Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1900, p. 3

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p- bank of hamilton georgetown branch aqoneral bankingbubinoas transacted corroopondonco sohcitod savlngh department interest allowed muma of oni 10 la it anil upward from day f drpoil i 1 iv of withdrawal no or nail tic an 1 11 1 lyhn -drawing- money farmers jturiinsh solicited nolcanf ropriilli farmers discounted an i money lonud lui- t dusitesa purjiosei 1 our collection dopapment sale not4 handled and money advanced on accuul of anno at ljw ratrxuf inleresl traveller arc nolifed that i ho hank hamilton ami lis tranche issue circular noieiof 1j0 provincial uank of lajjbuuj limited which un bo cashed without hanrn ir until in in any t an f the w rid 1 yd lllad oh ic1 1iauii luubluw 1072 capital paid up 51703212 reserve luind 1231110 total assets 1 j 82 357 jauj ruwjuull ctltlar b forsayeth aglnt georgetown branob the news at home montly or m sooad ctraraotar annul ovorv itwrrt lntjretlricf weddinc rings and wedding presents ogcrs knivci jforkgiand spoons fancy china plate cups and saucers all the lauot styles in cuff links beauty pint buck lesi at geo hynds aoton out ije xtott 3tre flttss thursday jun mill 1000 eittle local bbieflets which cu th yea or ecp of fr praia heportara thla wk bunday fleet of july saturday completes tha first half ol 1000 bohool 4 out and the loug bumtner vacation baa oom manned won i iheglrlt and boya bava a jolly lima tot a coupla ot moo t tb varmara loaliinl km voted 25 at but mealing of tba county council tlie ia tba but paper of another volume mavyo0 renewed your aubecrip lion 1 t mr jajgaa irio viqueaing waa tba tlral ftjaa to bring la daw potatoe tbla aaa aon tba aeaaoa of tweou ablrt and wide bat tba big soft drlak and lb abort ear man baa arrived iaroy ci llald of i jurjurf baa uu ra appointed by iba couuty council alndeul at tba o a 0 ooelph air tbocnaj lailou la bavlug bla booaaa on will bltset recaolly damaged by or pat in good repair again llev jdaapb m llagar m a tba uew paalor of tba ulbodut cborob will tqat ruaooe bu pastorate bora halt rloudey tba prnl number edaipjaua tba 1kkj 1uitae twanly hllb volume attd tla flrat qoarui oaolury o bulua d aclou tba voura li i for anion for 1000 lit baan uiuad and twilad it la tba laruaat inuj for tbla inuuicl pallty tba vuva 1niuui a lu faoalut u a oopyof tba limiitnul uu adtrtlitf of kuwruy of may jjndfronigunnac w j uoora h wbaat u ifraduahy cllmblutf up lo good flua tba itrloaa oil torunlotiiutkat for baat uradaa tba paat fam dayibavabaatt about 75 oanti d j wt ii liol loanmt watltfor grub to ftta to bo tba world that w ara wm in tba fttkm xaxiuf w it advbftim uu baua rooaldad tba crjiuanm of llpuaai at kaot cburob kit bun dy uiocoid auioorf tba muiubar wh iiia llltla dauitbtar of ilia baatoc tba oaw un iuali tmmtt frit oburch hi talbaalcaatutlmlawtaitriea lit wan ooiauutaj laat waak ayj a a vay itua outlat to tba aju utrut hawet many ililtua vati aula to lit boniaa la towu ar lu promraaa notably tba f id doooi ax llaava mldlditi on llowf avauua aiutwrau4uaxiwatjl qiiajnaa tiuaat baa baau tralialorutad by tbd uliiud tforla of aarmular atid ilntr hv ur ualaod or wauaiton lata of tba lhaoinlaa oollia at lailuglun ky baa baau au4jad aa jtaator of tba dlaaiulaa obortih tot tba rawtit yaar ha a uwd praaobarajid ilia ioila arawail blaaad with but mluuralioua iba vtii 1 aj waloomaa blm to aoton ur- 0 i kiuy wbo auoaaia ur v j o kuratar bjrrivad fruui llaiulltuu ou utiaaday and la uuwatllui aaltlad al bla raaldauoa on radarlok utraat dr icjly oooiaa blbly racommaudad 11a u au boaor kaduau of uodlll uonaralty fcfodtraaj and a iioanliuof tba iloolaty of apotbaoarlaa of luumitoii ha will no doubt tnaat wltb aucoaaa lu uia praotloa of bla profaaalofl data itboaai who ooutatilblata iurobaalu muutuauttlor work of auy diaoriiitlou fur tualf oamatary jitula abould onlar diraoi from ibf old tvllablo nrauila aud tnarbla daalorj ii hamilton uualpb oo all inanaaa alluwail i aurobaaara all murk aud tuaurui warranto outdpaiilluu daoaj tbo liayl tctrnplmtm aotou couddii lwyal tarnplara ut two pirauca la rolling op larga mambaralilr nina uaw oiambara vera 4nitatad i j tba nawly alactad ooloara aaalalad by organlcar mjlnloah at a pacial uaatink uah wednaatuy avaolti anj ala mora at tba rattular riieallnil oo mooiuy nln of tbla waak j the fmrmeim jomtitih xmcutkiob aw i 1m 4 tiu ia ibalr famlllaa and ibair irianda took in tba annual aiattralon lo oualpli laat friday tba rain during tba day lalarfaiad aomawhal wltb iba an joyman out of aoora bat lb aara yaoman waa ao ibankful tq aaa lb rain 4iat ba aaoacta lulu flood- part th utbojitua at iba o a c axartqd tbera arla to afford iba ticoralonlata a itood titnq a latlidtoor tvtectlvojioatir barly hut uooday rooroing maaiar carl maann aoa of ovaraaar uaaon maoagar of tba fmtbrook flab ponda waa wbaalioft boma frunia viti it bla grujdrjiotbar at abfltf uj if wbrn a mil or two on bla way wblla plaainjf tbruujb a awacnp a tramp umadfrora bhind a buab oaogbt tip wbatlaud tlraw tba lad off uafjrt rifled bla pookela and tban atlamplad lo wratt tba wbaal from bin at iba aarna tlna abui log tba boy lo a cowardly maubar th lad llookily bdng on to hla wbaat forluoauly a pal of oolta cam a trotting ab ng wltan tba tramp avldanlly ibloklntf a man hcoompantad tbam fook alarm tbruw down iba wbarl and raabad into tba awanin gil inmadlataw tooontad bla wheal and arrlradjioma about nino ilia fao waa badly brnuad and awolloo by tba brutal blowa of tlm tramp but oibar wlaa b wet pad injury jwj uuymblow c t v trtor meoitag tba rlrat parlor ralharlnr of aoun woman a cbrlatian t am par a no ualoa waa liald at mooraoroft ltat wadoaaday avaulllg and waaa ratfylng aaooaaaj tba mambara of tba union wara praaaot in forco and i bay brought wllb i ham t tiumbar wbu bad ban invitad to prtloipu mra o b hmltb tba braaldant ooboi ld tba chair witb lb graoa awl dignity of an axnartanoad onloar tba program m oom prlaad tba folliwing bumbara an inatra- mar11 aalaollsn by mi a jannt ultl aolo walidarluic child coma homa by ur j moora an a4draa explaining tba work of tba varlooa daparimanta of tba tlnloo by afra u j a uolaohlan planoand violin dnalt by uu a uiu and urt hu mua allla laiojj addr by ur ii 1 uoora nbtramaotaj doatl by uua an i ur hill and aaleotlona by uua hniltli aftar a law fitting rmarka in cloaing ly ura c h hmlib tb oorapany aal g iba national antbam and i baa dil pcraad tba waning waa a vary anjoy abla ona and all praaant taanlfaautl laaaura in tba prooaadlnga mra uoora a hoaplutlty waa rullvappraclalad uaytuy wvicomml jffonlri a vary oordlal walooma waa aooordad lha mambara of company no 1 of uallon ioru ltlflea tipoo thalr arrival booia from tli eamp of inatraotlou at miaaata laat ualurday aftarnoon aoton coroat ijaod mat tba boya al tba o t it dapot and aaoorud tbam tbrounb tb alraata lo tba dqll ball in uta park thay wora nndar oonynand of jliaul ford owing to tba unaltpacled call of capt labgton to loronto and mat chad wjtb the air and praolalort of old aoldlara through tba tlia afloria ol uratoh omilh uta utapbaoaon ura ucjjam andtura baoord ably aaalalad by a bavly of habdaoma yoang ladlaa a aumplaoua rapaat awaltad tba aoldlara and a ttumbar of prominent atlaaoa aat ai lb tablaa wllb tbul th dlnnar wa a highly oradltahla on and waa rohob anjoyad by tba volunuara who appreciated vary touch tha marked alua uolion paid tbacrj aapaolaily by tba yoaog lady wiura afte dinner col allan wa fcaad tnatlar of oararoonlaal and in kaaponaa to bla lovlutlotl iba following gentlamaa mad brief epeaobea of oongrat nlalvna lo th toarobara of tba company in wblob patriotlam vu a pradomlnata toplo lleul lor j llaul werrao d ilaildaraou u v u v uoora ho j a uolacbun ai a 11 h a uaopbaf aotiandluv j rcaoddanu a twprcv oaedlnga wara anlivanad by aoloa coroit hand and concluded with lha national an lha m th oij iaixlld xavttlau ilia intaraat rrowa dally in tba oomlug r union of tba put ma of lha uta ltobert llltu tba following old ylrla and boya bava aatit aubatriptioua to lha knontimaut futld aud all but ooa or two bav algniflail tbir tuuutiou of being preeeut tba hit locludaa a numbkr who bava algnioad ibalr inunuod of balnftawaaaut jlao tba llat waa pabllabad laat wer oluaro lknurt6u i aidaut luduon vorul ture co woodatobk lur chaa a cook ixalor flrat luplill ciiiiiel ihoouiaalj n j uim iu ci 1 cook dm uua uuibia uatqlai kjtardk adtrui air llflu cirli wwuux n ulaa llnu hkklln lit itourtcralua ymoulo uaa uim ijxila kaonajy juu uaht4a lurdatw twduto uua uutidy vuatbrouk toroulo aiiewcll dibcounapa how j a mulnohlan m a con ultidov hla paatorato or that met hod let church aoton 1u j a mel whun u a preached rim oloalutf hormone of hi nlorata in aoton laat tfuiidey lro ootigragalloua being proaent tb ha gontlitnati lu hi tbrao yaara paalorata liere ha made mauy friend ha haa earned lha reaixol q lha clurana by bla fearloaa onunciatloti of tba troth art 1 hlb vigbioua ooudemoa fon of aoaal evil wlierevar llrav bava ailalad ilia tacl in cbooaing orportuno anbiact an i the aruaaturaa with wllioh he darurod bla aaullmaota oiw torlll lha appreciation of ill- eoiikrrfiati hi under bla peatoralo iba church lea been wel auatained in all dapat tenant yn ur good citlxen vmjtty walur will 11 liaut imouuuut 1 u uallu cou uaetoro a it u uy uualialua uaadat vabm lauwi cliakla4w kill tbtitoruat uotirua uuli almalii wall uiauatu- uialuiaui 1 4i kail i uauliaulalllua joliu ituul uou iaiiaijr luuiimi t co lutllu wllllaniu kooy nltw uixdliaiit aetou ur o h killtiiuur tl ankaf 1 trt wou uaauuanallu hill ura urabutlu ouuouik wtlovoltlia lata itolxrt utile ura joulii i uturell unulraal uw uua llmla cainaron ii 1 uuu of uoluml uann railway niaciioua uj i lla tuv t allurt uoora iiuuir ion tabaruaola llmlluu v ii i uoora editor vaaa i aaaa clau un u i uoor4 uaauimlullia ulil i j 1 lur ucdarviii itruytut toroulo alurt l hlokllu swidi uauada llova wotki auuiti t ura quinu lalt nu uui uary v uo htar t julm 1 iuomd l tuu all orillli frdtuimiil tuiintariiul iravalur ilockfutl 111 urn tbojuuiytlt 1 uouuaulahu ua ulu kauuuiuady u al kitowlrmullhm ulmluell ueuur uia v a liwackhaniar wi a uu ui vrauem juimaou ltloli m tturuil rujut foeertaur o atutlll tul by wbulaaajar tuiuubl aire a r wajlua hl tbtuaui um uua uaa u until jauwia wllda ulovt lr iuvtvllla h v uawawlula aelm kiauiae vumii uiarcbalit lluiiarwootl 1 lha oouttlbuuooa to tba mtiuumaut vund oontlnua to ba raoelvad xli litouumaut ouinmiltaa la julle bopaful that the lull amount ioaary will be forth oomlug by tba dal of ilia iiatberlog coming and going vlattara to and from aoton nc vairlouejothajr perianal nolfi tuere mr hob iu j a if fitu u a the morning dlioouree wa aapeolally addreaaed to the memberahlu of tba church and waa vary timoly it waabd upon luv ut it hi 1 1 feat tlie1 whicb tbou beat llal no malt take thy crown ha oama ha aad wltb a rnaeiajia of good oounael for crowua though valaabla may be loet i ha t r jwo li a ymbol of ghrlatiati altaiument and godly ohraoter thar ar hi any waja of loalng the crown but w biay alwaya bald it- f aat by auudlug faltb fully at the poet of duty in raferrlng lo bla thra yaara a peelor bare be aapraaaad hla gralltule to tho jojlo for their aj m palhy aud i rayara in bla work and during tba time of aflllollnn in bla urn tba nomaroue tomovau weru pokon of but lha faol that the biarouraliip ramalna within lfllltololltghttfiatlark jnaadr6twharlrwainiir yigtter lrajt oonaldarad raaoti for thallkfulutal tba liberality of lha oongrrgallon iii fluaoolal mat ura waa alto raferrrd o in tfteaklug of the mat ptalor mr uolaohlan aald iba vtaab comtllinent ibat could be paid to blm would ha a kindly walconia to bla auocaaaor itioourage bin bold up bla baoda attend all tba mrvloea of tba ohuroli aud withhold yoiy orltlolam arpaclally bafora your fainllyi don t ai pact that be will know joi all atlar lb flrat lutroduallon buy wllb your own paator aud your own oliyrch dpo t expect blnj lo b perfect for you are uot perfect youraalwau lblu mora o the diaeaaga cod aenda than of lha way it la aeut if you expect lo ha elaolrltiad you tnuu com in tb apldl of irayar you wtuw betlar aar ro una fronnbbpalpltwhan ther iabqltar uviug in th powa ary laudajr farewell worda ware apokan tba congregation hi tba evening waa a waited by lha addition pf many of tho membara of knox gburob ooooipatiled by their paator hev ii a uacpharaou who took part lu lha karvloa tba iarmon waa one of tba fluaat dla cjuraoa of ur uolacblan a jtaaloirata btt aud waa- baaed upoo-lirov-jj- uuoy tha truth and tall it not irulh la vary praolou spiritual truth aa wall aw mental aud hyalcal truth muat ba teelad truth la uttad i by luduollon j by authority by obadliuea to jaeue bbrlat ha thai willath to do my will ahall know of lha doctrlna whathar i ba of ood or wbathar it b of matt lha tnan who la living in diaobedlauoe and aln oauuot aaa lha baautiaa that ard- tavtajad iu th word of qod and ilia dlvlua will iba abl diecourae oloaail with tha axhortlon iuralbarn audalalacajou hard putohaeej tba peace ol ood whioli paiaalli all under auudintt ilrll it not who who ktowe tha havlour would pari with tha oouaoloua- uaa tbat ba ia a child of ood t ii la mora preoiouu thin gold or allvar or lha rlelmt game you could aacura during lha aorvlca ur uoltabun ra far red it hit aaeoolatioua with the people of tha aliur cburohaa aajvooully that of knox church au 1 with oltlxtna generally and thanked tbam for tba mauy kindly wlahe bsuudad lo him and bla family ha prayed that coda rlobeal blaaaiug would real upoil than all iberi uoora h toronto for over a ura oaornalane of rip la tbavjroaal of bar laughter ure n uoor lake uo farm ur and mr nlabaua of toronto war guaate at tba home of mr j ihn cameron thla wek ura george cardinal of li tamp too la tba guael of bar brother zcoonolllor denny young hi ur t ii itouton and family war in walkarton tbia week attending tba marriage of hla alaur mr john guonlugbam greenock waa the rural of ur tbomaa 0 uoor and olbor aoton frlentla thla weak ur and ura llauderaou grand valley ura near and ur jobntloninisn klo vlelled ralatlvaa bare tbla weak ur samoa johnaton and family formerly of aoton are removing from hamilton to 91 1roapeot hi toroau ur and ura joe fjeelja relumed home laat weak after an enjoyabl two week driving lour to hamilton hlfrlda smith- villa and other point ura a v smith want to ae bar daogbtarura prankamnld litjobhi town n y at tbnraday and will torn lu tbara for a few weeke mr it j i dm lion baa bo autlooed at hhebd ai by tb uanltoba and north waal conurno tbla point la forty talloa aeut of hit former appoint man t and only fitly rnilea from lb railroad ha la doing wall and ao ar uaaara tbomaa and william and all aand ragard local anmiluts bweal pij araiu bloom again dominion day will ta ouattvad ai a national holiday on monday a uundy iabool iinuialou u balng ltlksd of for ioms i mo during lha iuiimt- holldayr ihn atuudld ralua of lut iiiday war of much value to tha liay crop and tha to ounii a cold in omk bav eke ijuiat fake ituva jir u tmium ih w uiuvaea tir juluhe tblu j the lauuevlf ll fella lu ou wkliallua u uu w4 ipriug graluv tba amall ftiitta bj pioka 1 up a grail dial aluoa aa wall a number of lbs inambara of walkr lcjuaa i- aud au weulto ulllou on hunday to calibrate ii uillval ol ill joliu by aluuding dlvlua nrvloa thara a new tank baa beau put lu tha bolur room al iba power boua abovs tha holur to refill tba bolur aftr olaaidng it la au ltnprovamaiit whioh both ilia meotifoiitu aud lha fir brigade appreclata maaur jojin taundora boh of ur ilidnoy hauudra tot hla ufv band in iba ooga of a maojiln at oritidall a nuohlit ahop laat vrlday and had oo ol lha angara boki m ur j l war rati tueratary of iuuow varmara indlluta ban itil in a vuuh lutwi on monday a una aampla of sucoiu irl lha atraw intaiura ifuity savait iitchaa lu langlli tim wuiuiiicrtrdii hvrvlco jheuawu 1 11 limn labia waul into 4flol ou monday with uveral ohantaj lb iralua folug waat arrive at aolaii al 100 j a in and j j3 17 and 0 rip m goiug aaal at 0 hj aud lu 00 a in aud t 11 aud 10 0 i p in 1 uu give au autre train going wait fur tba auiumar tha 6 17 p ti ultig a through uafli from luroulo to uoulliauitluii it will ba a vary oon vaiilaiit train icmrduoa caujijnitm wrllluthttiri owlug to tha apljumio of uiphlharla aud carlat fer at flagigalown and iba lrje blaaa uf twenty oila oandodatw lit aaiao ltibllo kchool luaiwiilor tuaooti aud tba aduoatlutl aullurillaa arratiad igr the butlauua axauilllelioiia t b wrlliall bar by thay aoloti aud i luiehoua mpin tba aaaintiiallooa uominenood yaatarday and mr watharall of iwrgaluwu high tioboul l lba pal hug aei liner tl kaaa i aaa luvilae all iu reada to ooo utbul to u la col u mil if you or your frlaoda are talag awajr on a holiday ulj or if jau bare fefeoda vlaluuf you arop a card lo ui faaa una mr 1 haularaou vlalled mlllou frlonda laat week ur moaaa hmllh la allll in a very low oondltlod ir ioralar nf calitorville waa in town aoouilaof dablhia week tdr and ura johu w dewa of uilton vlaltcd relailvaa 1 era uiu weak mui fllboda i tealharalou vlalud frlanda iu jeorualowu laat weak mr thorn a clirk of ueorgatowi viahodagfnr frlandro day ura tbomaa uraul jr and daughter or toronto are rlellng aoton friend ura liarry bbag of toronto vlalud at tba home of t tbomaa kbbeg thla week uua hwhatr- ur llart uaaon ot uaadowalr 1ii lalatlva hare laat ur jama uolntoeh waa lo rln a taeeday allendlng iba funeral otf relative i been home from ixk with polaoned absolute security genuine carters little liver pills tmuc r8l se perfslealu wrae bwbw faay a4 aaw tcartters ip mill rniiluucit ti fiinifie- fdb wuflilktt- rai totnt ura fwl ciatstlpatloaa m lauiw nh tlgc rwjat cure viok hcadachat milton thalown couuoll li aeklng for uodara for laying jo00 faet of granojitbld pava weill ilav j g bhaarir secretary of tb lord a day allunoa dallvarad an addraaa iu tha liiuraetof tbaabov bocuty lu tha uethojut cburcb laat aveulng tba oddfallowe damooatratlou u monday will ba tba blggeet event of tba kind avr bald u lba county a new inaulllo flag auh baa bn araciadon lb uiilon publlo acbool build inga- 1 nlranca examlnatlbna are in prograaa hara iuv ii b uttlbawa loronto praaoliad annivaraary wruotn id knox obumh laat hunlafcto ur ttia ayeti ing aarvloa vu alutidod by tba uaaoulo fraternity in a body whau tha couuty coanoll mat on tua day lba mainbera were plaaaad to aaa a coat of arma deoorallug tb interior of tba court room lb la la a pranl lo the nty from hla honor judga ham 1 1 loo tba work la very artlitld and rvtleola oradlt ou th arllal tlia ooutioll paaead a traaolulluu enpreealiig their thauka lo tb judga for bla gift ihu which u oallad uurallly a fr rjuaully uotblug mora than lb vanllyof glvlug which wa ar tnor fond tban lha ihlug given llocbafoumtild cjawtx ztem vifex chas h nellibs guelpli rm me itookbioin july 100 wall 1a1uh winuow uuadfcu room uuuldinuh rtloutinu ooodu childukn ucalultaulu l 0a111 u 11il iad hi ilookh al luweel pric j d u itfour agatil lu a01on lie bltu or write in na fop prloaa bhas l nelles no eye like the masters eye yoa are msster of oar health and if yoa do not attfndjo duty the blame is easily located if your blood is oat of order hoods sar saparllta zthtlparlfy it it ia tho jpjlfl6 romedy forlrpublea of millortd imwcii or uvnr httawttroubao- i had hoart trouble for a number of yaara and different niedl cinca lallwlui benollt me i trlml itood a 4uraaparllla an 1 uiroa bottif mmplaulr and pirtrwtly curd ma ma l avuai wallac llrmga n tl a timtummrxi- a i had it ire chit dren with dlphtbri i c my remaining two children iloid a karaaiiarllla a tliay www anhibct w rawiarmabi- anffwar nr btnuig thtrf am now healthier and in 1 hara not alnoa hart a vttxmim iemhroko ont zodssi uahilaa a ittarluai lha m4rrluhog aa4 alteration sale wt will continue our alteratiousalc for two wcckb longer spcci ii liaigatns in our chini palace it pays to buy at bollerts pays to buy at bollerts they are doing themselves wauli fmxlb out wronk n hualling an 1 all wa have to wnowteltstohf and china palace jamccrea ouelph junl jbiii the right house iiamiiion s i woiiii1 mioiiing it ac1 bkrghins for tvten knd bovs i very nsw and limn wo prepare a big bargain program m in our men a 1 drtilsblnf department bucb an will make a greal niuiy mor men aapialnlod with 1 lil alora j ml inch an occlon la the preumt one when unuaual utrgalna aro being offered in jual xucv thluga ai men mid loya aro needing nowadya hefo a tt 1m i3ik ja xdubd our complain naaorlmcnl of fnucy hlcytlo blocklnjta arc now on aalc at nliakly iiaii mtlcf thoy r rcaj good ho deilrable kway at jc pair were 65c and 75c s mo with foal and aomo without rrey tfanotdarirbrnw n bw 1 1 htajcy lop at 30c pair wcro hc an 1 njc in drey black dark bown and oilier aliado with fancy tatnonid fool uta and uomc with feat at 75c pair won 9i a vxlra jixkl one in tun shade with fancy lopa with feci ilrgiam in shirt at 50c were 73c and bir- stiff front print ahlrta in pink and navy utripoe odd alitea alio alia 17 1 rliit slilru acparalt cuffa and two collar and soft sukellfl ouilng shlrli lu light pit term od 1 alr at 73c were li 33 now cambric still front shlrta whlln grounla wllh fancy ijwtn uparate cuff open front odd iron at use wera si and tt 33 new sod front irlnl shlrla in fleurda ha design on ttripod ground rdnk blue and mauva xhades aeparato cuff a aiiea t in 17 alao madnia shlrta allff ironta lu check design enfta attached alkua 14 to 6 hoy shirt tor iaj a lot of doya while cau marino slilrta for aummer war altea 3 lo 14 yean abort or long aloevtia wcro 30c to 33c bach now 13c a garment 3 bo 2iaaajw kt 1 tto doya all wool 1unnel hlaler coata for atiinmer wear warranted ahrunk in blua and black and yellow and black ttrlpea ilxo 3h to n wcro ti 30 now 1 1 30 1 crrjf duatmr 7e alout one doicil carriaga duatera in varlooa colors fringed good alto some of lhaiil embroidered wcro vi and it 13 now all 75 each ordora by moil itccalva pro nrf attention i rcljtht and ckpfct paid to any railway utatlon in ontario on all mail order amounting lo 93 00 or over write for umpua thomas c vbtatkins king st eabt cor hughson st hamilton 1 im ullier ily wa ultu yc u li micii ut hullo ipteulv whlla guo wq llnnilied ua dalnf lliel lu u u 1m will it yarl licit xlu i rialej wuli cuujiue inoklim oul iguuly ll ulnled iallun apecllly lu lli 1 tncy ijwii miulinu iinl rk n 1 1 i ir aio ui clianuli g u ilia ayo ii1 itm cay i ilia turur w ixlce wlutl spotted muslim tancy strlpfcd dimittic white i ihcavy ioulard muslini fnnry patteros wlitcjacquird muslins mercerised sateen new sh id s incy american printed lawns v jacquard weave 1nntcd muihm colored ooiliettes c lie isc- ic ioc 25c ioc lkc i ml uh jny an 1 we haveasusualtiie best stock of bootsfc jjhoes in town wo hava no room for clnup traih and no dwlrc to deal lu ll we guarautoa that etery ulr of hoot a and bhoca in our ator lua got tha utoiioy s valno id it and u worth very cent of lint price we ask wo tell the kind of ahoej ibat improve un do inapcc lion and aland by you like a brother wa maka llm priu aa low aa can b mad for an honest article mormouay ia loat in tba wear of cheap fcooda than la over aavod iu lha buying the quality of gooda represent tho money alue uuy n poor arllcl clicap and you lo your tlollari th lost dollar am the one you pay for good lliat arts mad clieap lo adl tieap do not taka atiy ruka but maka your purchsjoat klnnby uiios wlwra you ara ataurcd of getting hotiott gowu at fair price a combluallou thai i aa good aa gold round at las1 whites of eggs and glycerine tho finest shoe dresalnrlor ladles due shoes to iii had at our stoitu iloola made lo order and repairing promptly attended lo by experienced workmen we am alwaya willing to alio wgooda aud fclv prlcaa i hanking yu lor your liberal patronagc for ovel 33 yearn and soliciting continuanc of aam wa remain your iruly kenny bros main street acton 44 4-4- herd questlons itaijulrlng bat solution ttw beat aliuluxt and utoiit easily solved in the light of our utock any iiiait front a iwell dresser down lo tha plainest citizen cau top himself in tba pink of billion an 1 to lha acme of sailsfac a lion with our ail i rleea liuwlw figure largely in tha mailer but oura alao fijjure amall and ara worth undying straw ilala from 33c to ft 33 y hard and bolt i elti uawcd uplodat fruni i to ijoo one piace only i r nelson cuelph t t morchant tailor and malis rurnlahor x fvi have you 7 seen anywhrre from 51v jown lu 3c 011 wjnlt i ooda lu very well styled and correct family t f g hkii ntr item in irl al 110 lliifrj wb hardly appreciated this ilock of willi xxu until yi 11 found ihcrq f wt oor patcem inual l iw 1 w or uimelhhif aiiywjy we um liullug it uy lo luy at llollert it lays u uuy at uollci vh e r bollert cfe co 2itmil 27 wyndliam st uukblji june wedding gblet sjslije 3st01st on all china goods at greatly reduced pneos all silverware at 30 per cent discount lor cash only notoods booked at these prices savage go jewellers chielpli s- linoleum if its manufactured by the right people is without a rival as a durable clean and beautiful floor covering ours is madcljy a worldrenowned firm of tcircaldy scotland who are pioneers in the business and we regularly import a splendid range of the best patterns turned out by them we are now showing better values and prettier patterns than ever widths up to 12 feet present prices arc tavorablc to you d e macdonald fo bro vh6 urolnl gu6lph jh novels ht gurnsy st gos beit8and ituckles our white spot liwn clilck and colored muslins for summer blouses if not you should before you buy 1 mu wllr will u in nllun uiiui al llid fcloi uiilll my luunlilef taluniil liotu u lrl lu mullulia cf goodeve co xkill st kcton new novelticj in ladic pullej and collar belts and buckles swiss muslins new range of swn muslins in large and fine spot mtess goods new line in black and fancy dress goods carpets and 0ijhtain8 large stock of wool carpets and lace curtains at lowest prices tablk linen and t0welin0s extra value in table linen and towellings gturney co mill st acton

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