Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1900, p. 2

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adun miauhjkl uljr n iit iritalu a ulalr tl uj g ll dan oui of n imkhmim u hi alii ml- k itumj n v h uoaliu ii a j w ii ill k i i iuiw4j uokiuu t1 ttradar sou lutll 1 kloh on t1 ttradar 11 or ur ud hn i li uj ll kul atfutl id y wt laor tti t mary hoar wife of ur ajou ji yaara jij t ilioalha ijc axfoit trte jims jijuiuiuay in iti miikk cih iiioo jdltcjujal notes a leading jjorfln journal aaaart that i utfttor william while conraing with a troitj nf alllcar leal haturday avonlng 4 id j under do oiroumataooe bll w jjvo up 1ejilu not even if ovary army eh baa lu b nobllixad tim iiuin of tba adjoining- county or 1 ol hold a oonvantlan la brampton a weak 110 boajoaib rea there taae w x u tkiu uneolmoutly choaen a the libera laudard bearer for tha oooatituertoy 1 tb doming election for tha comnudl iluun part of ontario are ax perianal ntf ahortajfo 1 working horac owing to re 00 lit heavy 1 archaao on ww aocoont in ilia lael ijbt month ovat tljo ocx he umo iuvmuj by tba llrllfab and canadian doterumenta in boreo barjhaaed in and about ottawa alone ilia ataxia report of tba geological hurvey for imjh alio uial tha total mineral production of canada id lfw amounted to jo cc1 olo tba produolloo tba j reviou year being ja g6l 1w tba value of tba mat 11 to mineral waa 2l705 it- and bon metallic hio5lw tb balance taooooo uln tb alienated valuo of product unapeiaued and uor tot in a drepatcli oome from montreal pa jkif uh to bavrt blb ab i booty for ikt doo laxallon hat tb knerl election tvllj not lake 1 laoa thl fall as ha bean tfaaarajiy expected hlr oal 1ellatlai- praaldeni of ttn uenabs and a ganuemaa high up la the council of tha liberal party daejaxad to bla qoebeo friaada yoatarday that tba laonor coermnnt woold bot appaal to tba boutilry bo march next 1 bora id a jooj uoniabd for froab cana dian gjja la tba old coaaqymnt wo umerataad tbal aoma larff 00a tract for pickled uil bara ara o ba iliad feo aooa aj tba fraab aupply glvaaobt 1- nullah paper tkta tbat tba canadian aftlola baa a particularly rood obanoa over tbara jaat now owirjtf to tba faoi tbat 000 loan la 1 tatilfi of lata bava bii raablppod frool uoj faat under tbatiama of froab irlab tbla y m olaagow and uvorpool atod tbay an tvlu vory kindly to mt from tbla aid a a partial oonaafjuaiim war virttfally ended tb trarfavaal prootalmatt an- naxod to great britain punishment of booh fammeho jj nimim flarr ijndar dau of im ua hopt 1 rord 11 aarf ropofl i bava today a a ad andar bor uajmlj warrant of july i proclamation ajpnoutio ii tbat i ho iranevaal will beuooforlb form a part or her majtuty dootluiona cimtiiutt bapt i tba oommaoic tlon tday to tba aambly uf ird ilobarta proolamatlon anuouncink lba aiatlon of tba floutb ardoao lupubllo blob will brttftsr ba koo v hip tranavaal waa kraelad by tba opposition jrllh allanoa and bytlo mlnlf t witb prolookod obaara lonikim uopt 4 lord llobaru proota mat ion atipulno tbo transvaal i ooii trurd bar to wn that lba uoe raaleunoa la anppoaad by tha ralltltary atjlbprltim to ba virtually al an and and that boodeforwuittiikh ramalnltif in arroa la tba tranavaal will ba i tea tad aa rabala v alrnoai witlioui oioapuoo tbu mro lnj papera rr for to lord llobta pro- clataalioo announcing tba annotation of tha tranavaal by i ngland in tarnla of aallaf action tfio capa tt oorrcapondaot of tba mancltoatar guard lao ujlerapba tbat 1 procjaraatlod by ird 1 lobar t a baa beai poatad at llloemfontala ordarlng tba born lag of upward of thirty farfna aa panlab man foi tba daatracifba at railway and tolagrapb linca and tba aning of fifty otbara to ona oljtblb of their valua for aim liar offanoaa iratorla upt 4 general itadan towall alar ted for cape town haturday churchill luv j k unwortb formarly of tioot land oat waa inatallod aa paator of tba flrmt corjjrragatlonal oburcb uamlllod friday blgbt luv w j ulsdlay of qoalpb waa chair in an tba paakara wero luv j y ueyla tbronloj w ladlay toroulo john morton hamilton and ur goorga mpntraal tby all foko highly of the naw ro in later who replied in a brief but very happy addroea mr denny a gradually regaining tba baa of bla arm which baa been ao aerioail affaoud tha paat two month mr g 0 olarta who iopplud tbapolplt of tba coagrrgatlonal cborch bara during tb into mar leave lu a few day for bla father borne in ijondon whanoe after a oooplo of week be will proceed to lba oonxrajtauonal golkge at montroal to oootlno buoooraa hit farewell eermoa barawui b preached belt hlblay a lattar raoaivad by h friend from mrv kav t tl yorbea l a petition wblob la expactaol to ba backed by all tba hoard of trade and other 00m marcial organ laatlona tbroagbout tba uulted ejuu a la praparatbd al 1blla dalpbla for praaanuuoa to ocmgraa pray iu for tba radactlon of letter poue to ou ocnt u all d pojnu thl ty poaa of tba mover 1 lo leaaea the ooea for oarrlae of lattara and to max dp for tba dadaenoy tbneoauoad bypravoouni the mailing of novel and advartlaln rnalter tinder tba uiaeof periodical bow carried for oua cant a pound bat which ahoald pay tha regular book rata of eight oante pouuj otar tbrea lundrdvmulioa poaoda of tbla iluralurd la bow being aont annual ly through tba rrtall at one oortt a boand it oonatltutc lu fact tba great bulk of tha biall tnaltar wblu latura of laa lhau aa ouuea pay two oonla ami ate moob knar eaally babdlad and oarled canada for canadian la the- polloy of tba jdomluioii qovaranient la addition tqroooiit provuloua raijuixlitf oootraotora od govertiuiauk wrka to pay their work biou uotlloaa tliall tbaourrant rauof wojtra lu lh dlatriot wherd lba work i being par foraiod lba government have adopted atiothor rulitlon for ths protaotloa of canadian labor j hi demand tbat all man aoiloydou govarnmanlworka ah 11 ba raldeiiu of canada tba ural contract to wbloh tha provijon eppllaa la ona for the tiaw poet ohla bulldintfat ham la lba condition which hon mj mullock aollmf mlnitor of iubllo work baa incoiporaud it llil 000 tract aapraoaly provide that every workman ehall ba a canadian reeldmil tb aatu provlalut la alo to he inaerlod into tba oootraot for tba brakwaur at port golborna and will flud a laoa hanoaforward in 6 vary govern iimnt oauttaottor puhllo work nnckunnn nba annual ilarvt vvellval elarvloa will ba bald lu hi john a cbaroli ou sunday nail uth hut al 3 p ui tha imrvlooj will ba very inureutii add all who id uoeply urleful for tba bountiful imrvet uhoul j varlioipau in tbtu ttia luv 1 v kutdy xi t now homo from japaii for a abort time will glv au ntereliuj aocouut of hi life aud work tbara for tba pil aix ysar th otfaf lory will b4 davotad to mr juuuady a work in jp4u i itev mr forbea baa been vary aaooaaafnl in bl new baatorau tbua far aaj liaa rlvan atory aatlaf action to m poop la a few waaka ajjo ba waa a eked lo add the ilowlck ebnroh lo bl obarge a thacbareb would othecwlee ba cloaed ha me under taken tha work bat it taaiaa a very heavy fjabbath day work ha oondual th rjaaday baboo at llatowa at 0 4b tha regular preaching aacvloa at 11 altar which ha baa la bob abd tban drlea 13 brie mile lo ilcwlck bo to hand bad drive homa or oppr and at 7 o clock baa bl evening eervloa mr and mra porboa unit lu klndoat ramembrabo to ail friend bora woalay tba eon of william warn la recovering bloely from a aevara attack of appaodlcitla mr pavld jmlth baa been rf ill the j paat week lb raealt of over beating at a ibreehlug i milton i i tha llev w h white of uillorj boma rem newfonndlaad where he baa been apeodfng tha atdnir month xia anjoyed tb trip vary much coah of itavulou will ba hu bu lba jjad bepumbar thla will ba ilia palitl otab hald day tha loblid and modal bchool re opened on monday llov george luohardeod ra tamed from mbakoka laat week and ooodpied bu polplt 00 monday tha ledlee aid ol tha metbodut ohnrch ajr making arrangaanl for holding a grand ooooer la tba town hall on the eeoond evening- of tha milton vail show oo batarday tnoralnrf tha ii i loon of naeeegawaja ppeard before mayor ca oon ohargwd by chief conatalle uraduy with having been drunk and dlaordarly lb milton on th praviooa saturday evening ullaon anknowladged tbaoom aud wa fined 1 and 01 ojutmplo mr bidney yonua abj family ramovad to georgetown on monday laat friday thaladiaeofgraoacburoh drweeaud mr yoang with a beautiful china tea aervlo aooompanled by an addrso in reoogaltlou of bar looif and faithful aervlca lu oburob work mforuf quoiiqutown our boys ujso africa hvp smalt powder anil hoard tha whizz of uullatn in autunl gntfattvnenta thlv think 0 iiomi uwtbl t homtu a ilur from junnor xv 1 u i if 1 italury lucond ltnyal ti- tti intln gent hjoiii africa lo bla art in funi id arrived iiaro laal frl lay it waowriltii ou tlio xi rd juli twonty wx inline ra 1 1 r lorla and la ae foil ma afler being in lb in foraaketi c tiutry loo monlha i am jiliub lut writ that we hava at laat bait ail actuaf diigagftnailt we left lralurl ou mondatj- iflh jiat with a column of 1jq0q oibtlnif tnju ior tba parpoea of eilbsr eurruundlng 1h itoera or driviug them back to lydoul org wa bava elnoe than aaou more of real warfare tban at any other polut in our a 1 par ian os la tha campaign it i a grand bight to aoe a column lijiciii qp our oolamn ndderueooral ian ham liou bonaltiad of lba argyla and lluther land highlander tba lnguah llordorv llia king own hootch ikirder the jterka the quan4lnd mounted uitlea 17lu ijuioera two hat tor io of itoal horao artlltary two large fiva inch lydllu aaige gona a ilowllaat hattery whicb throw hella weuiblngrjijpoundi two battarlo o pom poruu throe maxim quick firing gun a battery of quick firing tlvn pounder abd our 011 artillery tba aral two day out waa ijutei the third lba lloer aurted tbelr anlppiog killing ona and wounding one of oar ad vance jruerd tbo bexf day w heard artillery are then on balurday jui our action of 1 ilalury wa aotlug rear guard to uabaporu a uti while after ike mala oolamn had pullol we were inlro duoed lo real action by k abell wblulng over our head tbeu a aeoond ou when we wheeled into action and opened are it wa a regular artillery duel which laated for au hour when tba utile pom pom klunatd tbelr guu our oauhho were oaa kafllr and flva mule killed aud hr of the argyl hlgblatidara woimdod lloara were try lug to out off our tranaporu but wars badly dlaappelnlod we moved out aborlly afur th and all wa fjolet until two p ra wbeu they opened ttre on our roar guard it we thetl wa k flrl scare oua ahu lauded within three feet of me throwing aebd over b wa then thought it wa not all fui but we eualalncd bo damego the rango waa too far for oar gan but tha large lyddite gnu put throe of tbeljoer gana oat of action od buuday following wa ax pectad to have a flghl bot 10 lkerawara la eight al occasional bhot waa hoard in our front wo eiot a bl tl otia oflbbaa day rwm th ne rvuelr llanrer in jkmi iut ha day not lo be all real for oa al 3 04 p m we wri aa4n arouaed 1 y heat i tig a alull ifght in camp aud 1 hall pry waa called c 11 lo drie away the iniru lera w fonnd them about two miu to the front with two ion- iirnt moo o led on a t7rg third al ut from our une put 1 liii out of action but not bofi rn they i ad dt j pod a huga cil iron ahrll oloaa to ua thalr mounted litfatjlry ib triatl to croaa tbarilobot d hlury k julokly an 1 ll ey warn eooti out uf 1 ueinoa general cunningham paiauually couil 11 mriile1 the tunneraf en tio tui 1 they made 111 haturday mornltg an 1 al 1 ll air alio i lug waa wonderful rnr j wagua having on boar j a wounjd new aalabd rltu man and awouiided areait of lba 1mb lancer both of whom i i been captured by floara ma 1- thalr way to our catnp at bight and aald bay came lo gtvo thnerloi up an i to return tha wounded pcleonere ihey reported that wa put over ufty uf the lor out on haturday qiarnlntf on tueaday wa inarched t ha i moral fifty lu cal nf prvtorla au i thera learuod that con rrenoh had headed off the ooldtnii of lloer we wi chaalug jind cut tbvo up wa wero thoti urderad la return lo 1 rotor la mid laatoblght reached hero an a thle la a dangarou paa tb counaught itaner two kljuadrou mounied ibfanlry an i i unitary were left hero tuuard lba paee wa aspect lo tlart for lnjino in four week jfavaiceoeivad bo letter elnca we left llloemfouteln gould ualuntvna and i era feeling aplaudld kind rrda to alt w j mooaa cukwuonu cojinghb vicinity again and i hope we will then get them ooruarad bp for wa are ge tired of tit a work and wlab irwoivover ilamember ou to ell old friend kl arjton i am your old chum w j oouu thu pall pauib lgu1m 1 xvrau oot a 5 liiliuulal vorouto aug wlouj4fl wuriiklr london hpt fl is cuual oluw oluwa u l i u uouui uuj u4 14an i tli lurfnwuibrket tipt f uikl rl h0u1ru co i lug woo i wait ulai nartltru walkutau upl10 fitlial luuluh hblaiw haltill ulltou uilwri 1 ul liftuiii 1 m oat 1- wbiitworlb wuiitam ol j -worljapau- luaktou oot ha chuti walhugiou v ol 11 li owauhbniul owetifcuiuud oel u 19 wooil rlj vvoodbide oet w 1ft tkiani u itookwooj ool u10 1 111 lliu xit 10111 thoclamation ikbuud vtohlbltlntf thw bale f arrn- lo u china onawi aug if at tb rvueat of lb llirparial oolotilal aulhorltla a proclatu tlou i hiug iaeued probibitlixg tb ala or in any way uf ply of armwor any muul tlon of war whatavsr to tb oliluat the uominloir guverunient through lb deparlmeiit of lb lulertor i laaulog a i roolaiualioii autliorlaliig the arreet uf any orimiual immigrant ikmlng to canada ilii proalaiuation wlliauppleiuaul tba on reootitly aullinrfvet prohibiting barulml ou i aupar aud uudealrahl imuiigraut mr w a fraaar 0 ihl towa will fetjft hi atory mooawa lu th fhiladel phi saturday jnnuif iwj thla wik aud tb illualratlon r now rapidly approach lag oomplellou mr praaar will tiao con trlhota a new atory to tb mnail wnfrnuxi tb judgw court of luvulan will be held ou liiaeday lllth ut at 0 80 a m dr vrank whliabi baa oouiuieuoed tha praclla of bl pfofeaalqu al dreadau tbr ha bwau au imaua irafilo at th q t it thl wk tb whol oounlryam apparently fcolug to toronto vair laboly wa uttly obeervod aud tha towu waa pretty well depopulated tbo bora owoed by mr audraw li tilt war lujured while being wktu from lhralu at j or 00 to fair oua of lba horbji beautiful an i mil wa etruok ou thablp by u buglua aud waa hejiy in joi mr it w klug la making sight ulle for tb dal graauhouaa at llramptou in hufouudrylar ltd will 11 aka thirty aia in all required to boat tbu liimileue ublubmul lytralil luv aud mra j v iedlay of lorouto vlalud friend her laat weak d up kku1 nschool th fall wheat acedlng in thi will ba about completed thla weak mr itourt clancy of 1 took wood preached an excellrnl wimoti here ou buntiay mr jaii joliuaon of toronto eavmtitig kl the horn of her father mro xuhy mra k 1 orbcer mia nrllla and mr will vorboperilavrralday during tha weak willi friend in toronto mr j a cerapbrllof jrorlrrl vllud hi ialr jttr jn gamble ibji week mr aud mra jaa iumhaw aped i tiacmy with friend m tamoaa maur n black and w crlpp com meuocd tbl week to out oora they will have a large aeaioil a ihjj crop thl year i a heavy one maatar george hun ley of gurlih ii holidaying at mr thoj itamahaw mr v monahkn of ilallonvilla fepcut sunday with fruud her mr fd and mia lutu vlahk of arjton anl ml fl m itarnllian vial led at mr morgati cmweoo on hon jy cheapest boots slaoes for cash eirer offered in acton kenney brothers xtaiv w stcwvfovr othc dominion boot shoe st6re have purch 1 cd tin entire jtocirbf boots jihi slioch uhlxr slipplr etc o g coirf- st9vcl hoot and shoe merchant mill street at a large reduction on tile doll tr iji whole tock has been removed to their store on main trcet and 1 l now beinj oftered at price lower than have ever before been iveu m acton vt purchad a very heavy stock of fat and winter goodi omc time afo nnd in ordur to make room for it must clear out tljc ntire stovcl stock within the net few vveek this stock inot inferior and orj joods but 1 all new all of it li ivmj been received frorrftlic manufacturers within a f w months as we purchi ed the stovel stock for casluwc mustask all customers to piy cah for tlie birams now oftcrcd and conhidcrnifj the very low prices it winch we are offering this slock we feel that all will be satisfied to have the opportunity of securing such bargains for cash wanted l la nel 1 ariiyt 1 a 4m no howenoal ce will ba 1 bm lo qt uu uluuaoiii ilopcirj for sole imi end vllleltb lrui y i it a atlly to mj iikuhtltkllt kfiktsyth jjkjht skrvick irio halil pla a btuloaaa a requaauxl lo ael r naacv tor installation 1 on a uiat lba wlr inc ats rtiaytht ftotnoletad bfora uia lwlo lea tnmmmkwt il ruornluaaardoa for kalae anit all parueular call oou j 111 kaiukw clialrinan fits and ij t ecualnlt ta cxjstotw saiork rbpkiring mr sinvcl 11 laid cmlouicra uro conllally invited lo make tliclr purcluea from u in future thaaai brartohaa will ha uaual rclvw vary irompt beiaonal ttentlon tuhned wo uk a bpeclaltv jcenney bjros a letter from guuttor w j moor waa received by hi friend her ou monday from which th following interoaling para graph at copied july po tiaf laat wwmg wauubpad her ohphwita farm fifteen mile t of pretoria where i am writing our camp waaiha aoan of a aevara fight on tha th inl but i nulet now a couple of waak ago we camped in a large ravlus aoia forty mile from 1 re tori w roe lad beald a larga orauga and lemon grov aud of coaraa avafyana helped them i eeliva la half au hoar after air king camp bot an oraugei remained in th grov baturday morning alet inal ll wa ih turn of uia oaairaaaollou to do rvar guard atoug with two gutia of th i la wick uatterrrwtiom pom 200 mounted iu fab try a battalion of tba argyla highland ar aud two oompabla of lba border regiment at dawn th mala column moved out aud gpuld aud i wr titling on our guu chatting a wa waited for th trail port lo mova out when a alull cam from a wooded raug of bllla aom 11 0o yard to our lofl it whittled ovr our head bat did bo barm lu lea lhau foa aeoohil another oama cloaer and wa real- tad they had our rang wmoed our guu thirty yard to tba right aud opened fir on lb apot where wa thought tbay war for they war completely hidden iu th wood and wer uelug auokala powder ibelr ahell oacu thick aud faat aud plowed 4ip tb earth all around uh but w could now boo th flali of thalr guuu ahd it wa only a mtlurtftifew mluuu until wahad uiam ranged by tbat i line th two klawlck guu cam into action ww yard to our right and lb pom poma had gained a good position oil th koj to our left wber they could be lba anamy thy bhtualled un to kp right ou u w war pu th target jul u1t11 a well directed ehall fqui our gun buret right on tb muaxla of ou of tha hoargun putting it out of aollou aud icaltaiing tha xlorr guuuar in all directloua wa ham m rod away at llieni uulil 110 rojily cam tiitocpt lug a faw mauaer bullau from our rear which a blieh dropped in tb required tliraoliou aoou ajivnj then all wa qull iher wcr many mireso loo a baotia in nur uituiry miny oi absolute security genuine carters little liver pills mutt bear signature of 5e lad51auo wrsoer udow ahlu7 th foilowiugfu th roll of houor for iutfrlu icbool yor auguel ola- vlily tlmllh olaaalv vloaeuuoor mejfkumartlu klhaj kerf johu livlugalon maggl m tuber leon ur olawlii kluia itobataoti naiiuld murlay 1vj luuato- jawwia gampbell jaeal llvlngatou jr clae lukjaa uoarutur 1111 moora waller uteokwell tuuiull mo hpaddau oliver moarthur tlle ii alfred cempbell wruy mar tlu hobble dredge uobbj morlry hobhl karr 1 l ii may moaruiur david ml rluut mlua uvjugaw ida hmilh hr ll lvti muarthitr tunnla i iv lugeton mabel umyth aithur llalliday jr ll iiua uumal average ttaiidatiaa uh i u jt oilarlum taacbar lighting right among uu ami almoat blind lug ua with dual th dul laated about oua hour and waa lb grandael and moot ntvreetluit apaotaola i hav aver vlttiued wa continued our luaich aud al uooa had ha led lu front of a large rang uf kopje wheu a uraab oium end mtw a fclk inch abell buret auioug our trauaport ll wa quickly followed by wuolhair- aud uolbar whan w wliud into actio along with th tain 1 uwlok uuua and pom pom thai had 1 lay d wllh uaiu ilia early morn lug wa eoou found that our yuua would bot raoh hum so w bad to b oouuut lo buud an a target while tba 1 lawloka which ar loug rang jjbns rttturuad their nwii big ehall fell amougel u in ulokaunoeaioir but tbpki lo tb aoit ground on whlah w rry they did not mi loila ui til after lby had burled them aelva ill tba ground wluti nil thoaiacutlon ihey dl i wan lo hlatlar u with mud aftar forty uiluula rapt 1 flr tba iuwioet rouud tb uor au i aftur ininy vory uarrow coape wa war again abl lo r aum our niucli ou nhrll paowl b iwawa nwajpiu kbdlimbar whlj oil out th relue oui of our driver liaujj anl mauy paaaod olou lo our head i iollo ouly two thai buret and uiay oaugtil a few oxau au mule oouitruoka wagou and wududad a kaffir drivr a boctfou of a fifty pauudar 111 fcl my feet- i dug ll oui aud lulaud ukiug ll bom with m it wigli about avrn pftuuil auoihar bitiall bult alruak my bhlikel roll 011 my mm iteel i have it hlao wa tjabiped about uhli i hut vulug aitd war a lirad aud hungry lot of loy but wr aoou alp aud rvletl until a u nlook hiiu ley morning without lli g ntolled on aouday we ujol ordeia from our general lall llamllllll lu twl all day o wa oampkl at lliooker hpfull tba lueii uf tb uiaaeaore uf jb coituauglit carters ii roiauumr nu oiainui fdr bjudujktt mi tairii una roa caasnranoa mi uaiow ma folthecoaplfjdol i shas h hbldbs 1 cuelph i s tim ij1g dookstokl fl july 1000 i wall xalklt window iniam a room mouldinob biolltinu coodh cailuuln ttcalultaqld 00 0ath islh la1lb1 1100kb 1 pmcial- i our agent 1 aoton he him or wrlto lo u far pncaw chas l imelles jpavins 0ur cure blctc headache nmrnu u us kimd of mm o jtbiia lairmil on ttxraaaai ywat fa1w hilleji wl hot ai- f ul look our ro iuivaymjw ahd eo otirutla ttle ocuuihu bottlit baar yha hauc pkrkv davis j ibytaa ell it w oattd iw u li laaa jdluvtlkbkmwvkua i i hlm u lba vriilnrt h wt ly w rwlhi tklllm iuktak4 ul att lr4w nrflhlt in h v wr i wlv lawlrffcl i 4iiihik1 liukrf tlakv ww ti rljl i uwlu llrr l a- httalbfllllmllrft i hkludl mlgu h rataa miuwxuu1 lmuimii mlwkrf iw t- iu k iu w tl u kml hy 1iu w lr hj 11 i wiikhif utli a mukl7tmirro abvhirunie4l4 f svibjoiisi hvu orv alw u tril i keuarv rul wkil- at a j mh3a i uf- luiluui 11 anotlier snap in bedroom suites at 80 upper wyndliam st guelpli six 6 only bedroom suites m antique fmiui same design ai sold f weeks ago in 2 days witli spring and mat- trtscomplctcr good value at 217 to clear at sks50 j m strhxhers dksijtablk rksidenok fofi sale iqarwl for au tlia tiuueoia wall i uljt wa albt roocua wltli tiall ami putty r aallarand oodhttua ooctd flaraaod uti wafer btatfla and loot huh on uia prasfwm tftwe la ao an ol uiul wll atoekad wwh cl uloa riull thrprotrly la wllbla lba oorpar- atloa of tba uirliln kuanulalarln imd ti acton ovlag la u ptdnlfcillv o valrvuw ttuary it la property would tuaka a rlanturl jla lor araauboiima uu cardan will be aold 041 aaav tamia for artiilara apply at vaaa raaae oaca ac tea out viliiagp oi acton notice iii harahy given thai a curt will u uj i ki auatit talb oauulo votara ut ast i y i u tiooiir u a jojlca qt tba couniy ourt illa loatr ft llaltoa at u tun halt u tla vlllac f acton on tujcflday 81t llh 10o0 at 2 jo o dock ill the attamoorl ia hear ami rutin iltta tliamiveiajdoinplajaucif arrar and omlaaliuia in lba mara ua rl tka uuulclpaluy uf u vtllaita nt aelon for lbux ail litmua liavltg buainaa hi uo xxirl are requlr ur atuild at u a aald uroa and flac thou r uooufc curk of lite vlllac of aetctt ualed blaelou auuitktui 1000 cuelph central fair septas3s and 27 otkh la the babll tukhihv knlhtl- hfrrscibaton m aiuou to- iilil liilxuii ouree all aarti of outu bralae liurna aud utraini lakeu iutern ally 1 1 ours diarrhoea aud dyutry avoidaubatltuux titer la but one palu killer twy davu xa and coa 1 m a pleasing pfiotograph bxperieiiced undertakers s by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that wc only charge for embalming in exceptional cases wc keep a firstclass hearso and stockof all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight co rcotorsr sea youritlf as others ua you but lot uh jejuni you at your lu our work is commanded noi alorui fur tlio nrtiilic hill fnr i ha nl glasgow house vinklfft toaadayadwiaauran luynitwd hmmlaa uaehloe value v0 to ana al bibr valuaue i tea baloon anconalou and lara ohuta lap k day by a lady and traotlauii thrtwi irstolosd bauds havo ttia vtalr iraln tat will bah jj at ouajiji until cleee ai boooart ut wwtnaailay bvwlluf luaauraia oa ul rail war ail informelxou ban b oluuuad f row yllcatoi z llaetjtasv kct0n bakery j c u rruxws j a nlfa ii lift of uhhud cjuctcs rnurr conrxcrxonxr v always lept in uocl auo icjccjixav anj vf refisalilnf in hotwathci lea cream delivered in bulk albert college bbliosvillib ont open lo both tcaca hw ait iltwciaj aaeiur far lboolul huiulllomliujort i we belag uiide to luht um uolitlln u louabout i y almiruity muhwa bopraba itjlnui of knlaudu vole ha uhi aat utbe atarr tlurjnif tba yar krocotiom a biajuau of tba jluiou hcbool uf oratory al buatiaduaw of u a umw york bcltool ut kapraaalcu ha baarf oamral a taaldant uacbar at uoeutlon aiul valoal culture itoubrttlattkkmofc all aitwalaoeaj ia- lajul will i akrliamof tl 1 iwv danartlilaat ouuuultuiabtwo avtilallat oo bug abaxtwrt iwuinjui will devote ibau antlr uuia to it 1 work uuumauy omiiutu tit iruhiiua i once mul accurateuesa oi our likcnokbos wlnt a a nreiiy plciiun and li- lookb 10 much iilc i u lu iholntn liable etcfnma h rkjutshikiai photo hhtst kctom li ii jlorhotail roiiiliotector 1 u blhlur oa b bait nf iba cuulu laxative brottkmjtiininc tj iei the rauiedy thai tww a ex lat ba jy i rovuiiu llora catnl lug i iue with 3- urlod wl davarad ut ruarwat x- lilaa oftlo tie i uf action uuarai i i or 11 1 1 euud1 llei jamiftf mattiiuwu put en too acton ont xikawwajfkaawikjraavwj 7uro 7nwsi juat canadas sons on kopje and veldt an authentic account of llio caiuibn comliij tiita in ilia nilh jmrjcau war lly 1 t marpilu ii a imrodm hon ly try wuv irlnfljul t rant i i 1 iuwhi 1 11 omclul r nh uom li it 1 fttt jhil ulllof uiiiiil4lldil4 ultkem al lb hum cf ii letn m oua volum 5u1iujb richly lllualrdlrxl only tl 50 ajcn u t- inlii moiwy ci i 1 hi i lkosi i tlls tho oradleytiahretbon co clmltuct brorttford ont in order to make room for fall goodbwhich arc rapidly arriving we will during the next r days offer at clcapn pneci a lfc quantity oi summer goods comprising milllnefty dltess goods fancy wash fabrics laces m uslins embroideries blouses skirts and many other lints of interest a large number of lines of jjioei broken will be do cd out at a simp lubtawill ba utulartakau uudet uliaotlou c wtael will rotii wedu dy uej l bui icuo for eireuur adjrn pillncipaldvim d d uallavllla okii 1 uoolll uetubertl uie lloenl a cunt ool wfllh yoi wamt i iloujt and oatmeah aii ouh eueuton imo odon iklllh urkno li u4i 111 tha uiult1 au wuuila illr um it i1u iuallly i u tl iiinuv iioktol t t t in which the sues all reliable make covce ehrly hehdehs03st cfe co ti moll 1 juu p iutlllj vh 1 to 0ljj i 00 llomjlu 10a globe optical co oa yong street toronto children cry for castoria speigh brady alauufaclureu uf oymamcui 6 xgtmiv motxt2i wanui morons 1 ojlsollmkahu uah iwojmxs smash j 1uom cajtrimoiyo oxtlmu iii icepalrhia lrunitly ttona 040rh0town onu nerve 0p the nerves amd bring kflbrlln6 andi th blood and tone the 5y5temi new york and london drug ca new york u 8 a ioii ualu uv t mtown act6n ar

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