Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1900, p. 4

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thin lots of people nave thin hair per haps their parents had thin hair per- haps lliclr children have thin hair but this docs not inarc it necessary for them to have thin i hair hair visor makes the hair healthy and vigorous makes it row thick and lonr it cures dan druff also jt always restores i 9 color to pray hair ai all the dark rich color i of early life there is 4 no longer need of i your looking old be- fore your time tl00 belli all dru a b rmrily tttr murlbv rptor wl ii llr i ulwr ayr uir l i ai t t fciul 1 h klwmn fltcn l to jirftwt uitufaclua la mmfs ttowr jv f v f u ii i y uak on n 1 tlp rr jtob fqat lilt btlu ll lwnflla ft i lr lt u- of lb iii h lluatuf twil it of- j c ayki1 uwl kua u nj trv u lnllhmu in all ijuarter of lh island ti1u11hday august 101b 1000 htoung jfouus ruuli aiux tlm wo u leub with you v and you wh aloue till juiij ul hiui itiuat borrow lu ullrlh it but uruul 1m anotlgll of it owtt hlntf hj the hill will iuiit tjlli imatatiut jr t th ecbeoe bound la e joyful oubd hut shrink too vololoif ho ikl hjjj friend ma id my lla sad and yotl loea theia ell tlier ut tiaae la decline yoor nourad win llul aloua you muit drluk ufa tall tlird in room in lb bajl of plau vor a lontf ioj lordly train uutoualytunwanma tmjjuih j through ttia harrow aialaa of pain fmat ld your hall ur crowdad kaat and tbe world tfo by 1 fiuoool tuid live twill help you live hut no one cu leli you did lujolod aud inaii will sk you clrwv and lurtt and no tiuy wut full liiaaauro of all your leaaura uut they do uot waul your woi col join a joya it wa onl ice iron mill are hut plaoea to work in- bat ibo moii bava iota njnn with all i hair bard math eald retired iron man to star raporlor rurdij i the oilier day i look a walk throtjpli error a i mllia or in cnnalpta that i am iflteraaiad in aa i wu golnff lbrotifi ona tt i ho iiiwriiitendeiila aakod mo o wait and a huln tun i 111 o h i wilt t i j on about it a now fnau h wi u wofk that intif nil it an ijlbajnini wiro about lt id lllto lr lrtn hi ruj-t-rlr- of lb huap neaa vou kuow u i uo wiim ttial i ho roan atrip tbalf bod lea to an uodarablrt whan ibo trip lnmidtr ooma down bay prodooa myrjatla ol aparka wbloli tho man try id avoid tbo naw oomr bad baan 11 that bo waa lt datjuer o lxlttj aerloutly buroccl and lllal if ba frit apafk ay wbare about iiim the only way atiro i uf jttlplnfl bitn aclf wari to jump into a bl lal jrf watar wbloli hood a faw feat away iloally oil of tile bitf trip barunibm oartiadowu wllli urat fore and aa it did ao oiia of ilia tnan anoakad up bablud h ct woo friar and droned a amhpioa of loe jowu bta back you naaar aaw aiiob avjolrmlng aod aaouy in jour ufa tblnklutfof vbat id ut luld him ba took a run abd a jump headlong lulo fia val of water tb4 tnen tatbftad aioumlhlm aliil lalkad of an ambulaiior but be aoon found ba waa a vlolliti of a joka walilnntou if beyond his oomphehbnbion an indlaiid raapoct for worn on inoreaaaa a boiidrodfoltl after ha vlnl to kiinund hut ba flnda it dlffloult totuonolln bltralf to the lo beaked dreaa wbiob aoouly loi toaoa upon women nor uoe be undartaiitl tbeethloaof an llofllih dauoe whlcb af forda a friend or atraner an onportunlty to plao bla arm around bo walat of a fair lady who bappana to be the wife uf another and be fluda oeltber rbyme nor reaion id tbe vulo of aoolety wbiob wbllt permit tlntf a laxly to drink wltb mala frlenda denlee bar tbe prlelae of amoklntf above all tbe indian ha a horror of llie baw womah ubo baa bean iery properly tlaa orlbcd ae tbe tblrd a ulttdo in fnitvrf aupa ue cahhitm piqeons in hnqland ftules for camp fireb tb ontario uoeornment bai mof out rnae to aampera and to atmpinfr plajaee tn ordarthal grvatereare may bo ukeo with area tja rule are ai follow neertmd a ore wbrrn lie uiixa can oommanloate to kraa or buib or brmiwbea never boilda fire wber ilia aparveoan ha carrfod tpjjbali treoa laava or tiraae navebuld a fire wltbotil ilollii the lay of the- lead wild rrapoct to rxinirollltim it atieritlkfndloj never luave oamp fur a day layln tb are to burn unellondid tcitlufuiii ft thoroughly under no olroumatauoee wheii movlnu omp leave the fire to burn or to amouldo lut il out to aitlnnuleh lira built upon tbe groaiid where tbare a turf or the rooie of tree pour water upon is uirl wo irouml a tborouubly aoaki tnerf dlfl around about and wtll outalde tbe olrauriferanoe tlirowlnu thoeecrth toward lie turn lor ami than wet it down again maflk twains politeness atnodjj tb auaodlra told abopt mark twain la tba foltowlnd appearing in a nqlgbuora yard one even inic dorinic a lawn party twain aabl taklnit off bla bat my name la olomene my wifo ajid i arn your oalrbbora wo have been ftianfliti to rail and mail epot r not bavliik doii ao tforc ihi i bad your pardon for inuu liujf tin you in tlla informal mamir aktbl time t f lay but jour bnuatr u oti llru i rrmtih rrif ilundroda havoija latty illli bv illfled i tbem t llie old tbe man who think dial be call along labia religious ufa without cburab ueed to be dootorod for aelfc oelt llie lirlgbaal flowanl inuat fade bqt young uvea eudaygerad by aevere cough and col u my y prearve by tr ibomaa iolfftrlo oil group whooping oougb bronoblti hi abort all affocllonm of tbe tbroai a ml lungi ars rallevad by tbu alert mg preparation wbloli alao remedlea rbaumatlo palua aora brulaea pita kidtiry dlflldulty id u moal eoonomio iboiiulimoddir of the rlgllu of olber it tbo diral raittilt ot uatfiah oaeruaju in tbe purauit or our own aim keep the bead tool and the bowol oiien i loualbla kilvloa to follow during tbo warm woalhnr if the bowel la uot move regularly olioe a day uie iixa ijlver till ibeflra eaay to tak and do not hrlpa weaken or blokou price loo of ayelometla tranamlaalon of metjjo at lha cry lai palaoa a pigeon peal baa bean established and it le aald to ba work lug perfectly numeroo oluba have sprang up wbiob carry on ragolar oororridnloatiorj with ooiitloeatal polnta by mean of than poatraefl of the air it u thought that linglanda trained plgeona wlllbelmbnauae ly valoablo to the country a the event of war it le recalled tl at ona of lord iloth ebllde plgeoos brought to kngland tha first caw of the battla of waterloo and that large um wu to add of arjob bird x coring tb beige of xaria misquotations a wrllur in tba pdll unit gaulle hu bioil making a collection of common tale quotation the hat la a loytf one and to hlargd number fif people wha pride theni- olva on thel a lock of quotations will oome a aomelblug of a abook in kous oaaoa ilia mleaotatlou swem prefermbu to tha correct mmlartag the following are aoma of tbo moat ooumon did miarjuota hon i tiuou drat aa follow charity oovorvtb a toulhtud of sltia turr charity ah ill oovor tha uiultituda of bin a a little knowlanfge i a dangarou tblug for a little laarnlug la dangeroh tbluk r make awuratioa doubly ior for ilako as nraiioe double bare lallelh u tbo uetitld dew for drop aa lh gentle train liia man thai jialb no mualo in hi boul for iba inau thai hath no mualo in tiloiielf frealmflflldsiibd palluri uewfor vraah wood and pjture uaw tba e vaii unour of their way for 1 iba uoul4 tduour of their way doeal your head aobet ka a pally doa your back ache t 1ako a xalty doea your aide aobet lake a petty and do not laka any other a tugging gale and a door that atloka coa la mora to uu iban it doe to fix travellers headache aire qaiokly ro 1 laved by mllbdrna klarllng headache powder tbeytlo dot upaal ths btomaoh or weaken tha heart prise loculd 2so at all dealer or by mall tbe t uubui oo limited toronto oat if you are a dyspeptic take potty if yoor baok ache lake pally if your head acha laka potty if you are imrtoiji tike polly if you are woak lake iiuy pjilys will mako lha alol well when a man baa no reaoarcn of char aoter with in hlniaalf you caunol permau enlly prop bltn up from tile out id castoria for infanta tad children tutu ttaju ututam p ext- of xk tho oldest simplest safest and bcit remedy for tio relief anil cure of dlarrhma dysentery cramps colic cholera cholora morbys cholera infantum summer com plaint canker or tho mouth or stomach and all fluxes of tho bmvd3 of infants or adults ilofuso ipiltutiona many of which uro highly ddiieroud just foft pun a ditlingulsbed loeturar ottco latcl m etory of an engagement ho had mada to deliver- a dlaoouraa on tho auvjocl jt tbe beacon light of olvillaalton i reaohrd tbo plaor bo ald a little bohlnd time and went directly to the ball a largn audience bad aaaaniblix i waa iulnxiuoed in dun form by j ho piiuidrut lha lllorary eociaty undrr whose agaplrc i waa td appear and laying rny jnanuoii i on ibo dah befom mo i niwrveil l and walto a momeiil for tbo ar ptajan sub aide imaglue my horror when i found 1 bad accidentally brtiuijil lb wfou irotrfro one on ibo wondera of modern rloctiloal bsianoe i what did ou do j aaked bns of tbi troup to whom ho waa narrating iba in udl t want right ebead oeilidn t kuotf tbe b rrplld tb illffereiire lbeooloro orator i rcdoink doulaaa iu hie uoture on ofobir ilruwu uel lo h t tlie follawing etory wbloli wbl illustrate lincoln rwaily wit and firm belief in tba diaajlty of man tbo president waa black atilng bie boot one day when a number of forojgn dlplomkti were oneipeotadly other ed in una uf thorn eeelug i ineolua ocou patlun aalilralber auoeringly mr preal deut iu tbe countries wo rojireaent our clllaf rkeoullvo o not blacken their own boot a i that eo 7 sail tdncplu looking up with ftpilreutsurprlibuid inlorcl whoafl tool do they black t clod i actually ami aotlvrly preaeul la human life to day a ha wae whjo he oon- verawl with abraham jaaao and jacob or revealod hi will to tile hebrew prop el ilegyarjl yallow oil ctiroaipeii in iiiab or beast for sprain out brulaoe callou lump swelling lultamallou rbou iiiktlam and neuralgia it i a pcia do not lako the ural a up iu bin thai i ilia step fraught with greatest danger when that in takwn tha aubaarjueul onei will hlmot naturally follow the tompta lion to take tha first la oaaleil lo rcalel if rnalated than you liave tbo victory whero otbefaii lbera dr petty pill nrovd their power to our the aalf sallaflad and self rlghteou ii cu off all bla beat onportunltle for growth and improvement dr pally never fall to gle relief and ey oura if glvuu mi lionent trial vina bhavlng from aolt plu wood nuke pfeaaant pillow they have apeclal our tlve virtaa for ooaghabd lung iroublo it may bo only a trlfllug oold but neg lect it and it will f ten it fang in your long and you will aooa be carried lo au untlmalj grav iu hi ooantry w have andderi change and iriuat expeot to havd oougb and cold we cannot avoid them but w cad affect a oar by uejug liiokle anil cooanmptlv fjyrup tbe medicine thai ha never ben known lo fill in ourlng oougb cold brodcbltl and all affeo lion of thai throat tang and sheet next to the ploaatiro of eolmlrlug lha woman we ioe i that of aaing her admired by olber there ar two kinds of ajiuuoaiibe i loot and tb ulkiliva bltenl bllllnea u aupporlahlo aujtloui mother find dr low worm byrup tb beat medicine to vpel wormv children like it wormi donl imilh ha thu little pri of ootitaul wbiob give a rich flavor to everything hb never apeuda her tlms ffollliig ovor thing aba doe not bavo olid enjoj what ah ha dont you with you war ilug lo the aeaahor asked mararel t x would ilk it aald ldilh but im glad im going to graudpa i alwaya bava igood time tbr wouldut vou like to havo a new dree hkafarye7baid jeaalu ye but i ilka mine just a well waa tb aniwoj a kawlly utclldn ur d william goojorhim p o oat write i bava uad ilagyard a yallow oil for buru aoalj apraini and brulaea aod it haa always glvan sallsfac tloa it u a apundld family maillclua it cau b put to ao my illffertut u price so how ia it you ru audi agroal worker 7 baked tbe graaahopimr 1 1 llecauaa i lov work uald the buy bo i oouldnt b happy without it iji faol you have noticed when my hualaat itaaaou 1011 im in clover they adverliid rhaininlvo im iftdiately thby were crfarsd to tha public parmelw vegetabl pill became popular becauae of tbo good rojkort they made for themaelve that rptalon hu grown and tby now rank among tba grt tned lalue for uo iu allacks of dyspepal aud billouaneu complaint of lba llvor and klduoya rbaumalum favar and aguo tbo innumerable oomnmcattopw o which mr kllol kbveradear dear i i can i imagine wbak i tho matter wtb tho piali uvey note itrlke out of luna mary jane lie lbat the plmiar mum 7 mr m vi mary jan why i iougbl it wu tho aaf an i put tbo mrat aud vrgatahle in it iu morn in c- titaao bilmeute give rise diaa i uf action may bo tba spur to aol -fiss- z2 ail6urns heartnerve pills saved u a col poo mr ilobdrt macdougall one of lha maeoroloilits at lun hevi obwrvatory had a moat txcltlutf mperlanod when climbing that mouutaln lba other day iii only com pa mon jn aoant wag a colli dog lo whom ud eay ha owe hi uf wboi manoeuvring on a auow alida about on thousand fmt abova half way station mr maodougall lol bla footlug aud a lb nrfo of tb athm wtnrjxodibtiharox ho wa boon being whirled down a gully at an alarming po aomtllma head for iiioal at other tb roverae it wa at thi junolura that tha dog aagaolty cam in a toon a ur maodougell began to alula it oamjil hi coat with it ttbaml g ly impodod tbo downward progroe ibe dog ultimately kuumi him lo a plao of aafoiy aflar tbo twain bad slid down tansy leave spread freely among wool an and furu are a protection against moth cough and cold that othar raniadtui aeeui powarlaa to rollava ar promptly cured by dr wood norway pin byrup try it and it will oouvlno you of iu eftlatoy by ourlng you prloa 2to a man muil ba a poor creature whau you tan mcaaura hi worth to tha world in dollar aud caul juitiha thing that wauled a pill that act upon iba nloinaob and yat i uo compounded that oertalu ingradlants of it preaarv ibalr power to act upon tha lulut inal cauau ao a t3 clear tham of exorela th retention of whloli cm not but b hurtful wa longjookad for by tha medical profeadoii it waa foam in parmelcoi voglabla pill which ar tba reaull of tuuoli enpart study and are acuuti finally prepared ai a laxative and alietativa in qua thu snow for nearly oua thouaaud f hlraiia to ay neither bbwrvdr nor do wa iiiiiah hurt aud tb former breaking oii be door of lha half way but lit a br ifuii bii wau found by aaaroh lrty half aslwii wllb lha iig watohlug over hlni i jj 1 in u wall organ man patulous boru in tli brain alway aurviva lho4a that toliiauttlu from tha heart city coualu i aaa tba fajm bouaa no it to tbl y oloaed why i thai i itural luutlva mr hayfork who live tbar hahgoupto iboftaaildd for tha mm ta-v- blaaya if a cbaarar lhau atayla on tba farm and faodia city rtutlvai a ibvabrtjytaklnirijne of billborrr burllng headache powdar 1 powdr fi 11 for 10 o 10 for jao languid children arc sick children their inactivity and boher faccii rc not in keeping with tohiitthildhood they lack vitality iml icimvc power and aic very siisceptihlc to colds and contagioilsdibcaic bring nov life to uch chil dren it cntichcft the blood it restores health und activ ity it gives vigor and vitality to mind mid hocty j ii ii lual cfi i lkwm hli lutuaaa what do you think of tbla ooulrovarey a lo whlhar marriage i a fallur ha aakad for want of oiiiathiujf ale to aay i dont know anything about it aba rplud but aha added bajtily i alwayi wa fond of experiment a ati all roundfamily ramudy otie lhal always should b in the hoilad for an margnoy dr pally pjl dtaoouul any thing in lba market tbayarao small a el ild can tak them with aau yav one a do without lutelugtioe lha uoblaal vlrluaa hav be tad of mischief iu lhm mra worm uerflrhi ur win aralmm uhapnardloii out write i have u my hoy dr lowa worm byrup wild llnd ii au oxolltl worm miiciue it nlo iq tak and do nijt make tha child elok prlo j5c tha uia of doubtful malhod to get around a difficulty la aura lo cause more trouble ihku it cures ask your dniigial for pattyj pills be batn t got lliem wrila ua enoloi log tho price co oants and wo will supply jou bblrking duty dot nol rid jou of tha obllgatfou lo prf6rm it hb mtrlthfbdijinilur litajr l baurad hf oaraul aililua lite prtwr tltcauo bahlerema we bi blo lt moiiay jaitwituiilumt but wwkapabam yrww lafaaaiaealta ptllyj pill aratimall nier ulta bul ou ia a dtw bud evar due unuulii jbr are no blank to worry ovar what you can help 1 only leee fool lull lhau lo worry ovar what you cannot brlp iii fitting boo la and shoe causa coin hollowaya corn cure i the artloal to use gtl a boll o at ouoa anil oure your oorciu oive jour term aredlt for furoiihing you a boma rmil fraeau 1 for a thousand and one nacirttj and luxurlra which you wmil i have tn pay ub fur in a town ullburn heart and mcrv pill rw juatwliatevdry waak iitfrvont rundown unman needa lo make bur at mug- and thoycura thoan nmlmrj of aniolherinj and aliiklnir lat como on at tunes mnkn hid inart wt strong ant regular give sweat rdrrevliinif altep pnd banish lioad aches aud uervoiumcbi they iiiftue nw life and eurty ipto diupiriid licallh abat teret women who have come lo hunk thcra it no ciirfl for llnm head ho word ol encourajement id una let lur from mrs thou sdiumar chf ion new london p l i lastfill i wan ur a lry senou con- dihoit suirinnp froin ntrvoutness and w akuei i i iot o i ul nt taut that i oiuld hardl moii round ftnil despurrd if ever llllinc wtll srrmr miibiirn a hudrt and nunrt imuiiiihly riuimuiciidcu for such condition i purclmicd a box lleforo i bad t iken half ol it i could not ico nn improvement m my condition nnd whim i had used two boxis i waa toni- plelily cured it uat wondrrful linw lueka pills look auay lbat drcadlul f elinjr of nervouinoua and avr ma sin nj lb 1 recommended thrni to my neigh bor who win tniublcil vih noimuiincas aiullbycurcdbor loo monlllhinklheirw in iidtli nrr equal to milburn u iloart aud nerve- pills cures ringworm i had ringworm on my head tor neatly a year i i con suit lth rccdoetor5 but derived little or no benefit from their trtttment i then cdmmenced to use iburdock blood bitters besidci uikinfiit intcninlly i washed the affected parts with it and when the bottle was finished i war completely cured elsie slaght teetcr- ville ont lhmlock illood hittt cure tore ulcer bod pimple ncrnnia and tdlakln inuilion of ihowiioat chrome typo it mukea iba blood rich mid purudnve all foul mali rial from tba uyiaaiil and wild ui i ho llaaue of tba body rromolcdigc6lioiihtrul- ncss nnd itestconiijns neither ojmitnmorphine nordncral notnaiicotic apcrfctt llcmcdy forcansupa- tioiv sour btomachdiarrhoca wpnnijofwulsionsfcvcrish- ucis and loss op sleep tacsirruki sirmture of new york see that the facsimile f 8ignature is on tece wrapper of eviby bottleof castoria utorta la pot e is eaab eiu aly it aat eau la esik jwl allow aaju t eall raaytkua else ea tk pl er yronuee tkat it tart aa godaa4 will aaawar vnrf j- ba that yen ft 0abtobia grand trunk railway im h u w 1 uanul ul i tll hi i juouiultl im uli aoion madiinc and kenan- shops hi mt iuimu i 1 i m 1 rul a wry aaul4i i x wl 1 1 jlahdyv aarvliiwilal iiihltat lrjilii lioullunu iilmu ami iirnipill ifaliljaiiarr la 7nhk flllll if 1 burtraliiff aod nilnu a hold th heart of your children and thatfy en trtiytjsp3riooiittoiihejr 0011 duot thar nnver wa and novor will ht a unllvaraal panaooa in qii ramody for all ill lo whloh fleali i hair tha vitry natura of many curative bolnu auoh that war hi carm of other and diiforuully laaied dlaoaikmi rooted iu ui syaum of thepaliont what would roliev ona ill in turn woulj ttflfravaui iba othar wa hava however in qulnlna wlue when obtained in a aouud uiuuiuiuratml stalo a remedy for many and kruvous 111 jiy it gradual judlclou nsa tba frailaat sj sterna aw led into oou vauaoauoaam trauitlh by thi influence which qufulna rnterla on natures own loaloraliva it rellovo lha droopluk plriu of thoad with whsm a chroulo aata of morbid upmid6inpand lack of luurut in hfa i a diaaaw and by traiujuiluinif tha ticrvf dlapoiumi o uound aud tefrmb uu aleap impart vljjor lo ths action of tba blood wbloli beliiff atlmnlaud oourao throughout th vein atreuuthenlui th healthy alilutal fuiirjtiona of tha uatftiu thartthy maktuit activity a nfioakiiwry rnault slreiilbeninh tbo frame and hiving life to tha dljotivo orjjsn wbloli naturally demand inonuwwl aubalanoa roanlt im proved appallle northrop a lyman of toronto hava 1 ivan to the publio their quluina wino at the usual rata and jjtiluod by tho opinion of soiautisui tbla wiua approaohaa nareat parfaotlon nf anj in tbe market all drutmiata ull li to cberlaha holy thoubl in tbo heart in ilka kcepliijf company with an aniel from haaveo jilcmllllcslh poultry netting and lawn fencing aro hot burpoobod in the world rhelr wovonnvire i ocinj havo aloo 01 ur iiflcen jeara 0 very buccful tcalln oil 1 arm ami railway sjieclal olfera tnadi tbu year ou ho i ertdiif 1 lww good aro all manufactured bylhe pnfrlo wire fencing co limited plclon ont i or aald by bo hardware merchant and gnralpcilara tbrouclloulcaiiada mid by the can irardworo joblwr gina mai auiihtu lha u greonlnk wire lo o hamlllon mid motilrcal agimt vou railway iincimi i coopar monlrcal tjtcorresnondciica with tho imtnufaciurom invllcd sun savings and loan co huadoffice tomonto ont auihorii cmtilt 8000 000 oo lonypar maturity shares arc paid monlhly inlalmeiilii of 50- w t for f3ornonlba when payments cw j- x aid in inatrrriiy ahio 8101 an moiwy lo iojii at 5 llralt11 linn fr iciiayablo in monthly iiiilalnioiils nn njjtl cation lo ir j mcnubb agant aoton v111k you wnt vwvn i 0atmali obtouil qrttno wanted a travelling cera er al-acent- an experienced canvasser or a man with good character and address with the necessary ability to travel from town to town and appoint agents no canvassing salary and expenses paid position permanent and promotion accord ing to merit the bradleycarretson co limited mention ihia papsr branifordy ont ti1ju in ihm arkat all wij tfik ukia tia it itriiujlty piles rltliu hunky uoiuop wntedt amla to fill permanent pottitlan with u at good pay all supplies free clianco of promotion lo nood men wo also daslro aoiiio ood ajnl either on wholo or jiart lima to sll uur iircparallon for ibo dcatructlcm of tho ruieock moth catcrrlllar known as it pays tf fo isbuu neat al tractive irinfinj il pays to catch lba iwist cfaas o trade he money spndink trade on can t catch money o pmw with panurius looking printing o must uo atlracluo yvork not nccseajhlv cipniiic that willed will catch your custo mor s eye and canso him to caltif your work couldnt lace his boots mr p l campbell of portuae brfdee kg i a treat suttcfer iroma lu tlie back doaua kidney pill completely maj iwrrxianuiitly curedjlm r lika aiiiirtal- 1 by ar rapui lha majirlly of man thsy lk frltihl aud irltli uvular aoilou uf ih bnwal u mrtaary in i kb rsaa livr till am hi- uii naluual palhaillo fur faiuijy ut uiicr wl uu auy drnt il 1 natural uidaaliuy what kamia iu dany what wf q u ih i tanil ami to want what w envy for a ulear wmplilou ik iyn lilla 1 hey uv 11 c bh rhouaaud ol lajin gwearby tbab mr v i rril m rcli ub laiiuib ii uu w 11 knnwnvon- mt nt lirnmi hihlif v h 1 d ulh v rt pain hi lu hucfc and hi f r ovir lun yum at h nijh ha iwlau auarrt of tba rtcl tlml bit bin im win wlmjily o ayiuptoii oi klihiiv lr iibl 1 anil did not h kitatw lonjf lr ukitiff i m kldltry iljdi and womplly hiki 1 miuiuutly 4uiad mill ill i i wm in un y ar willi uinabiiy noiw timiiiiiil tuont il il i ikiuiii t nuwiit 1 uuitdukin uuiih 1 1 ik mi niniiilliloly 10 b naiiuitlv well ow uiid fiio lutn thu iii 11 ml mwclli vl tin ftr twt u u ul 11 w ulii tt 1 1 1 m tl tola tnv d li l 1 11 1 tiii tl lit ii 1 1 r 11 mi lkt iii 11 alaxvjajllhouijhtfuiinthvflul bhe-i- verydirifitl abotifcwhat aha say jfor brother iu julto unhkji her in tbla ragpsct bha thinks baforo alia ifiuakb wbllo he laaka and thinks afterwards and very ofteu wliou too iao ha i terry for or ashamed of what ha ha said lau nu ltdl why vou havaoanslanb haadaalia aru nary oui ami lupleij at nlyht and fart tired in iba iuorrjny7 your blol ian i oarrylnu tha riyht maleritl tn jour nerve and ollisr oraua liein lakiu llooiiu jar taparilla yi urtat bloo i mrioher and jou will soon reallna a change vou will frl haltor and slronuer will rllsb yiur food and enjoy rofroaluiiji sleep iben if left wllh the ul pncaa will roceivo tlie aliea tlan it dereonnd wlu ho correct in local namcj jomclhind lbat la nut characteristic of jirlntlnj ordered out of town i et us oxoculo our neit order at onco tho aoton free press oltarpjclalarlne of our italcimcil cany dili as a 10 and inako cotuldorobly mora than their cxjicnaes thomhy wo havo tho larjeit askorimbtil of clock of any nurtory in canada vco pla preor our kooda becauw of our cuiraiilcc all our block is aonl out under coiermnrni ccrllficate proving cltmlinean and froilom from dlacaio applj now for lorrltory stone 8c wellington orontct as seasons ehange so dg fasiioiis coopgr st kkins mwouionmblo twiuowu bcx to announce lo their rulroiis and tho public fjciacrally that ihoy havo licn providing for iho tuosl taslefiif tlreaaenj by purcbavltih fwlv of tho most up 10 date hoods in iho woullon markols and will tbow far the spring trade tho lalcl and iiesi poods produced by the beat mills ol prices wllhin tlm reach of all i it amd workmanship nuussa lndiialioi ar ourd by ii00j u lill 10 ukhluouitaiitly allantly audwlso ly and 011 will mivur havo uausa it my that lifa was nil worth living linn ft t ituh wa refer li lha rlcluioju of thu blond if on aro paid and i1111 jun are tor in alriinulb uu 1 usrvo iouer hoot i lniul slim drivo away ihliiiicsu and plur anil iii i ri h blood bai 1 ucrvo puvvor il ii au awful ibfiil whiii a uiau oanuat coellyand tlulibarataly iinrvuy bin uwn cbaraolur without j 4 rnnniuij a fftlitij of ooulempt for hlmulf hiotliailtn 1iw li mm lra 1 iadijun hul hjvr ccnsnini n ii inytt i ld imithaohe for twi dau hrhl oouldaltl thithliiuhiuii tuilll i unl liiwj ioolhaoha juki wbbill ipilik ly uuied ma irbii iuj children cry for castoria bob mccready abo a la a ttinlh1 portrait of mob m cbul oua or tlio heit foot hall players in canada ii h a lutmlwr at die ottawa wnlrrslly team ami bas been in all of lis championship ihhiciics ho is a splendid apecuuu of robust canadian inmih wl hut atrontf as i10 li he has known what it is 1 9 auhvif from dyspepsia o serloiulj afrtlet d waa he at tbe optming of tho past fuoj a4an bat hrf waa uot at u to lo out wllb bis team lshi lu tho hack ami shlos in itruiltteat heailatrhr ant tbe awful nans ho suffered after eatlinr tlia hault of hu impaired iiieasiiou wtnia i bltn that ba waa luuo coinlulon to play football tba bardeat of all name llmhles ba uekj iba tjiaroy to carry blm tbrouch a thi- tialiu ua consulted bis physician but that utluiau save hlui no rlf al tha maa ba write i uus ailrlsed to try of j dtty a fill ie uaw jruusdy thai ef bay frlouja aaaurod nui wa wonderful hi u wlfmu i waa skeptical but be uuudej tit fir praise ao uralskutly that i wau nt iniktlrlllilucod lo try iliam trha v ry tlrt ilno t tba pslu away and at tko eoi of a wwk i rmil my i and 1 havo wuw ihruuub ouit r ur hurdeat uiuui 111 the htt rntlllidt t havo avr liuitlri or i tly 0 miu ar alooa to itiduk taw mf tin tvuaiturit lbiga4 llin bl matitrm 1 li nr iter tn km 1 lit y maart una hoattuaa ami wi lull f itiray i rir uno ahai wwt inks auy tdtiora whi experienced undertakers iii hbrib i fori li ib4 il in llln rocantlurt lblt u4 uob nn ritlitte uf trytnn wlio trip 1 wrfnl rvilmly lr your drunlt ttllhly yuil wtllv tit ut uclualnf ml ml trniri r imki if itoltu tog uta aiitti tii dr liity uiilcli r ullwtt ituitt uik oil w4l kit tllllml lltl fin by dealing with us you aic isburod of tilt most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem- lirr that we only chargu lor embalming in exceptional cii we keep a firstclass lieare and stock of all other fipicri supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets- delivered lj 2 j a- speight co- guauanthld call early no trouble to how our roods vfl aw hulaatfantfllajlolon furlh oslo braud ljllwaj iud blanhalm barrfe whlohdoadiiot fiuto or ohaiiao iu oolor in two yeair wear or money rafunjad cooper akins mill st acton patents guaranteed uctl if we all any mte bcudlnu crltllutiof any lnvill a will ltly ite r tlouii fr cuorwlna uiuity of aa c olulii 5 milt uwn tr lteui fcuiej iiaaivitwlf iioaloireikii lniout ihrouuli u iitilx ajwcir j atkn- lilt wtll 1 ifijlt mairwilliiiiiicharbcli an iitjblcd and vimclv aiuudiouu atii i hrmanuta l atnltiuuii4 lciil i rtamilcc iy rstl ail liau viotom j it vans a oo xvaas f dlay wash your 111 uii wril r our lu r tlmr t u la in na h lpai t lluw iuii rrtmiiiiul llonlmlrouauhkoii ur lutkhlnf liivdiitiumir inn nm tin nt ml ynu rro our i j inlun au in vi irxilmlly iuiun ui ni il u hihiiilty if a ilh at km r v i j 1 iijuu itllitu infuimiiiia furnuhutl wwom a hxmoh vatknt hiuarrohb arxfcai- ctfj jt uiv ui vhuhtni riruiukir trth lhjlvtlkila koiuut u iutl4viu lu-lt- lu alwkkl a ijwi lilwiill ur ui auuiu kw liuluil mw w lj un i u huivaiw a juui uu uruu aliyuf tlvii kiniit ii wricn bo veahs expenience aiir nakali tha par marko covftkimta ao il anlrwxhljtl uiv i fra tal u j la scleitiifiblmcrican j l r w-wlr-1-t- lb 1 hm ohlldren cry for castoria

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