Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1900, p. 1

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t i volume xxvinq 7 aoton onta1ho tuujtkday august i 1do0 puicjc tiikke cknts kviilv tlftllttjday mollnino ifree 1ruiliutn 1 riatliuroaire ulliilitukut a0to4 out tmiimh or hnjilltl im ono dollar per year tuteily in alajina all aubaiili lloita dlaouu uuubff wbati tlia lloioiir wlloli ilia i v ln paid he i irxl til iuu lo wlilob paid l uhaarlptlon la oeld i dotiolad j labal aoramtieimu ultkartraiialant ajjrutli j ml la liar till f t uti ui- or fl i ni cmrrmlftt kiyketlo rollowliifl uu ahowa ottr tit lad tat ut nruon of advartieauanta for pealnad pwiiooa imumimu wiumm atiwina dlreouook b idhiud till fori id end ohuffod aooorfl injiy truulnt a4varuanatila tauat lw bald n advauoe advartiaomenu will im elianaad ono well month ix dealred vnf ehomtaa oilauar utu eneaa month the oomlmiajuoa tnuat ba tiaid for at ragalaj raua ergmroreontraotedartutnenu tuuk oo a u oflleo by noon on tueadaya artqnuifl mootbfy if r uookk suggestions for izzlirig ummor hnroi llwco ailid which will ichd in icihn ho hiti if 011 iol n r iyn hk7uv7vtocks all r jliri urkanif wall tnada h- i 9t books special una uf dlkenu and bcoll work taper txllt n c cicli bco window display bkby jumpers jutt ilt iliiiiff r larljo and well in ad fi bpfeui 50c traders bank of canada capital paid up si 000000 assets ovor 39 000 000 guelph branch m in savings bank department ifhtllbht ouiutpnt uati- ok fjtiillkht tll on ftauia dapoltd r ami t waxda intareit allowed trfm dauor tlepeail trf dtt of withdrawal anil daid v om loon dad half admusm uiao t ftaji wrtl ble uiuiml oil uiairowti tima at uta loaau cut rnat riln nonlark inula or oollaclbut utm ootak if peyebla in flualt li uajiiaetafl ajfrr peyebla in flualt li xfluiaiaj til troliiaetevl florin daysbookstore cuolph t day kalli clioap tfusinus fiirrdorir f itxujcal toimm macijonald m d cm udckhtou to j v uukn m d 0 m ofuo ab1 t lllll a vrajiuk 1 io 1 1 ui uttl 1 c 1 ki li j hoy uuutlxrx uooiii ukivmumit uowt lmmriatii kijnrrv or jnriiniuii iojr kui dm omo4tjiluuakruink 111 aoumi oihojjourittu 10 1 to a ftiui r u a ix vh duydhn wwn lllook doailal uaay 1 0 oukijli onwa hou 10 tit utlpth mmi s to iw bumoatb10atil bilbl lxj jlunfiitt l d b dentiht ajtirflanciriakicmtttiosin nsrr thansactud lntetcit m hiqhl favoralilo current rates allowed on savliik ittiiu urouiilb and delktill kccalplk lcitcra o ctciuuum1 hiallabo in nil paria oftho uodd special atteiitloi jlvtm io i armem moniiy oltoiihs vqu auv uuu l io jo lttyalilo al any lianlilntf point in canada oluidn of ilia yukon lerruory may now ixi procured at lha uank counter without auy tulay acton branch- j it wajxack umnmmrr womjc 0mtvcl imimm kj0a woukait orricu ov llttoww daud hitikm uoutmsvkhy uiy khaw dwt j uhll b ti h d d lijumwchijjfc ukjnriai ijomobi ukiiiuird y vumowto umivkkait work bud tuuaimtory ittoari uodnu viwthii tlita uoody ailvrnoou cajntv lllllatuab4uy aetoaonleuajrk hou vrtoay hook wood m clkan a ucluan ltnltrt holuilort kululw couyyajio la 1 rivftla tutida w loah omoaltoam hviiadumi -u- a molouw- jmo a mcjlaui a j maokinnoh a mctfuih tibial ia klalutaws lilci julk0d i- ica bo vixma iyriuivit umla uinat ooofkalowu couvayaiisliiddoi umlmonav iflajlai oil dial ebqxtcaa on iwoi toiwrty ai v umtovvoartli duui i tyarmasi t feuem- arapftiouy ulmh voortli duuioti coutt county of haj i oul vila ajul ufa aaakkailoa lyuuol auloek on jttrro iscxijljnto us h a p hubuand v s lrduau oourlo urlnnry oollaia udhftiulf urlnr uilel ribeuty u01oorar wojua lliuar ttlift hall ti toradtiu ullllttrl aeitqu nsukanci aglnt obml ilaut ciiiifltlioulllasiicuuoi aut uulou uttd koiluaru vll luuialii oldm ouug 1 u aclou h uulloilur of 1 aaaiiu oc iuullou td t rim atiucuntiriforui caiiaauu am mui latalltttllloi ttajj uakkh baud or pajjl uwliatotlw ttajj maa l tblrlv two vur amill killuioiiluimail itoohulmdklt aomiuui lioaka of all klm luula io orsr trodliaj ut ary tlaaor i tiiioti 6f ully louud ryltukjaivtih ti ttv tlo rauu uolmskb i 111 uoouk itwl fm of ilakmjauu ljltxamjl rwtou10 hiwluldarijulrj laallaj autoh y llukkaku aucyiuhukh vur hi luuutlw o wallltitlt j lluu j unlrlh tlsvkka- 1 nua bffltm aouio ft hlltiytaaidanmlu adiou will la itoutly t- taudad to laluji laauull auo uiouay u ioau i uu1i aud al aadriulao0 i uta uiaalfawall hoiiimuiiiku t u aiiai iai thtf wlilltnoton mutual pihu inhukawcu company joiim fayrjilt ai acton livery 1 7 bus line thunrt aa of i ltd imutewtd infonua uiaut utal woll jciulppt ajid btyllab wfjl oftti til atliuauoiaa a onaauklu bu4 mh u1 batwall l jd m t ku jljlf1 klliillihblball 111 avbtv uttlr tlfful kttutiojislau uiawryu tha iuu of lonimofil travsl lata lullyuiat john whiliamh lhururii merchants bank of canada capital a ret s 2600000 your pictubbs 5atht waters bros can do it for you at the low est prices and in the latest styles wyndham street cuelph speight brady manufaciurers or oyjaltos x lxotmtf m0t03 wi txh uo tors axsoianxjuti aj3 xjainxs nnjam a xiiom casrtmoto onasn ftpalriu promptly dana georgetown ont sawplaning mills xktttt st mnnufoturraj and demi l all kinds of dulsbl d and undklsbl u lum jilr lath and siiingli s sash dooits and blinds v 1ndow avid door fkame5 all kinds 01 indooit and out dooilrinibll i laviag txauauartddiuock ollutubcl on liand orders will in allcaushd promptly fi 1 ui lumlur dressed and matched wlillc you wait prices ore as low n any olltof mill turn out wark tual in ijuallty cualotn loia cut at any tlm5 jxo xvjns jx jf icj wtowit aaimijr iojihiro all um of wood mi hand and promptly delivered to any part of tin lowu spring and suitjmpr weakness ah ipiing ai ancaa a woiknen and deb i iiy ipn t thnillrninf mid iltlkalfl ahko lho citculalhiii id lutil on count of lha oxliaualud nervu lurc mid the blood is poor in unliy and dtdicletit in lioaua bulltlliij elamtmla asaroault lltm la a nonerjl running down of thtt lyalem lho hioinarh a disordered and ihe aiiclllo hmir tha liver lldimy and ijowdu imicoiua iiiactlvd and iliero la a ijcu of instiy und aiulilildn which rciulum yurk of any kind a liurdui it in not kin tljdruuaor ihirkilvou wlihlhclrdopruaiiiiu action tiiut in rjulrwl 1ui u fund tu umitllt llm uerua cuutioi ami etirkli tha tiluoi dr wards blood ano nerve pill s cuiuulii lho uflituplaa that o to lho building up uf tlji body thruukll tiiadlum y tlm blood tuidtlcrvoa because i hjiy biipply tlio proriloa htl ah needed in imid up lho hyaloid o mm i it h itov a 1 1 dmimitt ru m salwii i1auu tu tllkonlo osi cocoa mattinc for oil public buildinc8 the ijiose satisfactory lloor- nifj for churches and public building r cocoa mattnifj needed for floors stiars aislet and vestibules it is longl wearing clean and economi- cal and much more satis factory than carpeting in many places prices furnish- e promptly common widths always in stoch specials supplied at shortest possible notice cur 1 wm vj alwtyr llliilit john m bond co cublph molto slifactloo hauuwaiiji y yyy y y y yy y y y y y uy y horsotailucinprolector j ravoiila ilona clrlthiff finaa w ilia tl arioo ldaliord at noalaat kx proak oltlofl luluueuan h or i toull i7 james mattkewbplnt acton ont w barber bros paper vr makers j georgetown 1 ontario ngwsr couorao- pnpers y john rbarber men are creatures of habit thousands ol business men still spend time and money travelling when they might do their business quicker cheaper and just as satifac- torily by- long distance telephone main struct planing mills acton our john cameron architect and contractor uauuuoturerof llaali doora truui uouljltny in all atyli dmxutjo mad uouldwo abort notloa uatcuwo tilt couinti uas a 11 r bt llltlajaiulliy boot willi thr doubtful toak a llttlakllt a llttleoat 0ul uiotliar rn all t lll ufoia u tillm luauld tti 1- ulura eorlu mall ilia i hatifra will raul tlatna aodaaarali tllr ouknuwu w tbrcliajtc lb buuikn baaa altl amil wlllopau to ibalrsaia yteliatoa uiajr kao aad naililng biaitrk willaiu tjmaa eyaa uiat now an wlatlul lil ok otifanbltf fallow a klu jttiaxjjiuw wura i ilgtity uouirt will it wal irt aolttim aaerat tatit wliara urea liiuuo taataa4 lrii lllia1 wu- wiui jolma fit- what aelanu train bow 1u4u caa maw traaautaaaliajl viiihu tia knit now wit a troublad iloul 1 xtf two of tlifaa badtri lilbrn tiiom ilw tliat in tha mjuliijf yr llliaaj or iray or laael wiiom wltlatarad wolla on llatitulutf fla yrom wol i in wort may raoli tljal alaruly sikta utay ik oopuuavii i or knillhta wlri coituol ala coanllitf tiow ok alnnarbreut willi all a baby a uul i thoaa i ail lalltiwa ullla t uty liai lilt 11 by atiall i i t wil thou liaii i wl im only iiilul in i to iull ill orlord ii wlio kuowa what uuuit uutli wllbhl tlol tulurkbiakr tiiouuli now ilk but lajfy kllck illkunly lioltlliayelaal all blamliitfui ucwwiituk liltd wlioakwotalkywi mndonkl all 1 blawluij ou uinak iliua faat whoa lu ik jat u vuu i an 1 tlaaalnk on uta uluk brain tbat baa not laarnad la t ian t whau r uta fulurw bold in ktoiw ooj lilaaa uia oontlna btaa 1 tic ol5uma bowl livifu wlfluuk ml tkkl bowirjnllia mar h all aku to old mr qravm ub and bar moml klllc david iou7ha irhablrt woman r ailufta do utolr mlaro irom a lonrf bol malit ta jtlaiirina o bar oool wall araui ai mr cravaa opaoaj ha oopboard to iajtk oat likf oua turtbler- nllyk coriook ayok notloed oo lha lop abalf h bowl oovarad with dtatoww bloli ah poabood mifsrly tbak obiny bowl w it bonay t why it waa tny motltkra alora wt i wak born btrrti -jj-fatba- wa a tailor and 1m uaad to brine h kindrf of juaoflinitk from htk oyk thayrt all yona but ooa bowl d aomahoar im kot it piuki iti toy mlnij tbal i wodt havk jood luck if ytblna bappana lonbat bowl 111 iwo dull rjaooad at baoh othat kood luok and poor old mra orava aeanwd far apart oba waa vary old and bad aurvlvad all bar family ud rlan4 bbo plckkdup a wroloboj living by kaltliutf abd qulltluif hh owned that llttla ooluk lu which ahfllivad abd ub aturdy iucta paudauok trafuand lha obarlty oi bar balgh boraaava dudntf bar atbadka o ybauma tlaotwbieb of lau wam frauaat fctwj vrk kvaryona pltlkd aud traapaoud lb- daaolau old woman wall what do you think ol thu nally braathlaaaly axclalmad holding out tha bowl whan ura orwa bad rona to tha wall i im an old china bowl bald kuidk vary quaar looklojf vary dirty mud a uttlk cbfppodkt ibo tdrfok you ark a eeuulna sauumat nelllk slid itivvtiaalvrly i quaatlou wliatbar anollior auih can bo fottad iu thu ooantry look at tbvuuperlngoe dull rohj at tba baaa and and thoaai blrdk with out auotchad wliiga- iu tha okiitra why ita a traaaurk la u 11 ilea auwaiad ludldarauuy it jutt lookaja ma ilka a iuiwr bowl varyusok for aruiiiirbowp a milk bowllm ktuow i auant tba yoar ufor uat with my aunt ura dav enport la lha oily atid aho and bar frlouda word all dakp iu tha atudy ol naramlok aunt in jtaat oollaoiof of old ebluk and u ah ik vary waadtby and a kraal t aba baa aomauuparbbpoolmank wbyaji uava t40 for a balautita cup ktld kaboalt that lint lo ha oowpard to thlal one of bar frundi itava haoo for it pair of vak and lhay wpra crfcflkod oh im an axpah lu obliia id jlk anytblut lu tba world to own tlila howl and im w to hav it tu iluali hara ootiieai tba olj woman not wotd tobar of ttkvalua hut mima linn niiubl utva 4li alua ij tba poor ol i oiealitrr now look brr i illen dklla nelly arlad r i with nlr l tk aa if i wara u aim o laka a iluhbiioal advami itadul that wmikli t wlil wiiuld ivo t oaou for it hero in tlna liitlaudt of the way vlllajo lho l la bavn itaver evtn heard of lulauut vvu ll will auy on thai alrlf till oil uta irava la dead and btirtad altj then bo thru wn aalilo or aomo uli woman will keep her milk in u no 1 aspect v ft lliat bowl at a barfcalu and ty oonaolanoa wont trouble ma if i take it tbala antaltor blwean you d j our oooaoianoe hi loo aald quietly and changed tbaoonveraatioti kell way correot in thlnklnif the bowl woo id loon be n iierpbamaalon fn leaf thau a week mr gravee aent for liar hhm fonud ihe uldwoman in bed iu a oold room and buffering urribly from rbetimalja fever on a illue ubl by the bod wa iblnrtifwatiirandti puirorroodaanl in by aomo pitying belbbor haemi aa if thtt lurna my atunuob aim ajaid pointing to tba food hot it waa liolrel aa triumphlul over lha baruaiu aa aha ha i eclej hut the ixl llay alio jwokod her uwl and titok lift tram fur ttio oily of nqw orloana why llk unljtiajl a whlh uk wei in kl i nell i bar aunt orhwl roatalioally wharodld you pink ll up 1 what did you tlve fr ll oh i l il ai a l wh all nelly would aay jharo waa a maalluof ura ijanpota frtandkjtl bor houae that lilijlil to lnnpaot the bowl one of lliem mr wniilworth a lientlpmaii of iartfl fortune whojo oulleo ton of old china wav ong uf the moat coolly in tho united butcs waa enthuilaatttf lu but admiration i haver nw hut ono ilka lhl barore and it wak n a prlvaba oollootlon lu japm it wont 4 be prloeteee if ll were nl for that ahlp on the d and tbat brown ataln but even ak it 1 it worth tioo lo ahy coluatoc and i d bofilaj to hive tbat or mora to own it if you evaf care lu parr with il mia nhy that nhl wlieltnairy laty ataepioal tin barbed tba vordi of mru jravea kept rinujnc in bar oerm and ha ay i wiali for ibem bouaaly and fair deallnif tmtichuhch at thinitvvilue llio irlnliy villa clio rob bad eaten many oyelerk for twontyiwa oenla and the tfwy tit oxi the annual bakar w au tvant uoooaiful acourdtot tba nunbw of womeu il proatratthl ihe fluanoul policy wal the mtao aa that whtoh denadea miny a church lluy yuur food jot your wife coou ii then llo l u tbf cliqroll than k mid buy it bck kkalu aal it and ibo nhuroh la jutt o tiioch abaail th ainalajtitok ol the oommttnlly hare been duped into nonirlbauntf tha eltekala awd kk a knulno phllanthroplat j op oan ohet ihe whole malte up lo bariovolance hat laalyeir it rnformad adopt log tba follow i ay dnahoial policy to raise no ibooey by entertainmaala to kecura fruni each man woman and onlld of the ohurch a pledge for cor ran i nts ptiilcak benavolencey and tile debt no undue preaauro and no appeal but tu lha ability uf each ulser lrayar for more oon clouco kutltaurajibbiajulhlnilbnui 1hh and krtaler cone- nen i aprritoal bleijjui to render a montly hlatemenl of off anoek to havo another lhank offer lu lopay jkm or tnora nn lha debt landing dock on the eartrjottiilablelnamgatmnl mighty joad of ur ivok to band it jen ny to a lillla trl who had jul coma in won you plok up avmiecbip kudjnaka a buaa mo you cau make a cup of tarragon taavt i ol jutt pkrabiuk with thirat ulak nelly i bent for you lo tell yeu if you want that bowl 1 11 ull it im too sick to work and i ha van i got a cant to buy inadi clua or firewood nallya heart bt hiuli with dthjjht oortaluly u flravek aha aald i meant what i laid and 1 11 jive you what you aak for it do you think a dollar la too much t nally glanced at tha ahjact poverty ol tha jroom lha itoar old woman pain drawn faoa and for very ahame at baraalf bluibad daeply but tba by muat b bar mr qravaa aha aaid hurriodly ill hive jou ave dollars for tha bowl and herea the mousy hlie took ll onl of her packet fivedoluml tralaimed tha old woman iu utouiahraanl miu nally honey i reckon iia bcaua you want toglva ma tba money it aiu t crlaiuy bacauaa ilia howl li vorth that to ma it ji nellia iad liatlily with a auddku twlnyo of conbcuuca and if i had mora raouay id ivo it hut this la my laat ut ob imafnudtrouropiylnihluti for juitawbiml ijieano hnnu mo lho howl milk in ally aol can till it nooj byo before you taka ltaway and then tba worda ao fervently artokej may qod deal with you a you hava dealt with a poor deaolata woman wloo aha roe in uie morniujf bar mind woa mads up bite told bar aunt lb atory oonaliujr uotblnif of bor own cupidity and now auut aha laid i look upon mykelf aa only uia custodian of tba bowl i am jjolnj o j a i i can for 11 and make o far aa j cau tha poor old womat com fortahla tor tba real of bar life when itjtfaa round tbat tha howl waa for ikla lha bmdluij weh faattttidfurlouiamouir lh collactora but none want bibber than mr wou t worth and it boama hi projmrty for 8000 tba iitoy of ihe dfcalituja woman who had owned it baoame kuowtl in tl a circle and auolhar hundred waa added to tha fund for her aupporl when nelly told ura oravea what had boen doua lha old woman exclaimed tn ilavout woudar o my huaaoil lard thou batt worked a miracle for ma in my uraaltiaaj i cant hflp crying you der blojadd rl tha lean are team of reltet for you hava lifted mo oul4nf tha dopllu 1 j oulkt com mhi0h an apt illustration a tekcliar wan explalnlnu to allttlauirl how tha track tlovelopad thoir foliayo in the iprhijf tlmk ah yak aald tho waa lasaia i under bundtthb ka their aumtner clothoa in their trunk tbia year not to incur any more floating indabudnaak tvery artiolekif tlia policy adopted waa cluayd in fact lha free w thaik offcrluif amounted to sjj50 the church waa 30 ahead at tha hotinulntol the year inalaadof fkdnit adofiolt of 700 to 1000 tha truatkok aald tbay had had a plo ma tha boclalk inateavd of iwiurf drajkled affair to eitort a fw dloioe- from bored partlolpiula beoama a part of tba eplrltuel life of tha church the free otgwrvaltala knd anterlalumeula proecud emal prayed over by the nuudinfi oouimltlaa waro die covered to ba a part of tba rkliflouk mlnla- tryof tha church tha meioouarv motive gone tha attendance waa aaldom under tba full beating capacity of the church and often exooodaj il tha policy had lha advantage of bejnjf a dafluiu mark at which to aim it pro vliiou were klrapla and comprahaaaive il wak fully diacuaaad iu opeu maetiutf and uuanlmouuly adoplad tim flnaliciaj rkaponalhllity wu dia trlhutad it rotted not on a few over workad truiteat hut t all mamhar tach child waa eifucled to jive tbk conyralional poltoy i the beat only whan ll iaiuu in au actual nawtaaument democracy tho manil waro ke in if luafund did not equal lho ditimudlltirtt the monllily itatemint iujloated il tha chief effect of lha policy however waa iu ha educative value in ilia dimcuon toordai john cameron prrtdrlotor w wllljkras ww wil liams shok for j summer wear iuiu grand range of summer fo6t- wear tho mc- cst stock we have ever had and we are proud of every line in the store and only dunce to thm and you the a sic show quote prices spoolul for yuitrtors w izv f a ktei lul kusim lumtllor immora uitil uilior wi wai which wu iujuu1m tu 1m vvlcrvfo il uud in wtjr ituilur jlmn uuy oil nuciljkih wtlln 111 iaiiiinc as iisuai w w1jljiajv1s tauu bt uwv-your- bowt muihai tivxvt aba aald handlus it to her with au ludllfar eut air it vary tiar and i would ilka i to have il in my cabinet oi curloaltlaa i donl buppoaa you would care lo ball it t iiulaakak no booey kuilhed the old woman wbod buy au old thin ilka ihatr i call it myluckcwl ii wouldnt ba a mlta of uu to anybody hut m but iim all thai a itfl of my olj llfk and i think h would moit lrak my liaarlto look in tha oupltoard aud hud ll nia vrry will mr orva but if jou awr chkutia your mind and wiah to wll it ut ma have lha rfuaa1 i 1 lve vuu mora fur it then uuyuiia around herr a hi urlk walkad hulnu nolliq wa allatit and pra ocupud 111 hava tbat bawl i aha erledout auddanly vw it will ba mlna balora mauy woaki tha old woman can hardly hobawbowlbhwjii ww kwldii haforabhe la laid up hut will be my tluik aud wont ll bo triumph lo abow my aunt ak flni a plaoa of ohlua aa alia ha lu her whole collection and at ft barkkiu toot muoti loukod at ltkt filaud tu inuu buruirlati nvllia waa a upod tirl kind hoartad ud bumaur knd v i the waa enuutiitf now that pour wratobad oraavlura bhouid be tortured with piu and laid up balpleak aud hopalaak lit order that ll mljtbt lvk bav an oppoctuully xn poaaeki an old plana ol uhlua a maula for barf inlok bk thought waa not likaly io enurif the kympalhleat or to kufteu tba heart svbt will yati lw ura orv fur tha bowl r kite aaked oh a fair brlok llhe ii uluk it tu irk than fair hutufnuurm im not auoli a fjol hk to- ollr avau a juartar ot ilk lyculal ilua i couldnt atfurd t lou t look hravm aa if i war ojnj to ewludu hie ol 1 woillkn a peall ik only paajll lo otlk wbu kuow iu value ft tu mr tlravew it i ta uuly au old uaalaaa ublna latwl till oflt ijcuoot mmovsk hot atll it etaitde hard by tlia atraam tlaettool of yaara ao aud oftatt i lu fauor hm tnjiiu ila krtala lo aud uiu aaiii i haak ilia nl at of uhiiradaa niund uia door imtold tl dtak atwblab i aat ht luaoy yaara imjim and uiao lha uacltar volna 1 bear luflrtn yat plaaaluif not a wblalt alia the indouut wilt af aaulilnj ank wllb boi hut now tny aaltoqluiata acailarad aia t iii other xaiulk lo be honiadwall lu dltant aullbar hoina ul rl kjimtf tu old uauba1 ttxf t falllui in tba daakk are brukit in tha jtlmaaoa uia wall blij hrfatholaca lu bruhil tba waaiea kuti liiila hit iiiili uta tkitak upon uta umiuloa1 ttiutt w blla 0r all dad allanoa kl i hufiama for imiiiod holioauie bojer fori ff4 hbaji umil bauaalli itkduuia thai maata a ronv from asitlty a boroa t bia aiarnal homa ilulatlll itautuuliardby utaual tlia aeltool of aerk a lul of tan i in taooy wui to wak ilk thjiiau low atikur dtitilop uv auociatlcn a hoebmi papr tvllk alory of two ladle who tnuva much lu aoclety but who fern uonuad by ku inahillly to omuer bamaal one day they received a nail from a mr whioler wltom tbay liked very much oo her departura tha mother aaid u do t ua try lu remember bar name bacatna wo tball uwl bar at mr htanka tea and we aball want lo apeak lo ber 1 ob i have an idea 1 aald the tfau liar name wherlar and tbrw are lb wbealer and wllaou bewititf macblnok and the nam will coma by aeeociatioa ho it will aald the mother what a beau yon bate my dear i tha two ladlek went to ura ulankk tea mr wheeler waa there too tha mother wee lha drat to moathar hhe a up pod up to rw with a bland broila and bah cordially i why bow do you do mra wthoo t booti kfusr the daughter ml bar ad with tual affahillty saluted bar oh my dear mra dibbal bo pleacd to moot you again i ak a companion blory to able tbk inci dant may be rlatad oi atiolher hoaioii lady who waa introduced oua day to a gentleman wboea llama wak haddock meeting him a few day aiurward aba kaintod him uiu y myviahv queeii qulistionb bv childiien a au bier i bar ol tbk xik4iy jlttaui and wtll star who ik principal of a behect in victoria 11 0 writok u to and out what pupil ark thinking about if poeetbl i laat month confronted a claak of boya and uirla of the avirajje a of thlrtaeu with tblk propoaitlon fjuppcrtk that there mind into our claa room ihi moruin a man who couldjind would anaucr truthfully any tjueation pat to him what would you aak v i append to tblk twenty two- of tba fjuea tlona fceicud bap havard from thook bub- mitted 1 how many ton of water fco over niagara i- all ijn lareuty four louray why can i kauftarook live 4t tba north pole t 3 who flrt mada ulttra 7 4 i thorn any mora laud in thu world undieoovflrtdl 5 will cral hhuiiubvar owu all of the world i ii will ikttaainer aver ba able tc tba allan lia in on day 7 what la tha moon mada of t wbr did tha queen of b bob ber sold t 0 uow could lmaka a fortuna wilhovt workinaforlt 10 why cant sy 11 wham do u whwlh 13 i aifdree iwi it jlvill any ono aver ii to the north pohrt q5 whan la our world camion to au and lb how can 1 always have perfect health t 17 how can i make everybody do an i wlallt lti will the iaoiflo ocean kver ba trav araatj more than the attantlot lj iiow can i invent a flyiuff nitohlua tbat will work- pronarly and not break down 00 whenthkkrtb tinrainttutnstkrvi- alo 1 31 do buy people live in autarctoiat if thay do wlut are thar babiu 1 ii what are tha uoatiotii for our hekl hljjli bohoci lntrauo aiamluatloni 41 hdple take ahii 3 after wa nuuy brouuht ll tu the bodaldk and the warwwrw hrthwcldrwatuivkwyow irkhr took it in bar ireinbllnu hat da it ik all that loll me of lha lloawd old lima wlisu i look ut it i baa ihem all father mother huukud and childtaji kllljtutfiii lb uhurohyard ii waa my wedding preaanl from fklber mia nally i remember ihe uiifht i waa marrlod kvoryoua wuhad ma huallh and prtd parity but father liu bayu uoalth and proepatity are mltlhly uoo1 ihiiiuy but i wlb for my chlldon boiiattv ad fair daajiujf with all tba world yk tlioe ware bl enact word it la bard in part with lha ul thluk i hava of hi ttlia prakil ll to bar imivariuu llpe wllb a ob and handed ii lo nimy don t tbiuk 1 tint thankful in you mia nellie bbe bkid bkcaum im aorry al pailliu witli it vuu have uuu me bin tiiurk il value ood blaj jou may iloj dal wlih you- a yuu va daklt with a poor dttk wumanl au nallla hunlett buiuk with herttcaauia tbeak wurdekpl iluiimi lu bar ealk and baatinat bt bar baavlt ituutallow ah giving awav it 8uchbts in bin plka for a roduotioti uf tba bor tax of one dollar a barnl tba editor of tti wehliitlou sfhtiutt lha brawera omau ihu hlva away lha wo rata of llui trada whatever may ba bbi i of the awful tin of driukluil or the uubla virtue of ahatain iui from it wliflii tia lax un bfrer la oppfemivily liiti tha iord only kuowa vital boina of ii may bo mkda of ur and tbrk a in wahluloii a few brewer may ba fut u 1 who kep maluulu hid ilia ataftdftrd of lhair rtdvil even rloly dowii tu lha point uf loak aud hom fur bo i tor lluiak to tioouii llionifctlvok llut lha itiujurllv will iiikkaithtutt avail if lha lax ooiillnuek by iliicltj imlr oon eumptlun uf ooatly raw iilaarial like harluy and bupa aud urtirly auhntllulu dru uheiiilcal or u mil of lho bual iieak ihi praotluk direully and hurifiitly affeclk the farmer ihu hop ukrdeiutr klld taiula td llauthlnr the market fur ibelr ptikklimioii- a walilujou sfiifuiii o knuw did i whaut i talking a bunt of the uraoa and joy of simple haarlaj atkmbhaaorlplnrrilvlhfuiaiwy from lha uaalotf coaxing atuctlnad boll upi and the ippavl to the unworlliy or lower matua iduoral from the debate me nt of couipallutf with realm r kuti aud tliaatarfor ravkima lha ohmrch fall baok on ihu hlmpla iliuuily of appeal by raakou uf lu aplrilual uilnulry tily tha aor rowa of the pom uld elm roll ou a card aimpkitdad frnin itj iitnk of a btyifar bup phaul ta an uuaoenily aud deatradimf apaotaola for tha ohurch of lha llvluaf qud ahaiart i hi church to wbinh ohnt ll lha leaciu of tha ay i iuv 0 l klot v witt uouiu oua jlikk chaaa thk cow down llifawky bald lha funny oo4rur whu watitad tnim milk fur hi uatineal han jane aaid the landlady lg a look that wa mukut tu im cruahliuf tba lho enw down ibara wbura the oalf ik bawling 1implok mi tho faoa arw lutl tmly auaoy- lli but they i lid lea id bad blood hood llkikkpatill uurok uteul by puiifylitf tba blood thu gii1l and ho vocation xv jlil ii malur what her btalioti or pruauou abould acmira some uaful art or profaailou bhouid uaru lo do aoma oua ihinif ao well that tl shall have a value iu tha jral world market uud iu htr hour ot itard aufilod io make bar a braad winner write uarijtral 1 hauuatar in tha auubl ladut 7tudj jourunl tha world baa au abundanokof madlacr wcrkara but it can uauar cau have wiupilluly of tbook ho have addad to ualiva audowmaot du f pi 1 lie and ooneouiitiuaa train i u iro bably ths bl uift which could bk baklowaut jiiljulfcultjumujliulioululifdwimli bk what ou tho turf 1 kuowu ak atyluif pawir mauy of ur blu with aulbuaiaaut but wa ttlva out beiova tha aud of tba day to adopt a line uf conduct to ubooaa a upacial atudy or to decide ou a obm of atutly and btlek to i la in oh oaaa bo daanrva buooaak if not alwaye to luaora it tha path of ufa ik hlrwwn with lha wrwokk of thoadnho bkatati bob did bot bold utf thctf way if he who would make mark in ihi workaday world and niu ber prua luuat be kteady and pkrwer vidj i thu face of av dta oourmetl will balif hi hfrelf hlkd lod waunt compuloohv 1 brd dllf waitora bt a duhliu boul ahked a prim praolak ti tile uuriiymau at dlulwr ll ijllluk auoooaaioil if liu wiiuld have auup a llllla annoy ad ha laid to lha laat waiter who aaketl la itomiipulaory v nu air euawuid ihkwaiur x tbiuk liu mook inula i

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