Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1900, p. 4

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hacking there is noth ing fo bad for a cough as cough- in it tears the tender membrane of the throat and luiifr and the wounds thus made attract the germs of con sumption stop your couch by using the family remedy that has been curing coughs and colds every kind for sixty years you affprd to be wirh- cherry pectoral 1 looscnsthc grasp of your cough the congestion of the rtiroat and lungs is removed all inflamma tion is subdued aqd the cough drops away three sizes the oqc dollar size is the cheap est to keep on hand the 50c size for coughs you have had for some lime the r 25c size for an ordinary cold var 18 yrs i had a vary i rough tlta liilors ami btarytwdy alsalboagtit i um1 a tiua rtm ov option tlin i ulml j cbtitty imbin du it only took a luula and a half lo rura tea v wamiok mir kb oobsalbs carmlanny wrtt itta vms if o ha tn mnflalnl wluuir u4 itaalrs bi ll tuunl tdvlcvrlt la dost rihlv 4ir umj t ayeii ls41al jlluhwj rriimthay iitimutn iaib nxjo f bt- outtjpjjfoi fesr at the tbuphon i illlol onteralt wliii number ilaa- una llwnmnd lo hundred an j amy four 1 don l nalrji lhat ono ihoqsand two hundred and illy try itoncamore plaeae 1 waive liu nil re1 and alsty four haven hundred and alii cut t no iwalvo hundred and lst four qdi thousand two hundred and alily fonf 1 oanl dl jm two numlfii at one whlohdoyou waul first t 1 we itivinm uu ilia miiii numbtr lwo dlffsrent wj a utile louder ploak i cant make you qui i said i waa hi in you the sains hum bers two differed wmya o m well what number dti you wanst twahe hundarsd and sixty tour huppoa ou kjvv ma each figure sop arelaiyfukoonr two ihree to mauno au right ona two three uur rive sl avail elbt nine ion eleven iwtlvel uot that j ym oho twti three tour ttve six got uar y ood two three foar got that vm yoa want iwalva- alx tour do yout yaa twain hundred and slaty tour do yoa understand bow yea i understand twelve siity four i busy now hjnff on please iicufa hure turdau mr jliaa llolinaou hear llitar n u aaya t waa troubled with hoaraanaua and aoro throat and after takinj three hotline lif ur wood norway pine kyrup i waa anllreiy ourod am loiij aa din doulur weaia liomo uundnal ahuu 4 la mtjmutl that h liaa a vary blfj prarllrn llvrr lioiiuaa bill uiitaa aalliw 00m iilrllni jrllow jaundlcr olo jlold to tha duiativo won i faia uvor 1illa jhy aniuro toou no need to worry blta hatjdet tha obju ia ba tayluj ullar bba waa calm nd oollaotaj m if t wara aa matlar madam amid tba tailor gantly you ha for jpttanto andoraa it indoraa itr with a litlu worried ml la yea yoa mull wdl joar natna oa tba back bttrajtakhow lba1 you will raty tbu bank in ea lb ulnar of tbla obmjua abotild fail to kbawar oar oall ob tha aald aooapllntf tba n wbafl tba ullar loolad at tha ohaqaa aaln tbla iv what ha raad tba lank baa klwaya paid upwbat it ori and you will ld ba bo worry tbaraforv i in dor a tbla obqno vary traly youra mra j ii bunka tba uuot fell otar into tba vault tiyraooaa irrahl xu fullrr tha band he ltardn to hokl wa aro hndlutf tbouaaula 0 mau lttyuilla luown our inonay provaa ir tiih a irui will w youra n man can holp bnarlnti h i l of fool talk ihd iilllo bould ur 11 mind that iv liiotjia ololrlo oil baa iiolbliitf in ooni ri6il llll lbi imurr dutrrlorallntc oua of i auod mrdlclul oil ii lamluontly puraand rtaly llloirloua rllli pain anlataaiitu allffoe of iba joinu auj muicloa atid bujci or burla biialdoa bolnrf an oxolunl njoido for rliautiiailapi couulia all brolilibui co 111 pi ill id fllroko tlid don but iwwra of bu llu castoria gr infonu and children ila fool ke i tha ahrll and thtsw away tha urn i if you am a dyampllc jllo pally h i f your bok nolij tt imtya hvev tiia loy wluta ajwaya wubluu tbat uila or that lulshl b- hut vw ulm iii blalu m ilia boy that a bound to iu ii u llatia all cont to failure llta hotmta and lu dft va uiatawhatootnaa wbau mlalllutf and mikkj fall to tat- tint boy who wuhoa uila uilutf ortlutuduilwiuikwlli rltat aiur hlui nil to aeuon and kaap blni urhui null whau rfoit umu with fajluiv willaomadayatattartrr vat ha worha out what ha wuliaa and thai a wlura luck oooioa lu rla luk that i uluva lu it utat which cornea with work auj no olia hujj it who a oonunt to wlali and ahlrk- tbakiian tba wo 14 eajlululy vvlfl uu you avry oua rtii iuaoou eoroa bot bf wuhlujf hut by hard work bravaly dona al i htxfaro valut bur sleepuessness-most- commonamong women the trouble is easily con- trolled if your hnad nolle laktt iollya ifyou uro iiorvout liku ldttyu if you aro weak tatta lelty a ltlya will niaka thd tick well burdock blood bitters cures ur jnccr unilrftv- 111 iulbalfyerftd rlrklrrnbloeoo irct lira i from laliand bought tck ijlood hitters for liti dilioo and aultercd p rulo aorra my boll lo of iturdock ilk bud kvo u to bint anil by ha tlmo ho i fiinlirl ihn mlond ixilllo tlmro u npt a luicn to n mni on at count of llna woo tlnrful corn i can honcally irtcnmenil ii ii ii to jilt who iiitt from any dlao urihin from bad hlimxi fcfr oliver j murrj charlotwtown i 1c wrlu aa follow about mix month 01 i waa troubled willi ivunrulu4iiururwlikiu rimild irot najbmi- to euro nip j a lat toort tukhi kidhk iiohi ibltara ooo boltla cumpnlrly rd j uf inn in and my iioallll vraatmivcifbottar than at promnl cures boils how do you ukq tba woman who atanda at tba ttva dallvruy window htba jwiat onloo add aaka for dm mail of flvo or iu lluuctr u ibr llrit fuurf yal komfl peopld are liever hunitry wbauvar tboy tat has to ba forced down thera la of oourh aomtllti wrong wjith tbaaa poopla lly taking hooda jrarirllu a abort lluio ibay aro divan un pimuu aud ibay aiijoy calidtf mid food riourlabea thoin it you find your awtta fallltiff juat try bottlaof hoodfl it la a una toiiaoh ton la htid ovary doaa dora uou uahepoot children tba boat family catbattld la hood 1mi dont wait utilll it ia dark bidor you lljfhl lha lamp mllburns heart h and m ncmtr- nil i s rvvt ril- paiuov colory compound pro- duoea prompt and porma- nent curo kot willi yalul on tha oul11 tba u aaally waaliad off ltit tba oolfw on from witbio booltri kmnujo fllla tba bwkj with rldli red blood it k cydor that uyaujo tba abortoc uia wit tba lonfr tha word vot m nlaair oomlaxloa taka icllya i ilia thay baaar fall to clear tba akin thoound of ladle awaajf by tbard if yod tboct oua bird you aoara tba wbota flock tbara la dangiw lu uefiloud a cold majiy who biva dltd at oodadtnpttoa dud tbalr uoubla from upotura fpllowadby cold which battlbl dutbalr lunga liud lu a abort tlma tltay win bd youd ilia ftklll of tba uat pliyaloua uad tbay baod dtgkvt a dyrup uoford ii wiiloobk thlr iwo would buva bti prad tbaapiacudlaa hk uo tqual fo our cougha oohuaiul kll ailctlona of ths throat mid li a bold in tha purta fcud iba cupboard tha worac hundraji liava tentlflad lo tha rood imtya filla havatloua thitu too if you ulva ma m knlfa tjlva taa ft fork flit it alandl to mxsoh that ir anaw a uttla xjyar pllla will crowd out of ilia tirarlot rnaiiy of tha nxuaeoua old tlllvera a baiter uledldtm at loaa tlutlt lnjf tba prlctr it all tha urifutivsiit tuxxud tc kep tha danuuul vht it h loii pba- uoruanal 40 ddmino cntii ibay cur blck ueadacba ulllotinnaj tuul aluy ajl atotribcb irritation 5 itla wondorlul bow buvy a fallow can alt uu iwoiilrla ulm lu huiuy ilatjyarda yallow oil la a food raniady for tuu or baub it ruduo mwalllujjai allaya itituuirulion akw oul luih and our oulu hbrnu hrulaoa apraini quluay fcora throat to lrloa la j ak your drttwlt for jitty ihia if ha hauit uol iboiu write uu snoloaluu iba prloa co oanu atid wa will supply you f woruii uu uot exui llliea in olilldraii or ajulu wliuii vf low a worm fiyrup la uatl mza all daaum uaw ulf ajiy bxaiicb but tbat you an aittlutj on are the childreu growing nicely stronger cajli jnonth a trifle licivier or is one of them growing the other vuy growing weaker growijig thinner growing paler if koj you oliould try 5cibti6ttvutt0tu its both food ant medicine it corrects lisctise it makes delicate thildifii row in the right way taller btroner iteavicr iicalthicr neat it tkiwni wboit worubn ar aflltatad wllh klep- laaaoma and th tnaay llli artaln uioro- trotu ibay abould ba awara ol tba faok that they cau by tbaiirtowa eforiaoalrol and ban lab all trouble lly tba uaa of talnaa calory coninoaud tba impara blood that unuuimlnatf tba alotiiacb and tba barvona tyium can ba pur i fled and ontlcbed and tba tinmbar of rad oorpoadlaa inbrvaaad btaaplaaansai that c much o tint h proara- tlon atnoupf womau la a troubla thai 1aiuaa cabwy componnd uevar falla to oura 1alnaa calary compound by ita wall known uoarlahlntf powara anatloa tha narvaa to pjat back tbalr ounlrol ovar iba cjrcuuuon ao ibat tba blood aupply ba oomea uraataal wbara t la uoal uedd aa in tba blomiob altar aaunjf and uaat wbara ila preaanoa ban only do harm aa iu tba braju wben alvap la naadful if waavtad worried waak atod barvoua woman jleaira full baaltb and a bappy bfa wa urga tbam lo rlva 1alnaa caury 3oni- pound a fair and bouaat trial 1ainaa caury compoand baa a trfarralloba taoorj of rapid and praikunl oura that bmbraoaa evary oily town and vlllajja lo oar broad dominion no olbor tnwlointi la ao fra- rjuiouy prcrlbj by our bat pbyalouua no olbar can 10 aurtly maat tba tiilrnant of aftlloud woman iba paopl wba praland tokou tha moat akoaibumau naltoa frrbiiuy know tha laaal raulty ikidny hav you bck- axba do you fool drowsy t do your limb foal boavy hava you frerunt baadacbea ilavd you failing vlalon havd you dkity feeling 7 am you da preuad la your akin dry hava you a ibed foaling any of tboaa alifna rtrovo kidftoy ulaaw 1 kporbutca baa prowd ibat boulb anibrtcaii kidney cura never falls 6 a man ybowlll drink out of a bydranl ukl to a aland mlllnjf umonada at lwo yuaaaafor a nloktl tuuil havaagttid dtal of narva dr pllya navar all 1 rluf and ibay our if ulwan an boiiut trial a bltf womau driving tba boraaa with hor liuaband allliuif by bar ilda makaa him look awfully baupokd uure llattulalor uaudrak ami dandllon ara known to axarl a powbrful lufliibnoa on iba llwar aud kidnaya raator lug tbam to haallbful action uijuoin a rular how of tba amratlaua and imparl luu to tha xrwauu a oomputa power to par form hair fuuotloua uhoaa valuable lujirudiauu eular iulo tha ooii position of iafuialw veil labia iilli and larva lo rudr tbam tba amreab and aalutar uiajlolna ibay ara tbara aro faw pllla aa affaouva aa tliay ara lu lhara action qua ooqk u aura lu oiow if ha baari auoibai ohlldreh ory for castor i a uy parinar a la tba tutat ad iu tba bjlr cures hllluulinra i hava triad litxa uvr 1illa and hn1 tbam au olotit madlolua for iudlioaluiu and htllouiuaaa j uocalluni lilouff vtllo out b t tha fallow who thluka you hava baati lltluu around wailiuu for bin to briuj you a job la ihh inuob uiitill whn ba ooiuca twoyaara abad 1 at aljjht year i auffercd aa no mi uwr uui wilh ihsuma luni for twu yema 1 lay in bod could uot to inuch as foexl myself a iruiul rcoiu luendod touth auiarlcaii kbeuuiallu cura a tor- ibioa doaea i tug id ait tip to day i am as strnml aa cvar i was mis john couk a clluloo alreal loiuutu a tlieso pills aro a tpecific far all tfiseijcu an mil j from disordered nerves uculc heart or watery blood they euro palpilatioij dizzinci smotlierinrv faint and weak npella u u no ulb m wil0 roll iiw khortnmji ofjjcit kwcllmr of feet buh ut dttbi wqtk anutinulij7 ncrvotimics alccpless- tiesy uniemia liyatcrin st vitus dance partial paralysis bruin fuf femultf complaints fjeneral debility nndlacuofvitulity price 50c abo lit ware of prldn baya tba peaoook uooa your utu soho t 1aka a patty t0 your back aolia taks a tatty duos your sida aoba t tako a petty and do not uka any other thnra aralota of nun who do not writa dia letur a year cholara and all amnmer 04inpalnu ara so julck in ihtlr action lhat the cold band of daalh lu upon tha vioiitm bofora tbny ar awaro that diijr in uoar if attaakad do not tiuy in youlnii- tha proper niml iciuo try a uom of dr j d uallaua dyaenury cordial and you will uot lm- mediatb rellf it actiwltb woinlorfill rapbht sla pf m it wa no iiiiuaual tblit ihla rummer to miff l did hariool bny j ovary turn ainon tlm am art aat matr millionaire has duoardod ahiioa and lonklnta or tha but woalhnr and ira lca throtih nouulry craaa an i ovor ara ahoro sau i ay lha full lllaflra of uif hi aa 4hla l an niinnisi lin ut on tlm uuilriti wbluli baa pievaihl li thn ii mllr fur tniy yuara i hio the illlji uf it ll famllioariiu uuhtxl all llirgii lbi uin hiit 1 r rrom iiiklitf thlr foul ur and unabaply aa noma havn aiipjiacd ihla freedom from footer klhwa a natural davelopmnnt and prevrnu trouble of lh feol olio tall and uraoeful tioulbrrb woman who imvor kimw a uuniiimr in ahoea until alio warf half trowu oaf now a douhla a a blxi wbluh anyone nil envy for fow fed aro narrow ikujjii to carry ii i ho healtbrulncaa tf tbla iuw fi la umlibubla thn irliicljh of air lalha am contained in l all thn fuuixuuou of ploaloat culture if roolbohl- a ttical phyalclall ba latrly droutal that infanta hughl not to ha burdened with any rjotbluif at all tot a limn 10 lhat thlr bodlo oould abjorh all the oxyfjen kimii 1 tha hare fooled child in aurndiur is a urown tjn edlllmv of till aabnnic iho novelty of it auraoucblltlretj at onoet tba freedom of u holds ihil and ila hraltb fuluaad t boo mine 11 da it aa a rmlulilful exiorhnnnl philadelphia 1nn alloutiidady tosbttudown that old man colli by aald tbaiand lord of untlaveru at yapluiik lo iho mm n or man injioalltn wllh a jerk of ba thumb a unt and time worn fljura jbat waw dodderliic ilowu tlm vllua uueal is unclaimrl tarpy ila a lived hre all his hfo- moat olhly alt yoara llm i commented tba olty man with 111 facatlouineu ho tnutl ilka ii bora prelly wjlby vfitulimfl i ob yoil ha saya ha jucaiim hell maka this villager ills trtiu until tomoaca smart stl yilllljfflllrfl casmu awrfc tabic prcprationfbr as slmiuitinft uc food and rctfula ltlazslomocfas and bowels of 1 max is iiiliihin see that the facimijle signature -qf- promofc3ticsuonclieeiful- ns niul best conw m ndtlw owummorphinfi normiftcral kotnaiecotio jj- aperfect itcmcdy forconsllpo- lion sour slornaxhdiiiittioea worm- convulsions fcveruh- ness and loss op sleep tocsumio sigrwlur or kew xtlhlt safe is on the wrapper of evjey botixje ob icastoria oastarla la t up la aaa alia katuas aaly tl imtnuu kalk daa abw aapw ta aaq yoa aaytklatf al oa tk alaa aa preaalaa tkal li la last as gad will imw ry tar- aoa -s- tkal yea 4 htlia a rnodern wonpon in iwi bsatilo for- health if dlxua has taken your citadel of health lha ttonucli and is torturing nn wilh f inlll inn dyaporuu and nervoui pro ira lion boulh american nervine ia tha weapon to tlrlva lha eimmy from lilmlronaliold at iho point of tha bayonet irotich by lrnch hut twlft and sum it aluaya blni 4 what a vast amount of ist ia wstadlii toakii undarbbirl vlcovoa too lon w hohlrir tjumlna orooplttut crawling mm diu-au- rltcvxl in tdjew lulniiti ity aiirws oinlincnl ur ajfilcw s oulinant iclitvr iniluntly and cures lriltr salt uluiini scald iim1 i cirms ulcers luotchci and all urujjiuuii of the skin it is toothnu and itilctnif nndncti hlc nuic in all uihy 11 union iniution of the sctlpor iuuks dunnc trolling time 35 cents a ho 7 tbahltufut eiyn iloa not always adver- ila iba blif if you oaut slvap on account of a ranluu lootlisolia vr lows toothache gum will atop ilia nolle and yiva you caaa vloa 10c all inarhchia iloslois ljvtn intelligent mcu will tall slorifls ibat ara too lontf oalorvh or twonty ybura turtd cured in a fow day uan gfarm jum of ikmiiloii lj iyj i lu tccn a timlyr to cnurih for luenty yrsn com tan i luwkln dropping in lit throat and win in llwi lijd wry alunxive lircaili i tnnl lir aijrmwa catarilsil luuiltr ilui first ojijicj lion cjvii inilnil itllrf after mini a fev hotiki i uai currd to oaata 1 w uolloa that it ia not iba blmeat huh ibat ralaos ho prttlloal lowers impunlua in tba hlood when tha aotlouof tha khluaya uaoomoa imparad icopuritiaa in tba blood aro almost aura to follow and general derangement of the ysum euauau parmilsoa vudatablo rjua will rkuuto tbo kidney so that tliay will wis i n lain hiallby action and pravant tba oomplloatlotia which certainly coma whoa there 1 jorsnacmcul ollhoiojlelioste orana an unauii hero ia nno who helps a jit i into iba a buuuy for auollibr fellow to tako ridlnj bob mccready abova la a tplcudld iwn troll f liol ifo cwsjy oua of tho host awthnll players lis canada lie u a uuiuur of the ottawa x ul v rilly team and una lutn in nllof ita cuawplonslitp inalclua uo la a mikuilld aoccluigj of mhust caundlm iu mluuij uui alronc os ho li ha lay k now niv tint it la to utfsr from dyanapula 1h scrtuslj affllrt sd waa ba at iba opening ur hid i oil itcio aaau that l waa uot 0ui1 tu uo out u ith bis team ialiia lu tho hack and smcs in tonnlltsut headache ami the awful nnia bo sutforad after estliif llio ivsiilt of nu impaired dlcoallon warned him that be wsa in uo couillllou to play lootltolt ib birdest of all somas laldcs be licked tha eiurtfy to carry him ihrouu eui oshju ila cuuaullud his phyalclau hut tlmt hutuiuuii cava him uo rrlluf it thiu ktdx ha writes 1 una adrlaed to try dr lctty a tills the imw mrtly that onu of tuy fiuiudi assured iua uas muudurful la its sffecla 1 was senilcul hut lis auuudad thslr lirsus so pt ralstuilly that i waa at loiiath ludud to ly ihiui iho very flrt dimd droid ila inli away and at tho end ij a wmk i rj lined my tram am i ksvs tniinu ihiuiiiih om ir diir hurdrat ttiftkont til hie lst fur m tlm i iimvii kvi r iwslu lir iv ity a 1 uu tc hlulic tu tlutuk fiir my rln idiilltloii lly tire tjut h t iiiriicu i iiivit itr tultni lu y iiak t in fcuairouv bl lull if riieruy i tr mi- wlnl ink any iitlua win 11 i lu i in mj 1 t 11 mriiilllieiur huhi u ihx lwiuiiiin- 1 lk1 ut llilu uall luowli iill1t an 1 lin li will in im 1 ntr toti r nt w iwtm mirul ihiih si lwhi ut hut ahm- lhlr tally ladlrllt ottawa iiniali tha vlotorlaa of hood a barsaparilla ovor all 1 orma of dlseaaa conoluiivoly prova that it ia an uiuqiiallad blood pbrtflar it oomiuaro thn demon tlorofula iuliavaa tba llohlng and burning of aslt rheum oura runuiu sorts ulcers bolla pimples and tvty other form of humor or diitaaeorlttiishntf in impura blood a man whoaumcuti cures thai ou did not taka ia satisfied wltu thai but be must auk you if ibay did atiy fiood milharna burliujj ilaadaoha powders aro ea jy to uka barmltsj in action and aura lo oura any headache in from flvo to twenty tnluulae ouipiolbd li a key that uia avsry look aito p1temt eaoil idm ai tiiay td awcikwl by oar aid aiulraaa im pakkir hecobd ttahia yl dont pull tbojiousa down hocauaa tba chimney amoka ilnu to 0t illeb wo refer to lha rlolinead ol tha blood if yon kre pale and thiu yon ara poor lo alronglh and nerve power bootla lmul sio dri awiy uiinnetn and pallor and brlnge rlob blood and uerve powor qiva ma to drink hut drench ma not corns causa intolerable pain llollc waya corn oars removes tho j rouble try il and au what an amount of pain is aavad almoit ovary evening you can run aoroai a msiltuu for tbr- purpose of ormnlilrm something or other cat what you ilka give tba dleslua organs soma work lo do thee t imclioni nwl eserclu as much as any part of tba human anatomy but if tliay ra iuu- cjlfl r ibeni lhaald lhat vr von stans iineappla tablets alford and you cat eat anything thats wholesome and jiahtabla 60 in a bos 35 ccijta 9 1 1 is fun to bsar two irls from hie astna town cavoh tr ii bow the other one imi not hq iu be boat sociuly when at honiu a icllya pilla aroumall mors mltoa hut -oua- bi a dim a ii d iburn ara no blanks lota of people h just enrjuuh ao il rsttla in jhe contribution hox when travelling aiwaym teli with you a fcottle of f towlera- eittrdct of wild wr- berry tlm dnnjfl of food and wiufcr lowintv ihosa who travel ara subject oflcn pro- tin lob an ollack of dmirhoca which lu us unpleasant ami dia- comforltntf ns it may ba daiitrous a botua or dr kowlara 1xlract of wild sraubcrry in your crip is a jfuaran lid of siifoly on tha first indl- raiipii of cramps cnlicr diarrlioaa or dytontcry a few doses will promptly check tho furl her ntl- vanco of llicso dis eases aa dr fowlcra fxlract orwiid straw- hcrry in bcunf widrfy and shamelessly imilalil jour aafty lies n lccmlbat tha full nania la on every bottle jou buy lvery bell muat rinjj ltn own toi heailacha 111 douc mrs melbourne rsrkerttorbroolr h b write i have used milburus blerllnu ileadaohn iowjen and afur tsliinu oua or two fell bettor at ono and waa ab 0 to it uptiid g on with my vork price 10c and j- all dualtrie if oa hnak jour bowl you loa jour hrolb thoucht it meant death bun h j 11 lck 11 fdimmllr tint tzf n hrrnlmruttiiminilnui ciirtr from hurt thtriwj ly iir aincu lute fur the hun bind i lni ulinff this temedy i dcijuncd of my lift 1 mil hrut failure und cilrcma jwoili ilioii onu doie t ivo me juiik relief u id one ixilllc ciucil mc 1 lie luffcrints of yui utiuduiicllcl hlcnulc 3 stestern fair londbn septebbr 6thto isth 1900 bntrlod cloao 8ttmbr sth if the mosr complole etblhlla foom 1 arm tores arul factory new anj start lm special fcaiurea chariot mcca by imporicd grc hounda italtoon ascensjons doubl lirachnte drop jiy man and lady celebrated gymnasia aerial artists ami acrobats i iroworka each tivenlnt the urmoilrrd trnlnj attack on lh iloer strongholds and many iwautmul ct dolccs special irabib over all hues tach evening allur tlut fireworks sind for prlia lutfl and programmes rrrco trwitttrttttsnamr px wrcrxsr ihlcidi rr ssxksrrakv wanted a travelling general agent all experienced canvasser or a man with good character and address with the necessary ability to travel from town to town and anoint age p canvassinp salary and expenses paid position permanent and promotion accord ing to merit grand trunk railway- all lo li ull i lu laje hi u li i sjh a it p l li 1 ulinl iii j i u jilwixt uuiiii 111 iii i lt wh l lu rll x afjron matliiiu and ifcimii- simps iiimu 1uim ii l llr vtl taall aui il wilt sv i tl iiacll hlula of hmiii jllllin liointfaiul hihi luekamltlilntf w tvlrw mlmu1 u aaualajiuiry maniwr u ca iilr n inaelilm ur lnilbiuatit ur aliv lnaks law buuibtliiat aud nliud iluu sun sarings and loan co hfcao olhcii tohqnto ont aiti cp4tl tsoooooo oo ten year maturity tharr3 ar juld monthly inslalmenli of 5 per lhare for no months wlion paynieiitl ceaio co oo aid in maturity value bioooo i mony lo loan a i straight loan or rejiayabla in montmy inntalnicnts on appll cation to r j mcnobb agont aalort ti7vte lu a large part or i busy mans capital t long distance telephone saved tlmo jpacllitttteo jluflinoad beourcs trudo wlillc the oflier man waits quslowcr methods have you a long distascl equiimu nt in your office wanted agents wanted vov tjtnroprouonusd dluthota id pay skcvjimi youifjqistmct yon tux the 1uuuu nussusv co icrowlntf a compuie llua of nursery jlock lrxjud ln many new varieties of hardy koses oniamcnlal bh nibs anil trees all aiock uarantced fra from san joao scald i good pay to goodmon i wo hald qovommont ceruil- vomflziucr ron rj cat of lanpeouon covorlnrf our stock coimtdssxasott jjow fvolght ttrni expro9b paid i write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto in ootma lha fiddler anil out rooh lbs monoy worms ara dsncrouu uttru brine on oouvulaioua anil ooslii it jour child la uulferhiff from llmio administer dr lqwo lloassnl worm qyriip which is oifo and always factual tries mo an old man alwaja loolia mighty ahctp ish whau lie cu a woman a maijakino out of tho poatomca no man likaa to havd you maka fun of bla hor so ihor tiovr waa and uuvur will in a utilivaraal panaaua in oua retnody for all ilia to thloh daau la bfalr uia vry iialura of many curatives balna suob that were tho karma of other and differently soauul dlsoaboa rooted in iho system of tba pstionl what would ruliavd ons ill lb turn would 0liuravat tba other wa have howavar in quliina wine whan ohtalnod in a sound unadulterated alkto a romody for tiinny atd yrlnvous ills dyjjj ifrailual iuillolons tnw tba frailmt s ultima aro itul into oon vajswcvtiod ami ulruiiulh by tbo hitlnoiiod whiob qululno osaru on naturaa own rastoratlvos it rollavaa tha droopiutt ajdrils of thtuw with wboia a ohroulo state of morbid daaiioiidanpaud laok of inlcraul in lifd ia a dlsaaui and by traniiiiluluu tba nervss duiioii to sound and rafrsb inji sjaaji imparls vlyor to tba abllon of tho blood whlab buliid sunulaud oouriwij iimumbiut tba wins slranituiiliijf li bssllhy aulmal fuuallona of lha uiuiu thpruby maklutf aotlvity a ttooasaiy ssmiult alritlhaniiiu lha trams ami umnu ufa lo lha dlosllvd orjjans which naturally dumaud lnorail aubatanoc raaull in irovd aiwtld korlluop j ijyman of loroulo bava kati to tba nublln lliitir quliiinu wins at tho usual rata and uusiil by tli ojiiulou of aclunliats tills wbja ainroaobas uurl jiorfoolimi of anj in th markl ll druuiuui ssll ii abtby will flu 1 thiuus about h uubixly ls kiiaw wars tburi hou children cry for castor i aw a dressmakers duties aro suolt aa to cauo baokaoho a jtopoiito orosimnkor iini otinil a positive curo unci gladly lolls about it iliumiwhofvill m thn arduous m nation of 1 iiinkini or l wi hmu tmiihliil ot tin ir own llnnnlnj ikumj umrhiiica all day lmi ldl oor uotk that wuircj thniircatnsti euro tliouiarntlio tlilncj that lmo luaro many n wont ftii osrlollu n v i v tlmiil inkn in it tfi with my iu uu it wmf as though i am jimrcini my own back hut tbom who niiffi r from bvcknoho hsadochr juln lu tlm m in or uny ilurnni i liiuiitnf tho klhuii u11 lo t hid i limw thai tin ru hi u ruunuly that inner failu oteii lu thn v nrui riwu itluliuuujviliirypilh mrs 1 ciijhr llio ullkuiwii dri-iii- limkrr dj1 llnthilr t hi jotmito out tvvathfollowlinutfcloiiuilit of bur cxikrl b4ico with ilt- 1or iioiiio tlmo i ouffun i n j k deal from wink ui a tlrd fiollnjt iunl mini and acini in mirlmiu iiartii of n v im1 hmim i hava imddai kldimy llllu uu liaiiuihtiobftiiih myliaokliim itidrmiinr uiulllinkhtiiiy trtniblijiliaviibiiluciiillii i llltiki dull jwafiilliilliniii 1 lodoiiioou mo h vuihnjiiiii tnnl iauiliuiiiy my llialo in if itii mji in jai i unit lr nt iy 1 llliiiitu ha lii in i iiiui r wuak iwiik iln la ih i tt lui i ieyil lllh ihimii i infill 1 t i iiniituiii iv 1 i i miuiiv i mil m i yi in in ur ol i 1 liu ju hi lu luy 1 hi cj i liuonloloul we print letter heads note heads bill heads statements envelopes shipping tags blank notes blank receipts circulars cards gatalogues pamphlets price lists in fact anything wanted and guarantee sitisfactciryworliit the lowest possible prices no matter what you want let u make an eslimiu for ou a ajjcnu to fill permanent poitlons wilh at good pay a11 aunplics froe chanco of fwotiioiloii to ood tncii wo nlss somoooil aiciiu aitlieroti whola or rurl tiro lo sell our prefuralioii for jhu dtimctlon of ilia tusuck molh calerf illarrknown as oatarpiliiaiane manv of our mleuncn cany ibis as a side line and nuls considerably mate than their cupciis thereby wa haid llui larj otr assortment of klock of any nurury in canada 1co phi prefer our floods ikcausjs of our kuanuilea all our tlocl u unl oul under covemnirtil cerlificalo proving cleanliness and freedom from dkcu apply now for terrllory stone wellington- toronto its sevens ghange- sdg fashions g6o1p3r kkinfs kxcllliohwsalu ykilowa uii to announca to tltalr pairona and ilia public kenerally llial lliey lund ben irovidln for tlm most tasteful dretaera by purcliaiini frdely of lha most up eotuie kooda in iba woollo markets and will thou lor tha spring tratla iba blest and best liooda produced by tha best rnllln at prlc wilbln ilia radio all i it and woukmanshu cuauantkid- call early no troubla to show our roods wa suno aobi aganu in aoloti for tho oal uaud olallwarp uul jilanham bartfe wbiohdooanot fado or ohauyfa lu oolordu two j6ra wuar or monay ysfuiulod cooper fc akins mill 81 aoton patents guaranteed our u iruitil ii we all auy hw mmllna kwlth mtid uil ut auy lunnllmi will in gjiiy uu our uijuum fe cuurcriiluu ike lulcutatulty ol sjuir wtw lo uuslu a isitrul mul uuin ir iuu ilcul ucmsj iiiivhikii i fciueiiim1 r silc at uir raiuuir llcnla lalrti om tlinmuli u4 ircu iiutia hjirwltlo riwrwsliiuii au ulimlt an wltuly lrrultcl urusl nuitullr1 ty mhimructiirra and luvturua ucu 1 lur uuiidc n y fall ailldt vicyom 0 tcvawst v co owriif attrtteyt kwaaa f juiu wahh t i c uln liulu i rro wrwhrj aiul mri ullflcll to xhilhcr ii la ioiy ii rf illl ajwl iknul uu w aouatsakstfli luvviitlimi ur luiiirim 1 1 uu you rrwa our ijiiln m imiltalttr xu u tili nt rillrwltuia sjw idf ituiliuj r uruiioii ljiliicii waukom wahi6h j jatarwt aoucilouh ft srpkjttb fin a wttjtilii vulimfis iijuiiiif as k4rultld lulul u i un niu luilislu alivllnl lwlruj 114 lilcilii utuuh 1wlul uw amtltlmi l rl lu jtsuiuu mw 1 n1411 uu wlss iso kuivavuia stl ii j aii lllmui lu wurulunu ijil krtmuj bo years experience thaimc mauris daadhd covnsahvm ac a li jjj f l llj bill j iiwhi h l hi ld lllj scicnlific hmcrlcin a hw t tw llinl wklr 1 ha in- iuh- xmrhiv ila vimii 1-fiv- r hit ik 1 hulj u l wu

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