Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1900, p. 3

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bank of jamiltai georgetown branch agoneral bankingbumnebo tian8aotod corrosponclonco solicited savings jeiailmcnt iiiltweil alluwertlii lumiol oni loi i ah awl upwariu lr in ilay i i tleixull in lliynf inllhilriiil h i rililk uul 11 deljym in lrawln lummy farmcrhmtuhiiicsi siillcllctl nolf re r iii itirrt 4lk0imlml anil mudcy u ul i lkllnumn outlncs3 purrioqea 3 ha every facility or making prom pi returns r l sale notoy handled and money advanced on account of um at low ralrft of lllctesl travellers are notified tbsl the hank ni hamilton and its llranche issue circular notes of the provincial hank of i nland uiqlted which can 1m cashed with charge or tviml lo in any pari utttt hi ad oliicp uamh10m ttabluuw 1072 capital paid up 1703212 reserve fund 1231119 total ablets 1 1827357 jiuiii tuicji ut 1 cat h lor b foksayetii agini georgetown branoh wedding rings and wedding presents rogers knives forks and spoons fancy china plate cupi and saucers all the latest styles in cuff links beauty pins duck les at geo hynds aoton out jgwuxgai hyubk llt atan rtt jimss tnuhsday july tlh 1w little local brieflets which cauaht tlf hyeta or hare of freo praaa hanoitare thl waok kur were worn on halurday tnusllos od monday f volume xxvi iba 1 uaa iliki a getting up lu yer tba strawberry aeaaoir i about over 1cullmriiawlirdoruydalriiriora lieylng baa ooinrneuced and lh music of lbs taper is beard lu many quarter bome wives idea of i husband t creation 1 to allow him to water tba lawn ttt alban churcb will hold gardsti party 4t the park ou thursday evening july luth no doth the busy little fly improve it every oh a bo upon baldcreulum to light and eseout a dauce dreytnn council baa vud sixty dollar to the village band and threedollar per week for treat watering the eaceealvely llot weather laat weak u followed by remarkably oool weather on balurday and buoday taornlng aoton georgetown glanwllllfttoa aitd horoby orangamao will fcluod tba oratiga oalsbralloa t uiambtoa od tba ijloroua utb tba kntiuftl plo bla at illootuabury oil tba lit wa aa usual a auccaaa a kood orowd waa prssaiit aud ilia aftaruooa wk njoyad by all itav 11 a mtcpbaraoo krthd aonwarbaryaarmoiia in oiprlojid ott hun day tba pulpit bara wa flllad by joa luldof lor on to lty ii a olupbaraou wilb bl woodorful opolty far aotl aorvloa baa bad aix qugagamaul at gardau partlaa wtthlu tba paat lad days tba lacroaaa inatob in lrampu0 draw a oosaldarabla- orowd oi local aporu tdo alao protaj an attraction a dlmlnulua paraoaaa about io yaaia old and only 3 feel 4 luollaa blli braatatt 000 aid or a bia tutaraai amocif tba yonutfatara la lowu oa llooday intaraai la looraaaloa in 11m lawq uoda oootta at tba park and a uumbar ol alpall playara art bolu dajaloped a obw oourl baa baau addd during tba w6k tba lufraablnaul commit of iba old iuplla 1u luilou will maat at uia hobool at aavail oclock on vrlday avail lojj all tilatilbara t r tllaatoj lo ba tjirawul uba gnkurixuor ijl llvlu liku a kliti tbaaa daya llirougli tbv kitidnuia of u a xowllmltd ubw poiloj uw baalia uj graau m itiliov iba oidliury bill at fata llratoptuu cmhtmtor ur a a vordati wbo va itiluradoi tbaltaad ttn 1 bbooldaratbrouifli lb falllutf of a ploa of limbaf wbu ilia aliad lu tba of tli tupllat oburoli waa blu toru down a ooupla ur waaka atfa la abla ta ba aboul klf on mooday laat in tail bonra 01 1 j no hobluaort farm jo dowdu plohad ibraa baodrad ud tlity yuufa of vtratfboirrlaj w vlolo twp buudraot anil alaty aud hlaqlav audraw twd bondrd and forty bjut oak ula star li 1int untttjlut bara aud tba golf uuka ra balut uhad aary wmi by ua davutaaa of tba ama tba yolfara bar batrawiaitwd by unmhavulaad mra mooal rapiluly do illlfatailt avaolotf tba paat two watka lira jaiitiul ii oatuarou itaj kludly ut tba 1 1aaaa oola of cliary u w l pajwra rba oaluary jurull apaaklu ut wbaat orup any a of ibo oropa hi lu looalhy hi albarla iba oropa ara aa baoomoiially bud tlipy ara uugmlj b utbar aaau the news at home mostly of o loonl chnraotar an vorv ton intoraatlnu dtitultilon vty ivan i ha thirty ihird auiilvarawy of b a ttul day waa oelabratod vory loyally 011 moidayj ibaday waaadflltilitrill nlldly inmpcrcd tiu aud vary ilaaaaiit for an outtuif iba holiday talka imi iba ihy took many olllmna out of town and brought iumruui viaitora to tba liomti or oflf rca ionia j7c r i j uplltl jtti villous i 1 ml noii friday lulb j 1 1 j ki iii 1 1- lo xltraoi tba altenllon of tba i hi u ii a lata itourt llltl vor the j urpoao of iiiahlog flital arranffamaiita for iba day a prppclok a- mailing of ta ii i ut hi rcildool in atitan will u bald in ll a council chatbr tomorrow friday vav al h jw all who aiaiolfaud will plu nlatid mian it m ohm m arm on tuaaalay avanlriff jund iotli nno mclntoati of aoloq a laoroaao plaja waa brought bora on a bat lo bat mr cora a buraolu a raca for 100 yarda luru aiid olir collefctlou dcliai j bck to tarlu poldt ior yarda in ai mcltitocb krp up wilb tba horao onhba trip down and turned tint at tho poat but bo waa ovfrtakan 00 iba relum trip ftlid balan bv about 40 yarda tbo rao wltueaaed by a larjja number it beintf aoinawbat of a uoval ooaurranoa fof milton poopla ibayanjoyad tba aport liowava milton jlrermrr urnttoa fjoaatic cropm ilii aoaaou a oropa tbroujjboul tbia roullty ata of a vary fair averao all 1 rlnf cropa will b fall aooordloif to tba traaaut ludlcatloua tbero ara many una lrlda of wbaat about twolhirda of thm will ylold full oropa and tba other third will ba middling tiralu ia ripening ft id tba wbaat barveat hlay auoroacb on tba liajjuh tho grain la fllliutf wall ilay la rathur ugbt on old meadow but tiot bad on naw though clover la ry twal ly a fulluta the talna of tba 11 uioiilh bava bean vary banvflolal a vry srioui accident a vory dlalreaalixf and painful aooldant ha j palled on tuaaday of laat wk at mr oao ilarjy daw barn ou the gtli lif j- uallii mr u blma carpenter ware pultlntf 011 tba iiitlelllo roofing wbenarope brokawbiob aaourcd the aoafcoljpreolplul tajjffbtoa of ilia mu down the tin roof a of t lie en eausbt tba ropca but tho third mr ourrl aon of tba late ialjun currle aecond una 1- rln fell to the ground below dlatauca of forty faeu the yoang man now ilea lu a preoarloua ooudltlpn auffiirliiif from k broken leg and uni aud other brulaea but hope la entertained for hi recovery new uooicm or the re xlbrary tba reader or tba proa library will be puaad lo know that a vary fine uaortmeut of imw book will be catalogued and placed upon the abalvea in 000 plo of wetlu ilia book committee vlited the pabllahlng bouma lu toronto laat weak and aooured e vary dealrablo ael action of ota uleat publl cation a by wall known canadian kogliab and united b la tea writer the wloatlon ig qtitta oomprebaoalva and varied in character and lnclnaa history biography kcisuce aud art poetry including tba new published poarus by genede a leadlog poela auob aa molaoblan lampman atid ilaud 1 voyagaa travala and ad van urea eenaral literature rellgloua literature and a fair aprltikllng of the better qlaase of holloa and rpmeuoe tbia fcddltiod to tba library will be appreciated by all readara liarwajjo of john u omhr m f i iba jltitlj saya on tuaaday moru lug jfltli june at ten oclock major john h llarbar m 1 1 and ula asuea alberta daughter of mr ara lteaeay ware errieil at the home ol tba bridl market hreot ibay left on tba ii 03 train to oetoh the imperial limited at toronto l 1 00 for port william they will remain ibara for two daya durlug which mr llarbar will wlaot a a lie for the niplgoti iutp mill luturuing by boat theyreaah toronto on sunday afternoon anflhonla monday tnornlog on wedueal day lhay leave for montreal and mra uarber with ur uarbera eon llaj go on board tba i ale ckumplau for liverpool thursday night from liverpool lhay go direot to ilroaaeu where tba liaaee ilarber are through loudon after a weak tbare tbay apeud four week n germany aud hwiuerland a week in ivrl and then will taluru to loudon mr ilarber will return bom oa tba jsoam leavlug rloutbalilptou on aug net 20 lb tba other will vlall efoouand and return about three weak later a ziuuy rwu ll wedoeidey eveulng rtih ult the cqilgragallou of tba mat hod let church rnet to apend a aocla1 hour with ilev 3 a molaobuu m a all j ilia family prior to their departure for port llglt after rafxtah mania bad been mrved lit uielliig wan called to order by the luoonlitig ytawatd and kind word and good wiahea were tipreiaed byath following member or the coiigragatioa 1 councillor wallace juo u colamtii a a ueoord a t urowu rhoj lllloll vr foraur aud ur kelly jtev victor j gilpin or dyer hay wai preeaul nud apoka a faw appro tulau word iuv j k ooddui m a 1 ujilq vjuaufltcpba no uw a j w preaeut and it brief addreaaa referred to tba vry puaaeiit rvlitlouahlpa lhay hd eiijoyad with mr molaob1ait durluil bla patorau bare mr moluchuu in tender wordi of farewell rvplled aiptaealug bla appreolatlon of uie many ktudileeaae ahown hint during bu three year lu aoton 111 trojeediug were concluded by eluglni god be wilb you aud iba uuedlolloit by iuv mr goddau luv- mr uolitoliuu uftforhla uew charge at 1oit lllu ou uturday tnomlug tli lulnlih ltipr counmuy canada i aoou to have a nw luiper mill which will niauufaolure high grid- of pap in wblob e tiatud of aotoo mr l r uuydar ia one of the obief proprlaton tid dlractora i he company la noorpor a tad under the above till and the mill ia uow in couj of i con air not loti at hi oa til all lie oof 1h oapiul ftutborllud i 300 000 iii 1100 abare tba provtelmi djrdotor are mr if a 111 tub j of tbe firm of lulcliioa llatitaey loronto tnanufao turar of ooateil paper and onl board e and foruurly with th oaliatu paper co luroulu mr ldarajd fiulay fur lb put uu yaara hupt or tba geofgvtown lper millaiiulur l 1 bnyder ulemenager tradu uatik tiudbury nud more tsoont ly uaoratary xreaaurar of tb hujrtieon vail laper end iulp co ulurxeoii ifell out mr llulay 1 lo be maikltl alreouiroflb kjulllh iar co mid mr hny ur heorelary treaaurer lb lflreolora bopetolieve the m in o tlou lit ootobat tfiey will biutiaolua rluaj writing and book paper j he tnaxliiuary alid aluratlon lu tb mill building will run up lo f 76 000 lb fmmm 1hiuw wlabae the important bew euteipria every auooo ro fumu a cold in unu lijv tkltatla llriil i gull ilia taj 14 ii liuavlmia rluud u utmavir it aja w nuil o b y mndt4lfmtatiieu on ail boa j uatatalott itny tioltilny tfrnosa tha bob tay rale wet t jtito ffrot betur day mrali tl teuger traftin waa very hoavy all t aitta itd on eddl tfonawjl0hee and wrre crowded to the pht or ni a a tiranlimberofd aotonuna and other arrived in town to and the holiday bare and a treal many left for onlatda poiule- ibara wa evl ietitly mora travailing an i 11 ie uu ra in town than imath of mr judnn caeas hr after en dtnaaa of aeveral weeka of blood poieondg mr andrew cheyne father of meeera andrew and jamra teyne mlllare died auddenly at bla h me at iba comer of vliloru ave and quean blrael on wadnaiay evening june j7th the daoeaaed wbo waa w ii known in peel county wa alxly nine year of age and i aurvlved by a widow nlr grown up family lie waa ay ataaaeb oooeerval i ve and member of the o raj 50 order well euraett trip la t hiiihim aa a recognition q tho work dona by prhtoliel mua of lbegnlh akrioultural goltftr i ha parmare inalltuue of tha provlnoo haa ut liraeenud him will a aubalaotlal aum of moimj and have aeked bjm lo lake a trip to great ilrllelu the hinlatarof agrlcullura lion john iry had laa rivbii pennlaloi mr mill iq go at liiitm during tba bolnlay period and ha ia arrngpg lo leave immediately it addition to the plaaaura of eooh a trip dr mllla aapeol te vlalt aome of the agrloul tare oollagee and axperlrnenlkf farms of bdjiland and hoolland t vary aummar the collars at oofclpb baa teei vuued by representative andoulukiata fiom lle old land and many valuable laaaooe have been learned there ur mill will now have a ohance of finding out what can be learned from el roller inatiluliou in great britain pbhsonalh mr 1iauk molnloali vieile 1 friend lu blouffvllla over han lay mrar will audi idle hum of hook wood vlalted aclou friend on monday miaa minnie holme came home from nerval biiwoduaiday for the an turner vaca lioti mr autmr oha mllay aeverel day during the week in itookwuod and guelpb mr oaelou bhlltli foreman of itohlu aona mill olovsravlllo la in town for u week or aa mr md mrs p j timllbend dau of toronto are vlaltiug kt lb home of mr wm wordati mr george uildeti brand of joliuutowu returned to hla bome her on tueadytor a vlalt for a week or to mr rrkuuuand ml rtlla ullla or johnstown k y arrived 00 tuaaday fjr a vlalt at their itotu here mr charley uroley who baa beau filling tb poallion of teller in tb merohenl hank for tha past throe week returned to hi home at 1 lora on baturdrfy mr and mr pred ii bmytb and cbim ran and mr i- ruast paaraon name up from toronto batbrday evening and apent baoday and dominion ilay at the home of lueva pearaon mr lllobard biuey of tb ctxohc jttyllsrlotgaio called on tha vux ptika ou tuaaday mr blbley wa ft resident of aoton about thirty five year ago end used lo run the flour mill for mr ldwird nioklln mr andy paareon of lspeer mich have been the iiuaal during iba week of bla eon iteeve pearson the old gentle man i iu hi eubt third yar but hale and hearty h will vlalt hi old bom at 1 salon corner granville county and coming and going vjaltora to and from aoton and varlobsothar paraonal raouie otbor ontario psluu hre natban btover a widowed daughter la accompany ihg hi ni qeohoetown the publlo bohool aobour a couoerl lu the town hall ou dominion day eveulng wa jolta k auoceoa at the oloee of tba 1ii bobool last weekmlae k u uult wo preeenled by the pa pile with a handsome fteorelery aud complimentary add res mia unit ha severed ber connection with tb illub bobool ataff rev tbomas uarrlaon of loodon ha been spending a few daya at the home of hla boyhood user btewarltowd iuv aud mr o a mtuholl of water loo paased tbroujb on tba g t it list wadneajyotitbalrwaylotlidparlrilspol tlod a gardau parly under iba auaplo of bt patrick a cliotcb will be held by father teeny on lueeday july totb lb following buftdsy school lire ar rarjgiug to unite in an anouraioa to tba ilaaoh ou thursday july pjth matbodibt 1 spile t gongaegatlausi 1rsbyterlat end anjiuoau tare will be a folio we adult to cent children h5cnl iu ft tjuuluabplrll of christian fallow ship jba proytarisu and methodist cbufohes united last bunday iuv j uauudsra m a preaching in tba preeby leilan oburoli in tba mornlug aud tba mlhodlal in tba availing owlug lo iii nee iuv mr parrln aud family were quaranllued lu ibalr home a isrg iiumdronocsl ojjtiiwt at landed tha big dsttiouatratloti of tba brethren of lha thre link at mlllou ou monday ciilwb6nb cdonuhu otuluic r dotululou day pasaedoff julally bare a number taking lu ilia plouloel itloaitubury aud porta it w where that day mr and mr c bwaokbammar aud maaterai arthur and clluton of churoblll ipeut potnlnioii day at mr it waua borough a mis 1 thai aud master vauna kauuiar of ilalliuafad spa nt tiunday at tba home of n porbe mr iiiqj aud ula l ciawion of lutbar spent a faw day tbia week will frlefid her rf muse t cullman aud 0 allan of loronto spout lha boll lay with friottd bar mr and mr llgrlpp apaut a few daya with frlnd in hamilton mils week mia paiiill bloti of guelpb apeui ft few daya lofi weak at mr ja gamble meear t j uouoghua and h j lafab tiiau visited friend at mount 1orast this week mr g 11 uuffmau who baa beau vlalt log friend in tbia vlolulty returned to hi bom lu chloago on xueeday mr oh gamble r friauda iu plora twa week mr j 1111 vliuj at jaa hambaw a lastwk mr aud mr jubu llrowu hud ubudrec epeut ibebiilljay with frlnd at churob bill mia j h oriip relurul bom- laat wwk afur spend 1 1 g ihree waeka willi friiida iu llainlllou dmida kn i other pi so anumbar from hare alupdnl tb garden leitjr at 1 den mill on p uigbl ttie aaa lswaa levtlee al iu readers to 000 tribute to tills column if you or year frlaad arvtolnaiay oue liolldayirlp or if you tiave frlatnls vulliua you drop a oard to ue vas ur j 1 eavoy and family have removed lo iluuteville mr pat gibbons is home froia glovers vllle for a viait mr john first brook toronto wee in town on monday mr and irai l k coqb spent the holiday at palermo irs i prancie vlailed relauve at ilrantford last week t mr ansou bmltb brof h la wialting acton friend misaj mabel llrovnittofontn kuest of aotoo friend a 4 mlee mooale milou of norval visited aoton friends laat week mr tbo brunt jr of toronto vtajud aotpri frleude thla week ml wro mcnabb viiud friands in boutbamplon this week mra it i grabam visited frunda ha lleapeler during the week mis alloo tbomas wa borne from iterlin on a visit thiol week- mr j pyfe arrived borne ihi week week from tie worth west mra b a becord of hamilton- was in town several daya thla week- mr tbetaas iloxell wa bome from loodon over dominion jjay mr 0 prollsr of glovoraviue n y visite tha o borne thla week mia llhoda p pmtlieraon ufl last trl day for ber bome at cope to wo mr wm noble of toronto apent several day in town thu week mr luther lyman of torouto visited hie o 1 koenr here the past week mr nuiman powell of gnalpb i vnut iughlaeleter mr t k m beoord misg mopball left yeeterday to spend a month with fvleoda at cauulngwo mr gordon may eren toronto spent tbe holiday at the bom of ble mother here mr andwraa j gentle r turned on balurday night from their holiday trip miaa mangle 1 bbejte left on toeeday in take up bar old situation in gloverevule miee clark of ciielteobau spenb bunday and mond with acton friend mr l d orr dfnsw york name bom on batirrday for a visit at hi borne here mr and mr jamaablark and babe of london visited aoton friend lot weasr mis 1- jean mcpheil d a will apend the vacation at her home at catnpbellvilu misee lei a and zalla hbbaare of toronto are apeoding their holiday ber mieekeetle or teeter ii uwa the oeet thl week of her friend mum ulna walks mr john davidson of the g t ii caledonia visited ble old bom thl week messrs charts and arthur moore toronto wham ai home nta dominion day mr lewi watson and children were guest at tit home of gapa shaw thl week mr and mr k k- boouy bf toronto war goal at the bora of mr b day laat week mr aud mratboma perrymanir and two boo were upaqnl toronto fot the holiday ur an4 mr uober a attended the lioaiie holders convention ht goelph ial w the thorn comes fqrth the thorn point of disease s jut cfe or pjusu bat the blood is the feeder of the whole body ihrlfy it xuith hoods srsxprilu mdnnya liver apt stomach will at oil mspond 7 no thorn lb una point etowmpb pawtm- hat oarere pain in my stomach a lurm of iwaralaia ujr toother nnrwj me to take honda hersaoak- hlla and ir made me well and otronj 1 nave also riven it to taf baby wllh satis factory rreulla i an elad to renocamencl iluod a kareaperllu to ouaera uaaj jon fa paok 20 omrefa iu toronto ont coarsparto stjrlawubtlon- after treat ment in boeplul ft was weak hartuy able to walk my blood waa thin x took rooda kaseesmsauiaiuoii wall and calssm so laev it elee- benealted nj wlfc asntni mrrxst ilreeden nt modz alteration sale wl will continue our alteration sale for tv6 weeks longer special uaigdmi in our china palace the moled te4 stofle r and china page j a iviccrea qdelph pays to buy at boturts pays to liny at botlerls mr harry jean audmaaur hilton left last weaken a visit torslativeetal glover villa n y mis monteluj weill lo berlin on tuaa day to spend a few week with ber sister mr ii j hall mia tlllly lyon of goelph apent several day last week at the home of mr morris gardiner mr bamual powell of goelph wa tba ruaet of hi deujtbur ure t k u beoord ibi week mbawe gusele and mead hell of lurlln alted their brother mr uenry uejl lak avenu last week mr geo thurston and children of whltefleldn ii are visiting al the home of mr john thomas dr kelly went icdlatnllun on balur day and mr kelly and children reinmed with bird on tuesday dr and mr j y hreti of toroulo war kneel of ax lleev ntokllu a noapl of day durlug the week mis rlls leiatf of toronto i spending a couple of weak al tba bom of bar fuels at mooreafoft- v mr aud mra uloheel uapluand dauiihtsr of guelpb were guest of mr d mcmuroby edit thl week mia ada pranol oatna tip from loroolo 1 balurday aud spent aeveral day vary plsaaaully al ber fatbjiji bom mr ldwlu 1ranolaof toroulo apatil a uk holiday at bla father home rtlurulaxto tbj 6ityiifljlihj r mr aaa hall returned hoeae on betur day after apendlug ft month with blend al muoiij churobvlll and uramplon f uaear penuell and arthur and mue 1u11 and master willie bmytb 0 llramptod are bom for the holiday mr ii p moore wt to luluvlll on xuseley tnartiiug to attend ilia anuuyl meeting if tha hoard bt management of albert collga mr and mra george ieelt and mim ilauuab btartorj atlended the marriage 6f their tiopliaw mr uablueoti ta mia madariilott al ilespeler las wednesday rr lit j d payne of cbloagn and bar two llltl eon arrived here on thar day tnorulug aba will spend a month or so wilb bar mother al uuuderlabd illa aud with other acton frleuua iuv violor j gllplo of dyer ilay uiada aoloii fruud a brlat visit la week wbil an tout to uloeule where yesur day be loik unto himself a wife in tba person of mu m 1111 luld mr aud mr 1 boma hamilton removed tbi week lo begluew uleb tbeir frleuda barfrearat helr removal but are glad u know their i a proepeol of tbejr return and perenemetit aetilement here a year or eo beooe col w allan ha dean somewhat aertously indisposed lb past weak hat bis old time eoeriry eilll ebaraoterhses bl aud though in hi elablf otlh year be t m wondeeeda4iaiiiy ii u troabu al pree weak use of the heart ur charts weubam wbo went u hamilton durlug lb recent tannery sulke spent a few day with frleud here thl week mr weubam wb works id tb steel work bad the misfortune to lose ble right eye a few weak eu by a apllnler of steel ibi aerlotw loaa a tuuali rare4tej by charlie a friaud bsrs linoleum if its manufactured by the right people is without a rival as a durable clean and beautiful floor covering ours is made by a worldrenowned firm of kircaluy scotland who arc pioneers in the business and we regularly import a splendid range of the best patterns turned out by them we arc now showing better values and prettier patterns than ever widths up to 12 feet present prices jire favorable to you r d el macdonald fc bro th6 uron gu6lph we have as usual the best stock of boots shoes in town we hay uo room for chjp tnih ami no diiire io deal in il wo guaratiloo that overy pair of iloolsantl hltomt m our alore lua got the money a value in it and la worth every cent of tho price wj ask we tell tho kind of altoe tlial improve oil close iniipoc lion and aland by yod like a brother we nuke lite prlco aa low aa can be made or an honesr article more- inony la lou in lite wear rjfclteap goods limn la tt saved in the buying the us illy of good rnjtrcicot ilu money value luy a poor arllcln cltean and you lose a ntiittorfcnecthartoatttellaiaaivi trie unnoa pay for tooat tmtaw rsip do not take any risk but make your iwrchxaeai klnnpy hkob when you re tuura of ire t ling- hjfett goods at fair price a combination hat i aa food as iold iount at last whites of eggs and glycerine tho flnoeit shoe dressing for ladles pine shoes to iip had at ouh stoltk ilooumade to order and repairing promptly attended lo by experienced workmoii wo are alwaya willing lo show good and glto pricom 1 hanking you for your liberal patronage for ovjt 15 ycant and lollclllng coillluuaivce of aaine we remain yours truly kenny bros main street acton july 5rn the right house litahl 1bi1ld its hamilton s tavorlti shoitinc plact some great bargains in silks when you re in louu m sure tndaec thba ery umibual bargain we rttoftcrlng in dealrablo silks if you cannot comn to hamilton wrild for utini4ea fioc i ancy silks now 30c prettch priulett 1 oulard hllla in navy and while autl buckaud while auo 1 aucy birlped lilierly silks in many pretty pat t ems and aliatlee- 40c jap iiilla now 35c i ancy striped aiutcluck japaneu bilk for summer shirt wai kin by pouurd silks 6i choice summer i oulardu in fancy figured tleugua for tlretui niotlly peklel aiuuloi waab vrj oomij ww ma aaef doc uow 1j 1 3a here a a praat allraciloti a whouj big table of alyliali wash dresu 00 b all litis koawill a re tlucet from hc 30c 35c and 40c to tjc a yard 1 veryliotly will want in aocure a the nr a waist uiikiii from this hit aurdy ibc mailraa 1jwhb ic in lilnk idua and navy grouiuu wild small fancy fiuuml palleruu ji inch 3oc and 40c cluubama njc in arllpe ciiecka and pbtitu alia u of ol 1 rose grey green navy aud black ii inch aoc cotton bouurdr ujc in red orblack with white si ripe and in cerlb or navy wilb black- and white figured paltarna j6 ajc cawhrlcs isjc i lae uallly with fancy figured tvalteruu uni wide ulilpe edeel lu various shades o00j vuydlum lu iandaeraafeiw largo lot of good handkerchiefs ouedilg tit much less than ibolr re price u whit irish lineu i laiullercblef and 1 inch lietna very special regular 10c each at lor 3jc uejtulat 30c each tifoforoy iteguur 3c each or lac hand 1 uilirolderod uitlattjulotl alatldlotchlola hams tit cited worth if uiilaunderrtl joc al nc others un laundered hoilitch enlhrolderoil line lultuled worth if uuudered luc at 10c children a otlon 1 icture haudur cbefa vory apoclal 6 for 15c 1 ontario ordort by mall luompl uttmitlou 1 relabt and tupress paid to any railway station villa for sai 1 all mail orders ainouuttug 10 00 or o lanipui they are going themselves ihfl titer day wo aiketl y 1 t t walrh us hunlbi ihn wa h ouds out wrong rapresslon- the while k we llemlrcd ate i lu their nwii htiulliig n i all wo have lo do it lo ik t wlih lhe yai 1 slick the i ilnled wash goods aio moving oul ijiilclly the j ilnlp i pstlrrnu eiecially in ihe fancy iwnt munlliitj ainbks an 1 ii ur uto m clur ill f j tho eyo and the i rlceu u easy i ihe uipe white spotted muslin he 1aney strip dimittics 12c white pique- heavy foulvd mh ftney pitterns wltit7jitciuiirdmuslut merlcfihcd satelub new hhdij fancy amenctn printed iawn jactjuird wjl tve printed mublinb 1 v colored doihette w anywhere from 50c down lo jc n wash ciwda in wliittci etcry well slyfoil and c jrrect family of gtxlu are lnr in real ab in in co we harlly appreciated this moik of waill coods until you found lhi 1 out guess our prlceit mtin ik loo tow ur nnelhlug any way wo arc matting it pay lu buy at hollerl a it lay to buy at itollortn e h bollert cfe cov 25 and 27 wyndhain st guelph i isc rbe 30c 5c mc 1 8c colur cl 411 y ami thomas c istatkins- king st euul cor hughoon 8t hamilton new method for keeping out dirt rlrlt some months ago wc advertired that we had invented a method for keeping out the dirt which gets into stem windny watches around the stem call with your watch and w show you where the dust gets in and tlilre is no succesv method to prevent it all case makers sc mto hcequafty careless and ilntil now that our new mcthoh has been tried v and fully proved a success no case could be called dust proof we are using this new invention on all our new watches and will put it in all watches bought from us with out charge no matter how long ago the first time they are left to be clcmed although ionic of the older makes of cases do not admit of the improvement pringl6 tho jbw8lbr cublph henderson fe co 1r hot mbkther goods we place in stock today a fresh spipment of cjinrbskhlto hntrcotorbdplouses the most liatty and uptodate stud obtainable taffeta and silk gloves in black white and cream all qualities satin back velvet ribbons all the best widths now in stock veilings parasols laces etc reaoyrtoweaf skirts in plaids plain and fancy blacks atso in white pique and linen hendbrson si co hcton r specirl prices -in- bedroom suites sideboards for tiuo days thursday friday and kutunlay bo ufjb1r irtvlnnhm7irt st gxjfelfh a vcr special snap as follows sbv 6 ijircli ii it sultea fsnuhdd mahognny sliarvrj lona 30 x and 6 1 lm golden oaktfnuli slili jvch1 bore in militate with i real tood value at vn 50 whild iljey laut will sell at t to y boielc 1 iiilrrnro hit 1 mid tiiatiruitu tlin sik o only bldolwiardi 1 drawers j swell golden oau jinuli ulih exlfmlui tililo and lu j ctiatra lo nutcli regular aluo jy 50 wlille ilioy laut al i jo 75 hiwlat alu cult and scans in all kindu of korkora and 1 any clnini up to clock taking in july j 3vi struthers 4- e i x t hewd questlolsis x requiring hat uilultoiu ire lteil studied and ilinat dually soted in the light of our stock any man from a swell dreasor down lo ho plafuest cltlioii can lop himself in tha i ink u fa ill ion an 1 lo the acme of lulufac lion with our aid price llkewite ligurr largely in the mailer but our nlo f tire small and em worth studying htraw hat ftoiu jjc in tft jj hard and bolt 1ellu iimc up id uto ftillt ii 10 ijlkj ony pulck only r- e nelson cuelph marohanl tailor and mens furnlohor f

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