Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 21, 1900, p. 3

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bant of hamilton georgetown branch a agoneral bankingbusiheau transacted correspondence 8olicilod saving bepartment uwol r ly cuye lu drawing ui jtny farmers uusmesh solicited nf id lacounlrxl and rm ney loli oulillftaa pnrpoees omi dol- of ult a ill lira an no mil t 1 ls our collection hopaimiion ifft ovury firllity r maklnj prompt return sale nstos jiandwi him monny advanced m account of ame al low rates of interest traveller are notified that iho hank hamlltintind il llranche lun circular note omulruvitmxl luntt of ivuawlr limited which can bo cashed wllh il t barn or tr ul la in any pari f lb nj capital llai01 1ic1 iiamii ioj aulabliahou luj 5i5 250000 1000000 13163000 cakliur capital baing innhih to rneol uta lameuri of lit cemd hualllea reserve fund total asbtitb jauui i uvhi ui b forsayetii agfnt georgetown branch window shades mounted on tho best spring roller special mzcb- in cream and green colors with lace fringe or border nowhere else can you find such a complete stock wall paper clearing out some odd jots of giltjpapers at 5c per roll geo hynds aoton wttlnt ltomk ont ije tvti 3fttt ttss tuuuhday junt jll 1000 little local brieflets which cnusht that eye or kara of bumrner bat noma jun roee mild jtibe wadding blrewberry ahorleak l potulr lhir wk ii i reported that wage in being inoreaaed at the tauuerie tba public achoole do for lb long aurnmer vacation a waek from to morrow 73fi axounloulau from uoulh ouurlo paeeed through t adflu ou lueeday to tba model tfarmoob hpoll mrveow will be held lu ht jopb church ou 1rlday and baturday evening of thi week tb aartaot of bapllain well be adnrlou tared iri knox church uext buuday at tb morning aervlo dielricl mo h lawn teuul aaeoci tlon ooult of aolou mi i too oeorge town gualph and uraroploii all tli justice of th tuo lu i bo county wad only veu conviction during tba qnaflrr lltl in a juuaulb lvy j a mouohun hi a will ptmoh lb cloalni aarruoii of hi lorat a lb ualbodul oliufob tioit bumlay a lurtt qumbar of vniet ltoa bub woripuoui elplra with tb praijl luouu fauawal u bob um will b tnutih rppra oitd oblldraa wbovlilt vlrviw dauury qtwoodtikuled by tlulr atai hr llbl iaitat into troubld tliia- li orblddatl by ooiuaury rul uualpb city couuad had uap b ii lad with iooouuu arakliutf aoin v300 fur dnu t lruu profcwrty by tba jublu iorioa victoria ulgbl ntofc hnniv li hurl dav in ibw bunday koboou tba varluua aoboola will wlooro tba altaailauo oi araou aud fruoda of tba iobour niahon4of nootuod tmn party at ojprlrjga laafilday talfbt w ijuiu a iaoeaaat tba addram of ll h a mao lbatou 4 blticb oj iyad mia o llwurdmo baa kindly for warda1 lb wraurudfcobjo lor 10 tl kid tbui iii their prl ht ml tba gar d 1 iiarty iv it lubady uvauluu tb vtiuluit aarvloa of knox gburub baa barl wjlbjrwu for tiajtt hutidy avati in id lknult iba oonuraallou to bar luy mr udtiioliuoa ftwll aarutau a hlaallntf of h luta u iba pbiuulbroild wjjk of t fr boaplul traluiattlot oaiihuiiii twai moui lb pklf of tba liuvlnca will u bald lu iba oouuoll thmur tbli avauluil lo parfaol iba orjaiiltttdlau ifaoaully ifiiolbj llmr uuy u a aiuallir au i mor dmuioabl lyim of uiauaai tbau tbal of kuawluji brukaii nlit it tbu llrt to aaiaa a bloypl lira punolura hud inoldaul muf lu ilir iba faal of tba urafoot balrow but l bail but bu natal tgilad lb tuuiem tmiat u dallnbtad wjtb iba vay akoallaiil liiuald dlinad wt our obutoh tba obolr bt lb uatb odai oliurcb kaally axoallxji ibarnmlm buuday avaulint tba otbat obolra ara ui 1 npruvlu oaur iltrnlw jaluu cor tllum willi oorfttutyli purnbaalutf uioutusutil of work of auy dlaarlpllou for tblr oflma l1y plula abould urdar dtraol from tb old rallabla kuu aiij lurlu daalor u tlauillluii lualpb out all apauaarf alio wad lu purobavata all wgrli and malarui warjoulati tumualllloi daflad wty did itw 4ajs ftb the news at home muxjjv at a local chnrjifctar no avory horn intarbatlna a hit number jippjiomtlotm a curtain mniitar durlnr bla dlaoouraa 14 rooaiil habbatli moravlng aald in lull bla la of kraaa ibero la a armuii ibo f lluwhik day pun uf bla lock dla cutoiel ilia hood 11 ai publo iba lawn inowor about it la yard aud pauaad to aay wll paiaon 1 m glad to aai you outllng y ur himuua ah ri j ulilii soil rmarafjialioaa riniil u j- ux amis at ion a lu anion 1 ubllo llobuul takaa plana to morrow aftar tioou tim nrlnoipaj and auff unlta in xlaudliim d dor dial invitation to nil paranta and frtand of iba aobolara tlia flva dajattmnti wjlf bo opan lo tba pablln j ha llijcb bobool lotnuma nnodldatmn so to oaorfletuwn bcxl wednaaday for kbair eiarolnatlona aotoo 1obllo tjcljool will aaud a ouaa nf twantyoun fratitan ibad6ardo 9mrty aoion ilrlgada will bdld annual gardcu patrty on tnaoxj june lu tba park wban prlma wij txt ofloicd for tba following porta llpoi iraca upan to al taatobad bjoyola taoe botwoau j hbarp and 0 hplma wo yard alow biotcioraoo boja bioycla raoe bat deooraled bloycla tnon and boy a foot tfcota tax of war batwean tai firemen and clllaua tha following ulank will uko part ui jon waatharatona jvarton mlaa lily lijona and mr lyona yooalut onalpb ur harry joana aud wjiuik la utcat pair lo tic aolou cornet atid artliot t fltrlttif llanda will alaualilivan tba prooaadluga jufraab itieutu will ba aervad on ibq eroonda tb rtaiid hlatid will bo lllumlnatod witb uclrio lubt itmttoti ytttcbtrm ammooimliott tlta jmjtual convention of lke ifallon laaobkra aaaoclatiou uial in iba ubbath hsbool room of iba mtbodut cburab oakvllla ou llturaday and prluy i hm wbolowo daya wora pul in dltoi intf varloua pluaaa and tbaorlaa pailalolog to that bii ktandard of mora and mantal atuiutnaut aoubt aftar lu tba preawnt public acliool aytum of qatarlo tba uaobira freoly ibtarobaogd idaaa aod will i ugly offarad any aummtlooa tbat minbl lj bauatlolal lo tblr fallow workara lu thalr ardaoua and nobla dultea tba taacbr odrpa xfitliul a ccd llmaatul want away mora thkn uaad witb oak villa an blgbly dallflbtad witb tb way in wl lob tbay bad baao sutarlalnad by tba iftoil uff lllat waraprotlded for l wbo wubad but tba majority prafarrwl kolnt to iba boul wbara tbay would faal mora at llbarty to enjoy iba balmy napbyia waflad from tbe oool watara of laks ontario w j bbaridau waa alaotad jdanl wblle a llaynlon oooupuevtba potilion of uoratary aod j b loaaoou 1 tj 1 tbat of traaaurar tb oonvantlon oxt yalr in adlou oakwilla wc ard hud ml glovertvui n y tbta montba ao mr villim a btnitb wbo bad ban 111 lor aavaral moutbi aoaompanlad bla tranddaugbur ilr jobu 11 camaron to bar boma at oloverevilla n witb tba bopa tbat tba nbauita would ba bnnanolal tin atood tba lonif journey vary wall but teao aaamad lo liu alrenglb ll frray tha aad a waa raoelved by tb frianda bar tbat dtalb ltd noma to bla rlltf tbaramalua warn broagbt boma by mr carnarou arriving bra by iba j j3 train baturday afternoon tba funeral on bunday at four o oook waaoooduotad by lua ii a macjbkraoti aud j a afolacbun bf a aud waa largely atuudad mr bnijtb waa y3 yiaraof aga u waa bora in county down ireland in ida came lo canada wboa a young ttian and mtuoj lu trafalgar boma twnty ycara ago ba ramovad to naatagawayn aud uu yaara ago he cam to aetou ilia wifa and tlieir two oblldrau mr j a murray aud mr w d bmitb ivabliti mra ww carroll and mr llobart butk war alopdauxburt mr hmltb waa a vary kind haarltd btubauj and fatber and au agrooabla nalgbbor ila a tnimw of knox cbnrcli ha mud bia grauddaoghur mra juo 1 caiuarod ward vary muoll rltaobad wban a motbarlaaa ehlld ba waa oua of bar inoaf bbariibad frleuda in hui old aga aha reciprocated and mlou tared totidarly to all bla waiila ilia following frianda from a diutaucd attended tba funorel mr and ura llobart crnu and mr wsjur carroll of toronto mr ifadry tloblnaon aud gfto itobluaoa of omagli mr and ura llowdan of uutoo and mr vorwet ud mfaa dougbva of ilornby tb pall baarara war uaaar elanry ilobtueon david ilaiidareoil m 1 john matlbawa joaapb luby will uaullrael nj jatoaa u row 11 th itobort xiulo homuatent vuud tba tutareal lii tba propoaal of tba carl coniuiltlca lu obarg of tba elaoond iu union of pupil- of 1wu71 to areola monument lo tba rnamoryof tba lata ltoberl lllli tbelr laaobar of ula kbova dftu u hinting witb vary grallfylug raapouaa tba following oidpuph hava aaut aubaorlpuona aud klud worda to aaeut tba ootituillua and aa liaarly vry day jrlnga fortbar contribution tba hal will uo doubt be eon ildorably augmautad baior tba data of tba gatbariim allofwblob will ba aokooladad jlalraa fmrmerm iiacaraon tpjaoxior tha annual iun r if helton varmha lualitula will lakn plana t m rrnw lo iba mod harm ij hlurr tloaau are coj fur adulle and ja tar clilldren tl a axouraloiiiau will bo given a alrwat oar ticket from l a elalltu id tba tf arm a largo number of fermtre apd lbolr frleuda will 10 from tbia aeollua rrtilrut uantfmtumlti thlm hmou aoloooornat hand it in apleadid form for i ho au miliar a 01 gemonli tba addition of aovoral now and oiparlenood player baa glvt 11 tbia exoaltant organ ualiou muob ilioiihtb aud i bo faliblul robaarrala durli g iba w11 it liioullla tt a number of new an i h ulaf eeltollona glvaa tbeui a iortolia tueri to many patida of ibalr u lliay ms in damaud for gradan arlloa etc turn out vigblaan attonk and invarlally givo aalufaaa thoy bava bad tbrao anlagemanta tha paatwaak father rreony iwtlxrt im wty ul oumuo a large and good humored aaaemblaga an etlraoiue programmoaud delightful weather ware the prima faar ir1ia auocra uf knv kalber kaany a garden party bald ou tl ueadey oycitirtg at mr john 0 connor w leauloi oa 1 oar outtic father faanay and bla oongrrgatlorj md every arrangement poaaible f or tla oomfort and on joy moot of tbalr many guaatak tba genial paetor waa bar tbara tooavary wbora ex landing walooma to be people a large proportlou of wuom ware of olhaf denomination a apundh rrtualoa pro gram cue waa lutaraparaad by bright paaaba from chairman now a toad tmoairw hub outhra jobn audaraon of anbur v w glbluv a molan jameo h day and j 1 dow nay curlob it mid a suceotauj cm idea imtty very anooaaafnl and onjoyab wa ilia garden party bald on tha apaolona lawn at tba reafdanoa uf tba mseer llaardmora under the kuaj ioaa of k11ox church laat monday ova o lug tba weather waa dabgblfu tba kally dcoratrd goui d wera atlractlva and a tar company aaaemblad itav h a maophareom waa inuur of caiamobua and akllfully indeed did ha mauaga the proceeding ample opportunities more affordad for aoolal inter coura and tha programme of tha too log waa vary manlfoaily a prrcialad tlid artlala of tba aveolug wra mlaa jannla bmithin iuatrutnanui number mleaaa met ball and mocloro gav a duat an did alao maaaa a a mann and d m handereon j mr ifeudaraou alao amng a bolo au aildreaa waa dollvoro by lla j a mailable ma lw a liatanad to witb inurtal mr ceorga doulaa piper and tb arthur family ooutibotod lo tba maaloal programtaa aud anion corner hand excelled tbamaelvee with tiumerou axcrllent aalecllona 00 tha blravt and 111 tba ground iho proceed wareo5 00 i imimremil crlokai umich a maich botwaeu tha married and amgla man in town which crraled oonaidorabla interaat and mora amueamaut wal played in tba park on thuraday and tuaaday uluga tha alert and youlhlul baaa ball aud lanroaa playar naturally 000 oludad that tbay had oonilderalla of a anap with i ha rider and mort atald married man who waro to bo tbalr op pftotnl islory would bd aura 16 parch upon ihtlr banuara aud they would acor aoma of ilia in doolared an averag oi at laaat i ruua ai aaob batter 1 ha old took mailer mora ooolly determined to put up ajt good u gatna oi old lima cricket ajt tbalr uupraotioed band aud alitf onodlidlb could manage and aaid uotblng tha raauttehowed that ilia knowladga of tb antenna oi tbia nobla gam mora than outwaighad agaloal tba floelneaof foot ad atlaiuplad heavy battlug oflbt baaa ball beuro- tba marrlad tnauwon tb following baiuil tba aoora uiumienutn t t uoore b wall lh jobu clark a aardur b uurk i ionian luywurl e oirduw li ilurk 1 ualtlitri cuurk b wallaoa flaoraairrud i b w b waila4 1 a h niokllu b gat luar h u day n hukli wallaxa 1 a ilavlll e walliae b qujuar 1 w wllllauia e luruav b lardnar ii ii p uaor not out t itav j u uodjwi o fc ilyjr b xcaluca a lxuaa i toul u ulxatmilkh w stark u iurward 1 v llydar b itayward 0 w 1 liuray b vviiiiaiua a x j uokiuuou b wllluuia 0 j u waluca e william b luvward 0 dr coajblaub lfayward i w qrabu1 b wlllum 3 kj ltjr uotout a a 1 ouraay b will lawn 1 v oarduar b haywird 1 v ueiuloli b wiuuuu a kitraa 3 ouu a aoond inuloga waa played by tha lujflainau for acora of jo run iba lutaraat maojiaataj lu tb jam will no doubt maan fulur gain and aa good tnatarul u lu plenty a drat euu orlokal loam may ba avojved bera coming and going visitor to and from anton an varlouaotharrraortal nota oulumu tnt tba ordar aubecriptlpu wer rwoalvad ui uarab utua qobourg jobnl luaflrlorillu j h uouarvln timoulo lie cb a oook uloomuald n j a u mlckllu aauid llv t llbt uoura lunilllon o auhu tubby forouto it iloor aolou ur haiti i uoar afllou laoia vamu llduaywood jurli w hill uouroa uuti uu uarytj quyu qall ltlajaularady kltbtbrouk furoulo urn uatul wallas ml fbooiaa 1lw tliolull t ut uk jewel iii ittutall uoulrul joliu doulm turunlo joliu huuiblaou 11 i lu a hau lenaumaidahlp w 11 kuuy aslou un luiliftltlirowj ptia u lull a luhlou aquui uuatd k cook aolou win u irani vort vrantla on l jamau wild ulovaravlll n y ui kaullulyui auunauablua ur kriiou hwmkl aminar urlu ula khn kllluikaur luhu- ollvrd auuiaoii woojlok ul utlaabauluiaaob ilrauumd lb luot ooultulltm fowl ao ooutldtnl that ultimata auaoae will b rwaohad that uiay lait wak liutructad i ha monumeul couimltua lo go on aud oidar lb moui man i auaouud lb urdar lia ban pi aud with 3 if itmilum tb wllki graiilu dealer lurlpli wbo baa aroud tb inurity of lb bt mouutiiaiita lu ialrview oatn alary aud ha heur tb corumltta that it will raoelva tb vry beet warkaaajtabip bl aaoallaut wvrk bj abla toakaouu lu uevly ovary oata tha ol i 1 uplu named above have aignlued tialr inlet tion of being prvaaiit at tha roruulou local bniiipltrro lblali lb loiifceas day of 1jo0 our aoldlar baya will b boma from camp niagara on baturday blrawbarriaa tlav boau vary puutlful aatarrtjninnnnnowtrr add eight erau on oilurday kuoloaad bud 11 00 for anolha va tlboorlptuul to you utuob appaw- uud papar drydan ont mr auau bmllb bruugbt to lb vumm vkkm on monday aatnple of barly auwu ou th iclb april which ia now wall baadod and meeaur sit lueba iu length th uratuptoti conirxnttr oompli luvnta mu hloklln aud kit a walko- foa- lb pari tbay took at lb garden party at ur liidlaw a at korval lajflbbrajay availing rualawu aoclil at lb houia of mr bborlill llailliiam laat kruy avaniug uudr kuapl of lb iraabyuruu cburoii waa vry auooeaaful aolou jjinmt hand won ol leu opiuioua by thalr aalaotloui lb ihkx luhw i iudablad to ura tim baoord far a bouiual of very am roe mra llaoor 1 a roa iirdan luoludaa aqu varlbly of roa wblob jual now ar abowluat wealth af bloom aud wbub all paaaeraby aujoy qloitatitown to cu1iu a cold in onu uav jull lu- lalleta ula uaouar ii it fella ui ui a algaaiula la on eal lux lhcorguwioruairolub will ba a gardnrl party at tba lark on monday van lug jilb luak ltia utta f i takluij a holiday ll i wejk and w ar tnlnu tb imual looal baw ol ihxoluinuu uv mr vaay atuudad tba byuod meeting at ualiultou i bl wk ihajrtchotl oblldrau oonoerl will u hrld n uiual un monday july joj a good many from bare will uk lu tb farmora i xuuralon i uul b lo initiru ibanrukatclub i riling into viwtuul abai fur gootl lively uialuba oil uimxlwiluaand tba boy uf ibe julli will ba boma uu baturday tru kaa raa loalkaa ajl ila raaitar to eon tfllui to uiuoaluuin jt you or yur frianda km away on a holiday lip or if yon liava kauuda vuiuoaj yml dfdp a oard to the rana 1 aaaa mr joodalof frin apeol hnnday in mlaa italia fltopbaaaoo la viaitlng fiianda a itlpley ura j k lorry vialud frianda in oualpb laat weak mr ieonbr 1 cerapbrll i ouia from jloverevilla v mr moeea bmilb la lying very til al bla boma at uoly vardao mr j l lobban jratorsad hut weak taam a vlall to frianda at afmn mua harab bob rum lo aparrdiruj a oonpla of wwvka witb frianda intorontri mr and mr t a mort 00 ot milton alallod aotoo frianda on to a ad ay mr t ii cunningham of oraanoak waa a guaai at moorooroft laat weak mr w i mcdonald of krlu apeol bunday at the boma mr ll wajjao mlaa maggi warrao of hamilton ba vialud frianda in town tb paat weak mr moore of hampton waa in own thla week vialllcg bia alaur mr wnt wilhama mr dobu casteron of g lovaravllie n y apent a few daya during ih weak in bla old bom ula may moora leil laat weak to kpond a few wka wllli rabvtlva la toronto fend york county 1uv j k ooddan m a la attending tho annual meeting of i h by nod at ham i too tbl weak at bod mra thorn mcmaokon lamv tbl weak to vlalt tbalr aon at hlgbgla and ludgatown mia clara ooodav lait on 3oaday for- manitoba wbara eh- will epand a eoopla of month mie laooa holm left yrelerday for milwauka tp apeud a 000 pi of month with frland ibarai mr john olaeay and mia oartl ot oaorgalown vialud al th boma of mr alfrvj bopar laet weak mia mcuaair of qulpb vuilad at th horn of bar alalar mr j d mcka a oonpla of daya ihle weak mr and ura n v moor auaudad tb wajdiog of ura- moor buo mio brb uatbaaon fcrin on tuaaday ur jam abraham baj rwtnrnad front clo vara villa and raanmad hb old plan with tb aoton tanning company mr john mllbauaao wa in vraeton aavaral day dahn tb weak relieving tb agent of th o t 1l tbar uu maggi bmltb rinrnd from uallavul to acton laat wdndy mil will remain at boma for vmoatloa ur alfred liopaf left on tooeday for banltbt maria lo apand ft month vlahjing bar brother and otbat frund thai mr john a hendareow and mua dorland left laat weak for- oraiid itapld miob wbar their father 1 lying very 111 mrh i halau and uu ibwiu uft yeeterday afternoon to join bar bnaband al thalr nw homo al t2i mabel bl london mia barab laird left on uonday tor datu croak miob to uk ft oonrea of irmloiag um hore ltl on of ab boapliai tharw mr and mr a j oetttlm uft on baturday on a two week vlall witb frunda at ljrllu oodruh and othor- potuta jaunea bmitb ioidallau g c hmltb bay rot u road front a trip to luther tbay vllud fruud n tlbrt uon leoallo and monck ur u i moor want to ablngooo ihl tnorulng lo deliver fto gddree befor lb bouth wen i worth hnndavy bobool couvn von lion uiu aveolug ur chajru drouy ol tb uarohanu hank llora a riuvin mr a j uetaua lelur of tb uerchafita hank bar dorlug tb utter vaoatlod ur donald cameron of owed bound ur alfred bmllh ol ooalpb and mr and mm a- c bmllh of detroit a vlalt lug at valrvuw llao ul 1 cbapmau upayald and ur t t moor of aolorj war appoinud del gru to tba ontario hdncational aaaocl tlon by tb couuly teaobexa aaaocutlon laktweelf mr w ii storey and ur jttn viratbrook auaacuj tb weddiuglng of mia demerady virtbooi wright at lb fatally reeldeno owynn av irkdau on wedneaday of uei weak iuv dt coaruod of tb ckruuth otutrjtam uft yaeurday for vlwo mouth vuikttfuajuax ui u1 uk obug of lb iryiwuand luv ur uond editor of tha wttitm will auuua dr couhloea work lu toronto iuv dr olffonfba uau auuonaj al on arlo btrvel oburob clinton front wbiob obarg tha liu iuv joaepb 1- dg cauii to aeloo nine yeaut ago dr olfford waleol4 puaoial beoroury of 44 the mill xinnot grinf wm witter thats past this is vhat a fagged out tearful little ivoman said in telling her cares and weak nesses her friend encouraged by telling of a relative who had just such troubles andtuas cured by hoods sarsaparilu tim hlun woman now lm trnra of toy tor hn took hood fl which lut bur blood in prime onlnr nnu abb mm rn tlin atrongtli of ujn prraonl inauad of worry inglxiut that of thn aat humor- wlwii 1 imi a t i1 i urlurr i aho itoode karaaparllla it rum li y humor and it la txllliil aa a lurvr l ulc joara auto htaflord hprti g i unu eryapeta 6ocobamr cmfa fovar running aorv waa irlt on my nose tot at ittxml a haraajwrllla anl it ruml in- my tinrfrwr wa alao re i if red by it of rryaliieu hi bl faon km ot aara durlcu n 1 b rill llr ilia lkon4r1ullna aa wmlf rj bhu- 1 witttttooj rtarvapalliaj alteration sale vvc will continue our alteration sale tor two week j longer special baigams in our china palace the noted te 5t0re and china pauge j a mccrea gujslph luaataiuary ii anooeeded iuv 11 oumaut wbo waa alao u former aalon v jtfr ludpalb it toroolo uta jaub ll lameroa atjd uu jewel ilatvay anton leav for th north waal on vti day mr camarod goato vuil bar boo attbur l catjtarou of oauary and augu n oameioii oi crookatou uluuaaou ura ludpalb wjll keald in future al uedlcln hat ula jewel uarvey c- for ftprolomced vlalt lo boa- uuolat iuduu uewal w t wall paper extraordinary j d mcklil tha druggut acton will mak a bjwclal hau of all our waluuper juu kib nth and mb at 10 dlacquut think it ovsr 1 crias l nelles the bl wallpapor dealer cuolph ii pays lo uuy al liollerh it 1ayi lo huy al liollerh new wash goods a i i a fyatrnikn yniii j iiiki a of b an i frnali i u a rrj inw iii u tlm iu w wu i marvel ullmhuly i raclali 1 u woavln an 1 inumi b 1 uu in iho li1 tlti wo vn got ui many an 1 wo am anhlii ao ninny wn 411 i 1i1j11w of uuib nlui hero and tbrtn wn plli upbo strangnra 10 lvo y 11 a liiiiijwt f what tl tylra ara uko on saltimby wa jwnnd a tut ulm nt bnaullf l u rku i arl h muslins jual id ban i from uw vnrk 1 lmy u tw mark of lliclr uuvndy nil bv tbrj color am n iliidy i ba now u ynl an i iiibnc khailr of i lim am iuulii in n thn block is naaonluily rouiiutto in rvcry paillr ihr pdena ar rlbt pilcrns 1 handaornc tba rjualillea run frum jjl down li toe r y i fur novclije onm low a yc thai i r mualln tlirn uno mo wbltnai fancy 1 i juev wljlloi i ancy c ingham cambrics ami i rlnu gal jitl aim si any prft y u aatanl i uncy t i ancy i hn moat royal acllltu u plotncut ibd 1 pleasure conic wl c you will tx an i ll u 1 illf ill it 1ays to lliiyat bollcrtm i ekbollertcfego 25 and 27 wyiidliain st flujjlljt june wedding cxlii x oale isroisr on all china goods at greatly reduced prices all silverware at 30 per cent discount lor cash only no goods booked at these pricei sairage co jewellers guelph l 4 e- t swell snappy and handsome t t spring styloo x x in cravat croations x lliat will atlract bo attention of th stylish dresser v are rtctswinn rlgbt alod now u well a all ki li of furnlihlngi for inn a wear at price tbat 4 will please you ai well oa your pocktl hooka sci our nlw spring hats x r 4 syvllu stycls in stuaw hats lat1st iv colokld shirts x 4- r e nelson cufelph merchant tailor and mone furnlshor x 14 have you 7 seen our white spot lawn check and colored muslins or sunfmcr blouses if not you should before you buy mu walljr will bs in allondiiiico 1 ie lora until my iliuftltlcr rcluroi front utt trip id manitoba c f goodeve co mill st kcton mvzi ht gurlsiev gos belts and buckles new novelties in ladies pulley and collar belts and buckles swiss muslins new range of swiss muslins in large and fine spot mtess goods new line in black and fancy dres goods caiuefs and cufttains large stock of wool carpets and lace curtain at lowest pncei table linen km towellnqs extra value in table linen and towellings gcurmey co i mill st acton new method for keeping out dirtl some months ago we advertised that we had invented i method for keeping outllicdirtwluchgctsjilp stu win watches around the stem call with vour watch and well show jio where the dust gets in and there 11 no successful method to prevent it all ctsc makers set in to he equally careless and intil now that our new method h blen tried and fully proved a success no c lse could be c illcd dust proof w are using this new invention on nllour n v watches and will put it in all watches bought from us with out charge no matter how long ago the first time they are left to be cleaned although ome of the older makes of cases do not admit of the improvement ths jbuslbr cublph neisr system store w7trt h w15lls desiu1 s lo call tb attention of iho peoplo of acton and tha firmini coiuiniiiiity to thn fact that ho ha opened a ccnerat grocnryand irovuiou uusinoas in iho brick klora oppodla afiiiqw a i lotnl main slrcfll acton which ho nropom j cou ducting on a now ayalcni calculated 10 tere bu cunloiiicr aatli fjclorlly olid willi prkcv which ar aum to atlroci an endless line of canned goods fanoy and staplo crocorlos as well as hlprh and reanonablo fjbjbed table delloaolos fruita and g smoked moats will always bo found in stock cash paid for eggs littra value in tea toffofl and llaklng 1 1 b eichfljitod for aluablo and useful aiticlco a call rpeclfully invited uticr kilh which i am j ivlii coupons inzjuc h wi6lls i by the right people is without a rival as xidurable clean and beautiful floor covering ours is made by a worldrenowned firm of iircaldy scotland who arepioncers in the business and we regularly import a splendid range of the best patterns turned out by them we are now showing better values and prettier patterns than ever widtiicup4oiafeet present prices are favorable to you d b macdonald bro th liqm gu6lph we have as usual tiil best stock of boots shoes in town wa hivo no room for clip luh aud no tkalra lo deal in it wo giuraul llut oyry ulr o hoof ui i hi outjil rjl ktfl u unoy 1 valup lu ll utid la woilli ill lit kind of alwio that imprj what du w live fur if it i not lo mk ik in illnjiiuu to aacb olbart urorg kiui j no anau ualt h ptuvldaut of hi tljiif wbo u not prudent lu iba nbulu f hi uumpanf jar amy lylur aoaarilal uaiuiilfur uurlua oramp diarrhoea dyaeouwy i by ualug laln killer ibleluadlolna ba lauih i lb blabeat lapuutluil fov uvar eiaty yui a vol i aubatitutr tbarabut ou 1 eiu uilur irry dvu varjrcut of lb prlc woauk tlon and aland by you like a brother wo giuraulat llut 1 id la worth 1 hu lllllkl ia ui iut un i cud l0 i w mukojhd pilco aa low u boneal hftlcl jdorv monoy a loal in iba wear of chmuixxla ibait tl bcf utl 111 ibu 1 uylt lit uallly of good reprbnt tbu iiiunoy valun uuy it jwior urlicl cheiit an i you 1 un your dollar lit loat ilollar mo lb uiir you pay forgoodu ibal o mil clieip li nil twiap do not take aiw rjua itill iuk your purvtuml ui kl ntjl t huo wlic ar aaakire 1 of katllng iitnut ktxuuut fair price a cdiii inall in ibul u n gold ai 10uni al las1 whites of eggs and glycerine tho finest bhoo droaslnnffor ladlos ritio bhoorj ro 111 had at ocr moku lloota mad to tndrjr und replriig lumpily mini k 1 li y txiiiii d ilui u wd are vtlwayu willing i i how g tod and t 1 1 u tliaklnrf you by yonr lllelpihi nam f rumu iaia au w biiiln cuml in of aame wa ioiiiuiii yon it ituly kenny bros main street acton

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