Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1900, p. 2

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ic si stst vairraeio prla oa wedneadav ember to mr and mra in vi daosbte kmiuaeln on ouril of hi jaunt aanoutl daughter ol jbi hy 1 atli ile tiueelof 1 mnt 1 mollowalt illy boit ol lug ldit wife of tlioe 1 mul ae let margaret 1 ert beloieil ibt shui i of 1 ar ije julon jfm jrefifi f hintmflay lkltk lslh 1100 eoltomlal notes mr ueodereon it 1 in ooovarakllon itb a ifrrall npimoutln yeatarday agraed that political mat tar a hal too vora tip lo lb praeemt vary quiet if 11a ion rloaeat harry dp b id aha may b olaeaed among tba ooantl thai mm in it txamr of piemnfl oo4idli in the field behind however b ejjdad aliait oirapaln r alwey deeirbl tl hoard of health of woodalook h bompalled baker to givn tip uelotf ticket oh i bo ground thai by bo tnany fcjereoo handling them lb a dlaeaaa germ are aproaj llaraetar tba baker aat nee cards good for dollar worth of bread and u vmah loaf ia da i wared a bol la punched lu um oard uilk tlokat ar even wore thti bread ticket aa lb lick i la oftao pal lobs iba pltaher tha trajtaterr tan dtaeaao urm to ha milk t tint ou1 number ol fcaaaeogar oarrlad by tbo grand trnnk lullway from iba opening to lha oloaa of tba kxblblilon wa 61 ml an mere of nearly 7000 over laat year tba canadian i ad fid hallway aotboriua vrbll not having tnada tip tbelr full stoma timet that tba oar r lad about u3 000 peaeengar or pota 3 c00 tnorv than laat jaar both toad bate planed a i tba ooexha and aiialproant uaod at tba toronto pair at tba dtapoeal of tb loudoo vale which opened laat tbura day kotwithauudlorf th heavy apeoial laoa irapoaadfor wa poxpoam by tba united tiutaa it la mtlauoad that aboald tba ura rat of expenditure oootlooa to tba nod of tba proaeot flacaj yaajt which hu deficit will roach om hondrad bail lion dollars tba aboriajfa i dialr baled tha array night tallhoo bavy ua millloa ilaoallnaoaa ctarw trial a from oootrol of cuba and tba ibillppiilm taa tollllooi iboad fljjortia rapraatnt aa axpao4 axcaa of auto votad by coogr toocb gfoatar than tha uka extraordinary azpan dltora by llrltain lu bar warllk anur prison quonatitown lul friday oaorga tba four jaarold aoa of xolloa cooaubla qaorra golbrl lomhtottorraarly of acorxolowa toat with au avoidant which toay raaalt in hlaloaintf 111 right haud qooritaa boma ia at a bbaftaabory aveooa lb oloaa proximity lo tba 0 i il track ifa waj oat playlntf oil tba track aod aaalog bo approacblo abnalloj aocloa blaood iodu plnl oa tha rail ua wa lha ankajtud whoa tha aught oamo hlooff fcad tha wbaal paaaej ovar bu band if wa takad to hi bom bjtd avftarward trecoovad to tba hlok cbildiao uoapiul 111 haod wa terribly cruabad bombar of our looal borsamau nr iulta tlokled oat tbalr aaooaa at toronto fair tba attaodauo at lb high elohool 1 id rilvaooa of ual tarm tbl baa bean kraal waak id th bop yard uajf tha childroa la town ara an ifajcad lo tbl haalthfal oooopalloo tba mw oamaol walkaaxaeooch admired by oltlaao and vial tor a urga bombar of oa raaldaltlm and farmar friend aluodad toroulo air laat wak mr agoa nobbj wldov ofmba lata johu kobla diad vary aoddaoly but friday at bar hotoa htr bbe had boo id ht ulaliaat d hoapltad clorobto for aom tlma for trtmiit aiul cam bom oo monday 3rd inat atfaotlot of tba haait wa bar iroubl tba taqlkjb war iblarrad bara on balurday hluntoou 1 lor and hriu bav baaii ordarad to llay orf iae tba junuulaaroao champion lilp of tb didrlol lu tbs irk hara on 1 rlday gen roberts tactics final monuments takino place ixihjm tlajii 1j u tiara i a marka i revival of publia inlaroat in ilia war i boulb africa owing parity to tba vlor wlili ohlob ird ubarla l oomlnnllng tba jmcxuuua luj malpiy l uta- h1uui ffaou in not lixcll n with iba a pr olilif tlecllpna ikii u iborl- npw otjollv doll i i oleaily kiki uallpjnrt an i ln kranob a cavalry ilrvii m with lm folo cara infantry liaa ten act in imillm loward it with harbor lot aiuf nalaprult ai hiirway atatiniia from llalraal jtira 1vnnob liaa atrad or carolina no al lo raoh ilarbailou by ibo lirmnlo ri whlla qanarau hullon and haury wakiti aattward over uia lull j and t ibavallway atoojt wblob uta iola oaraw u adtanoioi thoro vaa iljjbllti all ajontr tba una n huoday anl tba uoara wra taadlly driven back i m ji raontu irrxltt bimolunaouilv uao llullar laavltltftian iaralhou bhd btn at fydeobqri bid baan attaoklntf oon jlolbaa forco pn aummlt of a inoaulairi wbara a lororng movament waa impraollrabla tlio r from fiydanbarif makca a loop boilbward lo krngarapoa nltd thanoa aalrly to ill w luat where lhara ii a brldla path bpllxkop inward tba rail ay melaprult oen llullar di 1 not follow tba load bat mado a frontal aaaablt upon poaltloo of treat natural atrengtb tbrat utuuonayarrylnfc it with brilliant ffal ian try lkma probabalhat la ba turoad tba lloa4maltlou at illgrlm luat and kragarapoat but itj dot clear whelhsi ba ba out off lha retreat of tba ouomy if kclprult lo clk1u ylfc u11i way itu avldept that wblla gall llullar i bam mar int away at oao uothaa atrouif- hold aroond lydenbur gen french 1 aspocud to drive tha rminio iloaf forba oak of llarbertbo and clear lb railway to tha xortukue frontalr othar dlairlol bavabaao emptied of tba urjtlali foroa 111 order that tbeaa anal movement lb tin kaaura trantvaal may b oonduotad qeberal glory and fllldyard ara holjlntf atrongly tba railway balwaan lalug kak and haldalburif but tba lownu reoently oanlnrad by general unutar and llundla in tha detblabam diatriot have beau onated bl tba urllub force jyo off nor toward tbawalarn trabivaatba been left bnder ixrd uotbuau oharu an rallway-irnm-kroonaladl-io-l-ro- tort abd tbenoa to uelfaat i bald by aantrie of entrenobad poaltlon lard robert it adapted bl uolia to tba jqlremeola of knenlla wrfara aama tlma ha aoaltered gen llolha foroo and i paabinfl on with j1 dajpalolt to koomatlptort whara iwopm door into baaual territory my ba oloaod maaar krujjar and btayn ara now at illgrlm heel limrhousi lla niw litkijatuhu la twanlyalm year gaou vxira llfo of ohrut hail baatt a laadloif volume in all tbeoloiilaaj llbrarte and for it x cllano iu aiding lu lb uilloaj and devo- lioual aludy of th i if of our bavlour oh eajrlb it ha had a plao in nuuty cbrlat- iali homo llial voluma wa baawd on long aludy not only of tit four goapohj and th old abd new taalamanu but of all ilia eouroe of knowledge open to th bltldaut from tba moat ancient to lb moat uiooaru tlma gabon larrar do rotr of can ur bury ba juat written a new volum tmlitled th idf or live tbl voluma give th raeult of furtbaf atudla of tba life of cbril and i a tttoal vluabl and interacting work tb object of tb bw book aay th author i to daaj with tjuaatloo orblgntmportabo wblob the goapal hugaat aud it almb at 6vpjilnfl lha faith and brl th bop of all who read it hooeetly ulbl fclodvtl wilt pria utl uw work highly they will ii nd it a volum oontalulug lb kloh raaulu of th aoholarly reaargli of thi rrat aud hood matt abd yjim it oonunl wall dl ud will be abl aud moat lutalligettuy to aatuy thamaal ou luaiiy point lu lliti aludy of cbrlat ik and alouamarit vyliioli hava beau mora or lae beolodded by uia urutuil of tha higher orlllo llisliaw work i freah from th pr4 of william urlfg ba 460 pag4 and la uld at 1 50 lu wall bound cloth oditlan an olb butaulibmud flhavu ininiovumuntu improvalileilttl kttd addillou lo their luloloijlu aud oil cloth department which will lui approlaled by ouelouior l iw iulirwiat wiirof thtofl room ha un moved baok ted foal glvlug troom for ltd ultra larga roll aud floor vpae ou wblob totlay oat aud out th largaet order tlmulr tba palol abop will ba ut verted into au oil oloth and matting room with lalgo ipaoa and good llht tb lltiouitia ruoiil will hav plat gla front aud wbed ooiiiplaud will liav 1hra lime pre ion pace kfirluurual or ailarual ua uagyafd vallow oil oaunot ba loallwl a a ili liuvlug aud aootblug rauiady for all pain a very pretty wadding took puo aftamoon of eupt 6th at b p hi wli uiaganuu modowall aeoond daugblor of mn jal moikwil olh una uuiuaalng wa unltrd in happy wedlock lo mr duu oau ottrrl of maaaagawey tb carri mony wa performod by llov mr xerflo of gaorgatowu mia kalliamodowell later ol tb brld wa brideamald whils mr carrie brother of tha groom aolad a beat mab thar wa a larga gathering of friend and relative and tba brld re ceived many vary coatly and uaaful pre aenu aftaf th wadding fat wall par taken off th guaet lodulged lb dancing until lha small boar whan they all re palrad to their raapeotlv boma leaving tbelr beat wlabe with tb yoang oonpl mr b grab ha beao bucoaaftll id aaonring a poalllod oa tb toronto polio foro hi preaeoo in our hamlet will b greatly mleead ilowaver wa all join iu ulehlng him avary aneoea in hi nw poallioo tb ladle of tb foreign mlaalouary bocuiy bar bav baart vary boy prapar ing thalr bal for india which i uow ootn pletad our obliging butloti agaul aud wif mr and mr coo arasxpaoud to arrive horn about friday from their trip o lapland and frauo mr ivan hu beau pending a few daju her with bl family mr and mr ibouiu bomirvills vd viaiuugrelalivti in loudon and atuoding tb waatero fair milton cbavrll jlamalniw ha ukati a iliualion a drugxlal in iloaodal louiunua moe4r tbo gltubolio 1 irjuaalng abd jama alexander aud ilourt llllolt of ktuagawsya are away to lha north wail ou a trip mr harry modowell of lha firm of modowall di wauon whouaal druggiiu vauoouwar x 0 vlviud rullve lu llii ualgbborhood during th weak tb modi bobool 1 hoi over cruwdod thu term there ar only tight aludaut ma mlllla uluhall has aeourd a good poaitlou in violoru h c and uh for tha ooairlajt wbbk itituambar tba county fair ton lha 37ih aud 2hlb inu luury elaudaraou eldest non of thoiuai tfaudaraoa lq of milloll hkl beeii pro tooted to a nialcua poltlou that of agnl for th dominion 1 ipr go forth ljy of qua a buboeaaful lurvaet ilout bocial we given ou lha lawn of wm forreat ar ban lioe trafalgar utidar tha aueplo of th judlw aid of tba hornby ualhodlat g hutch ou monday availing ibafluanolat loftiting of millon dlalriot will bajill in hu milhodlai church georgetown on 1udy bepl ihlb at unoojtwki m ait avaugalltlooouvu tloo will ba bald during tha nf urn oon tud avaulug lha dutriol lpworth itaagua gonvaullou will ba hfld on tha following day oomrueuoiuu at uqo i in wo ltadraou d 1 or tha dl iriol will prealda t oaivb3ton tcx in huins a torrlblo tidal blorrn from tho wott inoloruovautntuu tha const if ii x texa- hoi ho a wh india atoriii wliirh raaohed tbn gulf not yea larday inirnlug wrugbt awful itavoo in 1im all a lliri dlxaklar iia i afallr i tlio chy ijj oalyftilin whuoitia reimirted a ibo iau i r in r llvoa havr won i 1 ttrd it atid rarnendonw rrrnpifrtythlttltiiriiab be l trn in 1 1 iu 1 11 w nv cr llllnl will 1 1 illk wlrr 1 on rui ifllu intt liuutl ywl ii ll ll 1 ih diuri aau w of tha kul tclotrall xltti ar i mlly all roil and i li vuil r lltared with tin alatn via bi every rouoalvabl idtur ofdabik iuro hardly ft habitual homo j tha oily and innily qvrry bualibn hi uo ia tlalibod fho vohixil bull jinge ware uu frd an i badly wranke i itj uiurohea are iu rnul lvatora and warahouara ate pilflt for dip and lha nlaolrlo huht plabt and tlm oolton faotory havaoollapaad v upl iqjlutuu and teaaa cenlralrailroad ihlla at novo received btillaiina fn in tjialr unierol oftlco lu ioutbn tbal ilia in uf tifo would raaoh a 000 in gk4tn lb mlnourl katiaaa and tex roliaf force hear galva ton and along tha cnaal ti latitat bid altioou lha loaaof life will not ho lrtil than f 000 uailroad arid ooloti men talluiale iba loi of all kind of troparly including lb oollon crop at from fulrti to twrnity mllliou dollar ihaatorm beu al j oclock lialur lay morning 1rovloiia lo tlial a grout worm had baell rauing iii um gulf lid iba tide wa vry hlili ilia win i ml llrl oamn from lha north and wa in dlfcol oppo4i lion lo lha toee from th gulf hhll tba tor nt lu 11m gulf uetl lh water ou tliu bekch aula of tba ally tha north wind lied tha water from lha bay ou the bay part of tha city about noon it bacaiua evident that ilia oity wa going to iwt viiilad bydiaaulcr lluudrada of retldeucr along tba baach front wer hurrlodly abalidouad llo faral ho hoeing to dwelling in hlgl6r portion of the oily lvory bouk wa opened lo th refugaa black or while tha wind wa no flerco thkt the vain out ilka a knife iu ihu maatithna tbn wind had veered to tha aouthoaat ily ii o olook he water of lb bay and gulf met and by ditlr ibo entiru oity wa aubmargad the llooiing of tho eltolrlo light plant and th gw plau if t tba city lu dirkuaa o go upon tbo auat wa 0- oourt daatb tha wlud wa iheit at cy oloulo voloclly roof cittern portion of building telegraph pole abd wall wl lbllinganij thonoiaa orthtwind andtna oraahlug of tha building wero lerrlfjjng lha wlud aud walor roe steadily from dark until 1 b o olook buudy morning during all thi tlma lha peopli of gal vealou word like rata in trap th idgbeat portion of tha oity wai four to ilva feat uudor water whila iu a great majorily of caae tha alraat war aub merged to adapth of ian feat lolaavaa liouw wt to drown lo remain wa to court death in his wrck aga quoh a uluutrjiigouy hiintldom bean inuallad without apparent reason tba water kuddatily began to subalda at 1 15 a m within twenty nun uta they had goua down two feat and bafora daylight tbe blrael wer praolloally freed of tha flood water lha inau who i opn to toll praiaa owe an apology lo hu acqualnuitce piim kiiikui tha boat aafo1 and aurait remedy for cramp colio and diarrhoaa aa a liniment for wound and apraln it u lineal nailed avoid aaballtule there bnt on talu k ferry davia 2c aud k don t think that if any one give you a preinl that it laitl going to coal yoo any thing tba auperlorlly of molliar grava worm kxlermlualor i aliown by ii good effeai ou thaahlldreu iurohat a bollla aud glva it a trial lot of aopia aam to think it uco oeesary lo all bow htlla lhay watit lo ohool thebestofaovice to thogb who fuel sick weak oil duprlbged mlaa dolle cohoon of wlilta nook mill n s toll how gho toga i nod health and advlaji othoreto follow her uxamplo china waii to ctlagtl li huttir chatiu aivan power i maya asaa wtt all nattlrtna t hla dlaoritloit lmiikim iapl 10 xh ghiiimiuuur liijniilni hr0kllcllx3kf itj ulijl utlderatood ita roeivad oradaului authorising th opening fur peao iiagou tloo u i uliiiiall that imllar power have bu ooufrrred ou lha ollilleaa lulalar at utbar aailtal aud lliat t lie if oredauliau will tatiafy lb govrirrimnt wiauiaurow bept 10 lb oblti miuiater ba deceived al iiilperlal tail lot ooitferrjng on n uuug chang wxtraunliu aryfower liit tha oompulf attlermiil of lha china trouble llgiv bun auljmpitu-i-ttu- rmpib ity lu raakai auy lrme anoordlng t bl own illwelhm without referring th vrom uia juidlan wolfvlll n 1 at wlillo rook mlllfl witliidjiaund of lha uolay kwlali of tba gaajmiiojai river ia a pratty llttla ooltage in tbl ooluj4 lliero dwilli with her parent mia hello oohooii a very blight and attractive youug lady who ukas a lively interact luall tha oburob and aoculy work of the llttla villaga a ahott lime ago an reprcientalivj oallwl upon mill cob oon tor the purpojj of aecaruiniug bar opinion of dr willlama fink imu- whob raiaady ha had luan informed aba had bean ualng ha wi vary cordially yaoelved aud found both mlaa cjiiooo and bar mother moat enlhutlaitio and ardent avvnd- oftihrbni whloh la uow no uiilvnrjutly uied through out tha would wo glva halov in saoutlal ly bar own words miw cob oon a bhr j brae year a age tbia if ring my health wa vary muoh run down i had not boan fllug wall for uomo lima apd whanaijrlng owueilup and ilia weather ixcama warmer my condition broaina woraa 1ho loail exortlon asliautsd mo and wag followni by an awful fa ling pf waabikbu and a rapid i alpltallan uf the littart i bf allied to loua luy ambition aild a fsrliug of laugour and aluljyielineua look lu place my appatllo falliid mo and my ilaep at uigut wan ilialurbad and reallalu iu fact i waa in a vary norry ooudillan i uulyurad in iblu way for aoma liriio thou r bagau lha uu of dr william imuklill and they soon bgn to work a cliaua fur tba belter my alrauulh aud upiriw hu procfal wonderfully and tha old feallng of liradnaa began to have uia my apiwlila returnatlaud my weight lnoreaned uteadily by lha lima i had uuad lima than half a dozen boiaa i flt lrougir than i had dona for yeura llluca that lime whenever i foil th iiul ota niadioina a prompt um of dr william finknlmn ha always brought me pedy reliuf anl in futmq whvii allluu i tilmll iievjr um auyihlng but 1mm illhjj ami ktroiiilv alvlaa nthureto follow my rxampla dr williamu iiuk 1tlu orvale uuw blood build up tho uervea an 1 thu drivo dlwaua from tho uyelum in huitdrale uf oak tbay hava our 1 alur all other medl uliia haw mul thiia eitahlublug hi olaiui thai lliv at lliiiml amudg tha trlumpar of modern a ileiiw lb gjimlun fink fill ara vol 1 only n box hearing th loll trad lrk dr wiuunjjavk unl yoiifaelf from i ihjii mi by infli ny pill thai loaa int ur ilu m train mark evkhton mr itubeil griavn of luther qm down ou flalur tor a few day with hi enter mr a i levari and hie j or on frlnnu iiauifhlnr who baa beeu horo a fat wrnka will trltru villh him thla i toronlu viclnlly auut u iv wba tlrluy ar i tl turty mia i uau uei uu 1 rlday after ttjniillitf iwu wr homo mr jroar 1 filial iil i i la al maiianwood oil btur lay mr ruruil mn ri villi in wdulay of i 1 lull hi ihl viclnlly ml i tll with bar ahttr mr ol our mini tor with mr hnl ha iia revl tlm llelbej arapnlntmeiit there ihey inland having wo oarnully pray that u xxl ay lw dunr the tnveilng iu tba dlenlpla ohtireli outlnue thu week nri week thy tir poea oomiiiaiolng a anrln in mlt church this fall tairb jfwiaftrlngbonesspnnis ouvba and all forma of lajtioneit ylold to jiujuaajmd xtrru fol h aveaurn rutyjinqaif ri i en v citlral otuw- ottawa iu i h ji llouutenl liratllfurl iui i ivju huiik kwiilahat kt i jo lratnortlani lollli nwoo1 liai t hul trturuwbellml li t hi iu cl dluolih lit uijl llalulll uilul uil wbl ll liraiuiloil out 33 wutwhl duiilaa 0i t li wail i b fair hoflvu tl oct u iu coouo wiuiuuiu k dot 11 1j onatikouml owai hoiiii i oet ii u wooctbrtaae woodlrlibi oal it iii vrlid lloowoo1 oal 0 10 1 rlu krln oat liilu anecduteb of uvailtg onaaiimmar when william m lvarl wa at blebotiulry home in wiudaor vt a farmer vbo had followed hi political career iu tb uewajaper for many year wa exlroiiulyanxiou to aea bim in tha fleiili and drove aluhtroii mlln into town iu order to oiloli a glluipae of hi i iol senator llvarta at that time wa being aiitei ultied ooniulllly dining out al noat avury nfjjht and aa ha drove out of hi ground to au appointment one avaniug the farmnr wa lying in wall for him in tho road r ilia taller earing tho pale a oello face and mregre form of tha famoi ataleaman waa dl poinlbl well i declar ha exolaimed look aa if be d alway boarded an impromptu riddle la attributed to lihn here at ilia country place olio dew in pre i ding al tabid with a awarm of grandchildren about biiu be aakad-t- what 1 lh diffaranca batwaeti thla gooae before dinner and m afur t after tuuoh fu gutaing ho aald i ifateftglee now llui oota u aluffod with gaga and tliou tha baga pointing to himaalf will ba btuxfad- with gooaa um journal fr -ji- l csfet ai w i i geu can ititfq raitt vt lts yopr nerves- r its tho condition of your norvos thot eltior mokos your llfo a round of ploasuro or a uao- loss burdon 1 o tiuuy wonmn llfn itt nun round of kick nrti vvcikncb nnd ill health lo ttllmiipl eioii uio 1i lilnut linuwliolil lullca fall ufa iheni many of the nyuiplouiu ucconipany ing ihls dale ot drcllntt arri a fidlni uf llrrdiiru on waking ililliiria ilirritiria kiiillng follii palpllttlloti of ihu hnjrt ahorin s of brralh lotn ol ajijuilltr colli hojida ttiitl foci licjicha dark circlfi under ilia eye piln in iba inck and al la and all tha oilier accoiiipinlnionla of a run dawn and weakened comiltulion all ihraa aymploiiu and condltloiib ura simply tho remit of a poor inalllj and dclclko circulation of ilia hlorxl ullh a waalliif away of the ilnrwi forces dy fecdinj llm oyalcni wllli dr wards blood and nerve pills you ilrifcn at lha root or tho dltcojui mid lay a aalld foundrtllon onwlic bu booiithc weight ircrcacca ihd mnikeii clieoka and naltttnod buatu fill our llm eyes j it bright and lha thrill of unuwed hcahh amktrcngtlrvibratmthroilhh thrimyiirnf 50 cents par box at all druj jiln or pjt wardjco- toronto ont riila alnnaturo la on avery box ol tho tannine laxative bromoquiniric tablet tbe ramody tkat twm h w 1m dim day hkffwraaua3 outoal all vouft palht with painkiller a maalela oh eat i itaew alatple safe ad qui ok cur fef oblmpsblbbh0ec0uqms cold5 bheumhti3m heuraloul att and ho oont fcottleat- akwank of imitations kuv ohlv th okhuinc fbrry davis solid gold 2h3 1ul uold ill 1 so fiyraooidful 1 ilwtgliuiuia 100 waguamnua perfact utufacuoil cilobe optical co 03 yortftrtistroot toronto albert college beiulbvillb ont open to holh ten en t ratio lkfut or ti lull 11 i voie 1 aa tuu tul iwl la tli hrf luring ii year 1 locution a luae o7 uia urtou guliool of oratory 1u0 iiat urailuata of ilia new york hotinolof irolnn liu u 11 iiihim a riajt itecbr a locution and t i yak a illur iwulfitic klijkci all eiperleucul apea lkllt will liaveeliarldof uiltf lw uuarttnut couuuioui1 nlllta olte lloc an xurt ltuuiau will devotu tlialr an tiro time to till wnik lilbllkwahy couhii1 file yauuiallo aln ly or ajlulouarv uurturo an i uia tiuullli ilil in will ue utiiluiuktiii under dlruollou of uie trlnnlp1 1 will r open wadiifcday lrfi u sui iwo forolroulara ulilr pninoipaldvtsr d d deuevlllo or ii i uoouu uiibr of the hoard acton ont a pleasing photograph see yotirzclf nu others wc you hut let ua prcunt you at jour iwjji our work lo commended not aionn for llio artltlc met its hill for lha rccl lenco and nccuralcnesj of our ilucnc js whit i a pretty pictiirf and ir- ioolb co much mle you in tlm inovllablo oxclami lion h rkwshw photo ytrztst jxcton no matter how worth loan a man il he can always in an a 10 to gtt a u rloont mondation from noma mkn who want to gat rid ul him iba umjmrm lbi- i uuuaual autln rliy amuu i lh- b 1 jubt puhllflhod canadas sons on kopje and veldt an aulhaullc account of the c anadian coniini tuts in llm sntiih afncjii wir lly 1 t mttnjuiu ii a inlroducll a ly very uqv i rlnciivt gratlt f i d lliud on ulhcial dc palclicj ol ijcut col qkerand other commanding olhccra it tho fcpnt oinjdcto in otto voumc 5oqmcj richly illustrated onl 8131 cnl conilnj ntoitoy cm ipll ikosi 1 l1us tho bradleycarretaoisi co llmitod brantford onl 4 t- 1 j nem fkll styl0s i i in hhtsi tlirong our cuunturs uicl siitlvostnot onu 111 the wfiole stock to make you ftir adverse criticism a eieatmany toaildloour comline is lirin your wife or bweetlieait or lejivi it to us j to determine which part1cul1v stjle of hat suiti you best we want y6u to iil s ltisfili as to shape fit and price j phicus tjox 1 ro a scetour new neckwlir display -4- ont prick only j t r- e nelson cuelph t murotinnt tullor and moni furnlshor j whth plghsure our old room our new room wh it 1 pleasure to showjou 100t0ih of linoleum oil clih and matliii 111 our larre new welllighted room jii st g orjt s stju ire new stoek 111 iicifooni to bo ready 111 about live w t k dont buy before seeing our isiorfc- nicllt our prlooo aro always rlgbt john 7vt bond st co hhrdwrbi cublph anotlier snap in bedroom suites at l upper wymlliiun st fluclpli six 6 only bedroom suites all antique finish same design as sold weeks ajo 111 j days with spring ahd mat- tresj complete good value at 521 7 toulcarafibo j m struthers glksgow house for 10 days in order to make room for fall goodswhich are rapidly arrrvmgerwdulurirgtytinkfc3nd prices a large quantity of summer good- comprising millinery dkessgoods fancy wash iabkics laces muslins embroideries blouses skirts and many other lines of interest w a large number of lines of shoes in which the sics are broken will be closed out at a snap all reliable trlakcs cotute ekrly hemdehson co experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional casesu we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered rccnron ctu jlbbnttaniuntc pi opt it im nlc andutlku i fan a i vlluu i i r aaia 1 vbiy inn ai ly t 1 vu 111 hi till 1 1 kijkctjiio light kkhvick a i larva 1 t i ill 4 am ro 111 i i i k ll itlr nntera f r ii tallalloi l 1 ii at ii u wlr ii u i lo lixl 1 r tl o lmlr lairi 1 iinlaervl v kl i all lll ll rail il- 1 j ll 1 i a1i1ij t i i ali tail flruai 1 i l i i ii iii- dksiitallbkjtksidknok i u10 irmiab tare la u aovn f lei i wpu hfxikwl wllli old- fruit ttle irirliria will j 11 ilia eortur uiil of ll ti rivlt u tneiiufaciilrli i 111 if ohm owlnji to th iroaltnjiy f 4lrtlpw mtrr hla prnfmir wnull make a artleujla la f r uroaill 1 at i ui willlaum a eeiy urma virirlio ilua at 1 ly al vtikmraaaaitmre ac tan 0i i vilbagk 0l acton notice i j bel y given tlit a tuti will u bal 1 1 ur auait to tba oi uriu vi u i lt ant i y 1 u itonr the jutgof the c nty tm urt u 11 crmtity llalun a tlie town hall lu tl a vlllieeof jtoumcui tubbday bept 10u1 loco at a jo o olook in tho a fl or noon ili lh air w bear alii let arm all i umiaiotla iii the vol legality tl tlte village tt and lllalil 1 hat it xn at llm aal i tlma aiiu tue thoh f uooku clerk uf tliemllaseuf aclot dat4j at anton aubuatjhttl 1m yvvvvv vtjfj jlorao tail roin protector 1 ruvanu hone culilutf hie wiui iii tall lrloi ftzdollvorot t oaoraat ek uraa odloo uatutaollou fiuariiteal orinoiot rouiiiel keuilforoua j am kb matthews pot onto a acton ont bpekfarbrady- 1 maoufjicuirerit o oyjvujkforf klxctjitc m0t0iu wjyxr motons xjfqinxs aitass a xnou oautwq3to otldkh omptly don gooretotovvti oni bkkery j c uattj1xw rjjprlotoi ve handle th following kindi or ureiu doior homo mado urovvn ourtaiit tturokd vlonna french jtluk bndwioh v oottaa ldy waiitwortli wholowhoat xi 1111 top aibo k ufa aiaoilniiul of oik it aud llutiu dc matthews whin voo want dloujt aiul oatmeal outouit qliertpn nd bhrnd tlmlimtlii uiauiallat all will wk tlun ukd it litr qutluyihej tlulil iicniu ttoioi- cuelph central fair butter wrappers farmers and dairymen t who aul til to da11 ufll qenulimh vfoftarle pahcrment ou btjttku wkapans v i hi ptjwr i 1101 an liullailoii sjieclally nitilo in cermany tar llm una llati hutltr marlel it ianltiry iialllui aro tarfocl jt will uaifi illo chilli ond will mil lalnt lha hutler ilka chodp linilalloua all up 1 1 il ila butler in a lent uu ll nla tlie laleat rlur oil mice n hi i41i 1 iuuyu v 11h iii out t all litolia 13 3 sept 25 26 nnd 27 ijuiloilljtl uit lalirina a ilrvlol luyiuonl luwiiljluaui in valuivioou au 1 u olvar vjulln 1 rla ftntnnu flaoortblortara dpajo ohuto loap i ch day by a ljy au i iiuoiiioii throo flfutohuiii dandu idavo boon engaifad tlio roiuur train wit will i o 1 el i at limit until ului ul ooiirwrt uu we luu lay uvaiilt u iii111i0 rli 1111 ail rail way a al itiioriuauqii uu i u ulitalnuj friun 3 write for s implti or call at the free press acton nerves and bring rfrshinli5lp blood is blood and tone rthe system new york and andoti orugfca new york us a ioll ualu v a t iiiiown acton children cry for castoria

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