Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1900, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch agoneral bankingbuuinoss 1 transacted correspondence sohcitod saving jjepartmciit interest sllowwl tin aum n oni ix- lak and upwards from day ol d it day of withdraw no i rmdlllra and i o delays in drawing muny farmers huhiuess soliclux note of reijm nil bio farmers dlscounlrxl and money loiund it r ruminate dulnou purpose our collection dopammmi has every lacitlly tar making pfomi i return sale notes handled and money advanced on account of same at lew rales of interest traveller are notified ilia i the haul of hamilton and lu llratvche latue oircuhii moles of the ivoviifcbl hank rf 1nnlail llmllod wlilcli can le cashed wuhoul ttfe news athohe vlorttly of loomi chrotr and ovorv itcrm intorostlna chs ttuhlqln any part f the hi kb oil icv hamiiton established 1b73 capital paid up t 703112 reserve lund ijjiixq total assets 1 827357 jamijj iuhmiuii cashier b forsaveth aoint georgetown branch weddim rings and wedding presents korcrb knives forks and spoons fancy china plate cups and saucers jti14 m court of jfewsloo tiis ooarl or iulajon to be preside ovsr by ills honor lodgs hamilton will jm held in ilia council lumber on tum day lhth ttrtenber ai this oourt the floal revliloo of tha v lore ijel for 1000 will b made fitorcy tannery ip be llatmrmft tha increasing demand for iloek of llelr own manufacture ha r sod rod it rt crr fur alegars ii htorey sod tlou to provide for a tare- output ol glove ttlocaxsin and shoo pso lealbeia ml iheir tinuory on msln hlroel they have there ore decidod to is build sod enlarge tbe tsnriory and will add savers bew liner the budlcr will conimcnoe on i ho con tom tated improvements in a few days limited a lira at cnfulif forks f sal thursday morning about ohtht o clock henry juditson of dolfonnlaln was instantly killed lie was engaged hi stripping tsvilli from the eurfaoe of the rook in ulohardeor quarry at credit porks whan about ays feel of earth caved in and burlrd him ll but his bead and shoulder a arftn itono vvblcb auuck bim a boot the spins ea supposed to bavo been the immediate oause of do lb mr judgaoo was about fifty flvs ysars old and lea via a rldow but uo children thf wt ekjf rakeuv for bireot hpttakltag jits j fow dould form any adequate idea oflhe amount af water required lotprinkle ihotlreeta councillor williams was in urroklcd by a f i sssa representative oil uomlsy aliil the amount proves to be aitormous uuridk tha month of may 157 tauk load of wajar wero need in june 175 lit july 111 and up lo tin 37 lb or angusl ul 1 sob load weighs 4 boo bounds inil the attgrruats k f water sprinkled on the streets thla summer baa been 37111 goo 4oupda fit i 3a0 tons whioh is equlvalsnl to 37j ico ksiloos this f- sorely an lum of inlrnat tha uatrnmt id hltmt tits last barvoat ul the nlnelaulu ceotary fur this sootlon bas beeu asish ksruarsd nearly eery farmer having bis oroi bow woll boo sod u is s rrabd crop and most euooa raging to tbe hnaband all the latest style in cufi links beauty pins buck les at geo hynds aoton ont jkwxxjlkbit mnkt fjtrje xtort jxtt jjtess tbdkhdav auodbt jotli ijoo uttte local brieflets vhfok cauarht thw by eresr of prams prats raportsrs thl wwwk liboruay best monday toronto exhlblloo opened uonday monday is a pubho iiollday ijsbor iriu will bold its civd bollday to morrow v qek your sobool books and blbar matatrisbj ready for nexl tuesday uliu and boys the marry ting of tbe school bell boat toesxlsy tnorntng wdl be tnoaio indeed to many mothers a number of tha cmluyeee of tbo soqlrumpton unuarim tscadtly dcatroyad by are have corns to aclou lo work in jje tkonsries here a bomber of local lacrosie entbususajil went to bramplop un friday to wltboss the obampionablp match bslwcao lsrgos and acontatoww the annaaiharvost home ervous rt oapnscuon with tbe i od notion of lbs re sent pastor of kuox oburoll will be held on sunday and uooday lclh utid 17lb bepumur mi sod mr alex beoord very hos- bos pliably sntrliinii tbe niambers of lbs toll dab at their pretty raaldenoe on dower avenue ust thursday svenlntf tha uwn was btillianuy ugbud wilb elsotrlo urnps its father fallon in a rwcant sermon at bi josephs church ottawa daajl with xanem for remalalnff away from clunjh and asld they say lbs eburcb in too bo bul they forest that lhers are hoi tor puoas than the oh u rob mr wsllao a 1ly wild ut wk ouaof bitborouuhbrd durham calves bins moathaold slid wolubllik 7i5 lbs to j suj w tt wail out fora6llcaa pciow mr valt inteods ahowluji bar at bs toronto inhibition the 1 reside at and di root or j of 1rquoj ins arioauarsj rloclty will tnoet the town hall on saturday afternoon to cow plata arrang moots or lbs bu sxhlblttou opsa to tb world la be held la aolou on october tb stid 6th urit tbe qooit bltcbors who engagml lu a limn in front of tbe rettd stsnd st the park fiondsy evauln duililk the nburch boarrdm win fssutnevlveeaftwtovi bis rspnumtn nnhe7itinanroteorio ocb usos tha maus hsd belter bs lookod dd tha bsbbatb the burning out of the transformer wblob igppllos ottrrent to the busittass plaoaw and reeldlenoes on mill hire i be wn willow and fct burned out saturday evefilnrf lb- matbodiat church bed to kaeort to 0ol oil lamps for lbs hun day evsnlug aervlor mr john it ksonsdy hvi opoued bis grocery sod pvovlaioa etock and has already bad tbe pleas ore of wat coining many friends and oltiiteua ills stand just v oeted by mrs j ad tun is a good one and 1 1 arits volsme of lualiirss bas for ycsrs beeu traiisaoud tbare mr kannedy s oa ol oor owa yoduji lusu is s pxoiaity ownsr of th towu has dsssrvedly a blfb reputsuoa for uprlihtussuf cbsrsoter aud and enjoy uio oouudeiloe ti ll who know him jle commauoes ooutiuarclal life with xosllent priwueots for suooess vo first oliai masll slid dikjrt laavd yoor order at browns platilnrf tulll aclob thuas who coitlrrntpuld purbaalui moamsutal or work of auy dlsonptlou for ibeir osmalary plots should order direct from the old reliable granite snd toarl la deodar j if llainillou ouelpb opt all axpaneas allowed 10 purobaaars all work aml tnatsria1 warranted nompellumj dsosd sash and doona in htock if yot srs buldiik or uikj0 improvs cneots ii at browus 1 uuliuf uiui with yoarorder loslook aah hijrt4 lihl l8ji4 iijfbtak 4h1h0j lights jtljtlj igbw ooomiu stock u 101 lu lit thick and- i bill h 1j thick solid moulded and rsiswd panels j luso 10 1 j thloh vroil doors wttb or without glass top jiuu jbaowx proprietor main btrssl aotuu convaraatlon tbe olhor day with mr alak waldle he ssld tbe crop ibis year has bean tbe brat sll around ylld wa have hsd for thirty two yrsjra wa have bad it is true hotter yield- i of bay and perhaps better at times of some of tbe grains but taken as a wbolr lbs crop is an exception lly good one wa ejl rrjoloe it the rood fori one of our farmer friends the tennis yotirnmmaat moot of tha matches in tbeslogus of tbe tirjais toornsmsnt od actotf tsnnis globs courts have bean played off but two or three rmain yt following e lbs res alt of the matches played matthews beat luv ii a mscpharmoo miss u msuon bai miwi illcklln c0 wallaoe beat huik ooo arnold beat j moors fl 1 ci j moore beat lir kelly 6 b 0 a 1 ourney bratll j ourney uj 6 3 tbe finals which wltl be played ott mmedl atsly will probably brlog out some good mitog waeaes tbw toarnameiit baa re vived the lularcst in the game ind the clob i courts are now much in demsbd ut4at mtoojorr of county council at the meeting of the county council last week evil the members wra pweent tbo acoouut of 8050 for index for brants block for um in ragiatry ofrlos was passad tbe asm of j00 was voted to the ullton modal bcuooh 1100 was voted to the mlltonublio- school as an equivalent lo ho aovernmonl rrant for coo tin nation cltaaau iri cocueclloa with the school aw was urautsd to the llaltoo agrlcul ural bootsly mr andrew moved leo ended by mr uutcheoti that tbis council itarda wilb extrcms regret of lbs doatii ajiiod our itat mvstlu of master i dward young our arealou messenger and this coutioll tympatbius deeply with tbo bsieaved psjrenls in their irreparable loss slid that it copy of this resolution be for warded to tbe pereuls carried council adjourned to meet on the last tuesday l november jtjf sjst u kir ituder the shows caption the- ouslph auuu of uit vrldy published uis following t on wedneedey a uumbet of gurlphllm rucelved m cell front a young lady who was sol loll lug aid for ft widow who bad liar hoard burned iii aotou ii or tile opened several purse etrltipi but now lite people r wondsring if thsy wars played llor letbinof introduction wsj allrged to hsvs been sljrud by tbe lnwl dixit of the humane hoclaty hut surtly au ollicar would not spall bumaiis humlni lhu too the allaged higuatures of xu hugh a macpbaroou slid others were wonderfully alike gbe mty have been tvll tight but there it wide room for doubt xhars is osrululy something crooked about thsalleiced autotf widow and hsryoaujf lidy friend acton has no iiumsua boclety prjwidant avud ltsv ii a mscpbarsoa sutm to the vnkh vuxd tbtt he uevsr gvd bis bams to any 3ooumot mob as purports to boar it furlharv there has been uo widow who has hsd her home burned lu aoleti fitf y rurr yvmthofdtaaa nupttmlm mutiy of our olllxaua wll be interealed in the marriage ot or 1 j it forur mid mu uhodap voethereum both of whom wars very pclular in this town when they removed from acton a few weas so it wassurmlaad by tuauy thai thsy wsvuld soon bd united lu bisxrlags this happy event occurred on wednesday of last weak at the honiaof the bride a brother lu law mr 1- b vculu 175 uuk ulret ilauil tou hi tha presence of a uuiubar of rela lives and lullmate friends of the contract lug turtles lha ceremony wm performid by llay j albert moora tha urootos brolhax hi law lbs bsnny eottpls wlaaly aelected two of aotou s youug peopls to assist them ulas clara 11 moors scllng as bridesmaid and mr a tburuli brown as groouisniaii xlid wedding party filtered the lis r tor which was doortd with avttois siaiux and potted puuu lo tba stralus of msujelbons wed j lug march rendered by mix uut willuut- ot ocorgetowu the brlda lockoj beautiful attired in while orgaudls trlmmad with laoea aud ribbons ud carrying at hf cf white ruses uiu mooieslso woietwhlu orgsudle over ale grveu auj carried a shower bou lual of plnkvtwo after the twain were iimdd one the gutals dowrj lo kjmlouilid vsildiug djmmer lf a mrs voratar uft on his avsnlug train for a trll la liellevllla aud through the ibous aud islands allr which they will vlit acton 1almersioll and other l laces before batlliug down u their home at calatorville llui irssauts wars uumsrous costly aud beautiful showing that botll tbs bride aud groom ars vary popular the vsa aass with a inultlluda uf aoou frlauda loost heartily wish tba newly married ir von voyage through life u jourusy to oulitc a colo in onu day ti ilnuiu jululie tbl-l- all iruwilets retuioi ute tuubey lrtpvl u euie lm if w utots a tsusture is oj sad bus tlrmmpfou vi aolau la jsseslf a team of baie bell players drovo up from brampton an hstar lay for a friendly tame wllti the local flub tha rivalry which eiltted ixjtwifii the clubs soma yeare ago atthallma tit i ho ilallou 1oal i tagur created an liitorcat in the game bat llrim ion evidently ib not a baseball town an i the result of i bo match was about tbe same as it used to be the old daye the ideals won easily with srore of 17 1 ssii umtti ot m fursunr jialtouimb last friday wlill- riding in ottawa mr alas tendon u 0 frjiti his li feruioti w rater perriieou tt milkier of the hi was born do lot u farm sl praaenl own iei aoton i or baa been a rontioai wlih a urge si d lm was itnmsrrled hut ttn t up li on mat os i turett st ibr c ili rt 4 loans chltiuou m servfex oua of l dot ho trlghloat ohll li relfes iu hi albans church waa held last suit d 1 infer uuii lay it would be d i ftloult 11 c ncalvn wllh what rplat the children carried ihruueur during the rrocesalonil with their haw hat rial- in the lead and in fact all through tbn service one must noodd have been i hero to ih and lo ba hnra mssul u j iii aa heartily in reaponree cbaatswnd hymn as did i lis eh ltd re u thomsslves those ju charge fee jnatiflad in hoping however that in future the parents of tba onildreu will show by heir presence that at icait soma intaret is tsku in thf children a thwf ihe itector itev j k acodd m a vo a most plraalng mj i liialructivo icsiou t the childreu lha evening aermou a plied more directly t tha parents more of these children a aervloaswill be of inoalu able value to the future of tbo rising gener ation our faordctla jro ijwjj through the ffortm of chief harvey whv has bean well fcu ported by i ho oilicara aotor vita brigade has beeu brought to a comineudable luu of cilia iency aud this has been tnoit aatlafsotorlly demoubtratod whan their serviced hsv been brought into rrqulsltlon at qros and the re mont t radioed a coming and g0inbr visitor to and prtm aoton no varlouaothrpstrsdnst nots tttu vmm i aaaa invitee all iu libanrfa uils eolumn li voo or year friend jo gulag ewav on a holiday trip or if you bavo friends vlaluug ynu drop a ard to uml wmmm mrs ii larnoljls visiung irisnds in i rin mr n hntltnottmrrnll visited frlendi horodu tkt irday mr w 1 kmllh of kramoea visited aoton frlrrnu i at hobday mahew of oeorgstown vlalll mi mia inn id h a 1 11- feature of tba chiefja aiturte wbicb allwill appreciate tba atudlod cre with which he endeavors from time to lime lo plsn for methods of operation so as to bs well in formed in the event of fires breaking out at bsxsrdoos puoes or poll t difficult of access hjiutuatlc practice with all the apparatus in operation has beau mado at nearly all auob laoed lu town and tba brigade is consequently in a position to more successfully cope with flros under ill olrcum4tancs ac tbo practtco on uoo- daynlght s wakuaaa lu laok of aumclant boss was developed wblch waa not before res1 1 rod the learner was staliouod at the big grstltatiou tank at the corner of mill aud ttredsrlcfc btteets sod a lire was supposed o be lu bgogrcss st lbs beard more warehouses at tbe q t it station all the hose was brought into requisition but it was fouml to ba some hixty feet short to remedy auy buch contingency tbe chief will teeofomsud tbewvil to pat lu a tauk al the warehouses aud also to invest 111 a few huudred feet more lloes tns- oravf wm cheated aoton friends bad a visitor this week who lhhrvdr has had a tnemorabld expat isnoe nothing short of hl own funeral prooeesiou and seeing thu ojwn gravd where he wsm to have bean burltl lst may edward mcoullough son of jamea mo onllougb tq of brauioui while working with bis brother it the oithwosl wh taken ill with sppotldloitla ihim fact vbk inllmsted lo tha friends at 1 oim aud sub oequatilly a turm rraolud them aayug lo ba prepared to meek i dwsrd at ouelpb who would rooli horns by u oorlalii iralii thd wording of this tuosaig following tlo prsvious information of his aarious i linear lad all at homa to tha ooualualon that fdward had auocumbed lo the iluas aud that it was his raitiaiuu they wore to tuccl xreps rat ions were accordingly msdo fur tuejanera a gavd was dug in tba family plot in the cemetery at the mtthodlit church uoar thd centre inn i ramose aud tbs friends lhn went in asd procession to tneet tba train at ouslph whan tbd tralu arrived they proceeded to tha express oiv to rooelva lbs cspeclsd tsmslns but imagine their oonilarusliau stid foelluga of joy when edward slighted from one of the passenger coaolicd aud walked up to tbo co instead of oiug to the cemaury he went to ouslph general hospital where srs operation was sucossefolly perforinetr incl he wan rtoeully discharged in thd snjoy- meut of kood health local unmlbtg balurdty id tha 1st qspumhsr t the bolioola ra open uxt ruutuy iluudredsof oltixana will attsud tor onto liblbllloii ubxi week lunuoakbuni rolionl hat a uaw melsl kbitigla roof 0 a paniisbaokar put it on mr j lsapaiiilor ol qoorgatowt so its nod a badly sprsinsd anbhl by fsllfng f rarrwuddofwbilayia inti ngthebttuoe bt- mtun i reelocmitlroyxirier rafvovo if tuesday tha firm of the lata dtyiald molatty part lot jj in flrl aud weootid ooiioossloud kwuoeiig 10j aofod iikh bast purchssed by mr john rhomon thn rlca jisul wasijoo iu j u lugar wx will llo auulvaraary aermoiia iu tha fl rat msthodut church bt lhomaa a former dbirga nail tlutlday bav tohu mills of qurlph will occupy tha pulpit libra luva ii a mopliarton and joa m ii4jar m a sxohauged pulpits lsst uuu day evening llolh ooiirogalioua were favorvd wllh excellent turmoils aud p preouud this sttll uf ruotprooity mr t v m hourrt who recently vialted tha owwt of tbn ban atusrlosu 1 xpoellloil to u bald in buffalo iu 1101 kindly brought tha 1ulk liuu a urlfullo of fiua aiigravlngd of the i uildlugt aud grounds of tha graal fair milton ihurooolpta st tba osrdau 1srly of the ii v cbutcli lull al lha rash tics of a b chlaholui werstjc m 1 liewasof loruuto wail jgin lha praacliar at the methojlel churchuit hojy uu lehysauhadiala aud hid liuprauivi discoursed ara slways eujoyed by lha ooug rogation heoaid ijleuteiiaut hobart llprostol no d co joth irtirns itltlloa oatiia homa lo milton tin ilsturdsy after having leased the unlet vxetnltislioil l the boysl llobool oflufautry lorouto judge and mra hamilton are sujoying is ooean bress it ol 1 oroliard uetuh ihb pulliu luhools will re okii 114x1 tuoedey 4th fie teinbr builder i eaamliul tin bow betug licod out at uu mill aoloc iihw alillng ua istilug u of ml tw ia the guest ibis week of ml a a la ilolmev young ht alias hallla oram loll on tnasdax to peud afweek with friends in toronto mrs inrry i bbage of toronto hss beeu vlaltlag rolallveb here the past wi mrs lr 1 jlloli of teorgetowri spent a fdwdiys at her mother a boms base week master 1 rrlrat warren of 6torgelown a vjaltli p et his tsaslparru barw this mk misaes i jltl may and cura ebbe are apondlng a week with friends in toronto mrs j w llhw aud 1m daughter alloa returned from their vialt at north bay un monday mr william kennedy of the ottawa lduth waa a caller at tha ymkm 1 aasmoftlos isat friday mealvr j dill ucllartly has returned to toronto afiarapendlug a coajls of weeks with frionds here mies maliachlan who bad been visiting ftleatln outlph and krlnr turned home miss maggie hmlth has returned boms afur spending some dsys pleasantly with mute friends in ouelpb tr and mrs red button ot krio vialted at the homa of mr v mcmillan bower avenue last wssk mlas jessie waldid returned to barkdsu monday sveulug af isr a pleasant moothd vialt at br father s home miss b a roh ibompeod of alston rslom od ilils srieroooot after vuiltngmrt bennett onalph jumlj mr qrossmsun and mr moaul of troy n v were goesld at lbs home of mr joseph holmes this week mlsd 1 ttle xjtlrd tbw oourieoasltibrar un aud deputy bostmutrtavf had becd serloutly indlapoead tbis weak mr a m ttmltb of the faxs v uff is enjoying a lake and bt ilawrenoa trlp montrea and re tarn this week mrs vrstak karris and bar twrttlt la daughter who have been vlsiuog relatives at camucbla for a month or ao rstorued home last week mud berths lloulon and bar brother ieroy re turned home on saturday alter ponding a monlh or ho with relatives kt walktrton and ohesley ulas bill miss muru montgomery and master clark montgomery of toronto have beeu lbegaeu ed mrd robert deaoy jr the past week mrs dr mokeagne and mrs jchd a ilendervon and children arrived borne from orimvby ierk where tby spent the season ou monday evening mrs or mccsrvlnol bolls montana aud her daughter mrs bricksr berlin were in town a coo pie ojf days last week ihagueatsofmr w u btoray mr john ltwry purchasing aant for montreal fc bt aluos vl division of tbs 0 tb visiud hid aunt miss cameron main fl treat ihidwsek ilav j fc uuewoftb of sootlabd ont well known in tbu vicinity will be in stilled pastor of lha first congregational church hamilton tomorrow nigh i sud next buuday ba will preadb to his new flock mr kanualb d fsutonson of mr wm lautou of tb milton cjuswut baa been ueoeaafnl in passing tbe axamlnauons of senior matriculation with bono re lo math mailed mr ientou was a student at tbe niagara valid uigb bchoo mr charles vl mccann who had oc- oupled a poaltlou in the toronto rforh the past year and a half bad secured a good situation on tbs staff of the ottawa jwraot lores graduated of that faxm baaad uod occupy very satisfactory sjloauond at the ospiul messrs mitchell oobbau abd will kauuady on ihacdiuaattd cbsrlse mocaiiu on tbe jourifitl winter finds ouh what summer lays by it spring summer aatumn a winter someone in the family is under the xueather from trouble originating in impure blood or lcrw condition of the system all those of whatever nanin can lw cur by uio croat blood iitinflrr hood dkanupnrllla ltncirdinpiont botta- i was imkihtthl with txlls tor rfionttn was advlxnl t ukn ii kh a ha- aaiuitllia arid ofl r lining n lew imiluna have tua alrum txten bourrrtl h jl irinnrim troro n h could not stoop- i did tool hsvo any it rfalornd i u trirhyt ixialtli jaaxxtnassi rx rsnnrook tftit fflcodsa llws nil ran llh ilia f the beelrrliallae and maj raluteile f tes ltjej- aaraa is lheanesi use good vinegar and you will have good pfcldei we have in stock choice crysto pickling xxx x x whllo wlno vlnokor ako extra choice crabapplo vlnogar wlneh g ivc such good satis faction last year spices our pices arc pure and wc carry a full assortment tjjf jvotazw tjca stoivt amd culjiji 1aulcx j a mccrea qoeltq pays lo buy at bollirls ltpaystohuy nutrh absolute security genuine cartels little liver pills muet boar signature o4 aed iwjuaslia wrtc tuaeea carters iff roauiaicat jtl n aimani roi aiubiuntt niatovuuna roi contirnul ntsuisvrtns nincctartxiim cure oick hgabachkl ghas h nellbs guelph mi nic iiookmoitu s july 1100 i w1li ialell 1 window hliadkh uoou viourumuii llloutino 000uh ciiudukn 11 oalutuo u uo gautu 1111 laiiilt 11o0k1i al lu1 trl j i uklh i oar b lu aoton tl llui u wru to li for klom chas ltnelles glksgom hovse for 10 days in order to make room for fall goodswhich are rapidly arriving wc will during the next ten days offer at clearing prices a large quantity ol summer goods comprising millinery dress goods fancy wasii fabrics laces muslins embroideries blouses skirts antumanyotlierjinesoftnterest a large number of ltrjcs of shoes in which the sizes are broken will be closed out at a i nap all reliable makes cottte ehrly he3stdehsoh fe co nesk fall goods tho coniploxioii x tlio htorc is licginnini to cliange new goods are coming to hand rom all quarters of the universe and at pres nt the store i all activity with the general air of prosperity and the ixeellent prospects for a largely increased demand for good good mr bollcrt has been induced to make cxteusivt pur h ie tin season our inttmato connection with the very bebt inanuf icturers and dealers in britain iranue and germ iny gives u advantag es excelled by none i he benefit of this w sh ill show you- in the reports of our imports tin sei on and already a number of cases h iv lrnv d aud tho contents pi ced in stock youll be interested of eoursu in the new styles and qualities so at your own convenient e well be pfc iscd to show you those goods i he consist of i lot of itlrti eu vnor hllk lut nf hjtr y ib l in vumy rul liir loi ihwwl u hulumn amu 11 t i ii hulling uuluasa iiiak an i col iv u alnl i un usui iuiuiib w riutnal ilui i i wiihm ai i im llalntlaiuallllr huiuub uta visit bollerts often and see the new things as appear from day to day they e r bollert cfe qp 25 and 27 wyndham ht gllelpil rkxtro value t hasicry gcurney cfe co ucst value -iu- x tjloves j agents wanted for uoroproaonted dibihou good pay to good men sxctmx your district ron tint couixa szlkdot mow freight and express tajj tii1i ivliuu nuhiuxv co rrowintf a complete hue of nursery slock includ liiff man new varieties of juardy hoses ornamijfllal ltloib3 nd trce a1l tjfifk f uarauleed free from ban joan itcale wa hold aovernmout cortlfl- cata of inspeouon covering oar stock wrlto for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto the right house uutauiiiiiuu h3 hamilton s iavouill shorimnc tliacb mens linen collars 5c each or 6 for 25c were 13c 1 6c7 8c and 20c each our mock u loo latke and in order to reduca it w have dacod oil oun counters for cuaranco alioul no doreii ihini collam fcoino of thcui blight ly soiled eland up i urn jiolnt collar and lura down colbrs aires 14 lo 17 were i to aoc for c eacli all our trimmed hats r at s2so and 360 wero as hlsch as siboo lvery ainuu trlitijiied lut uo luvo wiitio of them wtru marked aa lvlli aa fih la iitcludfflj hi this uld s o and j 50 for such fctyllli tnmtly haisl why lha irltmnlnk aloua are worth more you ii woo that at a glancx novr tiibid wo 11 aland thd loss will you share ilia sin -rnme-bargain-in- cloves for women a cuarance 0 odd and owls in our glovd derartniciit orliif9 you lltese ei villus hlack lule glovcti uiei 5 and c wora 10c now 5c bmall alios in lllacl bilk mltts i 35c now jc jkslr j for 10c colorod canvas claveu were 35c now 15c lau sill oluvcs were 30c now 35c nnvv silk cloves wern 70c now 33c lilsck rtld oloves khd werefi 50 now jsc colored itllltfjlovea 4 bullotied wore 75c now 50c special bargains in flannelettes wa ret ofieriiii uinia vary ttxcnrvtlonal viiliids in ood slilpoj 1 btiiuikiuttet at clc c 7jc ijic 10c iijc 13c ami 15c if we hadn t vhihiu ihein imfure the rlie tho prlc would liave been hlhlier 1 or instance the ijclol would have un 15c lluj wc line 10c el nucli wo pay tho exprooo lo any railway station in ontario on all null ohlsrs amount lii lo t or ovrrand kuarantee lo ive you entire sjtliafailloii we aend um4e auywlieae 011 requeu 1 tomas c watkins king sk eafltcor hughoon st hamilton cl i friestlays black bress materials wide realm comes up to lha t of black dress 1 shrlcu then is nodi in j llitt alandsril and ircllice nf lha prlmlly ihsck dress booiu as we control lite kala of thrsa tiatuld for acton wecan slwayu hliow a coiiirilrti aiakortmeiit our lall assort rnrnt of lliesajjods uj 1 l stanihud i hey raprctent lha iiihii est point of rerfecioatuineitcnrsalufitf zl also a complete range of tvreeda an 1 i lolda sulllthln for skirts and suitings new fall wrapperelles and flannelelleg an 1 levari i itana jttst recchrod itable linen6 ani towelliniis value unprecedented gorselb pxt1u vai ub iv i all c0us1 ts of crnrsfl you know the merits of llui corsets how erfeclly they fit to give the webref 1 ry u pair good mueb m gollon blanhelb u fraccf d a fij ura the our stock of groceries gurney st co mill st-a0t0n- full stock ov flouts i ptrnrishgs j all our mens and boys watches have piungles new invention foit keewng out iibt it makes a perfectly dust proof case out ol the ordinary case which is never dust proof when first bought by the watchmaker the prices of our watches are 5 7 so s12 11 aud up pringl6 yjh jbsislbr oublph what you have often asked for cups without saucers plain white and gilt edge fruit saucers assorted vegetable dishc assorted colos lampj and wire lamp shades new dinner sets new bedroom sots water bottles tumblers a urkd upfily ol llioia articles in clock cgoodeveg western fair lpndon sefnrejvtbbir 6th to isth 1900 untrua cfoaa savltaimbeir- bth hut inoui cuniijte unhlblls fount 1 arm 1 oiesi aud i uttnry nnw ami etaruinjf bimclil leaiurcs c harlot races by inijuirlckl omy houinls ltalloon ahceitaions ooubls larahule orofi hy man anl laily tlobrslo1 yninaals aerial artltis ami acrobats i reworks etli uvciiluw 1 lie sitnouicd ruins atlutl on thf luicr qt ronn houu and uashs beautiful sol thmies- l uhui itulns ovr all uoou cjtli vcnlntt alii r lh linn nvl ten 1 lor 1 lira mats ami 1 i hiini ii ol wke ni caltlblloltk j a ni i lb 1 kl hluihr tiscsslahv werg gry busy jeceivlng checking off maruipg olt and arranging lor your ronvenient nupcetton our choice from among eur6pcs favorite fkbrics gkrmelts novelties in other articles of wearing apparel in demand ior the coming season la de macdolsj ald mo the gfcolden lion gcpolph

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