Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1900, p. 2

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t kalnnm at hm omaxoa uu itvaaa an ltilauaii oa utdnwur julr hu t m end mie a o fcuaum a qaaehlar she lctou jfm tniiltkuayjliliv luib 1000 kditoiiial not eb i uul uurdea mm of lion ur liod ejmlaterof militia wee kill t lee torle an monday d biliary lo blob ilia aqlllti boy are collated u 1 ttow with led lb uru llio iron nar 1 olorle u id oak tally announced that the ellfoe reeuraed tne attack oh tle chinee rjuartera al tienlaiu on the mlh and vomooai pi tie victory altha oblueea fart wen lekeaaaerhl ea a domur of rune auiee bow hold the forte and eleo control lb chlnree iiuarter of ibe city theejh loel nearly moo killed end wounded cbli liaa declared war ejelnei hueaiar tbo aaeelunal indemnity of lite mtmbtn of ilia hutu f commooi wlil do be la ureaeed tbla year a round robin alidad by both ojoaortauvm tod liberate ilk waa preeeuted to kir wilfrid laurie leet iwoek easing him to increeee the indemnity to dmabui of parliament from fl 000 to ii ww bir wilfrid eald may and hie oollaajtoaa endoraad tbeir leader a action a memorable event tha ro- union of old puplli and unvalllhfof- monurviant t thai mamory of habnrt hlttlo tonertinr at acton 1002- m17i vvab an unqualhud bulci bif wuxund aa tba iuaa tutu reee veijlil lie upon lite til rube ion njaeft 7 n we ar in receipt of a deecriptlve aum wblob baa joel been leaned by the interior lieperiratnt the mape and saacrlpu matter wblob baa been printed by ror of iloo clifford billon ibe miniate in chertfe of tba above department la a a prabeoelve and interesting com pile tlorr of uu rrigardlhaf tb reeonreeaj of lb eeeeral provlaoee la lb iominiou and th dqdor- inullloe and poeeibiuuee they wetuly offe to inlanding eeutexe tba beoreaary of lb fruit oroerere aeeoclalion oa being interviewed reapeutlnji lb fruit crop jn tba kiagex dlsifiot reported tbt b look for a greet aaaaoo for frmt tana urn jm tht wuiim will b pbaooaoj crop if lb ynnot lodloa uoos u a crlurloo lbla mtaona pacbal will bft to b tbinood aootbldtf vary taoaaoal tba trail 1 of t axoallaat juality lua will not u ao pleotltat bat what tbr u will b flu fralt apple arc ooly fair rrmp i apleodid mod of ui xoallat qomllty whila plama blt fair in adymoiiui tjonlli airjoa on mn wm lo3priaood blpmoillb4 mud two other wan flnad 100 ab for iouiln taalllury rafnlkiloo wbiob forbid lb al of inloxloant lo ilrluab oljtara id loo- dwrrocitw n imaaratooi n w pnp aum at olbr puoe liquor w jttilly old to aoldler la otatmm rliil opposlt tb tot of oommanding offloar tb ofuoarabaj only to look ont lo th out uo lo aao tha bmn abmndlng l tb bar drinking boar tb oontnt eooalal tb fai ibt la luhyamltb blr oaors wbiu u bpaod hl dm kbooid not bv llqaor whll lo caiiada lb ooniinnor wya b la la fror of tb nn bftvlag lot of botf f npilmib ythngawmt lb tstlr tb tfr tirfttir odidiod of th poopl of cna4 tm op to hqaot at tb if ii torjn 2vmjiar tooattd of education afrhsmnt lnf fcida ror fill- intf vaoanoy in that fourth dawrtmant tb hoard of txaat of aotod 1ubllo hohool tsat 1t wdndy awmlnji ah th koatnbanf war praalj obalrman llolmea praaidin th tnalur of tb ofi4miit of a laarhar for tho foorth oapariroaat om bp for ooaldrklaa bfovd by 1 baraekhatnnwr hooadd by alai a saoord that th hoard hereby loairoou tha bacratary to writ f lol tl loiuhart broou offarin br tb alto lloa uow vmaflj la tb fourth dpartmat al th ujary of 27 par unam roi log ao ilnmadiat rply od in o ah faila la eoapi that uim to car la b ocxamaaioatad with caniad th traorr rapartad th novipt of a obeqo for 1174 for oraramaot grant for tb oorrant yaar th board than wjoonai years of pain th eprlno- of mr william bmlth of hawkaaburvtwho quffaraxl tor idmny vaxrw from kldny troubl wwota tba irvml klabkaabory oal l vary body in utawwhory knowa ur william brolib urn cam bar whan tb towa wu yl in it vlllag a u on of lb lumbar oompanya if of machaoloa itt 1681 mr hmltb waa appoinlad town rooalahla d flllad thai poalliod uotll vary tioaally aahiw knovd la tnauy of my wlv uuaddi ha baa jiard tnooli from kldnay iroubl for joltfl titiiubac of yarn pat od at urn lb pain in hu bk wa o araal that b wa ijfooat pbyaloajly looapabl of asartton in dootocad a graat daal atwnalltoa gt uo4am4mirary kllf bat thaoaaaa of th lrottbla wa dot nmbu hod boon lb fchd favar tatwrmad at jwfhjm ti look bpoo bla buudkloo a on wblob oo umtllola fiuutd paldadaolly aid ludaad bu ooodluoa mlsbtatlll bv baau oo of muoh atiaar lil had boi ufr titollb bltlra auly pravallad updw bar boabaod lo i dr wlllum viak 1iiu a uu it aaamad alj ur tloilth to a tapour of th lot lbalifc wa a bauatfvipow ioaat mad yt i waa willlurf lt do alni6at anything thai would brlntf rlui i bad botuaad uw pill lootf bafoc ibar wam uudoobwd rlwi tiior in fact bb i bad ublalaod fronj any olhar toadtclu 1 oud uunad lhalr dm laud aoon all iympiuma of tbloaol ibal bad til ad hy ufa otm uf tuuoh talatry far wikuy yara wa gou i rcl that i ktn buradaod bva tj baalla tlort la ylox tll uicui la do lo he willui 1iuk 1iln an j i uavar lo aa 5pp0flaalty butoomtuaaillad lb tullluf tiaicltbora wbo tuay ba ailing h wllltatrnl huk hll our by itolu to tb foot of ibadlaa tba jaoawabd build up tba blood and atranilban lb itarv tbua drlwoa llaaaa from jtb ytam if your daalor doaabol aaap iham ibay will la haul poatpald at fco oaota a bus tir bu boiaa for j ui by addraaajag- lb d- willi- ufeliotu oo luook vilu 0l upon um aallualltulma uxlu e- tbat alhllaraj luu auj juia tba qui 1j juat aaoxaau ilaar ti lliafoouj boyi at uay wat pontni iii am aa a uid flian wlilr llulliia uiuuf al vhuii eoalad u aflonla1 u alwluo plaa j julu1 tlia aaollmotil uf i hi uaallful muni srot poam of ilayoa bavo bn- uixr oat in tha miotla of upwarda of alxty of tha ponila orthla1 ilobarl lihk wbo waa principal of acton iubllt bob do i dmt iba yaara 1wi1 lu 1m7i during lh pat waek tba nalbrj0 of tld puplla io tba old town th blrtbplaoaof maoy and tba plioo of lb njy acliool day of all with lb in oldaotal arant of anvlio a baajatifol diaolt monumant lo lb roamory of tha old taaober waa aa ouai of a utoat li taratlnj and vnjojablo obaractar and at tha on tlm wa docidadly oolquo and eioapttonal la pabho aobool juioal to aay tbat l wa thoroughly enjoy ab is and a noat aratuylnx aoaoe will hardly vxprtaa adcqdataly lb aenaa of aatlafaouou as pari ooad and dagraa of plaaar paitlolpaiad la in lb happy ooaaotnmalloa of tb re anion no frlaodahlp la mora ainoer and ndorlog than that formad during oar arly achoax dajr and tbl la paoullarly lb jtp of tha puplla who atodlcd and puyad tooathar and formad aarly frlaod ablpai during iba priuolnalablp of ilobart llllu in aeloa publfa bohool tba ur dal and ualvaraal frjraoo of ibla frladdv abip dlapal avary ihoogbl of ooy and portfla tb blind with a holy and prioalaaa ooouatmant which all tha eminence anj praferroeot and wealth of ear lb ooald not beaiow tbla gathering of th old aobool mat of iblity yeara ago waa the oooaalon for tb raoawal and oaraaullug of lbraa frlaodahlpa wbloh havaa barannlal aumtaar a bavar andlarf aaaaon uf fahioity abd joy and wblob oaal a tboaaand raa of lovo and bop and peace qb all around tb kaadara of tb paaa iakutbava baau kapt wrll poalad jut to tba origin and altos of thaoommltlao la tb taaoioa lt friday ipallallon war acot oat on lbar 15th hay to avary old papij whoa addroaa ooold b taper a i pad and tb olraalar de- acribln tb datalla of th propoaed piooaad local for tbaoooaaloa gv axpr oa to th daalra of lb oomroitt t aaob old pcpilwoord oooulbota a a mail amount for th formation of a i and b cover tb coal of lb area ion of a aollabl monument to knark th tmunif puoa la yalrvuw cam tary of their old baaaur tha ddmeiooa acoapiaooe tba hearty nepooeo in oou irlbououa and tb tandar word of fefr oo to ur liul and tb old aobool dy wat vary nnoooraglajfto th local oomtolt plav and very- aooa war bumclaat in volatn to aaaorwa tnoel aoooaaaf ul laab m crallfyiag uu wa lb aoinaj arriaaj by all train uat tharaday and friday of tb dear old girla and boy a from ihlr borne la many points of tb country and what meeting tbera war i tbay wr tnoei imprain thay war fall of joy than war tear of rladnaa ther wak gratlind lo joj for braiiuitic utl happy meeting again kvery old pupil appeared to bava returned not only tc aplrii but id fact lo lb old aobool day tb oonvanllooalltla abd tb formal bapua of the ufa of lodaytferfor lb tlm a abd lb youthful name of uxtu kau nalila ouly lutlla janbla and charlie dtck jack 1 leogar and kljill war adapted for tb oooaalon abd aaanmad with remarkabl fraadooi by all tngrlltia war knoat cordial and th lbodgbl war flllad with ainnoraat joy at th toaating- altar th lap of ao tqauy yaara bat whll lb face war wreathed la amllm aye war frequently dltncned wilblaaraatlbalhoagbt of tbaabaantooea and of th vacant plaoa ol tboa who had been called alno tba lael meatin into atanal rl al l90 tb old aehool ball rang- out a marry waloom and lb oompany aaaaoiblad in th old maalara room in th original ton building at praaant ooduplod by th fifth deparimaul an imllalloa of tha maiter old lima tattoo with bu pointer on tha aehool door brought ttepld pupju lojathar ur a uall of ieoatabgoliheo took tli ebalr lb oompany ub lb ballonal atjtbemand tha doxology and luv ii a maopheraou lad lo an approprlau prayer ki luav a k mloklin tb ohalrman nf tba local oommltte lhau bru0y ad draaaad tba old puplla aaaatablad ha aald daaa 0u ijcuooluiru it i with balnglad feeling i u lo at- umpt la axlead to you a walooma auiubla for tbla oooaaloh with plaaaur in having tb prilua to graakyoti again aud oou aldarabl tniaknin tbrougl raaluhi uiy inability lo ooovy to yotj fa word un i would ilk u puur 11 loodl binilra fal in having yod with u today hlno remembranoa aa 1 iruat aacb one of uf will be a wa ar called to paaa ocr to the great mjorilyand wbeu time alt all ta no more and the book opened may oath una of u ana we r the aat roll call standing lo hie rlgbt of th great wlilto ibmua aa we meat today ul na caat aal in all raeervn dignity or baahfolnaaa i uok apeak of um tad foe and become aobx ohildran for the dajr and whonwe anparalo may rach una carry away the foaling lliat it hau bean good for ue to meet i bo mao la of our youth k bonn may think of tha ll aoriff twenty yaara ag dear 1 nt but let joy and k obaraclarin una day- prooeadlnga ioaaibly you may tin 1 una liara and there who will ay whil 0e allbia amount to t mrantl nxnlt what would thla waild be likd 1f all mnllnunt and tba power of loa wm tekrn imt of our biunr what made uur wllur- tranral 7000 mlla to holp ui bold jliulab rttia and jaaiioe anjprotant that armd aid flag the emblem of llbecty and fraedoul lu ail wbp claim ita pulcotluii if li waa not aaotlmabtt bbow me a man tie vol 1 of eeoument and i will ahow ymi a col i cal oulatlng peraon who haa fw ftauda and when ha dlqi few tdtaourn bia dialli i am pleaea 1 t lie t we bave willi ua mra little who i am aura uaniiol kalp but farl great pleaaure lu miellnif jiwj all agalti w woloome lite tueitaf ihn old puilla who have met with ua to day and i trual they will be ebu lo aur into tlm ajurlt of tbla gathering and epend en anjuyablo day whb ba we have wilt ui alao to day not only old pnpila but in many uaaaa old uplla chlldrao and i iruat tlmy wll pua aa i feel they will wortby puflla of their maalere and bold tbtm in lovlu totaam bra ode i am pleaaed to lai i you i hoy ar willing to aaaiai in carrying out tlia daya prooeedtnga fur wbloli i am aura y wil glvo them your warmeat tliatii oo behalf of tb local tiiembam i give you a big hearty rolciimcw ur ii t uoorv thd hoar alary waa then called lie refarrad lo lha facl tbat for two mouth while atigaged lu oorvca pondanc wllb tba old puplli he had bu uvluf oyer again iheachoolday afperleuoaa of thirty yaara ago he graeud very cordially i ho uld puplla eaaefpbled referred la taoder word to ihe death of three of lit old puplla praavtil at tio laal ta union eeveral friend of thoao aaminhttd and a large number of 1j reeldailla of aotou ur moore a0 laferred to the great aatlv faction fait by the local committee whbti live can naver he maaaurod we plaoa tbia atone of ramrmbradoa mr our laaoliaa grate with lovlog anil grataldl hrarte may it long hand bar peeking nut onlypf our trlbula of lot hoi of bia ufa eharaclarand fidelity to dtilya llfo of nobla ami unaalhah earvloe afir uf ii v mil had uurelled the monu tn on t ua called aral itpjti jv t alborl aliw paator nf vipn rbrnau harnll ton who n a mod etuguaul and apiruprl ata oration which waa ilalenod lu with kaiit inleraa portrayed the life and character of iho old teacher whoee memory la io alnccnly ravarad by ida old uplla 11m laid i hava auuglil ki arrange a jib hurt of the ohaiantrr uf ituhoil ijlleaaii waa inipnmacd upon my con acluuaua lu niv boyhimm dajra i lemani iwr hourl utile aa a rnaklly nan tha paer of ihq uohuat men of our nation ifnaelfllh u a fault ha illadminn i eny act dial would win him preferment if tbaftnixt ooul i not bear i ho am uht of heaven aijd tho aproal uf flod tho rpoaker alto pictured lila lata teacher aa a cultured gentleman a flolahad eoholar k hirouh diaciplluarlau and an inapirlug leachar empbaalum each juvlliy wlibeithnlacenoea and in beautiful languid kirtraiiijf to ti lolii puj iu their fornmr njaiur tho cutlcludlng aeiitanoa of the ad frela were m follow it waa nut neocaaary hat thla beautiful iloiie ahoutd be erected lo iaoiamur ltoberl ijlllle noue of ua can forget hlfb ilia liame uvea to day with tho earn fragrance and aweeluaae aa whaa flflaan yeara ago with reverent hand bia teuemuul of clay wai laid la thla beau tlful apot hut u waa nooaaaary that wn ahould ereol hie moommont aa a light expreealon of the ucreaalng love and eat win to wlilch we bold our old aobool maater lie la beyond die leach of any honor wn may llaoe upon bia memory btifj we honor ourarlvaa and our cleeamatee by the arecuon of thla alone whail lima ahall have worn away lha luaorlplloti ujnn thla monumautthere will allll be hfj in grateful remembrance the work of hi luduitrioa lir hla loyally lo dulj and hi paralaleilt tfforla in our behalf ilia liraulln will ylold lu the deolmallsg rev akea of the element but the dexer caaallijf influence of i la unatlhih life tliejiraolloal laauna of hi dally uachlntf and lha nobility of into itlalllllleaa lint waa evl dauoad in hli toil and maura will aver live in hie puplla etimulellng litem to aarntat eadeavoraiid rwii lham iiirii and nubln iplratlooa baltar nitlii iham for lhalr the monument dvi1 tha mouuuieut la a maiaive oua of granlto aud ahowa lliamoilakillwl workmaoahlp lb two lower baee are of nlaualead que gray urauite while tha other haie die and aphar ar uu1 0 kara north of boouand red uraiilu lite moat axpaiulve bool oil granite obtainable and u eotliroly free from iron epola to oombjoli in grauile tha inacrlpllon aa abowti on tha above eugrevintf la taaculed with the tilmoal oare anij preolaloa for which ur j ii ilamlllou lja well ktiowu greulla- dealar oulpha jutlly noted lha old puplla are hlgbw pleaaed with tlia monumant and ur hamilton may jtutly feal proud of ibla lataal piece of execution from bia worka kveu lb baa ball fall cut keep tiool our telephone aiiru ar governed by rlug aal ttioaaaawla i a bra u with ibankuln lhalr reatorallou lo baallb by ihe ua of huoda karae par lila they have tried other medicine and bave failed to obuln ruf they triad hood baraaparilla and u did tbam good tbey persevered la ite um aud pliebed peronauaut ouree toyou won- that tbat praiee it and reoummend ll yoot r 4ooabaebatl paawad veryilulukly10 many of ji abd we a mat togalber ouo more to olaap banda and live over our early aobool day a again the fact of ao many of ua after auoh a lapaeofllm gathering on the old ground where wj taauy of our youthful data were apeut mk volume for ibe eaua and uaplrallou of ibla ma-ting- i notice with a ureal deal of puaaura tba praaauc tj in any from dlauut point aoatlared throuxhoul ibla oouliuaul atld nlilog poaltlooa of raapoualblllly aud trual yw tbey fiud tlud la put bualueea to ou kid to gather toga liter to do honor to the nieniory of a good man on who did nioub in moulding our obarecura mid tlvra for good and if ilohaii little ooul 1 hawe beau with ua lo day i fauoy he would ooiiidr blmaelt wall lepaid for all 1bj trouble ha jookjatilijia eapoujfyjtwarqm u uhl lha true alandard of utiu aud wauwa an w grow older wa are not ao apt lo form boob leallng friendship aa u our yuiiokaf dya ud aa old age creep upou ua lb ambition a and bouora of ufa eaamutracade and in puoe of looking forward to lb future wa live a the beal and love to think uf tba lima when aa children wa at tidied our leeeoua kud indulged in the gaulee ao daat to ba at thai lima of ufa 1 maybe lauki but i do nut ibluk the ohlldfeu uf today enjoy ibrmealvtm lo uiu eatne aateut that wa ueed to hum wha mat with pa el yeara ago eke bol with ua to day j fegrtl olly the abeauoe of two uf tlitne who en tared au beaillly lulo ibe pruoeedluga of uur ural la uuluu i tfer lii oharlle cook ao doh farmer i woudarlwhat urtlii ouurealluue oat the horde- would ihluk if lliay hard lhalr oraeldlug vldar lb tuv ur farmer pukari of ae 1utich lu other oaaea the allvef ourd hae beau loueened and here and lltare they hava uupied by lb way aid bat we bear i bam lu loving the gtieroa reapouaee came lu behalf of hi moo u me u i fund and il gave him tin qualified pleaiure aa lraaauiar of the fund lo auu that ao general had beau the con ir i button that klthougb nothing mora than abuejcaellon aa lo lha doiirabilfty ol oreollng a niooumeut had baeti made ha had lbeti ou dpoelt lu ihe bank euqlclauvl funda lo meet tlia coat of tha monument aud incidental avpaiiaaa ha alao dwlt upon lha joy of meeting aalu lha old eoboolmata aud lu behalf of ihe tawu took pjeaaura lu lb form lug tha in that during ihelr alay hi public luilllutlonv ibe lome aud tha hearta of the iople waru at lhalr dlipojal hdaf apaeohfa folio wad from lha chair man j 1- ucoarvin j 1 hcord john douglai johu uutchuon luv t albeit uoore lorn kennedy and auitin tubby an hour waa then apnl in aoclal inur courae aud playlfut the old gauua ou tlm old acbool grouudv at l 110 lha clllxaua ave the vultora a drive about tha old town tha many tnj provemaula maulfral were nolad aud tha reaideul puplla were very frelyampli mauled upou thlr qua home bualue plaoa aud tiiauufaclurlae jfalrlffwentiryvauiilyullel an 1 ibewoel important event of tha day lb unveiliug of lha mouunuut lo lhaod u aaler a memory waa ooiiaiimmated ur uaorge ilynde had ehare of the iulereallutf procaadluga at lha greva ur little a favorite hymn 0 god of iulhal was euug kitfer which luv j m liiar u a offarad a moal itupreialva aud appro pflalu prayer ihle waa fullowl by timely worde from lha ohalrmau who eaid dmih huunuuiaamu i uikkiui uuuyofuawho ml around thla grave aoiiie all yeara ago fill thai eomilhiug mora than a mound of aarth aliould mrk llile reeling place of our teacher with thla object in view a uotmulltea of not reeldatit aud reeldeol poi in waa formed to carry out what wa ulievod woul i meal with the haartleal eupporl apil aiproval of ell tha old puplla a aittge tloct tv title end waa iuau oljact an putuadt aud we have uut been dlaappolnlad in our eipectetloue iiicukii uoallerej fr end wide dletauo aud length of yaara hava uot uhaattauv lha bearta uur ohillad lha btyetilluna of theold eehuoliiiawu juuubod by old time memoriae a willing and ready plaoa and ubore lo ufa and thou art tt out teacher wall liov1 hut thy work ao wall and truly dunft uliall auud a wltuaa to thy uaodiite and thy bltta on that audiikina ulleu lj iurecrliil ion wrllun lu utura thai iliall ever flow uayull ilarogkajjjratjfwur of ttsyllf lu aim le uanratlve ilia faithful ufa laoir huwoik udoua ha 11 v j hublluialy aud hie fiwutain marl a noble court ulwti tha aauda of uiuaj its waa a loin take lilui for au4u all t hated faltthooj wlui a bum i us eooru hut may bave eihul niubikluu true far felt yteeavelileui uu xtaiiltentouuuient twill mark hu laallnii ilaca to rvroiit qjlj 1 archajicj of tfaiierelloua uutll time the uralaieaculitar wltli rountlbuhau i hu wiiileii au uacriloi ovar h in walrj uriiu ohuajurt of uilldowl lubu i a irajidar lltia upou jifa a atful draui yal la hi miiia dup travau on our liaitta a mora iblaiug raoj thai will aia freiil aire to aju u i icudly uuaid 1 tetl pvui ie haa been nadv ab f r rf itu la platted tu auuuuuce that a illuiieul aoitl haa bwm 1 leod ill the bauda uf the lieaaurer lo defray the art lira coat uf ihe blonmtut we gather in thla lane lo lay round the urave tn uuv with alinple oerrm nlia thla mouumeiil eraulail in the ulrlu if y of lha one wium iulluanue for good ltloit uur holootfaathtrohiinsriru lueu wko love lha memory uf the ureal and uood and may that uver ci i filial agaa oouia wliau mill i ftall tnauiory u eloujad u ar and blatory luga la hilvelled itto dutt t oomu there a day wbu all the hvaa of ajtrlli tll ibougliu aujaouooa yaa aud savlli itylf kball vanuh luto uouiluue t lobe hylcur leaeltare uaiiia ahall ikel r a an alary tabtaiiu tba ekur whre uiuiee are wiltuu that aha n failrf tarlah uiau laeentoii aiiltameial atouu veda ulvul luk ou bunian huumry a ige vat wlui um blood of cloda anoluled won uid all the uiuim j humble faithful oiiea ilia uama la wrlluu lu the llook uf life ur it n tlhirlhtwlr fuuiwad lu a vuy beautiful addreae which gave maiilfeat expreealon to hear lie it eeull insula lit hie introduction ha adlreiaetl theold frlauda aud adhool tiiatw lu lha folio win j aetiulioeat ai wa are gathered hare ouoa mora la py a loving tnhuia of rajiectbi the manmry of our old irlauil dud uailhar mr ilourt little i iruil thai atiythlug i me aey will expraaa uur oouunoi baiillmeota ralher thai hiy per eoual fealitiga whiolvtefhapa are or a wore affeotlouitta oh areolar than thoje of toiua of his puplla in blfeollauela reoouectloit uf ihe plao where wa ware brought up lu itlil aud hearty raooiiiiluou uf old euliool fulliwa mil with again after the lape vu yaaia the old puphe of hubert liltlf of aottiti uohool yirld lo uou i might altnoal aey thay k beyond lha great majority of the puplla of other leaahere in their loyally lo lha plaoa aud tradiooua of lhalr oulh lha aalvoui in which mj fav waa fit 1 1 by 11 fellow towttemetl waa referral tu if lr perauual ohatautol waaboe- reproaub xwtbliik uf lha high yattani in whloh he waa held by uur fetb an 1 mother aud by hepeople gallarally lite iieitleeof the ule uev jaihlatl jeiueroii ur oharl hymou dr mjrvtu ur w h hlorey wte eoallad a edniallonlat ur little otuei lad a foie moat laoo in poaaeealnga iborodjtti know irdjt of ihe anbject to le latittht a faoulty fnrvmpartiug thla knowladira to the pau in u oar and eaally undanumxi word and tielhnde and h akill ii foal ting deehe f koowledx nd a lue nf menial activity amoufllile iwolal chai jillre for aucoeafful teaching warn ljoned dlfcipuoo ihuruughueaa mora lufluencn etrjf and oach of atrjphliod inad inlsrcitluk atlon in tlte ioulhful i ittloremlndod hie puptta that thc wrrn in take tha aeee of theh falherk an i llthl nil poeltlona in the lam were bnjim i tlirtr raanli if tllay wore trjjt ui thamanlvea an i iflthfol in the ifacharu of duty hie niualiiil rffirta were ti dav chit ranter ea wall 1 lu inn ah k qwlg in hie rfilni mr j lip in aald udtiuw my dear old frl u u an i acb ml f llrwe a wcetetd bcra tn ibta inrd a re with haoriul and hallul mwia tiuna lo many of ua au i upon uo ejjol where line granite halt ko auh i a null atanllal marka lha leal raatlntt plaou of our value lueohe ah 1 rlaii 1 rf ur ynilii what iiioik 1 n luring niomnnent lo llje revarwl mom ry 1 t m r klllitu trih iw f eataotii loej rt t ah i graupvi r uieiubranre than for faanll uf u io taaolv id hlrlvn to ail our pelt iii urn aul to exalt the i irala of true olllxnuehlp aa he hlmeir woull ooutiar u if he wore how preanntatiil 000 1 i apeak to ua iho memory of a goo tnaii ought ui be preierved for at lead two reaaona oral one uf peraon a 1 gratltudo by ihoae privileged to know him and acoondly fojtilii pnnjuaa ff hamtf l lhoae who ocme afler ua the bene ii of enoblltig model no a tali jar d or xoelleu0ej la too hlh for thoao who jn the coming yeara will lake our tlaciie and upon their uharao tor depend the future wrlfarn cf 00 r country lie uluaed with the worda of john the lvaugelm llloaaid are the dead who die iu the lord from hahoe forlh ja aaltlrlho aplrlt that thay may rait from lhlr libore and their wurka do follow them tha prooeedinia here were cloksd with the well kuowh hymu oatharing home and prayer by iuv h a uaophraon at tha conoluaio of the uiiveltlug oee moulee arliat lumehaw made a roup protrail of tha old puplla eurrouudlnj tha mouument rplandil picture which ihany are aecurlnu aa a moniauto of lha intermit lug occaalou ihe company waa than driven back t- aohool where all bat down to a batiriuel at which mr auatin lobby preeldrd b ian did appelllea had on cultlvaled by litu llmeend full j ua i ice waa doua by tha marry company half a acora of thu prelly daughter of old puplla wailed upou ihetableaand i hrrr preaenoe end ail a lice were much apprrclafed lha prooooditi at ihe old lohwt homa ooticludtd with lha following kind word from mr little uv iki fsikxi a i iu mre ilia with feellnga of heartfelt sladueaa and aallefao lion wa iiiiot ouoa again in thla second re uulou i felt i ooul j not let thla ocean ion paaa without thanking you all for your lova and aympalhy and tha moinimanl you have now areolar to the memor of my lieloved liuabaiid and your much eatmmed leaahar i am vary thankful indeed that thla laal outward mark or reaped aud a foot ion that can ba ihown to jsr lltllea mamor lai beeu acoom pllahed and i am protld and happy lube alaoolatod with you in thla work and labor of lave flliall wabe tulue1 u10 by otliate lucceede i itaapliiii uia jlalda we in n rlucdina have o tho thbiowerainayiaufroui thalrlabari we aro re 11101 1 rkl by what we have done at 7 00 irj tho evening aoton cornol baud aaranided ihe old puplla with a da llghtfei open air concert al tha baud ataud on xowu hall flquar which i hoy fully appreciated al aihl o clock accompanied by nutuar oui frlanda tha old irla and boy 11 ftiiamblwl in tha lrllllmilly 1 1 u fi t to and profuaoly deoorated town hall amf mr j l uoqarvin took thd chair ihe prouramina waa both uninua and inlaraaliiig tho variou numbera beinu jlven by old pnpila aud their aoua aud daughter- mr j c hill a orahettre opiiied part 1 wlh a aplandld number and lhk old nong tha old log cabin wai aung iu ohoru by tha old eohoolmalaa a rlel addraai by ilia chairman wan followed by a wall rendered idutf little ulack ua by llltla usa helta ftuwu jatiuhter of ma or ntliou quelpli whoiu wife la oiiotof the old papila mue olera t moor daughter of ura jauiea moore an old pupil recited moat acceptably ma au jim and ulujeanluii offaucttui daojthterof mr a hallj another old pupil aang with kplundid effect aud marked ability lha flight of aw mr ii v moore tha icrtary of th ita union oommllua dulled lha roll ofjoff puplld who a little ot jo t living no be than rill am wared to thalr name aa follow auuaw anulp actuu fioirou luiahalh uonlreal aiuarou thoiiim acton cuiiiroti ail inula toronto caniaron jaoulo toronto clark haiuuel j actou cookjldwu i an cubllilll 1 tfaill a auoru demieey llliaheili aclon douulaa join toronto duucan 1 lluballi toronto vlrit brook jimila toronto pi rati rook duuieredy toronto urehau lul allaaolou uordou ualuilla llaiiuoukhurn hall altuit lei hill johu auloti mill tllaii hot ida i ittlto minclikv i aav uuiiroill i llynli uiry jniforoito ilynde uoryj aotou hulohlauu john llarllu lluinitibel llaryirel anion joliliiou krauuuti rlu juliiiioit iirili labour u uaiiuady kiui 1 eiiauuguiitvmu hanualy llioiiiaa lerrylioui uallllady hhaalwill toronto kaulley wijulul aotou 11 atlli we udwafj uiilln uatlltowi jauiu oraiiiavllu uatlhawa uniii liloqiupel i n j uattham alriaiilsr lliaiiitttt u our jol 11 riiuelouae uoore llaury i bllli acton uodra thouiu alurt hamilton uljns lllialmth anion uoliti jiuii aotou liotlaivlit kdijiif loronlo alqllae johm anion uoulir jmiuiiioii uultei r llary lall nlakllu albwil alton wlih llu i uuuih thai if rl hlfllihn ma ant u nloallu kiiriil lunlpli i arryuuiif atua aoiou luuuliaw uaiuarul anion liaiukl jollil ofllll r hull ui laur hrkvv uvjeul ule jaim aeuu liltll tutrlal auton hiwlulll lhalimifiaauu upalltlll j isteatlaer goods wi v iluihi io lit pru ill il will refresh you var in tmcc new de ijn4 md coloring 111 jdimity sateen and organdie ii ime juility as vt old all season at 25 eent welre clearing ouit at 15 cents a yard lots of other things at similar reduction come and see for yourself fltlv tiberhsrmrnl rionii fm snic v amimiilill ol lru i ill imily lr ulof fuy iriui all hu iikmitiu i t kuhnihiiki i100mh wantki i auiaijnic tkndklts bll layino 8tkkijsllinjbkh muli rw laylitf iv uaina imaw kleel luithtae uti llaauoekl utu lloi uolli lai conlraot o be flnlaliail by hull ajicuat loi ue any laudet n 1 llecaaaaillr ancej lad i lailloulara aiilr lu jswsblfift j u wauiiin lie trnatr d b macdonald bro th6 lion gu6lph co henderson hot iazieplther goods vvc place in stock today a fresh spipment of rmoi be uihito km crcoljmod-bcooses- the most natty and uptodate stuff obtainable taffeta and silk in black white and cream all qualities satin back velvet ribbons mi tliabcitwidtha non in stock veilings parasols laces etc readytowear skirts hct0n bakery j c uatt1ikws ivjrir inihy bttker ihirenf iho got hot rather wlmn yi u on a nice ursorlmrot of caked and lhcad al matthew a a choice tot of 1 mil atld coufoiliciifry always kept in alrack ico cream in bulk delivered hi my j art of low n oc pr ijuarl omo nnjtvhvit our ick che am lawn rfcmtetl iforso tail ittihi protector the nmlbualael rod u attached to i u il aft orpolaby aollpwlth a eat acre tie rcl 4 adj oat able to any bciraa an i la arranua1 10 ii at th hihmhiiiwicel lu lall or the hue ciu baebaiured to any tig la ryie muiulee a and l for alusle rlga ivtor double pntais piaia- 75 nlcku pum si 0c ordera by uall will vaeawa roi l i atlllllou 2000 agents wanted james matthews patontoo aoton ont in providing office equipment to facilitate your bui- nehs iiavc you secured a long distance telephone in plaids planrand fancy blacks also lnwlnte pique and linen h6ndbrson cohcton absolute security cehulne carters littleliver pills must boor slanntur oi ae pcsjmiie wtmppr tiaew ad takua aa bbtfaat d sick headache lntim u ant ay lauuia autoii limaibl anur teuaui ar vllultall itlakffl rlw lull y auuu ton ito mn ut euiy aliuii wkjtr tun i webber uelel ii lion wuj janie 01 vivlll lloutluu untl fob huuacllc h rinmrti uluoulbfitf for 70bp10 l1vejl km constifattom roa tmaw itu roi tnccomruuem the afooui lafloebca upon lha wealher la acoepled by aome aa real by otbara il ledleputed the moon beverallraouoordefronl the tender aoblotf apot pulmvma ialuleea cora kr tractor reuovea ihe moat painful oorne io i brae day tbla great framed y kuakeel bo bore apota doeant go roolirn around a man a fool bol gela ta bdaloem al once and eflecle a oura dont he impoeed upon by aabeliualee abj jmltaiiooa qtk iattlaiiie and ob other laok of ahowara a aluaoel alwaya lha all11 of a dry euwraar yo those about to mabv young toep or old man who ioleud to tuarry will ba pleaaed to learn thai the uaw mejrria la made quite aimple by apply lutf tc ii i uoore leeoar of marriage liceueeav al ibe ivaax x offio call a few daya before the orremony and have the matter explained ihrale omoa all buiioeaa atrlotly private aud oontldaulial at rlidiuce lb aveuluka tlia man who dnaa m in every town and village may be had the mica axle grease that makes your horses glad bur fuuu uiau ih bu mhtj iwy bu a uflvuo wt ar uodln lltouud to mik iuy pill kuovtt our umnty trov nur fltb a irullltlt laur yourc willi tim 1 alwy rooti lo it uv svry prlut jl lnfwll huhucn wwlm trhccharpes 3rc mocp crate the local man- arcrpf the bell telc- fihone company will e pleased to quote you rates ghfis h melles j gaelpli iin rjjc nookstoiti f july 10 i wall 1aiiil window suadlb tloom mbuluinill biohtinu jooll ouildhth u oauitlaolu no caittu 1 uk latls1 uookb at lowttrlo otto mokli 1 our ktait iu aoton 6m him or writ to u for prlc chas l nelles what it represents wife paxlahoovorhtoi booroheri aud how backed rldere ar a entailer crop tbu aaaaoa lhau banal dudgely aayu lha moat difhoull part of drltiklu bobii la tha tefralu lovluij kludoia a rraaur lhau uwr and the oharltlaa of ufa are greater lhau all oerauioulaa waooitbibot lo judifuf pe0puabiariia by tbalr ablllllm but by the bee tby make of lbm jkpavlns vourb nd alt form ol lanwmu yield to j i slvj1v1 utf oa uut uainhikr ff tttcbat 13 u3 kimu of elh om ahe imrrnhal ou akycriial that patei hillien uiu nor hc f tuvf l01k out kill luitaxoni and eutt- atlyuhul tlllt otmulhu uottut bahu tmk haul fkbby davis a uok htiuklolii ejh1 luvhjiluill i 50 tlyiet old mil iu amafjtrm luttihw 100 wti lurthitiluii h rfi l khuviruoll i globe optical co ui yonifo itroot tot onto when you alt for a jili olograph ji u want lha ukmiesp to- ipirwiit you prujbarly whan you nil tu in wo want ihe work to rerciit ua projurly out imprlnt-io- seiori upon trtokio but tlia boat pboto- raphd undtorour siko a well n youro no an sure lolva yon life lllo aallifjc tory phototruphn lhrjuvshiik photo wr3ti3t kcton 14u wwh tltnimwj at pane futuii iii critr uy imiikm u-u- um ui hhfuni alurmil uj a kl i4j vi hue llj tla r wrf 1 uwn i tmiiwixwiun lu imj umv i- w i t i hi hkillbku llauaie u m him e i litjlir kj 1 juumi lrkofwriil b1 h11 d r im val i lil w 4 wt n i ivrhlwrtivbmmhue lllieu ij lallan i it u iwwt 4 aa mwt j ohm 7i- 1 wu i 1 ittwxir i 1 fttr aiuiiki tkirray ak 1 mi iuiu ff k4l avavu al a rtlrfll ii lkewktih ur ij i a a i umotit ktmhihi miatraa ralti vt children cry for castor i a ptneritrng papers js male a iwculy ol thla ri claw nf oodr and our uock i urili fulled wu httvu lullool umcy kind ipmllty und irlcu runt that uod by tli uhuj ueyl ijtau to unylhlnif vbnultial by tlidiiiusiiljlnly corraiuiiiilniir o if ajock of the idler include nl w wldrwooi j im i 1ui1 s x hllam willi 11 d1ioud1 il i homrvw vt x 111 lioiuoii wu have ulwi a mnu block 1 pud i lltanb hooka check ltmik au i iccvki ycahruy lino of 1aiuioi il losilaltho at liuown ohemlit ami mtatluuer act on 11

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