Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1900, p. 4

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coated r look at your tongue l is it coated r than you have a bad taste in your mouth every 4 morn inc your appetite lb poor and food dls- y trusses you you jiavc 4 frequent headaches and k- ore often tfizy your moraach js weak and our bowels arc always a- y constipated 4 theres an old and re- eta dont take a caihartlc dote and then stop bet ter take n laxarlvevdoser each night fust enouh to cause one good freemove- ment the day following you fed better the very next day jftjflr appetite returns your dyspepsia is cured your headaches pass away your tongue clears up your liver acts well and your bowels no longer give you trouble audrwewq price tzx cent u bavwukert be boat ci nn vnir trlnl uk uhtxltr efarc m im jlrrinjjtntf kaaa -v- v a a a aliziz why shu didnt slfso i have coot acroe ft ertet d of foollthneea of vary lag dxtwe and fcinde in my llffld tlta roan who tehrt amy io bul jo ell ray born day i never before rati anybody aa hopaloaaly feeble minded aa a young woman i have beau lekinm an lutereel in lately ilbe la a alnu okrapher by occupation aed i happened lit bear tiar bum a iolulr 6niona tlay when i bar employer a otlloe of oouro tlta production of lirr inure waa all wruiiti bat her voice was fla vavot hit liljj end deep and dear b a cathedral b ii ll waa otco auab m teacher doeen i et ohenoetp- wurk on twice hi a lifetime i went to br and baked bar lo let tn ary her voioe it proved tobe belter itia x bad liaped it waa rnaanlooaiil wdud bar to begin studying ifonoi hbe waal money for btlnjrinj out a voice ilka thai bba badot much tfraa either end a he told ma aba wee loo tired idatna in 1 evening after working all day i tojd bi jo get op early and praolloa aod hoof i two batoro braekfeal i thoniht ah looked odd when 1 told bar to do ll bo i aba didnt eay aha wouldnt week paaaadt and her tnathod onu tinned a bad a aver i oouldnt a rider stand il kch uaeon foutihiey joat where the preceding ona left her at taal ooa jay x kakod boi if aha wouldnt pro tioa baiotft brakfaat haflaabad aod ben brokdawn sbtfbalillbabaddl darad lo lug baiora braavat beoaaaa ll u bad lack bum bf oiaj emt cry beforwyoa iaap ib a aayln ajid tbi idiot of jll baluvnd it bo impllotlly that aba wouldnt practloo baforo brakfaal avcti foe i bo aako of that rlorioua voice of bar- fcud ki bafoie kreakfaat waj tbo only uma aba bad td pnotic tb raault waa wall 1 gaa bar bp bball uw aiid dls a klaooflrapbar whan aha toitgb bava haaa a prima donna aod it will mrva ha praolaaly rlhl hua baa aacriaoad liar falura to and idoljo aaparatluoo thu aoauntmindbd man many alnrlra afotol i of 1 tiff aliaeiil mini jum ibt lil dr m amilr t at tr ot 1 runty aiurcl imuiii bim broihar of tho tain waid ma vlllur di ua waa rnlixdlifi to 1llxkumli froi nw york and ixik irli whin nut- aobadulad to 0i at hi almn lurirrlni lia lb i b il t ll lurtoi tuukhday auguut ooi 1000 a voice i alatiinia plaaas gli wauf fta ao ihlraty no yoora not jfilraty tpraovof uul bo to awp a pa dm mamma woui od plaaaa kivo tna drink t im ao thtraty if yoa doot lorn or and go to tloep ill rb tap and whip to i jlotbar paoaa mudiiul atoar yoapla0 glntnui a drink whoa yod get bp to whip too t blitf iw t rd l bu wif fhttlu ll itn or ii i baok 1 tba lwjt r l w 11 it r il 4lflull waa on lb iialu aill tl t u w uld lliak rill 1 iiwll ilal u imi d d t moalt ur willi knat tluf vila yuiv au i at kllaabatl w nt ymi id a nthtii i y wiratbt i av bil carri d ibroufib to irnulon why dot t yno crt 1 xiraalf t gulfdlba conductor ob 1 navur tlifinli of tliml bi ilia dkir htrator annldxit- mr 1 buiiiaa 11 bin aya hfj lavck yrar ill uy lid 111 foot badly itjjujftd uy ni run uver by a oar on ilia direct iuilwayi wo at ouo oomrnnnced balblnrf tha foot willi or tbomaa kouokrid oil wlim lia diioolora- am in nina the unurella maked two oyollata art i jln ona got a bu tuixr tbn olhr day for a alia in lm trlsvablytnlli a old wxr ml lurdliiil an ujjly noinri luapaod nr a uoap at atoii a aiijnit itianblno and halting itffu bmiiulbab h with li4r run baakrl bap do ibr mi jl tb o it round lti bi i by tlkrod my fikkl wninaii halo mi kin a journj llall i 11 bliy la up tlcrn v tu u- w- tl t lliyd- lilt i tobnui tk flnar uiirll llti uitlbttl til his auvicij a wofl lly falby aftor tbn iyt cbtiurnidriii aah wl tion aod awalllnu wainnov daya ba could uo li fl ktopalviltlu in ihirhoum marly fo vmnrgoiioy iwaya moliyk ilrrlxrt i am urrv but i n euro wa would hut bo happy loyelhtr jyaa knqtrxalwavit want tny uwuwayiu everything llarbart hut my dear ulrl you ouuld go on walitlnif it ktur w- ara tnarrlnl free and vaay sectoratlui immediately reliavca and fret j the throat and lutijta from vucul phloitm aud a majloiuo that promouahu la llm boat rnodloltti loum for oauttlit oolil iiiflatnuiktlun of tha innra and all atfrcttona of tha throat and oha1 tll- la prciaaly what liluklaa- anil conaubariiva kyrup u a apaclflo for and wbauavet uaod it haa lvaa ulihopnded tiafaotioii ghlldrau ilka it becauao il la plaaaaut adulta ilka it itacauaa it rellavm and ourea tha i1ihm ftt onng olh ldllkatobaaboyaoiti wltboct a aln oara with fraeklaa aoauarad nd toy faoa and bayad la toy hair 1 d ilka to kia at roar o clock and do a btlmlrad clwnd and uw tha wood and fad um boca and lock uie atabu doora and bard tna bana and waiob tha bi afad uk u atock kq drink and baob tna tritya bow to taw led bo that uw vooldnt alnk and faallk aboot a hondiwi oowa and briof tba wood to barn and aland outln tba ana all day and obttrn an3 churn and cburti and bui y iv t- and walk fonr mllaa to aobool and bt a llckln arary day vat waklna bocna old rnlo abd tban k boma caju at nbjbt and do tba cboraa aoma tno and milk tna com and fd tba bo and sorry tnoiaal calora and tban noma wvatily apataiia and mtay utua bad aud baat dad bay tfaat worlbuaa boy if ian t worth bla bnad h tltt taules tuhnbd at ft booulab fair a fanar waa trying to kioima it lad to aaaut on tba fartn bot woold bot- flnlah the barkaia uolll ba brooaht a charaour f rom the laakplaoa ao ba aald lion and get ii and meet tna at tba qtom roada at four oclock tb yoath waa tbare to good tuna and tba farmer aaid wail bava you not yoor cbaraout wluv yoa na raplud tha youth bo i iv feot yoora an vm no oomln uajryard a yallow oil core all pain ju man or baaac toe kpraina data rmnlaaa ftallooj luttlpa kwaluoga in llama una rhao- tnatlain and nauralia it u h apdtta uv aaaoik to be toaja up of ujalit daairaa and yainrcru dr lalty4 navar fail to glva rcllaf and tbay cur if jjlvao au uonaat trial uao lutao whan monay talk vrobably thai id toby to komautnaw haar of huab tnonay look out yr tu uaslae w mean your haart kaap it hlruuk dont ut ll ttuttar or baat with a toaak ktroaa lloott hmulaiod faada tha blood it tnaka tb haajtl beat ttrculgtf and t t the vboloctaphar liar air ara lja oablnala that yoaa ftou orxlaaaj of ina vathar rr ooa tb blotora la i oeitalnly vary llkebbu and ba baa paid you tb lholugrapher no air tba latbor that till mora h blol 1atlya illu kraamall marw mitaa but one u a duaa aud a very doaa oouula lljara ara uo uauka itefjuur aolitlu of the bowala la uaoaaaary ubaalu iiaaalivar iilu are tha bat oooaalooal oathartlo for family or kbatal uaalrio std auy drozgial u ou lo ha vary caraful lu our bhoioa of it naw elrty umu ilava you bad any tioubla x ya if wa git au anargvud tnau ha toorka ua to daat a if to tf oua wihiuut auariiy wa have to work oufaava lo death experience iiatauglituhhowtomakethc bcot eiiauhicm in the world expcricitc his provcdjdiat this emikion i worthy of entire confidence are many irijjafit5raf ltnuiotl and all icmcu of su stttutci for it but none ciial it u your doctor recommends you to tuce codlrvei oji or you know yourself hot vou need itget col1 s i mulslon it js the best codljvcr oil in the best form if wa badynur aililrvaavrnwrouhl acml you n aa tuple und a ixtuiphlet tauuiff more about it 1 lk bmi sijauavwista cptt afriowrjk t wh a t het-atalt-v- ab old family darkey waa being htalod over the ooeje foe aoratohln the portrait of bla past maater tolth aaliff wbiak broom maroo aaid ona of tha if rally aavoro ly whaiavar prompted j 00 lo do that miaafaleft raxdoo roa aah reapondad the offand- r afa ja oooldu it wbau ah oauitbt high ob all datajnl 00 ol maraea ooat ab jaa bad to roab tip an bra ah it off ab fait aa dongh ol m woulaki m vrld blaoaaelf ab didnt ghioafo fr what tomaay kald uncle john wall what do yon mean to be when yod at to be a man f rjttuommynfprowpuyj p- tlacu john jnlsioally indeed and which jo you intend to be an allopath or a bomosofauhy itiuie tommy i dont know what them awfnl big toorde mean unci john but that dont mala bo dlffaraooa eauae i aint gain to be either of em im jnat koltl to be a family doctor an give all my pauanla uoode tiaraaparula oauae my pa aaya that if ba la a doctor bea blijad lo own up that uooda baraapajrilta la the boat family medtoine be evat kaw in hia ufa nellie charlie aaya i grow mora beeuli- f nl avary time he aeea ma maod if ibafa the oaaa you oojiht to haa bled nail twioo a day a care for fever and agoa xarmeleaa veatabuiusaoampoaoded for uaa in any elinuenad tbey will be found to preaarv vbalr power in any lautada in favar and ade thef hot upon the eeoce- tlona and etralla the poieon wbloh baa found 11 way into tba blood ibey oorraot hm impurillaa whlob dnd enlranoa into the ayatam tbroocb drinking walat or food and if bead a a preventive fever ara avoided teacher what l en oolopua rmatl hoy who haa juat beuu laua eearly riaaea air i knw hit if ail elftbt aided cau vhetae ibt tha ctittl mtd wu vodn vroma out- aaya ona yaar ago onirlitlla boy had an attack of tuoop tobloll laft a bad tobaeaa lu hi ohaat weuaad dr wood norway lioa uyrnp and it ootdpletely e ttrad him iapa aaid lilll iroy why doaanfc tnabdma travel with tha ulroui t oould aba lid lu a blrooat ube mlahl be the atroatf vrotiiau 1 faaerd bar telhnx brand ma tba olliac day that aha eould wind you around ltr llttja flmtar joal as aaay aanothltu doea yoor bead aoha r taka a ltdty doaa your hank aob t lake a 1 tty doaa yodr aide acta take a 1 ally and do uot take auy blhr tba leaa wa bava tba aaaiar it la to ihiaa it tollh olber if your child 1 bufferlutl from worm 11 va him dr iw ileaaaut worm byiuii ii la parfeotly harmlaaa and ooulaiua lla owu nathaktla ao thai there la uo uoed bf livlutf ft purjiallvw irlo mia if you want to haar a harj luok alary wait a bu fur ritoitay ha oa you uj1a au-h- iatouuaia aumiimr varmele vwjitbla ill i will nope with and oiarootue any frrrodlarltu of thadltiaillua ordana whlah uhaiiuaof dial nliauua of rarlrue or variation of lam perttura uiay hrluif about tbay ahoul i baalwava kpt at baud aud ou their bauatlam holloa booiiea kuuwu a one will be without them tltara la uolblii nauaeatluif lu i hir fcuuolure aud tha tuoat dllela aulim than ooundaully ll ii3nulh7totf n prodiital mktiliulaa are wll lo veal aa an all roundfatully rmely ona that alway fhoull l in tha houaa for au etaaraauny lit iallya iilu dlaouuut any thinal u the markaa theyaieau alnall a ut i1j ou lake ttweu with aaaa ya onaa a doaa tba death rate la ooualdarable uiwar in irruud than in kuvland or hootund aud tllithtly tiwer in kualand than in rjoound l an ohio girl who i uuabla to ajwak aboimawlilaparhaahad ilvttiir of tntr riaga a word to tho wlaa ate where olhera fail thora dr iallya llbi prove thetr power to oura lioau inaa dont have to travel varyfar tohea they ua to the bad that aohintf head can be latently ra- ieved by taking one of mllhurn blorllng lleedeohe lwih i- tlo o 10 for igo 00 who waa ahuuv lu ttiakahtaaitlranaa iiiio uty ami akiva all avol i iliiullonv but if yoi raukl fut or fall in luvr air he i arc it i with a prrtty woman it la alwaja aarar wb homo oilier mluw will bo aura lo wat uactad and cut du out bafoid any liaim haa bou din w just folt un i w nlln t ra 1 t in d rl 1 wl y 01 t i i th ihri an many ui f bir a bllla lb iuuiih willi m 11 lir t b 1 i- you illl l 1 t ii wll 1 bui tlkl lt w- 1 1 ibr mb lb 11 y u ilia bi 1 iii in lbro rt- nifo all tuv t iu j 11 111 v hi aloa lb w ll ill 1i jul when travelling always toko with you a bottle of dr i owlera lixtract of wld straw- berry nor for 1 ha cli 11 and walrr lo wluiji illoaa will trhvol urrt kiihjnct odrn pro duces an attack of iliarriwua vwlikli la a uitplratnut and tllu- comforlliiff a it may bo daiicroua a lxltli of dr lowlr a kvlract of wld mrawlmrry in yo too of aaloly on tha flrat indi cation of crampa colic diarrhea or dy t a 11 1 o r y a f o w doriee will promptly check hi further al- vutico of tlino dhv raw aa dr fowler pxtract of wild strawt ixrry la iwin wtdily uid hamlcaly ifilttatcdyouf anfcly lira in fcrrmjjtliat the full noma ia on every bottle j ou buy bull jo kind ub thinks i- iih 1mi ii and am ul iolvn ink in ibt for lyl ll ii cimm it miui did bleaj da itttf ah i nhitlu for btallldalxgl didnt alol tliayotini pa t k lliiu liiti 1u lap and batibrt a rovuw ill tin bnrrb ifrtaniriliatrnrt ititntiiio iii rtw can you i ii inr i lr luw in uiy ciimirttliiliiiiiiili llirmont r air aou or aivht o 1111 iliri llearn ajrn tu ynj i know iiya udm to u- hut i hnarl tl 1vl luamma yetlolday thai you lia i wuknti lh if ihrro omhoui at toai and ibal would lu only qavaii ormjhi yuii know diruib j ucumimc ano ritivbcniuino ivioiid l thouubt that you wru on tha tolaplionr 1 kuhaiiki loctor r clhralad iliyaicnti tioled for in bil bandwrlllnfl i nl in br hill i waa phliuod to vivo it up frltiid iiowwaalhtr cdcbmlcd imijhlolaii weji tbo fact ia lliht i waa worried out of my ufa by con lliiual call from fraiiliu cbmlu who oouljut rad tny pecrlpllona and fcoi had ii lakon away irlouil i wonder what ilia oil now cilohiatodriiytiolan lly joval i never bo 11 jjli t of that i think i inuat irani typawrlllnu nlatuj plaqanizino idllor and did you write thl taaay all by youreelf 7 l use ry aaplrant yea itiu nil tny own work lduor recoguixlnu tlie 00 u tea of uj wall thati charlea lamb i am vary much plaaacd to meet you i thought you died tome fifty year ao 1 aa awlu grow older h awpt hla ideate for idea burdock blood bitters cures scrofula alra jautcv carr umrravdl luat nf mybttld boy two ami a lialfyeara old waalua lerrtbla con dition and buffered a great deal from acrufulou aorog itly hmhaiid bought k botlla of burdock tllood uitlera for lilm and tfavct it to him and by the time ho had fimahed ilia ccond bottle thero uaa not a hart to ixr won on account of tin won tlorful euro i can honetlly recommend l h k in all who auff r front any dlaeasa arun from hid hlootl mr oliver j murray charloltaowif pui writes aa folio wat about alx montliaaio i was irouhteu with painful hail for which i cura m aa ft lait cures boils could lfet nothlui roaort itrlcl llurdoclc ulood itiltra ono huttla complotely rid hia 0 holla and my health waa lusvee bit tor than at pre which one of tha pojuilar hooka of the day do you ilka beat baked tha laaiduti to have ajid lo hold ba anawered in anaoatatla whupar dont harry ah protcatad but her voice had a amotharad aound r if your ohltilroii ara troubled with worm ttivolhetit uolher oravaa worm kxlermluator aafa aura ttfatuit try ll aud mark tha improvement in your eliild fiiiafaatharaiuay uot maka qua bird but thay ara apt lo mika coilly hit catoria or xhjjuiu and chudrea tufav ktatlla khnatata uta whtpat it i betur to be iiiipoaad ou ocdaaloually tliao to doubt iiiduoriimnauty 3a t ola jjeityie- pllla thy haver fall to elaar tfiw iktu ttiouiaud of ladlaa bwaar by lliem i uatiy a marad oonpu oould navo mousy out of what a hiohdlor spatids a dressmakers duties ato suoh os causo ituukacho atorohto druviniakflr lias found ft roaluve curo und gladly toll about it tlload wllo follow tlta arduoua oocu- katlou of ttd inakiiiy or uawinu have arodblia of uudr own jtttiiiilihi iwwluri machine all day bwitfijxmaiwrf nyaf tliara jiat rwii uteatoi children cry for castoria iihiua uiat have tnauu many a woman oxoltltu ovoi y uuial takaautltch with tny timtla it aom aa though i am plreiug my own hack llut thoaa who auffr frani baakaolia hmdachti jialit in tia aide or any derail iiuiufciuvuui klduaya will ba glad la know tliat thara i a rotllajy uiat llavsr fall avau in the worloaaoa itladfmiiakldiiaypiiiat mm 1 joyur tha w tlreaa- maker ujt lutlnirut iii loionlo out ruvatliwfollowlublaumont of laaatwrl auoo willi it ior uoiua tlhm i minvfld a good doal fnnii wnak hiwk a tlrad fclti anil pain kad koli in v irlmia tiarla of tny holy kutoa i have mud lbwn klduay rill tha pallia have htt ma my bank lm uot atniuitar a ibattlmliliilliliuwayfptilliitliatiwul taoniiieoumaliuaiiuwiitin and i am happy 1 1 atty i liave not felt au valj lu ynaka aa at preeeiic ikauta kldtiev lilla nu hackauxt lanu or weak imek lllihtvalitau illalmloa ilmey tnlat twfu h 111 ycn lna nf til uiory rtiini uli i gravyl emriiriiittry tuubl f y ni or old 1 ha doaa kidney ituca tba eolloolot hare il la tueaday and you haven t paid a oetil on thai watch vou promiaad tohava tha mousy for me haliirdny- tlla youngtbian- dy by tha watb will it 1 it i that 1 only fri- luoh alow jl cured or cotiltlpatloti llaaala naaou of clover hill m b aaya i gladly reoommend lata liver jljiu aa thay cured ma nampleloly of oon- ktipallon beforr i had anlahed tha third box that improving bach alibiing hour i utile hoyaeeiaa aa buy a het- r ye ha haa hlva iluudradi have teatiflnd lo tha cood tatty pilla havedoud them large tha liay daalerdoes hualnaaa on 1 boals mr artbua dyrn llock hilt out wrltaa i waa iijjup with illff joint for about four yaara and could kt bo rellof unlil i uwl ihrea holllua or ilagyavd yellow 04 whlob ourwl ins prloa i5 oeuti ft holtla 1eopla who ara alwsy looking for trouhlaaru forlunala in ono respact at leatl tbay aaldoin meet with disappointment if you ire a uyapejitlo lake letty a if your hack aabaa uke xatlya if your haad aohea take 1altya if you ara narvoua tka idttys if yon ara waak take 1ellya leftys will inaka tha alok well the highest form of aincorn ualury at the praeent lima ia to aak a mm it ba can chatiga a 110 hill aak your drugnat for ieltya xllht if lift baanlgot lham writa u anclorlug tha prioe7cointt7nrtirwirbpijrydii j mflburns heart nervepills what is vsvvvaxvxvv castoria cuxtorlu in tor inointa and clitldrcn contorla lit a lmniilhm hiibhtltut for cantor oil paregoric lropi ami ktliliu hyrtipn it conlaltut kteltlier opium morilili li ouior kitrrotlo mithjnn lt ptottintnt ita pturjttiioe 1m thirty ytfcara ok by muilona or motlicrm ciuitorln ututtroyh avorillif onl illoj a kevrirlah- ncuh cnirfcrlia nuron dutrrlioouauulvluijulic cniitorla rcllovcrt toothing- troubii curat conntlpatlon and riatuumry jiaxtorla cuuilmllatea tlio omi yociilntos tlio blomnclt and liowolu of inqtntm and children fftrfne hrnlthy mill nultirul hlop castorla ih uto cltlldrena inliavcltt tim motlioru jhrud coyfcoria ratort la an rillctt hinlkln fr cblllfil mjifia l4f trjralmly toj ht at ita ci rtr ujirtrl ibrlr tliltdrrn vm l osoooxi lawtll ltu castoria caaiatvta u w wll ald to itluww tbmt 1 inoaatnj i fa wiu la buy x crtptloa kaowb lo bar uaaacnaalilijjraeima y the facs1mile signature of appears on every wrapper when a fly light ou a alnl of atloky paper he raallaea that ba la batter off titoptteirgmdunt u may ba aaourad by oar aid juldraea the raraht ucoko miia 1ebbl ttanuiiard ib baahful you uk wan al tha other and of tha aofa would jou er ooualdar ins bold if i wa to ar throw a kit to you bold rjqolbaba id contider it tie qulnttiaaniaof lanlneaa kutlug aud hlcf plutf food tupnlla tb auhttanoa for repair- intf tha wtilti of ilia body and give ttronuth buep ifforda tba opporluulty for llisaa rapaita lo he mad loihara uaoaaaary to health if you cant eat aud laaji uke hood rareaparllu it create a food appallta aud touaa the digeallve organ and givoi tha sweat raatful ilwp of chlblliood ua sura to gat hoods hoova fill billooansa ouratl by oentii lly mother in law u s kauulua pba noinenon lu wbt ripatl ilhs aaya alio cant crllioloa tjy faults baue tha has ii tuany ol bar own there iiavar was and navar will b a uulivaraal pantoo in one ramady for all ill lo wblnh fleah is hair the vary nature of many cuiativa buiug audi lhal woti tha germs of other aud differently aaalad dlaaaaoa roolwl i ii tjia ayttam of tbapaliaut what would relieve ona il in turn would agjiravate lbs other wa liave howavar in qululua win whan obtained in aaouud unadulterated tlata a ramady fur many aad gruvous 111 lly its gradual judlolou uaa iba fraiuet hidamk are lod into oon valeaoeiioa audatrsuutb by tba inquauoa whicli qulnluu exarla on waluraa owu tiatbir tl rnllaa tllfl i tplrita of thoa with whom a citron la elate of morbid ilea pendente and lack of id ursa i in ufa is a dium aud by treixjullujuu tha nerves iliupowi lo auuiid and rofraeli llg alaejl llllmtlj vlor to til aolhlll of tha blaod whinh wlntj allmuuud cjiuraas throughout ihe veins alraiigthaulug the haelthy uniiittl fiiuution of llis ij1eil thereby maklu aotlvity a ttioowiary teeulij irulilhanlum the tralni wnd aivinaj life to i ha dlkoallve organs which naturally ilniaiul hiaraavoil bubalatioa result iiu provwl apmlla north top jk ijvuuh of toruiilo bawa uvi to tba puulo lludr quinine wine at the naual rale and huhgod by tha oplulon of acunliata ihu wins approaoitaa tloatvat berfentlun if au in the maiket all druuglau aell ii ala i algttel tha oyeter a e fill hlmanlf bolug omiveyl from tb pleta on lb and uf a ubla khife ale i ill 1 u sml tu all my hopeavif ftalliug lult ftod aoclaly children cry for castoria weak peopu thcie pilli aro a pecific for nil diieuies unttifj- from disordered nerves ueak heart or witcry blood they curep ilpilillon dizzmcs smothcrinr funt und cnk spells idiortnesi of lye ith iwclltnr of feet and nnklcs nervousneji uceplev ncs aiiuimia itjiierlu st vituv dance parlml piralyii9 brain fap female coiuplatnta jencral debility and lack of vitality price sc a hoic nllajorluue fill ilk daw on tha bead of tuauy a wauiait and bring forth germs of alreuglli of which aha boraalf had no 0011 aelouailba itllud with ueaiurhr i was ao bad with hoadaoha thai i could hardly aoa i oould git tiolhiujj lo help ma uofll i tried milhurn s bu til ng haeuafha powder and thay quickly cured ius joaaph uurphay 11 mar ell v 11 i auttralla bta pitrama btat in tumroar aiolaulial tays that match acoldaulally droppl on iba grouud thera wsra ignitad anxious mothers find dr iow s worm byrup tba boat medlolna to expel yormr children ilka it worms tloiii experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the met bkillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge tor embalming in exceptional cases wekeep a ftrsiclas hearse and stock of all other funeral sarpiiei tikid-at-grcat- ly reduce prices caskets delivered j a speight a co kcton wanted a travelling general acent quarj now thou mitt got lu it plaaae 1 ha train la going to aim younk lxdy bat i watittoulvs sitter a kits guard qsl in i ii a to that ick bob axccready above is a tpletidtd portrait of hob ha crady oua of tha bent football players tu canada ha bt a mcmbir of tliii ottawa uulveralty team and liaa tieoii lu all of its vkatunlouiililp mutcliei lie is a ipltudid kpaclnie u ttod uu tnuuli mhiiiui btroug a ho is hj has kuowu what it la to suffer from dyspepsia uo nrloualy afflict vd was hp at ihtropeidnj uf tba pant ikmj keaaou that ha waa not abli to 110 out u itu his team talus in hie back aud kbus in terwltteut headachy uild the awrul pauj ha suffered after ealmg tlta rult uf uu luipalrad dlceatlou warned hliu t bat ba wa lu uo condition lo nlay fool ball tha lurdret of all eauie llld lis lacked tba anerty to rarry blm thruulu a iui pabiu ha tunaulttd ida bhylguu hut tlot aenllentau gave htm no mlef vt till ttaga hs write i uua sdvlaad ti try lit telty s illu lha new rclnedy that one of my fileoda atutid iiui w woiiilurfcl ui ii rfadla i wak bkeiitha but he eoujijtj llialr ptalae w p tajtlenlly that i waa at kutb liiducp1 to try tbom ttie vry drat d w ilivie tbk palu away aud at the aud uf a wk i rtjilutl iy icatii aud i have mine llirouab one of intr hardeat aeaaooe in hie luat iiriii itmt 1 have wer imii lu lir i lly a illu r aluiw to thank fur tny nu iuimu ibry at tl b at liinllclu i tinir tahiit tiny toake in sjaiiumc hut mi rill uf neiy i mr ahall nr take any itlbera vo t farl in uel tf a iuiiiallioitr hurti ll lb rrciiruen uku till wtll wiwwtl blblete ami aueb villi i- lir tfririira of eirrre win irla ttunl rfil rrmrlt if ymtr nrucalat i 1 ilv vtiil whr l ua witrltielnc u rnt- a llt b- aa lolllaa rear trilimlbn lir i ally ilejblae co lr i un an experienced canvasser or a man with good character and address with thejiecessary ability to travel fromtown to town and appoint agents no canvassing salary and expenses paid position permanent and promotion accord ing to merit the eableycarretbon co limited mention this paper uruhtiord olft hcmultous poultry netting aid lawh fencing ard not surpstasexl in tho world 1 heir woven wire 1 enclngs hat a iltyj ovar fifteoii years of very uccliul tcatlu on 1 arm and hallway sjiicial olfars made this year on hog i oticlng that good am till mtmifacluretl by tho ontario wire fencng co limited piclon ont i or nalo by tho hardware ubrchatits and general dollars throughout caitija alio in iha can llanlwura joblwrs guncwal agumtu th 11 greenlu g wli ci o hamilton and montreal atliit vou iuilwav i ukcinc j cooper montreal licornubpoiidfliic with tha manufacturers imlled grand trunk railway- ull jftfrta i i i kiir km fjaiuii k fi tl i i m11 liituc wl u in flulna ful 10 i- tu ll- iiu juiabth iuju speight sl brady mamibuiui of 2 vxtfamqb if t oasozinkahu oft i hi xnuines llhavi j1i0m a jtlnu 9 to oltvkit rjialrlftg iromplly don ooorcotown ont kct0n bhkery j c uattiixw icitrlto aazhv bhkb 1 uuting tlt et hot wralhrr when you ran a nicoalrlment of cakri and ilirad ut matthews a cbolca lot of 1 mil ami confttllonery iwaya krpt hi uocm ico cifam in hulk delncrcd jo any part of tout c pr quart 4 nt vlaltour tct crlam lawn main stroot planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor uauufaeturar of luah door frame jjouidiufij luallalyla diiksrtta ua tcujuo ano uovzdwo toerdarnn alirt uollea john cameron croprlotor w barbera bros paper makers ontario ngws colorgd php6rs john r t3arbe iaz iallllikvts wil liams shoes for summer wear iiuu k grand xl range of summer koat- wear the nic est stock we have ever had and we are proud of every line in the store and only ask a chance to show them and quote you the prices spoclal for tonhora we liav a special huble ijoot for tannery ftml oilier uet uare wlilcl ue iuaranleetobe wftlerpr03l anil to wear lorilor lliln any nthcr nukuollioot see ihm h1paiuino as usual w williams mill bt patents guaranteed kir ritiiincd tf wefall auy uuckemllus akculi hbl drurilt tlum of uuy tuveulutt will how lo obtain it htit iijmii iriiiiflt laleuta urcuti liluk ivtfitiwl lrkilcatoorrikiitr rnl ulji in it umuiub u ttu tperu weil vwlmtiltck4ll- ill iuu 1 aviht u till i at llluilr1 an wllrly clinlalid louuia t4iilillr t by afuiuifaduirt biiil involriia uua fur uui plenty vacs aibliau vioyoh 0 hvaho a co iwfeaf jimruyi kvaaa t tdiaif wahm t itjta3 tf- trscilvo illiillih it aya to caiqh tho bflki clath ol tiaild ibe moody spudiiim traila you aint calcb money itnlorh with pcuurlua lwllti plnttif you inuht ut- kttracllva woll not uaoaawrlly emtutiulva thai which will calcb your cuatn iunr a eyd tttid uuw hliu lo read it your work hum if wt wllh ihr- pftuu mikus will receive tha it lei itoii ll daaervn slid will ltd uircl in hjl usiiip womcihlntf that la not uiaiaxtbrlmlo of pihiliiiff iirdciw1 out of luwu 1ot u uaecule your imt oidrr al once the aoton free press patents iprdmptly secured i write fh- our lot itliu b nrw llrlp atkl how i 1 ro bvtloll1 tlaiul tiakauabaawtoh or uiodil of your luvaulluiiur liikrow uu nl oait hj will tlt yuii frwe our oilnlon iu to nliullioi it i uobanly t vii lii i vi 1 1 ii 11 1 pmliiliy- f aptltloo klwtiul in ulhur bauda liiaueat rfurdiiiha fiiriilbad majuok jutattaotf aavbmt ttouoxtouk t tocpmattn nii a kixi iolrihkhm tlll kku niil uw am jlfmflallinl mow vua a iwuyui tll v a kwvde lift slnomoakkul aia wihu jilatioujlluujusaiacwt tffl ho yeakts experience dcaiarta coavniorra ac aid bkej r d iteamtj 4 tl lu t lali hr 411 fyulr i l4m bnwuly hlnilslla im n uiiln it tdkiiltftr aexlliu 11 i ilrtlt lmu l htiil lakeii ri iuli uutna tia 11 umur wioi hi ulnrye la i be sdcrkific nmerican a tiawuint ir ll1nmklileelr lemaal r nimukul t air leiuon viuima iwu si a ra i r h i j sl uuktbrall mwmlntlan milon ik c

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