Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1900, p. 4

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physical attract secondary to it w have a book wc will i gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair if your hair is too thin or los ing its luster get i hair visor growth becomes w vigorous nnd all dan druff is removed it always restores color to gray or faded hair retain your i vouth donyiook old before your time si 00 tl bottle- alt dru i hat ul vfur lulf lpt fl il 1 jean an 1 i uav 1 1 ml it aj unim an i alia fan in ry hi nvry way i iu hare wmmu jo tiiu ulr lwr ii 1 in li la i r iy liimu at 1 iby til till lu kjm eury ir 1ly waul i 1m i at kinder a llalr im i ahall terulnly mnuioct f ilioui uat a a strnnjtly ha i j tlut ii y rl a buttle uf llklr ler ft- n k u r 1kw norwiebk v i ayer ww r oemaw if v 1 1 ouu til i n 14l trexn the ta or h llletl docwhbhi u adsnu 1 j j avfu lnajt mu -4- lje cfon 3fm 1 uu11hday auoubt ojrd 1100 pollv ranntcd heit cracker a imiilaualphla f relates lha lory of a patrtit that prouolad her owner a homo ffora bur glare who had iiujukj- throogh ono of the front parlor wlnjnws tliey crept through lha liall room past the bird and ben jimmying afmci tho alile board id tho djulng room whero tba silver was kept oniu ha oilier man katherwl upooelly turaieh ruga gii the floor aud auolher had taken dnwihtho curtains wlion iilly nike up i la lhat you frank t aho rjuarlod 1 bo burglars stupp aa if limy had baan liul lolly repealed tho laeallon in louder elid mora imperative hay tho noiiia of in parrot aweksqad bo master mr kiaher ho grasped rovolver which ha bad bought only a few days bator kit ti oiler bis plloet and msilo for tho hted tif lha stairs 11a preeaad an eleetrlo builon oil lha wall and lit lha lght in tha ball room what ha saw throe man strugg inuvl fjn tho front door hat promptly opemd lira hot ihey euooeeded in gelling iwy jjr pjsher lhau waul down alalia into ho found- lha patrol la bar oag oder thaplano tbtcajjs fu upset bu lha bird nnltijurad thrfownar puoa4 bar rlgbl tip ujrna lha piano whn lifted liar frightened haad from undar her wltiy and ukaj la ibt yoo rank 0 ttuow crralurts wanted to waiin him ffb iflnunfl jolka vftx to jatjxj loh l i uad a kill blrda 1m toy b fctaomrdirroblnaanrwrana i lluutwluiaul lit in uia tnounullif i liutua ua down in lii e i uvr thoucht it u alafu i did it only for fun and i bad 19 aoort in uia faiaat willi ua toor uula bhja uid my una ilul otia boautlful day in uia aprlu unia iailajabiowu blrdlu uu ufcrvlly hrlu aiid eliln itttf aajlini tiy aj bi c i and aialutf my uuii lu a tluvliutf i tlrwl atid biy aim u loo lrua i follow ad it tulekly and aoxur aud thar to tuy unow i found juulit do to 14 ut full of youiij ona tlio uttu bird uad on uia itntuud i i dor blrdlm i vat food tbay wra eajllutf hut now tbay ooald uavar u fj vat tli it kind ltiotliarblrd who liad lovaj uliu wa lying uura blllti ud dad i ilckod uu tbaludlu tiiyauuth i lroktd ui wmi mouiarly uilnil yliit could uitit mora fal ila dar youutf 6u0a mor jfct ttiroushl ui air ou awlft wlutf and i mad4 arm vow la lbi utamaut whan tuy lljt with osll aoitow wa4 llrrl that tibvr tain lu my ikautua uotild i ahooi a poor innooaut bird i jioyet joway dijunkkhn vou am j ba arcbblibtip of york forma lb anb joct of ill louroallnaketclrlo jtu ltuljs iltalbi dt mlkan1lka lh irlmau of all kugunj ofuu trtvala third dlaa aud ou otm of hla jaumoya about tbodioam tba brohblahotr foutid hlnilf in ft railway mjr rlati with two druukao man ooa of iheli compuiuaj thai ha bad boan robboj of ft flvo pound bobr uid wii dtarmlnd to aooll ills juwkata of llfa fallow pad k- iuetcaii to fail rtlhar uuooluwtabll ayi tha krcllbilioi il i bcppatlad to havo a flva pound hots in toy pookat uowavar i ilolarniluad to kit julauy ktid folifll kluap iroaaully 6ma til obaltangw i 8y ueliilibor but i tiiada bo iniwaf tkau tba u11u yubbad kow by tba ucd iud ahook me vlolantly ult i did bol waka ut ilk kept on haklntf but ktill i r hi killed lupahalva thau lila friend intarfaraj wltb i ky dill uavi hint ajour can i you i ctaa druukarn you fcrl ihir alitaroo waat ulla thlatory in hia ltaoollacuona ono dy tba lata llir goo caapbllj who haul vary tndant load rajplog voioe owllad on blr aljjeroou who waa lkn aoeralary to ur oladalunn to talk ovar tba land tjuaation altar ha bad boen in oouveraallon about tlua ulnntaw tbw oflloa kaaper kp pea rod boarlok tba oart of an m 1 who bo a id waj yary aniiooa toae jlr algamon tba tattmr uild ha wi aorry to ba bnsd lu anuhar mlnnla ha appcrwd with tba otrd of k wall known per who wan molt deairoua to ha a word with him agaltl tha latter aild ha wu too huay to im him jaat than in another mlnata tba man an cam lu with a huga nartl aaylnji lha lord royor nnd aharlffi of london wantoj to apeak to hit alrarnon waal very urgent ly in tha nxt room bir alttornon kpoiofilkad to blr oaora and want out to audi grmt dhtnlutrtaa whan ho- got out of te room tha ofllow keeper kurtlad him by ytng tbera aint nobody here air but i wu afraid a mad man had boanliown in to you by mlataka nd i wanted to warn you air plp8tw atb reabon aooordlng to tho papar badgering law yara ara alwaya having tha lbbm tinned ou lliom by uuik wilted nltoeuaca and it la to bo bojkeil that llnj papeh tlo not b or adored oua of tha kat ettirleaof tliokind la from tut itu it waa ata pollen coult a wiliioaa tor tho dafonoo had jnat lli rialillnod when thq proaoutlm polloo nornotml alood up lo aruah tilm mordant why did yuu bldo hullivao in your huuotn ibat lluidy yl t wllteaai did not o kulllvau at all on that lil llorttoant knowingly will you awrar that your wife did not bldo hulluati on that nbthlt wltnaaa hai tallilv ea elorftoant muroj knowingly will your wlfaawoar lhat aha did not hdijuliivali in your houaa uu lhat nlgol t witueaa mora hcaulllilyj well f dont think tlerneant mutt kiiuwluuly ah i and per ha pa ou nan it ii tba court how it la you oau a wear your wwo did uol bid him wblla kba oatinut awaar 1 1 to aamo thing lpak up now and ill lha truth witnaw ulb ou aoa j km not a married imo tired housekeepers disordered fcldnoys bring them a multitude of pains and aches all how often women i ivo out bofora tba tuy o work la fairly lotuti and alnk into a ohalr nllarly worn oat jlut tha houaawork rnuat la dona a van thonghtharback doaa aalio and tha head foels ready to bnrat lheaa women can a tuwlaratabd why lhay ar nevef dtronif why tha night do riot lirltlfl raat whv they ftrp always tired itavw appeula and boom to bo pain and ftchea bomethinq new tlio ohloafio tw herald bay that aw weaurn ftanllamab lataly found hi now tsootn dttlia aratwrngrooni bidi wtdef much louraal at lha aijuarlum wall biddy said ths in a kindly tons what da you thlukof them horn kor anawared tb nook upon tsytoal if thy aint rata lovely i an baorra prhap you wont bclavd ii but ibis is ua flrl llm hut i ivor ay rod barring allva boor i ah a nolo uio ral caum of ths trouble la tha lant ona thouuht of it all minioi from tha kidnoys thom dnlioal luus fuurs of tha blood ua out of order and as arnaiiltlhaurioafld and oilier polamis that tboyonght to carry off araaant lack into tho syauiti thorns no u trying to got rail bnlu tha klduoy ara rnatorpd to health tha aulmt aafwit filllekcat wy to a oomjmt uns is to laka boans kidney lmlls iialnra own wtndy tot all kjduoy dlaeaaos adddarangoiikonls mrs uarthah froallutuluvw dlgbv co n h recently wrota as follows i bsvfljnudi titouurt in italluii tbki joti kidney 1illshava wonderfully liuprovad bay hoaltli 1 hul boati auffurltiff with lama back for a number of years and at tha lima i bgau taking loan s xllls i waal bjmos bnaluo to do any houkowork i havo uclthrta ikntna and must aav thav hava tak9ii tha pain out of toy baek il tuy hlrwnuui i dotii iliink wbr others fall thara 13 r rallys 1i irov their pjwer lo euro tha hlghaat of all poeeoaalona is that of keif help castoria pot inutnta ud objuclroil if thou haat bot ooujoorod tbyaalf in that wbloh is thy own partlouur weak ns tbou hakt uo tills to virtue- though i boa art fro of other mans traveller haadaohea- in quickly r llavad by ullburns rurllog haadach 1owdars they do hot upaal tha kiomach or waakan lb haaru lrloo 10c and uio at all daalars or by mall tba t uilburu co i limited toronto oat baying jljlbing good of youraalf you will ba dlaltnaud aay nothing bad of youraalf you will b takad at your word n rnuwivrttium j ay b- aeenrad by ailrlraa thc pantmt hecoao uowavar tuudh light tbarajnay be la a tnlud tbar ara always mm corners which tamalu lu khadow uagyards ytllow oil ouroa all pain in man or beaal for tpralus ouu brnlaas oalloaa lumps twalllngs lnflamallou rhau tuktlatii and uauralgla it is a kpacltit thesxcnedtjbso of toit- vvork i tojiblp cxtolly for tomt po tantially for 1 la a man rrllgloaa when ho prayi many are it it ajao rohuiou to posta ledger if it bo dona naatly and accurately ho la it rellgiotia to ot typo follow tba plow or nnkaga in any legitimate line of enupriao 1 here ta ono taeutial provleirn a mail mual not be on hu kneia when he uuglit li ha at hi dally taaka lnoithtr ahuuld hn ho at hia daily tak wlvn ii is time to u in ilia oloaot or in hi pitblio doiikrtikallon i raying a big huaiueaa one ho la awpliig a itxini or following a low there are no menial laaks lo a noble aoul huob a eoul eiiriublmloll it worahipe at ua laaks it offers up it taaka to god bayiim put ovary pneruy of its being into them many bavo yt to learn lo bo roligioue at their taaka an i lo fa iho preaeuoa of do- 1 lu the ewoat and grime of life tho jnopbatasenro aent of uol they fall uie woo is rnn 111 lha praaanoa of ibo meaaagh of baavan and tba true preach r is a min divinely aent ho is tha humble t soul amid lis daily taaka any one luay feel bent of boeven to do whatever ooma to hand be it plea a tit orllraaoror awa lhu with oomplalnt worabip at your kork it will irauaflgura oar ufa llooky jouhuln chrtluih 4l aetiu a valrilly llrllrhr mrs i willuma ooojorham v o out wrltos 1 havs usad hagyards yellow oil for burna scalds apraln and brulsaa and il ha always given aallafac loultiviplmdj fillmedwue it can ho put to ao tnay illfforonl uae lrlca j5o grape he bad ul rlao aarly yra uotal all go to i would havs avarbodys good asjt your drugant or tollys tills if b haant got iham wrlla ua onoloalng lha prioa oocenla andwq will supply you gravity is lbs ball ait or thd aoul mother grave worm lalaruilualor- lias lha lugeat aals of any similar prepara tions sold in canada it always gives sat isfaollon by ratorlug health lo tha liltle folks learning hath gaiuod mol by llioaa books by which thn prinurs hsvs lost kw ilia haad cool and tha towels open is aanatbs advica to follow during tha warm wealbor it th bowels 0o not mova regularly ono a day um lixa llvr iills they ar vy to takr arid do ot grip wtakou or aickou piled jo j luuooantls uot to b guilty hut vlr tuous 1j lo overcoms our evil inclination mrsnarashavvlufid ijllionj pottys tills havs dons thsm la any other ninj ono wiiujto doana kiduoy vlllm tat kidney iroobus in thsjrjultarof prabw we ooiianlt tipnatlla mora than rjnr lifrillb ufrtlietrsrk ihli uioaiis dlaanur and death when applied to a ft exnrena train it is equally serious whan it refers lo poopla whoea blood it disordered and who caa aaquonltv bsv pimplqi and uoras had bloniaclia deranged kldusys weak nervo and that tird feallng hoods flaraapa rllla puis tha wheals baok on tho traok by tnaklug pure rich blood and curing thus trouble constipation la t 32 etuis red by ilooda pilli 11 u iiu iioeal bis to be just if one u not geuerous tooilmrue two usjb mrs lrd nedden izel river croaalog n ii bays i had lootbaolia for two days and ooutd get uoililng to slop it until i got lows toothaoha gum which quick ly ourd m frlouoj the umlitic a kimpl aervant maid war brought to- hospital suffering froa an ovardoe of poison when quoallonoj a to har motlva for lakiug it eh replied i waaut feeling well o it wut to my iustra room lo gat aoui medlolua from tllo ohoal she kae tilers xh botll i got wu marked tbr drop for ajilnfahl kin for au ailull ud a lblepoouful for au wiiti lie i kuaw i wasnt su lufatit i wasnt aura- about an adult ao i ihougbl i iniiaib tha eiullo and i look ilia tabu lioduful how did thev uo it 1 riia deaf and dumb wagouitiaker plokad upahubaud apok hi bllud oarpil ur roanhed tor his plana and saw th deaf oowboy want oul with his dog and hard lha tiluphaui inarled hla truuk inlo a grain and hue l consumption is contracted- as well ui in- lii ited only trong lungs are proof agaiiibt it pcrhoiibprcdispoedtowcak lung and tho e recovering from pneumonia grtppr broncliitih or other exhnut- ing lllncm bhould take it enricheh the blood btrciilrthcii the lungh and biuhls up the entire system it pitvliits coiimimptionand cures it in the early stagd kooiiomy u tha good genius who pre mo guide th foolaup of evry propr ous matt vot a clear oomplsxiou tska paltys imlla tby uevar fall to clear tba akin lliouaud of ladle sweaj- by uleuj co wrrslt ivat so xclleqt la w0derninr duct wrt itestf into oon- mrs wona uedlrlu ur wm graham bhappardlodoul writ i hav glveu my boy df lows worm byrup aiwl fiud it au si6llnt worm biedlolns it ss bio to tak and do uot maka th child kick trio 2io any i hi tig ihotijih aver ao little wlilob a mau apeak of hlmilf in my opinion s sllll loo much aualous mothers fludjv lows worm oyrup tha be i iuedlalu to kpl worma children llkd it wouis dpnl isrsonaof dlioat uala sudurs klupld orllloiau ulur lhau lhay do itunld praiarf aa an all roundfaiiilly raniudy una thai always should ba in the houa for hu ttmergendtjrlily stills iflmmuuihuy thiijg tu tha luatkal ibsyarsao mull a oh i id oau tsks tlitoi with aw y ouas a doej two sorts of writers liuae gaulus iho wbu think uua llo who caue olber iliink ib tit aohlng head oau h liuutilty is vj by ukitnrtua of milburus ktfiiig tfailoh 1uwdrs 1 ptwihr c u for 10 o 10 for j5 i iiirblt eltlloilon that can ufall a hul man ib utkiti h k frlsuy tvlty j til -t- small- in vr iil4 ik il a do and mvtij do imjuiii lur ar no blank il la hard for on uf baaa pariiug t twrtonlo a klig wltliom tiveiuig hl irt au undiaputd merit finds no great dinioulty tppearing niodtal they advarliss llilmsalvea immfcd- utbly they wera oitarad to tha public tarmal m ttgrtabla tills ucania popular bacaut of lha good raport lhay matt for thsmulv that imputation haa grown and lhay uow rank kinoug tha first med lainas for uaa in attack of dyspasia and blhouaneaa eomplatnta of- th liver and kldueya rhoumatlam favar and agua and tba tutiumsrabla oomplioatlous to which tba ailments glva lit w lova ju but liltla itica graatly and juat men perhaps thou art rather innocent rfiati virtuous and owoat mora to thy couatitu lion than thy rtkgiou blill anolhor triumph mr thomas b dullon guuderund writes for four lean ysara i waa aftlreud with piles aud frequetilly i was udsbl to walk or sit but four yaara na i waa cur by ualug lit thomas toleolrlo oil x have slso been aubjeol lo qulnay for over forty years but lolaolrio oil cured it and il was a perm auaulcuraln both casas as nalther ilia piles uor julney liava troublad tna ciue lha biuluae of breakfatt la a moat itnnirftwtit oijo fur it eluirk tlm human hatlery with lywor for tho day a woik a bmid brnakfaal givoa a him staying quail tie and equlpe hliu for ailo aliv onmr goniiy lively lo ixiur what tlrntl4u j lll l faat tiib tlrai thn i toat linporut l in n ia a j rrllinlnary meal i i froll ntngti sppb tatlj iwiriea aiuhi lit in which jo ulo pif hill 11 in over hu r 1 mil j ilaoa lakuii ai ly ou an ompty atmnavli arw converted lull alkha keep iho blood itorinally alkli- i ravantlug ursllou of iho aystom with uriu aiil and warding off thn atorina it duftcrtng which mob a oonditmo provokoa irull julatlas cortttcllvra lu llib di gcatlvo orati whi ttki g th aj t olll lu croaalng tho secrolloii of tbi gfrio jnite and allmulatiuii lilu whom fruit la fa ten ovoty moriiiiig iigrlimi it aatu factory llje bowels areiialuiataii i rrgular tho head is clear aud au agtcaalju ftiejllig of general woll being a tiprieiioad lou hiuoli einpliaals calinob belald upon lhl mailer of prrlimluary fruit broakfaat if ecouatomrd l eating a amall breakfast vou aholill lluliliil ihe boon lunch and uk o nlbok dluiiar ouwlll sleep hotur a ild ruu with sp pellt if lha fruit dons not appear to agroo with you st ural if titers are aour bolohinga and abilouilual duleutloii try a amall begiuiimg take only an orain drink ihojuloo and rejeot the liber teralsl and tba uidmii will adapt ilealf -fradn- ally add a hunch of grapes and au applf you will ho surpriaad at lb far teaching be no iii derived from so altnpls a praollc after tha fruit lha usual liroekfast of a chop and rolls omelet potatoes ooffuo or whatnot la in ordor sdiiliry fyeutd tlior is a fraiikuoa which is hcitlal and 1 dalaat it a frsukuaa which is indiscreet and i fear it foolish frankness and i pity it 1 hero is slao a frank nos which is opportune dollcatit and good honour to it sali sheum a severe case permanently cured by it may not ufllly ha termrd tha mob of iho luiti that oommlla a riot upon hla reason a sarniajlaby tells howmilhurns heart and nerve pills cured her ner vous trouble and strength ened her weak system milhurn s ilnart and nervo tills ard an itieti unable boon lonnyona aulfanni from anydiafuaa or derangement of llm heart or nerves nrwhnad bloiul ixtliiu and watery mrs t horning- of 115 georprt street fjanila ont ii oiin of thbd uliata cmperi erne with this remedy is vell uorthcoiw mderuii it u as follow i i am pirated to re commend million a heart and nerv tills to anyone imfd ring fmm nerve trouble no matter how svert or of how inngklaiidltir for years my nerves havo bean 111 a tembly ueak condition but milhurns heart and nerva imia which i pot at gary a pharmacy have btrmigtlteivej them ijreatly and invljjoraled my system attjf me no ducue for iwl making known uioir virtues i cannot refrain from recnmmrndlilf ihesa pill toullaulferersiisa aplenditjcurw for uaryouauevs and waikneti bob mccready abova is a aplaulld nortrsli of luh wr crily oua of tha bunt foot ua 1 1 riljur tu cstimla ih u a lurmbir ot lie ottawa uuii emuy team aud tins ucu lu all of lu clini oualilp matches lie lis u aplcu lid stfrliuru of rohuatrcanadliu uianliaod bill sftuiig as ho ll be hua known what tt is lo sagoi kkseuuly sffltel d una ha at lb opeulng of the pant is ui kraaou that ba was not 0ui1 to ho out ullh lili tam talus lu the hack aud ijs in nriultteot hsailache and tha awful paugi ha butferwd after estlug the tea tilt of au luioahvj dllou wara4 blm tbelbs wan in no condition lo play football tka kardnt of all ftnulc lleeldr h isckad tba anarfy to carry him tbroutti a ualu iiasmuulled blibyslcliu tut thai srulutntiii sv him 110 rviuf tt hiu tlsm h writ i was sdrlaed to try ur tnlty s t tils tha uew taiusdy that uiw of lay fruuds asaurni nu whs womlurful in its ajlwl i wuh ileiuknl but bs bounded 1 1 tlr prali ao irjli ully that i waa st iciiftb luluivl tu try llni tba rf drat 0- ttror lis iislu sway aud t the wild uf s hmk i ivj ilad my asm sad 1 hsv iiir ihtuucb bw tit thtc hardeet in hie ll n vi li i i baw vtr un lu um alone to tbauk fur ly in y ur tli- nrllrlj 1 hry 1 take im sirmis nrgv i r r mi- liall i rlly s i h it mora than anything daprlvaa ua of uie uu of our judgment for it raiaaa a fust vary bard to a through how to oat well wa rsfar to lha richnsia of tha blood if yon ara pala aud tbiu you aro poor in ktreuglh aud barva powr uoott a lruul blou drives away tbiunba aud pallor and brings rich blood and narva power i had lalt ulieiun 111 mj fuco and hand for three yearn nnd could not ijet anything lo cum me till i uvrd lltirtlock illood llittars on ulmg iho tint boillo tlierti was a prcat cbaiin ae lha belter and by tlia tuna iho second hot tin v is ftuihlied i vrdjl eomplelely cured and havo had noretum of tlm diseato tlnce i have neat failh 111 i tt d as a cure for blood aud akm diseaies mus mauj uruce hhclburno n s there ara sterile souls whsro nothing ermlnstea noilhtr vicaa nor vlitrjea if you aro a dyapeptlo taka tolly e if your baok actios taka tallys if your head aohes taka tottyj if you ara neeioiia ttko pottys if yqllald wosk lake pally n pjtly a will mako the nlok well that tli at which wa know la utile which wo hava a prase ntl inept of is immense it ia in this diroolinu that tha poat outruna the learned man known to tliouaanda parmolaas vrgatabla pillu regulato iho action of lha sccrctlonu puflfy the blood and keep tha ylomaoh and bowala freo from dilelorjoua nihttar taken according lodireclioiflhoy will ovetoome dytqupala aradioalo bilious tisis and uavo ilia dlgestlva organs healthy aud strong to perform their functions tlioir nioriu aro well known to thouaaudo who know by rxpsnsnca how bonrfloial they are in h tono to tha system many wish that tha treo may bo felled who bona to gailiar ohipa by tl o fall thara never was and novor will bj a uullveraal panacui in ono reinody for all uu to whloh qaub la hair lliru very nature of maiiycuiallveu hoing euoh- tlist wore tha tjnruis at other and dlfarsutly baatad dlaaaacs rooted iu uio ayatcm of the patient what would relievo one ill in lam would ajbirivata tho other we hate however in quinine wine when obtained in a aoand unadulterated suto a remedy lor many ftud rlavoua ulu lly ita gradual judicious use tha frelleat sjatoinaara led into oon valeaxenou aud airength by uio influanoo which qulnina cierta 011 nature a own rbaulratlves it rellaves tha drooping kpirils of llioaa with whom a chroulo ulata of morbid dsbpoiidiilp and laok of luurost i ufa ia a dlacaao and by trangiiih vilul uovhtroloatirvyr rfoir tbertjoryev diepoejowutid will iemu what they wont imllata dr polly a uavar fall to give relief and they oura if gveu an honest trial pas ion la a aorl of favar in the mind which ever leaves us weaker than it found us you need uol oough all night anddis lurb your friends tliara la uooooaalou fur you running lha ruk of contracting inflani maliou of lha luuga or oonauuiptlon while you oau gal uloklss aull consump tive syrup thla mj loin a cures coughs ooldw iniummallou of lha lung and all throat aud bliss i trouble it promotes a free and easy aapeo i oration which i mined lataly relieve- tba throat aud lungs from vlaold phlegm f 11a rather bountiful than expensive coughs biidoulds uipilhr remedies em powsrlass to rsllsva ara promptly cured by dr wood s norway pine tlyrup iv y it aud it will ounvluod you of ha ifllosoy by ourlug you prloe afio a vimlldllvw tamper la uol only uiuauy timhara but id them thtl liav iu ugiiur noiloii of um bowels unroiiwry uiiimiii vp ttvar ini am ilia hail uoiliniu1iuilisilio for family ur ujnerl tied trie if 1 any dnigut o1i uflu vlln u u but mist of the thus sr nut at horn iloa jour batl aohat lakaa telly io4 ywi hek ach takvv patty nm yoursdabuhay iskaalmty and du uot ua utiy other mcoll hjw children cry for castoria a- y lltl i ooiilmihiplaua noil nr ilethmt aurruw nulioiis ara im children cry for castoria tug sleep imparts vigor to tha action ot the blood whloli being stimulated oouraas throughout tha veins strengthening tha healthy animal functions of tho aitom thereby making activity a tiaoeiuiary result strengthening tha frame end giving ufa to the dlgeslivi otgatis which naluralfy demand lucruaaed bubauiloavesult im proved appolllfl norhrop a lyuian of toronu have given to tho pjbllo their qululuo wino at iho usual fain am guaged by iho opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of an in the market all druiujalu eel ll he needs strong artua who i lo 1 against tha elram rlin tk old reliable remedy for diarrliooa and dysentery grandmas mrllu hherlotk ant- uassl if t 0 kwtunlly wrolm uaod ir lmllttlkhtihrrflyeiraof uge was taki vtry b ui wiljt di trluua inn wi thought wti wi m filing tot jm in r uln 11 i r n 1 ihctl lb it my giwjinollur nlviym iib44l imvli a ist wild sduwliarryyml nil 11 m hmtlt tved lu t lllt i jjt uwuuund i ivill tomydilld and kilt 1 tlirthu j w h b k 111 in id u ltr mnd tlpt mii hi t ul ht s mi prkyil ml hi tilonif and vtui stkou loii pllily ltnul what is swjwwnklsjsvv-vvvv- castoria oflntrirlu iilirmli ik for itifuutif and chltdrcu ciutturla it ntibhtittito for cantor oil paregoric droph mid rdtoilliiu hyrtipa it contuitut iioltlicr opium morpmuo niir wtlmr nurcotlo nuhntniur it i plrtutaiiu in fiiui luticu lw thirty yrur iiho ly mlllloim f motltrrm citturlii umtroyw womu nnd lluy iovcruli- nomm cuxtorlti t itri at dlurrjifuu and wind cou cumtorin rtdliivvm tuhliitf trouldt u cur- coumtlpntlon and ilululmicy ciimtorta ufmliiiilutoa uo kmi ruulato 1 4lio htonuuli uhd itovvol ot 1 11 fun t nti d children c1vfii liimifthy iuhi natural nlfwp caatorux is tlio childrens pimiiciutho motliorhl frlmd caatoria t irl u ail rfll chll leu m ll el hate ocltl l1 ffct iijjii ll us c l tui ul mr lid a lllly till 11 r clihlkii on leull xutt castorla i astarla is o wu ata4 lu t ii at f fiumri i ll a an tn ai rrllilbii known in we if a ascii u v j7 the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper wanted a travelling ceneral agent an experienced canvasser or a man with good character and addre with the necessary ability to travel from town to town and appoint agents no canvassing salary and expenses paid position pormancnt and promotion decord- ing to merit thetbhxbleycawhetsan0 mention ihu upcr tlnriltod brantford ont itpays t0 ihsul neat at iracllve trlnujig it pays to catch ihtf lies i clans ol trade ihe money spending trade you can t calch money spender with peuurius ioqiiiiik printing you attractive lenaive lhat wli irlly lilch work not uecxaarlly ounenslv will catch your custo mor s eye and ciuhj him to read it your work then if left with the pinmprmss will receive llm alien lion it deserves and will bo correct in local namc9 something that la nut characteristic of printing ordered out of town lst us enocuid your next order at once the aotob free press w hahheji liuos papei- makers r georgetown c4 ontario bqok colobob pkp6rs john r b main stroot planing mills acton ont john cameron architect kid contractor llauulaelurar of itash uoors ilsinos uoumli m inalutyte aru tcmjuq mad uovlimiq to order ou ahert not lea na at 1 lc4t toiu 1 john cameron pfoorlot or hcton saw planing iutrin st mnmjfaoturonrana doulon in all kinds of diiissud and undi1i ssi d lum illlt lath and shinglls sash doors and uunds window and door 1 ramus al kinds oi indoor and out door i inisi ilavlnf n uell 3irll i lock of lumltdr oil iiainluriluni uill in all cases be promptly fillrd experienced undertakers by dealing with u3 you are assured of the most careful attention and everything don in the most slnllfut manner and pleasercmem her that we only charge or embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight fc co hcton mcmiiiiuiik poultry netting lawn fencing ara not burpnased in the world i link wtuiii wlm 1 tin inm mvd kino mcr lilteon yoarit ol ary huccuufgl irslln on 1 arm mid hjllw ly shlul ollerd uiailii lliu yar on uor katiclns t hfmmj hooiu urs utl tiiiumuu uiia1 liy llm ontario wire fencing co limited plcton ont r bale by llm ii itdimto mertliaiils aild lt hi llnlduaio jnhlu ia tllfji u i iv iha iii hun ihtinlltnil iiixl moil lja allritvul with hid uahi n iliinulhmil cunaiu iho 11 toning wlte i mntrtrrat lumber dressed mid matched while you wait irlcea are as low ns any oilier milt turn ing out work equal in ijuillty cuslom lofs cut at any time jxo xvjln3 jjukj ultown asnsjfs jriijjwsor all kinds of wood on hand and promptly delivered to any part of tils town xtf xazlllikttfcs mm wil liams shoes for summer wear iulu vx grand jfix range of summer foot wear the nic est stock we have ever had and we are proud of every line in the store and only ask a chance to show them and quote you the prices spoolul for tannersr wa liai u social ruhba- hoot for turiiiors um oilier uet ware which a uuanihie to be waterproof eiul lo wear lour than tiny other nialooflioot see lliem ri taming as uslal w williams mill bt patents guaranteed i and lcialuu t i auy luvtl m fl he iijuulal uuy at aa vfcliiufi kmi najli- i him ii it i tv i llhf4 tj w- a latcll wit ihltuiull us i illu ntchaiue in iuuxxtu hut i an i wllfly in outalll itwu llcou acouiej llobtturvuwllwr lu y uiaiiiiiriaauj illvaatnia beulf ruiui uiviy rktk athliaas viotor j kvan8 ev oo kwaas f dog wasp patents promptly secured wrilarueourhit mtlnrf uu lu invent rs hilii ami how t i rr awtiullo toonak k urlumniv imr m im nrs tniulunavwabakatii or medl uf ygr linuallluuurluiuniwininl mid wo vu1u1i yml rreej imr mini in uu lit wluth lj irowly ti iiuhli t ti ii aln u hh f hilleulhiu imjojii in oili 1 hlauuat rulun iuim luniuhthl kaaitxom mawion a1tnt houoitouh xxpxuttl rivll a uduai lt vmuifit nrajiiklta of ua ivlyl ui i uvl wi t r i t ul hi i iitlflrf lu ailllsl iluvi m llriliy udls lul uw ahlah i ll uiiuuruiih awwiiuhi hw i in 1 milcr m ill imu u huiyim aiuii i jtubhinkflu- wllit ll uilnil k jhlwvoi uk sldll uuifrtt out utuhlldh iluiw wuhlscls bb bo vttaiis experlence trtadst mahks daauai coryhkuna ac amt s aenillna a kajrh km lrrteuil tnay lulndlf avalit imi i a ujt trmm weliar an i- i l jiiniilr i la tt hluh uuim astilv ajrwlu4h will t el larva tutiia scientific hmrican a hat i- ar lltuitl wa llall i 1 f 1 f hxllllun t nil r ii ir hi it y l rkilu uf brail nat newytjrk

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