Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1900, p. 4

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and general weakness of their holebody you cant have it a week p without- your blood belne impure and your nerves all exhausted thrrs ngt nnn rrm t for you r j v sanaparilia k theres nothing new i abojirlt your grand- parents took it twas f ap olu sarsaparllla before other sarsaparillas were known ii made be word i sarsaparula famous over the whole world theres no other sarea- parilla like it in ago and power to euro its the i leader of them all ayer- puii cure conrttpatfo xfmr murarlaa imtlut i wm ladnsad to uv wjwjlmwtpwilte i a took uvm bottl iml bow rl uko x would odvlo n 07 trrufcrollclml tonortlnwaoo bfowntowb v juasum if no wava tuir aia aa ewe tee vaealaai k out maalmr reeet writ ua 1 ktwssj daw oayxk t kttna xtt tt thursday may 10th 1000 ttbe 9mt0 jolts otwo vrr voqni 07013 btaad up for year solan deer bora fear not to abow yoaraelve bn aad tree to 01 yoa tarafeaa in um eaooe of riabt la all vow pavand do bum bff lor joel eoior be no auuaissr though otlwt nay mra aad uvowfuguthealnelfoablltbat 1 good bland up for it wiihoat fear btaad op tpr yotu oalar tor beldlan r you a yoa taareb to uie rank of life in all wee ebanee lor al or for woe ton will bev year br ot be etrue- dot look to it boy h yoa march along 1 31ma the oaf whleb u waaa above u spread to tba breeaeo of boner and truth of rtataoaanaaa peeoe and love and andar the sag yea daily uead tba path wbare joe oaptab leeda yon wul fool laanured believe it lade to do and to dar tarava dlarta then hold up toar head id tba manly paid wbuh eomea farm th knowledge of right indlef tb world mm bow orel yon eland portb eolore nlb tablet you nbl aforyj brute street gar aoddml hi savbla mji t my ilmo yw old boy bd hiafoot btvdilj loiarad by hmlag rod onr to s a cur aastullbjadtn wbatv liwooortr grt wtg aud gutid ood 1 umraomcl n lord publio motliflaiit mrorl allow him to dobaod mta oat ot oourt nav-if- tbalaoa otimlldif- bo iom anlml jt i- rruud in rsouit tioaplilol lutcli o hi ilonry iiwkln who to promlncoi ia iba i roiollon of lht famoa ttohborn llmnt and wlio if now a jades tbl li i in b libit of wrrlnt hi blr iu en- y hort hsaiai oum waillnat for a traln at lba on f amtfaayraiod baakvad vary radolj lo lhjci3t whb ramoaal tb ld with bid abd ttiaraopou so rooiib invllbd 8ir lionrr toooma odt aid and havoat odl with him tiia indfv rtflaclm tha1 aa lha tnoti tp id bo tr laa drimbal olaiava axcnot uto prtf ia afppaarad bafora hiao ajid woold fcooai bin ha ha look oq tda hat a aam perbtkd yoa da not koow who i an ilia awwltaui lookwl w uloaaly ofoppad baj and oditff b- 8 ap p dob i ba oxolmlmod a uoomio prlaa flflhtw not am t tba jsdtfa waa not motwtod fbrthar on hbotbar oooavalon blr ilaory qq a ramya batwaan matatwll odtu pan loo aloptml at a wayaida ion aod joload id a ajkittla with twomatloa in an trngaardad momant tba fadf took oil tba mole- aklo eap ooa of lb roatloa tvltar lnt bin aoparatioioaaly toraad to no away i doaict folad bain neighborly aatd ba bttl im aofwl if i m tola to play aklulaa with wl tt tiokat of laaaa man 1 passino of the coin a rttjoar in a amall villain 1 voitx ahlr diaootarod a bad two ahjiiinc puoa wbtoh bi wife who waa affllolad with waakv ayaalftht bad takaa darina tba day baioj of a paralraooiooa dlapoallion thia aonoyad him greatly and ba dataxminad to paaa tba coin ak tba flrat opportonlty tba daxt day wblla a worki ba aaw daft jimmla lb ulaa idiot paaa galllof him ovar ha aald ilara a a bad two abming plaoa jlmmu i waofljeoa to go to biofpaooa a hral traaatnao and bay au oqdoo of lobaooo dotbrtoj ua tba obaiyfa jimmla barriad off and aoon raappaasad and jtahdad t da hi ehanita did simpaoa no jaloaa onything 7 bo aakad aoh aald wfimmutf i dldoa tub raa o far aa 8impaona i jat paamad it id yar alq aboppta tu ba the virtues of palnes celery compound ara rftnngnizflri hy thn ablest physicians it u the great system builder in uiri spring time jtjbtiuo9oiid ni hamlthy plab makaa purw blood and btrorur natrvaa tba peoollar and ditiogolahttjk tnadloi nal vlrtnaa of lalna a oeltry coapoand ar f ally rcoogalaad by tba ableat madioal nut lo atary part of tba domlaloa in iim paonliar power and ability to inflgorata tha body to maka bw blood and totvfnlat tba dsitn 1m lba graat valoa of painva flaroottpoand in all wuunf diaaaw diaordara of tba d0ans kiwpiiis t it ia i inlhtlva tiara ofumltallofn wnryona to bo careful wi fukrcially la llna iccmmry vvli orficalllt b t n vol vrd thumam o many imhajiona of doan a kidtmy j ilia on iho nimrkol noma of tuon abaolulfly wortlileaa that wnnk you lo b urticular lo 900 lhal tx full naroo and ihe iiado mark of lhi moplo aaf ara on every box you buy willi out itila yon am not kcluif lba otiianl kidney itfl which ha cured no many arvcro caaca of kldnoy compbipt in tho unmed slaiaa and 1 nkbtnd an yrll a bati iff tho doan kldfley 1 01 co ttjroma rllfor buk latter latmli tfendbncy towar th growth nt aobrltty among tha work ing olaaaaa it ooa of lba moat iromlatok faatnraa qf llin aocial condillona of tidyt and it baa ban anforord by lha iromana daaalopntant in tba rttvponai bill ilea of dally llfr n tha naw orlaana pioayona nrvcr vrrp lot laioattrft llq ara and par 1k1ik druit mora in rch orlfa pao lr but ihalr rineapiva ua nntiflnad lo vary law tlia man wbo i ktown to ba ad ritd lo them aoon fall into diarapolr and bo um until to araura rmtiloymeht in nrimpor capacity ba- nrofr ina ijort tltno hfgtntraiia iuto tba clia of ineorrixililea ai d caasa to haa any rxh it ft ion aiqonit decant pooplo tlmira can ba no doubt ihat tba ua of powerful and danifaroua ntiyalolal firo n lha ordinary oparatlona of ijfa will con uniljr inoraaaa and tha need of aobar raliabte aad compattnt ran baoutna ao nrganrtbat no man of irrrquur or id lata perils bablla will ba abla ao aaoura am ployrapot ofany aort fw lha yaaro lo ooma apd lha lima will not ba dittaot elhr no aurar tont of a mtna obaraciar oip poaaitily bafonild than u furnlahtxl by bla ahillly d kaop olm aol auady undar aba aod mlauodaralandidw c fllom the snebzv btaqb to tba chronjq and doap saatad catarrhdr affnavw a latanrhal ppwdar rallovoa quickly and curat farmonontly mr ei mar s archer 0 xjwar ma wriloa of dr ajjoow a cairrbal iowdar j have uaad thia wqudarful romady with moat asorllant reaulta itcurad mo abao lntaly of chroma oatarrli in my hod and for oold in tba bd bava found it invalu able in oar family bold by a t brown itiwriluu bhaot all tha groat oat poor and tha graataat aerr to rapidly doea long irritation apraad and daapan that of tan in a fow waaka a aimpla oqdgh calmlnatej ia tuber aalar oonaompllaa qwa hood io a ooogh thara u alwaya dangar in delay gai a bottlo ot plcaloa aoll ooniumpllva byrap apd car youraalf it la a medio loo nnaar paaaad for alt throat and lung troahhw it la aonee a oded from eavaral erbji oaoh one of which atauda at the head of tbn liat aa exartlng a wonderful inflqanoa in curinq oonaaraption and lung dleeaaoe the oaoae of temperance la amphatlcally tba oauti of ylrtn phrlmiirri abdttioral my mathew where otbara fall there dr lolly a iilu idtn thjiirpowu to omra to deliberately incur a heavy debt with out lba peat poeatble proapeota for dla charing it la to mortgage oneacli aoul and body7loltratongmibary and bumillalloo you cant be healthy if your bowels are constipated and your bystem clogeed with poisonous tnateriax there should bo a natural move- mentovcry dayj and tho best l ttmyto secure it is to take laxalivcr pills the most am obstinate cases yield to thj actton they noitlirfipe odob oommaooad batbibg tbafaat with dr tbomaa lolaatnrban tha iliaooloratioa and rtrtlling waa ramoerd ana daya ba ooald naw bla foot hve alwaya kaap a bottl in tha booaa ready tor any etnarganoy rqd ot aluliraeajotjnwyaar wkan w do aa wall aa yoa oaa today and par bapa tomotrow yoa may ba abla to do bauar ha john newton yor a oleax ootspuxioo take peitya pill tbay oarar fall to dear the akin tbottaaod of ladiaa awaax by tham otutomar dive ma too oaota worth ot paragorlo dlaaaa drngrjat fee air qqato a how moohl u t drnggial a qoariar i bad a vary aorw foot ibroogb having a nail ran io it and waa onahleto walk i atarted tlrog jlt btlltnr oil ad wmagonaandl dtrld uo- ln a abort tima tba waa aoon abla to walk again laelhuj pelaa lalaod north ont mr e oonomy what do yoa mean by baying all uleae thing t ufa oonomy doot gat aiciled dear i didnt boy tbam i bad them obargad a a an all roandfamlly remedy nna thai alwaya ahonld be in tha booaa for aa atoarganoy df petty a pill diaooant any thing in tha market tbay ara ao amall a obudoan take them with aaaat ya onva a doea so tba alopetoant on th aatomoblla waa nlppadin thebudl yea the old uan bid tba gtunlina oaa do not daley when tbroogb a- uiutad dlgmtlva organ polaoa flnde iu waytnto tba blood tba prima oaneldarauoo la to gat tba poiaon oat u rapidly and aa thoroughly aa potaibla delay may mau diaaator parmala a vagatabla pill will ba found a moat valuable and effective mdialna co aaeail tba intruder with they never fail tbay go at 0000 io the aaaioftbatroable and work a permanent oarr what do tbay mean by hypothetic qaaatlonr wby it a one of thoe tjttee- miooa tbay aak joa whan youre uy log to keep off a jury ws- unguid children are sick children their inactivity and sober faces arc not in keeping with robustchildhood thcylack vitality nd resiktive power and arc very susceptible tb colds and contagious diseases lw1iiva4cl- brings new life to such chil dren it enriches the blood it restores health and actlv uy i jt gives vigor and vitality to bind and body tnoaa- aada are tired rundown and alok iaine celery compound ooma to tba reeooe of uka abaky and anfaaolad naivaa and keep tbam from dttar proatratioa and mlo and baniahea that faauo of exhaaatlon ut u the one of deepoodenoy tnelanobolia aad dapraealoa among man and woman of ail agee painea celery oompoand make aolid and baaltby flaah para blood and airong painaa celery compound atreoglbeoa tba dlga power and reetorea tha nervooa eyatam whan impaired from over exertion of mind or body tha heat teat thai oab ha appluallo palnaa celery compoaod u id bee a bottle of two at thla lima when tha body deed olaanalng and baildlag ap bpeak aa joo think ha what yod ark pay yonbbatiratrtledrmaraoa bignau of danger uava yoa loet your appetite t yfav yoa a ooaied tongue t have yoa an banleaaa taata la tb tncatb 7 doaayoarjbaad aohe and have od dlaxineaat if aoyoor atomaoli i ont of order andyoa need naedjejava ilttt yoa do not uka madialoe u that prefer kick nee to medicine moat uffr bat andet tb ouoamatano be wlaa man would procure a box of tiarmauaa vegetable pill and apeaduy rat hlmaetflo health an4ftrlv to keep ao tha wear and tear of ruat 1 avea faeler tban the wear and tear of wofk bmllee doe yoor bead aoba 1 take a petty doe yoor back aoba t tak a petty doe you aide aoba t take a patty and do not take any other be tboo a ohaate aa lo aad pare a anow tboa aba it bob oeoepe oe lumpy bhakaepaar bad with werau bometi sad with the man who imagine that all the world 1 undar obligation to contribute to the grellnoatiod of uu paraoual whlma farnlahea ah amaalng example of th extent to which aelf oonoolt may go tlia koblaatwlnd the beaioootaulmeut laa xat liow ever noble lo mind ao man or woman can have perfect ootlteotmaul jafluiout pbyalaa bealth th blood muat be tept pur and the atomach anil dlgeatlvo orfjatta in good orwar xhe beatmaaba f or- tbl apu pae-a- ifood a baraaparlu it prom ply ouree all blood hutuora and aruptloua and ton up the ay item the favorlte oatbertld u hood a filu 3e ago my utile boy waa very prooored a bolt of dt liowj warm bymp and am thankful to eey it oured him qnlokly and oan plot fly ut 0 onarlaton mokllr p 0 out never throw mud i yoa may mle your voarfc bat yoo uan be dirybend lie joeeph parkgf lilt l but barohlunr oa bleu a plnaapl tablata araj bot big naueeoua doeee ibat oonlaln injurloua drug or naroolloe thiy r tb phr vrgaiabl pepeln the medloal aatreot from tbl loeolou frolt and tablet ara prepared in a palatable a form a the fruit itaelf tb remedy aearobeeout the week apole in the dlgea tire orgwoa anoowrage and at mala tee them 6t in bol7 u oaota bold by a t urown adloe la not dialikad beoauae it 1 ad- vlov bat beoaua o few people know bow loa1 it deigb flam tbay oar if glwjftaa honeat trial ii that wreeue with a atranitbane oar bftvea aid aharpeaa qar aktll oar attg onu l ig ana keeper bark laiijvr fill work wblla yoa aleep witbovt atrib or pain earing oillooaoa sicken dorwcirirtncttreeairy j- isbto and prompt to act j cure constiration flottschlld 8 bbtort a wrlia in muts jojiijfl tn of a aharp and wail deaaned cetoil utcrad by pne of thft kouichll u at a raoaptlon in frla a iravdllari who waaaatrong autl bemitlo waa talking to itolhaohod bn lba beaniee of the taland df tahiti and aarcaatloally ramaraed there are neither bog nor jewa there i indeed 1 retorted jtothtohlld than you and i ahouli go thara together w bo old be great cnrloaltlae alwafft kkkp oh uamd lamlfikr 1 thik is mo ttiae or run 0 1 aouk iktxuutax qm gxtkrwal no writer or artlat abould raqaot any bodyalmi mdonitgbtglve nigraoloaa rd aofiened oulllnaa but not a ihtlajnfnxmuy aa well as good as dead 1 vfnare dlaoaao that tafried tha cleveraat phyalolana olvaa uq ttio rtgrtt di atrnowarcurryor thp hert win affaln it ian t a bit of boeat ta aay that dri agnawe our fartlnrhaatt w every day a toronto lady living on qaeeo btraet weat waa ulieu by bar doctor till morning at moat to live and when tba life aceroed joat about to anap tbla graat remedy eu augtteeted aa a laat reaort and it aaad the life topped the pain inald of thirty mlrmtee bd today aba ia eujuylng asolpl haaltb and free from all heart aufierlng bold by a 1 tlrowq dp woods au avaa sootllca the norway plntylungs and syrup sjskffts tho wohlt kindntter other remcdiea fall ileubuiit to takd fnce 35c it not eupugb to andarptaud graat art one must feel it cntlolam la iaa fecund than admiration dr petty a uaar fall to give and they cure if given an bojtaeftrial tjiejuli makea wba bu rtomar want tha artll of ganlua ore ate what he pleaaea and a market for it thotoost drossorf mou ttro tttoao m attirg 11 ploalng rnthcsr t hi in oojiapim qtloufi i he carcm selection of patterns in shoreys clothing renders it possible for gentlemen lo shut their eyes and pick they cannot be wrongly dressed or ill dressed liv a shorey stilt every garment is mideto norinadttcftjkitrandevev stilch is guaranteed your money back if dlssausiled sold by rcisbcdealcrs only an additional guarantee to the purchaser spring overcoats i are all rigby waterproofed storeys titer neyer waa and wih b a nnllvareal panacea in one remedy or all llle to wbllh flaah la heir lha very nature of many ourativem betnk aocli that were tha germa of ptbor and differently aeaied dlaeaaaa rooted in the ajajem of ibe patient what would relievo one ill in tarn would aggravate the other we have however in qalolne wine wber obtained in a eound a tfdn iterated atate a remedy for many vnd griavooa it a by u gradual judlolooe oae ihejtralleat a aloma are lod into oon vajeaoeooe and atreuftui hy the influanoe which quinine exerte on naturo a own raatorative it rsllevea the drooping aplrita of thoea wib whorn a chronio atate of morbid dapondentr and lack of internet in life ia a diaeaae and by tranquil bring tha nerve dupoea to aound aod refroon ing aleep impart vigor to the act loo of tba blood which being atlmulated oourae throughout the vein etrengtbanlng tha healthy animal function uf tha a item thereby making activity a naooaaary reanlt btrengthening the framr and glvirg itfe to the dlgfcativo oranajjjjjlobuftlnrally denmtndincreaaed aubaunce reanlt im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto havo given to the publlo tliolr quinine wlno at the uaual rate and gaagoflpy theoplnlon of acieniata tbla wine appnavobee neareat perfection of anj n tho biaikot all dnugiaulacll jt the shrwwwlluamt co paiinft ron hodssst bans floon copbaaria shafts fnrnltttro bath tobs we give new uimai lo old thing tlat we ta pvreuad oorlea to b their aak your druuglat tor polly pill if he baaut got them writ uv cnoloalng the price cooonlr and wo wjll aupply you farm tools etc a cpcciil paint for each pur- jmkc not one slapdash mix tufe pt nil jot lopr priced but highest grade at fair itnhcit jincci you know cur rcpqtation v tay these arc the best paints wo ltiow of yoi 11 cay so too aflcf you have used tlicra cldzv v m t brqto dru hcton ucmnllonb poultry netting and wit excuaaa nolhiiij for evaiy thing pardoi tall a hood lo orratu t ngllab spavin iwlnlmant lemovoi all hard aoft of nalloaaed lump or blamlijica from boraei blood apavln ourba aplluu ring bone a weeny aline xpralu aore and ewoiloiplbroat bougha etc the neof one bottle may make you 50 war- ranted the moat wonderful hi a ml all nor ever known dou t talk of what you are going to dc tioltwlf hunt th auparionty of ofolhar cravva worm exterminator ahown by iti good effect ou tb children purobaea a boll i a and glv it a trial it la a aad fact that moat great man are great only in apotl no man la any ui unlll lie ha- tlared averylblng it j btavauaou mitkurua blerllng lleadaah lowder ar eaey to take bermia in action and a to our ay haadanb it trotu uv to nty mlonte binoe we eanuot gel what w like ut ua like what we get bvnlh proverb teflchers troubles how teachers may prerent the breakdown of the nervous system which often threatens tb worry and work the etrairt and fcnxlaly of a leacliar life are aoah a to tall aeverely on tha hervoue uyatmil 1 im toitl again teaow itav bad to give up good poeitioaa ou aooouoi of ran down healtli and bhatkred narvu to ooo- fldeotly reorntmen4 milboma llear and narva pula and in doing aowe areaap- ported by the teetinvmy ot mra lullly oolboma street chatliam ont who hiada tb following alatemantt uilbuma heart and nerv 1 ill am beyond qnealuin laaii aim mm a iiii juu juaaaatuu the boat remedy for narvouaneaa and j1 exhauatad condition of tba ayatain i know of my daughter a roault of over atody and oloae aptitlnaik toher dutlee eajechoo leanher oeoatna luuclt runaoan injut blutated tend waa very narvao two moatn ago alw began taking mtlbnm a heart and norntlua they ated qulokly aiya effectually id her oaae making her bnug and building up ar onureflyatem ullbunis uaart and nerwf ptlu oum pajplutlon rfarronaneaa tpaaplaa anaewnlft jnle trouble after effeot of arippedehj1itv oranyobodltlonmrliing irom piafturl nerve weak uaart or honey to pitclt boad lite may ba awcared by oar aid addreai the patcat rccoao to indulge in op nl tittletattle about little thlnga la aura to dwarf your aoul lo tbaeeaaluei poawlbl dlmenelon if you are a uyaprptio take petty a if your beak kolim tak petty if your bead aohea take potty a xfjfou ar tarvou tak petty if you are weak tak petty a lstlty will make the alok wvll many are waved hy the daflolenoy of their tnamery from being polled by their fcdacatioa wbuly mubarna itheamatlc pill- at a apaoloo remedy for raeumeluo kalatloa lumbago and neuralgia tbay eliminate tba aoid and polaona from the eyatem eaae tha palu and our tb dtaaaae prloe i5 oent itla poealbl tbaia very flabby aort of moral oharactar may go along with very brilliant intellectual endowment a llarraalog cough dr low a norway pio syrup eared meof haravalag cough ebd boareeuoae i know of no ballar remedy for htallug and aootblag thi hiuga and broach a 1 tuba price 115 oant ifvwhboau do kutm ou ihln btur than anybody elae in lha world u aur to ntid a da m anil for hg arvioaa mlho qhl nitwumatlam mad mleery south hrnerloan hheumatlo cure made a weloom nellaf mr uficlaod or itllti onl wlkad into the ttor of a local drugglat in owu bound at which he bad purohaaej boulh alilerl oait hheumatlatwawaimleeidi tau ao parfacliy ailjhle1 wltb th vtu obtained frum ihe le of ihl graud remedy lhab i oante uoaollcited to offer yuu my hktne lu raaonitneudlug it to otbara who may be aa great buffer re from rbaamatiam a i wau bold by a t llrowu th r ui th provooallou to do wrong tha groatat la the reaeou for doing right hundred hav teetiflad lo the good jalllvvhljl5y on hh 1 the man must have plenty of frlaoda wlu can aff rd to mko need lea euamle wuo llullt tha pjrawhut hartjehrll in eom lnlooe uut wa kuovf who ara tb groat naff doilder tbay ara boot a bowna tbalf sooti bmaulon feed and treogtbetii brain aod biflbaboajcc bod the best spring medicine izamovo all poiona and itnpuriba from th ayatem give atrength and vltolfty in place of weak nee and languor the moat vundorfijl blood purifier rvatoraiive and alraiigthenar known to uf coo jtorlol bllllobtiroonlaayi two yare ego x we vory poorly in lie apring ltajl no b imttle fall weak and barvoua hot able to work tniidi nbd waj tired all the lima i aaw burdock blood buur highly rrcom mended bo got a bottle 1 eurled taking it and inuo of two month i waa a wall aaevar i tea in my life i ohoerfully roooniiiioiid u ii ll u a aplendid blood partner and- kxiring medi- itawn feiicing not sorpaaad in tho woald tlielr woven wire i enclnga have atoo over fifteen year of very aucceasful testing oo arm and icxltway special oftcra matlf tbl- year on hog pending theaa good all manufactured by the ontario wire fencing co limited plcton ont halnlllon and mont hanlware jobber geukral aektrt a rmt v0b iuilwav fltmcix ibrougl the u craning wlm co ot j cooper montreal men of gaulua have little ttaad to atudy rule tbay dlviua them or create thara grand fur diarrhoea i hv been ualng df kowler lxtraot of wild strawberry for lha pea al year and oonaldar it a grand remedy for dlar thoea and it i eapaolelly good for chlldreti oottldg teeth mr henry c tiled port uglu out nothing le traerthet feneral w what viae ooqld ao well bet forth what tb ilaatl man ahonld have been 1 of lha pauegyrlo the orator i the real haro bob mccregdy above la h ajilmll i orwuy ou of lha l ut canada he u u 1 1 n uulvraliy iralu uu i i i eua inn to u akl 1 1 matrl v hlkliutrh uf r i tut cutiu r hob y m ii player lit i tin hrttwa in till uf 11 la ii utnittd llllhhl hu almoin ua 1 o la he kau known wl ut ii auffrr rroui dypli to tori nnly afnm vd waa ht at ll ouuil t ll- i ait upuu mraaua that h waa not at in lo cu out teith ll tveui lain in tho lrk uud fcljca lu ivruiitlvul haojallin ui i the awful ara he uffervd f ballun tba rmill of aa impaired tllcetlun wrrntj him that he waa in be to play fimluell ihe faardrat uf till sautra ilnlde ui- ukd 111 eoencr lu tury hliu ihrouljh a vatm pnlgu ii ivinulit i hi phylctan but that otlllauian cf hid no rvilf at thla ata he write t una advlaed to try lit i ally a 1 1 la ihv imw ruutvdy that on of bay frund aayucd iu wo wonderful in 11 eltpeta i wda kc hill hut h autuidad lhlr pralhra au faltully that i waa ut iruglh luluvt le tf iblu 1 t yiry drat jm drove tl m f ebd at ihe ud ura wnk i rj id biy tlaut an i i have vw uuuab uu u our aarat acaaoa tn ik rm tluti i bave ever beea lu r i ttv i 111 are bum to thiuk fur my mv run tl i n lliry arv ih brei iitlclu i hive arr takrit t w make o m atroar a mi ao full tf fevrgir i ffr lie vball tnyer take any eture wheu i tmrl in ueed t n renal lie boeb ll the rrvnmnft latton of tbla wll r 1 known a inlets aufeueh vtilbe the tiprlnr of everyoe wtm irta at woaderfnt remedy if yowr rireaalat annot anpply yen whte to a ervrjoelng rcw bl at lilevf annot anppiy hre 00 mi ua a ttwa ua addrmntef ue pi mrdjriu co- fontlaill cctursries boo acres can sattsty any cncrgetijaian who wants linploymeiit anddesireb to make advancement we have the largest assortment ol nursery stock in canada our goods are in demand position offered is perma nent pay week ly and all supplies tree if you have never sold nursery stock for us try it jnd see how easy it is stonfe 8c tori wl irqi ellington ntcp experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please rcmctn- oer that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a rirstclass hearse and stock of all other f untral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speigfcht go rcton rpuli puuuu ntihauav co growing a jl couiplelellueof nmry stock lacltld ing many new varietieaof hanly hoxta ornamental shrub 8 nil iree all alock guaranteed free fiom ban joae scales agents wanted for wuroprwtanud tugtrlou qood pay to good men ojcoujix youtt jdistjuc ron ttlx comih0 staiov mow prolght and express puld wrilo lor catalogue- pelham nursery co- toronto w- hold qovrauunl crtlu oau of inupdouon covollnij our btook wrlto lof mmwiumiuliriwwiuwiuwuwiuwtiumuiituwk as i is m qcuow 1stith us i place your advertisement in- the free pre38 ano watch your 9usiness and 0ur8 grow tog ether m is ckaidtbilatrxlltray y joitro wxbt o0ibh x aji- innan i hiprtm narau uaptea j ui h laptea lail in re mall xlll1 t lt nolui kaal fl jla tiv ft ft p tin a or ruiatnj ulti aolilaweet- 0 ideni aodflulr mw le etawi m acton- livery bus line of th public vtfalr uquippm and styuabtbig oan al wayi b bonjrl atblaauulaa a eemfortebla baa meet uala ttatweeo vttt knd hj p m fijti alianllanalvan tna verynrder th wanu of ooinmerelal travel r lar nliymef folfn williams laavaitqa wbakberbros paper makers i ontario news colorbd p7tfrs john r barher main stroot planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contraotorr iaulasaue ogaaberatt4lemiee in all it viae dbxssin0 and uouldiifa to order on abort nouee john cameron proprietor footiflie3fr 7tt 3n anziiiijris good values ore lha aecrat of it all our method of dointf buaineaa la to buy tho beat aoll ihe iwmt and rvcbrnmend only reliable good it la ihla method that lua brought lo our atom a permanent and uoalrabla patronage qoallty and prloo nro two of tho moil important point to conwlder when buying boots and shoos rubbers overshoes wa make i hem our pedally it will pay you to giro u n call nod aee the bargains we are offering in all kinds uf aeaaookba footwear wo are in touch with the beat wholesale house ramembfit wo are after your tut run ago and the inducement we offer ix good hliu aulpgoodb at clove price for cabh cbh kno on- pr iobi ralii3ima nbrtcv dond i w williams mill st patents guaranteed wtaol thnm lveillad tor ivtcuu taken m i ihrouah our lee returned if we fait any one aendlna ketclt and deaerlpdon of any invention will patent aeoired tpureapenar ugh ua receive tctc wiw wjitiikhargelu tua patawrracuan au mu4jilrt and widely circulated journal con it it 1 by ubiiulaltuivfabud invcstota bu4 lur ample cupy rttlg addf aa viotoh j evah8 a co fvfenf artarwe7t ttveaa bulldlag waahihqton d c ood engraving js photo encrav1ng half tones jljonisi patents i promptly secured i f intnreaunk tonka il liow row rje at tbalmien u mcdtlof i rovnnteiit uud we wll oulaalwn aa to vrltethor u la tlaua u ftiaie aikkdaty ir hand write or help end jiow j haml ua a roon akejien i wind lad luvonuui nr lui rovnntent uud wewtll talt pnuahy y pauiulai llciitl iha t heat ref ortinooa lufiiuh mcauom havioif patsnt souoltoka bftmull irulnataa of the iviyuebbtd hjhfl tittil uu nnlialim in art- 14 hiv t burrthv hvaabar htonl uv lhrtl i lnht4jwwva aawctftlue i vi i uir word r uaain lnlu aaau ataaahi boeity cill a ulrli mwyotali bltrn wutttfu out uriaarab not a t4m so years experience y 5hs j l anynuaaenilliiii a akaleh and iweertpllna may quloklr aafiaiii in r aiptntna free wwceaii nahlkn ubriil mr imietiiahla enenlen tlcmtrttlreihblat llaj hadthkmtonpmni sckiuinc n a haneaumolr illaatraie4 weaal leu enlaoion ut anr eswiuae mrnak tel fe

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