Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1900, p. 2

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makrmrd um reeftleoee of tile i tlde feibev ii lwyi nm lifunlln win rrie l n mer j u protn uilatod it i ui it a t cftl ailiw w llrlea hanleteeeslaw u iteoimwl iriraitwimkh d 1141 tar of joun j w ei ellof toaatll ilaiuiiulu at ui liiulaa taietoa kiil n ti isui jan t y w unm tonl luelti mr 1 t hillm kntfioh ia u1h 1141th i uufbkor hiik al lie itlir ur fre iveduaeday june ufa i y v kv jul lluni- n ituimlt freueta uuddell ntkentu y juna ufa i bee ii kv jftl marnae of ittln vikt ki ki svat tbauan leotkeln wdi hj dili jul a fay kay i i orrln ur ll uim vint to um uy klokur i kit iii ltd toanal lit ji ffijje xtonvte fjreks thuitlldxy iunrllui 1000 kjjjtontal notes a 1- tom of oakvllb who wm flmd ifioo nid ooet or hrlblojt darln th helton ejection ol ir09 ha strain appealed and has bjpjr ulna hi dujo tb dmsionel court al the nom i gallon si israbrok toaeday john w miinra liberal w alaotad by aoolamatlou for north lien freer to nil iheeeel iu lb oqlvio last ul lure road vacant by tb death of abd raw t wbit gooservaliv tli yarmouth liffkionat um lruibteei of iba dtunloloa vreakly baaeepapert oalebretejd ll tenth birthdayleal waak xhat baa proven lteelf a vary erofclby rapraaanlallva of 1u oosllloanay and lu toanlfaet popularity aod suooaa hav ben tnoet aaooa raging tolls anergello pnhliebar mr fj carey vjbo i on ot th moat pdpotar bmo id nova boatia a epealal u lb jbioajo 7yeut say ulabop kail cranston vrbo recently r- tarnad from china daalarad tnun iba palpi todey that civilised nalloo tnaet ml china ii la worth any cost in rnoosy be sal it i wortb any oost ii bloodabad if w uo knelt iba million of chinee uoe ad llojjijfeol chrietlan jt would out all tb tad upa id lb world and hraak all lb traatla aver toed la pi lb- umlaa of lb uoiud buua id iba for balk to grl llrltalo turn opm doof tatuk ba boainuload to cbruunlly aa wall m for xba loaiaoiaiwin utaanuaik laitlo tlapa lowarda dolotf it abajr to pot all od to tb dapopouuon of praooa heraajtar la all town oflloaa flrat falbarm of too tbati threo ohtlaxm bju bzt tnajrrlad tna will b prviarrad to baobalor lrum of will ba awardad jarly to tboaa parsou bo ba aaak tbtf lj oatnbaf of oblldno to bobool racoiulf ajid ohol mablp in lb batiooai enoobi will u rsavrtod tot lamlllaa only of boor tbajo lbr eblldnm fat bar of famlllaal aba 11 alao hava liut prafaraooa for admlaaioo jraakodaaai and old paoplaa boroa- orud traok iuclia w j cookborn uid llodara hm joat ooroplaud trip tbroogb oalaxto oq um lookool for tramps thay wr aocompanlad by tbrwa otbar dauouvaa aad tbay ajrratd mnrj on tby oaogbt dataoilv ooakbom uua tbat for ary tramp oaqbt bow b got twtly imm jnar tha ruoa u tbat inauad of ktf tb tiatnpa uo iaraaty or thirty da in tb eoaoty jaju tba fcaagtatralm la onurlo bava baao mod ln tbaqa to tb cntrai 1rlaoa for to rnootba tcbla baa aoaitarad tbam oot and tby dont atop id oourjotattobjoofar tbaa la- baoaaauy to avlp from llutfaja ovr tolatrot oaoaraj aollorj ta bow balnf lakaa by iba pow for lb proiallod of tbair lodlkld bal louraau la china- grat hrllalo la mndla bd urmy dlvuioa from boalb afrlaa tb ublud uuum u mottnfj a oorpa from tb t hillpploj japan lloaai abd vrbo ob bay uoopa roliui for ward what lb lourw will b ajtt lb rabjlloa im joalud la probhwn wblob will b rmuurad a vary ditftoalt oo if hoau falls to tot la ood faith wiuj tb power- ik look vy much a if tbi oldttat taplftt in ilatoo wu blooinj to crambl lato doy kjid lhoauf al ajw obaerant rned of promlnano blit thai vary fw yart will aooompluh tha luittlhl tattoo of tb china atnplr ajad t dlvlalorf of it ut unitary uaoitft tb tooderu powax tu local uuloa of lb w a v v ton umpul tajiloa motion to moor if po- ajbu lb anasuoant af b by law to pot tb fjarfaw la operation in thl tattowpallly thtrtyoo town tbd yilbm of ontario unoludlo muton odr ooooty town bay lb oorfaw 111 aopoaaarol oparauorj t carfaw wa orlgloaud id ootarlo by th town of waterloo uo yar fcjo tb town ooauoll daoldad that owlotf to th bambwr of oblldraa botload abroad al lat botlr it would b daalrahu to la b oxd boor wbu all yoong tokm aboold b at bout a vaaoiauod wa lalrtdaoad bd oarrlad lo tbl ftot thai lb tod uii b rauj avary vraoln at blu oclock ami all yoabtf paraob bodw fliuan yaar of a bot aooooipahld by tbalr partl or koardlaba b wnd aktd atrrawud if found rpudly on tb alnat aftat lb hngtbtfof th b vb lawrnad a piodurtaal and aa- tb ball bagau to rlii ahlldran oould b aaao aoatn paring bom id all dlraotloo tb aollud of watarhm ba btl oopud by btmuroui idaoloipalltu and th moral uto of lb trlalbtfoaratloa lu anlot woum ubdoubu adly b improvad if a almllar ooara wa lakaii by ottr aulborltu tb jurfw 1 baaad upotl tb old pradapl triu up a eh lid iti tb way b fehould fco aud wba b 1 old b will ot dapart frool it kvbhton 60 wvw oirrburaday of laal waakqull auutilbajr of lnit and laatn war jit work lu tit ciiiury uiproklait iu appmrauo ur kuil u wm 1 yrt viiud bu uiial adam orly at oh on ualurday on uoalay ur jaat joyo v utf aoloil utovad to tbl plao ii baoboaaf vartou bl tto or baaloaa for tit fa lux w wlihjjlm a lartt praotlo au vuooaa il bl uw botua to tjioue auout to uauuv youutc aaatl br old tnw wbd luuud lo knarry will b plad u 4ara tbat lb bw u arrlm aoi la waj quit ehupj by applying te if 1 mooc uauar ttf ntrus uoau at th vaad 1 ohlw uu a fw day bafor lbjacnudo07 0d hv th tnallar axplajnad trlval oolo all bualn aulouy phat abd ounddattlul al raaiuaao to amautstil what paraoa ax by kiru ibay ar by uatura the south african war nearly over canadian and m ordarad lorrw curout t alal votunuon md a olvlalon cttlna with a hn ugl iimihjm jan jo thar ar catloo tbat 1 trd itourla com ad of lb uaiu iwmlll afr dltt ona o tliaaa l tl a fact n7iy i voiutl aari wlit it a d t i tl itot ul bat lb war diamlaiad u ibvir luniia by clati llallar no tlurlay tl ny wdf obaarad aa tumy tall anolber lotlloauoc tall taporl ourtant lu aatbulllvly la fur mad military clfblaa lq fjotxloti tbat a ootnplet dlvialoa of rkul ltb drawn from oea dallara army and m barked at uarbaojor china th irou drawn from india will probably o ton jnraj ilobaru daapatcbaa rom 1 r torla which oom rajtolavly prorv that hii ulagraphoommaqloalion ar now paraa baotly malntalnad aqd lo o to ahow ural railway oooronnloallooa ar l saottvaly kokrded a foroa of four or fly baodrail boar alutnpud to oat tb rail way at sand ilirar bat war dafaaud wtlb hay loaac at lb and of last wk iord llobart raporu tbat gan- badao powal with bl oobmdal font of h00 man ba roached i ratorla from ilaauobont will b abl lo glva lord llobart t valoabl aaali in bl oampalgo uaoaral uonur a prar from aubftroora lu jobannaabonf i not raporiad oolobal flnotar ba apparently ramaioad a uaf klnjc in oommajod of tb ltrltlah foroa c tb watarn tranaal and itoobanalbd wife it ml lord llobart rtporu that over j 000 aland of arm hay bn glvan op vratorla alno tb oooapatloo of tb aplla tb will b uulutad by lit ralaaaad drltuh prlaonar of whom thara ar a8 omoar and 3 030 ma tb uultu xpaitmot al oluwa toaaday toomlnrf raoalvad th ollowlntf oahtajirara from luauool uual oom mandlnjf blrathooaa hoc datad mawoaau with llullar uoviotl for ward i ullitary wnur in 1- nlbd bcllay that lord 1 lobar u ha arradd for lb auur of diaoa bay llallway at komall toort al th traoavaal froallar of lorluaaa territory a rnmoor wa oorraal tobbt that tb oral canadian ooatlagant bad bean ordarad bom from booth africa fjaoaral ualur raporu that lb fltat irajo ihroaub paad lalotta nak tat on m jod 1h abd prooadl lo cbaiuatowa xraeidaot knujar 1 raportad to bay movad hi oaptul s mtu aaat to alkmaar wbjob u about half way batwaaa uo badodorp and lb lortogoaaa froolur at koomau poor lord bobartt raport thai gaoral uulur will ooonpy rltabdartou forty fly mlla bortb waat of volitsrnal on tb railway hn lo lrtorl ayrinj tb orang luyaf colony hoar foroa from thoa of tb tranataal whlob ar bortb al middl neiahdofitlood nuwb churchill luy ur ci aria tb bw paalor of tb cooarrsatlonal obunsb t gatlln wall aoqnaj wllb tba member of hi rou grcxatlon utd la vary popular iii aarnton and bl paatoral work ar both vary helpful al th weakly ddiu prayer mealing at th bom of ur albert smith laat wak blahop rrank w warn wa praaant and dallvaraj a moat intataatln uddraa tb frlaoda p u aojojad th adara vary tobob baoaoa of th gannln lotaraat it contained bat maoh btor haoaba it wu oallaarvd by oo who wa a few year ajfo a boy in thatr mtdal who by bl ardooo work for lb uaatar la horn and forajgo flald wa ghaa thl markad prafarmaol by hi brethren of th ohuroh btabop want ha for tbiruea year baaa pastor of th i ar lngllah apaakjog ohorob la ibdu at oajoatta um bow return lo thai country a missionary lllahop uv bubop warn vlalud hi teotber ur wm warn and other trio friaod last weak if was accompanied by bl father la law lu t u jajfarls of oak villa crews co abambr from bar inuoj takltut ia th ultod vaaira ibautuu exuriou lo th 0 a 0 ooelpfa od friday ud ldl mr anj mr jl l johnatot who hav bead jr tailing- friaod in klooardln r tttrnad bom but waak maear will oauu and ila barur oilnlhai- vlalud at ur oeorg canu laat weak ur john latin and ut luobard abd mal levin vlaltad frlabd la chins oouay laal weak mr john llaroabaw of lowvlii bpatlt saudsy at bl brother ur ja luni hw mr 0 b ilutfrnau of olilcfto vlalud al mr j a jambl liat ww mr a gauu and mia cora aud ur luaiwwa cnn of lulbr vlaiud at mr 0 ouu thl wak ur ww walkltt of loroulo span i a f uy tbi wk k 111 botu lift mr wdlltd jataiy of uvartoil apaul bilndy at mr jv uantahaw mia jaunl wvlthford of auloti apaul uuttday with frland bra qull a uuuiber from bar alludj lb funeral of mr wui huiltb r of adio ou iluuday thk free liulmfly a liberal addition of now il d addd in n hw wol the i ibrary hor i it it ll lat wadtteaday oai i m- iuv j k i kij u a ll uallaai jolpi a i n 1 im i tin balioo ki oki ln wli iii ii i itratlal uiiea ll til yr- lolhn lilr tr lu ut lu laaai lad aa i uu- uau ihxh ii llutvey rlsuon luusioua huralu uuallauaour vlo 1 10 e try at th raport waaadoptrrf moved by ii a maopbar by john lamaruoi tliat ll furnuh tha librarian wllb w ri pol oanta lo be ud iu a4rvlnf liotlc booaoarried moved by jobil camarua leooo la 1 by jf i moor dial tl a wtjmolul guuticll bb rrjuaatad o mekaarail at il lor tbo preasnl besd of th llpard crrlad moved by ii x moor aaomtdr ly tl a uecpheraon that lb book gomtnllua beaodia hereby luatruclad lu tiiibe iba annual at 1 actio a o book fur i hw in u th library al tbrir aarllaat cunvaulanoa carried tb board iban adjourned the public school doahd thai bualttaa trortaaotod at th laat ragujar monthly maatlntf tb board of trualaefl of acton 1 ut lib kobool met in tb council ohamur ut wednesday evening- jlh liiet uembar all pra chairman prtalihuji tlia fifth vapor i uf tb commllua on tioaaoa reoommendad paytnanl of th hooount of jabob uasals o tl r0 for shad- tree and of tba haorelery for 1117 for poalag and sutionary th 1roperiy commltu w iitniolad to sttend to any ncry rpira snd to put lb school jeouutla in good order for tb old topin re union on tha uth july moved by john aguaw yroonded by j ii matthew that the board hereby aulhorlsa lb chairmen and haoroury to dagottat- luarruflbre bondrsd dolur for lb tarru of four month villi hlory chrlalie and co bukarv al kain ral of dtaooaiit s far kola previoualy tiatulad sud that th qbalxuiaii u i barury sla the oot on behalf of lb ttotrd carried bord then adjourned a pretty june wkddinq burn mathqn beautiful juna was haver falrr tliti on tuaaday lb 10th ml ilia bflghtnea of th day added wooli o lb iiloaiur of lho company of frletilh aud rnlallvo who assembled hi cadar cirovu 1 riu lowu ship lb bom of mr and mr john malbseon lo wuitae th murrutfa of their dsughur mis bsrah g mithson sod auxiuder t bunib of rrsmois jouaeti war iuvlud frool dakola irry bound bundrldit toronto gmlpli anion hookwood 1 verton and uuuburu and about ou hundred wr prstaut al twalv oolook boou th uuau tl palrad to th lawn uis kelll luid of ondpb played th weddltiif msroli aud lb kroord atunded by hi coualn mr william 1 bbrnavwa followd by tb brld arid hir father stid lb bridesmaid mfs llaasabca malbeeon feltur of ih brida and mis ksu j malhseon her oonalti th otremouy wss pi formed by all enjoyed th wedding- braakfaat oongratuutloa of 111 friend w tut phaataed by gilt of material ihlng beautiful and uasful th brld and groom will visit in toronto aod larry bouud bafos sslllluh iu tlulr bom la eramoaa uockwood consumptions victims that mlaa llzulo irford wtolnun- t hii- loath hop advloo lo olrt- ilir wmtmtl it elu llrr ll n mii u fuhh i rll li u4 of err 1i lr willi fw i abnllo il wn illy or nil wi k w t cl i ly i f iillif 111 1 ii in ll lira ni wi tint uf 111 hu ur laa f in l r ill soalltcril avifj where l i tlly are i rl by aalllwti4j it tnhpi ur pur hat nktroinn 1 allfr ihy are aul jrot to headache dlaalneai el itlh n ul the luat al 1 feel tired and worn out in lha lesl eirtlu ii lloo tulfer jn ihiamiiucr or willi 1 juk i 11 offer speedy ai i onrluy rrlirf 1roof of tills ma be baa in oar town ml i sal hmllh diinhir of mr win hmlli is today iii lulxnlliiifnl of haallh ar aolfvily at lit l at i nu au i er frti feired ooiikani iuui a i ftllailt 1 111 fl upon bar a rbrnllvb nf th ft rofliilly inlarvlowwl mr imitli as lo ll liieaua en lnvl lo r fa i ar dituglitrr haellh mr illuitb ullbraluiin w y wa dial iv wllllilii link lill eillitll tollw oreht ur ilinilb raid my dughtar it i hlulecii yur c for same yra aha be- nol bu mrj etrotlk su i waaaut jtcl to tirk tie- i ha lv auiitutar aim wul tu work lu au e tabllibmaut hi xrw snd had not lerti tharu luiitt whoii her lialtli traw much woraa llhe conault 1 a doctor thorn who said tbst her bloo was in ilci a i a 1 ula 4 it at lb troublo wau llkehy lo dvtlop iulu ooiisuinptlnii slid on baarlng- tbi i lxxl at oiio rulurned homr when saw her w fsred llial she wa in a ileellna lh sillfared very maoh from besiuolial wa a while chalk with dark circle unur liar tyu4 ami the aye alirnnseii ur p petit wa very flckl anil ah at vary illtlo him ws vary doanondent aul at time sail h did not cro win tbr aha uvxl or not i dtout to ulva dr willi in iiuklillr which i hsv heard so highly teootiimenilad in oaiad liks her a trial hh had oi ly taktm lbs pill for s ootii la of wrnks whan we aau i an in provemsill by tfij htno ill had usrd a ooujle of boxea hir sppelltv was much imi rove i bar lies ljolia ut frttjiiviil and th rplrlt of d i rnaaioupaadawy 1 our hoxei mora futlyjjtttortillici hcsllli and to day aba i at wtll an i s adllva ha though ah lial navsr ha i a riy lllti esi i really think dr will mi inib imi aval bar life and bflisv limy ar worth thir weight in got i to liiu suffering s shdld br willi m i ink xllla make tb ted bloo atrcngtlieii lb nryibjiiu the glow of htillh lo tale end aallow obeeka and mak tb faabla an i uiapou latil feel thai hf i oiid wore worth hvlny llur loiiiiiiib are only sold in base he wrapper baarlng tlio full namo dr wllltaiut pink pill for iaeilj myu ha i from all daaleri or by mail at s0o a box or ala boiea for 8j lq by ad ireaiiiff tha dr williaiiit medicine co brookvllla oat a llltl jofilink out of frame uo 1hllip henry iliilifhof money ptilb a olook or watch lllllo anion the htarl llirpwn away by women aniiually in iho purobaua of ooamalio lotion and powdari none of which ver sooomi llahe iii object boauly dajmtida on healthy blool aud ooj digeatlou audi h karl clover bool im guaraulaaa you for qis and ko mt pack ago tali ll aid we tfilarttiu your oom plaxlon hold by a r brown indcoiiion and delay ar tb parents of falluie juv amo tovall of quelph alur which- jgstomy la lutlalusd at oftii by nrtd a by affection aa anjovabl gsrdsu party in aunouuosd for bait tuadsyyeultt at th bom of mr h bailey under th hubploe of lha ep worth laagu in iroranim will inolud th following luy j 1- kay b aaualjh uit maud mauniiig i ramp ton mia ulua walkar acton mr john uunur oualph aud mr b j ourney aciou inatrurnrutal maalo wilj alao b glveu lufreshbiartla will b sarvad wilson ogto ouvun vuahu ar oy uatuce a gatlrubn ua ma tblutt tbetl of u utlak for wilton vast drlvlug ou ih public suta u ooojphlluad of iuv 1 1 uljtool latw liioutiibnl of ore- ohuroh mil lou was iudooud a vicar of lb parislt of hail lloadr ur boalhampiod lnlaud ou tli lolli ull th auukuereary of hi orlioliou and aleo of bl arrival in mtlun by uoilier oolu oldeno it wa th iwolqv of ulltou ilauip- sblr who luducud mr miguel flood protjra i being mad lu th arse llou of lb carpal fstory th brick layer ar hutiiig tuatura ill ordar to hay thjuuildlugupat lb peoinsj lltd kyrylbuaj pwluw to asuaoaaalul daouou hlrellou hereon domluioa day hevaial oddfalliiw ualiloos faoul olli tbriifliihoul th pro j no- bv auriiined tbair ialaation f balog prwaenl to oohtl for fsuoy drill mriaa attd uuluaffjua kacr hav writ tail lor pertluuler lb full islh hall bnd jilljb a drawi nerd hi ll if kvairy effort g bala put forlli by lb lu abarg ll tuake ajlltot th altraotloh fo ikiikiuioo ty tosohto junu- al lb ifello court ihla moriilnji pataad sen uoc upon gaorg mcc wilson tba defaulting ulur of lha merolianl bnk lb maglslrau stated ilst iu rg4rd to lb charge j suatchig tha mitalng psokafia of 10000 ha touai fliid th prleoiler guilty lb mousy had been ml iu wilton oar aud bl svidaiim thai hu di i not know what bad boom of il mull b dlabelisved wileou was enttuot lo ssveii ysr lu klugaton ptiuluutiary what a utandaiid op author ity bavb oh kundalls spavin cuhu ultts ittule i bath geal su all ll- o iue uf many biur kvary borea uo lb farm ehuutd aaru lu living w brauavr llu aaalt h after truth bagtue ibaf id uglus jotiu huslllf th offer tlialtlis llouiliafn jrady itaoori make of fri iuvaatlgatlou to reliable report ou any aubjecl thai lu reader may have oooaalou to wrlta about ha lately uroughl leltsr from bars dealer livery mail and olhar ownaranf boraa aakiug our candid ot iu loli aa to who biuuufaeiura th ukl bore ituiuitul in ordr tbst w nilghl b all to gv a hallafaotory rporl and ono lhat uiluht b rlisd upon by thoa lularetud w decided lo make a thorough invalids tlpn of lb laadlng hurt linlmanu sud answer adltotially afur a careful and rxhauillv iuvsillu lion of a 1 tb lasdlnu bors llnlmtniu tlio result of our intsallgaiiou waauiianliuotiily lu favor of ken tall hiavlncur mat a ly lha dr j luudall coiujeliy uf uoa burg- iellt variiiont jhla our ii nu i mttv lly lha mixl auo oaaaful raniydy svtir dihouvaral us ll i cit in in it a itfsou an i doe mt lljuiir cutr tiilli vulall coiu pany oan show liuudrje of iwilitiolilan ffimi isadlug hoiau uwuara atuiug that after irjlug vll uiliar reliuhaa tboiily rluhlu an t ural wua kan ml h h sblu jury rf wu wlh iu tfulllct tliise ms lie tail rouiiiiiudmoii is uia u atriully t m uirilt uf ur kt tall a i tsln cm aul hi strlot hitxir un w with lha wlioy 6f tin uiageaii thai uaver tlmlt g tb iiiauy a if iia valeii iw baa in- i a inward or in illal u rti infirm i iii eiulur semen t hiniuily faltxili tl arlul f rare uiru will tit tunuiilaritll ii gill t r fv t s mlhrfuj rml lilllllli 1 ii ihth ihju absolute security genuine carters little liver pills muejt bear signature of 5j pacjtblla wrnr luww i ifivi n su ii w w ww w a v t irw m99h ga 8 j harris co i imhr thlrryttirea yeais of sqiiarbbbsiness rockwood onlari srte pay ss your lvools istortli c iii wc niaki u fun r proposition all tb- wool vou can bring-ti- wc tiji uo in tlicl null for wool r iilctkd to keep tlnrnruiiriintf just is a lwiml nud ion i vvc ire pirtu ijl ir tint you should jjivc u jood clem wool jua ji wc ii hivf jou new hrifjlit wcjf-mrdi- c lohablc roodi from the store md pijuip to li ilf the unouiit of jour wool clip in cash if you want it moasuro for moasuro tull wolfifht fair inspoctlon anti tho top markot prlco for your wool do you i whit wc sell such oods as blankets tweeds homc- spun undcrvvctr cottonidcs denims prints and towellings white t tjuilt ind other thoroughly staple lines and all marked at closest prices hkrris co li7vited rockwood jnzoollm jutlllxs rockmood ont dont guess at results this burn know a wlmt hn did and how 1 a lhl it b ich ttnh iw uuntt si tlio follow injf urn tiro u u ill tkiit proor if it jiitrltu imkvi u ho tl ibtl iwrui 1 uul l l r ywu- hi tk i j r i i j k 1 u i r tutkh i hblu i f u i i u ml l t vvtaluh 1 tur u llukk jluxui1cm price xii el fr 5 ar hi lnixi t tar family lt1 tx wi ial aky rilrusut r r hfl noat u s ia im cutii k a traaltion ttsllorw luuktnw irullri b jd trrz uibuaa vxux vr john ttquh 3nf ag fn 1 lou implements vey aall aaul aa a i tak aw s4u- roi diuikuj rorqiuouueui for tqip1d uvu ror comltlratlqr nrrsailoviui for thecomrluldil vavtajaw oure ckrhemachfir ritota xvoodi llladmjv uowors jcta am ooold uliailxy a 11 uir s wiudhiw ad qriu orttidstj aul acomploto lina oi i irm impemenli aud all kinds bf hepalraj in my abenco mr john t i lllott whe rcaldaa on tli pnprvirty willjiuejul- to tbo wanta of cuelomcrs warorooms john st 1 john ifiiqutcxtf jiotoa henderson cfe co v5s8aweap goods we place in stock today a rcsli spipmcnt of lkdiss snihitei j3cmd coldrbd blous9s tho most atty and upto date stuff obtainable taffeta and silk gloves in black white and cream all qualities satin back velvet ribbons ah the best widths now in stock s parasols laces etc ready to aaar skirts in plaids plain and fancy blacks also in white pique and linen h9ndbrson co hcton what it represents jum jui the right house larakklch 111 hamilton s tavoriti shopping place great bargains in good desirable merchandise we give below a fcw items lo represent tb many baijaiu ofrri tltal v iiiute our out of low a friend to altar thl slorw abounds with such special mcny tavln opportunltlo nowadays which make it well worth your while to pay us i ait itlii iabbprlfgrifinrtfl hkrvani wantki rmpiity li snlo amiuiilll f ami vll in tioiit iii ut till i t mum wantki rlill irr llrlaf ilr 11 1 lu ilue li i uu i eadlyl l voj it wrl t t k tkndkkh wjvniei pjifjilkjut ar ukh lir rillr 1 u t roof lo dii um uiown u u hl1u fain hui ll t j jn d lirrt artoo v rrtkilara ell at ualdno gfltr lumry u 1 lti3t ottmbayei ioktor attaraa sletu uy 1 ait twu j lhloa4nalilolllril ml all wus i l i laeaent out of tl a 1 mr uart ot lha lit ear 111 tb uf a kalfaunth an u t lotoranettua ibal will to tbair narary w1 l luileblyvaaar 11 notice to iahbnts and childhun visiting iaiuviiw ce rpul cuiaury i a uuly uu vlitl i y a number at al luna u 1 y iheir lanauj tbu u l ue uy teejulauooa ltd i a taaultail lu dooebuf abl enoayttmiej add aoma 41 lane thiouli oaialasa couiluet no la u3 of 11 a ia iury raulall n raada clifldrart will tuit im ad ml 1 14 lolu aamscary uttlaa aohnat lal bv uialr vaaa rr byxwrmxu livlui uim earlally i i al area tlila lula will in um luture be inlait t ul el iklrantnurlrl tl i violation of we likely to tt lato trouble il i oxakau aolunjuntoui 1u taruur kct0n bkkery j c mattjixw jvojjwbi wi now i1andi k kstons illiams- bread a isojwiltirtms kaitey1asl i wuits and iaik v i cltaiii ls sthawdi s satuhday ice creamcold diunks seed corn jstaaunarji south aivajf vmuow idmat improved lfmuilujr mntmnoth cuban iyjjow ctouit jdawy yjjow wttooaxta xytumt whit btit thotvuzhbrott wii rilut shxr vawji jdaior cratapian cby xtc our soaj corn- la of axira fmo tampla nl vo hivn 011 our corn juuetl our pualomcr can tc it at our dor crowini in bosta call and sm ll also hwade mangel and rape seeds james hewer seedsman 45 macdonoll st cuolph paioiited howe tail rein protector whoii yon all for a photograph you want thu lllonoss io roptcttnt you pmparly whan you it to tli vo want i im work la rprctniil ua proparly our tmprtntnfa noon oii mono but tho boat photo krnphsp hrivfirutir tam a well u youm wu itirtiuiirtjiorlvbybullfri ilkrj uittufjc lory j hotoraplib h rk7titshkirt photo wp2ist jqccto n it rura hi iija tuvil cl vpralua sto flia dr i j icvi 40 to oso isffoi- uu t sso two oin lllacu hublk straw sailor hal or ladle wcr 40c now ajc i our doin colorrd straw sdllora t our full slack j in navy hlu brown an i initeu straws wef 50c and cjcnow jc 1liradoien ijwjidi sailor hits in huck or white ruttlc straw worth 4x far 30 si lojjaeiawjjjas0o sj tluren hlacl an colored straw ksjlcil in ihla scaton slyles worn f 1 to ii now joe 3 chauill curttum ut 8 0 lua1i rulr clieulll curialns frlnj ljaha irj jltiecii to soul cream 3 yrds lany ur lj now la 5 jmc civtowimjtarlso saven iilaoe good creloune in various pntly tlaaljftia art color ini worn iuc now 13c at 30c ware 11c aiid 10c niiu jilwa 1 no 1 nullah crolomud liandaotiid loral pattents ji in 0 ja tapeetry cuwavfa 0 liltwn pairs of ilaavy tapcslry curlaiiu hamuonid huurad dlti in viriou shadoa full sus war lli and ly aj a pjir for lo v98 ojavtmfiwaso leu doian canvas iloea vary luilttbla tor cycling in hlacu tan and ity wara 15c for kit ovdttra by mall ytjcelvo prompt attruliiu 1 ml j lit 1 in omgrlo on all mall tifiurs amounlltik isb wjufspaattjtj coot wulld counluianes finltlial st both ends ahipla slso 76 tk inches maraallte patterns well worth fi 33 forli liaiyaiauhm jjjalkaruhja whlid iriali unan i lamlvarchufs betusilicliod i and 1 inch usaa at thee very apodal prics regular toe each hi 3 for 15c itcsuur 30c bach at 6 for tljc hsiullorchloa torn with fast ui brohlered b1k hi a kraal isruty ofpmlty style otlior bull em j broldetw and hematltchefj 1 beaa hi wualln hsubu- iijc aach or only 10c lttular ijc each for only uc tha in linen hcktuur 33c cacb for only ioc a vary tpodal ibid ut fcicli 35c iii dtu tlaa also all rta soirat cuff aud 5 collars ami holt silkolta outing hlilrta h an i dark patteniu odd tlirfa wr jc and i now 50c itjeauj bajliktjjosssso ime wllh del and sotne without greys and dark browns with fancy topi wana 63 and 7u pair for jjc u i uipryikipald in auy railway station o f 5 tw or ovar wiilo for uiuplaa la sttashed to ua at aft or bole by aelli wltli a sat surear lis re i 1 4jim table loany tiunaatil i errhl 10 tl al tba uorae oanoot b it tall ovr ii a i 111 cm baenamtad toeviy rhltu nve uilnulu a and c ro uusuyuia lllordoubla tviols pui tsa nkki ihmltj si m ordara ly mail willreealv ironijl allanliou 20o0 agcnts wanted james matthews patantoo aotoa ont spring and summor woakuoss stiff front print shirts i11 jnk and navy urine 17 print bhl as ipriiif advjnce a weakntu aril del j lly aciii 10 lcuo ou tba uroni in t delicate allld tba circulation ia tlufciili on count of tia eahaluted nerve htrccs and tin blood la poor in quality an i del cient in tissuabullding elrmemu as a result ll ere is a general ruiitu down of the syilem lha atonucu is dlbiideiwl and tha aj pcliie itoor the liver ll itleys aud toweu itecome luactha and lhejdis a lack of energy an 1 ambition which ronffen work i any tin i a burden it la not strong drusor arjatlv with thrlrdiprmln nr tlin i rriilrfil but u fiwwl to tiouruh ilia lie rid ccnlrci jn i enrich tha blnt l vj wabbs blood and nerve pills thomas c watkins king st eaot cot- hughoon st hamilton lamalu lha prlnclplca tlpt no 11 building upof the body ihrauxhuio mc i pf die blood ail i nervo because thay ktiiiply the jirojijrilob ihat naeded to tone up the vyilaui 50 cunts plh llox all dm 1 1 ou sau wim iau 1 t co castor i a- buthlusiiu it ou ehuuu ramauibar that ua olhsr iiiedlriu i lib illiiub cj meumplloti cut any rapwit if ther iauieha hav eiui tu rllav yuuronuab ur uolj that la alpha tour ason why yi should iry lib i li aiwsya nld urt ur a poeitw trutw ktldwauul inlu wu lb iltit mul ulv- lak yuuiiti4tf i ml ly a i utowu lis lotlaf plla butferln edala of uaruub and ijturks vooallou ou tl lad than th people lbe knife ba pared lo th ijutok uauallo sppllo liuu hav ur man lad tb viouiu of oorua uulll thebdttvlalluii sbapad lualf thar uu our luluaiu ieliilee guru tvllrao lor pruaeb ou what e huuder baa i publlo oplnlun often reu if you aufler fruul ooruatlha 1 ulraolor and you will t aatlfflad uolj avaryeibar fine writing papers vfll mala a sptliliy tl 11 w claijt t f 4ooilt an i our tl cu li uf ih fullam wn havrt luiwia ofotflry llnd totality an 1 price from ttut uwwl by the ni iidsj man in aiiylhlnu rwjulrl by the most dalniy c rivsjmjinlni our uocl uf llw fitter include im ni w wi nrwoon vi vilimi s mmhlavllli kill noildl t woman 1 la 111 lioluoll w hav slut a 14101 slihk tl i sda hlaiik itnoks i hock umlm etv i rtwtslvod ycicr liy a lino of iwm pa1kiu11l iojuahu at brown- 1 uhamlat sjut btallouer ac ton

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