Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1900, p. 2

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lltttn on honda aoanatsih u mr anduaey a tdiroon or tueaealon oct bob fjtnnaairi artnti nu uonday atifiutt t 1 air aiiij uii tlintnae 1 ulcaa 4um mjttlriri uimuikkmih iwauiplou i jiuhhijav aijuuht icuilood lixtorial notes ilia ayui hi j ajjyvy ml ie aallafaatury la pulut oiittttrat caaediana r taut g ilug i any number to lie united ijlalna but lha large doiowa of the laeideote of the united htatee ira coming into manitoba lha territories end hriuli columbia tba caxlua ia a metur of nlpry 1irmd that intaod to ooogoe llulr bmdneea opnratioua to jilario tbta fall houm liu writ thafateai report of lb rum in ibid proviooa ara eplandid tha yltlil of whoal mkih nlui baa beeo wall op i j alio hlgbacl ipeotaliooa tale graphic tr porta from tweolyai poiata ia thin province at tbe beginning of tha week wore unanimously favorably urajtirrrit it id announced tjiet abba cherried who work bird or mjitnu obaol la manl- ullau haa acceeaod mrjiiauand ea french caibolid reprntanlatlia on tha adviaory school ijoard of tha 1rovicca thja appoint nmn t approved by iba ach- biahop of hi uonlfaoa ludjoatoa thai tba religion aulhorlllaa have agreed la tba tneaiitlma to aaaiet la carrying out jjduripr green wy beluemanl steyn is dewets prisoner tha soutu african war narrowlnp daily to smaller proportion tho utmlenjoni of revenue of canada fa tha tnontb of july tha first ot iba fldcal year ahowa a total of fj bogvso aa la araaaa of 7t gji ovrr tha bame- month of laat year tbd expenditure waa j g1b3 all locraaao of ugi c7 or a bat bellarroeal id finance amounting to 3l4 651 tha la craaea jn ravaano la common to all branch aw iba capital rapaoditura wad lw00d ad oomparod wllb fel74 000 in the tarna mouth of ikk oat back to lb laud la lb utctt advioo oltha philoaophar and uia adioa ia uood kamataa tha jjdulaiy tmtei x tt a mbet of toronto pooplo incladlutf aoa atret car toou lotaod to go to ko on taho and taka up farmtsg moat of tboao wbo bao daeidod to tnaks tb mora ar man wbohavokradaatadfrooi tb farm to thsdtyabd ondd tip la tb employ of tba railway oompaay it i aaid tbat a ilozaa am aboal taady to bo aoj bava docldad dpod tba temlaoajniagoa dutrlet u tba plaod wbara tby will atah their liuu oalooy qeohqetown oar laoroaaa boya left tba lytrala at ierkw laat friday tba aoor u t to u la favor of tba fargaa tbuuoa tba toault of tblsgama plaoea tb tbraa leatna wblob dompom tba district alika acb having von ita booa famm and loat fciariy frocd homa tnlwol ibu tba ct1r exacuiiva at iu taaaunji oa eiatortlay infint iotf ordorad llratnpum abd oaorgatowij to flay off at icra to morrow tba wisoar to play fargua at a udm and placa yet to ba namadf lirampton prafera to play on tba ground of tba oppoinj taata and tba tnatcb which promlaea to ba a el or jog cu0 toil be played bera dr hotxft will act ku referea ltaeva tlarber u boltdayliiif at 1ott carllo lid waa boma laat week to attend a toaalln of tba cooncll editor aud lira it d wirrw and chlljrea wont to uelroit laal wedtloeday to apood a weak thata tba oqnparu uivau aaeb wk by tha lujtimentaj baud ara enjoyed by oar oltlaeuu g ths lper raill smpjoyma will buld tliir aauual pjo uio la the tk od friday tba following eaujuateahavd pmaacd la tba judior loavmu examination bald raoautly at tba uitfb llcbool 1 5 ha j 1 mendeiaort a w ixjlfl maxmhll af q uocrp u mtllua oweda 1 auiubw k a doiaodi v it uolaod xlaalou t d uaodoron llama johuitoo iieuoedy laldkw w lu mullla a a madouald uolai 1 biu el air knuqbh nliootiatinq pofl h3 hafhtv i nmimim auj 15 rird olli reporla lo the war offloa andar data or pretoria aagaak 10 aa followa klloheoar repoti front tloboolplaalf altfbt mlleai tut of veatcredord ibal le wet blew ap thraa of bla own wafooa till ilrltial plaonra who eaoapad froro dweteoampatau thai mr brtlnit confined n i he oarnp nodar lanor tlal iewet waa forood to abaiidfq bla ammunition and ibiitr boreea act bay oonflrm tba repott that uatbaun captured one of dawat a gpo aad aha led the mala oonvoy eitectlvely leli jlamilkmi latere pb a ibat ba itopaa ulmkl lilaaowbaok to day with hie malt body uahooa moaiilad troop are pah lrta to the weeteracd anulhar report from ijnd iloberte of tba wn data aajra uothaaa aod kitoheaar uu follow ibg lowel and hiaya yaatirday laaobad mod dcrfontelo tea callcp malofvfitaradofp uethnau u la too oh wltb daweta ar buard f smith dorrien raport uult tba bbrop- brra raoaoljy marohad foiy thraa niilea la thirty two hoart and the city of london imperial volatile thirty atlas la ua hoarm boplag lo prevent uewet from aroaalntf tbo krnpwadorp iotaiieatrooro luilway yialaraoccqptloolirioflquuayw good efteol a field cornet aad one baadrod and alfbty two barghara of tba bland or too oomraando aarrandarad yaaterday to clary it reported that praaldeet kroger ra- cebtly aaked cooaal i iollu of tba ualtad iitataa at lorsnxo manjue if bla govern hunt woo11 grant biro lraaldaol kniar to aaylam in tba cooaalaia there bolil b tnada other arraiigemedu for bla depart art 1 real deal kramer aspreaeed fear oqocarit lo bla ireataiant by tba iortugaaea go rem meat aud w i abed to gaard aeaiaat kuy poealbla urituh andlag partica ur holtlaaaled for lima to oouaululiia ciotarnraeul aod xraaidaat knuiar aaaorrd him b would raoalva a waaka holloa ba ford patuajttba plau laloaxaoutloo lo oooaeijoanoa of bla vialt to the trend vaa and tba iraoamiaaioa of ireaidaot jxrufcararaqoaetto waahlnjrtoa mr mollt wan galled dowa aad raoaiaed inatmotiooa from searatary if ay not to leave fortajtuoa territory aaia board of education wltn economical burxrvlaldn th board will oat alontf with 2024 thla var tba lioard of troataaa of aatoa iablia school dui in regular awnthly aaaaioa laat wedoeaday evening uambara pra l molra chair matt ntbwaakhatner wxttkaooey aod jobo agoawf tba aatlmataa of reotlpla aud wxpendl tared for tba current year wera brought dowti aa followd aacaina uuololp juaeaatttkut jm0 laculatlva orabt ii i alwes are advancing that enamy damarallzaoi and flutl towards iakln whloavalllaa may iteacit tpday iiopeu fojt mlniotfchb hebcue rfnmk anul 12 the head if thi ooluma edvanoiakon iakln wlilali reaolivd lloeiwa on the road up ibn wnl bank of the rilxi on kridayhaa no dioll by tbla timr tfntnhedtunff haa eboul twaitty live mlled further on and ouly ivaua mile from i ok in iaia wrrluperiyj anil 1 th- mamttanl alur rirhiiii lbnpluln thai there if lnoraaiii ground vi hop that tbn miniaura will be rjwuci by the arrival of the ejlle at peki lu morrow thuruy u tba initial rata of pro rnlutalnrl ton on to deal with wbai wilt follfiw iho reeoue and aaye it may ba laktn for gratitad that thaf polioy attributed lo tb waablngton cabtrtnl rpranla the abao lute minimum uf the d la of the xu blnad tonmia i uism auuat iv tbachlureeuinia kr in thla capital cbiti cluula fatk fjub atlcka to ha nana and ia aa reeolutrly optlmuua 4 aver lf made ertolber talemeal yeeterdy in wbich ha rrttritad hid bonvjdliou that the ulnulera la lkirl weraaaf and poalflvely rid touted tbe idea that tbaj b1n joopardy aa tot iba report that lliinjl jleog iaa bronijht up gane and bomlarded tb itratiuua haaaya iblacanuot hatraa if it werw the 1 vffo bolldlaga wold have bean todbo to irulna m aa boar or two kansas uinter wheat ntan ont insf noaulta of taata at th rlo anrloultural collad ouolprt certain ton raaulle frnmgrowlny liu wheat on jl liferent farm iho writer rvornlly wont trt kr bhlrkx ttoe at llrltlieiort fcnd waa riven the namea of porthiiia ft id ing near uridgepcrt and ilarlla lin bad grown at loatt a low aorea of ho turkey i ltd alirat ihla rar bii fmwrra wrre allid upon and tba mliwlnk c llin re ptift mdo by raob t ouj- lihlrk t acrea ry rloli u c uullrlwtko1 it 1 ualm itar aire alxtul fll 11- ar inauuml buabat luctiard guloktallrai iraa bllud out llly in amu laal 111 tor very 11 auw rot ibllltf liiy at nalllualnt ylut 1 la uf 111 ailmla r acre ubaluui i jlo 11 3 3 m lte i liknl i ruly jla molto lualiala of 11 vulu wheat tu tit boo in 1h lo 1 u liar a eroi at olnvarati 1 la a ituwrmyarl man ura ro lanal batly jut 1 o rli ii 1 jml tubutbala wajjllitof fra in r 1 tora1 uajl el lite uiiujlil 1 mrj iu uanno iuminail3 a r4 olovaf ll ry teeak tliam imlritf atxnl f mi 1 alf dij i tola jlldofirlri tajlualala liu- rf our lloleai g u aoiub fulillm hlluia telylallsobualu tlr cheapest boots shoes for cash la inoj tba ontario agricultural collrge imported vlevan varietleaf wlntr wheat from kauaaa four from indiana one from iowa to thatarklahor turkiah lied tugardlng which wo hear bo rnoob at the preeent lluidwaa oila of tha valriatled lui ported that year and had 1 1 hire fur o been grown at tba college la each of tba pa i aeveo jeard v agalu imported froalt aead of lit turkey j ted variety in lftoo and aowod both tba canadian and iho weatera grown bead lit the autumn of that year tkd raaulta from tha two crop in 1u97 alrtitjy in favor of the canadian x vlumr jujxuta uplrt uutpllaa c iuuiet and duaouut coaliajtaueua u slfioto itfaoo uu wu at t5 nausaqaweya laal saturday morning about 0 oclock ur john haudaraou who ilwad for tnauy yeard on lbs town una belweeu n agawaya aiid ptiahuucb ucr corwbiu waa atruck by tl c v it lreli dud guolpb at 0 40 aud fatally luurad wuu tba euidad drlvr umtaaw bii bd wa- ly ing ou tba track about 8 titilad from tba guelpb elation wberalia lia alther gout to bleep or hid fallen ah tba train upproaaboj ba got partly up and apparent ly clear of tha ralld however tbd train wad olaokaoad but uu not ktopped laford tba titau waa blruok wbu picked bp ha waa lyiug iii tlia dllfib wltb bid left u cruahad from tn kuea dovrn and bid body brtllaad 111 differ ltltplaoed ua waavtakeu loqueipband 9jjco oj moved by ii bwaokbamer aeoonded by w iu kanoay thai tba aaumataa of raoelptd and aspandltuntd for tba oumil year ad above ba conflroied carried moved by w it keaoey aaooadad by johil agoew tbat thla hoard bad leatruaol with mocb graliooauoa of tha koarked buo- oead of tba pupild of oor bcbool at tbd racaol iliab bobool lntrattoo hxamtna hon wbiob watblnku axoaplioaat oon- aidaring tbat bvery tnembar of tha claw wrota at tba axauladlion and d bava pleantira in aipraaalngour appreciation of tba bttooaaafal affartd of our fhnainal mr t t- moord and tba ataff of leaobard ia tba aooompliahmaat of ibid raeall carried tba hoard than adjourned uitlqn by dr oenei ijitdaay wad kauiovad lo tba hoapiul wbotd ba tipirej lu lead than an ttioar tli ilcoaaaej wan 3a yard of ig and leaved a wife but no children ua baema lo bava been vary uuforlunatd lu rrgard lo broijeula having butforaj ood bldarably lu ou wum yeejd ago wbett a foimat wild wad killed aud ha wa borlooaly injurod bluiaelf irouj tha ffaola ot wblob iiiautally ha uaver hoatered entirely mr liandereou wa a bucooaaful farmer and wad tba owuar of a carta- j j00 aered i had beu away from boina all ulgbl aud lli kialgbbord wrt out looking for hlui when ilia acalddul occurred 0 h no i has placed oiiq of iba new idea furuaced lu ihlr bchool mad oomfurt noit winter id hullolpaud 0u day lul wadk wbiu mr uuucati mauibtur wim rluriiij boina from a jrl w llarliriontiiobo bav bid bora drop dead on tba rod fct ainkluiiou4 cor her nr k natch bull tbd oaoe of lie dth la tupujad to have lurrliur j w kluolt and dr buwart are enjoying a trip to fort william abd qaoitbta maria tba 01 via holiday avoureior to niagara fdluiadl wejriij uh aa itirgaly attended al anticipdlad by iba projeotorvj of the eaoaraiou a garden party under iba auaploae of tba vouagl uooity of tbd xi 1 church mabaawood will ba bald at tba veaideuoa of a 1 culabolni milloo ou friday aug 17ib geo iluma and job a irving bva pur chaaed a oar of turkey had winter vhl direct from kanau for acaj in ui hoareiicooipelllioddbtlbafeju milton catnd wllhln on fifth of a beoond of tialilg trenton tba win bard of tbd oral prlaa and who ara obaoaplood of tba world mlltou ran tba dldanaa k00 yardd and tuaild tha neoeeeary ooopiingi iii 0 beooodd trntoud record being 4fi beoooda mlllou tied wltb merriton for beoood prlit amrhaaabaaonaodadtoblrr oaaolstoturnt wtf and vlloi baourad ll by default amur wbild working in tb nsow at bid baru onaaftaruoou uatwaak mr jamaa ilaull ton olb una kduaalaa mi to tba 8or a dialaboaof tblruau feet and fractured hid brm bl tba elbow hnd otberwlea injury ad hltueelf 1 mlaa mclean ouj of tbd oldaat and uloet buooeaafdl leaohard od old public bobool buff baaaooepud a oaitiod in tba puuiobobool lidiuontod u w t at a eabury ofuoo tba follow i eg oaudldaud who wroltf lit tha raoatit junior loavlngaybbnlukllou bava uou uooaful v kdalby ijulo uoneb kawell lugalay iubiabaw mo ulmall i 3iiuil u itootl j taylor grown deed bat werw alnioel i jen ileal there being a dlfforanaa of lead than one peck in tba yield of grain per aorc the an nnal report of tba ontario agri culture college for ihvo glvea tba average of flva yaata reaalu of taetd with aacb of forty eight varieuaa in btrength of btraw weight of grain pof meaaared bualx1 and yiata of grain par acra il alao givaa tba comparatlva bardoeaa of the urein of aacb variety aa determined with an bppartu liar to one invented by frpf n a cobbtbf aaairalia- the laoulalad reaultd on pg li are followed by a teport of aboutloqorordd b deau ihttj ralillve bardneaa of tbd grain of the variatiea bare given ncludfng tba turkey lied tba daweoua golden chatt aod uia karly lud claweon lulher than recom- mend any ooa variety of wlnlar wheat for ontario iba college publiabed from lima lo tlma iba aat leault of practical ox perl men u and then bllowd ibooa in lore tod to maka their own aeleotio tha re oloaed wltlttba following ramarka tba varieties wblob tba fatuierd ara likely to grow era ihoaa which thy can uaually barvaat with tba leakt atnouul of labor and that will protlood the grsauat flnauola returna for their uwa and labor lu growing iba crop tha tequiremeuld of tha market however bhould ba cloaely watclioj aud lb alma bhoald be lo grow thoea varlatiad wblob will give tha beet redulu and at tha bauia tlma faruiah tbat quality of grain for which tbera la tbd grcateat demand a earoful atudy of tha raau of our ex peri kaautd with wlutar wboat will graally aid la thla beleotion work ia how being doua in tba ilkperltiienlal department with the object of improving tba let varlallaa cf winter wheat by mcaha of careful muo tlori aud oroaafertllikatloii tha colltga ilapoita ara prlnlad by lbs ontario depart moot of agriculture toronto out and ara dlatribuud from there lo all who apply for thorn in tba wiuler of ldod qfrom rs to 00 per oent of both tha djwaona golden chan and tba turkey ilul varutie wera wlnlar killed llolb varletliw bow avar catna through tha fallowing winter in good condition tha following ara tha avaraga raaulta of tb flald taatd for tin yeard of both iba i turkey had and tha dwsoum goldoii ohaff j u hhhrlrl aarea i ally wlutor klllwl in alula laal vdnler alia- e ilka t aria it will ba been from llin furegpliik ferioiu thai tbd renl i obtained from groli llin turkry ilwl variallee uf wheat in walall- county and at the onlartu agricultural xjollge ara blnular w have found from our exparluiaiilal work wltb winter wirt thai vary frruout ly beaton bad a m drill fjraior llilluence uiatl tha variety in dalermlnlag ihlnviahlr uf the grain for inalatico the weight r tneaanccl buahel uf the turkey lud wad i1j5 iu in uim kad ch r u in wj1 it will be remembered that in lltl7 ibera waa kii ezoepllonelly wot barveat and that a larga amount of wheat ihrouuhoul ontario wad aproutbd tbat yiar 1 utidnralanj thai tliera we a large eipoit trade from ontario of flour made from the wheat grown in iwtf btttl ibid tulgia have boma ihliig to do with iho tvpulallon of our flour in tba foreign market wiluu tha paat ten year a jool nuny varlelleeof winur wheat havo been dis tributed to farmer d throughout ontario who applied for ihom for lea ling apou tliolr own farma great care had heed taken 111 the jilrollonof tbe verulled for dlalribu iloja aod loma kind aucii aa tha donee avinlerflfe uulgarim or itemocrat lrlda of geueaea diamond qtlt elo have been aeut out owing to lb air quality rather titan their yuu of fcialii larmrrrhavii found hpwnvor that all varutlea would bell for about tha aama price per buahel aud thara- lora bavaipma llioaa blndw from which they nouli aeoura tha grvateat protlt heiioa the great popularity of tha daweona gold on chaff with the farmara of ontario tbo valeliealo be dlatribtlled thi year have again been carefully ail to ted and two aetd will bo boot free by mall to farmers applying for lie in who will carefully teat tlia ihrea klndalu fcaoh eel which they x ever offered in acton kennby brothers otihe dominion boot shoe store ihv 1670v ovi ihivc purtliicd the cntiie stock of boots and shoes hulhcrs slippers lite of gorec stovd fioot nnd shoe ip reliant mill street at a larjje reduction on the dollar j he whole stock has been removed to their store on main street and it novbeiny offered at prices lower than have ever before been riv n in actoni purchased a very heavy stock of fall and winter pood soiric time ao and m order to ittake room for it must clear out the entire stovcl stock within the next few weeks this tock is not inferior and old poods but is all new all of it having been received from the manufacturers within afi w months as we purchased thu stovel ttock iorpash wctnust lik all customrrsto pay cashfor the harpains now oftcred and considering the very low prices jit which we are offering this tock we feel that all will he satisfied to have the opportunity of xecuringsuch bargains for cash iltlu aibrrlirrmrnt3 piopcrly foi sale amjuiifcll l lmll mla tlll tioitrtj lurulfimiull a ly u hmiititktt aaloa klikeivaktuay s tha vi if t it tl- irmlw lis tin lor kilol liltflrji i k jliralktf alhiut ilia ml ot julie luur ruil- aul aw lmlrwatfi tijff1 tlia w i a a black h t i n oi of tli frunl ira lojuilt ri tvlilrli lijt q tlvlr rrmrr lit l 1111 ly ia 1i ty 4 wif v iwa1 kiiaui oh say nviiat why y htclik ll a cihhi arftuilly for ihiiwii krt i rwl auuil tut frulla lr iunr tk 1 11 i t iuhi lauh l i 1 iuha1 rtll y all l b h w lhlui f 1auaaoury ra b rr alllun t ulr i1uitii ii lrkliit lt u llalnlluil ontail custom saork i7xt-ch- repairing mr sin vti 1 a lata cusloinoro in tlicirpuichiict jioiu ui a cordially invjled lo in ike in fuiuro theao branohaa will aa uiual rarjalva vary prompt pdraonel attantlon tukned woiik a speclaltv kennby bros in b ftluk u thn farm tut i u till pouoenldn i hilali n ulng iu aerae ki olaaxt at i jn t alala nf cilllua lion idwihiuulu ivbciimimki luali i rl li aballaaliroarfi cum lltluii walr tillful a otl auuveateut imil llucv cwi iuiiivanl0 t aelieola an1 eliuicliadj 1 lulled ruin o t iu tuun for tanna k ply tu 1 alii kkkwldv mniehouij qui chooea and will report iba reuue aft barveat next year tha aeed will ha bant jutiothaorcur ia wblob t ara received ba long aa lha aupply uata hdrl aafu daaaou a iodaii cliarf dawaou ooiju chaff trly dh olaut turkay had utawavtachaiuiiioulud dlunond lrll kach wrou wlahlntt ooa of thoaa aeta bhould bp ly aefty bdpoaaibla mantloii ing which ait ha dinlrea and ilia grain with inatruoiloui for tcatlug aud tha blank foiun ooaiieh to rporl willba foanrehod frea of coat lo bla addraia until tha aupply of griu tor dulributiod lu exhaualod much addltioual information rgnllug iho value or tha turkay iudatlotor- whut for outirio will undoubudly ha seourad uila year not only will it bo ttbled in lha oo operatlva experlmatita throughout tbo province but aa eeveral miliars ara import lug aaad from ksuaib an opportunity will ba afforded tba fermtra af weatarn ontario lo row r in targa riuanlltlea and hie mil lord can than jrlnil tba varlely by luelf ard thua bj bettar enabled to deter mlna ua valua for both lha boma and tlto forego trail ilia raully will ho walchrd with inlaraat by both tbo mlllera and iba frmara 0 a i ontario agrioultual coltrjr ouolph aujj iqiu 1000 2iaa all our mens and boys watches hove pjtlngles new invention foe keeping 0umirt it makes a perfectly dust proof case out of the ordinary case which ia never dust proof when first bought by the watchmaker the prices of our watches arc- 5 57 w 5l2 li and up rringle ghfls h nelies 1 cuelph i till dig nookstohi g july moo g wall lallk window bhadko i100si mouldings bloutinu aoodb cnildiicn a caitniannii go cautu tni latl8t j100kb at lowaut prlcim j d mokul i our ftant in aoton ge lilm or writa lo u for jirlo chas l melles txi1ii1iy illwaom s ukjj uolukmcuai hardy hardy woai tluoug 1 ija ioi ilaardd i laid july 17 july lu lllfltit umo lud wlilu boti lha aylhma beat and long drfv tha loai id b beavy onu mr john mckimuui lot a flua boiea a abort time ago w it dutl lu lha atalla during lha nlutil from an unknown caula mra it ii wiuii and id nf arimda m li ara veiling relallvea at unalubbull juv mr clark of tha neg circuit l laid up with typhoid fvr luv george ki lulling aou of mr john k i loll log corwiilu who id jmiue ruiil tba waal voaupldd lha pulpit tot mr clarka laat buoday w u tlid blrleketl ptor tiiayaoou be arouud ayu ciliiwuonti coiinum thabavaetuirwtirba about oomputvd thld iteclloii thla week 3ulubualhuuulidluv tl w huiun proaohad oud of iba beet armonn ba bad da vored held bluod oomlng oil til id olroult naxtuabbalhmril riauoy will jutva r client uf ibeeervlod bera v lha mldaed moknav at torpulo lata of ireland a vultlug ibelr oouaiu mr it uniwfjtjr oi tliladaoeu mudij uoop of jloruly apnl aeveraldayd at mr n 1orua laat tk mr aud ut heaver of lwl huron awnt lat monday at mr john murray a luialive bardoad blrwiblli of straw t of crop lucbu ha salurdofbaad- dau at maturity amount of llutt color of uralu wijlil of cralu ir iaaaur1 bualial i lit 01 0 cdj 1u1j of ttraw iwrairj tona ftfl sl vlald of eralu paracra biuli wlu 1j ul liiacollrfta luporl for ltlj8 illw that iba grain of tba turkey hod waa harder ibau that of any other varuly in tba crop of ihou aud that tlia grain of iho turkay lied and iba trldaof gaiioesd waa i ha hard bat of lha variellee mentioned for ulutl to aa a aofter wheat and tba laily iud olawdou aa being uia aoful of tba red varialled mr lloborl ilaroourt of tba 0huiical i of tlia collatf bau been dolug bomd work wflhiu tba pal two yaara id nalarmlulrig tba gluteu oaulaliied and lha braaj yielding power ufwotildofj tba varieties of wluur wheel grown iu ouurlo aud aa lha work continued tbd rd bull ard becoming of luoraaaed veil mad uf long axttalieuoain luudllugwhbdt differ greatly lu their judgment fit lb daweojia qoldan cbalf muly will in tba pal week tha writer invited leading lilllurduraunlpb gait 1retoli llerllu and jlridport to pd judgement upon tba ooirtparatlvd valua of two varlatiaa of winter wheat for milling purpoa tbaaa wu tba kiwmmy ooldau cbiff ajid iba tread will both of whloh waro grown at tha oollaga lbitt yaay lha judaiiiaula wera iaddmiarml7tyaud rulia1ilj llilth of llidiiilluraaalecuiig lha iawoud gul tin a oabla from ohanglial annouuoed tbe arrival ultra of llin wgh china inenibord of tba malhodlat missionary hoclrty all tba reprtadntallvas of that ddiioininaliou lu china ara blievrd to be in aafatyi ex oepl lha eighteen in pekia uuvy looaena aa many louuuaa ae admfr at ion frdezaa iviv uilxjcu outi all bniise burm and atauih taken internally it ouraa diarrhoea aud dyaaotary avoid bubaltuta tbira la hut one pain killer lrrydavu 25a aud wj mbu babu inodiotira enouuh oaii nrrlva u any thing dyhplpaia and hcapachii n fildorly lady tottttof llor curo throuuh thw una of dr wil liams pink pihe aftor a score of othar itomodloa had falud dypp4ia rauaea mora fjauulne dlatrrsi than moat diiuiiiea that afuiot mankind in thli country from ono cauae or another iu viotlfiib ara uumharad by tho hurdradu of thouaanila and llioaa aflliolod alwaya feel tirej worn out and mlearable and ara aubjeel to ilia of mirlanolioly or ill totnpar lthjiuxapnimiilc4iiii itia-obkmihai- jpavlns ringbones splints curbs nnd all forma of larnonodjei yield to hthytaa all ft i ijwu u luh t aii iy n iwa lualla illl uublamvjtral lyhmhtlhllhnluwulml lux hl uwm hi ub1jhk rni ltklialkh llwf llda nowiill itimk laal i i u 1 1 i ii rrullr al l- u uitlniir i la 10 ttrvt iniltara wbttl chaff aa iba beat and he oilier lhra aelactlnij ilia 1 rad well aa tba mai tlia tratdwall atmpu muat lifvj baea a good rapruaantatlvu of tba ol i tuna traajwal whl an mr 11 3 currvtf iraaton who baa baii in iba milling buaj i ijaaj fur mauy ra aiu ud ibat ba ugvar uf uw k uilr m wheal tin goilu llroa uf giulpb oouaidered ll to be ofjenlra od fjualliy aud lu lol ihd vary ul of tha j varutita of wbltd whrata tirnwu kt tbd collvga ibid year lurou llbeaell of killowey i olilfl liilhdauluiiiuol ihjt mr lmr llldrk jiiatioanfugund itui vrlday muiuliig iif walaelou cowul luiporled a o- load of ouerallou perform wl of lha lutkay lutl varbty of wniur tea all uf i iu dy befoteby dr laleut lika tba otit bohibi two geiiarallund deauty ida veil thai ult aervtto hide j front a fiahtrld disorder and fn many luierfactiuud i lii tbe eltmiacii llakiiu huad kipd i who hail ipeu iii for a ik lit a follulghl 11 li variously tejurtr1 ui have ulf whal in til kaiiaud but aa lha wheal ii not reach ontario until very wtw only biiiall amount wa aovru thateuluilni bomrwiiml jrivr uinunt bowowur w bowrl lu iliu fjifdf iuuu in nrir ion lkid r functionf muat ba properly uourjaboil and tbld cannot ba dono when tbo food la 4m properly dlgtatod tlioaa who eliffar from ludluaallon should axerolaa oare aa to diet il ouly bially dlgaatad food a khoulj ba jakoii jlul mora than tbu ia required iba blood iiaedd atlaiitlon u orduflhat tha blouiaoh may ua a i ran y tba tied and tha moratloti of ba gaalrlo julora properly aarrled ou tliera ia no other medlalua offered tha pull la ibat will act to promptly aiul effectively aa dr willfama 1lnk 1mu l of thla jd given iu lha tiaaa of mru y x poddrldrdrtlt llauvar quo in oou voraatiou wluia reporter mr doddridge said korqulu a nuiubar of yoara i bava ban a tarribla auffor from dyspipjla aeotpanlj by tha alak headai alinoit invariably oome with thla trouble i auffarad from lerriblt palaa in iho joillulluioallpiliudbelahluguind all food bfiimsil to diiagrfo with mr and aa a rtault of the iroublr i waa vary mtuii run down and al time i waa unable to jo even llglil i ion aa work i am itira i trlod eoora of llkfoteul ihedfolliejl bllt ultllout buuaaah and aa i em sixty ejye of alr i had ooma to lulluva that it waa hpoloau to cfpdol a ou- a friu nd who had uaed dr william 1luk ill la wlih gtwwl rvaullu urjd ma lo jrajwll irlhianiaillcijiicj ami my ijuuaiid brought- hlui ami jff uuiii a oou pie of boie a llifora ll ay w linlilied i felt iniioli baler aud wa llieu gol aitothar half dojan boiteu and thoia bava ooiiij aluly reatorrd my lioallli anil i not only fr bltir than i bavd dune fur yar hut afllually ful youugii t very nbwrfumy rocommnl lir willlanw 1iuk 1illa lowiimurauffirnrd lr jour ilvalor ihted not kp llusi pill lity will lj i4i poatpald al fo oiutd a bon or am iniiri fur j drt by addruaaluu r wtl medhiue d iimkik out lhk-k- isrri ths jbu8ibr- cublph 4 t blecntlcblghtskrvick- alr elllrana wlio are oniiii letting ullliijj in iwtrld llfill in tlilr realdi i t llaoea of iualnoe aia t 1uh lo tlia uimr nrdwa for luatallallua al oir bo that lint talr luxate may ueeouitdatod lxjovs tl miotic ian tu mnieticoa um tin rnluii arvlo or taue and all aiuiulara call utg j il i taims uialrniau irjijiill fjnnlll acton civic holiday plroolpctuttttlon whlltrail it had been the oualnnl f r luauy veaih uraet apart a day for civie holiday aad whread luany eltlaaoa have aatieamil a lean utat tlie noauioi be obeervod ulu year i barely proclaim mohday 20th auaubt e wltb a larsaly afffo 1 pul and wnold reepeeuully aqui a would observe ihaeain t uialairdtl j ll 1 f tuwjv dllk albert co belijevtm ont open to bolh kin cge herd questlons i iloquirlng bat aolullona ara beat aludlnl and moat easily aolvod in ilia light of our block any man from a a well dreuer down lo tho plainest clliien can lop himself in ihd pink of faalilon and o tlm acrrto of utlfax lion with our aid price likcw figum largely in uio mailer hul our aiso figure amall and ara worth studying straw hats from 35c to f 1 35 hard and soft idlt nowca tip lo dale from i tofj 00 one price only r e nelson cuelph merchant tailor and mens furnisher 4- 4- 4-4-4- 4- aw ymir iruualt r ujh uavld om iu ui v i tuiait eauriny luoutita run vr in franco tha horror nf crlmo j fcitf tliawu nrkhlev aaluy lo tlia medloal profaaalou a oelnaga oftau mora otaeiitlal tbojalll jvvy1h kiwav uggr oai ummo imkhk k3 kind or mih oh bui lrml ox nitlll nar rn kiluwiu iq tti look out roh imitation aho u0 t 8titutc0 tiim otnuihb bottlh t dlfaha tim nauu ttl pihry davis bom saasa tlie s m jl toss illilwuiluhiuiujluulluuillilliumimiuk b3ck13rv j c ltatjjucw jroprje tor irthv 3tkb during iba jc hia upilior ulicn ymmn a nico awhiuiiilnttbnjinil jutid ji mutlbew u a hoicotilof i mil and t niifocllonrry always licnl itibiucl ico cream iii hula ilcllvoretl 10 my turl uf lown jk per ijuart a family papbb eanpapj11b a newsy paper iriiita all iho local ncwsflmitought to bo published is yoult advertisement in jjlk piibe press saw and hpeelal keaturea for 4uo100i iluliolfuk rnnrutoo le bo being itlaile to llxlit the tdllrtlbeuirauaioijty oleculcily mtraic brntrtfciiftlt or aplaoji 1 oloe baa hen exuad to tbe atalt during the year jfclocutlom jl ermdaata ot tbe lhloil hehool of oratory alao poearaduate of lb new york hehnol of kipfeaaioo had b eoaaaad ad realdaut taaeher o illooulloo aud pliyaleel culture tioukhtiobclkjckan eitwrleuoxl kpee lajut will liave ebatire of 111 la nar daiwrlniaut cxju u ullci ku- to epeolallau una ulng aa eipert ttmeti will devote tlielr entire time to uila work kflbaiohauy couiuib th- itumtud alody of ulaelooajry i jtaratura and tbe uofilub lublg wnibfl undaitaaiui uiuiat dlrbotlaa ol tbe will luvu wadoeeday bept ob 1000 vot elfouur add read v principal dyer dd dollavllt nrll i kfooiie ifaiuberof uelkard aatoo ont removal to lorger premises mrs j- adams wbu far nitean yeara baa tocupld be prsettlireulaed with liar ahoctnv provision and conpkctioneny buslnbbs had fouu 1 it dealral t owing to lnoriiorf bua iuaad aud larce atoek lo utcve la lajtr rtilt4 willi greater eouvauleuoaa aud baa rutauallt ly laaawltlie rdebriek auua oprwelw amiadi total lowliloli baratoek la ttowbalua removal urd aitaina ilealred to uuuik hkr luauy eualo mra and frlanda tor uiolr cenrou aiil inral ptnaaa durlag ui neat tul laald oouil uut utat every tut of tbeu will cootluue llilr tavorela tbeliaw preiulaed where all will ue alila to barve uiaai hettar than lu the- prat lly atitet pereoual aluntlon to boaluaul alii iiouaet dealing with earyeuatoiuari adauu led that altd dab boe tat ooutlnued euimaad ptoeh suaaonablo appatlxlng oooddtat loweat living pnlpaa will ttlwaya ba her aim mrs j adams agnaw b 11 lick main si acion a pleasing pfistograph coiu and vlult our icr cltlsam lawn imi1ici1i1i dilo ium1 1h 1 jj s j 1 uo 1ul jlujt 1 100 wbuanuituu iniutbaluullii globe optical co d3 yonpo streot toronto ilbacripmctolo-tlie-end-of- the year for thirty cents sec jounclf oj otlicra ua you but let ua protein you at your heal our uork u commanded nol olono for tha artutic metlis hill for tbo excel lence and accuntltmess of our liuenecuit wlidt a a pre my plclum and it loolaa ni y lion h hkwshhm photo jtrtldlt kcton i r spicos mack rxwxu h2mokaudswtti wjlttk uujtj iid shmjj uillsj jcxjitjc 1 v xilxkdsjicxl all ba abuva whula t irninul sea t ur nlimiiiituly puto v plfoa in air ii lln cans which knip coniiiiia jn jkrfect- comlllliiu a t brovn ohamut iuu nutloiw acton children cry fbv castqria t etf

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