Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1900, p. 2

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vvv n 1 m m mastuskd ainylik- iaimi at lb home of the brili ruolher in nuuugtl on tueaitay hui aufuu 1 1u a liulr ii a k w adam hio tnlai4ue tixuifiil uikiii d ufa tuilly llieu or r v1ki ukkkiithk- riiluu on friday aufuu lib uumiw uatedllb mlfrmn faaui sumat ottawa o pius aui hut auummvarsiuap j i egedahjeec ixiijrr at llilar on monday boib aug jtuwli iiiirt furmarly o iilwehoaae am 1 if uiuiimy august bolb 1000 tditorlal notes thq member of tha north we t mounted 1ulioa furoa on eeryic in lb torritortea in 1hl will bo given tbo north medal an order in coancll applainj jo tbla csea twuotl la ihuh granted ihmui ouly jo ihoea vrhowxre uut ira at tba annual iuhudc of theillojral troe llluo aeocialion at hamilton laal wewk il warf decided not to allow potjlc danoea to ha bald under the aaarjoo of true hi no lodgo ihra being a feeling prevalent ibai lbe ciim of people allenriln lbe danoea degraded thersrder and e number the theatre of war doara dof j tad and dun captured oan lobari ra porta sat la faotory proeraaa thla waok chinas capital ubino demo- lishqo at dnnganuuri leal mday lha liberal of west huron nominated llobert llolmti m 14 aa candidate for tba njl election oilier nominated bal withdrawn want m 0 oimuoo dan ucollllcujdy w aoohdfoot it ocrrle ale fjtewart j 0 matlii w coil a haumlera and aui hia lorda liy alliance in several place are ont sternal huodey fanarala and paradr accompanying soma of them tba kingston mktj aaa tba hunday eomplai wa killed off in that city bffectualty and in tba nmrilaat manner by a fesr pnbllo- aplrlted man tba director of courwiul comeury merely cloacd tba gate and tba hlg slloday funeral pajrada u rid room iba island of iorto 111 00 hawaii iuan lb iblllppiuo and tba united uuto island of tba hamoan group have bean declared kubjaot to unltad uuua do rnoatld oalj rata and undar tba inurtia li oahada and tba unitad blua will apply and mauac tnailad ajtbar in canada for tbaao ialanda or la tboaa liunda for canada wtil bo cbarjtad tba domaatio rata only major john ii lakar u h wbo u taiioitdkttanatiatj jlalaogaa 1rovlnoa xidioa oonlributoa to iba lietwd 0 lite for bapuamber atl luolaiva automent of tba ajui pro da of tba tbllupii lalaoda m taapoot to tba taainunanoa of ordar tha aa of a acnool iiun tba inlcodaciioa of improvad fanainjf uapjamanta tba building of railroad and tbo raadjiuunaotof tariff relation uaj h rn porianobtjf w paoqodaolarauon by confcraaa al to tba kmw ikiiioy tn tba ulanda tb tiaorgaiown jmtu tarn in da iu raadaraibai tba tim for boldiojf tba iowo bip fair will aooa ba barv tba tbla yaajr u will ba bidt acton nd bopm u aa dl intaraalad tamu to rnaka it a rooeaaa cooolodln it aya kvoa a1 oooalderabla inoontanianoa tha farmara in tbla aoolion of tba townablp aboold tuaka an effort for tba aaaa of iba abow to osaka tbalr aual oxmbiu our aalaemad con tarn porry bad bava bo aollciution for tba inoop- vaniaooa of tba far mar in ita aaotloo for it waa tba fajrman wbo aiw aaidant rnuob fattbar from aoton tban from caomcatown who propoaad and cajrriad tba oaatloa to hold tba fair la anton tbia yw xltaaa fajrmara will tiniu baartlly with tboaa in tha vicinity of ac loo and in tha towoablp ksoaraily to tnava thia laat ublbitioo of tba oaotory tba vary baat tba ajtrloulttinl boclaly baa aver axpailaooad immxhi aug 10 iord itbbelt rrnorta tli at a aatlafactory alanoa u mada on monday ilarkendal a vry atrong poll lion waa captured by uenaral dntlara troopa tba tloera loalng muy men vilval and a juisk flrintf pn tba faatora of tba ojlhtinji waa a- cart over in opan ulaola of batwaao two and thrro ibouaand yarda long by tba innlkilllna and tba jnd ilillo jjrixado thd oaaualillaa wara oompr tlvrly atlttbl wd itobart daapaloh indl aftlaa that lanaral 1olocaraw would ba baavily angagad to day loraoo manjo repot u oe y tar day a data aaaert tbat tba lloera liava boan dttaaud at- uaabadodoyp witb 2tat loaa laavrnd ibelr no m a rid ammonitloo a tba baod of lliiujilub maijbadodorrf wblcb i unit milaa aa of tbo plaooa tnaatlonal in lb a official daa pafohae daaliotf with tlw flgbtink baa formed oauaral jlotbaa biadijaartar for ami lljoo pial tbarala rnuab inolimllun to bollava tbl tba oparationa in wbiotl lord lloborta u now ongajod ajtaluat uenaral itolba are daa lined to form iba firial at ago of tba booth african war prdrn iretoru m to port ia oablad to ibaeffeol tbat tha uoera in tba trauavaal capital bollo ibat oon uolh will abandon tba contaat if ba u baauo 00 tbu ocoaalon and tbat iraaldant kroror and mr btyo will ban fie delagoa llay rkltow autfut vj a lucir daapaub dated ieklnvud aajl by pol to hbansbal daaoribaa aoanaaof appallidgriaaolation and waritou daatrunllou all tba boaaea of foreluner wara rlddlad with ablu baraed or blown up an at loin pi waa made mlua ba amorlcaa irflljn a abaft waa aonk from liio lop of tba mali flflaan fral daap and waa then ooountiod aa a tunnel wltu a abarp alopa in tba direction of tba legation apparently tha cblnaaa did not ha time to dnlali ii tba blaolnv report of a defeat auifercd by tha allien at xealrj i everywhere rjia drodltedibo cuiddm jloatiou at hi ieteraburg baa received how tbat peaoa betfouatloa liava already bogqo tba 1ekin oorreepondenoa of tba london daily jnu in a dea patch dated annual 17tb aaaerta that tbara are ihooaanda of inatahoaa bolnjf to abow tbat tha iloxera were approved by tba imperial omolate in their tndeecflbable farooity quonoktown gampbhluvillh tble boaytut quiet llltfe town bad iu moal exciuog and- remarkabla experlaooa on monday evening at tha homecoming of corp it 3 onnnlnjtbanj from tionlli africa tbia brave aoldier who waa tba na88aqawbya tba corwbiu mathodlal church will hold a liar teat home on- monday 10th heplember tender are aeked for the carrying of tba mail between acton and knalobholl da tie o oomnaanoolai october rl weak uenry arkcu atkall aold a lot of pedigreed sharp to an american hoyor mine of tbeea will dot ha dfllverad aa they wore killed by lightning on bnnday availing tba loaa la partly covered by inaitredm wu awuraoa naaaagaweya raoelvwi a letter a fw day ago alatlng tbat bl kraudaoit wm dullon bad been drowned ml oaattaa v4ii u 0 wbila balblug at tbe time of wrillug uia body waa not rcoovered mr uugb afolaohuu who baa been vlaitlngfrleuda at ii mil will gualph and olbr poiuu tba takt two moulha returned to lha home of hi aon nalaou ou balarday a julet bot pretty weddlug took plam at tha bom of mr ktolly lalug of kaaaagawaya ou t1ueday aug ual nth whoo- bor youngeat daunblar laahalla a waa nnlud lu tnrria to mr fcw adiroaorrtatll vao be weddjdg tiurob waa being played by mla watbtatrrejdbtrf ktmo4a7tiiadrtaa nuurod tba parlor on tba arm of hr brother maaur krf lalntf iba core tnouy waa performed by llav a lllalr u a iba brida waa beoauiluuly attired lu a droea of wbiu aw la mullu trimmed wiib valeoclauneal uoe and ineaxtiou and otlrrled a booijuet tf awaet jmaa 1 brldeantaid mua mabel wood of klluida waa alto dreeaed lu wliu with ulmtulb of wbila ineeriion aud pala blua ribbotl mr a 1 adaniaou of loroulo brotbr of tha itroom aclej aagroocuamau afur tba wedding lha guoeu rplrj to tha dlultig room and pfutook of a atimptnoua wedding dluiter only a fw of tba ituiuodute ru tlvea were preoont iba praaeuu wera hatidjeooio aitd ootly tlta fuuarel aorviooa ovar tba ranialua of lau iuv k j ojark lu um melbodlat laraouga laat lhureday uortiiug wer of a uutl mproaalva aherealer tba aarviom w opuduoted by llev john wakedvld larta aaalaud by luv j m hauar m a adiou iuv u w uoldeu llookwood aud olhar ueutbbariilg tuluul ilaferaooa waa mad to tba auooemful mluiauy of uia deoeaud who waa nb areolar iaed aa a man who bad duo hla beet lu uoda aervlca tba teitlaina wora drlveti to arthur and loteired ill iba family plot tltar uv t w jlokaflii prealdeut of che ooufaieoce oololatlog at tba ttrava there u wide epcaad ay to pal by for mr clark lu b heavy allllotlou only member of tba 20th lorna hide went with tba flret canadian ooollntfeut waa eapeotad by tba o 00 train but falling to mak oonnaotloua udm by tba 0 oclock train which wad awvhqurlaja id tha ran tiro 3000 or 800ct people gathered to participate in tba rooalng tooeplion to ba teoderod delegatlona war proeent from aolon qaarketown milton and ooolpb and from tha whole ooontryaido corp cunningham waa accompanied from tor ontbycapulealue al milton kulion be waa authoalaeucally cheered and when tha train reached garopbellville at 10 is there waa a royal welcome awaiting blm the returned aoldier waa carried on tba ebootaer ottbtqiambera of urn cfttopbell villa co who had paraded down to a plat form which bad bean built for tbeoooaeloh whera ha waa prreentod with a prao of overlua llricf sddraaaea wara ftlven by d handanon m ivaotont j w elliott mil loo tba officer of tba battalion muni olpal representative and olbera tha apeakinghad tobaout vhott owlbg to tha lata hour a big honfira waa uiud and tba battalion nl milton uuj obaera h and blank bartridgea marked tha an th salaam of tba hour campbell v hi waa gayly decorated for the oooealori corp cunningham joined c co aa a private at qoebeo ha waa uauaforrad lo i co and waa made a corporal after tha battle of raardeberg jge waa aufoken with antarlc favor on may k and taken to mo 0 general lloepltal alllloemfontaju from thera ba waa aent to no 1 ceo aral hoeplul at wyn berg 11 waa in good health throughout tba oampalflii prvoaiy cnnnlnghatri waa aenl to liogland iitlba titlddla of jun ou lh hoapltal ablp trlu oee of wale they arrived al boutbamp ton on july 7 aud ware at once out to fori llrooklmrat tba id tic of walae mat tbem on tb ahlp aud poke kindly 10 all of tba luvalid aoldier pereoually our treatmul in kuglanj was great i tba way corp cunningham put il ha w tba qoottu aud other mambaraof lha itoyal family at hudklugham talaoa tba ooutlugeol had lota of n and bard work long before corp cunningham waa knocked out and ha aaya that at laar daurg iiiaiiy membara of tia oovtlugent wara i ukyxoaaflitpahel off ihaj v orp cilhuhitthatnja deeljedly uioj but apeaba lu a moat inureetlug way of hi parlance in bouth africa u baa fully reoovarej froul lha fevev and doaa not look aa if ha had un on short ration very toutf limtimouoc fattier ftenja very aune eiful grdeo parly on the lennla c urt aritn dun reel den do qf joho holler ber m i 1 lined 110 la reoeipu the tug of war uln o vrt in and georgeloein firemen waa uno n ihe moat r oil log o von la at the bin garden parly and raauued i an eaay victory for the former by two atralght pulla the i cam a- wera aa fullowa acton j william j jlawaou ii klngaboro jaa hall ii haackhammer tbo oambu c akin 1 oraharn j iweon v ii 1 gtthor j harvey capulu ghirttalowti n hunter w ktilght john cole m maw j matiltawa w drlnkwalar jaa cuonoy john lib bona j moare wm ibompeon f tim mthodlale and 1 rrat j urlana uidud for divjua earvioa uat buuday itav i terriu ii a preached to the unitcsl non gregallon in the ireahylarlan churuh lb the morning anl in tbe mel hod 1 1 iu lha evenlyg bjvury grallt ll- 1 cl hectora will meet lit tbo loein hall aoton 00 baturdayi io advaiicn the arrangementa for the oomlntioablblutmt to ba held in anion we are aorry lu report thai mr john k itule bad hla baud badly wounded by a circular tew in hla etear factery nat week 1arta of three flogara and thumb weru eevered from tbe left band flrtuul yhlle john cola of tbla town wa taking gravel from oinwllllam on baturday tha top of the pit vlld down burjjnit mr cola and one of tlta eoreee tbe mll mm turnod ont and promptly reecoed ihem in tha nick of lime a urgj amoaut of rravr wa upon them and their escape waa friday waa civlci liolfdy a couj la of hundred of cuuen went lo llramploit to cheer ihe lacroaae playr aud a number took advantage of tba cheap railway farce tbe admirer of tbla lively game wera deliithled lo tee that georgetown all through mkoapung the laat two temee played tbe boiler laoroi and thoapli de feated by fi to 6 it hi boucredit in tba aral bait oar boya puyad kltiga kro6tid their opponenta and kept ttiem guewlng all the while in tha alxth game formur w ruled off for fouling o krwln tnia game waa goorgetowna from tha beginning lo the end and tba game waa finally aoored by maokanria- warn ilnatfarlha phcuomea al atopa made by lha fergua roal ooorge town woold have had many game to thai credit alt in all yorkle wlaon waa the baat man by long odda of tba twenty fear player lha team were georgrtown itelj goal bbiehla point moor cover point j i ttydar yorkla walcn and l lraptloadafenca il boouoaiilra mc intoab ii llyder and mckanxla lioma c urwln ont aide bomi v wataon in aide home ilxrwin held caplaio kargoo clark goal j graham point h hyatt cover point a cow n kyle a llrownrldgeoefanoa jjkor eater centre ma gralalay w cravea aud j co- 1 tsdmtttjrtraut3eko7rie aide home ii llrownlng field caplaii mr mckeown of oraugevllla made a excellent referee a fine game of cricket wa played hero oo heturday between ihtt toronutli cricket club and georgetown tba local team waa weaker than uaoal but ralher than dlaappolnl tba vlaitora fllleel lha gam and played tha game tba nentpapar men ecored cd run of which j 3olark mada fli not out and j k ualuu tbagoorgd town eleven wera all out for tba remarkabla boore of t rune and following on in tba aeoond innlnga waro kgaln retired for ho tba wicket keeping of b t wood fur lha prnaemen waa a great eurprlea b ateodlug over lha wicket and taking the ball in a way hot aurpakaod by any receive bow puylng ii waa twenty year ego that lia played with tba uellevllla team iba field log of tha proeamau waa very abarp and oalohatf were taken by j a cooper if v gadahy a h garrett h jacku w a hewitt and olbera for georglowu itev i a vaaey in hj eeoond inning aoored 11 and llradley 6 after the gam lha uewepaper man were- entertained at dinner by mr and mr vraaar ha aullior and joyed a pleaaanl evening tba outing waa ana i auoocaa and the lvea o o aay ihey will make other trip miaa flora 1 buela or gaorgalown high bobool mada a brilliant record at tha receut matrlculatlou liamlualloa of toronto uulveraity ibe obtained aral- honor a lu littn mathematlca modern lauguagea aud lniuh and aeoond olaa honor in hiatory winning by raverelon tba fir i lllka sehurehip in mt them tic and modern tba lota valuaof ibu aoholarahfp i j01 which la jh largaat atuouut awarded for any aoholajahip jn th aria dapartnunl of lha uulveraity mli blarla ia ouly fclttbteen year old and har high banding reflect great credit both upon hfraetf aa a remark ably able and indudrioua pupil and upou bar iraobara 1 chuwbonb cohnuhs quito a uumbar from hara will atual toronto axlilblllou during- tbli weak aud uaxt aurdiu niigjmtrt hare handatt fha npaiilrig avjrjflln tlia tiau mtll a womaws face flainlv indicates thh con dition of her health oauly olaappeara whan tlta eya ara dull tha skin sallow and wrlnkloa begin toappear how una woman riegalned haaltlt and lomllnodi almoat every woman al the bead f heme raeela dally with innnrnerablk hlb wurriee in her houeehuld affaire tuey may be lou email to not loo an boor alter ward but itl nevertbrleea ihcee conatanl lllllo wumea thai make hit many woman liwk prematurely old their fit ml may la notion in alck or nurvoui bndcbe qckl aipelile a feeling of oonetatii weerineaa pilna in lbe back and loin tir lu tllow numplallon and lbe coming wrtukl which every woman who doalrra codiiiumi dread to tboaa thue moti dr wi llama link fill oflar epeody and certeio aur a loeufrali of color lu the cheek brlilneea lo tho eye a healthy eppelitr and a eeiiee of irvodom ucn wear 1 no arimwg tho ihouaand of canadian wo men wluj hava foaud nw health and new atrenglll through ihe uaarifdr willma link i 111- i mr lnu 1 r u valletllold fji ilr 11 ur w a uttrr for tit ward if mvou tran h had lakau trceltiiaiil froyt havcrul doctor and had uai a liumbtr of advrrtlacd medicine but with nouod r mr illreraaye only woman who aofftr al i did oan under aland lha tnlaery i endured fur j oar aa lime weul uu and the m dure 1 uard did not help me i dpalrd of aver rogeiulng health thro- were vory few day that i did bot auffr from viol lieadachca and tha lait earrllon would make my heart palpitate violently my elotuboli onemed duordared and i eluioal loathed lha fool i forcd mjaejf to eat i wa very ll aud friction 11 y my limb woold awell no rnuoh tliat i feared that my trouble wa developing luto dropay 1 had in toe l contlant pain in ha back and lolna il waa while i waa lu tbla kad oou ditfon tbat i read in in lrte of tha cure of a womati whoee aymplotna wera to boll ilka to i no through lbe ue of he william ihik lui i told my huahaud and b urged ma lotry them aud at ouoa got ma three boxe 11 afore i bad uaed tham fell i fflt batt and i 10i another aupply of the till attliameuurtb monlh i iav atrong enough lo do my honaebold work aud baforo anotlier month bad paaeed i bad entirely rcoovarevl my liealth i am aorry out i did uot leant of ir wiuiamwlnk xml uoomar ror i know that ihy would bavo aaved ma itviral yra of alcknea and miaery aud i tutl that i cannot too alrongly urge other alck women lo ua them 1 h condition indicated la mr lolrlora caaa hhowa that lha blood and uervea uaelod altenllou and for tbla purpoee iif wllliama pink iliu ara woman a beat friend they ara particularly adapted lo earn lheril meuu from which eo many wotnoo aoffor iu eilatica through tba uea of tbeea bul live blood la anriolied lha nerve mada alrong and tha rich low of health brought back lo pala aud aalloef vboeoa tierrwould ha i mura offering if women would givutbtaa pill a fair trial bold by all dealer or aent poat paid at co oou la a box or el boaei for bl ko by ad dnalug tha vr willi- medloinaco urockvillo out we must not iretend to aco all thai wa awe if wa would ba any we ara spending ihouanl to make 1eltya 1illa known our mouoy provo our fallli a trial will ucura your it wara audio to dlipuia npoo avvry thing that la diaouubld uockwooo iuv ir iaton leoturaut lu tba lreahy lailali lburoh uvea avetiln ha baa been fur forty throe yeara in mleeipa work among lha canulbala of t tbe houlh uoe i aland aud hi- lecture wa vary liiteroeu log v mr water waa upeei from br buggy on buuday ojoing but uol at all hurt jcllajiprea wattld by a bluyolial and afur upmlllnil tli rig broke looeo tto court of luvleion waa bald here 0u tiwaday judge jemieaon preaidrd mr and mr john w ilawi of milton wera guaela at tha bom of jobu moor re laat vriday mr will kauuedy who la now employed ou tha alatf of tba qllawa cdiu apaul a week itoliday at tliaold houia ul week lha 1reabytrlau babbath bohool held a flua plo ulo in tba grova 011 wejuadiy aud quit a au atijoyabla unia waa apaut by tolti uld aud young mr 1aul kauuedy ourd ont prlxa ror while wheat at gualpli aead fair thla wfek alao a prla for red wheal tha ramify or mr jacob deeidert which removed lo llvtipelar a ooupla of yaara ago baa beau edly harefl by tl a death of tha head of tha homa mr deeweit died ou monday 90ui iual ud waa burled ou tueeday iblhll c oaumury at ueepalar iu rather oehl onlalaliug thia i tha rrl death lu lha family ilia widow and ellitcfelldroii ar left llav joa w hngarm a of ac lou i teach i u in tba melliodlat cburoh avery etlueeday evening uhe uougregatlou fa krowlug 1 bla community baa auffared the ioa of 00a of llaoldeel aud tttoet aeleaoiad real uuu in the pereou of mr oharlz uare jul h js oou tl uoalh uma to mr meradllh who e lu hu 7ilh year wi vhday laet aud the ruiaiu wera inurrwl in tha family plot in tba minoury oh the born of lha ferui on buuday aluruwm itia funeral ear mud wa preached by llev joaeph m hagar m a aatoiijiud lie l irrlu ii a aaautad in tba fuuaral aarvioea mr meredith aa a life loo mellynllil and ha a eon a mlutaler la montreal jouferailo hev ihomaa mara jitb wbu waa prneaut al tba funeral church atltvarton on bunday laat bahhalh waa oh ii iran a day in- lh method tat church harp aud iuv q w uoldeu dallverej an excellent add re o tha puplla of ilia bundabohoo maaar janie uaniahaw aud char la uatnbla auended tha rnoopllou given corp h j outiulugbaiii of lha u c 11 former ty brgo ut iu tha joth luglmant on hla rattiru homa lo caiupbellvllla ou monday from bouth africa lhay report having a good lima miaa jaati uonabh aud minnla nlckell iwnt tail weewwllh frlauda in liuiohouaa uu alloa btoua of oualpb apeiit bun day at mr jaa cliiuhla mr uobl coleman of gumwliliauia pent buveral day tblej wfkt hla hume bar mr and mr jaa lumahaw vlaited frlauda lu kvoiliu 011 buuday a- nkci jdiort roads nd light loads qreass pood for cvcrythitnj that ruiid on vhu soid cvttrywhret wuwy mikkaiakla co vavxiilftglmaesptits curb ami all form or lamtnem yield to hit vliiam youug or old ilmuld carry a bottla of lalu killer in ihir aad iu bag itouraaouu and wound with wouderfal fiuloknea avoid aulutulaa ultra la but una 1aln killar- farvy uavla jso aud halhatbae mora kuowulg than udg uiaut la mada for auothov rnaua uaa mora than bla owv hagyrdaykllowouurea all hi in mau or baaal for apralna aula bruue otlloua lump twoming inflamallou rbau uuliinr aud uuralgu ii i a aprcina for cash cheapest boots shoes eirer ortered in acton kennjby brothers ot the dominion boot shoe store ac ton on i have purchased the entire ock of hooti and shoeh rubbers slippers lite- of georio stove lioot and shoe merchant mill btreet at a large reduction on the dollar i he whole stock hai been resiovcd to their store on main street and itf now beiny olfercd at picei lower than have ever before been given- 111 acton 1 we purchased a very heavy stock of fall and wjjiter koodi nomc time aio and 111 order to make room for it must clear out the entire stovl utock within the next few weeks this stock is not inferior and old joods but iu all new all of it having been received from the manufacturers within a 1 w montim as we purchased the stovel stock for cash we must ask all customers u pay cash for the barfiin now offered and considering the vclv lovptices it which we are offering this stock we feel that all will bu satisfied to have the opportunity of securing such bargains for cash frndt rephiring i mr siovnl a lato ciutomeru are cordially invited to nuk their purchaae from u in future theiaa branohee will a uauaf raoalw vary prompt peraonal attantlori 1 tor who work a epetcjatvrv ken n by bros will n vou want flour and- i oatmeal euerton wmd eoeh juciris brrnd tsui la ts buuku all wunnli omur to le hiinitv i ion 1 or removal to largor promlsos j adams baa ooeapied mrs who for fifteen ht prwmot feiu ita willi her v onocenv pnovibion and confbctiongltv quslntss ilea iikiihi it desirable cvla la tnereaaltig bu itnaeetxl larawetoek to move u larser premlee willi gieatar ommultmai ami ba ooneequent- ly laaawt u qn brick atore opnoejta jlnesm ilntal to whteli liar lxjc la bow beind removed ura jwlaroa daalre to thank bar many eueur- mere awl frienda l ot uielr jsenerou auj lofal patrobaaw durloat tli paat arut leal boaodabl ibal every oca at them will routlou llmlr lavot in ihe taew pxentua where ahe will be alii to verve then heltsrnmn la tha fret iiy atrlet pereooej at ua lion ta btiatnw houeat dailim vfllbevsry euatoiuer mr jldttne eela ibat alia oeu hope iut oududiwj aurnee froah soaeonublo atpatlxlna good at lowbt ilvinp rjrloaa will alway bw her aim mrs j adams agncw a tjiock main 3t adou co bat jux yooa pjuale wirt i painkiller i a m out la it iall lal aaj qalal car i ompsdukbhou cousk3 g colds hcuimiim cuulou 3d and so oalt bottla terry davis ualid i0i4i 28j ii0mj0mi1ii iso iiyniclaldlill 100 1i1iuo1li 10b wa ufjio4 bartod kstwacuua 1 globe optical co- 3 yohg strwajc folort to t i rl 4 irfii wiii uxririrt i iij nlrjlrr w llwl ufllol t m r 1 rii muiik u u t- iui i in 4 ru irliulr mavllllvi tmitttm jwyr l ukallvia ut alli m l l luaii cwrimi iiuiuati liiu vr children cry for castor i a leasing pfietegraph wd youraolf as oilier led you hut u i uu prniotu you at your bail our uorlf la commended not alona for ihe artullc mnirlu but or j lla eicel icticaaiul accuraleueu of our ulijiaiisi wliat a a iirelty pictutb nod it looki mi iiiurli illo ou ii iho liunlulila pcbiiu lion photo kst3t wcyon john r kennedy mam 8t t acton a a new grocery and provision8tore new fresh goods lowest livino prices 11 avme opened a now hoainaaa la tho above llpe in the preaaint cfl srmej lately occuptorl by mr j adam i have pleasure id lo mo my ltmc aad tbe coca tnualt y in kcneral to inapect ray alack 1 led tbxj i caa whb rdcttc asl u sixc tj thesr paironajfe hecanae- my ffooda ara all fresh and o lha hot aality and cuiicxacrt will find price are fixed al very rrasoriable figures tim stock consuta of btaple and fahcy orooeblbd canned goods and table diucacibs fruits vegetables and provisions tlianka ara due to any person who doe another a kuidneaa and pat roc ho tve money hy ihiylnf from trw wili he doha their friend a vi by lnfrrg then of lh fact cuoda promptly delivered a call solicited john r kennedy 4 4 4 herd qu0stions i heluirlok llat aolutlooa una best studied and moat eauly solved in the light of our uock any man froni a well thesae down lo the plainest cillrcd can lop himself in the pink of uhlan and to he acme of aatufac tloa with our aid 1ricc likewise fniire largely in the mailer hut our also figure small and are worth undying si raw ilau from 35c to i 35 hard and soft tctu nevest up to date from 1 to ij 00 one price only i r- e nelson cuelph i morohant tailor and mens furnisher 4- 4 yste print jlrui bbrrlinrmtntfl- wantki aulltl riel la of 1 it r lal i neaai the luaheal eilu ail in uu if ju aouk popttry for half ie end vlllec i reiwi iu t tu mu unuhtiihur oh haylwiiattf why v ji i a aa a gwil tai4 for v rioad jocam ctlwii rent htle fl all lit ioom vofal uu llalwl oflcm t aatlfaelf y a lail fur balllu uli hu1tm 11 1mid hi w at jla11lllmi ou arlo klkctillft light 8kimce a ix tiduua uo ar lu uu iai plm 4 bualtaa tm 11 m li iajlaiii el u so i liy wtey lillj laftiri la ia unlr 1 v ralaa a aji itiutla wi wi ilu4 clivad ucbtcvu 1 uua dkhmaklla rksidenck r bal j a iopi4 by wui iiw- mm4tu ft uiteel veil i ullt ui fimw u tji sue polry uf m4 ayudivfaa miifc n ifard end tl kaahlal ma fuel lr ba mi ue lruiia a a i4 k1 ji lbcived nlul rffvi 7a-wvi-rly- eitllt iu- cour ad tk tltrut ual toou il cfmf sv lic evaiuijiy t7 falrruw ry tltia ytvyii ebuia ijwalui a eplowllil tw rraaiiii 111 1 44 cudftu will he suu xawiu j tu4r s4 jm 4 offlca 1ll4k of aoton notice acvuri wlllba hat1 u la lha tuesday sint isth lfo0 at 3 30 odock hi lha aoarrinoa u lee ax- atmwskiaa lite several mtulut cu nat and fmnrv le un rrlare lul 4 tha af a j y ot tb illaae of aetou tur lino aj oiabi bail4 1 nilri ax tha ouit ue tmqoina la aturnt a4 lbe eeld tine and jac tiioj t aloouii owk u tbe illax- cf atlwj ikaiod at xiia atnccai atal llco wyvvvwvwvvvvyvvvvv t horse tail tteinprotectoy i hi tall afrioa 1 dahrararl at boaraat tx preaaj omoe k cttajajiuad at tootmf trffonaail bend far co- jautsfclatthews palvhlod acton ont -raitvaaaajaaatiaajaaai- kctgn bkkery a bice line of i j xttlxad comrxcn omxji y always kept iu lock al o aixf cojj viuaxs cry refreshing in hot heather lea crciin ilciuered in bulk letter heads yttpt m lea jiwlkwueut thalt wit la trkira aall lhahbllul itttyvlmlaaraaiimlluura iiitaa but una a a iliwa and uv dua ouuula 1 her ar nu blank 1 here- are utniq ueil ilka dlflliuuarlei to ba iw kvl lulu ii ik 11 noiaioo but have nil oiniuuli in an i arrliti uuilalwltij ahllntia ucilliara tlnj ir fiow a wcnti uyritii tha ual melljiia til u obluri ilka jiiviorma dan 1 another snap in bedroom suites at 111 upper wyiiillioui si ouclpli i six fionlj cctlroamuite all duii as sold weeks ao 111 2 dajs trss complete aiitujuc iinisk haiuc ivitli s nnj and 111 it flood vnlikmit 2l7t tociiial l5 jt bill heads statements envelopes shipping tags blank notes blank beceipts circulars cards catalogues pamphlets price xdsts in fact anything wanted and guarantee sitisfactory work at the lowest possible pnces no matter what you want estimate for you albert college belleville ont opcu to both sckctv s abd hpedal iteaturea for ituolgdl i1u1ummik lvuvuicu laucw bajuc t idolc itabt lh bolmltil tliruglioul by eleotwlly aluaio a bopiatia tkil u at btloujii vulca he unn aud 10 tba aurf tlurine th yar klouutiqvx lratluata j tba llrxtou rcboel of urelixy lun txiateimjuaw of iba haw yrwla hcliool tt titjiiti ha bsae eossaed a raldot leafbet hi swloeullau slkj tbtaioal eiiltar ikslbrrtuhciinokau akterlaueej wk ulut atlll tiav ehalue bj till itw uauerluiul uouuulluiab two aimhoullal um ultuj vu exueri becuiau will uvcta their uitir uu lolhl work uibuioajly couiuiu tba aybuuiath hludy b4alualoaaryijuuirihij th tufillab lulileailbeudlrtakeu uikuctllrwsllon of tba wleojpej will recvau wlttaajay bet t ill luko ftkr ulrjuur aiuree principal dvutl d d oaluvilla orll i ucouu umhrif thallcarl acuwi ual tbe ailcanada show i aug dm to sept gib 100o toronto countiryq q ronton t fipfkiin ndtrialfalr j m strtjthers all u10 laiat novellloa many direct from iluropti tha titarvelluui keeourcoa of our own country thoroughly anpiolud urillunl autl roftllalla hatlla oncotaula tho bolu of mu1vkau and also tho ulluf tluialy arrival of oanad arlllury erttrldb oloso u x j i 4th xouruionu om ajlit lihtta ov tllavfcl lor pilaa liiu antry form slo ajldreu vucv psetfjtut otfamhafor toronto spices iicrrxji ijjaolraiil whiu wijmcafjarrjijij ajcu julxxixcx xc ux3c1cd ittcjj alt tlinntavit j round tut l tuuxiiic cuiluy vowdxu 1od our absolulew pufu spire in air llilit llucaim whkh lep ionienu hi twfct fondllioii a t brown uhamlab ailil tilatllouur ac 1 on

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