Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1900, p. 4

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bald atawh spo with out help a bald spot never a r o w s h smaller it keeps k spread- ing trn 1 11 at last your friends say how bald he is getting not easy to cure an old baldness but easy to stpp the first i- thinning easy to f j chccktlie first falling out used in time ncs isawjpi made fjjj with w m visor it stops falling picmoics growth ana i out all dandruff it always restores eclor to faded or gray hair all the dark rich color of cjrly life you may deprnd upon it every time it brings health to the hair si boakatluaudrt boll of ii and yal tnppwl ftulluvntltftdjl usrdtu ibm centa ruh r mo 4hm omfia fyn d m btiua ajl tw bene j ru pwt4 from u eee a um vijm wtiu ue n tr ivt n ibj jltru a a a a a a killing wbbds o feoiht wbn w went to eobool w that if iro men coo id da cvrtain nleoa o work in on day on man rould do it in undiji btt w ef taught by eeparl at that tliu would not epolv to weed killing and roeoy other bile of farm aaiira in hoeing a held large auouitb lu wp ten man at it all tfty it wool i take a moi t rioh of bred of blm wool i mke arb tleye woii amml- hil behind hltn hay woulil kd m that ba woul i dnrt tboee place ba hoed tba fital day atuui i la in oaad of being boad again before ba reaobad t ha and tbl of oaarae a ipll to rich land where weade gro rauk and rapidly therefor ilwlll pay tu k tilta labor la flnub a 0a id julokly deed boeluit and rameraber too that uia roan who loet bis railway train nut feat enough bat tba tr cabin wa that ha did not rttt aootonatbhtjrfittin aaaaon on oan go over haiti that doe not nead hoeing in half i ha lima lm ooald orj that neada it and frequent ooltwa alan ia good for tha growth of tba plan i a in abtu not naoaaaary to daatroy wi keep tba bora boa running and tberf will ba but little work for lb band hoe amtntam cultivator the doctors advice jlbo mr w r lrflap op williantbfoiin on r to ush dh ahnui oh untlllfah toxin w rn co nurvuiiitioi biuva c wofxjarful i pnulhsh till nncj oonnrxj too thwt bhowt owr of of arnold lh cilia th a boy aqain ht xton jf iess ha nolor of una of our if rga oorpora- txroi vaa tu tba habit pf prowtlnit around tba offlo ona roornliitf liahappaoad to corns acroaa tba dlnnar pail of tba oflloa boy ilia oorioaity lad him lo ukfjaff tba oov a klloa of honi mada braad two doagh out and a plaoa of apu pla umpuil tha mllllnnalraa appatita hw baoama a boy aalp aoj tba dlnnar pall etml t- ba op ba oarriad lixiy yaara ajro jaat tbaii tba offltm boy utrni lu and aur priaad ibaold loan sating tba pla bo bad flnlabad thabrad anrl tba doaobnol thafa my dlaoarjottj aatiogl aald tba boy l aoony i aoapact u may ba but its a oral rata ona for all tbl la not aaiao ao rood a ona for alxty yaaxa tbara b aomad a bo qalahad tha pia lata that and go ont aod boy yoor aalf a dlnnaf bat y oa wont kt ogood a ooo ftod ba babdad tba boy dollar bill vor daya ajua tba old toao ktpl rfatrlntf to tha flratolaaa dlnnei ba hj muh fi tba boy a baj tl tumtbuayjulylblooo ftbt 0onng jpolbi two z 421ptt ijuia ulaa luadyuil on tba ay lo aaltobl tuy own and band and faoa itooka and whiui in tbalr wa lilt 4 tat aad awaat and nool utiu ulca unraadylbi urn o in tbna fo aobool llooka and panoila oo t of blaaa towalad bair about bat iim voaiiluooaap aiul atool ko wlilobw will yon ba utualraury goma qoiu laajy top ia ta whupav la tny h all ill u miim iuadygln r w u 1 voulj i ymritaltjf mo anduibi clildran im1 and ajood cawurfj jcrnll women mlcbobcopists that to aoroa ona tb wotfaao mpltyad in tba cbaa abwk jarda of tohoni dar a bundrad ara inapaotoia of tnoata lnlidad for a i poet tby ax for tba raoat part wall ad oo tar woman from twenty yaajra of aa npwrd tbalr work la to lamina tba tnaat ndar tba toloro- oopa and raport aa to tba praeeno ot hbaanod of trloblnao tb work in not kruoum bat mm hard on tha ayea ao lbat tfhaoai rat of m feat knluulaa rv allowed fcbd aix boar of aotaal labor oooautota tha day work uavaii an pari woman- a- ajtanjlna tba apeolmaoa ajraady paaeeed upon by tbaoibaraaalatanu naw raerniu fcra obllgod to apend fonr or flo toon tba etndytnic bo to datacl trlohlnaa lu tb dltfarout atakaa 1ba average fata of pay uufty dollaia a rooiitb wprk while yoa hlap ifyodtaka a lau liver illl tonitbt bafora ratlrioa u will work wblle yo alaop witboot a ilpa of pain oaring blllioaioaaa oonatipuoo b4d lok baadaoba and tnajkoyoo foal baiuf id tba morning oat angry ooeaalonally if yop moat hot kaap yoaf month ahnl sit ollaa tba moit oonelnala uatl- mooy rapaatadly laid baior tba pobllo in tho oolamni of tba daily pra broa tbat tr tbomia kelacula oil n aboaty pars oombjnatloo of all of tba flnaat remedial oil lo azuunoa re road lea kbaommtlo pain aradloaua atfantlooa of tb throat and luni nd core pi lea wound a or- lamanaaa iomon bojroj aod injnrua of boraaal aoj qailt tba moatdary aotbor liarm lf yon aftllyapapllo7lki if your back aobaa uka xotty a if yoor boaj acbaa uia wtty if yoa ra aarou take 1atlya if yon ara wak ulfa 1ailyri vol tya will tnaka tba aiok wall wbai la it a alga at wban onaa up liobaat aaked tbaaweat gtrl a aba lower ad tba blind and eat down fa tba oornar of a aofa bolll for two i prawama irapllad tba danaa young tnaa a ha folded bit ejrma and triad to look wua thai it iodic tee odutieooa irrlulioit uagyard yellow oil euraa apralna brolaea aoraa woanda cau fpkbl obllbleloa and atlnga of loaaota baru ld oontoaalooai eta imoelut of nvary tan paraotia in canada ar fdiiii urvumna ami l waak uiu lyinm ibo rnlapry oauaoil by ooinplaluta la iinmaaauroahla more money la ipont evory year for mod i o in aa for tbaaa dlafaaca ibali would buy qot hair a doien mlhionatraa and yet tbara ia a oora almpla aurp and permanent one ibat ooala iiulo and pnxluoaa and tol that ia abaoiuuly unprtledin tha blatory 4t jnodjeinn ttibliifldiaiatf li kuonn lfaroii4iqti irieknuiuurpiiakinirwurwi dr artoold a liogllab toxiu ill for weak people it baa lb e toot of permanently olaanaiiig tha ayatent qf dlaaaar and ft baa tbla tflaot by killing lha gerina that dtin tlia dlaoua lualda- kllllnji lljo h or dlaeaea it nounlnraola tba polana untlm they creeta in ilia bltwxi v braaja the darvaa purlflea tba blow and ravlulliea the whole ayatain dr arnold kngllih toxin till are praeoribad by inatiy of the moat abooeeafnl pbyilourttitllloir private practice l hera u aoaaahbat tbowa tha pawrr nf this wondorful medlolna ower narooa and waatln tllaeaara i auffared for tntintb with narvouneea and general dabifuy i wa utterly rniaar- able unabla to ateap and conatalitry lu the inml drl ajilrita my nerve ware lwitohy i hd bplittliijf beadaohea and waa a web a- xhlm my family phyiolati lit rjl ma lo ia rr arnolds lluvitab tvxln llll i imtiubl lxl uel lhre larun 01i wlilub i miiilmpp lo tela cured me ootiiilataly i am now bl and hearty wtronk and viorou aoand in every ttiuiil itry ttul limb tbank to dr arnclil iulih to in lill v lkruu merobatil wluiaoiaford out ir arnold jnllmlt toln 1miu rr aold by all druglalm ica a box or bent polpaidad reoelpt of prion by the arnotf oltamloal oompaiiy llmltail oatiada life uulldlntf ii ktu htreat weet toronto fti n hcatuttroutem fa mnob almplar than la aometlmna oppoead liaalh dapanda obitd apon arfeot dlgeellon and pure mood and tba protlam 1 eolaed ry ceftdlly by uooda harbaperlut you my keep keep welll by lktij it prom ply for any atomaoli or blood dleonler itaouraa of aorofula eall lluimn otarrh dypl- rheum tiara mid uttier diaeaoa arallujnlierel by the i he f illl xfte family oathartlo a hooji like amiulriug a iaraialinoe in liolo c liking it aometbltitf taau for olive a ileeeaiit melloine thar aa aume pllu wblnb have no thar pnrpoee bvidanlly than to beget painful in ureal dlltutbatlwt lu tba peiletil adding in bia rauldaa aud perplailtlea raluee than dim inmiintf tbam one might e well wallow euro oorroalvo mauirlal iarmrae a vegetable ijilla bav not tbla diaagreeahl and injqrloua property they era ey lo take are not nnplaaeantto tha uate and tbalr aoljqu lalmlld and aoolhlqm a trial of them will prove lhl they offer paaca to hie dyapeptto l a 0uii utoauaa ba r i fant boeaaarlly tnualel oveftur f voutmpul champion the uunboa or botbaila beeide uiiir prtlty highly orttioalod an i rreet- travellar la amoue for bar beie luv work m thaaaal and ul loudon where alia ha nauhllahod ultht aoboola reading room ami regular anterialnmenu for tha poor jo which many tilvl lullm lake put lha nw york ml te lht aha u alimllljid byihr mmi t i ouoe etia fouml a chaml n muiin llirm iiintoua avldantl lotik of 1 rt n that a hii all rouutlfamlly rrmody alwuya ebould be hi the boue for an emergency lit l pill dleoount any thing in tba market they ara ao email a child oan taka them with eee yet one a do ul raoklaeely you well that tb you klow bow frealy a talk about other people way thay talk ibout you cast oeik pot ijifanfci auid ohildreil tlalla icutua tlafattory lo hi tnx3 work r ahiro make your buaiuaaa talk abort a your prayers and yonalll be a winner ud yonil v heart pesvfpitls y v for vveak pzqplt thbse pills ore a specific for all discmes ariiinj from disovderctl rtbrves weak lie irt or watery blood ihey euro palpitation dizziness motliorin fuint and ueik bpells ahortness of breath swelling of feet uul unklcst ncrvousnefiji sleenlexs- noss nmuniia hysteria st vitus dance parttwl partlytis brain fag- fortutla complaint general debirtty aadjaclc of vitality pnco 50c a bo help other and it will help you to for i yoor own trouble hatplntea i waa reoeutly pajriy to a dlaooealoa aaltj ft doctor wberw tba tjueelion of lb uaturw of hepplnaa aroae and cartfa wieahaadpreeattt wa aaked to daflne it iu reply waa ao aaluraotory ibat i trut yon will allow to to repeat it for tb beo qlof thoae iuureud if aabj uappoae la h auta of mind njora aelive than oonuotmant ua prouounoed and mora abiding thai joyful bee wbom pfluoipu and parwanenl houioa la lu a utnperameut dlapoaad to mik lb het o what u whoa lm- tiiadute oocaaloti i in a oooaolouaoaa whleh pleaad with til praeenl 1 without touts rgrst or undue appreheitalou what betur dohtiltlou could oil have than till new york ulttyoluu and athleu gentrilly will hod luuvardu yellow 01 tb ioat affaot- ivd ktnodyfor- ll up ailff aud tot tuueele 1 be baai thing for eat or wound of any kind trio siol lha tuoet amublug hulborwrhotiia wberw other fail tlira br lllya nil ptovd their powr to cur j tor low imaafeant worm hyrup 1 mr death to lha worm every tluis but harm i to lb nioatdelloala otllld itoooulua it own oathartlo ao ibar u uo ned or glvlutf oaator oil or any other purgatii afurward trlew ja honey ttpatcitsmlunk tmk fatvtt mcoto xjodarabutding u tbapatb that lead to f orgi venae dr latya uover fail to glvd relief and lhay cure if glved an liooaal trial th happuet author ioay it a way alidulgbl a loom to tb arferer from atomaoli dlaordar aud th dleawaea whlofa oau ba dlreotly iraoad tbara ohi 0 ijioradoe may hav produced tbafdarkn bot ao ear ulgbt follow day juet ao eurly will dr von titan imnaappu tahlauul in tba iuutbloe aud bring baok the noonday brlghlitea of pr- feol health tbli u uklug alrotig around but proof u to h haul on tablet afur uuuif 60 lu a box 85 oote bold by a t ii row o uoul iorurtha tiiau lu wo 14 ay tha aia leakad wvw ku kw uai-wlfflt- and booked blm la the akin uauagir obarria blm a kbullhg on hi bill for a utb uilbdrua swiiug uaadaob 1owjr our tbat woral headeoh lu from tlv to twenty tulnule and laav no bad afur toeol oo powder ofl 8 powder 10j 10 powder 32 lb averse womau idelhm l f inau wbo will eat a oold dinner on waeb day without uruiubling aboulll children ate they troubled with hcjd- uclieb arc the leijons lurd ior them to lcim r arp they pik hitlcia and indifferent do they get thin and all run dowuutownrd hpring ifsq will do grand thingb for them it keep up the vital ity enriches the blood fatrcngtiiciir ininti and body ihc buoyancy and activity of youth return tb uolaleat author h0w1i on laka llvr llll vry night for thirty day make a oumpuu our of blliouau aud ooublipallou thai a jiiil 15 oo la to botlrj the holwretaitiorlolmi t dr 1elty uever fall to li relief aud lhy our if given an hnuet trial tb iiioal flory aulbor luwlliorn if titer lu cavity it yottr aoldtig tooth plug it up with h pleo of dr low tooth aob lum it will atop lb aabe promptly tidjtl an a temporary fllllug irlo loo i thauheatantbor ludgfalluw woruioaua fwverlahneae nioauhig hud ratlaanbdurlug btaep u other orabew wotk hxlerutlnalor i nlaaaatil aur and erfeotual if your dvkgul ha uoua in alook wl blm l prooum ityur you 1aliun t wlah voud atnu uiy pupr fur- about tbree wawka 1 llil you 0ll lfl aendioglt iln kdllorciuloly doing away r letrou no bull you ar gliinn lu a new preefl ami 1 aviit tun i i peiul all day radiilg about prae a 30 ault look belter lu a window than a t0 unit doe oo your back painful irladw wonieo who xutiiif urribla pain every mouth oat flpd rajly rttief by ualnu mil bum bterllug head ache powder they oonulu no morphine or opium aud leave no bad afur effeot prlo loo and ma dont aooepl oommorr hadaob powddra theyll aurely diiipoitit lliu world will never b croa old people until child an theydo pla ami damitid lli clttl yittuw hloll made my i uaed dr i oaught a aevr obael feel raw aud tight wood norway pin hyrop wbtoh looaened tha phleg healed lh lung and- made ma perfectly well nell moiuy itlpuy oat a man memory never get eo poor that ha forget to ull hi obildreu how oiuo ha ha walked the floor with them in tba ulfllt ilundrod have teatimtd to thfl cj petty pllu havfldono them a ragged barefooted lv a oroaaltig aweepar bad dolled bia hat to lb duobaae in the bop of roosnltlon when ha obaerv ed a well drnaaed but raklab inokiaif man followlnk bar aoroeh tha atrnet ae if trying liar atleollune that wpre tly obnoxious in bar ttteraj waa d dlitreaa on tba innheue vo uoua me ledy aald m iuye eoloa i mhtlf bal i pmlohjla vail j uhr turned looked duwu upon tba llttje aweepar and then aald einlllu why it jemtnlal ethe had remembered hi name a fur all and at that moment tha boy waa bare body auil anul without wallluu fnr another word boilaahed ulf and turned a aart violent oatt wbixl ao adroitly oeloulaud that bo landed wlllitoo very muumy feet right in the middle uf tlieiiiteublve man e walatooat iben before the mall could reoovef from ibeahock the boy bed ln blm wldi one muddy hanilaim the month and wllli ih other heiriepoalled a handful or the filthy compound on the baok of hi neob tb next moment tb boy waa in tba graep of a pollomn wbo dragged blm away to iba hoareet polloa aletlou he w imlug charged by tha oonalable with aeaault when tlje duobaait entered uba boke kindly to the gamln and ibail tt- plained the affair to the id a pec lor on dqty at he teueel tba boy waaieh liberty ami he atayad only long enough lo tay to the inepeotor it tba lady what mi r ad wu whn the oab ron ovr me g x hur titer u lure eor lohiulnpuinj roollri gli thiuir itoolte ktuut elan come tlm iteateat to it hut avn lhl will not cur advanced oat bul tak timd it will our thu dlieaw liter i probably iiohtlng purer than tba motive of a tuativwho lend motley lo another when ba never rxpeot to gt it batk- tlif moil aherfnl aulhor qtniuel umll lhtre ara ao many oouijli mtdlcine in the market that it i mimellm diftloult to tell which tp buy hut if we had a oauglla cold or any aftlicllonof lb thcoal or lung we would try dickie autl cou- aumpllva byrup tboa who have uaed it lliigk it far ahead of all olher prepara tion recontettded for auoh oomplalulr tb hltl folk ilka it a it i urplaaaant eeyrap lh rlv irreut u a matur of ooura dr low worm ftyrup i aaafe aurs aud reliable worm txpelur aot rqually well on children or idultf be mr you get low ida raedluu aud iba limelight thou iuharbigblu ya may you main hva light ida no dear thin heroin wan a chofu girl prleud ultir unj yuur little wlf i a brluuully liaiidaoiirw w qui an i ehould think youd b jaeloui of hir 1 host foonadetillally to tell tlm trulli blmpkluh i am i uaver invii auybody bar that any tans woman woul i ube a fancy to w ar pending llioiand lo ntavu petty pill known our money provo our villi a trial will bocurayour tha farmer aud the obiropodiet both depend on thsooru crop for a living a hoou lo llnriifiiifir ungliah spavin liniment rentovoj all hard woft or oallouiwd lumpi or blmiha from boraw blood apavln ourbn iplmta ring boueswtwjny 111114 nnralia torn and hwollen throat coughs etc ths ua of ou bottle tuiy mabb you t0 war ranted the tuoet wonderful id urn it 1 oar aver known too many llilny are not worth laofllifirl iibfiaiitrv t nlhiln lhani ll 10 alressmakcr duties are such as to causo uackricho a toronto aoruftsniukoi has found a poitltivo cutu uiui ouuiy tollu about it tltoeowlio follow tlio arduouu occu pation of lruta makiiift or ajuinu havu troublu ul their own kunuliig nwltij ttiacliliith all day imiit lundlnu ov work that riuiriaj iliogrnttwtntoare tliharrttholliliii that havu mau many a woman avdaim uvry tlm i taukatikfi with my iimidi it aamin aw though i aid piercing my own batik hub tluma- who buffer from backuha- bouucha p1n irt the aid or any durangi looht of tl t kulnoy will bo tlad tu kunw that there i a toiutly uiat iioor fall even lu tha wnrutoaen it idou kidney pill mr 1 ooylnr thai well loiowti dma tinker iije llathurat ht to irt n to jnl gov ut following au union t of imr axikerl avitll ut vac ituitic tlnio i atiffertul a ywkl doal from wtk ituok a tlrwl fueling uinl tlnu win i k1iw in virion twrt of inyliotty a mud vw klilutiy llilj lha u hft ma uty baok luagt auuuutf ihn iliuili 1 1 tlmkl tny tonililn buvibwnt portimlvj i hat tin l hill tlrowey uung tllel iat in oouinon titd ha now goimand i am liappy ay i hava not alt ao well lu year a at children cry for castor i a lril jktatt a kill ov vi- 11 btitikaoha htm or weak uuk huru- f iidthncy diaonaii tllawuw imrwy nuttx lmttf ut nmrv ieinff avul an 1 1 llnury tl iu in d lb uu judnay tuiontu ou when travelling alwaiyat tajko with you m fcottlo of dr towlertf batract of wild straw berry tha chanjfd of fim and water to whlth tliqi vho travel uro aubjoct oflxi pro- ducaa am attack of diarrhosa which 1 a nnplflaaant and dla comfortaikaa it tiuiy bddantfroua a botlld of dr towura exlract of wild slhawlwirry lit your grp 1 ayuaran- lcofnfoly on tha first ind cation of vqrampg colic dinrrlioaa or dytoutory u fw done will promptly check ihn furthor ad vunca of tliek die- caws an ut powler vxlract of wild straw- berry 1 iwiny widely and thaimtssly lmilaletl your uafcly itca in kr iiijf lliat the full tiamu m on every bul tie j ou buy tb reputation of a hypocrite i never on ajufcainu urun wlttkhli olieraoler dmi your baail aohet taka a patty lsyjiirjjajuiobflikbile do your aid aoh t tak a ilvy and do not tak any other burdock blood bitters 0ures scr0fuu- mr jameacarr umfravdlrt iut- inico qnt ayei my hltl boy two andahalfycuraold wablri a tornblo con dition and auitered great dral froirl kcwuht aorea my hutband hotufht at bottle of tlnrdocvniood itittcn for him and gave it to bin and by- tlm tiuio ho had gnulicd hie aecuid bottle there ua not a aore to ui earn on account of thl won- derrul cum i can honrlly recommend ll 11 ii dijilvwho aiilt r from any dieeaw aming fronriwd blood i mr oliver j murray i charioltotowu v li i wrlth a followm i altout atx monlliitto i i uas troubled wtth painful bodforwluchi ftlhtilhltlllitl jsvttfclnblc preparation for aa- slmtlitinthitocdawirctiula- lig uc 3 lomada and bomb or 1mw1s hulhin 3ee that the fagsimile signature protnotc3titfcsuonhreiful- ncsnhfcsftotflifl5aif oimmfmorphine nor mioerol notkamcoxic ajw 1 apeifcclltcsrtcdy for cons tlp- tlon sour slomuxhdtarrhoea worms convulstonsfcvcnsh- ncss andloss of sleep toe 5 male si ot kew yobk zgwi is on the wrapper of eveet botixje ow castoria outoria u pat ip in eaeelt vettle only it u aet eeu la balk deat auev aayeae o aall roa aaytkug ah ea tie plea er preadee tkat it 1 jart a geed aaj will aaawer rraiy tw- fiat tit y gei caatoaix tk1t- ttshe cures boils jorl fined hirdock hiimwi llitlrm ono bottler completely nd ii- ofboiu and my heallli wit never heller ibail at present juooa lu frtiuaully tli roiult of your ability to perauail olher to accept you al your own valuation ott tiling prom llltl catiae grow it take very littl to deranita tb ttom aoh the caut may he iubt a oold eomelhiuu ealaii or drunk anitlely worry or aoma other limple oaut hut if pre caution be iki i taken thl imp oeue my itav moat aenou coiiaqunoi matty a olirotilcilly dbditattii couvtitutlon lo day owe ilntatructloii o iimpl oat noldeattwilh in time kup lh dlueellr apparent in healthy condlllou anil all will ba wrll arnirlae velabl pill bttr tbjpeeltty other for tb purpoe jexperienced ushertakers by dealing with ua youarc- assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and pleaseemem- bcr that wc only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we tcep a firstclass liearse and stock of all other funeral supplios and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speigtht co ttgtton uuthu t4ii u hallhav ttxtt lulillaln kraa i j lu hi 14 tl lit i ni kii l ujl r nit ill i it ui m i ittf wol u4ueln aitld l rinliib 1 eat uf u a in li i fl f m tll h111- lu wiil ilf rr on biiiilaj assea5ons ghange sg dg fash ion cj o pejaavjs kins proiiionndlii tfllloko hpjf in ahnoiinco in thrlr palron and tm puhlio kfmrtrolly that ttiey tuva bean pmvldlnfnrtbo moat taaleful dcaaaara by pnnlisink frocly of thn rrtoal tp enlalo uimxla in tho woollen marlnta and will aliow lor thn aprlm trd lllo blet aud imui okib pioduqcl by tlm bct mills ol prlc within ihnrenchnfall 111 and wolutmanshil guaiianij lcd cjii fatly 110 irouhli lo uliuw our loodu wo ara molojujantk in acton for lha cela brated uahwarjt and blenheim bar whlohdooatiol radoor chariso ila color in two year wear or tnonoy r funded qopper akins mill st acton hcton saw planing mills 7miw st manufaoturor mid dealarn in all kinds of dill ssl1 and undklss1d lum ulu lath amd siiinglls basii dooits and hunds window anddoou ikames all kinds oi jndoor and out door i inisll having i well aatnrled block of lumltor on hand orders will in all caiealx nrotnplly film lumlr d rotted and malchod while you wait price arn aa low n3 any hlh mill uim hift out wark equ d in im dlly ciihtom loa cut nt any time jno xvjm3 jauxs ultow ropritor all klndirof wood on hand mid promptly dellverctl to any part of tha town w ialllik7vs tlia fear that pi u rv6a moat wen belttr ill find ihrm out lixu a oonician por a clear oomplexloti ink petlyi pill they novtr fall to claar lie iktu diouiaud of ladle awearby thim only a vary small 1 btliltla otlwra tau aver atlempg to soma buibiiid praotio aoonoioy only wbei buying lhiu for tbalr wive titer never waa aud never will bi a unlivaraal panaoo n on remedy for all iii lo whlnli ileab l bblr hi vry ualur of htatiy ouiatlvem bluit auoh that were uia garni of other aud differently aeata1 dli4cw rooleil in tfia eyaum vv thapatioiil what would raliava on iii in turn would ayjravau tba other wa hava however 111 quit in wlua when obtained in abound unadlllleratel atata romfwly for nmny and fruvoua 111 ily lturulualudlolou uu tba fraluwl bultint ara 11 into 0011 valaaconoa and utreujth by tba intiuouoo whloh qulitlna eiart qii ijalnr owu reelorallvm it relieve lhd drooping bplrit of thoe with whom a chroulu utau of morbid dou iiidont and lack of lnurael n ufa la a diiwi4i an i by irailqulluinu tlia narvs dltpja to aound aud 10 f null inu ulp vlnr to lit aolloii of tha blond whloh bojtik atlntuuled oouraa throughout lb v villi alreuulhauliig the 1 eallhy aiilnil jtiollone of tb kjum tin rhy ititklnk anllvlty a u60 ary roiiilt ir nuihtiliiim th frama and ulvlt tl lit lo lb dlueallvu oruati whloh naturally tlnnand lnoreatft1 eubeunoo reault i hi rrovwl hpulilu horlhiop a lymau of loroulo lit ilva to tl publl thai quinine wlitu at llta uuual tila jiiui ittand by llm nplnlmi of aouutiet thi wlnn approattbe iuarl porfeollon of an i in the market all drmojuu fch li 1111- iufttlv ulliofliha itfilm children cry for castor 1 a bob mccready abv i a apuudhl portrait of hoh mo criij 0110 of tbatkt football platers in can oil a ii u aturtrttiir of the ttawi xlulrmlty tram and baa ucn in all of ua cliauintunililp iiit ho n apkudld apeclmcn of robust cnnaitlaii uintilikul hut btmntt u lio li be baa known what it la to iutfer from iyppla k lorlousli afflict mil una ho at lb opening of tlm pant pftfi biiou tiat he wait not able bl iim paltiii in lltr- tak tcruilttoiit hdditcbi and tit arfful iuiih ha kutfumj oftrr atliiif the tvtult of tui paired dlecillatr warned him hat he wei lu no condition tu play football the hirdttt of all gauir llehlru ha lacked ik vnertty to carry blu throucb a r-ui- pauu lie oouiulleil bl pltyetlau but that geulleiitau fcv itlin no rvllef at ttil fctsb ha writ i n advlad to try tr ietljrh illlihtf uuw reiuady that on bf feay fr uod aaaiirvivlu wn wonderful ut it effect i wei eluptuul but lie eouutd tlilr prela u itoraliteully tbat i we at lituath luitucl to try ibetii fb very drat dva drot tba- wu away aad al tba j uf k i rj iln- 1 my rliill lllnl 1 have mule tliniiti one ut our hardret eeaeoa in the iwat rurm that t tiavo evir txu lu mr wlty i iii ur tu lo thbk f- my nn sunlit loll i liy hi tlio ixat uicdltlo i bitvp wrf takii 1 livy utek uiu u elrona hiii vo full of ury i fr bit ttatalir llr wkw 1 iwl tu oau ife trxiigtbeuer mo h it tho ruihimmeii on i too of lid wll known athlvtt aud aucb wtllbalheeiiierlenr of r wlm trie lit- woinltrful eiikitr m your dniialat iirtm aopnlv yen wrhr to ua encloelaf prtrt w trile h l-lll- l tile rew ijmi adtneelln lf i etty tuedllii co ottawa euailii v mcmiilious poultry netting and lawn fencing are not stupttesod la tho world their wo 141 who i dicing bava tdoo ovr fifteou years ol vory auccetsful lllii on i arm mid railway fipcclat ollcra made thli year ou hoft 1 encing tltas joodi ara all manufactured by tha ontario wire fencing cd plcton ont 1 or sals by ilia ilardwai iv tha can hardware jol ijamlllqii and moiltrnal am ht vou kailwx i lncing correspondence with tha inanufaclurri invlied y ilia hardware merchant and general dollar throughoul canada atto can hardwar jobber gmhiibal akmth tha ii greening wlra co ol j cooper montreal wanted a travelling j general agent an epenenced canvasser or a man with good character and address with the necesiar ability to travel from town totohnand appoint agents no canvassing salary and yy kosition-permanent-aiid-promotion-accord- u to merit the dbadleycarrctson co llmltod mlon iliii luptr druntf tod v ord oivt agents wanted kor uuropfcuentad iolutrlola good ptty to good mrm scuna youn diurmcr yon tittc cotlno sxasoht now freight nnd expyooa falcf ncluia till- put ham nukauav co tjrowl conipletnliua of nuraary slock inc ing many nw vatlolio of i lardy uoui ornamental bliruhitlrldtre all iock guaranteed frea from san joiui scale wo hold government oartiil cata of inupeotlou oovoflnri out stook writo or ciitulouo pelham nursery co toronto wwttfttttttltflttttfttfijfwwfwnfllfwltfwitfwfffw grow with us place your advertibement in the free pres9 and watch your business andoury v grow together iuiuiuiuiuiumiuiuiuiuiujuiuiuiuiumiiuiuiuiui wil liams shoes rox summer wear mm w grand range of summer l wear the nic est stock wc have ever had and wc jrc proud op every line in the store and only ask a chance to show them and quote you the prices spooial for tanners wa linv a speclil itnbba- dool for tanner and oilier wat war which wa uuaranlcd lo ba waterproof and lo wear longer than any olher makeofbool se them hliraifilnr as usual williams mill bt patents guaranteed ouric returned v ekctcli aud irxrlialoit of auy inveiiliou t iroinpth iftlm our oiiuiioii fice concern luir he tuuuulllily of aetoe low lo oualu n tetant mill upnti iciucat talent iwcuikj ibrmibbuealveillmu or ajle at our eaiwmie latent taken oufltirouuh a icfelve ji hillf wlthoutclmrg in luu iatmwt ukcuhii au lllutiatcl mid widely clicuulct jourltal couatiltrtt y manufacture a en i luvrdoi tuud or a4iuplc ct py r1ck aihliau vioyoit d cuan0 a oo ipdteut atiufaey kvewt muliiilnm wash t c vvood encitavific photo encravincs halftones patents 1ptly secured a rnuab akattt or mioji of y wlllicllyou uohalily ehaveoi bulxeufnlly tin kttci loci tolly iili iwi otilir in uuutrti anil watliliiuloti thutnallllcain lo lomi itaatlicluvoitluii isouulinl tlalrhk ikwntreil ihroiilh mnrtbu a vie ju lwiu y upecu jtuiehii kniductia majwopya marion y peltnt empeky alhd sollouorej tfehlil 1 newvarlihuulj fu- rtril l zutl ijl tiudc hantta dtiona coevrloht ac alitruib eentltn a ahetrh an ilmnlil aiar wf aaoerimtu mir im u re wil wi llr law irrili llumlt l tttai hutu ulmhilrua hi tliu scientific american a hihw iiiulr llnhrall whlr jrei -lr- uiu ii ir toy t i lid i i imiwi r ni u a uel lmi ix v hi wulls ill

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