Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1900, p. 2

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v boatt m atdaorelown mtumdir jtllr uui ujun utmtin io aoiiklk um reeideetne of to ifm lei- mi noelb twaotr nrui a oeuelia i be iev j v iewenei arthur iiua iutn out til ulaa llelle a lair dauablm ft jia m a adair hit on i julj j in lumuftck i iku at i u reeldatioe 1 itklaikuw near uetiji w friday xli jul k 1 aayiure i 1 j i li 111 jju j u lji iitik in ntiunr ru ulunlay n julf lo klnlejii sort iuuu uolujtlillii ta twu jul fcljc aton jfr jrcss riluuiilay july gib idoo bditorlal notfis judge luolirta ha bean i uj act n behalf of tha ooverooroooeraj daring i ho liere tour of tha wnt tbahoa willi ui mulock le dm formally cltowti to administer ilia ttnw drpsrfment of labor crslcd under th conciliation bill of lha 1t tailor lha uunmfmu uat that tlia imrol ration department al tor do to baa r calved from onurio pannara la search of hired man ttiowi great bcarcuyof farm laborer lhrouboat the irovme vtrm er are offering 1j a toon lb fo periods of two of three months and i a month for four month y ittm qulario eothdintgl will probably have mocb rrolw rnu thi year front succnaeion da tie than wa bo tic j pet ed weitlmil wm 17fij00 and al ready 31 www have bean collected tho christie hattsjoj and alooru muim iu toronto will ymd at least 7s 000 the good ooadiuors of iba peolttre id tnany kcetioua la cebaing a urge flow of h liilrt rif rhnnan and tinllrf 1 ow increasing in vol n roe the quality of tho boiler fa generally y if cop alterable export of bolter ar bow being made tim cheae market are pnorojtyj auatly lrv tha boliaf thai thai ka open alliance with croat britain would be en exoejianl thing for the united btatoo a ajoclety la been formed in tbludelphiav oompoead of many men powtrfol is tho financial and twlitlcal world who jihwhjfl thamanlrea to work for aach a ajl th orcanlxa- uo u uw ihtroauaiuo bcoiotyof amorica a fjoeatioa of ooaaldttrabla important to tba lujoof traifin u ahoat xo ba ttad n tha ooorta of qoabaw ft la whether lha ltluflhumj poniam oonaiitotiona tower to limit tha botaur of boul lloena laauad in tba cjtw of um province u u dona by ttioanl xjoenaa aol ktnmidimau thaffaok of that limitation thu bprlnjf 1raaldanl unkinlay ha iwuocd to tba appeal of tho china oovarunmnt iran milled by ilfnuw wu and hm wnilled hi willineaa u taadlau botwea th im tmilil qo knd the powara bnl ouly ujiun condltlana which urat moat ba met by tba chinoaa govarmalt tbaaa oonditiona arv that lh clioom mttat opon bp tb m una of ti oommonlcaiioa knd and of trawll tba mtatmur of anrwultar ha writun ur tba ajfeau of tha varlooa ktaaouhlp linaa hiving -rxolaj- iuta batwaatl canadian pofuuid groat urluin ha to provitlinj roroad vaotllatloo of tha bolda for tha carrlaa of ppua and cbaoaa vim la akixloa to imjirora tha vaaliiafloa ao m to carry off lu boat eeoeratod during tha prooaaa of rlpsnlnif knd caring kd ba knthorld tha pamnl of 1 00 to war da lha inlul axpaaaa of aulag bp aichp projod kiomahlp altar uwyoawl haamada thraa voyajcaa tba canaaa of tha unltad buta bu baao ooanlad knd wtoapt in kom ramota dlauicta tha ralnraa have bn mada to tha buruti t wkaalngtoa u i ltkaly to ha koma waaka a uora tha ugaraa kddad up maabwhila tbara ar tsany prediollooa ka to tha popalatlod lha bauana ill abow unlhkll tha k kindiji uliaticanplaocy it at 7fi2o0o0o xrof lnlohalt praaidant of tha national i bail tula of taohnology kt 7747ioo0 whiuy lha koluary of lha traaanry jqopartmant klimauautoha77 000 000 iu lifjo tlia population of lha tjuitad ula w m c5ti j71 in ltwo i waa m1m7m la mod tahn tha lut oanaua wah uvmj it waa u ch 2i0 the wxr n lataat doporta bay tha foralif mlnlatrp in china ara sat a ooojraj buii aaaralva in south africa waii in boutm africa has loat i9ooo ooo ijwih v july v3 tbaiuimaourroi u aut f lha lhtj rtltyafii aaya lbl lha yri omn iim rxxipt hlftl 1 a factory lalmran frop uh italian jiul al lihanifhi iraiiamlllin diret maaaauo from mar jul ituoti l itlan mil mar kt 1 akin which confirm tba rapoiia ar lha bktaty f 111 mnmun of ilia i n tliacorrrajkiiulent add i hat tlm liowa will nitaly 1m rnado hlo wediioauv a dpalah lullid jimrstrnm itoii thai ih vorarmt olllj haafrcoaivrd tho lolinwinm from tlia vmmmndoc nt llm war hip fiiu at taku i loarn that tha ftxli ilatacl iit al l hktitauitoradhrawy iomo tlia nlluliterk aro aaia 1 vmtdh hit iuuu pur i4w julr ji a doapaufiiirom tleti tain dated julf jo aaya lha forfeit o aom mandrra hka baan una bio to srew on tba appointment of a uovornor and b in atttutada ihrm headed oovtrnmcnl by tba nillali japanrao anil unaaiaii ooo aidqrabla friolfou la likely to nalt from tbla lack of litiily in the control of afilal i la klao aald uiat lha jepaneoa ara actlialy einjjoyod in spreading their anuojl th dktivo tttay kiw dlatrlbollnit japanaoa flaga amonff tha realdanta of ota town and ara ullluk i hero to baa na that hair will baao blufior raaolta whlu japan ia protecting thai ljalmklm july ji the burgomaatara of llroaaala dbant antwarp and lugo hav laaoad an bppoal for tba ralalntf of fund to njulp and band oonunjent of troopa to china it la undaralood that tbt project baa ba approval of tba qovbru bent uuki nfcl utinv iik iiauu i uvt ioxiwx july y tba cffiolal kcponnta of lha fox hunt kcroaa lha valdl ara ol very antartalnlng raadlnif for t ngllabman colooalliroadwood had a lively brush on tyunday with clan ttawata oommandoa after a tbraa day obaaa but iba lloara doaued back during lha bight and eacapoil capturod a aopply trtlu knd oua hundred hlgbundara aad cut tba wlro and railway line north of uooinfaprull thoea wr proofa that tha fo had attain ooma oat of cover knd waa head in northward dalalla of tha inrffectnkl pnrsoil of lha daring boer raider ara axaaperatini klllaolu coutt otf koaua lommmc july w a oirtclal daapatdi rocalvod bar from capa town to day ay xhe rlwy northward la now olao of boara tha lina la alsbuyarnaadtqr will boon be clear captain fowlef pro oaaxu to- morrow ioat mkik ti00 000 000 loio tuly si tba anpplamanury jrttlmmkwl nimramutrai bythn prnlnngi tloo of tha war in booth africa amount to 11000 000 making k lotal of ij 00 000 votad for thhj porpoaa and brntio tba loul arma aetlmalaa up to uc ww 153 a war oflioa ralorn kbowk that tlia total fjrij4tflnaiuajtfaotltb afrrothlia far hav boon si mo doaalnion pro- ona of the loritfaat 5aaalon tlwoord cloaad hat wdnady ortiwx july ih xroroauoa of th fifth aaaaloa of tlia aigblb xwiiament to day waa la tlia uaaal form of that cere mony tha covaraar oaneral wrrlved eboruy kftar throe oclock kooompaoud by k body goafd of tba imuoaoa loujaa dracoooa a kquad of foot ooarda re oalvod him hi lha boildlrvgv and k aalula waa flrad from kapwui lolnl by tha fcield luttary od hu arrival kt lfa uanku chambar klloodad by major jorummond captain tiraham and captain mahatl tba commoaa waa kummonad knd onterod uad by bpoakar jlain id hht roboa of offioa tha bllla ware kaaoatad to knd tba kpaach from tha throoa road by lord win to altar which tha beaoioa waa dvcurad kt hb and totlontos allcamada hibitiom fx- nbw8 op tub dav hir alohoiiaa 1alutiar kpaakar of tha iu hi athuery wk bat improving uuul darrkch of qry county waa itillod bytt c v il trun naarlfat porta on tuoaday rnaldautcaalro of v thai lh rehalllod iu thai country ia ovr a one armed mui ukinad uolbtyr fall into tlia clraiid luvr njur v or mid waa j row had two tiaitrooa who tojuj arit khot and klllod two polloamaa and wouudad third in maw orleau aa laaaday joln iluokuoll oth kwltobmau at oihaw waa loouoliy vuuj by fri motor ou lha oahawa luilway abel uurlia atl khoul alxty yaoja waa klljaj mhlhu cenual train at itdmouchella a orwaajug boar wludoor it ia irapurled that bunibvof ooltod tiiilla in febgland will uolooad temporarily owing lo tha jlatuthauoa in china major fjoaral 0 grady tba nw ooui bjaiidr of tha utikdlau miliiu will re4ob judbjo ou llalurjy ud ottawa od uou dy hon wltllhl uiity bai twalund tba huiglon 7iuv to prowa ild juelutullaua kottaidiuti hid ralatioua ui lha uherttf of fruiiuuaa k mtiawu lhln knd jardlua al lta t- ur dild ilial ku additional ux oractad for tba vktra uainaea of domluloa py waa uol ku lufraatioa of tha lioauaa kola aiililla oniara ooolain provlaloa for k battalion of uounuj infantry for toronto au aulhorlaad addition of 00o roan to lha military atruth uf lha liumlalod many caoaauf antarul favw knd kmall pox kra rortadkt noma ilarbu- aukka and tba juaatlou of kanlialiou boa kaaumad k aorioua phaoa owiiif u lhatmtppata of uiluara to that puloa lly friandabl o tuaan tha krwataat lua the taatoat uoafutnoaa tba moal opaa doiumu nice lion iba boblaal affarlnga tba awvarael truth lha baartlaa ooaoaaj and uia kreeteai uqlon of pilnda of wbloh brava men and woman ka oapabla jaraiwy taylor kdnoatlonal knd va tor tain lug agra klv knd lraraalva kra tha vary kpnro prula watch wonlt kdoplod by tba toroulo irulo trial kxblhlllnd tbl yar which will ba hold from atigoa j7tb to beptamher bib thla la tha twenty aaoond kooooaelv jaat of ckuadaa graal txpooiliod kt toronto kbd vaoh year baa not only aeeu an mprovwmanl in tba krruamola tta eamparad with tha yeera that bava borta but tha quality of tlia block a vary far kbead of what it walt kt tha basitinlllg tbtta proving um inoatlnikbla valaa of valr kucb aa that bold kontuily kt toronto it i kn old blory to bay that lha exhibition im maduuly kpproachlng wlllha anparlar to kll iu pradaoaaaara- bat it ofu ha kaid that krrrmmtrmaatabkva beau mad knd uotto- ualloom ar pending that warrant tlia kuumajit thai tlia torouto vkir or 1000 wljxally mkinlkin lha rapatalloo it hal trained of biu tha heat of kii that ara annaaltf tialija fcodiaattirihaepnbr baa klraady taken up kud k uuulbvr of aauiaa have beau uieda but there ra to mkliy divlalonl bomprlaod iu tha prlaa hat wltb la 131 clkaoaakud sjj ooo in pram inmfl that thara u bnlpld provlajot for kll knd talking of thoe tlmelon it la intelsat lo4 to note that thara m bo fawar tbati li la chiwf 1jti liulttlng bblrte lullu clollu fclal ul lu ojaa fiu poultry kud u hvereg of 10 of 17 111 okch of lha two tloaafl olaoaea uevotad o horaoa alld 01 tu thlkwlll ttlva aom idea not only of tba oopaof toroolaa ureal lispoeltlou but klooof thoppurtauitlaaatfarad loaeourid k priaa it 1kllul wilv to trjot to wnat la promtaed in lha way of entertainment but wbad l la uud tint ito 000 la bpeut kbnaally ba thla depart mut vmlon hkva kmplaitukrknua tlikl they will ha kbuti dan lly prowuud for and the hjmlaalod lo lbatorodlo eshlbltlou wltluju ttjitfllui of ktuaoliuiia la ouly mi out ntrua oloaaou aiigfjt 4th jud prle iuu can t liaj by addraliig ii j ulll ukuntrr ibdu trial kxhlblliou toronto ab lail year bu ibli tha kxbllillod wtirba luaugu rated od tweed ay aveulug au iwth wllh k brilliant unitary tallaa itaduoej raua will baivn knd vxctiralona hld on all tinea of tiav1 rrtom the r an wrnst an intarantlna lattar li j edmlaton cluing in and lxiiarlencai i promiatl to ntj ou fn titer col ceruing toy aapahanera and iiy i aw laid uf laborand in acriirdatica i may oay 1 tan itvuiwliuiuou lutttlh of jun aid traveled foi cy mllea lo my iinlol tbl f trpcn arrivtuf ihoro i icarneil tlil in tha intertill of tlin w rk i uululxmuuo hurcitbridtta niiiy jlvo mllmturchermal i link o m far vinkiiii ndwhll had learned owed to be iruet ami alter tafnailill i tier ahull i a wriill kitl brae i up a lit i pioccedrd to my kp pointed work my bluy in oik on rf paalal i indeed i wa the k of the itav ou hteed una of llio llung timil uf lha tfortli wal coi fnreolv ou houdj llul july i reached ror him in lh lino now buck churh wjjicl waa bui i laat autumn at coal talhoih moil i ay ind waa davulcd to ktblaliu vpuit aui i ient a very pleaaalit tiiitc ka a apectalor of tblaa but what attracted knd interoetail me moat waa the tfckl imiltltu la of forrlnere ad i may aay bkt no beiloropportunltyvtan ba aoordeo any pereou of wlfemaatoh iood repreaeiilatiou uf the diffarelit oouik trine of tumpo an 1 nf the raroa of korlli aniariaa tl era worn douktiobora kklorc leffc of frame kod of aplrldid phyi jue the mu tlrrad in tronvere of blue duck aupportej kt the wall by k drawatrlui while they worn frock ooata of the uma colored home- apuu and overtopping kll wa tho inevitable tluaalan cap with a ur flat rrown and peak of ulaxed iralber ibawomeu a dreaa ia worthy ofhota itsutiiforinconaialg of a aklrt kintple li paltaril rnajo of bavy bluo wooltao material and wafat of light blue beautkully euibroiderod while thk baadkaar oonaialed of pookvt aliaed caj of liljiil blue klao and hkvllig a roaatle about four iuohra in diameter on tho vrlf oal aide which u worn lo to tha front tberawkh tha ualiciana plentiful alo dark of aklti ktid titore ltht than the doakhobor thcao bit thai lcoliar dreaa tha men a conalatlug of wblta duck troueera aheanakln frock coal kbtl black alotlcli bat while tha woman wore to ba bear ill khoepaklu ooat kl0 over all lit tucked up lu ixll bloo which hung k very barrow kud ahorl factory cotton under kklr from whldi protruded hmba br with tba asoopllou that a pair of totujb khoea or long boota encaaod tlia feet there were hungarian tha mendreaaad a ngliah faahlon and tha women in block kataen skirt wahil and apron while an embroidered karehtef of the hum malarial covered lha head tbeea waa the indian in buokakin or marljkrilui aiiiljoillier dancing tha bow wow to tha beat of tba torn torn lleeedea theaa wore to ba keen uobomlaosi heredea norwettiaiie dirm german lea landera atiatrlaaa vrencli chideoa afrl cans vankcea half brfrdetjcllall irish aad ll daaa although the oddfellow a dominion day domoualrstion ooat the fcociely oyer 700 ii air reoelpla lefl k small balance in tb treasury of tho h3 caudidatee wht wrote at the en i ratios rx animation a hero 47 were sutreaa ful theiwktrr iii the komnoir is low anii wltt laker raquealed id bo careful of their usage the street sprinkler will bava to look iltewhare for aopply tba bow carpet factory wulxorn menr 6peratigna thl waek lleaufrar itoborlaou is holidaying kt tort carllnjf lboa lfandereoit la paylnu a vuit to bia ids ugh tar mr j a hawkins lipaultli llla algoms as uatiod k proclamation lay aurf hlli kamilun a muslcmo holiday ail its aigoma ayotjsoon ha usioiton wejboada aav el kll ilreoaed iu fnglih faslion but bach speaking bis own peoulisr toogi having hi own accent i may aay in oouuacilon wih my new una ribaii iha aixrpohtt menta cb arch bridge a kmall village or u4nwim1 llilrty llva mile atst of york ton lu an j kinbi blna mile from ohurcbbrjdka and flva from each olhor hny hill koutboatl of kiverdala twenty itve miles hlld i oca ted on the qu appellee bear it dongola u mile west of bpy ulll and ilavelclfra twelv tnlu further wcal and twenty mllea kouth of klnbrkftj where i board i bava fifty or sixty families lo look altar bo i shall hava it busy this yr tbl i a farming kud dairying dutriot hone tl a people llva much oloaar tojjllier than kt hound ilaln lha jaopla ara very nioa kud hkva given iiaverkl vxpreksloua of appreciation klroady so i am vary much en oo ara red with the prospecta of a good year tha pop lu ihlspait bava not sulfated ty keveroly but era exceptionally poor tba ou will ba touch bettor than tba wheat which wilt run from iix to thirty buahel to tbaskcra wa w bavlug flu tjo at iutarvaj uow kid tbeoe km bring lag along th lata grain magnificently i may say befora oloalug tbut i ta khoot lost i have not had a fukk 1uiuoi for throe week but i nxpeot one orlwoof than thla week with kindest rviusbilrauoea i roniaiu 11 j hfuiirrow luveredkla i o axsj july hill 1000 new llthoatune neiohborhooo news limkhouub miss maud handaraon of turoolu ia uitlngatmrs iovidhi we are eyry to report tbj death of mr wm kennly who die1 t ueeday morning alter allnnaa nl ui y a f iua funaial lueulay nioriur in i riu moat of our frincrj it y ih ir wheat in and tiireatiiiid are mtw lit oidnr if the dy ctonci town noafytmfnovemcnst a ulll hatch of illllk for ftwpalrrretnd improvament irt baqiioatntr i townnhln 1 1 m tiuucil mat laat work ourauaiil lu aurueiit the ltn in tti chair mu ou ajl prirtriit tl- lrier w roltnalii aicjil i- istestein fair london sept67tber 6th to isti4 i90q hntrlad cloaa soptambar nth 1 t i y i ki iji cauiil iiaii4 i if iy it iled rey h uixl hall n atrtnrti ik uhlc i i i 1 i f man it i u i 1 tyilnaala ailal arlkia ur i a i ulll i urtl lral ili ovroins nil r lh i irw fl iyv s and airllinic rl ai tbn 11 f xli rgh i i at the llrrmll wltilt w i c urably increaaethklr capacity jhn null i run lug twenty our b mr a dy mia oraca walnrwuitb of llldtokli ia the law timber in tho high llchool bite to n vcry7ilnh ualllcalioua miaae ida sndmanl norli n of jlrn wlhuni bviiiincaifultypkicd lbc recent xaniiiisti m at lite ontario norma tollrgo hamlltou mr uj coulu headimaatar at tb high fkhool ia in turoblo tbfa week a one uf tba depart mm tal rxamlnera at the laorcais roalcll heja on v 1 1 day between vcrttd and toorgetown oity boy won in a aoornnf live in four miltom liviinron mrs 11 llulchart of toronto lias been apandinjatwo weoka with reutlve arouud ilockwood and lverton while lrv hev khd mrs a tor i ol ouelpbvlallnl with tbamktmr walls luewuyof ust week mr uutchar t with her little family of three lovely cblulreii returned u torouto ou monday lira carpenter of drayton is a pending a weak or en wllli mr knd mr h tyeon mrs if hortop of e jtu muu m onjrlday for a week or two kt uahuurl orova mr and mr donley and fit a children of duelpb spent holiday with mr knd mr orlndelf mr wm vorester otkvilif ba tmmirbrtwrrtrftirrwtjitdr their nrrjahi itolnlaj irbnttnl with willir lo bnd relative bar tba new churrbwlll ba opened a boot tba lut of beptotnber luv 1 alurl moorr- arid it j a k ou oliajrjiorlolh n itmllip wll mil lc kt lbs opetilng eervloi bpuvoidc busy hsrvslinji thtlr armor ara wheat hlr iloberl hyde of btkrlufirij wu hsd an others hon per for mod on hfa oar soma time ago visited bia friends iter last week ill many frland wera to tea blm kud ill of i htm hop ha will toou recover mr tho arthur and aon wift atart tbroabiiig thla week mr j qardnar and hlr a campbell th jkaqueaiug road coutraclor hsva com plated bovoral job tlia pbraou or parooua that took hr a campbell oeck yoke will save trouble by returulug it mr john uccorquodala ha juat 00111 plated tberarwolkmi of h tlutt ston oejlar mr iloheyt martin stj mr w hatnp- khlra of bootcli block loot a fltio bora ach last weak mr hugh llvlugstou of hunker hill waa tliaguesl or mr pbdlp driiiamonu speyelda ou buuday nodkwooo the chils a palacku aht doom ooa of tba tuoel kllrmoliva plea lb weeura duurhj 1 ttiti oblu r yoom in ba wrilkbowu chiua1alna of j4u uocrea uoelpb 1 iii rtil kbbsa to tba china department wm opud utl waak knd ooa talus thousand oj plana of ih meat delicate ofabae crystal and other art goode peruioing to thai una tba uew kt room la wall worthy uf k pilgrlmag and vm i by kll lovers uf iba beautiful in china bovejluv to ih hiugry ua broad la dry tba w j gag co bava bear farluuita indeed lu fcecuriug tlia rlgbt of publioaliou in cabada of maria cordlia baw alory uoy a wall bound spleiidldly priutod vol um of 350 pae lliia a cnrollia moat imporlauc volume for uavaral yoar kul 1 tba fllal laaubd kilil tha hutboibia s lata earlouh illume boy the ceutral flgur of th story way the itou of a uou ooidbilaaiotied ofiloer ofiha drillab army retired on half pay lilia pari u la wbo war liol ideal lu any raapoolpkld lltlla ktteiitlou to ilia lid a u bringing ha wak a bright llttl follow aud was much mad brbyrarvektihrmaldiirnartynhswnr koqualutanotf wl o off or oil to adopt him liar offer waa rejaoud by tba mother whoe4 word waa uw lu tba household fluallf ha wa sent to a military aahool aud when ou tba ov of graduating got into a druukeu scrap aud waa axpellwd hi old lima frlaud proved k frisud ludaad at till tluiri kud la order lo prove hll grali ludijandcurmlllalhiulqjcfoibljlji mi hated ea privata aud waul to mtb africa with oua of lha lriigllsli regliua hare li provl him wit a courageoua koldiar but waa fatally wouuded at tba battlouf coleiiko aud dlrd lu the huepltal a few hour utar with laving farewell iiib4 to hu bijaotraa- iba book a au inercaliiig oua and th oloalug cbaptarei ara thillliug ludtod llfaaffrivi iuuuj by j la a nou oheltu carey author of ih old old 4jocy by th mussoii llook oompauy ioronto and la on of tba tuoel luureallog aud profitable ainoug roceut laeue of popular literature it portray aimly ufa and kuvirouuianl lu highly inlereeliug and graphic delajla oommencltig with th holiday term a sou of the homo back j or vacation hootmipa tiled by kboljefi obum tiid proodedlug through tbalr varied iperiouoe it is oeaautlally a book for holiday readiuguiud ll oonteul will ba fouud to outer largely into the feallug aud 10 depict vividly mauy of tba happening which will befttll tl r feeder during lb zeveauiy 4a j ihuleumener yoettg paoolegnorally will an joy paluaet of thi vuluma at kuy lima bul kepeclally during tlieir vacation day i lu tiwerty kud otlwr luifoituua uf hfa true ruttds are a auro tafug l ba young bay keep out of mlechilf to tl a old they era k numfull klid kid id lllelc weakuas and time iu the prima of lira limy india to noble dead uls ltur uoidil pupil of mis fjcbbaui ba paatad with hrslcusa honors thi first year fliuo ixtuilnatlou held at tha torouto culltga of uuslo last weak whsu iba ooiigfealioo of tha uatbodh1 church kseemblej they found k fin haw- ebapel organ had been placed in church and tw luformaliotr wa aubae- riuently given by tba paalor thai it wa a gift from mr and mrs j t wood tu geueroally of thla worthy coup la vary much appreciated instead of tha autibal xouraloii tha buuday rcboola of tha townehlp bt lra- laosa will hold a union tic uia on th ilockwood txltlutlou ground thi afur uoou tl pio uia will berju at two oclock lu tha afteiuoau abj lunch w ii ba served between ave and alx oclock a vty au jo r able progratotri baa beu arnttiged mf jol fat nt lir anil mlj lfy uewai warenjuieuy biaaiaed at lwlih a wak ago cougralulalloua ara in order mi may faamora ha been augagod ae uacltarof b fl no 1 fiin bh ooui manoo bar dutio altar tha holiday 1 i i n i i r oi wii i k j ml t i i j wlllulill lit mill autlm u iii his road illfuloil wtllu ht dill nllii il i i ii d lltui j in illobtaiil illil lillo i luld liiluoiu uail g 1 tulrri thu alidfrlisfmrn j llopcili fni sale a siiuilfk r taxi- aril tuta rialr l for aalao caiy fl r l u iii mit1ii 1 t shkk1 asjha stuat kit i i l 1 lx ll t ui eld l i lulim i liuli tlul ile biilufjuiin fuuilalulaal llno ewe bcltcauia rllbl tt im i lark r- i in ix nl ii a lu i 1 i u li i mutl i t id uvla i i i air rer r will i mihal iv iwi if j till u i ii i r i k i f ll arluti i o ll t ii llrr urllv ll l kill l llj i ml iui ju hiekaillurollluiuairdl aw ui uatokiii tr till l 1 xuur uaral u 1 a duitcap usarll ui- ullluj iloh i 111 i ate tot l soj hut xu j liu iarjnar u i ciwulug ullrt lot 11 initio r 1 ul ettrl ar 1111 beca ut jilel lo au1 ciadluaihi loj liie l t ii io air canlluell loes hi rf u-llllo- lul ii sauaajaeeia talw a like hum t uilllalii h f j- ir lllil g loj 3i 111 m i bill 1j isuu later tlhlita a tr kiaot uuicu and ovraim woik iluu oil muuitalir el k ll au mi 14 tiix lljj tor k uligstul uiajliigua ullluatutll u tt jvlxal i lliytcetl fut hurjlnfl ui on lotsoasuaiol iwmual uaklduaer tot ullloatatel ani rvneiiiulcuhart 1 00 ju ii ji iwaaey u fur iu jjlt g uiiliul ror culvert ar i t ulming alllugtwll 111 l line mb sou 7 tu jucvvbaureoinlulaiur uine hottaa hcd villi aiclhetiw ov sun lying hi jilb ravel ll iauibabtea i jo jas u cin4ll yanu al to c ki i 7 m towallue rlu peylug a sliuiursutu u 10 alaoljyarje to m illbvul cooer i u town lin iu afo to alr hmliig lur sunplylng awec woe fur too culvwta t vj 1 r u itelabt brl abore bli 1 13 will uoody lnaklitg dlbjj alj heulov lad alone from real lut 31 town llnachlusuatcueirtayligilkekui i tt td dkvld kfeknry ilriinjhljc tcwu line ilu paying like sum ut cut nubia so tad lor milk and butter hut fhel w1u 111 cajilll li 00 iflbt 4 liadv kllikllca hbule of road niacbiiil 1 li lh d warian printing vouia 11 t adveeilalu lo 3 ii iduuulil utxld umuicuj auulua an kktveeaonaitulu 0 lllraul olahali i is ropahlng ullae uu roaj iium is sold m con j 1 00 oneeuy nlllng crave 100 henderson db co hot werther goods i wc place m stock today a ircilr pipmcnt of lrllbs ilihit and cotprbd blous6s the mot natty and upto date stuft ohtumable taffeta and silk gloves 111- oh saj what win f olu ifbt ride m all i kli lr katlafa i y i ulvn i t dllty i i king iii n l llamlliorr octi in black white and cream all qualities safin back velvet ribbons all the bct veilings parasols laces etc jvfflth now in itock readytowear skirts in platdir plain and fancy black alao in white pique and linen hendfelsolnf st co ttotonn llnw to cure a corn ul re 1 ater perrur u iwlar uruab log tnoein alaaa froidroad tui town- uue i xil u lot ll aaaereya tyinglikeauiouul t 3 l alar joe thiulngkravel btl lut ki iuj line s3 60 urv melbanw tilt bravei kuln hl or above too t rilll r hng 3 co p mf ftoaaaii rorwadlim ri ttr it i one of tha basieil thing in tlia world lo euro a com do not aea acid or other caustic prepare tloo and dont cut a bole in your boot ill simply to apply rutnamalalnlc corn extractor and la tbrea day ba corn can be removed with ool pain hureoafe pejuueo take only 1 u loam cor u lix tractor ha that doth a base thing in keel for his friend burn tba golden thread that tie their heart together jeremy taylor dr fow worm by rap tksafa sore slid reliable worirj pel lor act crjually ill lsncbl mraii or ad ui ir uohuroy a 1x9 and john larduer pal ring f lei and s3 ioj con j a 1141 fur oil roei urier to kl tats 3 00 i w carried moved by mr craham seconded by mr lmk7lbat ibtauntof i u 37 bvpald thoa cuiiuiugham for jt day operating road machine klao for putting in uow tongue in road machine 01 00 oil aud rrkalr for road machine bl 12 carried amateur photo computition mr i d printlet gualph afford w t spundlii ooport unity for compkrlnu notes chluaowb cohnkita tba uitbodut buuday bohoot wll al th union pic n in itoch to day 2 mr chi jolliff of ilockwood dallvered an incalltit aarmou in tba mat boil 1st cburoh liar ou buuday i a football olub haoanalu beau organ i w 1 bar mr aud mr- john moiurray of iftmiby iiunt a day or ao ltat weak at n vol boa mia hhrl modiatd of ktor la noamliighar holidays tl ilia lioiua tj hr autil mr ja oainbla mr knd mr ceo catiu vllud friends in 1 dan mill ou buuday mr wm koruv of kiln vuitcd n tor baa ovr buuday mr and mr m cmwfcoii jr spanl laat waak wlih friend in luther mr a murray of ilockwood speut buuday al mr d uukeowu lb annual harden larty iu oautieolloli with ih ublboditl church will h helj at tit home of mr uourt cllbbou near ih cbuuh ou wedueeday avail lug lal abguat f lha progratiinia will luulud ajdroesaa by lv4 ii u a acum w ii a oletu aohurab bill vocal idualo will ba glveu by tha mia lotted mie iu1u holdad ad tlia llocawuod lrm meeer cuiiny knd tba julifla hrolbara lukwj and by the 1 dn mill quarllu and moaai it j uuntey harry jaaus aud w ijlaik aclnd iii4lruiiteut irtaiu by lucal lilnl and laolttuo by miss mitchell eutumlal kwarum aoum ooua i lun i will alo be iu atuudauus admtaalou ihio tha raaullaof tti iery iutrreelliig com pblllion in amateur 1 holography arrariged eovaral mouth ao by fl d fr i rigid gueph who deals axtenalvtty fa camera and amktaur photo aupplle vera to ba kcait tal week when mr print axblhltad two hundred aud twenty photoi which had been to tared for competition mr prlugla gave a a r ira of liberal prixe aud tha com petit iv a collection ambroxa winy try tin photo th judge ward mr w ii uou aud mr w holm of lha toronto camera club and they have ahown good judgmaut and k careful criticism iu their eelscttoua for pnxoa landamimf v mccallum htv dr baanlon luterior it iledwin l made in bid lib couaral u i ittsr il iudwiu conilob j terrel wuunea ittoo il lladwlu may duncan tadio mirhuuur 31 3j b i prtiuo j a lurloiig it t crahr bweepatakea a t wlaucko hoy claaa d moor d mcltan bat fucus tl laugbliu tho who did not aocura prlxa need not ha ash a tn td liar discouraged of their work uiq judge bay tba collection waa all ao jood that thay had great dlflloulty in making tltelr award tba 1ukk 1idui had tho pleasure of aoelug tin collrolloti kg wall bb lh highly creditable privata oo not ion of mr a ii wallace which wre not anlercd tor com pjili tbn coalpctitlotl and exhibition musl likva bii very encouraging lo tho a ma uuri and uo doubt they gleaned valualta josmjlooca thcrafram amhtllcao mku losuho iba fir loos for oauada aud tha united blau ir tlm rirei half of lha ciirietil yr i doecrlbaj kt lha largest ar known in tba blalory of liiaurauoa and tbl wa cu wellbaluv ll riiimoudtad to f 10j 2hh ww u agaiuai 1 115 hjj for tha aania ptriil of us l ar atil ih3j7 100 for that ul 11hu1 ihera bra very atartlln flguraj thay ought to ba alarming to uudarwrilarj who ara auoh heavy auffemra by tha lua thay ludloau a com par lion by moulha la glvan below lakoo from th journal uf couimriht now york gt tow ileal frloudahip la a alow grower and never thrive bulesugraftad upon a slock of kuowu aud reciprocal merit cheater wbcr other fail there dr totty a 1ilu prow their power to euro thara tio gain wlthoufpaln laxa liver 1ilta cure blliousueoi bick haadacha dyspejial sour stomach water braali sallow oomplexlan etc tbey do not grip weaken or sicken small and easy o lalu price 2o to thost about to mahhv youug met or oht man who intend to marry will ba pleased to leajru that lha how marriage act is mad rjulta almpla by applying tc h p moora lasnef of marriaga licanaeet kt tl a vukk puxka ouloa call a few day befora tha wremouy and have tha matter explained privata ofuoo all business strictly privata aud ooottdentlaj at reel deuce iu evening wanted agents lo fill permanent noa lions with uat good pay all supplies free clianco of promotion lu pood wo klso dcslro aomn good aient cither oa wboia or part limn loxeilour preparallon for tlia destruction of tha uixackafoth caterpillar- known aa catahpixlahine many ofour ulesmeacariy this a a aula una knd make considerably mora lhan their axpenscat hereby wa liavo tlia urgeat axsortment of alockof anynnraeiy c poo- plr ita wx- ruxnuitoa all our stock 1 bent out under government certificate provlnt cleanlloea and freedom from disease a pdy ftow fdrvertitfiry stone wellington speight 6c brady fcianueacturexa- of xtxemic motoxs 5s wutxx motors y ajtsolorxaxv ajs xmqznks xuuls3 iron cjunuiotito ostdxr rieiulriiig promptly don doonxotow onl aoton machine and tteiuur slio iitshyqlilbueih ivopeulor aitu well ooulpp with a i uia maelilaan uaeeaaaxy loeetule all rpeli to tuaebln ry aujaaiuulturalliiiilemaula and to do all kludacblaajrl otuog uuraesboeingabd aware blaaaauitthlug wouaacr ireitalra te7urtuej u a batiaimtury niauur we ess keualr uy tilkeliliie or inlpledmoit of auy biake baw guiubilugaud bl lug dona some treasons why yoo shovld ly luvrn eurem harsess oil uuwiualhsl ly any other rcmler hard lea tber aoft esjiecully prepared cpei out water a ltcavy ixklieil oil harness iu excellent prebcrvatlvrl rcilucea ccnl q jour lutnireo never bums the leather it kettlrcs fxt service gtitcbea kept froai hrcakiug f oil lawmlnull kkeriel ou feaakkx hcton saw planing mills ilorsolail itcin lioticlir pi umo ttui l1 o in t jambs matthews patntoo t acton onl i jiiiailjjigii kcton bkkery j c jsattj1x w jroprjlbr iazhv brke duiuig iba jrt hot uralber when you cjll i tilceaasorlnieiil of cale i an i jlfcad at mallhewa a choice l- 1 of 1 mil and confcli iffy always kept lu mock irn cream 111 bulk dclhrrcd to my juit of own oc per tjimrt como rtrttl vlultdur icb chiiam lawn men are creatures of habit h thousands ol business men btill spend time and money travelling when they might dothur buioncss quicker cheaper and just as satifnc- tonly by honq distance telep1i0nk thb alllanaiia show atia 27lk to kept buj 1000 toronto tho countrya oroatost exposition and industrial fair all tha latest h6 vol lies wany direct voi icuropa 1 ha marvellous raaource of our own country thoroughly exploited irmisi st man ufaotur ara ktid dabsra in all kind or diu ssi d and undiu ssi d lum hek lath and siiingliis sash doors and i1linds wujdbw and doou hfamus all kinds oi indoor and out dooictlnlml having a unll aatorte1 stock of lumber on liand orders will in all caaj ba promptly filled lumbar drcuad and ma i chad while vou wait price ar aa low at any other mill turn luff out work nquxl in jualily culom log cut at any tlmo jxo 3cvxns jjjums brown jaflmax jitwacai all linda of wood on baud and promptly delivered to any pari of ths town brilliant and roaliatlo ilath rprctacla tho selte of mafoklnr and also tho roiiof tlmojy arrival of canadian artillery entries fcloso august 4lh txouasionn oh all lineii ov travel torprlxa hate antry form etc kddjra ahdukw suitlt it j wtll vbcys jrejdeni afaduger torudid what it represents itso liej t ul ittuu kiottaooo ulisoo strffi6d iaie0ouo itkxda 13 sid ttuo 11 ttuoi0 tcliledo aitstqua u in too iiuiiojj 13 vv w0 ubsituo 1 1 thlaj0 31 kll quo miiu uvikl1u i kali uaroli at iii usy j una lly a classification of iba tire ii la found that lu 1h1 day thara ware hu1 area each entailing a lo of ovar 100 00 april of ooura waw an aiicuplioual inuulli 11a hull ottawa fir will account for umcii of iu s0 but aary tnoiith lbtsyear be aliuwn a lo vastly kbovevlha avarai in j una for iualanoa wheti tha fir oe is ueually low lha wast by in waa rtjual lo a maapbaraou jo m lfaar i fjiirfl ww u aeveii hundred ibuuutid ilollare pecday it eboui b eprenl to ul bualilae ulell bh well a til ptlbllalal that iki ta too gaat a dralu upon lha ounnlryaiwaoureoa witj soon our altould be roustd for it a uuil lilatl h4ktiihul for 1 il fihere pig bocoetnl kll irlebtiiall ah ft i one have you been k lry ig about ltur t to whtoll pel teepoudod lu and how could i toll ttray pig ruiu any other t absolute security genuine carters little liver pills mukt llour slljrttaturxj of 5a iwsluk wrpir ww jepaviiivnojbwihm5plfnls curb kind alt format of laimonoaui vlald to ve kall kej u uir i uve a buiv foi meidacil f01 blltikcue nu luuautautsj foi tobffl uvul roi comttipatlosl foi iatllw tdu ful iuccomptxjum cure sick headache ilrsn a r ute i la 1ib4 ut ike vhui ijwfciwfcllittliihuiiiiujwv hhll uwr talaubleili wkwumiiahmuui i li i iui u wli u 4 kum mt m r trilar otxvlkly u lay i a w i ij a bautiuxreuj 1 tl 1miiuu lleuoe umuftfl y rutm llmujuti uedtwully atbllj lirfuiiu luullbllmwwmflmkl u i lllmitliuif l we au1 if a iiiuit hrwtiblu i uitfaulaijjlnllltdtllr pmjlwillalu iw- b r wee emuitr j au4 llkil u cl tt i i jllllktlhljni i ivrtitl u l r rjuiilnlljh all hlutmh ka urr r ii i bulaa u lrtl lt r hualll j t lijuruujim ueujalftf u fje ale 01 m i rlsll caalfluf laaiiijii ritlt vf you alt for a pholorapli you want the lllteaaa to rejwesenl you properly when you alt to us wa want tha work to represent u properly our imprint is seen upon kiotio but tho boat lhoto- cfupha and orfod r- aakoraa we 1 1 ufy ou ra wh ariatittoklvyot 1 1 fu like- uttafac lory plioto hrhwshksal photo kht1st kcton pain killer tt wealeuo obeak la i uew ktaaele oueat ke qelak dora w orhmrs blaklrhocjl oouqh3 dolbt mhkuhatish ukuhauul j i 3d and tto on ikottlaaty waa or luitavtoria touv omlv yhk qanulne lafzflmv davlej j children cry for castoria vr pine writing papers mala a specially of this data of goods and our block is of li fullest ws have prici front i hat utod by tin ncuu man id kiiyllilug riulrtml by tbn most dainty conytpoudent our liock of the intter include- 1 11il nhw wltlmwooi papi ir11 s kllam willi itklmlordl it roman 1 lji hi iolkol1 wohaioala am stncl of ijdu hutnk uoolh chock looks etc and received yclurjay u line of- new iaiuioyic iosicaudj a t bitown oheuihil and jumllouar aclon inrina few ikxklumlill 1 60 tijc iik hiu1 1d0 globe optical co f3 yoniio stroot toronto

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