Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1900, p. 2

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y uauuikli uu luaam iti huutodu cburab tkiill uitiaalar llml j una l kt jol n j no 11 lljere lo aguaa larurdsoabtar il m late joint voretar end later of i rilot af f uf oafclll btii l ffilj rjulpn 3frbprtac iiiiiiuiday junk j7il iwlo 7toi1al notes iho ooqnly council firanlad 300 on louiy lo i he iolh florae iliflee to pay fir illllibnlallli atjuipmaut of ibe mee teal umii for the men at nleajeva urop 1hej meniurioi hftconneil ware nneoi inoua in lha opinion that th uoternroent should pay th mii batter end aleo provida properly o iivajy jpiort bet alee lb tvernniant uk ail wbloh have preceded i hail fallen to dp it- doty lha coon oil ooumnted lo do t for i bam al uui far a ilia mrm unt oonovrned cjutm col lyrwhill m i tot booth hi moo tiled auddenlyoo belurdey morning leal ml il home- at bradford ifu had bean a member of the house 6f common alnce titij ha was promlnrot la military rdroloe for many year end served la th 1onleu held and the norlheeei lubeliou louohltik reference to hi dralh ware made by lha hon 1m k loetr and hir wilfred iurisr on monday tha oolonil wi burled with military bocore no s cotnpeliy of tha mlb lujrimenl with a number of repreeentallveaoflh other ooinienie of i ho regtroant forcalntf tba jlnnri petty col tyrwhlll waa for tha pest four year the desk mala in iba ilonee of corumon of oof mimuf for ii site n vl tfoderaoo u 1 lha municipal council u taking tha piopaf couraa what it oonahlera aerlourly lha pulling ijomu of bernteneal pavement on lha local iroprovaraaot plsu lly tbla hi all i oj entire atresia are laid ia oo eeesoti and tha ooei la largvly borne by tba proparllee which profit from tba improve men our plea of laying a fa booke by way of axpsrlmant wa quit tba reeeoa alia course to takeel tba oataat tba anooeaa of tba permanent pavement baa been proven an anarad fact by t uxpartmanu tba local ooaditloxul ooolri buuf to- tha aoorio4tbf flntelnttniw tnout at a reasonable fijfore aod tbla 1 tba elia of pavamanu which aboold ba pat ilowa lu fulura wbaravar aidawalka ara to bo ranawad in fotnra oparatlooa bow avor lba work ahould ba put down uqdar a local lm pro reman by law which u tba only mathod for any th log uaa axtaoalva work lly tbla pua tha pay man t la x- toujoj over a period of twenty yra and tha coat lo tba corpora uoo u tnacb uaa than by any other method in ofaa itftmanent pavements local j m pro vet mem t pmn lhylntf them dlntf con- aldarwd by thai counolt w u t 00 3 si 91 coo ooi 1 rat monday avaaiajf la ragalar waalou alamban praaaut j w 1aaraori lue jno clatka johrt wihfame and john a llanderaon tha eleven tbyaport of tba commulaa on finance wag praaanud and raoommandad payment uf aooounta am follow catiatla tivwar 1 im company aawat pjla- iww ii 1 kioora iwlouii voura iul l ww jjianjytiauliianrl uamlnr mm laorga uavtll aapjrlla u u btawajt lumbar k klnssbury taatnlii john artnura work aa ttravu v uao wordaxi do w campbajl do j 0 uatthava auppllmoulrtou day hart and rlddall utloauy tua hun oil uaolad 00 oil 1 a 1 aottahackar koataj poluh iiutaoy k co snppuaa ivatorla day 0 w h uloraahoa ply-ajborf- u arr moved by joltta ifendereon aaooadad ty j william- that tba report bf lha vinanea com ml i ua read u adopted carrlaj uhe troaaurai- ol lba vn ijuary hoard praeanlad a rulalllil for tba auta of io x for prraaot tltoda of tba hoard moved by jubu clarkaaaooodad by jno x llandareoo thai tha application of tba vt library hoard for tba inn of 2j 60 ba jratiud am a ohajoa tor that amoodt ba iaauad iomr u v moor uacraury treaaurer carrlaj lba quaatlorj bf penuanattt pavenlanta wau under dlaouaalotl movaj lyjohna uandaraon aeoaoded by johu clarke thaitha municipal eollollor ba rrueald to iuform tba council aa to tha twwera uf tba rnnntelpallly lo tha uialur bf lha ooamuuollori bf pertuiutaul p4omuta on tba local improvement plau cttfrud tha couuoll than adjaurhad thewar in xfrica and china small parties or uoara maraao tha urltlsh foroaa by ouarllla hotter news vnom china lokihtm jaoa t7 ijord iltaria columns araateadily oonlranllnk lha circle of ibair advance transvaal ofheiu wlio waralnlervlrwdytalerdayat alaohadodorp by attotraapondaul of i he jmtutf aj- rru a hiltj an lulanllon t bold ool lo lb 11 lrealdafll kppr jwlll probably ritlre u wauival or nelaprull ilia phyalrlao tblnka hla ooudllion or healih will hot a tcw him to o lo uo hlghldt tjiobudaet of official and preaa nawa reoalvad talrtiay waa am ii and con eleled mainly of helalad acooubu of th pravloue weeka ball i eeat of ireloti and uaneraljjadvn iowall a aoooaaa in paol tfiaji tha waaterrpillairlot where ocm- mandabtvuvn and bo00 riflea have been taken tha llrillab campaign i dierallof into polloa work wltb an oooaalonal daali of ftuerllle warfare on hie part o lba doer who ara unahla to ooovlnoa tharn aelvaa tbi i bey r beaun that i after all a dttiab jall tha canadian ara doicjj ptandldiit- poet work 1 re tor la trlagrama eay that aoppllaw of arm clolbinx ara reaohmtt iord lloberla infantry who bad been ragged and had l offered from tba oold loanom jnnal7 tha report of lha relief of tian tain ia officially oooqrjncd tba raliavlns foro aocfared only alight loeeca anatainad by the fore which waa baeiaaad at tlan telo or toe aliased maaaaor of ilvlllan f oral goer thar a foroa baa left tlan tela a raecaa tha oolnmn undat admiral bay moo f report ad baalaaad near tba city it ie alatad the tba member of tba fegetiooa and tha foreign refugaae ol jekla ara with admiral say moor a foroa tbla laoka oonflrmatlon all tba powers al roahing reinforoamantl to th aoan of trouble the pirbmbns oardbn pahtv point of i unqualified buodimm in attandanoat and puatu prooaadlnsa of uatj chop outlook ia canadian and united utata northwat wheat balta tba loyalty of iba people of acton to lha ira hrlgada waa amply manifested by lha immenas crowd whicjh aaaamblad at ihd annual garden party at lba park on toe day avanlnjf tha bight waa warm and delightful and aver body waa evidently out for plaaanra tha parade of lb firemen led by chief jlarmy and acton cornibenj h flr4iau to tba park lluatraud tbalralraugtb and tba oomplatenea of their orgaoliatlon tha programme of porta in tba early veulnif waa contaetad wltb donalderabla anthaalaam in tba varioaa avenu and raaolled aa follow open bloyola race j hliarp anil c llolma matched raoa 0 holm and j bharp blow bloyola race c uolmia and h bulbau boy a bloyela raoa gjorga ilynda and h uynda ueooraud bloycu a m hnxuh tad k j moor mana foot tana v girdoar n maaalaa t boya foot raoa 0 ejattoo n llydar tba tod ol war between uama aalaoud from tba riramatt and eluaena waa tba moat axoltlnjf vui ol tba availing tha taama ware wall matcbad but tba flraroeu poaataaed tba graatar elreogtb and palled the oltlaena team over tba roatk in both toga tba tbualoel and literary aclactiona from tba platform oppoelte tba rraod aland were ajao enjoyable cbial uarvey aiiat a faw word of tbanka to tba large galharicg for tbeir ooatineed aopport introdooed jlav j u a maopharaoo who preelded tba aolo by mia ljoa aad maaer lyon of qoalph and th palnotio aong by meeer ii je and w uurk were all enjoyed mia weatbaratona of kvarloo pleaaad tba crowd with r literary eelac- tlioa while the mualoel part waa wall au alalnadby artbara hiring hand and ac loo iraalland tba dbaaclal traluru war vary grail to tba ura man dalltnapad uarriaa pajtiaa ar ilrorl r ui ilia lay tba harden pail 111 it us rtl waa a drcilrd i i llit i good and the crov j i rw i lia re gramme waa abort but oivt a i mm inuic by xctod hand n nvnii rrocaede about ico juile birmber from u lik in be vxcuraiuii lu lha modal farm ut inlay and rrport a gml llmr alibouli lltn raiu can r down in uxranla ur ilnr and mr- anuum and ehltdfn ulilj ihrlr pi mr and mr a acken uf thlahe the vfluntaara i ava rturnd home look lug julie brown hut rlluh in lb core the tadua f lha mllodlit huroh inland holding a jarden party on lha ground uf mr- x ki a oil krj lay june jith th hacraroant ol th i ord a t upper waaadmlnlaiarin in the l raabylarlan chifreh her on hantqf rv isr muna aa eaauled by mr ifecior moloan mlaa jlux l nr lulowatl a vlaltlnrf frlaoda in ihle uolgh bor hood meaier laarold uoiio of reorgatown returned home after apenjlng two week with mu k thorn paon mr uarrywau4riiuhoneonavllt id like lo marry a let what for vbella r if wouun t iwal uow do you know v lawyera never argue t eight iatlya ill la are email bo tone la a do ati i an lixikatvitirvafc rit ing wlih pilhnul a f i anil ee if ik la dlaaaaa karl clov floa lba faoa aliit co perfaot baallh all hi tflecllli r hoot lea uaull upuilop and aaaurea irngglala lie and wo money refunded if tea oil factory boltl by a 1 urowr ar not il doe net mailer whether you pratcli in veatmltttur abbey or leaoh a rajrged claasaoyou ar faithful th fallhfulnaaa i all oaorga maciloualj rry hardluderl thar ara ao vary many lliiugj thai appear uniiaoavaary and which for lb life of ua wa can ae neither purpo bor and ii may ba com are juat ona of llioe thorna in lha flesh tha why an i lha whara foreof which wa cannot aer nvverthruaa they ara of lha kind that are taaily jamnved iqtnarnaivinlcrtooratxl tractor make abort work of their try it and a how nlorly it ooaxaa ihani out uae bona oilier thai txtracdyr hold by drugglite ibkrr corn our ideal ara framed uot according to tba measure of our performance but ao oordlntf to lha uieaanra bf our tboughta a j ttelfotir ila ao plaaaant to take that rilldru ciy for it bat it death to worm of all kind df iow worn byrup pile 3io all dealer mr mannerly to her deugwur who ba jual relured frou taa with friaodij i bop you aald no ho thank you oflanar ihau you did ya hunk you s mabel v i did i batlnt beauaallng moreu half an hour before lhy hgai saying bout yotl think you v ealan anoogb areutyou afraid you ii make yoaraelf hit and i bald no thauk you avary urn areally sick man suffbwed teluhtilu aoony pufeto liver thoudle madlolne apparently had no ef fect until ktttte solicitation of m friend he used or ullllema pink pill and wa cured lakei short roads al1e awawautl light load qiieae woou for everything that lunitiit h la sold evorywharo afaalebjr impftilaf oil co j dont qubsb at rsutt this man 1 now v limvludl it mirh tllll follrtw itlf timi ii iii or it inrrlta fvfc iwrwn-n- im lint he did and i nd rwni ii u n i a hmo rh tit inif x am jliri iex hnfinnit t fru ll vl ts aa inautiulliirm i l fr ixarlilraw mil ktkolll co touukd vus vt harris co eockwood onlarti ltiirfythreflf years o square business 8 istere out after guisfeol clip in providing office equipment to facilitate your oum- ncss have you secured a long dtstancetblephone 1 he charges are mod erate i he local man ager of the bull tele phone company will he pleased to quote jou rates buying wool for thirty odd jcir uc have a pretty clear idea of quality and valirt and the experience of tin sc eir jiuoiil wool fjrowern in this district is th it n tjiry ctotr vjiluc fojrthrirprqduct tha lierc riu te t ottmu is with us we e lrinot a more than market price you wouui not expect it hut vt do pty th 1j st prevailing prices up to the utmost fraction c ish is perhaps a consideration arid we pay in cash tip to onclnlf tin amount ol our wool ana the other half in goods of our own minxifjci 1 lurf and from our own store everything at rt abonahle prices our iivii i aln of lllankna unnnla l ucri and auiliinahle hnmtpnn a uprflal purrlu ia ihle woq a traiu lu lalie and children vetli ll k hilled j l inter wear lownllaandlowelhug cuaa clolh u llarnla anl i rlnla lciilrn nrnl hiitintf col lotiailnt bnd apron gingham boo a tmw aaurhncn of whlln odll lluii many will lo kui 1c 1 hlapln ll iirin atirriiriniirnts k i i ui 1 1 lion 41hi i ir u lu i l itrmirr ut- iiirituia ifaxnir aiuinv iniki oinea 1 llal ntir- vf lil 111 xhua ollloa ii ui 1 1 1 i 1 i i u a i j i h hkrvanl wantki one rule prevails in buying wool full weight always and tion alw iys fair inspec- harris st co li7vcited rockwood silzeollen jutllls rockiaiood ont l li 1 ii iii tfladers bank df canada capital paid up5loooooo assets ovor s3 000000 cuelph branch wtir boou 10 vottornci savings bonk department hiailkh cuiull st iiati oyintlttknt paid oil auuia tuimll at al and ui wards iulral alluw1 ruot data bf uiwalt b ilala of wlullrawaj and paid or caiilloub j liajf a 1 ratio niada to rapoutll la urinal uulr own naiiie at ui lowimtt current ral hufbhanratnaae tor bot lading ulaj 6uair imvabla- in ttualph a gauaial bauklug bualuaa trauaaeud a v it jomtn jjnukiler w o y u conv officer or the helton end wen worth countlea union wiumivkii juti 33 tha n 1 11 crop report laaued thi uornliiehownoulliiud drought hi outlook i poor and a cow put failure for the crop i pecletl in aonl quarter utiles liter 1 abuudsul rlb cuiditp j on i3 the tim vrruij today puullahfrd a crop report prepared by bdow tha crop aprt who ba jut oool l plated a two weaka trip tbrotigb he hlata of mlimeaou mortli and boulb dakota lie dacured th altualiod national oalatnlty and ojajun tha wheat fallur ih worl avr kuowu ii ut mau lh bakota a proutlalog only aq 000 1100 bua aa and mliiiteeot ir 000 0oo hutliala a tola of 7 uoo 000 buhw agalual joooooooo fuahala kit y ud jji 000 000 huliala lu ihtw at lba coo vent ion of tha w c t u of tb wuntla of went war th and ilalloti held at milton tha following ottioer war alec tad mr t ii irall ilaiulltoo prealdbut aoelamailod mr inmau milloil for county of hal looyorat vlcapraaldeill mr j v bmilli for wautwortbaaooud vice president mia laabel borrow roordluil aeoralary acclamation mr i j moor haoiiltou oarreapoud lug aeoretary mr wolfklll uatuiium trorer buperlnuddenu of depart idaaulier mra atklueon ubujiiloii avangallallo mr j u binllh hamilton babhalh ob eervanoa mr j 0 hal if tall lou i world mr ifarrlaloti hamilton muu llfjd lampuanaa uravhalbud qaialltou laglalatiou 4 nd petlllou mr ororg law marrthlo luan ar yuu warrud lu llta old time belief that oouaumpliou 1j insurable if ao you r wedded to tiilaukaii uolluu hhlloh codli and consumption our ha overcome many a aarluu oaa klld it uavet falla whd laku iu th early aug ou botlla will pro hinrata yuu than a whole noluiuu of argil men try ii slvry botu guarauuej sir cm oo cu and 1 00 tuld by a 1 hrouu to thobb auout to maflhv youiiii mu ar old man who i u laud to luarry will be pjeaeed to learn that the new maarlaat aeii tuadeijnita almple by applying lll 1 moore laauaurui roartlage liouaaa al th fas isjjum alo oall a fow day before lbe oaramooy artd have th matter vlplaiaad sruate offloe all hualnaaa elrlotly lrivfia attd oonfldaetia at realdeuoit lu evunluga hamlllou reform aud aoolal rmrlty mr uuller ilamlllon franoua mr nlool hamlllou anil uaroollo mrv tuanhull llamlltouteyalamatlif giving mr ir itobartaod milton paltora maellng mr mouiiuhauiiltoei aoldlar mr how mail hamlllou lurabsroieu jufr n u iltb woman journal ura bhew- tlamlltou ereolt mr gaga hamlllou heredity aud hygiene mr maeelwooj uamiudu jouug beoplaa work urt ii lrll llaiullton ourfew bell mr iiollinrakamlllotti rlowr mu alon miaah llmltb railway mucool african daparliunl mr j unilth vuit land won th ueilaraiiuy qua mr albert hahar aco0uuuulatryu a cigar factory uranby ju a known lo almost avary residaiit of th towu and la bald la the blgheat m until by all who know him in conversation wlih lb editor of tba iall raoaully aom thing wa ald oonoarulntf or wiltiama 1luk illla whan mr fiahar remarked that h had found these pill a very valuahl ntsdlolu it waj buggaaled that ha ahould make hla jtperieuoe known aud to tbla lie readily oouaeuled h4uditl to th jjatt tlia follow lutf latter for publiculod grauby march ictli 1uo0 lu juciloa lo dr willlama pink illli i lliiuk it biy duty in view of what thay hava don for ma to add my taellnioum io th many whloh i hava lean in prlut lor soma moulha i a u farad moal avarly from paiu up and down m hack il waa thought ihaa war dua lo liver and kl luay j trouhl but whatavar lha oiuu ihay krj l i m in larribla joiiy tha paina un no confined lo lha back but would ah if to i other pari of tha body aa a rut i could get litlla rosl my appatita waa much impaired aud i waa raally a alok mau i triad ruaoy diffarant ramidia without affedt and which dluimloj ma with tiiadlolti a frland sugasted that i try willlaoia viuk iilh i waa uot easily pru for i had flvtjiip tlm sprlnir and summor woaknoss aa apriue adi jtic a mcalne and debit ily iccnis lo ml 10 on lha slronj ntul lllcj nllko thd circulalion ia biulieii 011 ac count of tha exhmiitrul neric forces and the blood is poor in quality and deficient in tldjua building cldmnnta as a reiull there la aoitcfil runtiliii down of the system ilia atoimth is dliortlcrcd add ih apcut iioor iho llvar kidnoys and bouela oeconxt iinctuo nnd there ii a iiuzk of energy and amlilhoii which reiitlcm work o any llnd u burden it iatiol atrongdniaor purgalives with ihlrdaprcsiliig action that istrjlulrwl hut a footl 10 nourlali llin ncne ccnlrs jnd enrich the blood cntcwbonb gohnuro our boya ralurued home from oaiiij at niagara 00 flalurdey hayond being edina what darkauad thay look uooe tba war fur tbnlr two wwke outing rhmmur of no j company war gun a royal reoplloti ou thalr arrival lu aclou by tha loyal oltlaeu of that plm mis rjaai i ilia daugbu ol mr wu huut uujaf went au aiuratloa for au pandloiiu laat week mn 1 bow elowly recivilug mr and mr john 0upr apaut a law day laat wrrk wlrh frisnd lit huilluglon mia hlla and mr will yorba atwtil uuuday wlih friend in hallluafil mr win col m an uft oh luady for llurfh mr jaa luniahwaiid lull 1u vida ar idling- frland in lowvlll mr and mr h u wanhuiliigli vlellad frlsuda al iluburg laat week a uutnber frunl bar attended tin 1- raoioeat buodey kobool couveiitloo al lipeedalda last weduetdy uf madlclua aa nolhlug had htlpad u but a he itjiutl i dually 000 eluded to give tham a trial i purohaasd on box id wa aatonlahad to rind thai before ii wa antlrnly uaed i was rjull a bit r i laved utid afiar uiui alx uiora waa fully r stored to my furoiar goodjiaalth i taka great plaaaur in racommandlng thi valu ahl remedy thai olhar may proill by my anpatuno and 110i auffar lha lortur that i did your aluoartly auuht vlallllu or willlatnuimk ijii oera by going to ih root of alio ditaaac ihayiuew aud build up ihs blood and alreugthau th j hw thu ilrlvtng dleirom th aytuin if your dalr tlnaa not kp tham lltay wilt lij mini jjjaljuul to cauta a hoi or tlx boiw for ij0 jy addraaaiutl tha ur willlatna madiclua co llrookvllla out sbed corn yjfowid lumtoyoii xdsidiujr iaumufe cuban yjjo- clouitm jcawy yuaw wuomixitt kuriumi whit juat thoruxhbutt waire jvur imrvf xuaxrwjriiw aaii worth lmkats cvonljiiuuie xfjy xto our seed com ik nrd litm uanipl an wo hava alllbur loni ichim lur cuatomeri ran ar fi af oir atom uowlm in imikel call and il alao hwmlc mttiifnl an 1 kjrwi iceila james hewer beodsttian 4t mncdonoll it cuolph nit wards blodd and nerve pills contain lha principles that ro to the illdlng up of ilia body ill rough lha niedlu m of tlitt lilood and nerve because thay supply iho prop rt ins that are n to tone gp iha ystm 50 lunts 1 lb hox all 1 t on bau vvn t uu 1 a co touonto ont chlldrert cry for castoriat for a short time only golden crown 10c tiger rran1 lie length jnd strength guaran teed mccoxmick binder agency twine geo j thorp direct sood impcrtoi mkt squaro guolph latcuted hoio tail ir roin tlld tlxlu ihioi i llltol d in 111 ltlt orpoutw oli wiiti m ui hni ta koa u hdluatkbl luaiif liora imi la arralial an thai ilia i bra eallliut cat ita tall tift tlia uaa call ba elialiial tu auy rk lu llva tuluutaa a aul c lor tluala tla doubla prices luln tjh ajulfajfeiaaxjod oldat by bull will taoalva t foulfl uutiou 2o0o aqents wanted james mqiihows ipatontoo aoton out what it represents bedroom suites sideboards for tlifo days thursday friday and saturday at upper sitfyrsorsimtur st ouslph a very special snap as follpws sl rilirch u it still 1 m goldcu oau ii i od value l sn 50 whll bo fuiulicd majiclgaiiy ii3jj lops so x 34 ikhcioj nd f 1 im goldcu oau nnuh aliippeil lierc lit intttaka wlih aiirlnff and 1 my last willeellal lifjjo rrora lira a tttfr six f onlj suiaboarda 1 drawer 3 swell golden oak fitibdi wldi enlenuoo tuu and sin oj chatra to match utguur value j17 50 while tliey eat at io 73 spmiat call and aco piopci lo sale am illllk it fnia s i viiujb 1 at uraaisnn tan i 1 ly 10 wll hi ui till i t i x 0ikl8 wantki taiaiunntnirv eium atvira iii t av nuulllee akhd wscae nle- torn loin aaldaiy lie rrfo arg ajipiv at one vi aii idqmiihl waal tor i i tkndkkk wanlkd rpfsduuh aie vaztftr rtmnj ii 10 l roof la on 1 uoa kooii aa u i 1all t larni oouli i i jnta lurvy art f lrtlrulaiaiall al raalui ei f ur lulr ui t lulljblia l notice to iaitlnts and childiiibn vlsitino fainvigw ce rfltr amaurv la lally un vllu i if x mohiimii i h imrn unirc 1 t i thir parsau t 1 ia t lbs ri uy aiulsuooa allil i aa ihum in tonallalil aannranaa an 1 aotiia lamac iliroufb tualu conduct llule u- ii a cainalary reuuu na leads cliillrao will uol tw ajimlttaj to lba bsinalarr unlaaa aitronipautwl bv tlialr reranl or t v brmnl bavlnd utaoi iuiajlr in clitf till rula will in ui- lutura b hdrcd j j tillmrrt found ii tu violation di ara likely la gt into troubl h i ailalfatf i junatbtli ijoo rlak notice to credltolis in the estate of the late jwiilhim smith noti0i tlurbr fclvsti inrunl li kulutln uatlibalf uv all jitrjna i svltig any ajliit aaalnat u eatla r william hdm ly nr fllaearavllu la ua tf v u ul huu ct near vctk v f aiuala iformarly nf ua esaswlwnulnnw auonl lba unlud hulv lag llamad itae til day t jane twj are retitilrej on or lura 0u itr j jaly neat lu atnl lo wllllun llrown k aoton 1 araoulor of lba asuu ol lie eal1 daosaaed lull pertlculaia at ihalr etalmi mad a atalsineat at ii air ujxtjantm aotl at ui oature al iba aatiurltli if anyl bll by uaoidalr vsrlhad and take hollee tbat attar iliaqoul lay nl july detuteaall aiqqf yilj mikoulilitrihulum nrtnasaldsalauam hk1 il belli until 11 tbaretol avlng rvagard ouly lu el aim of wbuli b aliall ibaa have hvl nailed an 1 ba will ua be liable f r tba aaaata ao tlltril uu1 tcanv twtoii of wboaeflalul ba kball uot bane 1 ul b urrplui licll- w mollnllov for willlsti llrown tlia i kaiiulorf r tliassilaauts iald uda ituli day of juua 1vo0 voters list 11100- 3i110 in all kinds of rocker mid i my clulr up to ilock taking in july j m struthers neisr system store sattirxarellrs dlsiui s to call tha attention of iho poopl of acloti ami i ho farming community to ilia fact thai ho has opened a pciieraj grocery and irovhuoa huaines in lite brick sloro oppoulo afetww a hotel main street acton vhlcb ha propose con ductinj on u now syatnm calculllel to iun itli cuttarqcriiallilictorlly and with price which ara auro to aliract an endless line of can nod coods fancy and staple croceiiool as woll as mlphgrado and reasonable priced table bellcaolea fruits and smoked meats will always bo found in stock cash paid for egs 1 vtra value in tea voifa and uakinc io be ctchan6d for valuable aud uwul artklcu a call respectfully hulled dor with which i am giving coupon a to ilctuv h isjtfeills henderson wluui you til for a photograph you want iho lltenesi to mpiewnt you prnrwly wfnri ynn tu tn vja n iltuia fur hixrr ygiuu ihlala thu raoord of iarry nvia i in killer a aura our fnr dlarrho ilysautary end all bowal ooiujilaiiila avoid auhitilulaa thw la huloua lain killir terry davis jio and zqo uork lo rep re tint ua property our itnpririt is aoeti on none but tlio botst photo ttraphsi nnd for our uka aa well at your we ard hiiro loguo you ild liko lory plintriiraplis aaiikfjc h rktucshkikz photo raisr kcton net method hof iaeplthbr ooods vc place in stock today a fresh spipmcnt of co n municipality of thti villaou of acton in thk county of halt icllaherely e tbat i have liaba jilted nr dallvarail lu tba ikaiaoiia man tluned laaeotlouahaanjuhn ilia ontario cura 141 act tbeoopuaiaiiuliailbyftaldawtlaria lo be iranamiued ur lallvared of uu list ueu kreose u aald act ol ajl parson ar iiaartag ue laat tevlaau aaaeaauiant lloll of il aall afunlolpalllr lotaeolluad to vote lb tlia kall tnnnlatpajltet maedotu for uaulbar nl lba ijaeialauve aeaembly an i at uunlclpa t lac lion i and ihet tha sem list taaa nral lualaj uli at tny oflloa at tba mllaaa of aclmi in alj coaniy of hal ion on lbe smb day of june ihv and remains tbsxe for lnapeeuon blaetors areosllad upon to eiaiiilne tl a ka4 llal and if any omissions or any olliar airoia ara found therein in take lnitnllale fro j lues to bava the aabl efrura oorratatl acordiug lta atihevlllaassof at ton till a lillidayot ttintttljoortl clark of lba uuullailly af actml binder twine for farmers b1mk1 twish from lha canlraj 1 tluhi lev tba season or 1003 will be eolj to itrnunix varnihi cluba fut tbair n ua in any uuantltr from one bale to any nuuibar julred at tliefolluwlngprloae par kulul litn huiujnl iii llsa uf oolba eseb i40 fututrl bneoiaj lu ualaa of 00 lb awob h oaan bjut oasimuiy every order or ramtved nefete twine u slilt pad vruti cajms moat be iu ly urcli will be aeimntadfor lull bale it a vfi aatlie 1bot oki a jisa of mfl pw3ht toe llne la vrall luanufutur evrr iwuiid jitanuaj bt aarvlcabla quality an i if any iiiivj l tiuruad moiiay iii berefuudail uibi uleuoalylti anall iuan jihl f bjul ebbli aloull treve nf ateelal value lo far war ualug ll u lu lllanj ui piy i vt ifl to the uardae culial iruati ywouto elllvaelvproiuatuutloi jau1 u koxoh iiiaiieeaor of iruoua voroulo juua ii 10uo lallatiinil llullul koi os whitg knd colore30 kllouses i lie most natty tnd uptodate stuff obtainable taffeta and silk gloves in black white and cream tall junlitibi oalin back velvet ribbons all the beht widths now in itocj- veilings parasols laces he wedding seasons ihero is nothlui nvulrei mora ihoiifaht and bkioiy thin deciding on ived liii prrvriits our 1 ruai ran a in tloct oirrcomei i hivtilrrictiliy vtfltwtitlkfarwit and i la led ware necessity and no olty 1 jhlawar our alack of cartem ii biiperh and all thotirouta hnl 1 ariicuu gotierally found in uu up to dato hardware alom cull or wrjjo us alout any of llioaa gootli i romot alientloii to mall onum john m bond co cublph mono saluncllou limtuwakl for keeping out dirt aali some montlm apo we advertrwd that we had invented a 1111 tliod for keennij out the dfft which gcti into stcm wnidii watclils around live tcm call with your watch and well cti in and there ii no successful to prevent it all case maktrl sliiii to he equally nctlioi method to prevent it carcleis and until now that oir new m od has been tried and fully proved a success no case could oc cilled dust proof we are using tins new invention on all our new watghes and will put it 111 all watches bought from us with out charge no nutter how long ago the first tunc thuy aie- left to bo cleaned although some of the oldi r makes of casis do not ntlinit of the improvement lowear skirls in plaids plain and fancy blacks also in volute pique and linen hondbrson hi co kgtofsi pringl6 two 0t31iujail3w cuailhh avgaaluachakjiabmjl cuaa- all vouh wild painkhier aaual okal 1 ltalt ua qalak cm uf obmm blullmoe cduomsg colds kmrumirish fubulolh 3d and do omii aottlm7 ucwahk o uiratiom- kuv omlv thk qhnuln hry da vi uaii la iiiijii aualla jiiaun in bill 1 1 ol la j j i11- 1 oiul11 hct0n bhkbry j c uattsliewi iropyutih i wivnow hanoi 1 jestdns p rbuams dlrjdlj a willianih iaucy 1asf 17 1hijlia and 1 altl v vlihialll i sluawllkkull sa11ihdav irkciteaiirixhiddkinkh flags voh dominion py nooorauons yu dominion unsjgn union jack british knaign k0y1i standard british generals anll hltctualti at tirowni uhomut ttiut ulallouor aq ron-

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