Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1900, p. 2

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kijc ct01l jttc m5s jllihluilay july ijth 1000 i pnonlal noteh 1 hu lutal idvnup of the dominion for the fiscal y eudlug sitb june will last w linturj doiiiri with hiruhir iturtdk the 1 rsvluu year gain 3 ml j j hu is evidently the krowlng time jhs uailn turn ot deal hrllalo for june slmw the folliwlng inoresee in lllirnntf canadian import wheel iljmx pea art 000 bsnoii xcflooo bsme m2lut0 olit aisoooo flab 420 000 pulp afi 000 horajc i1 000 sha denreees l were cellls jrfuool ahoep jl1 000 luiur iju 000 corn uuooh iidtiorjjrooo iimw tor ooo lumber i2j 000 lb or port to caned worsteds slid i ton show considerable decraeae x but other una low for ih itiuat part good increase one of the ohiefett is ic of diecuerion among tlilrikfnj qiiimm tftho rapid dnvcl oumeiii or imperialism both in thhritlah colonfc sod in the united hi i the future of imporuham ib title of a valuable and well reasoned article in tho july 6dita tut uajja m by folia lewi who la among tlio cleverest of canadian journalist an illustrated article on i bo hull oflawk 1 iro and acandien atory by w a rasr r two other feature of what i an eioilleul in la f on national publication ilhe of view to certain nix july ii uuereere indication tj llu hoacji african campalu whig to a close lord llobeit foetal j rahft yaalbfiuy wsa blbly oocoureuh i uaa hullon end t msbun have been driving baok tb doere in th trsnevsal hleyn aud lh rsnjusnls of danet e cum mendo war rotreeliug from ilsibwhom and bmimr bad iimu lli availed in a countsralroka at uuateuburg tho onm sign 1 drawing tl a close sml a lare portion if bid army wilt pedil ih lessod for service in lbs far nasi if neoeasary lord llobcrla reports tbal severs ofuuale jftba lata yr hta iitrtw b anrrattdarwl at llallbron bd tbxt lb itoera bv ban tlafattod jn rlinaa tiidula paiilouurly in au atlnit lu re laka ituitanbark and an a hack on a ioal tiou ball by lanrl halloa ho ko rapuru tbfci iraalilant huyb uaoaral iwt and aboul 1 000 iloora havo ra trata4 from datblabam to fooilaabdrfl tim utur own i aloaa to ula itkaulouad bojdai ad a couaidarsbla diatano soatqv ckitui tliodutrlat in mbleb dawata oora tuandoa bays oauad cqnald4rabla troubla by raidaontba railway lma and con tba ratnat to f oailabciri la analmoai certain indication tbat uawat baa fount tba drlllab oorclonaho tba west north- and aontb too itrocj to braak tliroafb and alto tbat b ti blnjl body praaaad by coo verging drill tb oolumna haver a janajltmod vrara wocndad til tb recant anftaemanta d 111 iraaponm to tba expi n um bora of mutoa aud wltb i buiurliitj mora tidy alraats li aaollona of iba own tba council at it rgularaaaonon moo day vveoenif amandad tba uy law rollluji to anlmata at larga to u to oioblbliaka talbarloff of anlmala 00 tba alroata to permit tbaif j railing than thla action will l gauerally oommandad and i vary liumaua a far aa tba animal ata oonoarnad tor caltla and bormaat bavo reijooiilly boao latbaxed ou raaok alrocia for elgbl or ton boora at w auetob without ahclur from tba bot rammar aaa or any apply of watar daring that llnw tbe lly law fro idea a panjiiy for infraction tba lowo aolioitora opinion reapacllnif tie munlolpalliya jtowora relauva ia tba laying of oament wajka under tbe porrnri ant p to roan la act hui boan preaanud to lis autm tbal tba manto paw a local improve it baa rtoelved tba tba council pallty ha power lb mm by law altar aaaent of tba a lector aa provided by tba tnonloipal act d polnli out tba coaraa naoeeaajry ao anginaer woo id bava to ba employed to maka tba proper catltnale of tba atooont to be cbarjiod aalnat iba ytllom propartiea beoaatud by tba im provementa propoaad the froolajpi i ayatem la m mb and njuiubl arrmnramani and by ita adoptioa permanent pevamaat may b laid kauoh mora generally than by tba plat olpaymnl fromtb ordinary funda of tba oorporatlon ou tba quealiotl of tba tobacco dalle wlien upin ibe hoaea tba otbar dy at uenderaod argoad u ollowa tbe vary fact uial one flftb of oar population la called upon to pay an increased ux ef 11c1 mi over wbut waa impoaad pravlona to 1h07 u it luelf quite aatrlolank rccmnd foj- oonaldarauv oom plaint aa 1 buva htated before in ibu ilonaa whan you leat out all ilia wotnau and ohlldren and ibo uooamokcra atnongat iba man oar tainly not mora than onafiflb of the popd lation la aalled dpon to pay tbla inoreaaad tax it la ibarafotv olaaa loglalatloa nd la unfair to tba amail n amber wbo um tobaoco and who bava jaal a tauob right to uaa it if they aeo fit to do ao u any other cltbteo baj to oee tee or oorfee the campaign closing ioutu african war to evldant- ly jrawlnp tp cloaa the ooans aiiebunnknnpnina tlettfji news from china offloul maportm exp res thw hoim that tit lettfatlonb arm holdlnrr out t lomijw july 11 yeurjai a uaw from china ia again hopeful thorn latmi to be llltla donbt tbat winoa chlnx wltff la in command of tba maaohagarruorj lakin la protecllng the legation againat the ilokera the london jxiu mdlf oorreapdndant at bbangbal aaya tba raauon why the hay gun lralned on iha lega uooa havi bot been ueed la becauee 1rlnoe oblng and oenaral yonglo aauail and re moved all lbaam monition a daapatch from admiral ilraoa to the ilrllub foreign offloe iute that there are groanda tor believing tbat lrtnoa cblng la aiding in the defeaoa of iba laklu laga tiona oblng hi repotted to have 10 000 eplandidly drilled and oqoippad troopa 1 ia auud tul tba indian traopd will begi to arrive at taka at the and of tble week and that japan wari now doapalohlng about ui000 ma to the um poat j ilulcbliuxi tii ai f llruui i 1 t h iu11 1 wjllliiill koiiiiy b miircuul ari ii mra 0 k kllliur t ntr 1 uit wl uum1u lllll i vf urtuuab v1ui clmuw wllowufuia lata llobirtuuu atra jualbli ltitlrll u ntraal u ulu cbewbonb corineim haying is general in thla vicinity lbl week it ia juat a fair crop thia year an amber from bare altatulad iba garden party at cbaioblll oa monday avanlng they report having bad a very an joy able tlm mr j oraweon who baa head ill for aoma time wee removed to the oaelph oenext1 iloipual laat tuoeday mr and um geo oraham attended tha funeral of mtm urabam niece ulaa v murdook of mejrdat lut toeaday mra j ii crippe returned borne from brablford laat tueaday wbar bhd bad been vlaltlng bar brother who la very ill mr anj mra smith of mallcn vlaited at iha hom of their daughter mra kelli lat waelt mr wm carroll upddiagii jaw days with fclanda id llodaay mr a denemore of luther apent ban day at mr oeo cana mr h kicklin of aouin a pan i bunday at ml mttrraya mr u lowery of kvertou apatit sott day at mr wm ueuuatt ma m lumahaw of llervl a vliltlug at mr k jobnaoo after many dalaya tb grand trnnk and canadian pacifla lullway have been forced to comply with the order of the hallway commltuaof the trlvy ooapcil in iregrd to tha rle on oil from importing polau thu triumph of the govemmeot ovar tha railway intoreata of the domlnjod aotainad a they art by th wwalth and r nflnanc of the htaodard oil company rn hat he recanted a a tnoat aatufaotory ou loom of a protraoudooiilrovemy apart entirely from tba maunal advantajt of a 0004uant raduotlotj la tba prioa of oil cabadlaoa are to be oongratujaud on tba fact that tbajgree monopoly that haj oor rupud court aad leglautare with im parilly aoroe tre una ba been foiled by the qovarnmeot of the dominion ej though it rae4 into iu aervlm otir glgantld rail way iuureeta uliu miltoki tba clrpet factory building in about completed kuj the tuaobluary i how being inauilad the tow council bn given iowa clerk coat a veoaiton aj apprealatukti of bla faithful aorvloaaj to tbe town ooauy nd mr math od ufl laat weejt oa icipjo bult bta marl editor jpan ton v cblaholmb tlannaut and j 7 ifannnt left laat week for tta look where they will put in a few day fuiitng a uru ulonalng to mr uuaaell trafat liar wa atruck by lightning hut week and baroed to tliu groand mu v k deaooa 1 a bh pamed til tint year xamluatiod lu pi alio at the toronto goneervalbry of mimic la the- list of gradaate from tb toronto con veer vatory of musld appear tb caw of mia mary l uouinrk milton f mr v ilanderaoll lb rpreeeuutlv of thioounly lu tb lloue of comtiioud i la h com mended for bl pertinacity lu advancing ilalum alaltn la government bulldiuga dolwithaundlng w hav uo ulrica popnloua oaulre in ib oounty 11 plaua4laoaui thse potitl buildlng of modrvl boat lu tba tiv inoarporuj towna and village of tb county fanlbu on and mr i under ou clalina mora aqoluu than lheeyaietil of inaklug iarg grant for m building in a alogle towu in any ooostitoenay the quoallot we up in lb uoum a ooupu of week ago wbeu tb itafur barilla poet oftlo wa under ooaet deration rurtita poet obioe will cok uoooo mr hendar aou ald my puil i that luauad of lb koverumeiil spending iso 000 lu ou lowu of the oouuly ljy divide lbt turn luto tivd abare of hw aaub and areol lu aotou llurlinjilou georgalowu milton and oakvlli hulldlu thai would ool bym leaving 11000 mtaoh cam lo purohaa ih ill lu thai way yodwtuld hala a building that would srtord am pi hooumiiioilaliou for lb poet otllor yilh dwdlitig in cuuuaotlou for tb poaluiajrur or bl aaalatfiit od that plan uo vivpeua would b luauirvd by tb gov r anient for taking oar of lb building m a paid oare taktr woud not b riulrj j ifalqk thl a ulil feasible aohnieauj oo jyh tbe guvariuoaiil wiuild heiuallded lu trying u aoute ootiuty auoli 4 i hava rnfarrwl to i would of bourw v thai lhay maktba tut lu tb county of flvllou whlah i tnoal aultahl for tha purpoe lu reply lit roetmasler general aeid ther 1 a great deal lu tha aabema tl lion gautl nen suggaal ud ilia only jueelloti 1 li practicability ii come a a nw propoai tloo aad lb hot antumau n ipct all opinion now but teioverumaul will consider it and i hope thai lu time ik will reach tha period at fruition bank oh hamilton rm cs tx pupils hi union the bihaolmtem f thirty vra ago will porgathnf 1 morrow from a wlilo aioa with an intenae inlcroal tl lt pui lu di and i 1 ublld boliooj of ll il wlnil ll t lltt i lltla wa i inl havn boo 1k sing lorwr 1 i ll re uiiioo whlob i lo lass in on hi m km w a ilia r illnwiiitt lii will liow llie invilali ii4 cut out by the 1ioal ooimnikeo hve been srl by mtiy tf llio mil t m pupils mi nf wliom lieve not ixmn in aolun ft r tlrtr ol ouluy uv mora and ihagahertng ironilm it cclihi ell ti moat aarignina promcitora liopal fnr tliofll pulleare alraady arriving in own and i following who bavo tx nlri bulal lo ibk uoniinirtil van i ar- iiaerly rll vipical to be prst t ton j iy tliodsy a i rucedlnge muarn xi htiiyiittt xnirnrarni hire co oouik ufv m a anna tm t u4i au cauiaivik uemii j urk aoluu v uv has a cook uit hi ll til liurcb liluouiribbl k utt llev clia- x lutuieea kinl k cx k aet it wr itoun rli usihuuhiw u lulwlihllii mnf noliertcralnv toronl i tirw utn kinir john louiila lurrlauri onto lie j u farmer u v aulaux wit awrada vwinar loil wuliunuu uli uuflimlrwiiluoik toonto john vlf ill foik toronto un ivl uelloay t iilu in ml kenny walur wm if irani eecounlalit a ii uam l i traouro i it ll uv uua italia 1 lorluii tucliar acloi clial4w kill llinulkthit uonrua ululi hall tiauacr llrclllialil t i 1 1 ill i- uimuhi li inh nl call d o ualili b liokiula j- uailn railway tnaciiatoa ajwl lilloar jsi1 aiaubaw oralllavilld 1 y matins aujltor colorado fual if iron co iwovat col uv t alttvrt uoora lajlor ion talmfiiail llantlltoii h 1 uuore sdltor v ah 1 kkaa aeioii ur u 1 uocrfi ulaa hattla i hpujlil j kdfiajt uadarvli riruodat toronto ur uarirhaau golt li l uu if aul x nlekllu uta jaloa uulalu uaa ulii kllbaut ullua allarll nlekllu willi cauaja fllov wo leuti ur erey lklto4l lia uu ilalau webber ur gnd- uajl t- ula uary c u itauor jbnl umtrl raalaauu sir orllll tradhaconl cauiuiaidaltravallar llocbfor 1 hi tarot raoorjtlmreauu ur ttlo iuiljfujiaoauijkulllli kau kennedy uialatf hi row ijii kuny ttwackhtiiar lidu clalj lrvllar it euusnultil5- uli ilacbal tlialunkof uamillon ha juat issusd it afltb anuusl report which i ou of tb moat batlafaciory lu tb blalory ofthii relfau alld prorhlv luatitutioti tb immauo volum of btiainee don by 111 bank can b ee when eotn figure ar ij ootid tb prod i at ih year after deducting bhaltre of rnauagemeolt making provision for had and doubtful debt 4mouuk lo ijj5 1a123 ih premium received ou bew stock being at lb rate of 6operonl imis03ylj tbe amohnk lald lu lodtu i lutho w xtt idea of tb krowlh of huaiiie doil by the bank may b gained from th tlgure jroflt h j 17 j i iuw 10qh0 1rfbaj 335 llil uurltig the yr jut olud 100 000 w added lo th twerva fuuu froui protlu ami 1si 110 from ih premium on new stock a lots i addition lo rsarv of j3j i1u ib hank of hamilton ha uow brauohe lu many aotlfiu of tb immlolod inolud lug maullob north wsel trtlloia and ddliall columbia th georgetown breuob i as uausl under capable auj oouruou inauatmetil and deserve a it veoeiva the ptroua of th locality yw oijul itm tl jmooo 1w7 ljmckk i hub iuotujtt iwo tiui aim 1u00 iuaiy uia r j fraliea job llieliarln tburull druulat faeswiur g auuutubly wholalitoniulo ur w 11 uuworul toronto uaeulu i irau puneaii um a u uellaoe ul tliousv nsa uu maud orailt zz llourtlt wuuntanitie vlclj jtulml wllls filovauifr tilnreravllls h v laarks wilds aolon oaoriie yauiau uiaroliaut llouaywco1 hi arrengemcnt for tha day have been carefully planned with tb objact of giving tha fullest opportunity for lb renewal of old friendship and to crowd tha visit of tb nan resident old puplllwlth lbbirgeal poeaible amount of pleasure and interest tb commltua bav invited tha mmbr of tb uoard of 1 duoatiou of today and of tb day when mr lltll wa the teacher j tha preeent leeching staff th local mini urs mam her of xarliament aud itevaud gounoit to b preaenl lb prormma of proceeding may bo outlined a follow at half ptat ou lh old school bjll will h rung calling ih popll of thirty year ago together st tb school boas at two oclock ih cbslf ruin of th local commit ta ex llsv a v nlcklln will call tha meatltig to order th nalioual anthem and boxol ogy will b auug prayer will be offared aud brief word of wafcoma will ha spokan by the chairman aud sec rotary nou rldsut pupil will rsspoud au hour or so of sofllsl lularcours and sugiglug hi iha gam and sport of th old aohoot day will follow atiialtpast this tlur will he- a drlwe through th old towu aud thsuc lo fair view oemaury wbar th monumsiil tracttd to tha memory of utah- reversl tch r will h uuvelltd ur georg ilyud will pre ida and after prayer brief oration will be gfven by mr hlohard k tburull tewr aud iuvt albert moor ilaiiiiltou after being photo graphed th oouipsny wjll rturn lo tb aolloolhouaa wber rafrdalllllahth will b served lu lb veiling a meetlug will he htlj in th towu hall to which tlintimfildiiisid of tb old pupil will be bordially wtl oomed muala address tha reoouutjng of rmlulsouso th roll osll sti will uiuk up th progrstums all ih number of wbloh will h given by old pupil or thelfsouaand dsunlitai tba local ooirimltta ar lhaukful lo th friend who ar ahowiug an inureel lu th re- union and lisve protoed stomach troubles makhb thu uivbvb st thoub andb of people mibetfabch as r ohn holland 1 olvaa ttr danarit of bli williams pli r afjer other of trntum txprlioa fur polled kn m ll wikl un lli ttowi mrs john lltllenl of lraulum 1 b i l wll known ett hl r- in tha community whare alia reeld for sumo jeoraher life wsa nneof n iury stid euffvriiul hsving been in scute auflrr frfiiu tli at ctimnion f af bumajilty djlnpala k tvimirter hcarli u if bar trt tnrallou lu health tliroiili llie aui i of rtl w odorlol remady or wllllsnie ilik 1 ills fur ilo lplr nurd tijn m ft role mrtr7i wh mli ware cheerfully lven sa follows about four yesls s0 1 bscame vnry ill 1 waa attacked with a lllreaalrit pain in luy stomach acocmpavilsd by laaba ol besl and cold these sllaxko were reiutally proeda 1 by s tlsaplurss m d stupor which la julred conilsnl evrllou to keep awake i hsd lit tin or nu s pat lie snl too i uy sa st nnhi a limn pass j wa rowing worse vomiting of fool set in wllli ttidltti chsiitte of beet aiul cold 111 my feat i was so reduced iu atraiutth su to not hn shle lu walk any dutenmr without totlng to work i dre not attempt i began to fel tbat i coiild not u vory long in my present coi ditu n i was reduced in weight to ilia pound two year ego i bsu using ur wulume fink illla jlofore thl i hsovtrlcd xsrlous advorllied medicine bul without any bene lit resulting i wsa tulng the second ixm lf llo i 111 ufir- i rail siiyboneni hut from that lily roovery we rapid i uad in sll fivu boss of iha pill aud hard ievnr fell bettor lu my life than i do now at the praeent moment ah th disagree able sensation that aooompuy dyrpipale have vanished i can on joy my meal willi rellah and my weight has ncroassd from 116 lo ljo pound it is now mora than a year sino i disoontlnncd tb- u of tba pill and a x bav not hod tba slightest touch of the troubla in xhsl timv i feel r lu saying thst my cure u permaiisul i would itionflly advise other suftering from itomach trouble tpgtva drvilllsms pink illfe fair rial vr williams 1ink lillaeum b k lo lbs root of the disosse they renew end build up the- btcoev aud slrenglhan llie iiervcs tha driving dlseaan from tbe system avoid imilstion by insisting that every bo ua purohsia endoeed in a wrapper bearing the uli trado mark lr william 1ink illla for xsle iecpl if your dealer do ol keep ibem lly will aatitrpwtpaidaoarjtoisarrworbiir bote for j co by addnsslng tbe dr williams medloln co urocvviho ont p o utlevofcalt wins the offwr cabin paeeua to pa itl tiy th dunlop tlr company tba grand 1 rank be mad a uw run log record between toronto and montreal uw dlataoo us mile being covered lu 0 boar and 40 minute by tb eeoond sswiiju of ih chicago npre torontos ohgat hxhlultloki the lrla 1 1st for towtos greet annus ftfpoaillou and industrlsl flr which thl yer will b hold from august 7ih lo bft hth ha just been published it shows soma lucre jn iha premium and give evldenoe of tba minute tta tloa lo the promotion uf tha best lutereet of ih covory mr hjhilltlhe usnsifsr and bcrlry ha been in urop aft aora special atuanliun slid it 1 osprld tb he will be euooeeeful in securing soma feature uf lb hlghsal rises tbal bav never been seen lu any city w tuwn of amsrlos lrla lisle on be hd by adoreealng mr hill at the otoee h2 klngbi jl toio i istsuo iv varou way iha oo operation of tho who 011 assist iu ilb drlv by supplying their oarrisge will b much appreciated il i of oour underetood that all looil si pupil will brlug beakat with ulbul to tb plo nlo in lli aflaruoon and be pre pared to aid in vry way to rndr ih flsit of ihelr out of town school fellow of long ago thoroughly sujoyabt aud loiig to bj rsmambered lh oomtnuta in ohsrg ha sudsavorsd lo rsaoh vy si pupil of th yaars of lbgi lo ib7i with uivltalua to l union if however any hav bead luad vefulllly oulillad hho mlltlg jll mil dsnti or nou reldnlh tbey will b aa cord ially wrlootiiod to tba r union a if lhy had bii laolplaut of furitiu1 itivilvtluita larly iu lh hmsoii lb udulop lire company oltered a prlxa of a cabiu pejmsga lolarrrfotbabeal two hundred word composillou batd ou ejiperienobt settlug forth th advautage aud point of siipajr lorlty of lb dunlop deuclihh the ov tbose ot other make hsvsral hundred contribution ware recalved from all t of canada di similar ih many wy but h unanimou in praising th ncrtlaiic of lh duulop tire tho compauy uamsd tha following juror to dsurmlu lh wiuusr ot iha contest mtr g m ksiy toronto barrltter alfrd wood ot tb aini0 teltgra torouto and j west ran maniger of th dunlop lira company th juror bav gona nsrofully througb all th contribution ubmlttd aud from a number oommsuded ha selected a bast thai of mr v ii utuy of gall a member of th gall duhj j porur iu making their award lh juror very fairly gave lh preference lo thosaoompsll lor who treslod th subjiol from a asuslbl aud practical point of view willi aoma of the contribution wsr amusing and clever thy lacked kppllcabil it among other wor inauy rhyme and abort romance hut th juror decided that bslther rbjme uor romauo nnr yet titar clavarn oould b of com pelltlva vslua sitstnat tha foioeof apar ieno iraoiiil ep4rlbnct aud opinion based on pruiio as ttatad in tb ooudilioua of lh ooulset war iha detarminugfctor lu eeuctiug commended oontrlbullon aud from thee lh winner wa chosen aud while many rood rxperinico wr relsled lh grur uumber of this were more geuera than speclflo among tha beet ooulrlbullona nana prhap showed mora llnrsry ahllllv than that rf mr ulliy bul tb juror ml that hi ooulrl bullon axpressed much dunlop uum in a uutshrll and mad their award accord lugly lb juror wish lo commend lh oaiilrl bullous from geo jacoby uontreel llav m jlutolwr halifax n q l w n ilock loudon q qloltolitoww jy aljfu ff harris co iwlllrl thirtythree years of square business ptii-l- rockwood one safe hule i v in buying tistool our i hujcr l rule a fur if for the allcr and equally ifc antt sain factory for utn rule furjaoth ilcrc it i- mail llil li 11 ll i if wriln anil txr inktnclion ibruiuitali i in li i i u luy of isutit ytnkrf ti protccirm forery setter e clean and puio froa roio rzx what then w for tins wool in caslj and kind if that ib jour choice one half tlic amount m cash and the other half n yoods of 6ur own uianiificturc and from thu store or you cm take the whole amount out in good leelin sure that no hettcr alues are obtained anywhere tlici ood mrludi us ful lines for evi r home- xeiu mii llrlin ol our kit 1 u- ji lioirx mm ui our inaouuuaiire i nlcrojr n loucu ail 1 uwellliikilwhlln qullli dcnlmm cliilimu illul anil iitnclt elwi cm thr uwilvcil in all transactions wc qn the principle of m alin ttie mutuilly itiofactory arrangement hhrris sc co h7tfcnren rockmoocl wooll6n 3alllls kogkmood ont iltlu bbrritsrntfts iioik im sale hi utlek of fair ft i vlllac lftr noti0k 10 crkiht0rs in the it tlr of the jlatc willi ijn smith notice u i aral y clven 1 urauaiil lu u a h taint- r tha bl elf lhal sll uwwwa i aitos v elalm ualoal it aalsl ot willi a iu hiulu uu it altr r lloanvlle in ida county of ului lu uie lilale ol new vus tlniled htatea ol anwtca niiarlr of ii a 11 la of a clou n eounlj of llalnnl euuecnau ucwwl wlio 114 oooe alx ul u- iui uval june illuof at vvjqlrerei m uim uatotli day julv uiluaaoj u wllluuu llsnwn k aeluu 1 1 imuh of iba astai of lite a 14 di ja full particulars of lhjr rial in end e ilslanisot tt walr ireounti am uf he uatum of in aacurlllai iii sll ueu by litem duly vsrlnaht andtakanaueietbatsiliertlflduidrbljnly 4 ututor will tnakalliadtairibttuaa etsta autoncjat u peitles enlitlad lot ihru ottlylo clajine o wbleb a baa haj no tloa an be will not be itebl lor tb eeeete e dlalrilntd to any peeeoa of srbose olaltn be shall not use lad airl k1k 1 uoulk hollcllcrv toe wulun jlmn ttutkieeutoe for uta aeid eatala ifljuyluila ihuidsyof june i9u nest tbe eeid uculor will tnske i ox titm said aetata autoncst uae thereto bavla shall ute oaii vlt klijxu i lbs heel safest and surest tetnedr for cramp col in and dlsjrrhocs a a liniment for wouid and sprain it i unequalled avoid sabatiluts llywe but one ralu killer 1erry dsvu criul and 60 uenta ilsd you your veiust dalr tltc world hi ita eeaanlui relations ti you woul 1 till b th sm andhaiplneas still have to be sought lo ibe asm llilnit which ara nyen now at your elbow mllbnmahuruurtietitsle powriro our iha worst haadsch in from five u twenty mlnuls aud leave no bad after effect oca powder 2a 3 powder iftx 10 powder uze let u b ooemcpolitsn of lima as welj a well ssof spec meu wboan thouttbli and ar thoa ot th sgi msi moved by the future th present and tb past normal men litbriahv notlb jjc iir sajit is for annual lis reaclml our lab filled with cholco illustration of pattern of aliment design for td lab miaae aud children thi m i flusd from cover to cove- with mailer that i lu torse hog to women wt note tbal a frc palurn i itvaii to each subscriber tub llehod at oo a copy or ulo a yr b lh mclsil co 1 is to i hi wast uth blraet kawork mlotloqation next wtllik ilia houi of coiumona will probably prorogue next wednesday or thursday ghas h hebles gaelpli jj till jug doohstoitl g july 1000 wall paplii window lihvdlu i100m mouldings bpouting goodb ciilldulns caimiaolb flo cauth curney co seasonable summer goods 1 at famously low prices 200 yds of fancy muslin t 5c lo clear dress ginghams and prints at reduced prices larr slock of ladies summer corsets silk gloves muslins lawns piques iuuiutrlcr for best value in cotton hosiery cents department hot wcathcrjlindcrwear and shirtapetc new supply of kerchiefs and ties gurney fc co mill st acton wo clow at k oclock monday tuettby and tburtdayb w jltches lill latlht ii00k8 at lowest prioa j d ho km ik oar agent in acton pe him or writs to ui for prlc chas l nelles manitoua atdttt praapsot of a fair vlald ueaomlnir mor linoouraulnc wimnifitu july uth can liai 1eol fla luilwsy compaiiyji crop iorti ro oelved fraui all ovr lb proviuoaar iilu very iimirglngcharstnr many wei ti say thai it will b imuusill to vslhnsu th bentil of tb rcit ralu wblnh hsv thuruughly sosksd kry part of ih pro vino ih fields vtut pasture wtiiuh war burusd aud sorrd wlih tha hot sun a couple of week ygo preseulliig all wp pesratlu of hroll lld stulllad vegelslloil newol an j unw look 11 mid vigorous a gaiitl iu sb wbjrarnvrii tn h otty from r uilll the lerlilorlee slid 1 thai noudltlous hsv pruved with thacruoe end lh fsrmss euarally are atlcptlng a tone of jutiuiioeaud ihsvikfulneea rtie growth wia baukweri slid retarded uutit reosntty but ilea taken new lit aud th kula ar now shooting ap surpllu mr coult hadiikir at t huli boliool liaj oii r angitfsdal a slary of 1000 and mr welhrald at 70o lh hoard i advertising far a third teacher the work of laying ptiut walk will soon bo in projfe lh council voted lb volunteer ijof or camp aupplis afur thy had uturued houi lb ltcavn raahuuo wa alruou by llghlnlug during istc wvduday moruluu torm but waa only slluhlly damaged f street llgbuae uowtitud with luildulab wliluh make ll tiosary iti jtvpyao oathqu but weekly luttsad of dally aa formerly wiorfo uavlng norvat for hi new maid of labor huv j ii mcarthur h d wsa preutil with a flua naw lop buggy lb dlplitkaria so i about ovr all thsriitas now twlug convausoaul t oufreuin pollnwing la hi rpuit for juu ot lh duffarlu flchoul nu 11 u4iuslug ulaa h lily umilh ctam floeala moor i n mcarthur mgla martlu urvy lulliday i thai krr class aumlrauobertou willi camp hell nbbie mbrley jteeei liviuetotw deu liviugslon cs i wsller lllaokwsll little moor- ldua mnarlbur ullvr mcarthur inti drdgv part j alfred csmpull lllk hum itul bie kerr llobble murle uobbie dredge vi 1 ur may aloarlburuu llvlug oluiie 1 ve kmllh il jl jr 1redjie uoarthur arlhu hell jay luuuia i ulugeluiw msb1 mmlth 1 j tiiliham lesnher all our mens and boys watches have piungles new invention for keeping out ddt votkhfi list timm municipality op thu village op acton in thecoontv of h alt xjoticl lebaeal ycleaa tbal i bava uane xi iniltsd ot idaiiiared lo iba hersooa uw tloavwl in sectloua h aadji j tlie unterlu t lara ijt aol th onplae vsouliej by aajd eaetioqs lo batrsnsmlttail or defiieied oi lh llat luad pdrsuenl to saia aet of sll twaoos eppaejiotf lyunlukmu asaaaeumot uoll of tba satj st onicjpejitv u lie enlitlad u vote in tbe said municipality at klaetiooj to uambanl of tbe ieclsuuve assembly an i el municipal ae uoos en4 tbat the um hal was brat posted tail at my olnav at tbe mllsce of aeton ib uui county of ileltob on lb xu day oi juoe lmq ami reraains tliae for i oa paction kuetora an celled upon to siemlne ut said lut ad if any omualnn or say otber urui foond iberatn lo taia imwadule pcooaad ine to tiava uia esld errors nomcud sonontlo tketal stutemllaceof acton jjiulluuluay bf hct0n bhkery irtihiv bkkb ijnring ihget liot uealher vhcu joucin a nlca aisorlmenl of cake and dread at maithaw t a cholcnht of i rull antl con feci ininry always kept in siocl ice crm in bulk delivered to any part of tovn oc per mart corns bnil juvl our icc cllliam lawn l hoibo tail reiu protector heal weornaitv for oapctv anq ooufoiir tbe kleilbu lml tod u attsebej u til sualt y a blip wlutsv sat aorew th rod la sdjoalsbl to any horse eb i is srahad so ilul tbe bone uhdm cat iu uu oar lite 11ns lata beobeticxl la shy rli it nveuiliiulas a sbd a tot blu vie it lor double telce r www is skku iveaev f f ordrs by msll will reealve prouint sluoluu mjoo agents wanted jam os matthews patontsxj acton ont in providing office equipment it makes a perfectly dust proof caso out ot the ordinary casp which is never dust proof when first bought by the watchmaker the prices of our watches are s5 7 m 12 u ami up pringl6 tho jbhi9lbr cublph birlitamnabanaaillnrcs curb and all form of unwimm yfd co 44 hieccd qu9stions ktvjulririi hi solution l bi aiudled and moil tiully koki in ilia light of our stock any man from a iwell dnsiuer dowu to facilitate jour busi nthij have jou secured a lone distance telephone the charges are mod- crate xuclocal man ager of the bell tele phone company will be plea t quote jou rates what it represents id th plaltictt citlccn can top ldmwjirialh pink uf fuhlnn and to tha acme of utlfac lion with our aid irlc like wis figure largely in tlva matter but our alao figure j tin all ttud urn worth studying 1 straw h st front 35c to i 35 hard and soft i ell newest up to dale from ft lo t300 one price only i r- e nelson cuelph i x morcharit tollor and mens furlhor t bfaaaij4 ll 14 a l jih hn w ti u abjtji 1 iaiilimitiv irv s- 1 1 winivxftiltrii ajtauaadldqlfaajilillu lituiiai1v h- 1 uaaati cirsi taiitut mm j ludemptloii of david coraou by clurla rroliio go hi ou of lh bsl hooka a bsfor tha readlug puhlta ihla ssasoti thaitory i told in faacluallug style aul ih high moral purpoaeofthe author i evident in every paus david cor i a young jualer with a iilroug myitlttslialu inhitidfrout a mother of slii hut ther ia aleo tb htteiillsry taint rolvd from a prodigal father lli story i aliutuurly wh tali aud tflt a l miiur psliin will lead all olbsr book of it ouk apr tz cloth i jl wm drlgii- torouto teopl ara partial to u tool only whan they preia but whan they blame lot u ttena to partial admsii of neither kin j but oily to our owu whole judgment of ourselvve hnlld uuld itlkj host cuiu tn 1 ao oyncoidfmirjg luttjjsso 100 ilea parfeot aausfsauutut globe optica co 03 yonastrt toronto- whon you sit or a photograph yt u want the illauos to r ou properly when you sit to u w want iha ultra lo represent u properly our imprint s soon on none but the bit at photo- vcapha and for our uko a vcll at your uc awsuidioglv you hi lilt tatfufjc tory pliolojtraplia- lhlf2mnitslh7tih photo wsist kcto n bala jul vbh u irt f painkiller luan tunnou oo colbg khiueiitue imtl kd and bo owil satdm uwaia or itiintiou mjv 6mlv vm uuim eajavtavia- aee 00 of any spiritual teeouro oome eelly to au uodwotandlng with itt unlarmnduod tbla undersundlns la tb fundament 1u wbleh remain tlrol aud uuahakau through all saperoohj veil lions ut inert ored od t rt all true religion children cry for castoria tf fine writing papefs if inala a sjiccblly of ihit clan of good and our stock u of l he fulloal wa hai iw of every kind ipiallty and prmth from llutl nsod by th huil 1mb man to anything rwulrid by did moat lulnly cormpiiuuut our vtock of lh ltlr hwlu uu uiw wl wavqoi iall i uli khaki uti ii ui 1 uoiuil u homam it ax 111 uoikoll wphswialao lul uf led blank hook lhocl hooks ate and totalvod y uy a una ul iinw iaikiouc iolcaitus a t brown chamlsa and bullonar acton

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