Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1900, p. 2

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uahuiku i viiiai lit 1 a la a pi wixiniria on illnm i t irilae pejeu i i hlixl nutlli hamilton ly ute llav i t liuir- k 1 hi to ku arlne i imaii imtiltiif uet city j wllk 4 i ali cj 7 a4 ami 1 i j at t igaunru ui htwiomhim infant eon i m ye re 0 vitr eji uculwrjw j ii kbc acton jfm jrrs llufthlay j un utti 11kki i ultoiilaj vjotfcl tlw total alooke of wheal it cejiade at ilia jriuulnel point a inolu bug b 176 066 huhhcds iu manitoba rlevalora anil fl lflio 000 mm huheje efieliiit how 000 buehrle i yar ije iijveiojitc in manitoba till the notll wrst rrrilurlea to orgaiih i4ilx of ir in hd oerly oloelng eoeli suim lvoral bosrde b already been funned jit rowtb of bualncaa in lb nolh wit in ilia fait uw year liu licceaellaled hrio such action and much goo i to general trade a expected to reeult from the movement bratldretl t the recent deardatlon i a oerpora in a- llsllery klugton to tba rank of a privet for refuelng lo march bla t to tba canteen to drmk bttr la honor of tba queen birthday la worthy of ca al lerallon for if our preeenk mlllury discipline provonl a member of tba tore having dun roejieof for bla moral prlnolpb tba quicker tba former la renovated tba hotter alexandria jfttot hon ullliatn mulock baa decided t itaua what will be know a a joent stamp books oh book oousleu of two page of hla btempe eaoh interleaved with waxed lpor7hnd la of also convenient lo carry u tba pocket or kmktbook the book i uaally bound iii allff co vara autl lit tba inner eldca la bet forth informal loo re lallig lo lliujioelal service tba book will aoll for u5 ceo la ilia advance of six or mnd cents busliel in tha brio of wheat id tba weal tba pub week baa been vary encouraging to ui o far mar ajulothar who -have- baa a holding tba train for many month for rlao th wheat market bad been la rut for au unusually long tlm and tlrwt hoi dor a in tvory caaa bad bagtm lo lab go bfor tba tarn oatna tboa who h4 the oourafeo of tbalr oonvlotlons in regard to higher valuta mud who did hot aall hata anoured bafulaom froflu hi irobbllloa bill of irlooa edward iwlaud waa probably tha ohuf mraaar tiaoaad at tho aoaaloo jtlat pfoawl in pf tunllatt whloh ui l auud thj war irtard u aland or all by u allbouflh tha oppoaflioy obauooud oou kldarbly ihy finally volad for tba bill liio aiuallaal ivovluoa of tba domiolon ha tbua tba bonor of anaotlna tba oral j rohibttlon atalou add to iramurvar ular40ii ttrral crajil 1 rarj by tba umttoranoa opla of tba lroia4 tba bill abaoluuly troblblu tba ratail kala axoapt for aaoratuaau modloalj tualidu or moobauloal orpooa audr auwt r- aliouoi wltolaaala trada la alto pro- blbltad knoapl to ibyalcjaba and drtitau kud wltera liquor la aold for eoaanmptlou oulalda tha lrovldo crtmw bows connhna ilia crdpa utr looluj halur at lbta um of tba yar thaa thay do uow tba following wt for camp niagara with no 0 co jo luflltaarjt bargt oban ci am bio jwl lruataa wri oolamao a hamuli aw ja and joiia dampar mr guaa jul i iff a u kockwood prebx bar on handay tba following dolagaua from bard will at land tba kramoaai uaoday hubool oorj vautlou uaaara xtobarl wadbonijh ww carroll mos wm y dray ura john oowaori wbo haa baa vary hi fa alowly raoofriqa anlljr- aloi orrof liilti vlaitad hand hart fonrhajroiaflhaac avaak- hfra j watkar aod hr liltla daujjhur a vlaitad frlaruf ta markhau laat mr jauioa gambia aud miaa ulna and iiaa gambia apouk baoday with friauda hi oooralowo mr u kay of uuiaburtf vlaitad bla brothar mr wui y oray ou ejnuday mr aud mra il u wauaborodkb ad thulr twajhltdrati bpaub day or ao dur lua tha waak with frlanda in gaojtowo mr and mra jamaa dunbar of ouajph bpaut uuuflay with frlanda iit ill vquy or hiiiim vdllad bla aon mr wnl gray laal waak mr uj mra ofua oriah j uaferlaioit aim nt a fa daya laat woak at mra ibo itauuliaw qultaa nutjjbai from hr aluudwl tha fuuaval of alio audarautt u kumut oamelary ou muuday maralntf i oko ilia fraltfbt bbotla hava bw riiiovj fraai tha north i tbd a of llmo tttroh dopuuji lokv- jujl lbra imura lo uroaa tha traoka and no paiusiiur train waa dlayj it u ruinorod tha 11 w hlu uiaohlu ahopa ar to ba pat lulo oparatlan oalu a uuiaail kji party uudar lb ttuaptooa of tlia ytu ni grodll iaoroaa ilub waa lild on tha uwii of mr 0 uauniod aiauwllllabiaon tuaaday vaulu tba thrull at ual wak ooulalua an inlaralliitj ttur froiu mlaa duy hatbfcr dauuhtur of john u hrur m v v wrlllell dtil llltll llaliflutil hamilton uucchsbfut reversbsand victories duo urltlah troop captured doer raltlara at roodovnl ocnenau bul1br makiu suu- btantiau phonileso uhthi jtima is tba paal wfc ha wilnoaarav a vrfj aavum reveraa lo lln llrjllab irixpa at it lval wlut iw njnraiul ic nfii wro hilled 71 wu ij aui tiff balait f iba rrulmnl tba llrbyablr wro taki rlaouoir tbi arnnnipluhact by raid by a tarntrh rroa ul hoor- ul llmlara tia yl mar 1h wr gdio- riul yaif hull a fu ha tkan aim ooaral itollr lo u auului pronrra and ouftblaoou tu railroad at obarlaatou avh aitrymlty nf mi riy itll 1 lrl kiu will 4anoo on llatalburft anj tffrof a junction with jjoid ilobrl inn roacaa h iakr aioar wi filly thotand urltlah ara wflbtn fifty mllra of l ha maraqdltir jloera ooith of konataj ami taffy ar aipaaitad of oojiraa to tnak abort work ol tii ntartbafaa oalalda of tba ilndr war omoa talanrama liu ujirf kaorm wbafc i kolntf on hooth nf ktv italatlt lb wldakp tba railway la only pajltally draoajad alid aa gap kllly lcaimy bu burr led 011 tba avallabla troopa northward tba aaaamptum la that thara la daritfaf of a aaoond the baptist association trooeadlnua of thw wadnaaday ana thursday baaalona in t batitlat church hero tba annual maatlntf of iba goal n i aaaoclllorl of uaptlat clmrohea waa opened on widnaaday morning at 10 30 by mr john jjinii of iillartoo tba moderator of the aaaoclatlun who read iba 6 th ohaptar of gala liana and lad in prayer at tbaoonclualorl of tha devotloual exer olaa the modaralor dherad a abort itlrrlnfl addraoa on qjirlahari llbarly thla waa followed by a abort oaon of prayar la whfobhvoral brelbarntdokpajcl the annual eerman waa dtllvarwl by uev 1 a mouwo 1 a ii d of uarlln who tooat hia lent i tbaaa ohaplaf i anotavlu4 aubjt a modal gburohv tbe apeakar bagatl by tiollolntf aoma faahlraa whloh charolarla the letter tba text inoladeel tbaokaslvind for the oboroh of the heaaadonlana baoaaae a jaaoa cbrlal la the founder and liviarf head b all la tba oh u rob rw bratbr a 1 an ii 1 lula a w rhe ron p wi i no i mbftial ia i orlbo- o theotrarotnhaohorch la tll bajvat tion of the world d any ra good li other orgattlratlona a derived from the oboroh a hooaa of iaul a rooolleotli tbe thaaaelonuu oboroh fa their work of faith their faltb lad them lulo abundant work for their lord b tbtlr labor of love the troa inaplratlon and npportfor boffarlnif tbalr palleuoe of hop ghrleuau hopoulnsaa 1 an etoallent baala for anillaranoa ooafidanoe in iba tbeeealoulai know yoar eleollon of god of th maoadouuu calling for help llluloa b thla ooondeno waa ye know what manoar of t amoojlyo4for youraake vi doxy of thetlieeaalaobuia a in matter of mlletlow they atrova to follow tba example wfaloh war placed before tbam by tha oburcbaa in judo by 1aul and bla ootppaaloaa and by iba lord if imeelf b in mlaaloaary keel thay carried the food new throughout macedonia and aobala a in watobinj and waiting for tbe return of ihdr lord there la an aou form of ortbojoay in tbla matter tbalr faltb and their worka tbalr love and affliction their bopafulnaaa their enduranoa and their imltatloo of that whloh waa good warn ao blended tolhr aa lo cooalllola a auong and boautifal cbrlatlan duraotsr for whloh laul a hear ovarflowad with pralaa to god and for wbudi be gave tba unallnud pralaa wbtoll ia found in tha paragraph from bla pen which oonatituua lb uxt at tha oloa of iba aarmon tba following paaloi war introduood lo tba aaaocla lloo ttawtf k ha rail of oranvuu vv il ilurr of llilllnr and krln matlhawa of ht mary a ui ogham of tavlatook and jaa a llanlon of f dllafr ton lha contracts for aupplylug tha ovpatw oiirluhia labia lltiau inallraae and had intf for lb uaw lcl u have i eu ul 1 1 at hamilton firm fli o walking tb ulubi uiuaa lb amoiiiu inwilvd la quit lard eevaral tbuuaaiida of ilulura it a ald hid of ooura loroulo hou war very auxioua loawiur iba or lr or ahar of ik but the local ilrui waa tba auooeeaful bidder al out tlu an inpraaaluu waa uu tallied by julta a number of heuiilloo peopl thai ijry good rajjml and imium fuiulahluga oou id be purobaoed to toroul at luur adwaitamoua prtoa than lu our own ulty and luayb at aoma remote dale tbla luipraaaloit waa nut altogether sooor raol hut there lertelnly cam b no hrouutla for aueh mi idea at l preeeot tlma and if it la atlll entertained by any of ii m i tin otllaaua auoh an inetauo aa therlitilbe uilal litaul ilaol ahuuli aarvo lixilasbua ibflr mlnda of ll i ilaiiijitou sfrtlntur j hi ling lu aaukolillt doa nut tniublaa tha following brethren war appointed a a nominating ooruuillu rava w x mokay a u mcdonald fl t wabb j w wfk- md mr oox wlifou tba following war appointed aa a com itu of arraugamanu lla vv b maaiplueandw h uurrll and mr ja molntoab llev wj meuaytof btratford oloaod with prayer tha flrat item of bualoae at tba after noon aeealoo waji tba readlutf of ohurob utter and tb annual report of tha clerk of th aeoocmlon mr 11 d warrn or gaotgelown tbi report wa prapared in mr warrw uaual adoleul kiyla and prontd to h vary aooouraglng it ahowad th membarmhip of lha aeoaiatha to b jn number of bapllima during tb year 173 amooot oontrlbuud fur horn mlaaloua ltij 00 for foreign mlaalou ttlojoo for maultob- and norlliwaet uleelaqa l0d 00 for orauda likii ulealop vs0o00 for all mlaaiouary pvrpoaeei ijlfjl an looraa of ifilhoo ovr tha produg year valu of church property in th aailatlod 1u 000 00 amount ooolrlbuled for all purpoae by th oitarohaavcoiuu all topraa olu fcokl addition to tha bhurohaa 3ui an lubraea of 171 oir tlia preoeedlug year th grand llnoe aaeoouliouil aport wa praeeuled by 1u 1 a uolweu of i lurlli and tb haw mimioij aaeoolatlau al report by uev ii w merrill of ouelph llolb report ahowad gratifying progreea th report ou kduoallonwaa preaettud by luvw j uukay ii i of hlralforj and au iituraallug addrea wu dallvaaj oti tba work douo at woiklalook cdi- by ur i k gurka ou lha proftuaora mr clirkaald that tbla waa lha ural oolite iu cuuad to inlrimuu4mnual irtlulug a pitrl of tb r4ulr ouura ilav j if kvmiady m a of loruuio sjuik on ba haltof momaiiar ihilvarally and uoullmi i at lluhlngtou r collw- ia climd ibat mo mailer uiilvwaur- waa uhhij iu placing lb duglub wh oil tbreiuur ail gonrae aud inuklug lha etujy of it oompul aory fur all aludail u- lu tb evaillug publld pulforilllllioungl wefthejd beoluv j u ktmedy of iw unto drlwertt aiiaoare on uomaafu ion aud ltf it vv merrill bpoka on manilou and tb nurlhweal mr lcuaely tr4041 lb blautry of th uapjliu fr lb idil huu lrd ymi and ahowed ih rapl i projrat liiat ha i li i hiad aluoa 1hji wliau greater ullelttluii brgall tu b paid to iloia mtajiui work mr mariilt gave a brief liltoreal akuih of luplil work iu tb waet aluu it jnoepllou thirty uue yaar ago and fav a bird a ay vluv of tba praeeut atat of tba work dw hmoially on jha w irk abiuit g iba lu lulla ihe uermaua aud uaandlnavlaiu iu 1h7 j the depilate but on uhuroh in th north weal with a tniuiuoahlp uf aeau iu 1hju tby lifllt he tllh nine jiuuu three indian tbree lioandu icolaiidlo f hurcboa iirai ouui lo preaohlnw rlaili 1 1 among tbx menu among lha jallclaiia an 1 douktiohira duiliu be evenltij ah churcb eel g au antli in in ail hli hpurn f lir and nna liuudrad of the atyli nlruv ii 1 ltl 1 s pa no i 1 u will iilrj lorvilu tha tcpail udafaiiluiuamiaiiumii vimijiiy luv ii v merrill in iukuku thoiic rury mr whl i i lfolt lllh rrlijl mlal rka wa prnanlllrl by ibw liwi i wl h llrampli 11 iiidmi rprta in lloalad ait bull line of wr mr u u it brlol lor m huin uiaurtf tba 1 lldhlljtut l 11 jiuvj k ii a j hit itouk luyjiit adjrtea in wtuoli lip ij i ii 11 1iu uhiii till rt of vrj of tba pr an i the bx hearty aympalby at qiamuar uf iba aaocltlon the jommltlou iteemuilon then re anted ha report through the oliglrmn llav u w merrill h mf of lb rou llona preeiiittd oti ked oonil irrau4 illvcif lintrlm eial it 1 ulun olt with 1 ihu fnrw4rl iiinvrlnvnt uf the grand li mualon 111 thajr- hldelloue work j thai doatoal inatllullttlia at wootj a look toronto and dratidon ii tha plai of mletionary ooftmonoua thr6u tho aaoeitlou 4 thaueath ir ddon of montreal ir tundoitorouto luv mr gnrney of vroetrfn aud u mr cook of xolou 6 tbe raild gruwlh of tbeolitaralteawll atnon th youth of our land 0 lha udceaa of tbe wr in huulli afciceatld jlie hopoful proepeot uf peace iii the near fulura 7 the c itta iil 7aj tu 8 lhaappolntmaiitof ilav w ii potter aa nuudey hahool lvaligelut v ih abundant bleeln voichoafed by dod upon tba work of lha church durlnjj tha ji jeejc iwo other reaolutlona ware carried unanlmoualy aud eulhuilaelloally aral raadajrfollowa wharaalha dullea of clerk of iba aaeoolallon are both erduwe and imjiorunt aud wbareaa our urother oiarkjt occupied that poaltlon with singular fhlollly and ooniploloaa uoc for a uumher of year b it therofore reolvad thet wa plac ujiou record our aluoare approoiallou of bla labor of lova aud that wa hereby axtatid to him a moat hearty vol of thatika ilia aeoood waa lleaolved that we oxtaud hearty vote of tbanka to tba peator and people of lha church at aoton for tbalr hoapltellly fc well a to frunda member a who have ao generooaly opened tltelr homaa fur lha raoeptlon of dalrgatea wa with aleo to lhauk lha choir aud mle dpeooa for tbtlr valuabla aailitauo iu lha aarvloa of aoujt which ha helped lo make our mooting mora enjoyable the oral bualneea of lha afternoon aaaaloti waa th report of tha momluallug com mil tee which waa received aud adopted tlia following ofiloer were rleoui for th euaulng year moderator uav v a mclweu d a uduuhu clerk h t warrau g novate w 11 aaal glarktluv w a asfoaiejtt ii a georgetown kxeoulw com mil ta ilav 1 a mo kwetiilav w 11 mcalpilm iuv j w week ilav a it moujnld alex buwart duma mhulon sac rav d w marrlll ii a guqlpb foreign mialon bee luv q t wabb urampton oraude wgub mlaalou ho uav j a molweu darwin mau and h w mlailou bao luv j okblllohahenham lduoatlonal bac mr l l iii 1 11 a gtielph mlealou hoard lha four muelon aor lariea ilev j w weaki oualph itav w j v blralford 1raaobar of annual aarmon lie j w waoka ouelph altarnaia uov oao t wabb brampton writer or circular ltturiuv a 11 madonald heapalar alternate luv j a qantlu fuliartou com on clrcutiv latter chav iuy mond luv j o tuiii com ou uaaoluiiom untf iiw merrill itav c l llurrell chaa bay mond j mcoiii j paqueguat i vpd ranreeeiiullvo luv w 0 moalpius gaorgatown aaaocuuoual diugate to national oou i veutrou in winnipeg july 1000 itav h w merrill itav j o nail itav ft v 1 ohllu mr ii d warrii luv mr moalpina praianted tha report of youiig looplea uoolallaa aud llav mr merrill tha report on normal work in lha sunday behooli ftev j w waeki dulv a iplandul addreaajmj chrdt aa u laaoliir ihla wafollowd by another on lha got pal a and ihilr wriura by luv j o nalll iud qua ou clirlil and iba gblldran by juvaut webb luv vv ii 1oitar wbo haa recently been appointed a buuday bohool lvanga hat for ontario and quabao drlivared a allrring addra on lvauualulia work among lh ohlldrau 1 hi sunday bohool aeealouwaii proiiouuoed by all lo h on a of the vary hwt uf all tha naaaionh of th aeeolatloq ah tvut of lha availing waa au addraaa by luv olieaevthetaifc m aofloroulo who took at bla aubaol lha coming livlvji u aopka aral of lbreatthe taaaonifor speallnft a greet revival iu the hear futur lb war i tb iiasd arling from iba aplrlt of woruiinee n tba khnroli and ilia iplrlt of aoiumerolalliin tuuld of it j lha raol that ravlvala have been tb ujatboil of all rallloui j ro gra from tb aarlfaat agee aud 3 tba aolaullna and aooiologloa ravolutloua whloh hu paved th way for a ravlvu iu lhii outjuu th luaana and method of th oomiiig rvlval wblohrad a raluru is ilia leaobfuue and pcraorality of obrut 3 a rotuwjtp a poet olio iiklho la of work a lb pfeohlug of lha aauia old goaalf lb lord jsjub olnlil d lad to lite uu of praeaul tlnir iu lit ruining snllimlum and ilwply piiub1 lone ihla axidri formed a lining oloaa to oua of tb bl iiiiwtliiua of tba uual li aoolalluu of 1u tlit churolie ih boapilallty aud attention of tlia frleuda of ih niou oburch oxlud forth lli moel aulliumlaalld prala aud approdut tiou from lb ihlaualaa and induoetl hie deolaratlon that ihla wa oil f tba iuot auipabta an i 1 rohtitbld aaaoulutiun nteei lug they aver atlendd lor ih ibre dajadluuer aud le wei served iu iba baeemeul uf lb ohufoli and tba kind wor u vlokuii of tb bxuellunt pruvll iu mad auily rrpil lb udlea f r ihu arduuuv 11 0y bu 1 luken lu aiiuiliit tin cutaliil of thalr gul th disfclfleb or chftlst tle anrjuioo orratton itold ll quolph lartfoly auudod 11 a annual convention of the coopof tiul of dieollleaof ohriel in ontario wi lull at luu church uuelpb and waa allot dnl bv a lamb- uiniber of drlrgatoa tie 1 r lei mr jibn aniibrp hi hi aa wa in lbs bar hi the iit llig ant atlar a few rrmarke lld m die itev ja rwljrd own fbiiud in i in lun wnlitrtrjrar j vary interaetlig mmioii w btli ituoigh the wek lelld tin hun lay i hire largnly attended irvlmb wer fl i iii ll a uyl oihte jlou- ll u of the work uf lha nl liri h 111 inieilkiary uit ie evnn i alio work 1 pnbil i w t w w s r gp harris co nd anlrl 10 k u ifn any puflulh illicit i ii ftatp w luvll mile maaalef lit aoloil mi ubl uourimui n hank mr m years of agony wffrti tviw u i wf thirtythree yeais of square euslnf s eockwood goodnesrs nubultinc riicfm sciatica in an aoqhavatko kotlm many nlahte tho eiurrorar could not llw in dad and rtlrt loir wou croauontfy bwullm to twice llo nayuijal size eroitllia jtutnal tl mr john 1 lieuaoii atallonrv tnui liter al the ltldley clletta tit latlmllue la known by moel of tb teeidente of tble oily ror year mr booeoo offered aout agony from aolatica aud nolwltiralaiidlng liumeou forma of treat naiil found liltla or iio rellaf until ba began he uae tf ivj willi ma link lilta ttieae pllla aedlly roatured bla hbalth aapiey have done that of thouaauda of other who iiave given them tfalr rial lo llio renartetaho interviewed him mr lleneon aald oertalllly owe a debt of gratitude lo iv wuluma 1jnk ihie for they have r leaecd ma from a form of torture that lied afflicted maalmoat ooutliiueualy for twenty year iti pal li ugn aral lu my beck then ahifted to my hip and theuo down tnylrg ltbaain ao aeverw thai it teemed be though lb very marrow in my hone waa being ao led ami wj unite i oauld bcaroely repree orjiilg aloud from ihe agony i endured 1 tried all aorta of tulmnla alio lot ion f but got no relief i dootored with bevere phyalolanf everl rolng lo lluffalo for treatment by a apclal let there but in bo oaae dd i ever receive mora than temporary relief it maybe eaelly imaglnadthatiaerpalrrl endured old upon m lu other way and i became almoet a phyaloal wreck at lima my right lag would well to urly twlo ita normal alaa iben th pain aud bwolllug would ahlft to my lall letf and lb agony waa aome thing awful x uppoa that dur ug tba period i wa a 111 ic led i hava hundred of tltuee laid 01 my baok on tha floor with my foot- and ug elyud on a chair in order to obtain alight aaa from th pain i andured the inm i i aud aluewe in my leg looked ai tbougb thyhad heart twlated and tie j in kuota til trouble went on id thla way uutil finally nothing but opiate wnodawn lb pell a few year ago i raid of a our iu fr almilar cea through tb u of willi ma link rille and decided la iry tbam for bom lima after i iwjaii their uw i ooulj not he that they war helping me but i decided that i would glva theni a fair trial lly lb tlma i had tuml a half doxen box a titer waa a decided improve trie ut in my oaae aud i ooutlime lb u of lha pill until i bad uku twelve boxe wbau i fell tny cur a waa oomjhla bsvar year hava iluoa patd and i tiav ual 110 return of lb trouble ao thai i feal kif in aavlng tint tha our baa been par manenl i may aluy add tbal my wifa haa uid lb pilli for indlgaatiou lidohe and dixmtluaa and haa found raat hnfll from iham worda cannot expr th great benefit dr wuiiairib iink ijh- hava uan to tn and i hopd aimllar auffarer will profit by my axmrieiior dr william liuk fill our by going to tb root of lb duaaa thay renew and build up th blood and atreiigthen tba nervaa thua driving juraa from tb ayatem ifyourdeailardoa liol keep them duty will b aut poalpild at coo a box or aix boxt for 13 u by aildraeaing lha dr willlama madlcinaco broekvllh out i for stool x frodncerq wh its tlw newt our new lb of intercut to you yr are looking for a fre li upplj of woiil you wint to sell your wool elip now it 1 11 matter ofcommg to term whatever isthq heu market priee luhng ue p ly or it koq want r ish we piy half cnh for what we hill 1 he balance i- p ud to you in stccks from our own itore many of tlue of our own manufacture giving you tlil benefit of dealing direct with the manufacturer all good that are wanted 111 tho home ill at the low- x et prices you ak what we sell kor thicty yearisome of ydu have been buj- ingliere 1 he stocks include niailbolu 1 latmrlu i ivcnil j1111i loiimatun knlluil imlerucaf al very kjmmlal ulcnt lor 1i1u aoit 1 ailirn nd children a vala ol kooii finality ami jn all alic rshlnitii an i allnm clilj liatiu lollunadea un 1 dttntiu llolhiuu inwouaiiillowollliik- olata clolh wlilln qnllla lmiit only one rule applied in considering t1icvalue of your wool clip 1 lie best price going is pmd iull weight and fair inspection govern in every tranbiction hmrris st co li7utitd rockmood ii001ulni 3trillls rockmood 4- ont r 3 i lg tm a nolblus uuuljout curui lalklhetkhljoqu- connav vary a mil i affaire btft apply to llietn a piir of tight boot and all other ooucrn of lite alnk jnlo iniigniflcauaa light hooti and 1ulnama com 1 xlrap or tba rent and only aur oura for oorue may a together and comfort will b tbalr pirtuar but itqu t fail lo una fulutm a corn j xtreotor ivauje cheap paiouou and daugcrou aubatiluuii ar in tlia market ileware of tbam futuain a peinlaiacoru lximolor iohou a go propriatorj kingston milllthrawatoronr la raliilud by poultry illv kli4uliamha bt aafeet anjeuril aamady for cramj e col jo an i dlrrbae aa a linimrnt far wountla aud apralua l la unwmvllbd avoid aubatltulra ihtroa but on a ialn killar ferry davit 23 a and a uhivarlng animal u loiing flah aud pinnchd tiinouan tub hitad jamai roady of parana ran auulnut ft bucay qlmft wltllo illdlnu u tlloyolo milton rapraaauutivaaof iba w 0 1 w of llatton and wan l worth will gather her iu toro in annual ecu vn tion today and lo morrow our aoldier boyu waul lo ih front on tuneday morning pr w i rabaraion aon of dr d boberuoii ilegiitrar milton hta pnaad iiij final examiuttlon in medlolna al toronto uul veral ly audliaa reoilved iba drgre of m ii he haa alao pabeeil hi fourth year xt ml nation uifor tba medical council ih oounly oouuoll will mt next lue day whan tli principal buklue will u tha friualkallou of lhftieaul th local oddfellow com lug demou airatioo em july hud whloh promie to aollpa any oalabrallon harlofor htld iu ihla comity lbs tar pet faolory loan duutur hkv beji aold for ho 01 j w a premium of 1jc0 hie court or gauurel ueaalon wa held ou luaaday hi lelarmo dlvlaion no 11j buu of rewperaiioa will celebrate iii mlh in ulvejitry in ih drill jliall pale on luaeday avaulng juualu imuilfl june 4 while returning from arthur ual ulgbt about bblf part un jam juady uf ihja plao who waa riding a bloycl collided with e bujiiy tba ahaft elrlkiug him ou tb left aid of tho yo nair the uoa purcing lha aid of lite fan liar fug away th jaw bona and left oar aud about on third of lha aoalp lha polit of tb ahaft cam a o it in hind hie left ear the horenvkji fright and li wa carried thirty or forly jrda on tha abaft lha llaeh giving way ha wee thrown in lha ditch dr grove found it t ociry to put two ellvar crwa through ihu iiw bona i hi order frtitiava ll riiil ilia nurvil ia jhat the boy waa nol killed inatsntly btrong hoji ar eider taiticd for bm roovry milton to iuvk a onk pack- inq company the right house hataltmclftcu 45 j a mauing waa lield io th mayor a oflloa millou on saturday uil when it waa arrangad to call a public meeting for june jolli at 3 p m in lha town hall al milton for ih purpoae at orjemilng a pork picking compiuy toil will ba a muting which farmer throunhout lha country ahould altind at it will b of graat hanaflt lo tba farmer to hava a factory ottabliehad in thla county and wa iruit ihu ihay will b buooimmfu naboaoaweva illoomabury will hold ilaauvuth annual dominion day plo no lu moklnnona grove ou monday jud july linprov tiieiila to ground platform do ar belu tnada and with gain and altraotlou of varloue kind aneujoyal la day la promiaad tl upper will h iervd at o 00 o clock aouod iblitg our oeat oranjtmitliir a garret win tatllad lbll beruufall healing fvuii i lu ktrl a clover itoit lea lbey av i ur auo tow tueuith kept lb hood pu id will du the aim f ir ou if you ay g 1rlce jl bit roo iillbya v llrowu uuhild alivii toil tllx iioui1u homarkabu liapapi krohi death of a platon man in a wyll pitrow out june i fred 1 rim pour liad a ramarktbl tacai from death ye tar lay morning ii wi oleauiug out hu i wliioh luuiltiod with th proper working of a pump liia well belonging to uv mr file vena of wl lake about tail tulja from her lh well ovl in furm lug au a roh abova lrliupour but hurling a lrw ttou upon hi hoed under thla v to tie h atood for a ooim i derail unglb f lime umil h found hiaboly gelling numb- wliau h bul bla head down allowing lb aim lo irji oil bla ahaalder nut daring lo lot it fall l tb ground fur fe lb jar wuuld bring lh hojy uf lb erlli aud tutiee down above down ujiuti blm he itood ihu for blx hour at a deilh uf t wanly al fal until man onul 1 abuval a way in him wbaii keenued be wm found lu a looping poelllou hut iwyond a faw bruiio waa bjou tb wtr fur bla lair breadth oeoip i dont guess at results ihla inun uinwu int ho ilhl uul imw ho did it burh i iiilorurmintif n i llifollovihif nro urn u tlllicliiit p oof of iu luurfuf iiiiir v 1 urt m4vivja m5 hu l jltltllluk pdflt in tlw fr ait llulmout for rainllyiivtlt lirtdiirvi t abjv ir iruuaut 1 iwtl ui die 1 1 rj ua frud uul irj m jh klkoulcacjeiithjtto ralxs vt hamilton favorite shopping tlaci ttost unuskl bhrghinsin mhsh dress goods almost our complete lock of colored waah goods fiir sumuver draua ttud walila la reduced lo clkiring prle very exceptional bargalub ore offering will you ham tbam a faw hinla i boo cotton rauld at 13 1 30- larpo ntiorlnient of atrlpee ipots fluur da lis aud fancy figured pa it ferns all shiulea j and 6 inches wide 10 atnf lho atajchntan mi bo slripea und fancy checks alio various colonel j rounds with whlls etrlpa 17 in lb 1 3 to 18a otoxhmx mt joo- iiro aswrtnicnl of fin dresi klnjlmni3 in a great many different pattern and shades 33a mttvarimiid stteaaa 30o- nrijil ulk like finish for tumour dreiwb i a it oriel v of fancy firureddc3igui in various aludci ana cambrics mt 1j i hc- 40a yarda fine american cambrtca very aiyliih for ru minor trwni and waulb wlilie u round 1 with fanry uilomu and wlda colored i ripe hi thades of mam nurpls nala blue nivy pink an 1 red jf in fait colore rbutar 35c for ujc 13 1 jo vriata tar 10o larkft rpiautfiy rfcrunia iki lngllxh pilnts in a great variety of apot siripc floral an i fancy figurwl dc8iins both light and dark shadas the ware sclcciod from our regular stocks at ujc and arc sclhug at 10c 40a suu a 36o- faney japaiiccbllk in pretty check and trlpo deelgna in llu lead fug shades for shlrl walsla oti i la uaul atvfl 1m hilkil at li were i i and st 50slvllsli now wojst hllka including fancy strlrvatl and plaid laqels and fancy hrocbea at i is wort a rich black moire imperial for skirls trim mlngs etc aome with fancy fig urod patterns also some colored shades of pal blue yqtlow and pink 1 dr er qooda t ttoo- lrgocolhclkiu of i ancy silk mid wool mutuma 1 weeds lustre and clwcki 44 in wereli now 50c at joe wnr 60c and 63c all wool 1 any illaelt droee malftriala light weight m in varlouatlaaigns for uunintor ilmitct and skirts uins iu lft at foe wena ti smart vlclorla wlkljiajjjiiiuwhiia black and navy aud will to slyllah trlmml with baud and two qullja at ajc regular oc straw sajlor hats in black and whits hand aud how jzrii qbrrticrnmilb hkkvantjvantei lll ui dial htm t wai le1 al 01 m at j it i 1 iu1ui u ii liiiltlt fair law lli piofimy for kale a huu hi- 11 r un ralai aay t ll vlutf lrllr a a ly to w acmtttrrr oihis wantki rlrtf aullraly trao f ol aluu ll ly at ujn ll aiii gotjuaa ill waat t r liu wct0n brkery jo idattlirnvfi- inprutor wi nov jianil wss bread also williams fancy pastry 1 ku11s and pi1ly vt1ahi ph sritawliruitlf s hatujfday ick cjuuafc0ldjkinks iatflateil hoiho tail jloin protector rlitlaillulteel roj la atteeuerl ui the ahaft cri alely aolli willi a aet eeraw ttia trci la ajljuatel fe to any lioraa an i le arrannerl no tliel ula line cau bee hiujlo rl mior double phiois ftala 74c huilt puuj ji 60 oiur by mall will nwiene pmuini atlaiillou 20o0 afjents wanted jamos matthews patentee sioton ont -keren- saw planing mills jwtwim st manufaoturora antj d in ah kind of a lorn ordottj by mall becelve prompt mention fralfihl an 1 axpreai pxld lo any railway station ia ontario on all mall orders amounting lo i5 00 or over wriio for simples thomas c watkins king st eaot cor hughoon st hamilton dhesslid and undri ssi d luv ileft lath and shingli s gash doors and blinds window and doob thamhs all kinds of indoor and out dooh1inish laving a well assorted slock of lumber on hand orders will in all caws lie promptly filled lumber dressed and mat chad while you wall price aro as low ns any other mill tuni lug out work ui in iuallly custom los cul at any i line jmo xvam jaujcu snowtr jwajjaxek jroujfafflj all kinds of wood on land and pcompdy delivered by any jurl of tin town sprlnsr aiid summer weakness as spring advance a yeakiics and dohll itykecms to acfio ou tho strong and tlclicala alike tho clrculailoii is alugglali on ac count of tha eihauslod ncrvo lorcex and tha blood is poor in quality and deficient in tissue building elenicilla aa a result her a a general running down of the sysloin tho stomach u disordered and the upiwllle poof tho liver vldnoya and bowels itccoma inactive and ibaro la a lack of energy btid ambition which render work of any kind s burden it la not strong drugs or purgatives with ihclr depressing action that is rojulred iut a food to nourish the uerv centre aud enrich lha blood dr wards blood and nerve pills contain ilia principle- lual go lo tha building up of tha body through tha medium of out blood and nerves because they supply lha properties that im lidou to one up the system 50 gmhts 1 uu box ali dtturrioti ou sxu wili iaus co roktftto ont upain-kriler- a blhau ohaes h iteek sltple jufe aaj qelejk 0w sev ijchameshuohhormcouoh colds llhicuujitism micuiimloijl 3 bnd bo oortt tauattl 0ewarr of iuitatioh- jy uily thh okmulmg pmnoy qavu what it represents some reasons why vod slkxibtiraul on having eurtlfl harness oil uiimiialicsl b iiiiv ollur rii wm hnnl iiutliir ault emwtiituyiiumiitl kf nut vh11- a heovy iwxlkd nil iarness n cacti if lit jhvmtvatlv jcdulc ltit of uut luiiiioai cvr hum ihu uutlnr iu thticitt v u inciruihd iviuii iickt u-rmct- jtltthikfit fom iruliug oil j ia aold in ett i uullltlru i iifhli ku t if you hava a nagging cough and ar loalug floali go to drug evarajlld gl i oattl omhllob oansnmpuoa our lake two third of 11 and that if you ar uol bene fit led returu tb bolu to the drugglat and h will raluru your money iut that fair t no ou could ask more 93oti and mela anj ft 00 a hotlt bold by a t drown john williams f i aoraiktoh wluii you sit fur a pvotograph you want 111 hinting lo npieaeut you prtijkirly wlmii vnu ut m wf lotcmhull popely out iprlnt lu bean on nono ut the boat photo- rrliphjt an i s r our uaku us v ii ut y mra w vtu sum in gkti you life iilo allulac inty i ihi graphs photo wpjist rcton au duauip tle u nr on macadam roads on country roiult on jood rpadu and bad roada duntop detucliiiblrj tim nra safest and eusluut to ride if you meat wlthamu- liap a puncture ten mile front home these urolheonlytaolwyouuocd tu culy tuuu children cry for castor i a acton- liveiiy bus line well feiulpped isttd btyllah lllga uau al way be seoured athlesubla a eoiufurubla bus nlbvu train between u iu alul hi p ut jarful btuillmialvmi liryortr llisooeati freight on hay i fl co per lpo lvnry hot on tho farm shout i osru llsllvlhg 4- seeds ah lludu of tcw a in bulk fur garden and 1 nnn blueotono lofls croon oto 1 ur sprjylug ddtjjjoraa chlorldo of lime crudo aold ayl lor dlaliifbcling a t brown oho in u i and ttumoer 1 ac ion

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