Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1900, p. 2

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-n- iu nixf x valimtfrrr it iiaieler on wed t ly t7tl joit- by hev j iulwo of lluhlii w holliiaou llulpli io uu mo rmwiiif lleaiwler uu vimii at ll i uie uie trlde illnevihe l i y b 1 ll i i iili hav vmii j hli in dyers ly to ulu km kelt hold ilu h al the retllanne of ti t 11 rj re ilwy h- leortel 1 mil i u rucatuy uiornlntf juimanui byjtav ii k m uajor jolu lleiber al i 1 ui ml abilm albert luaey wmkiil ilaaiao on ftaturly jmi u el ii tf ii n ii if a oillllaaho j lf ii o wlltk juait tli lau- bimriti i llultit al ilto- uvton on wiloilj jull 40 u hi ilth tualiaaar arnold liroe li liory atfed 4 era rilitkjkrln rtnooti wdndti h jito ait irewr heyne elber of kleaars chayna llrpe itirllora jdcthn lol mi allwnaplmbl hamulon m ued hmtuy auli jui jen ann liuo rellotortbe late iuv vraucu cauniu lii benaofb w t ffilj cton 3fm resb jliulthday july rftbtlmo tditottlal notes liiomuitu liprlmeat be oornplated arrangement by which ilia canadian aomur in alidad froal booth africa to 1 upland who eta incapable of fataming lo tba runt will pa eea at ono ta canada by the war orim in reepaus lo a voqaeet froal the admlr ally lii it three vaaaela of tha auxiliary squadron aha til j prooeed to obi nee run th iremur of victoria mr molu cabled in oflar of 200 mtrium and two liuuk lb jovommenl of queensland alo ortrd tha llriliah admiralty a ran boat for aarvlc id chin water 1 root july 1st exporter of apple will to rjulrej to mark tb barrel with the initial fcnd full inrdttnli of tba wok with tlio of ho fruit in laahm uro ftt thooora nd tlt liatnvs of tha variety knd hrdo thua maaaaraa ara loutijod to do ftwty wllli frauds that hav don heilo ti hirm to cnatluo fruit in tbglia tnarkot i it appeard lo u that out local municipal councils ahould pby uwa provldlos fojf ihs doatruotlon of iha coding moth and ion i caterpillar tha dam4t dona la fruit lrc ban baan normoua tb outarto uapajrtmadk of agrlcullor baj information that thee peat ra dolntf damn ot t protlno ftud much aurprlaa i asprpaaod tbak ooanolu h4a boon o alow in takinjf advantax of tb law laaasaod at tba kaoval aaaaloa of tba isiatura rt pooling noiloas laao nawmarkst avo lb vuilu v ncad oommwom ita 4c quarter oantury of work aj tba loyal ajid raicoeottla journal of aoton and vloli ity with thla usue during lu flrat twaiily flva yoatm tba pn hi advooaud fcnd ha had tba aatufaotlod of sslntf oonaumkaatad tnany pdbllo ud prlvala iniprovamauta id thla town and tba own taka rank a ooo of tha tnoal im portant manufaotorloff cantraa of lu laa itl tha domlalori waaxpaolknnobgraalar dvanimtnaut iloriurf tba saaood ijoattar oautury hhowara lhrouh tha wbi ball in mat itoba uv improved tha orap ootlook bat wiluiiimff bualueaa flrmi art satisfied thab thd dainama slready dona will frty it 11 r tb fasoeral omlook for uada tba wuhm tbw tb s w dllood about 60 pmt ntysjmfi to ba pretty uuanlmou many farmara bava plouftbad up tbalrwbaavt fialda tb ini pleuiaatand maobluary tno taport that their bualrot will antfer dooaldanbly xtltarantraleafcrauraiar luaont wasurn lid weetern pu of manitoba fn tba pauplu nnd hwan itlvar dlatrloia tod in tha iwrllorlea ibara baa boon 0004b rain to elisor bettar oropa tball nan ba hoped for lu other baotioim of mnltob viva thoasaod dollara u voted in tba fotlea of common uapplemaat to rabaild tba week pur at oojuuia najrborronu pot the m amount to tuka a barber itero tba twenty thoaaaud rrmud ui ver to repair ilia plr at borllntoo was ravotted wltb u additional 3780 for a atoratid battery required for dponin and aloelnif tha hrldga oer tbs channel w umleratand tha work at darlington and llronta in par ilo alar will ba dona by day iftbor eo thai tho urtlaabaj and lahorari of the dlitrloutnay ba haoailled by tha x uudltura tha sum voud for oakvllla auould put ihtt harbor in wxoellent shape if the old poitloil of ui ftaat plot wilt only hlaud tb htural iba under for raoving tllallutikliouea to tha oatar ud of tha plr ara1elni6oubldarad and ba oban will ahorlly ba irtatld oakvilu stir ilia oakvilu aiar ulk wujy upoa tba craucilllhlo tiavenieut jueetlod mlltou it fcayu ilka uakvllla ie advttllu for uuders for trnolitbta walks lhair fex tver laiioq ust vasf ws not witlralv iu l- i faatory hi daf of 0m1u altrlbuubla to uuouali jaaiul counolla should ba tnoet careful that oonttfolor roelv u suftlouot pfiod u3 that ibay ball deri uothluk but tha ouaiieet and punaatnaurlal ibasmallaet amount of aaittuoft slon in tha eud will orumt la and oiuu holed in tha welk iura ulaer oaiiiailt and baud era kuaolula bmoiitlau aoothtlirgauihlu should ba to have tha walk laid lu july so thai tha autftiit sun tny thorqughly dry li oament and aiuk it to uatimi firmly wl befora tlio kututiiii fjroelu uramploii hvid eouia wlku ust fall and ara now rtru lttg thalt tardy autlou 1 1 m 1 ituu vum ia exoeedlngly that awirfliwu ban had tloil ulaea wltlliil liar lutrittirnliiuly ami thai rbuvowjhvn unduly utaiutaratbj tha number uw iba hertih however vrv uuu6erlly uos out of lu wy la liava m tllutl tha liallvd liwu of iu mlitoi mid tba plioa wllera that k believed ft to ba pro- lllabld to luveat hie surplus 0ab by ineerl fiilt tllu following paragraph tha author bill of tlm lupt starlliua tiport duuomuiutf siondj 1u town ha beau traoed to au aotoil lady who haa spread broad oaol tha dgly tumor that ivaritelowo has nlueteou oakod of dlptberla and they a all uu neiitaeilwl wliauvot tuuiurd uiy lcioa wunial uly hava olroulatod wa know mt but wa do know that very ujjly rumord wa outiulatad ill aoton by taaldeuld of oaorg towh xl hsliillufit ttj board itl repdrumbara lbaluoftalowuoadaiuly cad ui diptiihoru ihj tha yiu tieo that yarn to an aoljii ldy t kvry ollijn 111 abtmi regret thd oaluaak in uaorgeuiwu and hope ll will soon ba overimkltia but a u toil alliaild kit raaul all inueido wfiloli un lady hi lowu uujualiy iuipllld lu till beueauoa but uiuoyiuij dhktxd the situation dark in ctlnierrrpiror and emprom dthrond prlncatjbir loaj- inar doxsrf oerman con- nul tit pkln murdarsil african w alm over irfmid7m9nly i the ellutloo l cblua ttiie mdruliifc i eiuemely d r the imniwii uf ibe rgllo i- npl- th new tliet inoa tuin tisa uiurped tbv tfaron ie nnrmwl and he u in ourj with d hooting lt ailaoaa 00 iba lagalioo- tm are a 000 hloaaa troop lu and ml lekln yjichtlow is etill buing on al tianlsiu and rail and river txtmmuul alluo wllh laku ara inaacuia it it ludarbtood that drillau oarmeny and lh ilulud hi tea have egceod to allw japau to land aa ibyga a military itwo- jlmf oounlryrteairb in order to mora qtitokly raaiora ordar lb waia africa l abootq lb aam oondulog aa lat juvsibi important osp turaa and numaroiu aticoeeeinl eorti bav boan mad r verytbinrf polnla to an eatly ltmmatloa of tha war milton to havb a pork-pack- inq factory- cklieni and far mora nxprsai otalr- wllltrtnaaa to f aka stock in n factory lnt wk thatomtlaff hold lo tba mutoa town hall laat weak was well alundaotby tba farmers and towaapodpl major 3 h daaooo waa cbalrman and adroaoad tb maatlns etalin that it would b a treat banaflt to lb farmoca o tba town by paabrlntf factory at milton nd hoped tha company would ba orgaobted and moat with aucoaoa and that tba farmara would laka atoak in iba aatarprlaa mr j 11 jewell lb premolar waa inlrodaoad ma eald b bad boaa invited to 00m to miltoo to orgamsa a oooipany and bad boan aaearod that tli faro wanted a factory and that tba block wo aid ba boboortbed in tlma to start a taelory for tha fait trade iu nva statistic obtained from ottawa showing that tb bacon trad had vxlandod id tan ya over ij 000 000 it tha yaar 1h8u canada sent to uftland sjil wortli of baeon in tb year lftf canada snt to england 0 ui sji and that tha demand was so great today for canadian ilamd and uaooo that tb bosl noa cannot ba oaardooa and that w ar today flrat in the trada lo xuropd with oar pea fed baoon it wa explained how tfa fanneni will reoalva mora for their bog by having a factory in this county and that thoea who will in veal la tba stock will racalva good dividend and that it i a saf and good invaatrnant mr jo well tu- maala weraeoovlneltig and auaighiforward in every raapeot ll aald that hi atatc taoanl moat b oorraot and could ba vanbod that all pork packing concern war getting- rich that wfalla fallara oonrrad in other xaou factor ua we did not baair of any in tbla lln tfa princjpal thln waa loha good maagamenl which thi company would snrvly bav that a ready market await ud at ooat price that ha would f ornlah n with an ax pari lo our tha good that tba by law proiact tha s b and with tb syatam lby bropooa wa could tnaka plenty of tnonay tba factory will amploy abont thirty tneu and hev a oapa city to kill on an avarag of 00 bog par weak altar mr jawall aniabad b aakad tha paopla at tba moauntf to aak htm any thing tby deairad that ha would explain anything oonnotd with tba bamoaaa m ba had every branch of thhf work to glv them and many did aak all kind ofqi tioo which wn answardto their aotir aatlafaclloo mr jawu kakd that all praaaot who would lak tttoclt to atand dp xbttliairtytt-pybwntrstoooriipr- bpaachad war mad by dlffaroat fajrmara and tnarchant in favof of thi aoiarpcia balng eetablubad and than roooluuoa war paatod andoralng tha objaoi of tha mooting a list of provisional director acd th organleatloa wa barfotd a well a an lxocutlt commltu ohooan a list of tha nam of tha provisional pireoloj ill ba pabltabad with tha broapaota in our bxt lasoat tba company will tooar umporaiy otfiooa la miltoo i hi waak wbara tha pro- motor oan ba foood and wbora tba bualoaa of tha pofmialwallorl will b oaniad on w bop lb farmer and townspoopl will tbarway cloar to lead avary aaalstanoa- pooalbl to boaka lbs aatxta h buooaad abd that thd stock will ba bab- eoribad within a vary abort urn tb ahara will b fifty dollar each a amqriln av aantaoo our standard of poblla and privat conduct will bavar ba reload lo tha proper uval until wa took iha eooaodrel who buooood foal tb relgbt of a boetlld publld opinion aveo mora strongly than tba scoundrel who f alu governor ltoovau lb publlabad of british columbia uewpapr bav decided ifl rale tba sub- aripllou raloa iha advaubd lu tha pvli of 1 rlullntf ppef amounting to nearly on hundrw pr out ba rsudarad it uooaw sary number of ouurlo publlaberd too ana altbar ralalug lata or redociog tb bu wftblpaba r xb trovulou for cblldreu in tubllp libfdu- i rullydorerlbad by mlo kathariua loolo timllh lu lb mtn 0 mtvuuu for july lb bfumiaa already add lu thi dlrecitoitwill doubuoad b a surprls lo moat pooplo tba avtlela i aooompaulad bj niauy platarea abowltiff tba rooms ul apart for tha uo of clilldro in various eltud througboal tha oounlry tba imparul id u th iltuolabioel iaurosuug booklet just publuuj by ueaad ooliu ueartbae jk co wall lmpar miuiu faoturrdof ibid oily for praaauutlon to their oustoiueni au a tribute to tit sidril of tha moat uulijud ovetit in thd history of liauu via iba rviurkbld rp0lsa of tha oolould to lbi luotbvr couulry wbau tha oabla urn 1 ty wliiprvd that tba help of tha lion might glbr arouud if they liked id auj ahow th ou hat llfiloud th udlvra uvalr lo vdtrtald illll ihidmoaul bears in avuleuc of careful thought and lb hnuhod producl credit bet only to iba brilliant eon neplluil if lb bulbar who wd undoatalid uot only planned tba blctar bat alu com poood tha slruoi and furoeful bbju4a of tb brief ahaptsra thai blaaa tha tntareat ini tact befor u in moat attract a form but sloo to tb autariiaa of tba firm who at ilti mll xpi4 bav prodnood auob a nua utt auiiviiir to- dulrlbntiaii lo thd wall paper trail otid mily rrel about iba publlcalloil id that tb vdltlotl i hmlud itbtpytlhblod and publmted for lb uad paly but all our loader odu noploh in tba hud f all wll koii wall pepirdoaur mnliliaurif juw j6 ltmo titer u a uourtoev of iv htl it l ellod to love vtultf ll epilni tba puleel ouurteey lii lb outward whamo inuoonal senmonb rov joatti m llauar- ma corrt- manoaa hla inatorata in iha mathodlat clu i itdv juapb u hr ive1 lu town ttuta lnauoiu on tiiiinuy lug rwrachvtl bia luaiiiturel tim mt 10 llm matlxxlut burch ut tlut do w grlal ly ur ci iirtt rt- 1 vry tvordbl tiiiprtsjhdhb by ui iitm and itf o4mo o ibo bmiulay trolool borvloo in iha aftdinixii u ur ilefar i au earnest and itnpieeslvabpearr lie a lkhj vo- uar nunclalluu end pvomul i irulba lit ar deliberate vvel coniirclfd nj cotiwin sing manner ii mora evameliillo in bis mothoja than lb averego prrachrr ba i hie dlooure will evld paruk ico- wof ihldfeatnr the morniug tllioju a boj umn tcorri crucilled tpi w ilta burdeu rf lb ihtbsand prreoiingof tbeeroelbpobtia f liter rli ar bd upon a bpo cbriatlaully l blood upon chrltt per on hi ivd jtaua tb hrilian ilnletar catlllot bucooed hotter lbn by adhering to ibid jfrra ptlnclpl and preach uhna crucified homo of th fundamautal t rat be djnoartilngcjhrvalcruoillvd eic then amietdervd iti thi oonnrctniii w oomo unto you ba said praachiug cbljet cruet tied 0 a tb rvtnody for lb tain her gulu thi relief cannot u found iu a moral llfo bar u jooei o 44 ritualistio pvaouoe nor can tli rootion of tba btbiaavnd it blif gno rrlief wa cannot flod it lo anything th wot i j can off w preach christ as th remedy and tbaouly remedy and wo cam to you beloved preaching thi itoepl 2 wo preach christ as th only remedy for iha aouf daadnae do toon by batur delight in prayer in praiaa in hoavanty fellow ablpj ot ihiadoadoeea tl world ntlloor bo ramody 1 tea eon pblluiophy world ly plaaauro and puranii lltot no remedy wbal wa cannot raafib by any atfort of our own cbrlal crucified giveej frealy bjjd thid wa coma preaching 1 wa preach christ croclflod only av a pro vudon which if availed of will remedy th sinner callrabd tb aoulduaadnoa iti offend on oooditlona of aocaplanco an acll roqplrad luliovia coming veceiv ing uobting uonttdeuoe ara term re pre tenting tba only sot which accompli bo the 00a bo la and only romedy man i aved by faith and tha clement in faith ara sqboalaslom tho assent of tha mind to tha saving f nndamenial doctrine of truth tba trust of tb bool to codd koopiug bjt which all the bleaalngd of lb covenant ara boooaaabl ibeoa bvoeflt werosocured lo mankind by chriat and by hi death and there 11 auflloient in thi to reooncllaaloot world to cod for th preaching of chrlal ofnclned th preac concluded i com la yon to occupy thi holy plaod under tb broaching of iboaa aimpls trntba man hav boan aavrd fsmlllaa have boon unltod and waalo plaoe have boon mad to bod abd bloaaom a iba road tba taxi of tba ovealng bermon jama 3 13 abraham believed god and u wa imputa1 to him for rlgbtoouan tma and iiilliiiolawaaaai revealed lo b by precept and by exam pi lu illustra tion of tbl tba character of that dutio gulebad man of cod abraham wa vividly portrayed lie wad dlstlngulsbad by strong- and living faith in cod faith which bring aalvaliod whloh commit ouraelve and famllio and our worldly inbsreet to cod abraham id an axaiapla of strict obedlanoaj a man spiritually mlndad and of a devotional aptril ho was of a genii abd peaoeabla manner though poaoooood of tba grealeal lueogth of ebareoter- ii w liberal and uueafoeb a iar u tue westeiin rxin i onilun haitnmbar otrt to ifctti iooo inn cloelng yfar ofllho celilury fivrry prtupfot of drtolopinf- be ttiol but fol woalern lotr al i i lunlfiai hse aver bn mii sine ihn it btliuljou wae firl ikik1 i 1 ml- ll o- llit llui ai 1 rtl lf ibo p bu t imii lo i nd bp4j0 for th uiultifimmisi iml while iii uaving omptw rnont or the rrrrwii lo arnder at will uuiujji ibe park like gmuodv or find eoalmig cj eotly on lie ejtecii ud trmid stall l lioversl liiiportoit ollitl n u11 malo lo ibo luxd i ul o ila of wlcti may b had oil apj lllatloti perfconally or by utter to mr j a mile- ihn uooiao wbu will b luasod ll kim full liifocma tion jiall in form i bo entry llriteaie milrji ltjrar tllinrmbad un qutveraally onmmandad as tlia moatalcupla and cimpb ti jai devix0 bbd ita accapl tan co sboul hhiiiijci1 011 all fair cominll uea aa lfnplovrnnl in bucii a mailer wuull ba found a bui at it all 00 it com ed po ibo wbuo wa fl vafa iuprruicting 0ievbr wvttern iir of indni will pa ontbnoirevloufirh itlui l may intreel onv niird ti k7uw ttn1 thai ia no luifryy atro rllway lronb1in irfmidonvbiidllia iliaja vill u no itpttion o any llsronifoiti from thla all ooilaofouti bruiara borne and strains take in tor nelly it cure diarrhoea and djaan lory avoid bubatituto there id bat no ieiu killer irry davie j5c and c0c oauaa of tbl b ktaud out today ott tha paga of history a entirely superior to tha aelfub inatinct afur ably amplifying iba subject tb praacbor cnciujed wilb th aaeartioa that tba aama pathway uthonor id oped to u thai abralism trod very kindly refarnom to tbe uruom hav been uada by fcoombera of tba coo gragatioa and tha indication ara that tba new baator will tecalva tba unqualified coufldauo and support of hi poopla hra and that a cordial weloom will ba extended to hi family when tby arrive next weak an open letter to all hupfbrbrs pltom anae mia and kindmkd tiiouuluq mr wm wllaon of garni tulla how iu haanlnd health aftr- an lllnoap of ovr two vaatra mr william wilson who 1 wll known to tba ulllxan of riaruia oot write it atforda m 4iiucli pleaaur lo ba able to add my testimony lo tha nret bwfit that i have derived from our lamoua ir willlaui lluk 1ilu it id now m litiu mora than two year ciuo i wcm afflicted with auaamia duifug that lima i have received aluioot ooutluuoua treat meat from ul fed 16 i meu of the highest rank in their profemion y apratilly deriviug no wuofil luddod i ooutiuuad to grow wore until if baaania uuabld lo walk ma ta lhaooucfuaiou that i waa darlv lorf uo uaneal frol lla treatment ad jouod latltrttili itrierfwalhv ludetiod what aba ii i try t haviug read th uellmouy of ao many who had su titled in a vim liar madnar and wbohad reooived a bouadl from your- ur williams vlnk ttlbt i ilacldad to glv them w fair ull it id uow about tlijrea month a aluoa 1 cmnmauoej la ke your pill aud today fowl altno1 completely realored two week alur i urgati lo taka lb pllla i fall a decided improve m ill hire month ago wlieu i bjrad to tak vour jill my dh looked ilka wax aud uij fao feat aud lend war badly awoluu llt ooiidlllona bava all dlaapwared and my color la nalural and my blood v full of good rlirii klooj ll will ultord ma plaura to aaouuiwid vr wllliania 1iuk 1ilu to any uuauffring from uiianma or kindred ilmeulh jit william tltik li t ut prated inotittt hit iiigtieat lu iha land a a audtigllbiiliigaud loiiio luediclns uhalbar for mail wuuitou or olilldrau thy sra not lika other medicine uor can ihy b haled au la mule lime dihonaily pre temlod by ibaltia wbu uiiit aubeutuua tlltbd pokdkbard ilia full nam iv willuuid liuk rill for 1eu laauv and in oau of dnubt a ml dlrrut o ur wllllama uliuii- ci llrockvild out who will mipiy h pill boa ltd atsod pr boa ur i tofor via boxw lh pilla mra ull diaordvre which aru from impuw irihotl mojwi such ad luuecular wkaied load of epl til awuied txealll iehid lnlhank lief vuudiivjahe ltyuoy all furittd of fiuala waektieed hvetafle ttartlyld i mwuiouu- austa rbunitaliim 1 leliua r i gr tr wa ynn harris so co i imiicd itfrfre gr v- 9 yi r svwn- thirtytliree yeais of squarflbusln8ss kockwood what wornerr want what men want j lu ilaodb wi indnufacturt and the 40id wi ii m our more meet omt- of tlu most unjioriant ileed of nvry mt 1 euro i coind luri liacovcred al laat a remedy that li a if a and pelnusa 1utriam a la corn extractor never fallf hover c pain bor oven tbo sllibual dlacon 11 uy iutnalu a corn 1 x tractor beware of tbo many clioej dangaroua flaall noting tubetitutc iii the uli hev that it la msda by louou d klngstop bunday a likeatlila ulweeu tha of loll where wa cell tnl and pry and nieditafa arkel co firua or alt absolute security genuine carters little liver pills muat boor qlrjnnturvv of 3 iwsfaaito wrptxr llw vay eaeall aaa aa easy tauaendeaiac carters piui ruiublchl fdi dinikim fdi bluouum fill totpid iivui r1i cokillpltloi mi uuow sua fit toecomruilm tkklw iinsrrw -owtc-ock- in piymcnl of tlil6 goyd cvtrytliiiif marked at closest hicls we arc prcpnrtd to take your wool clip and allow you for it the best market pricivgiving you tin guarantee of this business for thirtythree years with the rule of full weight and ftir inspection hrrris 5t co ui7vtited rockwiood xaiooiieisi wills rockwood 0nt nry t i kimv loa i tm uriliit uhitauaitv mt jirirrmrebird laa imenulh-ijar- vj 1 i arloa omialloara m ui iu lomullt tioimrtyjbrsnlr a milium f li- aid vllle propel laruwvuyiyxiu llv uu lit hktkkkt t aalo iviulleoooulry aufie for eorvlro la 1oenl iv feaillue c l uoai louuu wtlill free i f cuer plf oaee buquood kl weel trculn traders bank uf canada capital paid up 51 900000 asaots over 9000000 cuelph branch xkxt ooom yo roairof rilu savings bank dopartmont hlailkht ouiuiuhi uatli 0v intk111ht paid on aunia jihuhi of 1 an i u will intmt alloae1 uoul letn or iupplt ui ilau t wllhlrawal and pel or eoiupoun l lei ailvanoed niadd tc tx ttho urmeia en uiir mit uime at uia 1uhi current rated no charge mail for oollatlug aaled uoied ll teyeblalu luelili a kauaral uankluk blislue tlutd a v it jonht id a a jf ox hcton 1bkkery j c hxttjtkws rroprutor we now hanoll williams db31 aowilliamft kaucy pasry iruits and fakl vfgltahlis btawfiwtrtlhk9atwtav ice creamcold diunks xd pabtntb and cmildmen vlbltflno faibviow emfittcrv hhj baa lately been vulted by meera lf rhlwrea uaaerowipaalad by tliia is acalnat la eeimtary- tied in ooaotdarabla 1 bee reaoriod in 0001 fl thrwilb iu of lia cetbetety re bceaet pealed by laoia paraale havioo lbn apartally ta chan ti la tule eftl la ibo tatare be eaforeed end aetoa junstooi 1100 koyeltyfi s ktgurn6y st gos bbllsjvnd buckles new novelties in ladies pulley and collar belts and buckles swiss muslins new range of swiss muslins in large and fine spot dbe8s goods new line in black and fancy dress goods caitpets ani culifains large stock of wool carpets and lace curtains at lowest prices table linen and towelinfls extra value in table linen and towellings gurney co m st lefcehn in providing- office equipment 1 ghas l helilbs i cuelph uk ilookstoiil jlllj lf- wall tailit wis dow uiiapl0 uoou mouldinih hitnnfnnrooouii ciilldiirn d caitluaorrf 00 ciimi 1111 iaii ur iiooku al tuwul jtrlow j d ivokli i our u i ac ion chas write to us for prioaj l nelles uvlnrlilglboaesspllnts durb and all form of lrmn ylold to children cry for castoria v lal m alf i iii ihbmj im uiy ihv4 wl hw 4 11 ullur- ii -k- wimhimui 1 uinuljiulu ujlj ii b mjkiyi i it i iil m i ftf iu i lr hi- uui i tt11 lrtimns lmiui j iri tj- t ll- lllljlr 3 tl umi ti vlllrtajt 1 rf u4li apt iw ul mmau taairaai luiaaii utll vr to facilitate your bubi nebs fiavc you secured a long distance telephone the charges are mod erate the local man ager of the bell tele phone company will be pleaded to quote you rates itytenteil hoio tail rein protector tliahexibulerklhiau4ried to the ihill or inkle t y a oll wltli a at ioiw vi a rol u adjuitahla to any lioraa an i la arrli no that lheaoveeaeaetiuuiittiu4us ua bdolaiiihl loauy ttiflu flveinliiaua iaiidjfursliiileild li fur il lublv tvlctls w-io- r jl nkkl tuuju66 otilar by uialf m rou protiu sttaillluil 20o0 aqtnts wanted jahnos matthovvd putoiitoo aoton ont what it represents 1 wlioii you alt for a phuuirapli you want hid lileiiow to idjiiauut you prmrly wlieu you nlr tu u wavrajj tlia work lo rujircitni uu prorly our lmrlnt is uuuh on noiio but tho bot photo urupha ami firniir uifo ji well u iohrj i4 uld aula 11 i ilti ll ii fu lllitt ullluflc try plumtraiha hlrk5vtshk ul 3ist kcton ui llllili oph ilunlty ly ilka avry tlivr vl trqiilrad veuuuild liaall ll only rlinliaa ju3ste isteddiisra gift sale ncvst on in the kbtate of the willian smith notion la herel r 1 uiiiat ta th ulatute ta tll lelielf thai ell renoae mvllllaoi rill la uh oounty 1 f vatlon in tu blate of k vok la i led ktalea of america formerly of ibe vijuf of acton la be county of iltoa fenuemanileeeeeej wtia rjled ba or about ibe 1mb tuy of june 1000 are required aa o befoio taaxu uy of july neat to mod la william itiown l- asttml io mllcata of tbe ealele of to bald tt tut uartleulara at tlwlr clalmd and a ktateraont of thel account end of uie faoture of live beourluee if any bold ly ibemilulyverined and take no tie tbet of le th udtb day of july beil ibe said eiecutor all tnake ibe diatrtbuuoa loait tbe but lea outttted ejejom of ableb and be wlu too ble tb aaaeu eo ilulrlbuted to any tioi al boee elalul be sltall eat bera bed botioe ucikxsi j uclkk kollnllord fot wlllutl llrtien tbe i ul tor tb ajj al1 detej ula ikiii day of june tjoo tbereta bavla rebrd only t ba ahall u be llabu voters list 1000 municiialitv ok thb village ok acton in thb countv of h alt notick u hereby c that 1 he inue- tnlued ov deflveredto tbe pereona toea uooed la eeotioad h ead d nf tlia ontario vlter 101 act tbe cooie reoulreu by said agiooa lo be traoeoiluad o lullnnj of ibe lie uad kraueaa tobabvaet of all pereood aiweerioit uld teat revieed a l uoll of tba beid mualeipejiiy tolweouued u vol la lb bald municipality al tueeilona for afemheie of tbe icialauve aaaembly aad at aluntoipal ruo- uona and that the alt lui vu arat poated- b at my ofllee at tb mllu of acton la aeid county of helton oulbie day of jualca and remalnd there for laapectioa kleotora are oelled upoo at euunloe the veld llel and if any owleelona or any other- i are found therela in take lmmtut proreed ton la bavexbe eekl errors ooatectaj ecoonliu ilatuivllaof aetoa thla aub oeynf june lsoo thoh t uooiii clk of tb uuntcltmiuy ei laioa itiiuler twine lor farmers b lhdtlll tw1sh irooj tha central frutt for tbe aeeeon of iuoq 111 be aobl to rmeca or rumwi clnba for their own uea in r quantity from one bale ta red at tba e foltowli unmra ur agg bpeelel la bale ofo iba eeeh iu tea uuul be paid by pui ii beaeoeptedfar fullbel reheasrd and order y it a eell aa i lie p a buarantead of earviaable iiualit pcave faulty in t trill be refunded ity end if any belna relumed tueu l ta held only in small luau mi hiieclav wbltli bboubl prove nf apeelal value to feraura ueiu 1l id u libxel bubply irdera addreeeed to tbe wataea cmuoi wleon torouta will reoeive twult btuullou jawlit soxotf ioeveeaot of pruoiu tdroblo june tat ifiod terleuient liulujui- ah china goods at greatly reduced prices ul sikcrwarc at 30 per cent discount lor cash only no qouds booked at these prices sairage fe co jessrellers grtielph have you 9 seen our white spot lawji check and colored muslins for summer blouses if not you bhould before yoi buy mlu wucr will twt tn liliukcf u iho utur uulll tuy tlulil rnlurna iium laj lrli lu mmiltuua c f- goodeve ze co mill asr wcton to 1 hok auout tp mamhv yutibif trtcu nr old itieii wlto liifoml lu marry will ui pluaaej tu loam lliat ilia hew marrlaiie act ia iiiadti ijulto alnfple by applying tt ii 1 uoore iaauer of tnarrlaife lloeuaqa at iba haa laaud pllloe call few leyeefura tliq iniiiiotiy ami tiava tlia niattar viplaliie1 wlvald nfrlm all bualneea atriully privet and oonfl lenllal at tealueuud iii avetlllikd maaiory 1 tie oabluet of tialttauoil hi treaauyy of toaaotj tha rg uanaoleoo anj tb ooauoil obambe of 1 bought wa aoiiatlmeaooimralulau ouiaalvea ai til utoiuent ut viaklna fruol a troubled dream ll tuay ba id lba bwtneal after lalh lapa tlo you ak4 ray jaugbur ip marry ui oai yjau auppott family t hutor hoaf inany of you ara tbrr a sled oof2n aejubaoui jfoucfaara smrt rejinvv ijenf x m pro f4otxaamia efaaubota cubtt jrajjaw clouira jcarja vauow wimtummla xurtuwt whits ilaat rharouxoararf wjjfe- mat xtnprantj xtnfmllam jujfjrara jtarti ijofa crojajjfaod aajjy xta ourseod corn a 6f extra lino umpla lii j va have nil our cmjt tstlej our cuiloniera can toe it at our aioro growing in lokcj call and aw it alto swede mangel and hap scfda james hewer seedsman 4k maobonell st cuelph jsnewriting papers l vuala a apacjally o this tuu of good and our alocl u of tba fullaaf wo liava 9 papa of e cry vlml ipualliy awl prw front that used by tlia buil imi s mail lo anything required by tlia iiiau dainty uimuuuteiit our kloca of tbo utter hududel tiil niw wlldtwoort 1ahtltiri kl vkl wll i ul d hokih u uomam 1 lax iilllotitoil v wv have alau a jcmhi atock of 1jiu itlaiik iukilm ldicck lkilu alcuiul racolvod ycucfday a line oluaw l iatkiotic rostcakds at brown chekniat ajul builonar acton auw becrdi nut fimxiler rtiiku is b3 mlalb or off i jtomil lnaju- oa kktcrbikl 1 xt vau hiulcm jill hot i likuf toow out km imivairvdrta 1u ouoy faiitutsa tut ulwuimh buvtta a

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