Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1900, p. 3

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my tiuisf3iifcamjaai jaaflujtt bank of hamilton ageneral banking business transacted correspdiidenoasofioited gatiugh jepartment internal allowed on urnaol 0ke-iol- at and upwards from day of jeoalt lo d of withdrawal no formalities and no delays in drawing money era business solldtwinotw of responsible- farmer dlaconnlod antlmoony loaned for legitimate datiqanpqrpbsa cjiif colifecuoii department hu every facility for ratarns enotea malting prompt handled and money advanced on account ofaame at low rites of interest heajj oki1cu capital capital bln inoreewi aoeet the demaaoe of in- ommh business reserve fund btal assets- mr hamilton i 1872 si5oqo 250ooo r 000000 13i63oox 7 thb p moiitly of t 1ooal chirac tor nrw vary itam lrtrtlrb- jranston of tan cmll id jf jr 4 vteepaaraoa- 1u j a gransion of itooawood not kden mill will preach lo knox gburob nrxl bebbetb al both esrtiosa ii0 will reaihha citation from the presby tery rallemliio llev ii a maephereon to blrathrftyt oommuaioner will b ppolnltd afur eersloe lo sttsnd rreebj tsry maellng in ouelph 00 taaedey iday 14ib plflhvibs9mrsfjomiph hpaolel urfimi will be held lo bt joesphs co arch betflonlnooo bonder mil l uigh uui it 1080 am el owing outumijif evening- swmatv ealtaue for lb ucoealoo will be preached on sunday monday and tuesday evening at 90 oclock by liar lelher ksbojtb vicer- unueral ot lbs dlofaea or hamilton rat fatherg qthu of jell cnnwnios at draurfurdaad feuoeaaey of bi jerome oolite erlln era sapseled to sahl a dmiio c jamu tuanbuct cashier b forsayeth aoiint georgetown branch e are now ready with lha root complete range of ceiling papers window shades curtain poles v- aall paper from 5c per roll spring roller shades ail colors curtain iole in wood of lrau coda weca rry t i e ja rgeststoc k j this class ofgoods- givc us a call qko hyndb aoton jkwkixzby stohjt pnt vxrmr hud urt arthnrdmiibof itroii iryajilafbw dyrf ifftlrvivwlmm tbla wlr anwpprfortol5j ids tad datyof lylnb a1 rafk lb roaitip of bit ijaaj- liitls dsogbtjm- in 4bo family plot in lb cainauiry l oau thobkbv diad lot tbrtdt at tbabomn joiauolt a htua roaabadof one j tar aod four roonlba mra 0 b hmilb rot i tba brad pnrola at oall and ibay returoad wllb bar aitar tbo fooaral aarvioo 00 friday aratiltig cood ctchcm of spedcjed iteaaua ovartmr mason baa bad a boay lima lb pm wk al firstbrooka fisb fonda a boot ico lbs of apcomlad ttoot baa bfen oaogbt in lb pondttbara dorlnc um w tha followiotc apoitaman aravatiuad lo tall faooy fltb jraroa a boo i tbalr uuum ii ja coffon oftoratowd ja lba d bo- konsio 6laowiliumf 0 1 lba gorjt tkltaraop 111 lba j 00 u mcqibbon 71flhbat uarftft htoray millon u 13 lb uil ilcolbboa oaorgaiowo 6 lba tcmpball 1 3i lba 00 clark aotou 3 1j lba honry bmitbr 1 lb frank onysttaaolon 4 lbs e ilwriaoa 4 lba f il6oaoo jj lba if w manila 8 14 t a l ulo lb x tbbnias 0 1i lb 1 afokallar j vj lba il b cull s ibstxrarwiigiob7rt e arri jib jt boott o malr jsmllb ac too 1 lb eaob 0- uoloma acton 3 lb obaa uarey 3 lb- 1l u iiuj 13 lba wtfamiluoalba k aefcroaida hamilton o lba t uokanxi qlenwil- ifajaa 4 13 lba k d wribt uamuton 0 1j lba at forty too la par poood almost anyotia can aaoartala fcba aoatol tha ail bait uad tha firauroak flsbary u likaly loba a popular poinl for- aoflan wbo doslro to kat tbalr troak witboat maob jtartloo tha pop da ara wall stookad ajid tba batobary jk jvoaaafoaal cftmagv gagarsl fw day a ajo of tba propoaad ramoval of dr f j it forstar from acton dr foratar baa mula mauy frlaoda and built wat jfim c tdubsday mav loh woo little local bbieflets vhloh caught ttiat byas or ear of fraa praaa raoortera thta waak nty- atloa qoaaoa blrtboaylwo w1m irom today tqal yoor fla raady for tba iwany fourth tocadaya abowara osuaad rgui to apxinc forward with lm tha poatan ara oat far tba big qoaaaa birthday pionlo at dnbllo ia aawpfaatos millwiuooro- maoaa oparaiiooa oaxt waak tba moat of tba prfng aaadin u bow bowing aatiafaotory molfaatalloua fttr john b llattbaw invaatad last waak la a vary flnaiocryaarold obaatnol drir goalnha rata of takstioo bu baaa airoek for tba praaaot yaar at 2s mills oo tba dollar yokbm paat waak baa bad him vary iramy niua foar or flv drurcas of froat bai baao ajcoanmoti ibing urilfla lowo ooodoi is pliallog traaa no tba aircata oppoajt tba propartiaa of raaldante or flf taao oaou aeb tbara la oomfort on tba atrwta alooa tba priouar ooaaomnoad lis roaods jsfry ouuaro w tba spriakw mr john afinaw aold bis uamof bw i wi tu t oordon lambar msrobaat 8tratord for tatbtrg xha wagicoa from floral vlaw oraen- gaoccatowc witi visit aolou twloa j oits ypor ordarf to tba drlvar 1 and baa yoor phwudalintrad t yoar ffo baandars praprutor of tbjsv oaotrat bpul waj flbad twanty dollara and ooataattba poltoa oourt tbls morning for having hu bar opan on bnoday qaalpb i4tld vjitiaana gaoarally ara doing ao wall la tllvllr dp thair pramlaafl ibis apriog that for lha most pait tba bsnilary laspaetor j will bava s4oonta wbao ba oomownoaa a roonda today oa hay 38 lba utl aolipaa to wbtob mltoooror ban for a vary loo tlma baaa looking forward will taks plaoa zattii motion tha shadow will ooar oaar foorafthof tba aorfaoa of tha bua tba oaiaract 1owsr company bas darthjf 10 amtand us powsr una from tha viotoua avaona trsoafoimatioa atatloa to barllagtoo aod to our powar for mmu- fmiarlng porpossa a wll as ibfbt tha villagv- aorgtowd raoas may luih as taal waaarloo 0n44ay d vaulng itwui b giaat day for lovars of good raoaa and hlgbala band mnalo a o it lpstoa bmmtary tba ooavaatloo of lba w f hf soomyof ooalph dlstriotof lbs matbodlst obnrotu ut ha bald n dublin btrast 1 obontb 00 thursday a ralnrnad tsu sjoawy from oblua will oddrsas tba immtifif- mrs tbos esajon and jamas browb will ttaod from acton mr j o malibawa u tba moat g tha sjraaoo in local wt toaaowyal uaoon ha landad a jlltjtftnjt iron 1 at ilandarsona pond li v loobssi long andwolghlag 99 oaoosa vijtaa mr u u hwdaraoo has slao banty in tbt iiiu pood phlall lipptd tba majm at s8jaaob tpnjro oootamplau poxobsslog rbponritititil or ttork otaay dbwrlpuon fo c plots aboald ordar ditaot ijb old rwlfobh cmait and dmrbl hbaoidki otmpb oat all ikmvstaparohaasn all work mavrui warnplad oompslilloo v thkjlonafthoil whoraln tha pupils of aotonpubtlo school ara olvart qradlt to t studious work tba following lists frumlba varioas dspyttmsnt oomprlss llts ifqoor ilojl for april 1 rinlt ucvasmkvt bau iv uui iiparand eroaat wil son 335 louis uoora 216 mclsoo uydar jq int iv joala buphsiiaon 320 ida laird 313 fiorpooe bupar 30s bomiyramtlhws35 this oslltnabu family tba fooaral bboday flrnooo u ry laraly al- undad tb aarvtomwsra oooduotad by rp u a maopbarsoo pastoc of lbs dod tba boos of ifootodj wlilob ordar mr qarvln was a roambar atoos last augast rltsnuvl tba fnnaral la a body and took part lt tha ritea at lba krava tbsy wars aavsntyfl or algiily atrourf and mads quit an impomloif appearanos tba rmnina wsra bonis to tha gry by hi mambars of lbs urdsr tba family apprs- olala vary moob tba kind attention of tba bo b a umpny uoetemmiie dmoui contrary lo kxpwullous mra 3 b oolaman did riot rally aliarthaoparatlou psrformsd ootuasdsy 1st lost tbls wits partioularly notlcaabl on thursday alt a whloli abs gradually graw waakst aoj oo baturday al boon bar spirit paaoafnlly took its flubt tn oirouiosunom lun tb jtttoaurjy aod a loving hosbsnd and thrsa oblldran of tandar yasrs nourn tba loss of a bajovd paltoar and una of lha kiodast of rnoibsrs tbsy fasl ksaoly tbslr havy baraavsmani mrs cjoumao war a most oonslataot christian and almsd ooostantly to do tha maatar will bba took an mijt intarmt in lbs obbrob of bar oboios was a marabsr of tbo womans kliaaioaary booity lbs lsjisa aid boouty and lbs wtj t v tba fnnsral onmonday aftarnoon was vary largslyaltsadsd and nnrvsraal sympathy wsa lb os manifsstad lu j a mo- lisnhlaam a bar pastor offloiatad and wsa a by rv 12 a uaopbarsjoa thrs brotbara and thrsa brotbatalouw bora lba ramalns to tbalr laat raatlng plao n falrvlaw oaaatary massrs robart abd iwasjsy moor toronto joaspb tmoora boatbantpton and msaara sua n tb dsotlssof mrs ooumn ara pvfloauriy aad tba boms is brokso tap aoton rasnlnuoos of oojodolano with tha baraavad family bava baan paaatd at tba msa of tbo qoartatly board and romans miaswoary soeifayibis watk to guhb a ool9 in on day taks laaauffw tooo qalnlaa tkblata all mvlbail 314 ucar ijro- mstaspoibl300 v t t uooaa criaolpal bkcoai aarianisst iv junlorjanoiabroitb 310 harod nloklin 3oh koa 1oarxm 304 iiitlviiorrraok lrvll wi myrll coqkhiy npby clark 2jc ucbsitalian 304 f marks poatlblo 325 i molhail tcaolrer t1iisi hsristmiwt jr iff qiaasuyrtlsbopar uyrtlsdjlu hajid chsrlia mail haws 300 3u1i flsov k agnaw 3fti 1 i 1 ill claw vincent ooodsvs aaq disnohs ohisbolmshl david voutv 370 m arks poasibls 300 e j muptuli il a xacar rourn nsrurrtiaxr ban tor clas gmma tovsll 3c4 fsra brown 309 froaroan coiaman and jlnsmi mcqnaon 34fl larmadlau cuaamsggia dannis 105 leonard wordan 103 raatly arnoidjhl juqior claa john wolsford ioran allan 17s frad grabahv-170- it f faltuantuxk taacbar virru nsraktmknt baniora ada kaatwood 344 dalla law son marukanoady apd jsmaa dodo 3su klu ttnrgtw 335 iflurmodiata vloranoa malthswa hid oartrndjdluaioaa3i wlnnls orindall tussi coon and warrn brown 344 marks poatibla 3i0 jpniorarilmul fllldttbraud and john 11 old a 117 arthur kny k john moors 110 fairivm102 marks poailbla 1s ujui mcqukk tsiolwr coming and goino vlaltora to andfrom aotorv and varlouaotharpsraonsi notaa to zaa tutss invites ajl 1u rwutaas to onaj trlbuu tolhueoluma it yoa or your rrtapds ar ofiia awsy an a boadaytrln or u yon hara frunda vluuac yna drop aawd to la raaa the uoaiid of education yonder tha old puplls kba craa- dom of tha school bulldlnga and orounda for thalr saoond rounlor tba board of troua of aoton fobllo bobool mat in their regular monthly asasion io lha counalj cbambar on wnd- naaday evanics 3admy j msmbars praant r llolmea obalrmaa a a baoord jotm agnsw amy w r eannsy v tfe cmmjlloaifldboalnlhalr fifth report racommaodad pay man t of tha aooonnt of joo j lawson of 300 for tbagill storm sash fi ibm iqftn dr niliiard of watadoo waa ln l last thursday mr and ura james brown vlaitrd frisnds in milton ibla waak myt7brbpaigirr toronto maoa aotoo fruoda a briaf visit this waek mruaorx blalbam want to wataaioo his waak 1olabluh a bakary tbsra mr aoaon bmub and maslar wajlaoat of hannoo ara 11 ting anton frlaoda mrs ujibalb kallas u spaoditut oonple f wka with- bar motbar at mai ton j vmim m fusy of wbltfay was iha goast for savaral days daring tba waak of mrs a j cleolua r mrqiram usaailooof montreal waa naravisuintl hi iwbximra tborajm bamnion iry4raak x- a t brown waa in aoalph tasi- tbnraday a trending tha fansra of tha lata kfrlaooard h thnrtal mr fstar furknaaa laft 00 tnaaday rooming for dracabrldg to taka a allaa- tionin oaaof tba tanparias tbarr- v jaajo oram waa oallad lo bar nd bona naar bt pan minn laat friday by tba aarioos iunaaa of bar motbar mr j borland wba waot to toronto daring lha atrika has aacarad a good job tha city and will nunora thara ahotily mr almc ramahaw did dot ramova to i lam tt toti laat waak as ntandad urn dacidad to raroaln in aoton and u back at b work ip lba uodary miss bhortraad baa jot rstnrnad from a vary puaaant visit at mr thomas blaina at vianns baa also apsnl faw days with aland io aoua and oorlpb b ramp too oomttrvafa mr w hall proprutorof tba brio a dvuaxu baa bad a aarioos ihna of it daring tba paat waak with an attack of ttodolonsoajc lotaaa palotrtba basd if la improvlbg now bowavar t rav j a mclaobun m a and cooncillor robari wallace ara tba dslagataa tolbe abnual maatlog of cnaiph duuict of tba matbodiat cbomb o be held fn iora on the 33nd and 23rd i oat maatar llobart mokacbnla of oaorxa- toaor- waa- a- vielto at- tha bomeaf mrf- oaonte bopar ovr bnoday tha family is aboot lo remove to gloversville wbeoca mr mokacbnla and his eldest eon want soma time ao ever well man hath his m day a doctors examination might show that kidneys jfver and stomach are normal j f he doctor cannot anafaxe the blood xtponxvhlfhihese organs depend hoods baraaparilla purifies vitalizes gntl fiphrlfe rjmlilfwul xtooiaa ywn- irhen a bit off or wlmn eflrioualy aflllcted jf nerer a rtmhattlrtaarn i halurv hoods bar- 1 peril la haj no raoat for rtwomauain it medkelna i lai taken maapi atssnnrt urampton onl j bavjc0ubttariar tons lllnaas x waa xtxj week and bade bad couch- coold not eat or slrwn irfrrcnt rcmodlas dldnosbelp m hut hoods haraaparllla bollt ma np and i am now able jo attend to 3ibodsa alteratien sale 3pi0ialtik8 for mbxt wbek juu jpim0 cnp roc ach 50 jpaneaa suffer u crv ajc n itwry sea 7 riecn 50c njafehienr hgnrt palmed i5e5ct4t pays to buy at bolurts it poyto buy at ftallerls prices down l- the trade pulse is active buying at uollerts- is making 1 jraiuixctuscciucrkl4nyff it- i t you arc cordially invited to visit oiir china palace tub noted tea store otjl china palate naiiwarntaf llui t aa sag t amccrea ouelph- moved bytflastat uooij veoondad by w h- kennay 11 ibis board bevloif laarud of the iutautlonof tie pupils of ho lau robert little lha prliioipl ofoar ahoot from 1b63 to tb73 to bold thalr saoond rannlon oo friday lath joly brxt have plaaaara io iandsriog tbsm tbe free dom of lha school buildings and grounds for the oooaaion and trnat that tba gathering of former school metes and oompanions will be a moat snjoyslils sveau carried tha board than adjoarned tba report was peeaed moved by john agnew aeooodad by ate a baoord that mr kino ay be a committee to acoure from mr j maeeli op a good pceotioe in this section during r ln for p oo arbor lba year and a hlf alnos be sa4tld ban i d l rjoted by the head maatr ha mhaarrarwoxkar ioum mjiuxpdiit i rupnxt church an officer lot lba jfpworth leagu7trmir mvmbargftbebqnaay bobool orcrastra ami a favorite in aoctvl circles and bis removal a ootiasquantly deplored by a ida circle the dr bak porobaaad tbe aioeofdr kally of cajatorville and litre anton nait tnaaday to take charge of tba praollos ha will bo noowadad io acton by pr kally wbo has kyi a vary auoceavfnl ooaotry praettoa at oaijtprvlllo and retires therefrom to tha townprvcuoa bar lr kelly comas to aoton vary high ly raoommendad ha is a gradoata c mootll medical couags montreal took a poatf graduate ooorae in xondoo england than praotload for four years in that grrtntttrpottirtbipicttiaaoliyia tends to sol tie in anton permantly as laat halorday whsn in town ha pore ha tad from mr aoaon rniitb ar tha una brick raeldeooo go frederick btraet at present oooopied by mr arab mokahb and opposite uillxsn flaos tha borne of dr dr kelly wll oommeooe praotica in acton about tbe first of j una too jmaabmad and vmthot talkaai tba vary sodden death uel friday morning ofur robert garwln at bis home ou feel b treat was quite a ebook tba community mr oervtn bad been in- poor baallb for some unas bat m ahu iobe aboot until a oonpla of weeks pre- vloua to his demise jaundice in an ajigravad form wee tba causa of death mr garriowaa for many j ears a reaideot of limabonae and was for some time f oratn an of tha dominion and alton lime luujo- he- re moved to aoton several years ago and has by itisto- m awas n kind hnsband and father and hie licta wag us josatla mrs qarvln and a family of four oblldran including two grown up daughters anrvivr tha loas- of h at mr j mm am caulom ttoraby at tha age of cfi yoara idaijaaalng lost robaof lie maartieofui and reaideot a in lha perapn of ex doillor jamas coulaon of hornby mr cooleoo hedeoffered for an extended period from trouble which fioatly daaiopfj into tabercnlosle he was a rnembarof faqoaalng connall for tbreo yeara 1897 18 and oq and served tbe municipality feitb- fully in that capacity w jfng saraad oaf arrvnf aboot 10 oclock on baturday night a balthbor uw flatoes leaning from the dye and stable of ww c kiiig who has been in tha boainees of tepnjng and dyeing aheepakins and claenlng and dyeing cloth ing at fern for several yar mr king bora0 coold be heard helghlng in the a table tba alarm was give and tba bebtubois turned out but it was loo late to aave tha bauding or any of its oontanu or to resona tes borsa a cotter was aavej from a lean to mrkiag aao hie way home from mil loo whan the bo lid log took fire heoannat ecoooolfoi the brljjio oflba fire as there bed bean bo nrs in the build- lag aiur 4 p tea mrklryj eallmalaa bis on building dyes and other materials 73toaeyiee paaart examinations in tbeolosy at victoria collage taking hqnora in all hia eobjaots 1 mrs harry buaaaer of waterloo oeme ui town last week and coder- wen i a ear ion a operation at tbe home of bar elstar jkfrs welllantcn bmitb mill buaat laat tmxaaul bhghar jrallied from the shock vary favorably and la 4wibtwejl mr wm 1 rdmutoo laft on tnaaday morning for wisher n w t where ha will join his brother meeera robert j and thomas tbe heal wlabae of hia onmeron friends and oompaalona here go wllb bim to hu new home rev w b moalptne b a was honored on monday with e to tha preeldeooy ofmomaitar univaralty alumni associa tion thafaxs fxaaa baa plsaaura in extending oongratnlatioua bpon the con ferring of ibis mark of esteem and reoogaitlon of ability thafoltowtntrtraiurromsrd i attandad tba funeral of tha lata mrs j s colamau mr aad mra 8 1 las coleman london j mra r bherloek aad mies bbsrlook mr t bbarlock mr tbo tpompeoo and miss li rale coleman torodlo mrs croll mra codoey and mrs kempthoroe qlt m and mra tov wooct sootbaeiptno and maaara robert and waabiy moora totoolo horee and boggy al t30 uu fortunately thehnebenaaftdfbymf lj keenly nh hy i h bad aoinann fraab abut and is prepared already to taka orders for cleaning and dyslojf clothing ha is worthy of anoonragament and ill wbooau giv iiloj ordars will aid him greelly by sending i haul 4u quickly- mil loo cuueg4o mr kiug moved to faro from aotoo several years ago his mufortune is much regretted hare j4si xpca bnibf i the annual asrnion to lba aoton lodge of tha canadian ordar of fo alert will be preactmd by rev j a mclacblan m a in the- methodist oborcb on bon- day waning j doe loth tba public aohoolt her oeuhratad ahriaybyplanting ahambar of maples ib tba school grounds elid filling tha windows with pretty house plan la tbe afternoon was tnjoyedes a holiday tbe farkdeles of the toronto inter mediate league would ilka to arrange a gantaof baseball with an intermediate or bf senior teem e aolou for lb 31th of may p address h caddan u4 foliar bl toronto mfa tloomer has wintered aqooea- nlly ho ooidhleeot bees knd an lu i pa tee another tj and hardest lltiwood oorres- apoodaot of tbeberlln ttttpmpx mr ilootnar a applies a- nam bar of oaatoiners bare with fine ootnb honey abnoally a mealing of ail the puplli of the lata j robert lltthv ksahlant in aoton and violnily will be bald in tba conuoil chamber on monday asanlng altia at eight oclock to oooaidar arrangemanta for tbaoomlng rauuloo oo july l4lb bast ballinapad farmers are all near ihrongb seed lug and tha woman ara bosy house cleaning quite a number front eerajallanded tba fooerajol mrac j b oolaman aoaon oo ckuido aadtrtmum and jnea monday mlsa xata tbompson of uaorgawwn apeoi bnoday bt home was kduh canpballbaa ratoroad borne ram toronto so wthhar mra h- camp hail wha is gaining oaaly after bar illnaas mrs msmlabol laft laat weak for rills baxgb f wosra ahs inunrls to liaej arttb croeby mads acton friends a brief visit laat wed need ay whan en roule to hia home at mardao mr absolute security v genuine oarter ijttleoverppis vrtejwkbtrrjjtviro 5ee iwosl wracwav 0ew ourk slckhcadachc wlmkiixaa u lha beat safest and iret raaady far urate pa nolle and diarrboaa as aunlment for wounds and it is unetjttatled avoid snb- stltnus theres but one fainkhlar fffy davia 35a and 60o 65000 hollar moko for wall aapr- 65ooorolhi i mckee for wall papor 65000 rolls 7m0k60 lor wall fapr 65000 rolls mokeo for wll fapcr- 65000 liolu mokm fpr wall papor 05000 rolls mn for mil papar 65000 roll makee for va3l fapor- 03000 rolls moxm torwiuptpe mekw hxgurn6y cos ueijts anltfjucklies new novclticii in ladies pulley and c61lar belts anu buckles swiss muslins hew range of swiss muslins in large and fide spotv imkfcariaoqua newline in black rtnd fancy dress goods cntpirrsatcimtainst large stock of wool carpets and lace curtains -at- lowest- prices table linbianjwelinhs tsxtra valuein table linen and towellings mpntl and tlicrcstlic stock at bollcria iherc a rcvolu- xio to a in prices blqok dxoss goods i colorod orors oooda v block and colorod bllkb opporiiuuties have madtt our ntockfl- mach- larger than we intended but no better there afemaoy ovttticshcxc warm from thccusfcpittsf more probably thanthere was need for wc mean to turn tjiekituation idio one of importance and make you realize what a trade triumph it fs that puts such goods in such quantities within your easy reaoh and- fbrso little r- with the prices vve arc abe tomakc- and miitntafh uot for a day but for days to como the goods wjll melt awiyiii the light of your liking jiatsajhint to come tothu store while the stoclfisas 4t is e r bollert 4 go 25 and 27 wyiiiliam st huelpii gurney cfeco tnicllinsttlctoii 7 prize photocrrph c07vtpetition i c d ivinjflo and otlicf liirtlci who arc interested in ibbtogtaphy are giving twelve tnjffiwtorpwrtogapjrtng in ag dinarcnl cl 1st and ind wlxoa in each class no eniranoa fee all picture to he la by the mlddlaojuna tour prizes for thoac who have never talcvu a picture beoro 1900 lylzea donated by rocheslcr optical co mr pratt prcaldcnt camera club guelph a if wallace and c u pringlo 8000 stock ov jturniture and carpets kodli sacrificed in the next 2 months havtrjtur finished ahaikialitag tmdtindfclock ticavy as all claaaes of furallura hjtvc ajiaitccd from 20 to 50 par est i in value slued july but any oe looklug forgenulnei bargains ami vantlng tojlhef knrniture oir carpets sltoutd siih us llulouk uuy1nc 80 upper wyndham street guelph j m stuuthers the lion millinery has never been so popular a etpresent it is strange thct at a btoreivlieio so many things are done well you still think of it asa place of specialties pew juelpli women think of haxs and bonnets without at the same time thinking of the lion besides the best of the new york and paris ideas in hats and bonnets wehow a grand range of new sailors uud walking hats for the ladies muslin hoods sunboniiets and prettily trimmed hats for thcgirla and stunning men o war caps lor the boys modest prices cule in our millinery like every other brunch of the busi ness d js macdoiiald j3ro trie lfoinr duetrtf -wfi- have as usual the bpst stock of boots shoes in town we liava do room for clicjp iraih and no ihain lo tlnjl in ll wo yursnte that every pair of iq hikker in our ho h not ilia modys value in it arttl worth ia kind o iboatfiltal imprivo on cjomt inspect malin tlm itlco mtluw as can w ipado for an every cent of the price wo uk tion and lland hy yuil llko n brollir rlones nrlicle more money is lot in lie w- of cheap uwaii limn it ever kavml in llm buying the quality of goods represent tha money valua liy t oof article cheap and you lose your dollars i ho losi dollar arc llm orioi you uy for mki that am tnitln clieap lo sell heap do trtjaloiinyjiikjbunajkc your ijrcliiiiiijclin are aaaurfrd ufkeiuojj honeil ood ul air prices a camliluatlmi that id as good a yold found at last whites of eggs and glycerine tho finest 8jioopr8slngfor itojhi uad at ouh stqkk liootanuulotp orrleraiul repairing prninplly ailenddj li by rxiciui wo wa ara alwaye willing tc show pooda amrgtve irlcat thanking you for your libera plrotano for ovji 35 ytrars and tolkilln cotitliiuanco of same wo remain yours truly v kenny bros ivtain street acton- repairing we pride our- slves oil the manner we at tend to watches entrusted to iis for repair savage 8 co p flno watch re- irofs cuelph t i henderson and co carpets gubtains vvvvvv our leaders this weejf henderson co jutlll st hcton wanted a travelling ceneral agent air experienced canvasser or a man with good character and addressvith the necessary ability to travel from town to town andappoint agents- tjo canvassing salary and expenses paid position permanent and promotion accord ing to merit i th bbadlevcauretbon co limited iteoita ihl iupf brantford onl 1 a fer mfm hnothbr su7ut7uter necssslty aahiteiaekr gowns from ooouptosioo sklrtsi from ooouptosioo orav itelj ohamlaa- too antd bo corast coverafrom 40 up to 80 we aic making this one of our specialties and arc sure the ladies will be plcasctrwith the large range we have to show them jt ill st ftciton

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