Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1900, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch ageneral bankingbisinoas trannaotod ccwpqapondonoo sofioitod frfttvhikh dopawmont intcrwi allowed nil eumaof onk iol- iail tend upwards frim day of iloikoeii lo by of withdrawal no inrnulltlra and no delays in il rawing mono farmers umincss solicited notes of leaponalhlo farmers discounted ami money loined lr citinialo baslncsa purpotea oiircoliection ifyjkunieiit has every facility lor mulling prumpt returns noh handled and money advanced on accauul of umo at bw rates uf inlon- travellers am notified that ihe hank of hamilton and ila jlranctiea inun circular notes ofh provincial hank of hnkland ajmhed which can be eaahnd without tit nliln in any iarl of ilia i1kai chuck hamilton fcaubitahod 1b72 capital paid up iyo22 reserve fund 1231119 total asiotb xj 27357 jawex 1uhhuull cashier b forsayeth agiint cfcoruatown branch the news at home montly of at locml charftctar- em ovorv item lntarotlna- school supplies all the new book all the new scribblers -at- geo hyndn invelopc kola laper purses coitihi tuir ilruuc hajr ihn 1 alley toilet ssap our price are lot quality the bctl geo hynd8 aoton ont jkwxllxv ktolui be rtolt free jjrcss tuuiibday uirriumi em 1000 little localbrieflets vhloh cauaht tha hyoa of tiara of fr frea tie port era thla wa oyatar it in season again the dog day season- ii now well bvr kojoyaud mooalliihl nights this wk the mercury crept up to do afcsirl an sunday tb first luelalmant of laxm is dud next helnrday holiday vialuutf id pruly wall over for lbs praaenl a turner lkbor day visitor to abd from town roe qnosaally numerous your xt loluay will ba friday filb october inhibition dy in acton the bricklayer are pretty wall up ou tubkomid bloryluluu wfftn ulrwiv monday forenoons showers oooled titer atmosphere and sdvauoed vrgculloti u btraet commissioner williams la hav ing a number of apleudld new htoua oroaa log laid tbo heavy winds ou bunday brought down thouasnds ot buihala of apple iu jdila vicinity now that toronto kxhiblliou la or lhe county aud lowuablp faira will it v jbcifjoolpk- tb olioap faraj to toronto and tomorrow all liokala are good to fetarn up o bpl 10 tb jojoi oouit of luviaiou for eaumlnf will ba bold at kuwartlowu oil wadnaaday lttth inal it 10 odook a in- tba lrrdular tponlbly taoiln tit tbo uoajrd of kduoatlou will b utld lixt wadoaday oanln 13 ill imt at l oolok tb onurlo aurlouuural col1io wilt oao oo bpl uili bo kr vrytliint point to a moat attocoaaful yair already mora kiajauta lmv en tolled ikan lm oilt riuuod will acootntnodtts rjfcbtnlnx uook tbd vaaldauo of ur o w audaraou uiikr at oikviiu lilting tha lowaropan and doln din lo tha xlail of q00 or 100 oti monday no proa lu tb bouaj wm lujurwl ur fcud mra harry joatti antairtaliiad actbti cornet hand hi tlidr pfolty houia on lk avauua laat tuu4ay evolui it a tiaadlvaa to wy tb balij boy aojdytj thamaawm tboroujibly mid appcvoutad tb vtiaobld ltv john mill of goiph pfaaqliml mclutit aarmond in tbd ulwit clmreh nat bunday iu tlie tasoof ihd pmlorat bl tiiomati hid tibjdal in tb tiiorulnjj wad tta 1rodldl boa bd ui ttvanln it libarty of tbd obrutlau a u in of blitihd hlucliad tq a ad drill uoaiiid rrluliunl ui gfltijlld mnohltm abop ou bdturday aud kau ftt tarrifld pj up mill blroat and oat to um i bird lln whrj tbdy wm oadybk by a farotar oorulnif lulo lowu tby balongwd to ur ltobarl watuiii fourlb hu cud- idaiftbld dalimt wad doild 10 tb bead drill ur llufxb h uououdld aowaj mill ilol of fail wbaai ou tb fafeift tot u v bourt bprowl yuijay with alu whlob biw lu lbfiu wbll worklu th darllnit farm tie ulltou it id of tha dajbl variety and that yr yil 1j 45 buabth lo lit erd 1 vini urt j4 aab aud dooird l4vd your urdar at llrowud plaiilutt mill acton ttloa wbo oonleiuplat purobakllmf irtoutnitot ur work uf auy dlaoiiptlon fur tbalr cantaury pluta hiiuld order ittrwol from tli uld rallabld yranita and biarldd mwx u uutiluw uujb out all x panto alio wad topuobad allsvork anil lualarui war ran i ad ooutpalitioa ddj uabh and doonu in utock if you ar lullditi or making ioipro m oall a1 llnwa- iunlbtf uui with your ordar inaloab aab uijri 4 llbtd ljaji 4 llhu utjiuulllgbu viajfl j igbu uoord in alcwk j iu0 lu m ibbk and jhklh 1j llkkaui mouldad and raiaa1 iwl 1 1011 1 iblob front doof wtb or without ylaa- tvp jauh4 lukowm proprloloc main titrat aotou ictrar uf strmftm hhhcutea cola lltralia ilclllonmmjt ooina are bclnji cirou utvd in many poinla in canada usually the flllj oenl ilaoad and oar raadara aboatd be ou tb lookout for uiatn thujf dollar purca 6f lhotiiraiurnuutfnt la only wortb abonlhitf mdu ulrinaloally and lba bantu rvfuia lo aoeept il at all 1l ia aald that ibu money i brought lo can- lab i irlonn tsleclrld raxraf lit jktltumttf the folio wfn from the iu a top too vv rrtlu abowe lba kind ui aarvioa urnic timeaaivu in a towti whan lh alaotrla plant haa a prliato owner the laotrlo liht fallad in tha aloraa ual friday thorn wanl eooah waur in 1 ho credit lo drit- tha wtal that drive tha dynamo thara ara about itvu tlteat ughu out ot bualueaa but llrd weekt ku or mo titer ware twioa a manyl a uinmloamry addrcmm luv 1 a caaaldy m a paator of kprfolk btrmt ualhodlat cburdi ouph will dhvr an addrea on ulaalond in lba uathodul chuich on thuraday availing ijlh intt under lba atiaploea of tha women a uiaaionar tioolaty luv ut caaaldy ia irelurnad tnlaaiouarj from japan and bid addreed will oonacquantly hava a wealth of nleraaunit pereonel aiporienoa and no atoobl valuablo anil i ilerealink iaformatloo yt1 torn jii tho tttbllerhoot tha pablla acboo toopened on tueeday nlornlutf with tb following blaff in lhair plfcd- t tuoora 1rlnoipal ulaa c mclhail und oepartmaot hlu k joan uolbail ii a ai ucpattmant ulaa tna ourrid 4 lb lepartroat and uiad iu h moqireeit sth uepartmont tlwra wad a kood allendanoa of tcliowd llionflb th toronto axblbltion lia kept a number from beiiitf aurollad thht woek cull a few tiew moliolar have bean anmlled in tb tiftb danartinanl xecoroimtt witim ml yorono fxhlbliltod uccormaod a nee ad laat fall bad been rtpeaud at toronto kkbblllon and bid owner ur 0 0 clark id vary prdud of lba rult tut friday tb old report ui aveut a follow there wad only ooa a oribp ssaipn tit munfulpal laulalatora flnlaklrv lloilf an hour monday fcvanlng coming and going uiuncil mat vn mumtay evcnlotf in oulr bl wcrkly arlon mam bar v all iraatttl heve iroo oooopied lha clialr tb commlita on kiiianoo praeeuled thrir report and rooommatiicd paymeul of xtttitrota- av frrttowar i a 1111 lumbar i7 o0 ii h iloluiae ralablaut u iii j ii iwnou nuivll pa town hall t 1 and itr awl vv tv llaury irltxlall lurpllti ale in cj aolon fuav lmw xlud yituln o si yjuniitolurtunt lu llbitilarsoq o auipllra i ol l atu imlhiuflwliu vb 1 u0 uovad by j willi ima raoondo1 by itobt wajlaor ihl tha flfueollt re of ibo oomniillm on viitanoo jut rd bo adopted carried council ailjournid at 1 ut uallinafr tho diaoiplad ar having dvaneellatid mraioea foor oonvoru wm received laat week uaalinga are an nveul loday ou tha exhibition track tbelnoanoad for ary nlgbt in tb weak w elallloii trot it wad a groat fiftm between uocormat clark ac ton aud llrnablldo jobnalon campbrllford for lb money tho pure wm 6300 luob captured two beatd and uccormao won out by a bead iii lba flual bral tit uibmul chareh imroi vwiual th annual uarveal tuvl bervloe will u held iii bl alund charob unxt stt m tbd cbnmb will ba deooratad a banal aintlliqaerviof will be vary brlgbt with tome ejwclal touiio a promloanlioatarai of thd aarvlos will be the aarmond by llav y w kennedy xi t borne oa furlough thi lumnior from japan ho will fa moat inlereaung aocoifrtld of bid life and work iu japatl for lba pat alx year tim offertory will b devoted toward im proving tb ohurob fluanoed th kthlblil 1reaidant joye aud tb diraotor of lujufciiif arrionuaral boouty bold a inoatlng iu tha council chamber on ualnr- dy aflarbooa to advauo tha arraotfnmcot for lba exhibition to be bold la aoton on thuraday aud friday 4lh aud tb ootob a koen in ureal waa manlfoetad and the prospect aro vary brijiht indeed for a aucceaaftil fair tbd tlat of apecial u uuuaually but and embraoad upward of forty attractive prlxa oovering anmerood o t4tarewtlfberwbirtx nc aooud evening of tb fair exceptionally favorable railway rata bav bu beoured and allow tlckotd to b purebaaaj to aoton from any p3tnt on tlid af uraoou of the 3rd ocl mud on all train on tha 4uf aud fib good lo return on the ctb at blast far tb cmttt tuwd lb irovlncul gam wardau id iidulntf uottoed for lb information of tlid public conulnltuf au ah tract of lb ontario gam lawd vat tbd flrat lime for many yeajrd tuooad teindeer apj caribou may b killed bdlweeti tb 111 and it lb of november liolh dayi iiioiuiva another opportunity to hunt ibead btauly anlmilajwill not b jttvau btvortinidu until 1003 bit lbs open boabou id reatrlolad lo a priod of fifteen day a every third ywr only on of each variety may b taken by any ou poreou iu one bbbon aud uo oow mooa or ilbr of lbaa anlmuli under lba ag of ou year cau be killed pajrtrldd fjuall woodcock aud bulp may uot ba bought and bold before 1005 lullib or uonjcoiu pbeba aula iirairld fowl wild turkey beaver aud otlar may not u killed bafor 1005 id jpprealttttnl union tiouvitiir whaii tha ituitip of tb hijt willow whioli had grouu for nearly bdlk century al lbs corner of uill aud willow street waa beiuu rdinowed a few weekv ago tb baerc- tary of tb old pupllatta union gonimlttm oouceivet tb idea of aeouru a mo lion of it aud hkvug bonvoiiba prepared mil wut looaeli of tb old puplll thi wan done and laai week 13 pioe4 of the oil willow drebaad 7x3 ioobad nud juarler inch thick wr v to lb old boyd bud icrrctucttflniwtne yifthoy printsd upon tha fac iti black and red 4u ictdll louvhuik tbuiuaeuttliic from the altmp of the liu wllldm tree punud by the lata william hi 1 ou hid property corur uill aud willow uiru fu lha aitfiuif of lail it u4v th sll ltd tiama ii wad quite aouuj uiaaurj la it 0 lu in olrduuifxiie4 end wan out duvtf to uiak room far thd uw uiili4tu unk huluiujf uaw in oauiaeof arxltad il wait troin hid atuuip liiattoui kauujy tuiauar of kry liouuj ouaof the old puiuu uiatu hid fiiuoud aluuip ittadeb durlna ibe old tuill iu uulou july u h iuoa th souveulria wvidaully much bppreal a lad and bokuowlfrdtfemeiila ar belutf fvcaived by tbd beoralary from old boyd aud ulrle vry mall pa write it will alwaya remlutl m of the puasaot tiikia we bad al tha r union iiu of tha bweot dayn sptl lu aolou iu aarly llf auotlidr aayf i thank you wore itbf 1 ou tall fur the uloa llliu willow mi mania i ahall waya keep il a uvry lima i look at it hiar oomed to my uiud iiieiuorlad of tb iut noma pleaaaul aoiiia uot o uaad th la additional proof of though l ful u iu our behalf all will appra oiala htlll auolbar imntf in a uuitad hind blly bay qfuti during tuy early boyhood have thai widespread boubd of thlddeay old willow bbellered ill from a pdbaiuu tain atorm i hva bliitad aud huubad luauy keenlyoootoaled fuolranad difcolly under ltd bhadow i bav fought boyieb duel ttud wbulle and pled thiu played prg lop ujajrl led aud almoak evarytblilu lba aui a i boy aalalotfu ofil hookejnndar uiubameold wil- low i hnaltrearvati aouveulr aaored- ly aud vpnaet tbauk toryour lboutthtful heed uany kindly vybal vspreeeiuiid uf thd bouveulr have beituu by loo i old lupild prnnr am bnay r i tut it readywfor beodiuil lund bave already dooe boot a bowing lha abower of rain on monday wad iti u oil nodded ad tho kroond waa very dry illlmafad civic holiday thla mouth tlo will apptr later ulaa ada johllalou of anion apeoc v few day lal week with uie e copkt uiaa judith oartley ot oeorgetowu epent last week with bar iliut u ra w w cook ur andoraon of ujcltigan petit at few day with bla eleter mra oeor camp bell ur c tl ompeon id vutief friends in toronto qait a number front here are taking in the exhibition in toronto thu week urd alex campbell id recovering from her recent illnead ur vemeu alao id recovering ulm lullo collier of ytia 1 vlajung iter rrandparenla bar hir and ur w collier ar vlaltore to and vairiouaothar om aoton an nopal notai tiveitton eett balarday ur j if doddd bolo ar much appreciated ii coolinoe lo lead the aoog aarvloe and id vary belpfal in the bar vice brvioe will b beu iu lba uetbodut church beat bnuday morninjf at eleven oclock bunday bchool at uo uiad abnl oaked of toroulo a apend ing a few weeke itojidayd wflll her btalet jduavjobttkweal uiwdteir of iailey wbo baa ben vulllitg with krlatived here for bom lime purpose rolug lo ulllotl before rurninj home ur ja ulack of chatliam ur- uncle i r and won and tba ulaae ulack are vtaltlntf at ur htuth ulack old bom and with other reaud tiara ur henry lllaok of do roll id home for a week holiday u a ven la of lelarborogxb brrived on baturday to apend a few day with ur itenboud family ueaard itobert aud pavij darliug of uilori vpent sunday with ur and mr j joyoa tb dedication aarvloea of lba n uetbodlat church and tb aaxred concert on tbd uonday bvenluif following were a buooea tha whole indebtedneed of lba hew church ba been provided for by bnb- acripllou k very body ajrolre lb beauti farbhilia uay-tbw-xjqrdtrranfchid- preaeno and bleaalng iu tit bam urd jad hamilton relumed borne ou wednesday after aaaiatlng lu lba bliifiiaff at tba churchopening and a few ovya vlalt with ur foreatar and mr jaa 11 lack uu ltobarleou of oak villa and mx and mra a blmpaou of trafabtar r lurucd bouvaoo friday afur altciidutf lba dedloatlorj aervioed uua hetber abbott of uetxoit la tba vlllait at prraenl amoag tboee aluudintf tba tonjolofcair ar ttit llenaou aud qaora chad hortop john bnisllhorn mra boullhoni and ura mrlia gomb obsui1vationb llk tniiur lika man a lelur which obaarver wad privlued to read tba other day teoaived by a local baaluea mail from former employ expreeeed u batlafacllou al bavintf uarubd baro lo lb initial blamed of a boalneed caroer not only good buaiueepbalild but alao principled of booediy and abaunenoa from hurtful iudubleuoe tbu aatbdactlou ia lbs greater ba tbr id uo axoluatou from oou- iteolal aofjlaty thla whll a vary auoour- liug fet ia on very buafee live iuaamucb a avii careful itooia tralolntf la ofuu warred by influauoed in bualnea eetab liimta ho youtb exu upend three or four yau lu auy employ without beiuu moulded very lively iharalnior waalor woe not only bablla of buaineea ara formed hut alao tbouabts and priuolplta an beiim inouloaud til now well known wrtlar bheldon ia often critidleed and lba ataument mad with uu abaumptiou of wisdom thai but ldeav ar vuionary and impraotlcabla that bualueea ttiei oaunot walk in ilia btapa lu tbaiiunuar hikijoii auggeatu hut it id uot unlikely that in many naee no aeriou allaiupl id utade beyond what will ba pulil lo or at luebt lo ruif much itak of liuanoial load it miubt w a gurprlaa lo many of ua bow trua moat of hid deal iiduhl beam to ba if w reached out to aud btlaluad tboaa wo already aocapl aa correct ily tha way tlhaldou la auuouuead lo b a near hara aa oualph aarly lu october oluauvlll local blimpllttl to cuiiu a cold im orftt oav taka lli- huty julnht llu al wtit reluud ue liliwav u ii fill uf uui aw u w uiv tuaeluia u w evtu loa 1 owinjt lo tba vry amall docket lbs bautaiuhar billing of lha vourlti uiviaioti court wau oauoallad by juilga itauilltou ur win uuruay er haa reiilad a farm near uliuoaa aud will ramova ihara to uaxl aprlug ua will do adlng ami fall plowing thla fall 10 you couuta piaeai fall 7 oat your bale llut the sn you wll beoura attracllva poetra nood papar and correct ooin million au appla of lha br fbwruoa veribly fninf tbertotb drop off a tree in tha orchard of julm leelieaieuwiltldlild wad lattvl tha vhkb takkd otllo yeiurdy moruing luv w c clark ii dof llramplou will drliver hid popular uclura ihorud iu odiiueolion wiiti kuox churob au- nveraary ervio oil uonday eveull g 17lb itiat teliiwrlug wllh lirio libt wiled or epperatua id dengetuu and ouetly a boya fetlter latt week paid rulo ooull utweil l bud tli fur the wiiu iu lad had at kuux ohuich driving kited a iu nuttiug out pjooe of i hat oopuar wire oonneeted with ou ul tb bbad tampa tlta iajue lovltee ait iu reader u tlbui u uui oalemo if rott or your rrleeda are rxolnc away oa imjldejr ulp or if yon uave trleoda vlaluoa y drop a eard t uie kasd jaaee miee jeeat niektin failed toronto friendathlewwk- uua ojari itamabaw v 11 led friend n toronto i hie week major melecmi of onelph iaiud aoton friondeoil fjbor iy wl i1 lii o from jolr- low h yoii viali ur and ur harry jita apent labor day with toronto friend uia uyrtle dim v jailed frlenda in waterloo during the week- ur it home end chlldrao cf toronto am koetla uf aoloo friend ur abd mia a j onile vialtad frlenda in toronto tble week ur iwrt moo of ueadowvala vlalted bid father borne here lbla week mr w rcrraf and ana of milton vlajted acton frlenda on uonday mv ttioe llrnnt and uia iloavetui vtiud fieod la toronto tble week ujvahrah uolball of h vork the goeel of brr blrtar kbe paat week uiaaklia andereon of uraoebridge a go eat at the booi of ur wm carney ur and ur thorn aa ijyde and chil dren left for the north wee i laat week ur john mcllaa bpeot monday and tdeaday in toronto and bi otbatloe coanclllo clark and ueeter jobnnu went to uiobmond hill for a day laet week ur wilford ir of lllylh wa a gneel tbi week at tb borne- of ut j k corry ur vennel hmj ul bad beourwd a poelllon aa junior in tb uamlienta llank han over s ueeard cbarleal add arthur moore of toronto apent a couple bf dayd iter lb i weokj llev and ura ilajrar and ur hamabar apent a eon pld of day in toronto laat week ura o ftbtlretori and ule lvdith tbomad vleiud totjalo frlendd durlog th week uia jennie grant arrived from cora hay on monday and id viluo1 acton friend urd arch monabb left oa monday morning to vunl hot da tighter at mad- awaaka uiad aoodev returned from br trip lo lba nortbweel and cbloafo oa toeeday morula checessity knows no law bat a taw of nature bows to the necessity of keeping the blood pare so that the entire system shaft be strong healthy and vigorous to take lio4mlflsnranpartllatliirrrat blood puriaw uwrtfoni a taw nf health and it in a nitiaalty in nearly nvrry luuiachnltl it nnvr tlinjijhihtm ncrvouaiua ait ttutt inaild iut rretat uhiht trldlfumiaharbjtiwrjiln whiicihwi rnaull and rlow rrroiuiitrnd it tt nttwrfl u ciiai uaka tuiiinti out had lu aiifoll toimi a riaraatiorllla waa atuserai rial iwimiiud inn mi iuui h 11 tat imw x wmild 1ma b wllltotit the modlrlm sctsa ntral noruin n it l wlueere ii wr lll iji nan lrrtui thebdbqest use ood vinepar and you will have good pickles we have in stock choice orystal pickling xxx x x whlto wino vlneror also extra choice crobapplo vlnogar which gave such good satis faction last year spices our spices arc ipuro and we carry a fujl assortment- j a mccrea ouklph- it pays to liity at boucrts it pays to buy at l3ollcrt new fall goods tho 3omjtoxioii of tho htore is heiiiniiitc to cliango mia annie btepbanaon apent a few daya thla wf wilb frieod at danda and hamilton ur teddy luc hr of jobnatowu n v wa iti town renewing aojaalutauoca yeetorday ura itoaa of cinoinnuu and bar llllu daughter ar vialtlng bar brothar ur tboa ii ur john j kelly and bla von ueaur jobollallyr ofturoolo vlalted fruud bare laat wcjf ur herblwierlod of tb hank or nova bcoliaerpu wa h ftueet bt moor farof t oil uonday ur it booll aud babd retained ou baturday b fur apendln tbr weekd with bet itlaur in oalt kdilor warrer of tba ami george- lowd wa in town on tueeday and called on lb fax- laxad hy wm watsiervelurned mihatoxdey lo reeuma bl dulled in on of tor onto big uw otuoe ur and ura duo uallbewd ift ual week lo ajwod a time bt the bom of their daughter ia toronto ura j camptwll and aon lionalj of bealua waab ar vliing at bar buura ur ii uxodougau ur walter zlagur and uua filler of uerllu were roeatd at lha horn of ur v walker laat weak col ooodwllli and major grant ot georgetown wjo la town on tueeday and belted on col w allan w method htq of qeoreelown wad in town on uonday and called upon col alliu and other maoda mr and mr john afitiew and children vlaitad frlenda in ura ago old bom atbtonffvilutbutweak ur j vyfa lafl oa saturday for uoot- rrj and will oammenoa bldraajalarauluuiu boaloeed trip totbalaoloo from thai point ur cordon jlaodereon of tba dank of hm 1 1 ton hamilton tl tiled at tba bom of bid father d uaudaraon u 1 thu weak ur cbarlaa meokeaala ax u p p a brother of hon alex uaokeuaia died at lba family reeiduo bprlngbanlr baruia ou uonday mr uelllx bleclrtolau apeot a ooupla of dayd thla week al iveelam bla former lioitia ur day foot rau thadyuaioo dur ing bla abeeuoa ur andmra rxjivotetamad anfmi friandd a brief vlalt ou baturday wbila an rouu lo 1almaralou od their bonaymoou tour ura ucqueeii aud uaaur will ralurnad lo hamilton on monday afternoon after ap tiding a monui al tb bom of ur john cook aud olhr frunja mr aud ura charu jeuuar of jobua lowu h y arrived at tba homa of lriuol pal t t uoora on baturday avaulng ajnii will ajieud a fw weaka bera ulea clark baa reluruaj after a few weaka liolldaya aud b4 leeumad bar claaeea iu bjyalo bar fiba will ba iu town jvmvriday and halurday ur w t b ni y th eon aud daughur arrived hra from uuakoka ou monday uiotuinghaviiijf aajoyaj a very pbwaant vlil on tbejr farm aud with friend tbarr mr gorgd oiburu wbo he been al bault bt uarla tba peal alx boonlh or ao mada anton frieiuia a brief vlalt thla week hawaaoalled totorouto la alutd lba funeral of bid bleur ura holme aud daughter uua laird n f ii at anion wltli u oroeamed and taylor of new york bpeiit bunday in towu lba kueeld of mr aud ura w y luman uutou jlturwus o u ulph cuntiial vaut to he held tueiday wdnaedav andhtnuraay oapt abth 30th bind 37th lbla well known and popular aiblbalou promised to b more attractive- thla year tbau fur many year lu tb paal 3b prla ui la oomprebeiilv and liberel attraotlv programmed ar m- kauaed for tueeday atid wednesday evetl- ingd among other apecisllue there will eaub day b a balloon aeoeuaioii aud pnnbutd leeptiy ldy and kwtilleiiibii lliugle raudtwdl be glveu by lba tail way a the right house lft3 hamiltons iavoultti siiominc ttjttt bargains for the men and boys we ve too many draccs that a why wg rn olicrln you ivero nowaday buch rnr liarraina in goo buajicndera jftoya braces jic a pair woro lbo to 2go 15 tlaicn cood slrotip lugtlli mato with leather cuda mens braces 25c pair woro 36o to 40c 2 doxou variona nuka i nlisli and canadian uxlticf or bilk but i wcro 35 40 and 50c a pair 125 mikfl iloso for a ijtrgo lot of denlrahio ulcycln stockliik vxrioiix xhatlna foollovii or wllh foci fancy toh 1 were tt 35 pair reduui to 50c 1 wern h3c and 00c pair now je haiidkcrchiofe good iruh linen haudkerchlofa xllgbtly boiled and belling at alioul half regular prloo 10a 1212o 16a and 20o sox unit prico a large- lot of fina sdx some cotton tomo caxhmefd wma lbjc- thread and aoiua silk mdcahmore most of llicm in fancy ttrlped and embroidcrod tlyua oilier plain black woro6ottoc nowlbojjaii were 40o to coo now 25a ipoir woro boo to 76o now 3ba pair 2 25 to 150 plaids for 75 weve altout 40 pal tenia ofhandtonn iiomegpun tlald materuii for fall bklrta and children a dreeaed au wool width 43 inched splendid nualille regular value 133 aud h30 at 73c yard writo 0s for sample have you tried ordering by mall yet ita a very aalufaclory way for out of town mldnla thxt la al thuitorc liocauda waecrv you juil a well uyou wuau heioiu tieiauii vve yuaianteatieattxfactlrirnniorpay lha charged to any railway bla i ion in ontario if your order amount 1 lo f or over try ii thomas g watkins king st east cop hughoon st hamilton new goods arc comiiu to hand iroui ullquartcrs of the universe and at prcsmilthti store is nil i activity with the general air of prosperity and the- excellent prospects for s largely increased demand of jood gqb mr liollert iias been induced to make extensive purchases tin season our intimate connection with the very best manufacturers and dealers in britain france and germany ftves ua advantag es excelled by none the benefit of tins wc shall show ou in the reports of our imports this season and already a number of cases have arrived and the contents placet in stock youll be interested of course in the new styles and quafitieji so at your own convenience well be pleased to show you those goods they consist of a lot of lllahehu klrltm end ilelda iteverallile bituinca amuon clutti uultlixn hvetl twe lone uulunaja jllack and cnlure tum y hllkd laieet new vru yl ia penaynel heir elila iteverallile bttitinca amuii hvell two lone dulunaja jlllck and cnlure1 uifl apuoa twooj halunn krenoli vlanoela aultebu lit lag liuijum 1ula ml elr uuluaxa ovo the visit bollerts often and sec appear from day to day thinj they e h bollert co 25 and 27 wyiidham 81 guelpjl statches all our mens and boys watches have pjtingles new invention fob keeping out mm it makes a perfectly dust proof case out o the ordinary case which is never dust proof when first bought by the watchmaker the prices of our watches are 5 7 8 12 u aud up busy deceiving chepking oft marking off anc arranging lor your convenient inspection our choice from among europes favorite fkbrigs gkrmentsi n 03z e4-t1i-es- in other articles of wearing apparel in demand lot the coming season i5emagdon ald bro the golden lion gbuelph xx j new grocery john r kennedy atlt main st acton provision store new fresh goods lowest living prices having opened a iwiw buslneu in the nbove lines in tha prnttiisca on main si real lately occupied by mra j ad ami i have p i can u re in inviting my frionda aud l lid com m unity in general lo intpoct my block eel tlutl i can with confidence a wit a bliara of their patronage becauu my gooda are all freih and of the best qualiiy and customer will find price arcjked m yefjreaoiiabia fijurvi tho stock cooiuta of staple and panoy gkoo 11115 a canned goods and tabllij delioaoiios 5tiuits velqldtables and provisions thanks aro dua 10 any rmtaon wlio doca another a kind tics and patronu who ue money by wylng from ma will ixi dohiff their mewla a littjncis by informing lliin of the fact gooja promptly tlellverod acall lolicith john kennedy pringl6 tug jbwolbh cublph l im hts throng our counters and shelvesrnot one in the whole stock to make you fear adverse criticism a great many to add to your comliness bring your wife or sweetheart or leave it to us to determine which particular style of hat suits you best we want you to be satisfied as to shape fit and price p12ic13s puosdsl to s3 j see our new neckwear display t one price onlx i r e nelson cuelprn morcfuint tailor and monv rurnlshor f a- what you have often asked for m cups without saucers pjain whitc and gilt edge eruit saucers assorted vegetable dishes assorted colos lamps and wire lamp shades new dinner sets new bedroom sets water bottles tumblers a lilt busily ul ihchi nriuut in ulucb 5 c f goodeve fc co will st wcton mcaiuliciiu poultry netting and lawn fencing are not suipaiuiod in tho world ibeir wowed wlr lvtuzliill lio lloa over tilken ycara ol cry uicctzdul tclln ott larra had itkllwtty bpccll ollru matlo llili yeif on hojr i ndnr tiicm tjoodi ftre all iruuullurwl by ilia onlario wire fencing co limited picto ont igyii ilaml l hy llin ihr al cnnl n t ftinli oiao- ili can hardware joblr guwiuai akijtu hie il ienliij wlro co o mllloil anj montreal athmt vou uailwav iincim coojwr momtcat lcorraaruiiddnai wllh tit manulaclurera milled extta x value jlosiory 4t gurney cfe co iust t valhe j giovch prietlys black bress materials tln uia wide i cornea up il iwa ci ida realm of lllack urnui 1 iibilui thoio is lulliing ihil up to th tlamlaid and okcallriild of tha prhntly nxu ciooda ab wo cuntrul lha iale of ihrta jool or aclnn wa cn ulwaya aliow a couiplulu auuirimctil our l aauirt infill of ihew kj i p t 1 klandjiil 1 hey re patent lha hifh eat wlul of prfociuf ntlalntxl in llhck du slufia alao a complela rin ol iwad and 1lalu sulhibui for bulrtaaud buliii new pall wrapperelleg and plannelelles an hlant llane jutl recnlvul table lineiib and towellintig gureelu 1 mi1a vai 111 in uailcowsill ol cuiirh you know llid ulrrlla of ill cocmiu how jtair 10 lilv llid wdjur iryalulr 1 c anil lromnloii ltarrflly ihoy til and how nialul a liuiiro llioy 1i tood values in gallon blanket our slock of urouorhw in jilite gurhey st co mill st awon 4 jjull block i tllltm j kuiiiiklitp- j

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