Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1900, p. 2

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i nans at titeaaruown on tuesday j jui allavu apiilaoe adtt year tnonuia roll- a lualllu fnvmii a dual pt oa wuiiimiuv aub- ut alaria wriflil it u ju h a to full ased wo u l i jell oi wednmriajr aui till uoafm rallot of tbe i sued 3 ver f tjiullhuavatfuuptjmlfcld0o ldltonial notesv the term o iuuutimt ooertjor daly of nova boolia expired on monday lion a o youae who was minister of militia in the kfaekaoalo aovnrnmeul will auuoeed mr who bee hati two terms of gov the london 1 nx ttatfs of tuesday morning praise canada decision not to rooolva any mora destitute immigrants h vltw of the apreadof anarchy jt reoom tnenda a mlur coam ti motion lo jbonjpaaj btat a doepalcb bu beta received at tha japanese legation vveahlunlonj from thai japanese lorelgii oflltm annoanalng that ilia guicrnment ot jpajd -probibtted- for the present h eraigratiou 6f japabeee laborers to the hulled ulata and canada at a meeting iha lrecotlve of tho booth ontario liberal coneervallv a elation bold an haturday afternoon it we unabjmooaly decided lo proceed with lb proleat against the nualloa of the lion john hryden according to a- cable received hy ilia militia dcparunant from ldrd hlrelhooua ou balnrdsy 110 invalided canadian scldlsr are an rout borne but tho war office is maklug araaugementl to mod home about a butidrad tnea now ii i 1 nglalid an imperial ukase by th ltuasian goveruineul announce au increase in ba dull lo meet tlm expenditure id lha fur last tli addition a rang from flly per cent ou tobacco aud othsr important shile to lea per cent h a large number of oomoiodllle price of canned salmon will b advanced at least twenty are pet bent when the aetedqlee we fixed oo aug 10th th known shortage id tbe supply bu already been discounted by tbe dealers sod prlc have been advancing tha flablntf aeeeon bu bow relied ue wbera it can b kmerted by the cennerri ibt tbe peck will dezuinl f lael yr mid probably to ore 0aado feilnrwl for july were ut in tnaaofajstarint tot 2jj2 oh and 70 la trajinrf for 4333 with only one other commercial for i00 m tola of 0j failure fof i7m610 dona jrnm uya tbe return bi renerally aatiaf acfory not m alngleauarbdntf reported in iron loole woolunl oottona bau obemleale or prints lag while copper and gold tdinlotfoom pny in drituib idumbl aoconnl lot bearly ball tijo tadqotari llblllllw kruger wants to quit proyldad ha i ataaurexl patrrtonal ufaty and comfortatbl ouarts canadian troops with kit- chbner ivijw alijh 1 it la aralew toaltlvnly at im lot u that iraeldenl krofferia will inland anzloua lo aurrenderd provided a aatlafaotory promlee la uiten ae ka bia nllimaiadeitloalloa hallway qommunioatlrmi wllb natal baa been re eelabllabed by jen macdoiiem oaplore of if errlantilb lord kober u roporta to tbe war oolor under date of iretorla auguat 0 aa followe hairumlti aarreodered on aaail 4 the belgbborinp oounlry aeema to be ijaut kltobener te with tbe force eoalb of be veal hr ho wm joined yeetewday by a troufi detachment f itrabaot hone and tjanadun lugimaot the iloera attakei ort ijarrlaon al kland e luver6i tlte morning anguat information waa aenl to carrinjttoo who waa on lila way id kland a 1 titer jan hamilton who reached noateabork ytraur day repoftel balju boxj 6xinan tha dlracuoo 0 kland a luver tody the flrinn mnn more diatanl whioh looka aa if tbe kland e rfrar jaxrjaoo had been rcketed and waa retiring towerda ybrql a apedatdaapelcb from lretorla aaja cleneral jjord kitchener baa b arrowed the circle around do wet and buftt by driv loft oot the enemy from one of the dank poellione which be held nciqubohhood nbwb bnin mr ia to urn wu in otielpb 00 saturday and pot up bia bona with bia brother at tbe implement work tbe animal became irihuned by hum maaa broke the baiter thank and plooged tliroob tba door which pi lo tared inlo frarmanu kr uowle v ft removed eoinaatentea aplintera tornn of w bleb were twelve inohea loutf li the altles advancing slxtaan thousand huali and cdp- ture strons poaltlonof chlnetaa art or seven hour fluhtlntf help at oncb if at alu tikm tim aue 7 on tlni lay mornlutt al daylight all iron thouaaua alljae aitackad u blntee et i iuat eid fuoed i tie eneuty from uie l trenntie ol wblcli tt foreign troopa are now in poeeeulon tito chineee oocupled a atmujt pueitloa they had deep uencbw heavy braaat worka aixiloopltoled boaeee tbe alliee advanced in the face of a hot are votjirvvti bottra tbe cbineae made a moet atuhbora reaiateiioa tben the foreign troopa ruabed the poelllon and the chineee were aweptfrom the irodchga tbejoaaaa of tin ejuee were ttry heavy maw yuau a 04 7 the joanutiamfj vwwrfuo- pdnu under ethabfbal date a deepatoh purporting toie the wbrdipgot a meeaajta tnim mlnialer conger rtotij ty colonel meade o l he marine corpe from a native runner it read p help at onoe if at all seeieged i ilrltiah iftalion utr oyvermaot ip 1ckli except military atilei wbo ere dater mined on tlie daatruotioa of foreigners h tbuorfh ibe meeeege i undated it u believed to have left i ekln within a fp daja u tr y 7111 bein lb only government tall lee wllhthe lata reporu of tbe aucendanay of su iliitf ifengand 1rinceltuan abd the alaugbter of two proforeign manibaii of tbataang 1i yemen in the pepera of be viceroy at tii tatn there waa found a receipt for 100 taela paid to the llaxera for lhe bead of major wejleef of the halted bia lea majluoa wbowaaillwattho uraj bxltlt or tlan tela limehouse the harvest baa been well aaved bare ahoutianl jbauumeroua threablnga abow very abaudatit yialda uot weather baa prevailed tbe peat week a laate of ofd aabloned angoat anltilnaaa iuv 11 a maopharaoa of actoo praacbed bera on sonday after 000 n in tha praebjtalaa cbaroh the oopgreflalloa annoyed bia earmon very tnach ur vw 8 and uiaa bnyder of toronto and mr wffl h snydar of ooatoo wen guerte at tha bonna of ur thorn aa bnmarvllte on tneeday 3ckwooc tbe kew york ttuus aaya ugbt of ajmoel blinding intenaity la thrown on pro- boeilam aa it axial to thaunlied btatea by the dlapoaltlon made of tha money ralaed la waahlogton nominally for tha benefit of the needy herae of tha sooth african republic the amount oolleoud wi itlbibi and now that the axpenaew jlllbji irooopiona and mealing bald while u14 uoar dalegataa were in tha capital have bean tot ibara la left to aeod to kroner land tho bacn of exactly 1h i kxoept in manitoba thd crop proepecta aaam lo be good all over tha dominion and it moat berameniberad that a abortaga of the wheat crop u hot knob a aerioa tnattar in manitoba now an it waa a few year agj mixed farming u more geoar ally praotloed than it uaed to u theolilae and town of manitoba already reqaira considerable juantitle of meat vege table bottar oheeee and eggs aod the oavalopmani of ultilag and tnanafaotorfn u north western ontario la creating a demand for booh farm prod act in that section which to tut be largely supplied from manitoba tbe financial mealing of tha goalife jdubrlot will bo nald al llockwood on toaaday beptltth beginning at 11 a m a convention of ibe district will be held la the avenlng beginning at 7 80 la con nectloa with tb twentieth oenury evangelulk movomanl at which the folio wlnj sddraaaaj of twenty mioules each w1u be dalivarad 1 itow to make psalora viaitailon afosl kffaclparin bootwinning by iuv jo m xragar m a 3 how to hake lha olaas maeuog moet effectual la character bnllding by luvx xu tfugg b d 3 uow to develop chriauaa uu in tha prayer meeting by llev v a cat idy u a addreeae will b followed by diacoaaiou ibm bacratomil of tha lords soppef will b dlspenaed at tbe oloaa of tba aervlo lad by tha chairman kach circuit is expected to kend a largs number of dv i agate to tha diatrlcl meet ing coovantloa lie if t w jackaoa tlora xraaldant of ji am 11 loo coofarwoca will preside tha poblld i invited to tha a van log maeilng mr huaehao crtjt 1 lock wood has retorted froj a vlait to hi feuler mr wm jago ifunuvllis unakoka news tba canadian vatrlotin vund now amount to 3i7 tig 7j t ttja- bill for a aupi lament war loan of xhio 000 waa paaaed in the llritlab house of commons r mr jolm haye sen a realdabt of ielarboro for forty five years dropped dead od bia way to market owing to bbart af fecllon ur j illuafoot an aldnrly rnati living on uarton u tree i hamilton was struck by a street oar and died from hii injuries a eer boors jaur the 1nbllo bobool at efhanbeixn out was destroyed by are 00 bqpday voreet fires la newfoundland havawlped ut the iowa of uopp arm wbite llay daetroyngl10 honaes a large sawmill and several tntllloa feet of lumber arrangements are being mads for tha inoriigtrombayofcaeirana3iau families from tha baglnaw district miohl gao todmonlorj in the canadlaa weat tha kah of kinnoull baa invl c dlall aoulara invalided frooa booth africa lo atay at bl oaatle in 1erthalnr tha ihsrmomeler reglatered 07 u ill toronto 60 monday the hlgheel in forty six years mr andrew hamilton of tara was drowned white bathing near owaa bound on monday 20 mills on fhe dollar eattmmtaa subrnltted rnd tho itnlo for i ooo struck ait tuoaday bvanlntf m seise ion the samu a3 last veah i j he mo4l lnikttnt mvtlajuf thoynar ware bell by i hi aua i mi monday and tuceday evaniiijta whrn be aallinaus fur lha currant year were otrefully oonaldared and ilia ratffiltially used at twenty mills on be dollar tbla ia tbe same aa that of uai yrer at ibe monday evening meeting all the tnera bar were present esoept courlotllor clarke lleeve learsoa occupied tbe oh sir the fourteenth rsportof ibe committee on jitieooe preeeoled lbe following ao rauajuu lll klmlllcf co ui f i hoe v os a him kluftahurv lesuilutf 0 tj a t llrowil ulaplionlus io moved by ilofceri wellaoe aeoondad by 7ohn a llemleraotl that tbe report of the kioanoe committee juaa read be adopted carried coqnoll adjourned at 10 p hi lo meet on tueaday evening at 7 do on toaaday evening all tbe inetiibers were praeeiit the wliul evening waa spout in oonaldsiing tbe esllmalca aud paavlng lha by law giving authority for fh committee tut pi d a ucesu omitted toe estimates a follow reenainlarmt urj inureat end utokintf vum ull 00 caiiletaiv tulwvat aaci tlnll puttj w 100 w kiufa llsbtiitlpft an 1 itluklus funl hi do 1 ul lip ekhooiintimtand unklutf kund it tl vire 1 iououii1liittl and haik lug yuwl ml co 1 ut lie koboul niaitiuuuno tjai 0u counlrlat- 1- wi ill halavtae i irrooo v laotrla ijabtyual an i hum o0 00 tr iji iary a cd wi jultitf lt of uill hul 10s 03 luulelark u iuutml 73 co 1 tiuuult antl ajuiu 10 oj cuiatery 10 w i1uu ail 1 walks lt0 00 llorrowaduiouay ilbrcltaiils lunlc lui co coullmiiielii jl w ihob0c0 macmtrfu jtssmaittaul ouavmllli on almo m sjjd to jtimutiieiit ou vlohuo or ultocl tun ijeeuai oil tax uotftax ovn mali lunts southampton tannbflv oone dowrritn and zlnkan o toaa about i 406oo inauranoa i 9uoooo l i juki mx aug i atm i leu o ol klk laat nvimilxg lie citlaonu wrp aufrnixl by beanij ilq flro ixill ai 1 wllll- t it taiiry itoaliitg ilia it un oovaro1 that tin 0o ha 1 1rul in tlie large tamiertv of hownian t ink 11 in tbatpavalin known aa lh 0ijr lailbar department the band engine and what other lire fighting epireiis lie own poeaesead wbloh is julta inadi juste to oojw with such an rxtsntive corinajtiatmii were aoon on tbe acene but dmplle ibe aftoru of bo flrvtiinu it waa aoon aeeri ihat the etitlra deslruolioii f tlln vt projety waa unavoidable hy great exerlioua lhe invato dwallinits in lhe uitnndute ni borhooj wjitn aavoil but tbn loae ia vuor moul and a groat calamity to i ho town it being ou of tbsprlnctpat inrtuttrte co uolchar iaclrculalintl a iltlon for a pulho meeting itf cltlxoiis lo at ouoe off r aid and icducsniaola to the jjio riatnrs to- rebuild and it is thoujht ban lhe enter pnaii g firm will at once oominanoe ibe erection of mora onrmntxih ua avid eienaiva the loae is about tfwoikm luaurenoe about eitsjoo ceumiomlre unknown aa w n k pljilcuilajiljualloy mr 0 m llowinaii m 1 j pirtuor no th canada mi twh tjmpiih our exhibit at parle vary highly compllmenfod a muutrca gentlemen has received from a friend mr herbert a loate of be dmlrel uruguay qy montevideo lu nllowhifl axpreaalon of opinion on cat a4x kbow at tho laris xxpoallion cauad beats the empire lu bar vxblblt and in fruit baa a show that knock uticls bam and california into a cooked bat the railroads havn an excsleut turn out alto western fair jjondon ssptewbbr eth to 15th 1900 bntrlop clooo goptamtmr itti i lie m 1 ciimitlnto nibillls fonni i arni i or net an i 1 artmy new and tcullii bixkui rjiurcii ballot acra ly inlpoilcd crry hounds hallooo aorniion ioiil iiraclmiln uji by mull and lady tilcbralnl ymnatlb a r rial artlila an i a mltal i uewnrka icl cvtlnk llmtjfiinmrrdlralnasuatliui ijo iuwr mr ngb ilila an many ixulilul act dmlcea i slecial i fain nvef all liima oacli e veiling nil 7 ilio firework mjiid in trite ijetu and lto rttnmm t it ii wm u faktmioitl i a nl i i 4 hekr qjstiorsts lulnng hat aoltiltona 110 tct ftluillod r nnd moat 1511 1 y enlvd in trw light if our mock any man lium a awfll tltrmtr down lo be plalrleat cltlirri cjii lop hlntuilf in lha inkof faabuin and o llic acme of wlfaf lion with oof aid trioa iilowjmi figure largely in the mallrj- but ours also figute j kjtiail ami are worth auxlying f 1 straw hals from 35c 1 i 15 hard auyjhoff 1 cla liewcat up lo data irani f i to ejv i r- onejfprice only x r e nelson duelph morohani tallortpnd mens furnisher 4 oaiurybals of bio lulllclark kleeulei lubt ltu -mreaiaaiwllvlka- m 00 to5 w krjoo vow iiioo lalfd 10 00 rod co so 00 w crbw8on8 corners on of lha storming aoeoe of tha praewot saaslou of the urltleb hone of common occurred moofjay evening wbaa mr ash mead uelielt uordett coatu cooaervauv member for wealminater demanded greater power for tha hospital oommlasioo to in vaetlgau the management oj the military bospiuls in booth africa he declared the truth would bo ba learned under tha present pjatl of iuveetigatlodaj ulfl aoldier would ha afraid to testify mr a j hal four go yarn woo t leader in tb oouree of h bitter reply accused mr hurdett coulu of mallgtilug lbs character of ui uilliab army aud sneered at what ha oalled the ho nor a hi members a video t narvooauee m to tha result of tb in julry t vfirxmktfnyf t vt carman oeoerml buparltiuudetit of tha methodist church cabada fcaya imperial federation must bef attained by lha nurtursof itealthful lirltuh inalincu and by voluntary patriotic movement such a bave blguallaej recent years ll will not he adveuoed by heat or by coercion thar mutt he a rapremuta llva council of aom klojth germ from wbloh will grow tin ultimate aud supreme imprlal authority lj my judgmeol w ara uol prepared to put that repreeenta ullao either 0 tb ivivy goo licit at bom or tha imperial tahlatneut til start with i would bav a council bay of tha lremlara of tb k raphe aud of tb colon u under rarllamsntajry govern maul or oomuilaaloiiera appointed by tha r speollv cabinet thu uw council would tool b laglalatlva or mauiulory but con a 1 u cauada bu au immaue burplda ordlusry ravsuusoverexlraordlaaiyaxpeu dllur as a reeoll of leal year poblld bdal ueas auiouuling to ovet i7ww 000 lit deed tberri will b a surplus of ordinary kevauue over ordinary and axuaordiuay or capital sipeodlture of over a million dollar by which amount tb public debt wll be red ood oulyjo two tormea yn has lliera bea at rqulllbrlom of total raveun and total expenditure namely in ihh aud ihaj tb ordinary revenue of tb laal flsosl year ending tha tbltuelb of jouo exceeded that of tb pfeoefdikg year by over four and a iualr in iii ion dollars in view of tb estraordiuary increaeai of last year oaor ri previous year and of each reoaut year over ju preda ihl great agmautaliou of th revenue is lbs more woonerfol and all tb mora a matter for uatiunal congratulation a it ludioate extraordinary proapeilly aftd piugi wumm with ana weather thle week tha mod of tha oat and pea crop will be cot tb crops are vary heavy this year thar was bo service la the jteihodlet church bansod banday 00 aaooonl of tha jnairtarly aarvio being- bald la llockwood tha aecood aotiual garden party held by th idsthodlst churah 00 tba grododa of mr tt qlbboos baat th church od wad beaday evening i aal was in a very way b auooeej th weather was all that oodd badaslred tbe talent axballent and uj atleodaoos large id fact it was tb largest and most auoceeeful garden parly aver bald her afur ample juauo bad ued doua to tha many good thing provided by tb ladl of tb boa ercu0u lior l w uoldea took tba ohalr when id axoelleut progtamme oooauuttif of twenty aw number wan rendered by lha following talent baleo lion by acton hand abd crawaoo cor tiara orobeelr both teodering flue txtuaio th singing by tba kden mill quartette thaltockwood trio mua lulla ijoldad and ibamlsae lotlad of llockwood and th reottiorbrmieoetlebwapkba v t u hagar of ac too was present aud de uvarad a abort addrae tba luv anlls- mao la a flu speaker tba patriotic aoug by afeeer w buk aud u- j lurney war jrendared la excellent manner and took tha oodjpeuy by ktordi tba humor let of tb evening war afeear harry deaua of auloti aud john wilaou of kdeu milu it la ueedlee lo uf taoi tbail that their aotig war welt vaudard and aaoh number wu auoliored lo th solio tb aooompaulau war miaee jeuuu boil lb aoton laura houj hook wood aluadol lded mills atkl ada leilbmau of thl ibisplao 1 b proomda at tba fcal and rafreebmaut booth amouulrd to aeveuty dollar mr will watkiu law tujnl of tar 041 to t ipendlug his vacation at hi brothers mr iboe walkius mealtmoorwrwr fcsoore of torouto spent beodayal mr n vorbe mu j ucksowu of toronux u vultlbg f rlud her mi- aggi auuwaoa aotony vlalted frlsuda bare ou bunday mr aud mr jas audaradn speitl bunday lu iw vliu mia ktbel modoiialj who has baed vuiliug al ber auiilie mra oambl turned to ber bom in klora oq batur day t 1altlb km a kailuitu yoor thooaabd 1arla cab drivers have gone on btrlka deniaadlng a lower raae for ran ting vehicle blr alfred mllner cable kt capl a h maodoorll wbo was captured by th hoars ha bean raleaaed charles adams an aucaslar boy fifteen year of age took cramp while vwlmtug and we drowoed on monday it u omouuly announced that tb ad vanoe lo lakia began 00 balnrday laal tha tsan4t xj yaman aaaorod th llrltlah j0rigo office tbit tba mlnialer ware well and that boppllas had been repeatedly bent a by law to rranl 130 000 bonua to tb jew bay hallway company baa bran carried at larry bound by a majority of ibs id hung chang has assured lb consul at body at bbanghai that th 1ekta ulnisuu ufl for tieutsla oa friday after noon irlnoatuan la reported to b inspiring hi troop by proclamations oallltu upoti tbem to diepnt every foot of lha vay to 1akli lrof heee tuttklolau of uerliti out as foond dead iniiia room and tlir ar indications that death wa due topolaoa the vapor t that id hung chang has committed suicide i aald to b without fouudatiod ua ll fjoly deaponduul lamed ilrotbera who circus la uow touring ciuada bavbe tuedia0oby th cnsloma dapartment for bring a rjuau lity of printed matter into canada without paylnrfduty lbe population of china is nearly 400 oooooo mor than tha oombiiied popula tlou of oreal urluln vranca huaii germany and japan hvtlllton lulalauve diea to ubllo llehool lid 00 lkmitcwed inotiey uansbauu luhk soo 00 ioho co alovrd by john clark aeoondad by john a llaudereon lbatirave be grantad to introduce a by taw lo provld for lb fcxpeuse of lha corporation of acton aud thboppot of aoton publlo school for the year 1060 aud that aaid bylaw ha uow read a first llrasjrcirried my law was lnlrojurdread ibarvfjuired number of tlmah5 paamhfllie ralebelug struck fa comuiltc ol tb whole at twenty mill ou tb dollar moved by john clark ecooudedby john a hruderaou that tha first lualslmeut of tax beoiii duo aud pay alia ou saturday bib beplember aud tb aeooud i natal men i ou baluruay 3rd november 1000 carried council i lieu adjourned pauper immigrants order- incourvph pawsad to ks thsrn out of canada absolute secdrin genuine icartefs little liver pills agents wanted for uniepreflenud xutriots oood pay to good m011 sxcvkx yovn jjtstricr rotijrng couixa caso jtow freight and express r paid iubt bear signature of sea recsijftjle wntppr t w 1rf saaajd end w aaay hii dizzlaltxx uluoutmem mi toino uvut hii comstipanoat for tallow sukt rrjltrtecohpfxnm wse cure sick headache ottawa out aug c au order in eouudl has been paaaed prohlbltingj tha landing of paupers or deelltotei immigrant in any port in canada until such sum of money as are found iieoeessry ar provided aud paid into lb bauds of lb cauad ian nlgrettt a gaol having jurisdiction al tba port of landing by th master of tba veaeei carry lug the said immigrant for their temporary support and transportation to their placa of tlfellrtalln penitentiary for arson john porter seittt down for five vaurs for firing tha olol h erin john porter who waa oouviot6d of at tempting lo burn down tb olobe houl hrlu was leulenud to hv lu klug btou psnlleuuary fortar it ia mltvged ha beau rollty of thli work bafor on three dltfaraut oocasloiiflle admitted thssa acts wr dons while hevwai under tb influium of liquor keep your heart wirm by foriiug for others and jour power acliva by work don in vafuet buccals for suty xsuu this i th record of perry davi pain klllr a ur our for diarrhoea dysentery aud all bowsl com plaints avoid substitute tlisr is but ou paiu killar parry davis tin corf r mam ritiaaaav co growing a complete hue of nursery block includ ing many new varieties of hardy hose ornamental shrubs and trees all block guaraulcod free from an joe scale wo hold government certifi cate of inspection covering our stock 1 write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto jmu bbrrltsrmfiitjj j iiapti i ftl snip a mjilllv tt ai j j tor aele oa vvu n llw v 1 1 k i imloijutia tour 1 rllppa tl llmtr itity mi aw ivlbtf ia r ll iml s inol lhe a mmmil duli k tin i ni at i llcl imus l alitv ininbil 11 k anion i o tu uwa kkaukll oii say what wliy y nkuk la a soul eppovtnliy fur aotuauo tu k4 a eimki alaud or krulu lee iiii liutuuiav irtukalnua toe uhii hmia aid flood inuuuti cliasft ut iwiimi fllleeu veaia all in c tu tlafa r r fi i- ttumiii icoklngltt wait llamlltuu ontailu fakh yon saws in ksqutlmno iim uinuralillmd niter roraele tbe farm loi i aj atti wiocerxlon ljniifimt oowixuii icrjaerea hs cleared and in goo i atataof ngiua ttuti laeneudoar bar huod buali rci anl lit elcallant bearlnit ftaojitioj watar unutui od enovenleut hudjiuc cihhi w u imii ui oh kiu kxt nburrtm lj uillom irccl 1 t k latiua ko teriim attly u hu kl jmkdv umabou oot vvvvvvw j jlorsotail ttcin ivotfctor 1 nnnll lloru caultiuif i with hlatall jf trio ldalivored at bearcat icx preaaottloe ttatialaeiiimi guarattel ir rn4m y refunded band for cos james matthews atrtoe acton ont w- a a ar men are creatures jof habit wi jtoi militia order contalu provisiou for a ballillou of mouuud infantry for torouto and na auihofixed addition of h 000 mu to the military etraugth of tba horn in ion oeongbtown mrj jobu banter ratumad 00 tudy af isr gpeuding a week with ilia luatty a aud otbar friend in iergui mr aud mr it morttu bav had with them for a week haruuow uiae lolorla ttdoraale ocmauacnraal w iiku aug fl bo loud has beooma th outcry of thoe boldlug oouoeasltm at tha sxhibllloo ou account of tb lo of money that flually a commit tea ha appealed to 111 cooiuiiaalouar general tbsvtnatur ia really eerjuo to mauy a bankruptov ia staring ibeui lu in fao au effort will be uiad tu assltt them ho far th roaual ineijt ha agrnad to lb luafigurallou uf a series of ft tee aud spvcteolee lu u attempt to etlraul tbe crywd wbloh hea been da i oldsdly wauling twoeully mr fxauk kalis now of torouto formerly of ualb took advauuge of tha ivlc holiday and oaiu to hvertdu oa baturday after vlaillrm th hneeur families ur jas llutck aooooipaulad him to- oulpb mra 11 lick and all eujoyed hi vlall vry much mia ilfelvo attended th uethodlal church on buuday vnlug with ur aud mrs hark- button with wboni aha baa beeu vltitiug bit mturu lloius to quelpll till weak luy t itaksr of colfax iii paid a tiy ing visit to hi former congregation hr ooflalug saturday aod jeavtug monday moruiiijf all war pleased to ulm sgaiu mr and mrs j mckluuou aud other of lualpb war hat buuday ut jauul cotijdou who oatoa bouta frout flmlpwlael week weill to heaeslca weyatuttin nfl ys vu lug ttticiiutr ula coigdoil au aocvdebt oacureil at ur jeorir uitohrll ou monday xvhil straujiltig th reaper for work a part uit fell oh jas hepburn tb hired man riijurhig his back tbl la uiiforiunata for all mr aud mr ultcbrll ar owlsbraling their golden wad lug to day aud tills will cast a gloom ovr tba galrsrlug rmtalllv a million uoflnmu tlis ottawa hull uffot fund to i dletrlbutedthl rnonth urrwi aus fl tbauluws auj hull lire ltsllaf kuuij aatoclatlou loot touigbt fco make tb trnel appurtioumsii of lh fund 1 h loll amount received la bjt out he quabac troviuclal ooiitrl bulion of viii rw being lb ut u oouir no lllixe iiluimy wll b reoelved ll tfspeoud bat lb ililrlbubun will in ouiil plali by lb juli whiull will be a teooad birakerln 0010 cmou willi alio a fqud t vamslu of th ikls joeaph lsalu who died varybuddtfuly froii liairl trouble on weduaeday wera laid to real in crasn wood gcttittery lael frlday afteruoou a very large couoouresof frleudaaud olllxeua attended ilia funeral mr laalls was a highly eeloemed reeldaul ha retlrvovlrotu tarmiuk at union several year 140 and eeuled lu oeorgstowu towu which were closed a ooupla 01 mouths ago owiug to tba diplliewa aud scarlet fever apldsmlo will be te opened uaxt buuday th scholar aud teacher will b glad to get together ajjalu lu thu luureeliug bervlo lhe liewoemsilt walk ou lhaaaaiblda of ualu uriel will shortly be oomputed oulsens generally will sppreolsla lb iii provemsnt bacrameuui aervloea wire beld lu tb uslbodiat church lajf uuuday iuv ur kauudera preabbad appruprlel evrmous a number of usw dwallluga of a vtry comfortable slid attract olaa ara in eour of ersoliou in various part oi lb towu 1 ba 1 tnaa go lo fargua iptuorrow to play tha btrontlui of thlr towu lb boy hop logsl loto tb fludu aa a result of tbl uiitoh iftb wlshjaof their frlendi evainhsy wllfliav sur victory iuv ii a maopbarson of aolou preached able sermon buuday utorulug audftveiiluy lu tka presbyurlau church not wllbsls tiding ih extreui heal tba uausl vigor ohataaleriaej bli uturaucea aud hi dlaouuraa wara fuoeful aud i in ptraaiva tir l grant liau returned froui a very pl ut trip lo monlrssi vtri dowu tha bu lawretil in the- undid uaw allau liuar tba runt uf pafous uolur in lha prtybytafian church last friday aveiilug gave muoh luterewtlog informallod reapscliug his tula biousry vxperleuoe 111 um new hshrld a liberel oflariiig for tu lea ion s wuglvsu v tl sudiaiiu ur it c ubtullihgb ta turned luijiid last week froiu a lvmsaut trip tu lb u1j country mr aud mrs tt f crelmaii wlu have iwu st lbs 1 ri tlpoailun have arrived hums lblr lip w a xery aujuyahl- ons 1 hr pattys uavsr fall to give relief and lhay our if givau au bonaal trial it lu oftan bcl lo do what oa ara afraid to do dout mffdr from toothacha when a tan oaut bonis of lr lows toothache cum will cure it cjuiokly without hlialeriog jour lips or oheeks i ghas 1 nblles fe 1 ciielpii g 1hlj1ig uookbtoitl july 100ft- r walt ttlpku window buadlb room motjldinob bpottlfnu coohb chiluuln hcaiuhaalh oo oatttb tiih latlb1 bookb iauqhioujtkca thirty cents iooo mor whnted v thousand of business men still spend time and money travelling when they might do their bubincs quicker cheaper and jubt as itifac- tonly by long distance telephone tlie allcanada show auo a7d tqjncpt eth toronto cotuiu7d oroatoat teiposilfo ant industrial fair all the laleat hotalllaa laanyiiiraot fromiurope tba marvellous reoaroe of our own oouatry thoroughly exploited j d moicll ii our agent lu aoton baa him or writs to uafor prloi chas l nelles wiie response to our oc rate in july encourages us to odef the free press to be sent to any address for the balance of the year for 30 cents 22tf citizens i this will give you a good opportunityto secure your home paper for a good long trial trip at a low rate try it leave your order todayi2ei urlljlant and reeliatlo ttattle bpsctacle the softie of mafeklna and also the relief timely arrival of canadian aruuery entries close august 4tru kx0ur8ions ou all lxnaj ov travel i vorpruf lials entry forma ate addrea jjv w jr iyxx m 1 a pleasing phetsgraph sm yourself as other sod b you hut let ui ireent you at your beat our work is commended not aloofl for he artutic merits by i fur lha excel lchcd and accuraleoca of our hkcneuii what a a pretty picture and it looks ao much like uu lu ilia inevitable oxclsma- lion photo whtist wototm mica aav whlake4 short rda axle j- aaud light load reajse aood for everytliiny that run 1 on hccu 1 maakiy- lutmuul niv co mo hit coming itomu on si if undrod invullded oahaidla to ha gont hack to canada omo aug 7 a rumor having been iromujgstad iu tli alblly pra thai j5 iiioraiuvalidod ciuadlaus wara about lo arrivdat fjuaueo froiu luglaud llut col piuauhriupuly ufuisur of uiliua oabled lord btmuooiia ukiug blm tooonrhrm or explain ibn moruiug col plnault received a cablegram lutlug that lord btralhooua waa uow making arianyemeota for tba pasaag of 0119 hundred mora iu vslldsd luiinlaru of tba ootillueiil jvinfmngbnesespuaia ourba and all forma of nmm yield to rturu totjaiiaja and that ou their arrival at qu6bd lie would ba paid aff aud dls charged as wara tlia uiauiber of tba ural draft tb dopartuiaul will bajulvlted of tbadat of tailing an awamchiut tloaotb oubjsj bll vouat wllat pain killer a maduua caiaat i- ltl- lljlaly aaeaaef qadeel caa w cramps dubhoca couoajsj oold5 rheumatism mcudalolil 30 and tto oent bottles btwaho or lutrayions- uv ont lrla ocnuink perry davis aawmwwwslirakatiagwflejhp that urttulnm qun will um the nskb ciowmad waail to ua a aaataaluatad nkh ynuit auuat 0 lb liveulu journal has th fulluwlug from ljuailos ay to osunp caslaguca a brother la law of ilfeecf slayer of klug humbert d claro ihat jueen vlctocu will b ha uext vicliui uf inarcldat h boaau qtlliwaola deed and comiiieoda his brothoj in uw highly ror killliig klug lluuiud hi threat a sgaliial quou victoria enraged mveral lldtlah shipping clerk bar lo such a degree thai they horsewhipped blm ceetegiil baa obtained a pjibsag of uou tevblau after faillpg to bave psaeage hi one y to new vorb pllbyhlmlb rlu rued -sj- to ymobk auout to wahkv yuug mu or old uion who inland to biarry will ba phuaed to iaru that tha new uarrieg act is to add iull aimpla by applying u h v uoor issuer bfuiarrlag lloeoae at tl pkewl oftloe call a few days befora ilia oeremoiiy aud hav tu mattr explained privet oftio all boaluee utriolly privau aud ootifidautlal at raaideuoa iu aveulug r jafmut rf i kr ai a a ilalbui lt fuil u tt 4 k hv1 uh u j uxmiuu uutljvu ihpi it tart umt altvi a ltji aavui4 1uw wkuk hxwnl ll ihyh ut4 il4 uv h4 lfi hukljij ukriimuw tlu4hjwi ult w meijl lrf kv utm lrf lka ih1j hlhihji4ti 41 w irilbj vxrylhlrf u mr i- w i v ilu ljlwthji xilmlimmh 1uvh lm jlj i titlzz iujum iw wthlilvrilh bd tul i i ulutj s k mtjftsrswiitar i lu m h rt y i vwiuvir sasyu vuinaa u a i uiilau teeiraht tttsmla lit ii vt hwhd ou 31 w uclifhiu till 1 to syracoidlll too licl ulaaa- dja westiarantee perfeet astlacaotluu 0 wi i olobe optical co d3 yonajo qtrwat toronto spices vac wjtrrxmutj jtv sxxj afciiujfcat irrc 1 ajtjrjcirayca f ail the ahova wliola or c round at lo tuuxhw cuuhylowdku ur abkuiuuly puro ir4cht in air ti tiu cans wbldli kori con l en i a in wfieu cutiiliiion atibuown uhamiat and btallonar acton ohlldren cry for castoria

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