Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1900, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agonoi al bankingejuijinoas trapotfotod coi rospondonco sohoitod savings depot tiuun inlrrcsl allowed mi i a ho ml upwinlaii uvof wlihlrawal 1 dehys in rlrawin moi day t d- ll lu farmers iihiitth discounted an i im oulncas porjmttex any loinnd tor rfitlmale qui collection dcpai i inent ifaa every fachlly for diatiu upttjrnpr return sale notof handled mid tnottoy advance on account of mra tit low rates of inlmrsl luni or circular la iyovlnejil hank of poland which can bo culiul without irouhla in the news at home traveller aro notified i hi i lli hamilton ami il llranciie i notes of limliod y i f ttlfl wdfl 1 hvmi qvllcx iiamimom keinblishod 103 capital paid up 51703212 reserve fund 1231119 totil abicts 1 827357 jaulil ruhihtl cashier b forsayetij aoint georgetown branch wedding rings and wedding presents rogers knives porks and spoons fancy china plates cup and saucers ainiic latest styles m culf links beauty pins buck les at oho hynds aotoi ont ocijb xtntt xtt jxt tljuhtiday augubt olh 1000 little locaibrieflets whfoh causht th bya or enrw or fme preaa retortarj thj wnl montly or n locful chbraqtor nd ovorv llnm tntoroatlnir allmr llano rraeturotf i aal halprtuy white liaullaa in poee for ida nahjbbor ur llobarl hrrufl mr win tbotnpeoo who la ilia ltm of mra a to drown a faro bad lbe misfortune la fall from lb load aud in lb fel eualauied airaolur of bla ribt collar bour tb fractare was promptly reduced aod mr tb mpeou 1 geulnif along vary wall ii10 accident happening in the midst of bartoet la vary trying bat tha neighbor are kindly giving aaalalauoe in hooaitifj bla oroji x stlou fmll 1 ait yrlday m john malnlyi of lot u oon r frln who i building a naw twd bloroy house want up on th roof wher tljo oerpeulera warn ablnkuaft lo apeak lo lharo wbila daaoandloft a abort laddar roach lug from tba to iba scaftol 1 kf way aud feel jug blmsalf faljln b jumped to ida wound aomo iweuly all foal below ua allybud ou a pile- of ton and ona aidq u vrrj badly bralaod and ills aulila waa beverly sprained ilia my mould bolng considerably torn hoticmt vmy thlm hatdmot ibrf paopla of lhu aaotlon haan t had muoli oaaaa to oom plain oo aooounl of caaal bot waal bo r tbla aomtnar bat huuday monday and tuatday they got it o tba wallarlng fetaga tbcaa daya war llio- hollat of iba year iharmomatara wliom voracity baa xt baau joaauoood utllnjl that it was l0 lo tba abada be fur noon of aaoh day add toat or flv dagraari war mar at tba boluil jpart of tba altar i oon tba obaarvatory at toronto raporti moodaya beat ka iba itotteat hr glalcrad in 16 yaata lirrirti iimmomi mmtch a baaaball hi a toll will ba play ad ou batur tuyaf uruoon balwaao tba alarts of quelpb oaptalu jimmy marpby a team aud aoton lblawlil bo tba tint tnatcb itb kii oiluldfr- taaol in towl lba aaaaoil and guifht to ho intaraatlog tba batn will h callad at p hj iliarp lh follow i uw ara tb uaini for th match ilkut aotow lurvy o y lt wlutoua u 1 ull 3ij muni y ucb v uclntoali outt budb k hyjrx lulcbla t li malta mieu sj b v wllda lmlr 1 r uwacabiur uokaou a f v ilmtka ucllroy rf m uoabb oar hay it tuih jfrlc ljeitara bato baaa raoaivad bero tbu waek byfrlanda from qnn w j mooro and w jclould of i llalury from uloamfontalti tba leltan wara wrltuu od tba 2nd aod 3rd joly at which lim bol withstanding oootloooua ralnh for tbrea weaka and oonaaqtiant axpoaura maaarv moor ooald kpd bajlantjoa ware all in pod baaltb tbalr battary jtiat reoalvad order lo dloaa on da wit an j tb battary 1 bow uodw kllobanar la tb clrcu urroo tiding d wk and btayn tb boy axpeat to laava for homtf two or uira why tba liepmrttneutul hlorom thrive lb oitiawt vtrntimtor jrtvea ibo follow oik it opinion wby lli daparimaotal torn louriah 1 1 ta llilrly buiinam men within ilia our inaiii bualua bock of 0bawa who navar ay a word to ibo publlo from una ycat n lo tba ouiart ailtiar tbrouuti a nawapapar or by band bl can lba men aipaol l karp trado lu town din llio man aipact any jrmpathy from aiiawtpipar thalrtnoda of doluf bnalneai ia ad vaatly dlttarant from that adopted by tlu daitmauial aloraa ibat tba lalter uata ibo bunn aod tba former howl wbo i lo llino tjer talnlv o perton tnotu llii iililf if b la aatiadad to iui buiii aion liiiaa of forty year ao be inual aulfr tlm oonaetjuaaoo the borne merchant ha a remedy wfaal t ll thai make ibo detrimental itorot ifow lonif would lbay aalat and nrlve ware ip thahhay epaak thro rig 1 tba p daily to iboosand of laajlav t 1 heyjtnow ibelr bualnoaa and follow it up ayatemati oally 1 aob daprttntiitlfatoa lu loronto pay a man a ulalry njml to tba amount annually jald all tell to aob tiowpapaf in ottawa rby lo title bouaa tb boal neaa dainanda l becauaajbo bolo ddiffbt to bavo tb alory told in variety of way yoa cannot oompcl tbn peoplo to buy al horrut hut you tatt porbapii oonvlnoa the paopln that they call doal to a goo4 ad vantage t home aa abroad ube ouly way yo 1 can do thltf la hy apreadluif tha how broadoaat arni i lct dono lu tba borne paper iteutimenl la all right hi a way bot ii can only be carried ao far coding amd going vlaltora to and from aoton ra varlouaothar personal hotoa tlu vmmu 1 ku lntu ail lla ihjw looon lilliuta ty ilu oolamn if yoa or four hlsihl ara ffolu away od a bolldap trip or if yoa be fiutulatujuaa jf drop a aaxd to um raaui local bhieflktb m iba had oil tbn mercury irgialafad m lu tba monday ihor aay that forty boabttf to ylafd for fall whaat toronto it waal 1 1 m it tail it i xjornat uaod to bi ioacrram lawn monday africa tiid will b thaakfal to get back to t ralu would now b aoaptabla burlington fl civio holily nxt wad headay t a tba f aaa lrawi to tba and of tb yai for thirty cota tba farmaj aia halting roady for tbalr fall adding tijb bottaat upall till tatnutr wai x parleooad ilnrlng tho paat weak aotou golf club will play a gam with ilrampton on saturday altaroooa mr j 0 allan baa klttdly haudad lh paaa ibu a bndgat of lovr col paper oolf 1 adding new devote weakly a atrong club will b in good playing tjrdar fovttitfau aeaaoti owlog la a oluuig ia tha arohjtacia plan tbaqolal of i ha wajrreu 11 lock bavo boatl eat down jf luclia luv j k oodjoo of aolod f raaohod- m aplaodld mlaaioaary aernioo id bl joda ubnroli oo btioday avaiilug oak ii la star tba employee of tba oakvill taonarlaa arranged ma axouraloa to toronto laland uat wadneaday and about 00 yeraonm attended hector llrowu aud family wbo aft kqaealng for alberta laat spring raturoed thl waak abd itav takau tin tbalr raaldanoe- n ulllon cjutmom four representative of tb brampton oolf club played la aotou baturday laat aodpcoaaaaoad tba jink th a balag- ldal uramptou jlhtur thaeemoiii by iuv mr uagar it eooneotloo with lb oowmuuioii aarvlcaa in tb malbodlat ob u rob laat monday war paolally inureallug and kjproknal tba bew aopploniaulary oatalokuaai for th recant bplaudid ajdillon to tba im library will ba id the band of the tf mrm day ur w it krr of tb ilruaaaliioaf b til in tart ting audreea at the method let sunday bobool buuday aluroooii mr karl baa baau en par in undent of hi own ohool for over twooly v iuv ih 1arrld tl at prcaahed very aooapubld harmon id koox church ou fauudy u- dmva to churohlh lu lb aflrmoou ud preaohed id tba oodgrt galloual church tbara for iuv mr clair tb juelph paopl who wara baraaalng iba olvld authoritu raapeotluaj ibaaraouod of wlnur valr llulldiog jm mark at lijiiar add tbrauiiad lujuoctlod pro caadlng lav got tlrad of tha hht kud droppfhtall nation lb priua id tba may an i juuaooouel lot tha bet piolurd of wild animal or tyrda t of nahrlng kulpliaooaf wa folttijnao 8p45btrnvotoarcaoariarr fkd yuumj tkiuuoruplnr bl albany vr moot uood for- lerlu tba wju 1 worth lo 00 wordeu uro barbat abop i vary k trauaforinad two tlu daw tlliug and tavolvldri ohalra bava baau put a a baa quarter oak abow oaaa abd iba uilrrow fraut abd froot baaa ara belug oaally hraluad lu oak lluloeaaj avldanlly looking dp f ihiir llralolaa aaab ad door laava your ordrat urowua phvulug mill acloa builder i axantlua tb baw aiding tw bflog turned out at llrowna blaulog m actoo w rboa who fooolatuplal purohaalug rooumautaj or work of auy dleorlytiou for tbalr oeinaury plot ahould oidaa diraot from tbavild nllabu granite and marble ooajar j u hamilton oualpb ooi all panaa allowed to iurohaar all wprk fc malarial warranlwd oompaiitiqa dafloj gt ctuaija which thy affection auly add reverently dealgnata ood coon try j box of iho qaeoum chooolat ona of queed vlotorlaacbrlatmaa boxm l obooolato arrlvwd in acton oa monday from booth africa for mra yoong wlf of bargl a vouug of torouto wbo i vlait idg bar motharur alloa oardlnar lai avtnu tba obooolata wa bant from bouth afrloa by bargt yoong oo th fitb vabraary aod wa ale mouth an ronto a lattar from bargt young cam by tb aatne mail wbloh waa poalmarked ou th field omo july srd aud at cap towd july utli thl waa quit a oootraat to tha paifoal having bead juat tweaty eight day id traualt from lb cap tha ohooouu bojt beai th quaaua poruajt tha uritiah aruta aud autograph cwutma wlahaa inlctli qomnvblgoalura aluchatl it will barlaadaa a valuable memento of tba war bargt young la hi hut latter aay tbara u a bfirauteoi tumor that tb cadadiau contingent will shortly ba orderad home ii aay ba ha bad at oellant baalth uirougboat tba campaign baa bevar bead ahead from bw- bompauy with lh flrat oodtlbgadl kluoa they left quebec hi bead through all th flghtlug augaged id by th aral oodlibgaut aud ha uavr yt received a acratch q ha uot received ft loluf frbtd boula yt auj aay that tha oodvoy cp tared by d wit ooduidod a large rjuaalhy ol mail add vlolhlud aant by fruoda that da wat hurried ajl tb ia ail aud appropriated th olothlug for hltdaalf bud hi hied bud tbd impudently wrou ceu 1 to bar i thanking iiltu for tha clothing ato tbua aaourad bargv youug ia now vary tuxloua to ial buck how to ba hi wlf and child red jtav ur llauu visit jbavultof iuv dr 1atou tbt vauar kbla and god honored miaaloutry lo th nw ilawtda to aotod laat wak wu uuoli bajoyad by nil who mat add heard bin th old bntlimejesypad jual aa fraalt ald wgorou a upod tb ooaajlou of lita foftder vlalt vu or alglit year ago 4ldilwt blp workfn3w leciur field ha u huslly autgaged id pre paring ib diction ay of th dlaleou of th native for- baa id tulaaiouary work in the new flabrld aud nlmoak avary monieut of ulaur wblu bi remalued at knox ohuroh matiaat waa ooouplad udou thl importaol work kaon oburdi waa well filled wednesday availing of laat weak by ail appreciative atiduno to hear dratoti dllvar an allara ou bla injvalouary work and tulaaiouary 11 th eloquent old geiilunian ha hpadl toor than forty year amuug tb baraga of the maud aud bl iparuucaa are uovel and itioat luureallug th dr aay that whad h iwidad at th naw uebrua lu 1uu tb hatuaa war iii utur dajrknee the waramlway at war with aaeh other lliefr ouitoma war inoak ahoaklug and tby wer all cannibal itul gradually th gopl wa introduuj a th fnault bay head nikrvallou thar ar now lu thtulabj ifiuoo oon rl who hav givau up haatheuum a 000 olturoh inatdbar wbo bav bead oar fully prepared befor belug bartultud to jolu tb bommauiou aud ot uiau aud utilr wive wbo weretaaober add praaoh ar of tb jop vtoal ao 00d lu co 000 kllva till ratuald id th ulaud iqjlijr hethd eoudllloii th bpaaker laialad lh oold bloodej mnrder l lordou abd bl wife a wall a otbar mlaalouari aautlo that heaibea ooonuy hi owu llf bad bead lu danger aoora of lima but h truatad id th lord aud flt uial lj bad bean raerilfdlly praaarvad th iri bpok oi tha baaj at mora huaelonarla aud hoped lballhilatu paopl uuld bw kaauy to help in apreadlnjt tba goap1 wherever ail opportunity praaaulad llaelf a twlleo tfou id aid of ilia work wa4 takad up al tb oloa of tha laqtar aud ij m wa ooulrj but good ou to cuiltf a voll in onk dav take iaatlv llrowo qaialoe tablau all liuaalai raiund u nteaievll ii fajja to aura ao it w urove e auuature ia ou 4i boa tba acre ia a com thl bai three bpeolal train with clvlo holiday oacuraloulil wt through ablod monday mariilng vot a beautiful bouquet of eweet au lait at uiie oftioe lneaiay availing wra heiiry orludall ha the thank of th fu 111 ka th leading nliyara nl tha aattt xaoroaaa club oam up from georgetown on monday aveulug to have a practto with lh local player bom of tba boy who hatha lu ilondoraoii pond during daylight will hav to gat bathing trunk or ult or thoy may gt into truublo tba aoton 5d 1ului ha com rimooed it aaoood quarter oentary my it proaparlty continue and incroaee through it aaoond quarter of a century harltait oastls ou of tha talurund aoldur of th urat oootlngedt paaaad through towd by tha fi30 trald bunday tuorulug ua wa ia bl booth africa kakhl uniform and wa tha centra of attraction on th train itav ur carman general uupt of tha metbodlat church ha kindly hank th vatta iafca oopla of ioadoil log paper- th dr ban bu travrlliug through great britain lh continent and lh uoly land ing lh baud enjoyed lo or ram and otbar dellcaoie and tli puialug 61 1 1 ten war treated to a bru of well trendarad aaloctlou uu lienor th lilauuuauigavaroar ha baan plaaad lo appoint thorn tlenry hao of mlttimll o k polled itiagutrat lu add for uilcliall without hilary ur luo i tba editor aud proprietor of tb ltartuf of that lowu vor ahlprooul of blrawbarrla thoma ollpbuut curkaoh lake th oak hav ing raoelved for hi blggeat weakri ahip- mut a cbequ for ovar tovaii hundred cool dollar thatt afur freight and com maoni deducted oakvlli staf oakvilli baa bean without abrauhaud for aom time but tha clllaan mra now taking up hi tdbller id aarnaat a inualoal aaaocutlod ha head orgaulrad will d g uarult iraaideot aud c l young lieo ratary aud about ftioo has bead aubacrlbod by ilia clthted andcounclf for baud luaud tnauu and uniform nas your oorrpoudul hka beau rquutad by mr j it audaraou lo aliu that la tb report of th death of th itttl girl thy had taken to rale named alio wilaou it win kutad that iba wa hurt at echoed but ihar wa uo proof of har being hurt at bchool aud it doa uot wlah auybupi to h attached to auy of the achool chlldreu th weill are oouimuolug to go dry again lu tbla vlolully tha ihreahari ar hard at work the day ibia ia about their bullae km during lit haaiou the tharnlouutar reglaured t7 dagra ou bubday which waa about tba hollait day ihl auniiuer milton tbac p hatatloulook ulur io it haw ool of paint clvlo lioliiuy waenoyablvgrkith veelar day mauy nilimiawaat luhlfcgarafclu ou tb avcufaiod tblottr by iuv dr lalou tha well kdowu iiilailonary in knox church tail friday avaulog waa vary mudh enjoyed by jhi 60ulrvgatiiu a gatdu ihy will b liwtj at tba ri dauo of ales chuhoini na milton on friday nvauing aug 17 under th auaplo of tha f 1 church mrumwooj at th laat idaetlug of th bohool board ii waa decided thai aaoh uiohr bald rwponilbla for auy marking datuta or cutting of daal er eau or for auy damage to mbool proparly lu tbalr room durlug achool houia mayor and mia dcaoou ufl a weak ago for a fw waaka outing k 1ort kaawaydlti uuakoka iuv go and mr hlohardaon ufl laat weak for a mouth outing at iluulavllu uuakoka iuv w 1- wniu lfi uat w for a aoallod al bi bom lu naw iliunawlok u will b abaanl for four ouuday aud hi dutla will tukiu by luv mr vick born of micblgau mr v ruw of bfetutford ooetjphvl lh pulpit lu th metbodlat church laat buuday morning and aveulng with much piano idwetd youug tba lo aar aht aou ut uldoey young of thl town wa drowued laat friday with bevera1 other hoy h bathing lu th oraek ait th head of il uilll p0ul i u had uaao dlvhia and bad remarked tr hi oouipmdtoua tba h would bow h lujig h could remain under water hlafranda laat broamt alamad i il falfnr tooom to tha aurfaoe abd ou making aoaroli tby dlaoovad hi body lying lu thr fal of waur ou being oo lr wuklueuu mccoll and carter warn autoinouad and did everything poaalbu oraauaoltatalb body but without auooaa tba dinaaaed wa at uajibaw or tb lata mr if dal aud of jaiaea youug brautptou mr wjo maaalaa ia gradoally growiog tronuer mr j if matthew vialtedkrio triauda laat weak mra kite weir of cbloigo i a goeat afalrvtwiln mra l 1 matlhewe viattad bar para at kllbrtd laal weak mr an 1i arrived bom from berlin on monday morning mrttioma pofryman waa id ipwu laat friday mrillhawani bar daughur alloa ara holidaying at north bay mr ltnbert ferryman of toronto viaifad frlatida bara monday mia uartm umitb if apandiuaa mouth holiday at 0k villa and toronto mr and kir alei baoord ar apandinif k weak at 1roatoo mineral bath mr wm hbawbt catbartn vullad hi brother capt bbaw laat weak mtf geoiga linkuay of toronto jnno tlon viellad ac too frlaud thl waak rditorh i warrao of iba ihram georgetown wa to town oo monday mia bo ph la colmaa waa horn from itookwood for a day or two tbla weak mr john mcgill of torouto a pent a fuw day laat weak wllk ralaliee br mr thoroaa tuahinham of toronto i kpendlng a few day with acton friend mia allla ring vlued frlaud lo toronto and brampton during lb weak mr wm n boydar and babe of bo uu maa vlaited calatlve bar ihl weak col aliett eoatlnna fo gain fend vnrf day bow ahow improvamanl in bl ooadl- tlon mr aod mr jumaat baaver of tort ilurod vlalted acton relative during una weak l mia ida lari went to niagara v1w ou baturday to kpaud a month with bar hiatal i her mia beeei lalaga of toronto u boll daylng at tha home of bar boal mr u i moor j ii buydar and mu- albarta of toronto apaut a few day thl weak with a clou frtondaj tfnnrmlncl 0otmaabanjikau arbhang for lb better add bar frtand bow bop for apeedy recovery ur aud mnltjoho fayua of bjohland iowa vlaiud at th bom of mr w ii btorsy thl waak mra fred uonlaoa and maaur otu of toronto pnl a day or ao of thl wa k a mr ja bydar dr 1oltl report that th method 1 1 cadtury vuad ba paiaaj th bin hoodrad tha r a- mr cook of tb inland luveou da partmaot torootoviaitad bt brotbar mr adam cook laai waak trmmtaaeauooracorofmuwauka ar kpendlnga jsodpl ofwaaka at tba bom of mr u h holme bower avanoa mr and mr tlobaxt lawaou left ou monday for cbayaono aftat kpandlng a month vary pleasantly with ralal i vaa bar mr p 0 haddoi add bar litlu daugbur returned lotoroolo ou satmday af ur a mouth vial al th par ao lai bom bar mr and ur k makaribadj of torouto wr roeeu al lib bom of 1rln cipal t t moor from baturday until monday mr jobu 0 allan who ba baau v lett ing hi father co w allau tb past mouth r turned to denver col ou tues day afternoon mr and ur john mllhauead hav jual returned from tbalr hooey moon tooy and ar getting aetllou id a boxy bomd bl wi bower aveubo mia llxxu william arrlvd from duudajk ou saturday and will apand lh aunimar a tb bom of bar brotbar coon ell lor william mr harry jean aud master hilton arrived homa laat thursday altar at pleasant hi weeks vltlt with relative al glovaravill n y ml a f smith ha ralurnad bom from a xy plaaaaul trip after kpaodiurf bin weak with friend in jobuatowa aud gtavervill n y mr w t utoa aud chlldrad of torouto ar goaal at th bom of u wardau warrau mr blou wa up for baturday and buuday uaaur tloy morruou of toronto who ha bwu vi i hag al th bom of mr jama ilyjer for lh paat btonlh rturad botd tueeday aveulng mia iowt holme arrived bocd from a vary aujoyabl vlall at mil weak wu w ud 1 w iiku faor imnwliytif ing lu ncvim pro vednutbaaj th mr aud mr- arthur laing ardved by lh early train from tb wt od tuaaday biorulng hud wllr tojouru for horn bldi al ihaold homa ou agua blraat mr audur o a houaiarui mia iatira of milton apl 111 loo olvlu holiday with aotou filaud mi laura will ruialu al mooreoroft for a weak or two mra itl buydar aud mr klaahtb mooragray of toroulu uflthurajay for llupoln neb lo vul tbalr alaur mr r b armalroug formerly of aatoai aud otbar fruuj iuv a v mogrvcor formerly pjulorof lhaooiigragatloual cbumh at woodalook aud ou of lli alrongaat tuu id tb deuomlnallou lu canada baa hooepud a ball to newport varauonl 44 the least hair casts a shadow a jingle drop of poison btoodiuul unless checked in time make the whote impure hoods sarsaparilla is the great leader in blood purifiers it cast no aliadow hut ulpga aim alarm and health into vry liouaeliold rumens soco- my mouxr waa inil led wlib rttniiiiatlam ui lr hti for a mirnur of yrara and h lirolie ojt itilo rui riliir a rf hltr look llirm lxtllr o iumi a karaaparllla ami la dow writ ii hki olive uliitiurot mpl i iwal um aniiiiloii ma joiim kim i ivcruwna anraatrr nt rtv5umatfm- waa i afniai willi arlatlr rltmimatlam misuumi doc- wltftrmt rllrf wj pcrsuadnd to ut ua nml jlao bottle jo to work l n a gdblpuslcacfbllwabtsbpplltd mltff anil oitablmt ma to pi i iijam u iuim uarsaratvtlu tfbodst rilltnrllnr ilia ik imb4rtttllla4 germany baa an army of m 000 000 agri eoltoral worker jnihjttisitt t uplodata art room luoh you will find in th lafrjrw american cllloa since openinrv our china palace 1 have realized that to make our china depart ment second to none in cana da i must have an art room attached so tomorrow wc will throw open to the public one of the prettiest and most attractive art rooms to be found in the province of ontario to make the opening more interesting we will offer our direct importations of japan ese goods consisting of r050 picocb and no two pieces alike any piece marked at wholesale- price you are invited j a mccrea arjklph- pays to buy at bollffis it pays lo buy at bollerh quick buying chances we arc making more life ictive tlie d ly j lie fibu lar advertising cannot begin to touch all points of intoret bo wc will condense the new and iy thit every trepirtincnt lias special line wc think its licttcr to point out quick values from day to day we want to clear out ill summer good season is imrc for them tnd ll we cint in ike can at least get a good advertisement out ol them while profit th h re ire exceptional vabllks a bof zaphyr rinrhami w rtli ujc forjc jk yrtr sliecui upo oy dimltlca muilluaud oijamllc wnrlji from jo- lujcuc yj jm yd alo4 oyd whlo i jncy 1 iitr w rlli ir lo live n lie sp4sll lino of i aocy ateentf w irth ijeffm 1 bo of imbrotdet e wonb from ijc t jy t j cir at lo mf y i a lotoi cream and white iaca w irltl from joe to jl lu clear at jw p r yd 1 arasou tolcsar al real klucliou j a lot of iancy ihouao sllka wonh from j 5c to 50c lo cl jfuri a lot of colored skirt length lo k al hal price all men and ttoy a clothing to 1m chtrl out til ncirly your own prlc anotlaer snap in bedroom suites at 110 uwcr wyndliam st guclpli now there are several im your immediate attention six 6 only bedroom suites all antique finish same design as sold wceka ago in 2 days with spring and mat tress complete good value at 52175 to clear at shi50 j jvl stxtuteuers ke a- atlkritau and aou dyrouol tfrat falgar townablp war od a vlall w mr and mr alan rawott bar taoeally mr 1111 1 eighty four year old and u a hal old gadtlamau markdal sunjarj mis mgl matthew ufl d bajtdrday for torouto to jolu mra iuv cbarlo a cook aud aooompeny bar to bar bom at bloomilid n j mia uallbaw will apeud a mouth ojr two a btoomhaid kbd nw vork tit anoouuoeomu i mad of tb u gagauiaul of mr 0 fl barbat bf cornwall eon of mr jobu it barbar m 1 i of uaofxatown ool p muw ktbji aeaoud tianabur of th ul 0 a neaant l mt of cornwall thai wajjjng will iakplaouu ihl fall mr w ii karr adltor of tb bruaaal w wa a vary waloom vialior at moon orofi on bunday aud monday mr krv waa eo rout boot afwr ao anjbyabl trip to ijuaheu aud moo tree u waoooh impraawad with tba extant of astoaw maqufaotutl aud tb pragrwa of tba lowu genera ity j dimity sa0ebn ginablevm okgandie 1 in this list that calls for e r bollei4 a co v 25 and 27 wyndliam st gukliil curney co seasonable summer goods ill at famously low prices 200 yds of fancy muslini at 5c to clear rcss ginghams and prints at reduced prices ijua stock of ladicssummer corsets silk gloves muslins lawns pique ifct uarlcni for in fancy effects were clearing out hthhlp price previous to stocktaking nows your time for bargains onheardof de m acdon ald bro tlte golden lion guolpn watches all our mens and boys watches have pmngles new invention fob keeping out diet it makes a perfectly dust proof case out or the ordinary case which is never d proof when first bought by the t39gtuhtirakcrrz3heprjecsqtoulva nrr so 57 0 12 11 and u ths jbw9lbh cublph henderson cfe c9 hot mekther goods wc place in stock today a fresh spipment of l moms whira rnd colorbd qlousss the most natty and uptodate stutt obtainable taffeta aftc silk gloves in black white md cream all qualities sahn back vbliat ribbons all the bist widths uou in stock viluagfrparasqls laces etc flbadyloiear skirts in plafils plain and fancy blaeks also in wlnte liiufc and linen hsndbrson st co hcton besrvalue in cotton hosiery cents department hot weatlicr underwear and shirts htc new supply of kerchiefs and ties gurney co mill st a we clot al tin o clock monday tuesday and tliunklaya icrockery g57a- opened this week a large stock consisting of toilet sets dinner sets jugs plain and fancy glass ware some very ftncy and job lots also a lot of laces velvet ribbon french ribbon and other goods come and see them ct coodeve cot jkuul st kotow the right he 1 utjm i i hlu 1h3 hamilton s 1 avoitlti siioi ling 1 laci bkrgkins u2s black bilk for 06 ipocui pure ha of bun 1 eju do sol rrubr vain 9i 33 spoclat prlojqsc colored hloufc allk 13 color i lift v rtaular jo ami cac pcial 3v colorsd taiuiau regular hc now lu uw black drna tfiadi almost a ua iliad ordinary prtra iyi yd brhthl uw iribtutlr crcpon lcl hhik thd handaoiuapatterna 4ui4 wldi worth 00c for 50c t worth i 00 for jjc worth i jo lor i 00 worth 75 fur li 13 trimwod mulbidry all our u m mar trlmiiiml nillllnorv al lis than half nrlcoy i 00 to 9 00 hats lor f 1 50 j 00 lo ii 00 lints for 8j 00 f 00 lo h 00 hits for j 50 print boytfuinti yoo ydu luuui pilnl 1 hjhl an 1 darl coloroatrljwj uulfiiirc3 rn uular i3c aiuchl ic 13 pieces as yiu im i piftliy american cambric 3b in wllo wliito round wid alrim renul ir 35c spadol toe jo nifties heavy i iilili malo ofonl alilrtlnj btrhwi and clitcuj 15c pif rtillati4fclil lnji stripes bii i cliclia ty 30c ilbjvy folti nailou inntriiviv ami chccls antra gouj tpialhu to 3c all wo pay tho hxprooa lo any railway tlailon in ontario 1 11 al mail nrdaru aim untli l s r owr and uuraiilm lo liu you eullin iilaialllon wc btud imyilai any whom thomas c sstatkins king st emit cor hughuoh st hamilton

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