonlng such girls are wondsr- full helped and greatly changed by taking l sanapariin hundreds of thousands of schoolgirls have taken ltdurlngthepast50years k many of these girls noy l haveh l1 they 4 juj vi iimw uvv have homes of hejr own n l they remember whalt cured them and now hey give tfic same medl- cineiothcirown children you can afford to trust a sarsaparilla that has been tested for half a century um a seta sjtevetllatb t i if your bowels are const- piled take ayert pflu yoa cant have cood health unlem you have dally action of the l bowels udlito omboxoravef sruaaettredmry l dvapep cd 4 if reek ear eoaaaulal whatever aad sealr uw kt ga s4rl yea itu yss k tjgfsunm 09- xifcbpb nakaih an wti heady to accomuoqatb id preaching lonerai sermons elergytaan often bars a hard course to ttesr bat bar la so nitanoe reported by ibk bt loois pulupau wbere ll alldalo salt ing elderbaker wbo floarjahed la a rural district at nsw dajandr a good many years ego was a eiriotly noneet bat pelo lolly frank old man one day be i approached by old zeke dill a men of doubtful rcpotauoowbo aald jookeo bar tldar i went to make request of you an it la tbia x went yoa to promise ma yoa 1 preach my faoeta eefmon if yoa outlive me why certainly zeke oeruloly an i want yoo to preach it from the text an booeefman lebe noblest work of ood i ii do it yak i 11 do ii 1 and 1 11 add that j m sorry there a aaah a poor epeolr to tbe coffin certoit jfra fjress jcnur8day may3nllfi00 ttb jfoutuj yolks thar trembled m softer baa in the bine akj areb as u the faith heaven knew and were lud of march uol t said o deeply pird ar th oruu oar bar tbu tnornlmt in yain batb amllwl kartua pulaa to ur alekj will tb aamtner tjj soma back r tarrr parbapa aid lb alaak wlllo tlut craw in tba buiud brook i brink inrrrt ptrbapi- ald tba olaak willow lbku than yoa tba bnabaa ktmcgla to pt through tb eratd mow tby llatan anfl 1 t br tb brook bjo wutoi t boda aaraly aw all ami tb watan ilnf r can tba brown twic truly talt tb utn ot aprioar auokl w oou bak v vr parbapa aaid tb lk poaalaa tbat btw oh tba bortad brook a brlnk arattifcl htutdi aahltht klmk tht prim u mora naar tbaa yoo uiiak willow a boon to horaemen eogllah bpavin xjalmant nmoim ail bard aoft or oalloaaid lain pa or blamlauaa from borsaa blood apavfn curb pltata rlnx bone iwoooy atiflaa sprains aors and swoluo tbroat ooasba oto tba oaa of on boltlo may maka yoo 0 war ran tad tba moat woodartol blamlab cor avar known aagarbaajna in folly and eoda lo rapant anoa lythaforaa handrada bays taaufiad to tba cod patty a pllta bva dona tbam iv i soma people laaru ononsh in l wsv foreign iraval t3 bora others tot a liietima it is only necaaury to read th uati- roonul to bo ooovinoed tbat uolloway corn cur u tip for t rmol of oorni wart ato 1 a oomptab xtng nuhar it tbjaaog raau who has mooay to born is olog to msju it warm for hlmaalf a hamulus coab dr low norway 1ina syrop oorad ma of a bsrasalng oongh and boaraanaaa x know of flo baues raensdy f qr balmi afad aootbhifl tba iaai and brooch al tabes price 25 oents bba a auwardais af ur flfteao years servlos on one of tbe trauallsnllo liners and so onjnion on iho anl jeol from a peraoo in bcr poaltioaji uodoubtedly lo- he reapecm bat fltfa to aay ahobl eeaaloknaas- almoat bvaryhody is a hula aiok but a greet niay more praona could be ires iok tharr they ara if ibay won id ooly bo oarefnl for a day or two before they aall loll of folk rolrik off to ltarape est big otnntriantl lodobaona for two or three daysbafuvelbey elrt and ae soon a thay he motion of tbe wavee they have really a blllooi altaok homatimcb whan the orowum hf vary rough sod i have beep s little oareleas to my ditt i fl tbe motion myeelf mot never whan 1 lake proper cere at tba sllgbuit dlazlnesa or naaaaa x atop eatlrir any thl nk t all for eight or ten boar end above u i nevav touch lea at atw time it is tb ovsrealipg oaoslly bfora tbey ooae osf bgeri that make all the troable flpw york vou the muldgontof lie hhrr of queen llssbolh wse s ooteroo no u function first camtf a rfrrflmud whb a rod fallowed by v gaiitloiiiii orrj n a tbla olo tb w blob after thy had k ult rvrnl 1y uiree tint plaoml tb thing a the ftftble knuag and roucml next otroa lady io waiting followed by a oond tbe firal lady draaaod lu whit aftar kneeling tbreo ijmea appruaci od the table end auinnnly rubbed tbe plaice wltb tbe il literary notes tjbe croea trtomphsnl by loreno tnbllsf autbor of titos herald of tba greeej bupben comrade of be grou fenl soldier of th oroea tfahrlaal work of nfra lungaley tbe aot is a flltlnk sequel to bar jrtirtoi o ii is an irrtec and craphlo stovy of the uafllo soeoes issdlok op lo surrooodisfl sod following tbe saiga and deerr of jemaajeni the holy city by the romans ander tllas is written with sphudld desoriptiss power and trntb to details as to the manners customs artd anvlroomaol of tbe ttmeesod le throughout a book moat interesting noi ooljr to studaols of bible biatory but even the casual reader will parosa it with tuifftnareet prter gooente wm brigga pabllsber torooto in the honth of may paine s celery compound is the great banisher of sickness and disease it has become the popular in the month of may we and thousands of tired rundown weary sad half aiok men and woman who are bot in a condition to oope wltb the work sod duties of everyday life borne luffer from sleeplessosss allmwita osaralfttai rbaumalhtntdyepep aia uver abd kidney troubles others owing to an impure and poisoned condition of the blood ars saffariog from nnalgblry eruptions and akin diseases pains s celery compound is the only true and trotted medioins for iha present seekoo it purifies and enriobss the blood feeds and braoee tba nervee boilds np tba wsaksosd body consols digsstloo gives mental vigor bright eyes dear sklu and aweet sleep physicians are dally prssorlblnk palo s celery compoand in canada and hundreds of drugguts strongly raoommend it to theu ocjlomera try h effects of a ooople of bottles of peine celery coompoond if you woald bolld up phyeleslly and mentally for tbe oomlog summsr palo 4 celery com pound le the world e leading end earing medicine it mekee sick people wll hundreds would never have koowa want if they had p flret known bpaf sqp a good laagb la sonabiae id a bona thackeray ve ere sqaudlng t bo asanas to mak petty pills known our money prove our faith x trial will eeoore yon re- yon oan t indg a maoa tamper by tbe wy iwlrests bjswifs before nopaay i sxs liver pills vrjirk j wtaliryw sleeip without a gripe or po ourlog blliooeoea oonslipstioauyepepaia abd elok headaobe and make you feel hat tear in the morning a bloude la dot beoeesarlly frivolous beosuas ebe le light headed par internal or external uee ilejiysrds yllow oil cannot be esoelled as a palu ralieviog sud toothing remedy lor all psiu jngresl stlempu it le ttlorlous even to tell louginus experience hevtaughtushowto make the best birlulbioiyfn the world expcfience has proved thjt this emulsion is wortliy of entire confidence there are many imitations of 5cctc5mituicn anrt allkinfhf nlnhtiitn inr lt but none equal it if your doctor recommends you to take coduvcr d0 or you know- yourself thatvou his he best coduwr ofl m the v evnd graad for dlarvboeex i haveheen oalog di powlers tit tree i of wild strawberry for the past au years and consider it a grand remedy for dlar rboea and it u eepeolelly good for children outtlug teeth mrs henry g thed port lis oeoeor ood whexjuerrvla with the imperfection of men llorke a en all roaadfamlly remedy one that alwey abould be in tbe boose for an emergency ijr petty s pilu dlsoouul soy thing lo tbe market tbey are so small a child oan take them witb eaee yi ooes a does i immortality is the giorlous dlsoorsry of chruuulty ojjopng tbsrs 1 not a mora dangeroa tltss of disorders then tboee which sffot tb breatbins orgaue nullify this danger with xtj thomas ttoleouia 011a ql roonlo of acknowledged vffioacy it core lamne abd eoreo wheo applied externally as well ss eoallaj kteok abd crick in th bok and as an oward peciflopoeeeee moat tabatsntial oulms la pablla oooodstlo how oulhn defls dined thd emerd twenty four jtotniti of tbe gaerd clad in scarlet end esoh oarrylsg a dlah of gold tbeee dleliee ware planed upon the table o hi i the lady taster gee to each of the ttnerd a tstte from the dlah he had brought in for fear of possible polaon tlieee gaerds were eelcotd from the ulleetsnd kloututmeo in ell i oglsnd at the aloe of this oeretnony a dumber of aomtrrlod isdles appeared sndf with great ttlarriolry mhoix lt verloua duhee and carried tbam to the queen lp br private epartroeuie tbe qussn dinedand aupped alone with few attend an u spd it was seldom hat any one wae admitted e thia ume andthsnotly tba intercession of some one in power an inference booh ere tbe relatione to which tbe human aeosss sud nrrfora tending are sos oeptible r tnerked th men who doeen t ossa whether you oorbpreheod him or not that logically peakiog il ia sbtolataly lmpoaelble tdbe bolally acre pf eoy thing dear met exclaimed oeyena tdidn l know you ware one what 7 a weathvr propl t vaalilnrtoo star hhkksoaaa pai um all tousj rajht wm lin killer a ealala chest la itself stweje kela ead qeiek car far rorahpsdiitrrhoeacouohs colds rheumatism heuraloia 35 and 00 ont botttw fwasjejce lov- ohlv the qgkuihs pghry davis tbe oomrooo englub eighty teeth frog posse a kinostonian 3 distress but it was short lived whan ha bran south amarloart kidney ctxr txnatmantt z lam too disheartened to try anot remedy was tbe almost forlorn remark of e well known kingston oitlsen when being persoaded trjra friend to try flow tbmeri oan kidney care for bia cae which dootors bad said was incurable there are toft many prgmisee of help without results but he did take booth american kidney care end in a latter a few day go aey i owe my life to thl wonderful remedy r- it truly is a bleealog jsojd by a t brown womens ailments women aro ooro- ing to tmdarstand thai the psokaoliaa hesdsohes tired feelings and woes rfyells from wbloh they suffer ara due to wrong action of thakldoge doans kidney pills are the moei rellahia remedy for any form of hidner complaint they drive away kin end sortee make women healthy and ppy kble to enjoy life to the fulleet uno n oilkpl s04 brjtffn street bt john n d eava i had eevere kldr doetored with a aambes oians inbl john hnsn haaslngoi doan s kldpsy piuv i began their nsw before taking them i coold not stoop to tie rayafcoat and at times snffered such loctara that 1 tfbuld fan torn over labed erthout aesistasoe doans kidney pills ham rescued me from this terrible cond tton abd ramovod every pain and sons ney trouble for which i obee of mi hast poyau nt reoeivad ilttu rejulz the grsaietl or allhomen beaaflt that at leasts without which no other beueuls oaa be truiy anjoyed a independence pa r kao uod w i p the dettrrtart of valor ia discretion ind that better part of lbs treatment of dlaeaae la prvu tlon dlseeee originate in impurlilu in the blood feople who teke it st thie eeaeoo ay tby are kept healthy the year round it u because tbia medicine elpels imporltjee and makee tbe blood rich and health glvlni all liver lite are osred by hood e i tlla io y nature koowe hwpau in her t rogross sod development sod sltich her onrae on all inaclloo goethe where others fell there i r petty si ills prova their power to oure iltlvate the graee widow doeau i weeds w un the lyrstuliux uatd ta ult in eome inilancee dut we know wbo are th ureal nerve builders thy ara boott a ojwn their boots emnuioo feeds and strsngtbfns brain end atrasnd glnmpndnb tasvr the effect of ignorance wlthoot tba least sense of il steele trevant disorder at the flnit ymp toma of interasl rllforjcr ti vegetshle illlaehould berseortedlo immed lately two or three of tbese aalotary pallets tsksn before going to bed followed bydoes of n or iwo pill for two or thru nlgbts in suoceseiou will earve a preventive of altaok of dypepla end all tbe dlaoomforu which folloef in the traiu of that fall diiorder xhe means are elmplewhan the wky ia knowu tba amplest knowledge hty tba largt faith ignorance is always inqreduloufl wumou mrs thjbhlu i 3ejl known lady or tbomtillt kin got almost instant roller from heart troiflfle by tlio use ofmhbnrnshoart and korve pills- it is simply wonderful the number of weetarn women who sre ootnlng forward to tell of the ou relive powers of mil burn a ueert and nerve pulo this ume it is mrs oeo traill a highly iwepeoted lady of ibornhlll uau who gives la the following words the history of ler case i obtained from mr j a ilolbe drug it of unrden msn a bo of milburn s fart and nerve p1iu as x was very bad with liearttronhleratthetime i need the one box and got almost lostsnt rellei i tlmil bought another hoi but only had to oae a few of the pills as i have never beeit troubled witli palpitation aiuoe ualngtltaiii i kil very lhankfal that x got the puu and if this will he of any uso to others suffering i did yod may publish it in the pepers of vbera is bo genius in life ilk tbe genlua bad eoiivtty mitchell mllbarns ubsumetla 1mu are a apeclflo remedy for kheometum eclatlca lumbago end neuralgia tbey eltmlustfl th adds and polaon frort tbe yunl eae lb ysin and oar th dleease irio i oenla vvhel loneliness i tuor louvly than d it true t ueorge hllol per a oleev oomplesiuu ute ietty s ill i thsy uever fell to clear the aklo tlionsand of ladies swear by them i e osletyts the sour rlppla over depthf of ddw gbepjo wormeoanoot exist either l children or adults whan dr lows worm byrap is used mo all dealers lord gartjsu viceroy of india reports tbat tbe demabda for relief ara increasing aad tbat 6 diuooo persona ara la weal but tbat tba arrangements iv ftllef arc eoal petty s iftlle far small mere miles batons u a doss sod pry does ooaol tbsrs ara do bleaks t bad yarjt mrs foothcoogb saving a daufelma e4 was anebla to walk x tar led snplylng jetaajajtys bslkiw oil add inetiboettiptetwjeaiti waifooaejidl iavld me tfjlrrfsv wfrevai ufutagaja kvery duty whioh we omit obcoure some truth which ws should have known ask your druggist for imtys pills if he hasnt got them write us enoloslug tb price oenu end we will supply yoa the wi possession rerlug raud s kttrlplde covered with sores evb cured little hsrvay dallna nlns mr ago end he hss a ever had s boi on him sins rls praollnally impoeeibls ia heal up sores or ulor especially- the old cbrouloklid vuli ordinary remedies mo tualur how urge or of how long tending tlioy luey he liowever tlij bee uu reslily an i eley healed permanently wban burdock blood blllers is used hahvev oclinc mrs k ualine areen ont proves thl in the following scoount she gave of her little- hoy iraeri y hull ann harvey f ak ooe jr xh ha bnkernnt in area all oier his body they woald heal opforatinte then preakout again about twine a yeertiu t was pea toot than ha eseel tu gt wmee end was wtnplflty prostrated whan doctors failed to cure him i gave him burdock blood bitters n4 bruruthd the soraa wuh il x i xi is nine year ago tlnos ibis happened mod 1 rnot saytlhat la all thjs wmah baa ngyarhad a bdp oil his bodaoeatjy alfcof ah0sd4xvahjartrtarnlnc rw things are impoeeibls in then eel it is sot so much means as per vera noe that la wantin tq them lo a laooeeafal iwaitooh f o u could bmamekachd 7 andwhy9 beetut dloodtm purltlee rfsiva made it pimply dr arnawa ointment le a sura cure how distressingly oomrooo is the pimply fao putlcularly lu young people end yet it u a klmple thing that a utile local treat ment will dlapcl in short order if the right remedy i used dr aguaws olntmabl remove plropls is b mark end makes the skin soft it will our pfles in from three to hve ulgbts bold by a t brown fined to spoiled children sre not thoe of under years if yod ere a dyspeptic take patty t u your beck ache take ietty s if yoar bead aohes take petty if you sre uarvoua lk patty a if yoa are week take petty party s will basks the elok wrl mil lability of ieinpersjid luoonautedoy wltb ourselves is the greaust waekuee of of buman uature addison be there a will wisdom point the wsy th hick mo pine for relief but he dislikes sending for lbs doclur which means bo ills of druga uever cons timed lie bae bot jbe resolution to load hu stomach with compound which small yilultulyxtsil- wore uutlf h bsve the will to deal bimlf with hi- ailment wisdom will direct hi ktleullou to permelee vegelatletlli whtob evs peciila for indigestion eud disorders of the digestive ornab have uo eijual a man has uo- more right lo say at un civil thing than to sot cue ho ijore right to y a rude thl tig lo sbother llisu to knock blat down johhjoa ullbura hteiliug lleadaoh lowders sre easy ta take harmlea in ectlou eud sure to oure say headaobe lu from ave to twenty tabu us a man oeu fcpjoy uo better gift tbiu the lov of a goed wouied lletter without s hlomaoh than with on that got a oouatant hurt lo ik especially when you haveeeteu eom of the bl thing lliat irovldobe has provided lo tickle the palele lr von buus poespple labials atlmulsu th- dlgestlvs orgab i sfone lloy tb good thloif ol life and leave uo hal after ffobosvry them with you lu vur vl pock t go- in a bos tto oents bold by a 1 brown youug folk lu lov ars vry muuli irtollneu to watte time ioee your bea sob 1 lake t patty ios your back sob t xeke a pstly ivms your sldeschst lekea pstly and do noltke any othf the sooomplultedbofi ulng uever eirlk it twin uo ilk lluht twioe lu th asui lied with worm no wonder thev lookhd at her tlieulhrr day a marrlrtl om pie were wftlkfnv dowp oas of tho niaiit thoropghl imitjn 1 r tmrui ooni fy t itltt in pnvleod i il hulban i i old it ill 11 on tlon other women oblslurd fr iu passeraby re mars mi to tils ultor ball folk nivvav look t lire i 11 id married somooue bolur ki j the womsh laily rat itiwl t a thy fault dusts llili k a man ii itais at mfi whan yovre welkliikf wt itio t tlit llp ubt m aai e folk doit i look st mo is bung baok about s ttozon yards sue for the teokth of a irtreet was surprised to ee evory man hla wile passed slaro hard at har ant turn rogud at tl i wk at her after ah tied psd hal lsl boetoalmel laaswrsutf an i uk itback lllnlvverssy mlsbonl thy uoo t 11 le wily apouso liajl scoompllal fid he irioajy polling oat her tongue st every men she met t i bound hand and foot by jtheumatiemsuffraj aaonles but south amarlcnn nheumntlo cura brought maallli ahd glad- noes mr breil l 1 sda live at ji bally btreel toronto end uytl fac l0 year be anflared esorucistlng agony from thsomat m id the wrm- eud ankles- only able lo jrork three month in tbat lime end took hoaplul treatment for nino months without rllef i began using houth amerlqan itlieomsilo cure ou the reoommendallou of a trleud wl o had been oure1 by it and i rejoice to twllly bet i got relief almost immoduuly ud llst today my trouble la sat ahl i ant tree from the awful altering held by a 1 browu our qrat impulses are good geuaroua berolesl rsflwtlon weaken and kill tbam l a uetuti chest feels tight vooeeem all chc ked up and staffed up with the colllh 1 it hen to breathe coilgn tbat rbm nnd tcejre you but uttle nox a ihoiftnn i to two drwoiu norway lotakn pine hyrup bnforo filing got too 1 hor la tto remedy equal to it for making the breathing essy looeenlng ute phlegm kiii removing nil the alarming aymi loms ale severn ol 1 i ceuuht a savere ool 1 t ich aetttwl on my cl oat iiioltlng u fuel raw and tlhl booing br woods noiway lino hyrup edvertltodlproahrudattottla which greatly rsjlevsd rue it looeeoed tho phlegm healed hie lung un 1 wion ha 1 mo perfectly well nsil murtiy hirijtif okt dr woods norway pine syrup peoptomldom improvd when they have no otbef model than ihemaelves to copy after dotdsmflh there never was sud usuar will hj a unilversel pescad6ljerremodyttdinitt ills to which flush la heir tbe very nslure of many out alive being such that wore the germ of nlhor and differently seated dleoaaes kodted iti the ayatem of tl e patieut r what would relieve one 111 in turn would aggravate tbe ollior we hav however la quinine wine wbu obtained in a eouud qnadulleralwl stale a remedy for many andgrterons 1iu y h prrlti1 jtirllnlnn use the frailest ayelom are lad into boa veusccno end strength by the influence which quinine exerts on nature own reeloratlvoa ik relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic slate of morbid despoudem1 abd lack of i ute reel ip life la m disease and by iran julllslug the nerves dispoeee lo aouud and refresh ing sleep imparls vigor to tbe action of the blood which being stimulated course tbrooghont the vein strengthening the healthy suiratl function of the eyaloui thereby making activity a beoessary result strengthening the frsne sud glvlug ijje to the dlgeetivs organs which naturally demand inoressetl iu balance result proved hppollte horlhrop a lyman of toronto have glveu to the public their quinine wine st the usual rate and guagod by the opinion of sciential this wine approaches neetvet porfectlod of an it the market all druggist sell it s alan nitr tind tqto without jcnbsri if you wear slits clothing you cm not lu otwibc than cor- rrrtly frcsscfl ca lolnit wst ifci rasa i i less idcoatn usll 6 mpro hi j i iowym nui f tfcjl oolftb wetiooa m i uoulutsst olbe jtt m e ii 15 1 r tims bt closikj n luoiaw oommkaat x niall u1 l w m- sh 4 button saj khmarnoc th suits retair at 2 qhl they ulas ond lny one wants for n business suild hater uiao you can et to orrl ar 20 06 sold only by tlie it dealers and guaranteed in everylirticular not made to orderlut made t older jour coal now fiom j c hill coil oeajer i irmiu l l mv nbla prices mn kn vip pf v so jjtjajtl c boilllo c tv4 sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont i autborud cpirj ff 000000 oo agents wanted for unropro sonted xlatri6u good pay to oood irten rirx sxcujtx youn j3rarzicr iron frolght and express paid llixiuu nuiv co urowlnp 1 m ifom san ow scald l hold aovortonent cerllfl if innpoouoll coorlmi oar j lrtto for catalogue ton year rnalorllr 1 jlonlhly inljnlot sx ptr ahi lor 1 omooll 1 paymnl coaklo oo am in maluihy valun i money lo loan at ih irlhl l v i repayabl in monlbly nllmcnl on pplt atlon lo rj j mcnabb agent aoton pelham nursef 50 toronto john jwcqubbn implements afl nt tor experienced undertakers 1 rxosr wosj s im x by dealing with us you arc jiiv qfjil moitcat attention and everythinp done in tlfc most skillful manner jind please remem ber that we onl ch ior embalming in exceptional cases wo keep a first class hearse and btock of all other- funeral supplies artd at grcat- iyrtduccd prices caskets delivered j a speight sb co kcton i ooold saaexjrr j uuixs la1 a w and all uod ol hnpalr yalocnmr jobnteillollno reside 00 lb property wlu attend warerooms john st jojv uoqukxir jiataii i lu vary woman hit u ltiilautl 111 lov ot bom bom ilm hfl iny lllll boy wu ry kd wllb vrorma i pruound a bolll ot dr loi form bymp and am ibatakf ul lo y it ourml blm iuloly aud oompieuly un 0 obatlalon mokallar i oonl x it there i no subeluot for thorough go ing ardaot aud slnoere earneetness blokeue baveiaoohle ara easily cured bf naalng qlejiles anlloonaomptlve fayrup a rnedl- ulna of eitraordibsry penetrating and hesuuft p ii la aoknowledgsd by tboee woo have uaeil it si bete lbs bl bedalo4 eotd for raugbe oolds laflarnms uon at th laajse44slt tttaattofh of the throat and obew lis afeebeies to tbe taa4wjdftaaail a foiylth isdln w ohuivan s v bob mccready aboi u a bplatidm portrait of dob mo trvedy ue if tbu ut fuollnll player to canada ho i a uicuiur uf tliu hlnwn vulraliyjlraii uu i b ih i i in ult or its c tut hi kilisuji 1 uuih i n if ii s uimiii aihfcluinu t f rub ml ctiunuuii 1 1 1 h xwl i ul stmiic u lu u 1 bia kswii u ipt is to sulfvr f rui 1 dyssli ta rloily eftllct ad 4 11 lie ut lliv utuii i ti2 of lia i at uliwj siason tbat 1 6 wm n it otloloo it with 111 tv iu i ii lu ll lutu uu i st 10 lu tirudttvut umijii una th awful t iuja bo suitfrvd uf r tilliiltuo result t nn in aire i tilt llou urunj i in hint be va in ui mi j tl it lo tluy football til bardrl if ill t lls llellvu e lacked lbs otiiirity tt i hit hlui ibioutu a teut vatti lt l iiauiicl bin l uyae nu but tl nt gautluliilil cie bin li ivllxl at title stag lie wrltoa i a sdrlstd to try mr uu 1 iii tbu uuw ttimcly tlidt on of toy frleuus usiurud tun was muultrful tu ll ffoits 1 vvtrn s ii t uiil but be sounded ttrlr iralies ui p rsul ully list i wo at icmtb ti bkfi iry iliu tbe yury urst d mi hi n ll l lb nay sul at ho eud bfi 1 l lili y imui and i bsv ruate ibmmbjiiiuaii uur hiirilesljtasaua ui ll r wt inr i tint i i itsfs vr beee lu ir 1 itv a i ills re alone lo ibsnk fur my mi isi liu ti ii i ir uu lil ntedlclae ttvvrr ln ewy etnen vnin tisri ia uiiu f e ttye -haeeuu- the reeonttlien rlxikn of ibis wvllkiwwntbei sua uaa wtll be ibeexrwrtrncv of atrvnn wbo trie i mi w nlrrrgl reroeb if ynur drogfut rrniol eimfil you whte to oioela rr cwt onll a bottle etv fee utw awetbr or elty medietas co btuws cantos tfi mcllulleu8 poultry netting and lawn fencing am not burpaased in the world thflr vosavlrn 1 cncliga hfto ttoo over fifteen years ol ve successful testing oil i arm and lultway hpcclal oir matlrf llili yfttronjfort i enclnp these gooda sre all nisiiufscturod by the ontario wira fencing co 1 or tula by the hardware merchant rfiitl general doilors throughout ckbatu also by i hi cuti llardwuro johura giinuitab artihti the h grwmlng wire co ot hamilton and montreal at knt von iuilwav funcinu j cooper montreal tcorrcrio ulence with iha nianufacturcra invited agents wanted for tho largo fonthill nurseries 8oo jfni rin njvf pnj cnnrgitit man who wants employment and desires to make advancement we ijave the kirgtst assortment ol nursery stock in canada our goods are in demand position offered is perma nent pay weekly and all supplns free if you have never sold nursery stock for ns try it and see how easy it is stone st wbtajlingtqn toronto mmwiamiumaimiiiwiuwmwiumjuwwiiimfj s3 s s s j 3 ghow with us place your advertisement in the free press watch your business and ours grow together ss s s ii y lvr trouble billouso m sallow oom pleiton yliuw eyes jsnudios etc yield to iha oqralive powers of xjtxa liver rills tbey sjra surrto qure h3tii ms i finn in lam as seasons gtiange ll sg do fastiiens coopr kkin lrah10rkblri tkilors itg to announce to their patron and i the public generally tlutt they have been i providing for the most tasteful dressers by i nr- tr n mmi up mdilb uoods in the woollen roarkela and wilt show lor the iprintf trade die latest and best i jckxls produced by the best tntll at prices i within the reach of all 1 it and wolikmanshn gualtaitlilib call early trouble to yhow i ooda we are solcagonta in aoton for the eel brated beuwarp and blenheim berg which does not lade or obange its oolor to i two rear wear or money refuncud cooper sl akins mill st aoton patents guaranteed irotflprjy rerviwrtraki4 re nronrttirtiq tbe pslenuwlity of asms how to obtain a i wtdl sent upon request pstenls scoured thrnish us adttttiscd tor skle at oarnixux an illustrated ai 1 widely cttm1tl jtuilb cunsultnl by usuuracturer eud iitvcsims bsud iorssjmplccuoy falck addles viotop jetvar co pmtcfit attorn kwsss hulldlec waamihqton d ood fncrav1no photo encravinc half tones iljonisis patents promptly secured rite f w our int msunir irihtt invrtnt hsib and llow oit rw wlmlll i uerevvatsettaskaion i r mod lofrour uiuon or impn t omout nl w will toll 1 beiul llivwilian y i rre our oi lul mui wl tliar it u brahebiy pstonuvbto t n nuitn tv snecultr ddllciuion mjwtoir iv ouiur hautts mr ur la ud uxmxqs scabiorf yjltsnt houoitottn 3cpkltb mm wsohsnlost rltltiisr ounjul tk ruirtsc1 in tiaimul r b i afpll kcw w4 lov inueiil liv awwlr asmoislloti n 41 lie nulaud lri- wu a- i u lifane aaw staulr tstt aucuty oltivll k ot i slw lli4 i i btl uosikal bail arrnts iahasi ajitoisi iafttsoiomds tw vbar8 fxpkblenck skeloti and deeretps snlafelv asoartaln our ulttwtiui free win liivmiilan t eraasmr ealenteble oieaetel llamishrklireiiuiiiwitlsl tbaaboofc ml ifefl sckniific mm m

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