Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1900, p. 4

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coughs kill wc know of v nothing bclicr than couehint 10 tcnithc lln- ine of your throat and kings it is bettdrjhan wee feet to cause bronchitis and j ncumpn i a nly keep it if up- ind you will cucced in reducing your weigh iodine your appetite brine n on e elow fever and making every thing exactly rleht for the jj ccrms of consumption tfc better kill your cough ti before it kills you pectoral 1 5 v 3 oel kills kind is just i nary harder coughs of bron chitis you will need a 50 cent bottle and for the coughs of consumption f the one dollar size is most economical try e6uh red academe toe mere ekalaliitt i tried tnajr retnedie ifltlbav all failed after ualiktbe cherry veotorall immediately ba pn to inpnitt md lbre bottle rntondthtobmmh ibtliml ovo lay ufa toll hixin y moiaim 0lt uu lirewntown ve ijc ctort ttjxt tuuubjjay bkrtembkk 37th 1000 ffrje j0uh3 jfolk utm vaxnti- i don i aee why u bl4 tolae til need to so to oooilnjf eeheol vor 11 eeey eoongn io laaie a cak if yon make it ly thl rule i vlrl ywu bo tut her an eprott that you n bot afraid to h jrt for in uil keoelpt v- tim vac flour tilted dlit than dhi with en iron pom x hole in ui tool iluk ground 4j put a dirt and water ttllrrlnjj it round umi round dwjla watalwpate you d boat iat ou the dough vheleraiheeeiorr ittul ketlp 1 alible tre ireuune you know auj whett yon ut it til uilek oouli you tuake tt lota a oak then put u ml e blew elaeu board and fct lu um tun to bake lwr tn t td afmoat forgot to aty you bluet aprluale wltil kosajr or nj and vlioq theyre done nd better cake will be found lu llabyund liit all i voft m to leant to book you dottt bead to make a f nee ttioosli l luami ufi wua en eorue o the door why weaele ehlld j what awn t to children gftod i li4va 0j dt jowd worm byrnp la my fatally mil it hu jwy ba tfot- ttnl had baj ioam uto nhtldra btod i cn lilijhly rooaicanl it il jopb lt try lirookvll ool it wo woald bverooua lh uw of utur wd uitwt not rut taut b4jio tura ftgkiaat on botbar hoo ltmrt k j nbiii new armjilnl q wrlum pat- utwly klx tucwuia i troabud with bainlntf uhm 0tl tld la toy ft io ttuli tut fcxuat ili 1 1 oaulj hot b t nbl mmi u my fa warolajly wollao i sould twt vrai- kny boou lot waakrf at uui i got boltu ofdf tbomt kaloraoi nud hmlvad to ley it tbd to roy haloaubmuil i rot klmai loataat rtlf aad tba 00 botil jjuoroblubad k tarfaot cart work mivaa lb oaly way uajiptf to k00lda ilia way la it looouaajlcl ula jllrtoulliea la it in wauy but bup by up it cau ba uivaraad if libof b tb ail tu all rtnmtlfajnlly ramajy oo tbfct ajwaj aboultt ba iii the lloum for fcu mnenoy dr tatlyii villa dlaoount nny thiitjf lu iba blatkat tbayiua m huull ft ohlm bh7tkthim with y oaatf do no ald mr 1ojgyra vary tuiva ii i ito idio tb cmjulry mr iodgw joa wltb mi tbla oily alol bo asf tua to uavt a 10 au fcloba 111 llvwr troublatf uuoujmaaa bajlow cooj llax0d y til low ftyaa jlubdloa td ylalj 10 ilk ouruv bowort c lax luar lilla lliy kra bun to oura a vftaftar ui cu babtf oh lrba loaj dowuwarda kick opu h jiu jump a fnoo or crowd t uuoy ebap orf iba aija will ullburn tlurllutf ilaadaob fowdar im jy tu tala llajrilltaaj 111 rctlou hbd ra k ourenby boajaflbd iu froai llvd to twenty ttlltlutw v if yoit waul to iat around a uolau ulrl tall bar jou liudaralajttl ba jifndtlir losing flesh iiidicatcsitiufiicicntjioiirisjj- ment itleatuto nervoiimiea slecplcvnctjh ijji 3j ity an4 predisposes jo con- bumption and other prevail- ijig disease to guard aganibt thcic t ike tlie standard remedy for uliwastintfdiscjmr- in young pr old it imprqves digrv- tion gwc wch miytiytlt vigor and restive power i- ujll it uu iuii umnt ttfcw ii an ntbhrppted fua8t- tbrt dwtll 1o io of tb baodaom rai droom of tlojra o aldarly udy nd har daujibur tb raotbr rvoaotfy wfcolool of lbo ty for fw day iuj on tb day aba laft tb daaghtw informed tha wolnred 000k mily id the tnornlm that aba woul9 vialt f land nd would nol rmloro until 9 o cloflk at nlftbt ilul tbofiland u uol lmi end iba daugbler omj to tb city to abop kid rtaroad boma at c p olook inaload of tir 100 uur hba fonod tau colored ooup lea lu lb parlor end lb labia to tb dining room on at for jo poraboa wltb ilrar plooa and baa obloa in evldeoo la tbakltoltan lb oook waa boy pr paring wba bar y fall upon itac unit mlatrem be aextul exolalmad in borrnr i uood graoloua yoo don com biima ao aeon i wby la inltd mab 1 nuda la dinner deed i dido i eipeot jou tba youttft womaq a id aba wea eur of thai luanll colored frlaod laft tb bkiaa bunflry oook too girl invited n tilth bora in and- all enjoyed tb fatal new oook nasi day a telegram tt at talked at tbe lldia wben tba lata oeorgle llraw berry mora we playing in kan f ranclaao a fabaloaa anm wea offered bar by a local tbaatre for bar urvloo for a few weeka the offar we vxoeedlngly umptlog but bar oootraol wltb chefla irobem blood id tbe way llowovar ou tb botblng venlora nolhlog won theory tb talagraph ad a detallad tatememt of tb oflar ab bad reoll to fmhman in new york elpmnod bow euxloua aba we to aooept it and wound- up wltb tba plea will yjh ralaaa tna id do ooura of time aha received tba following teleflratn in anawer hit oaorjla threw llarrjntora 1 aleo kola kmji fnalaoo ho cujuika yaouulm albeit dlaappotnted at r j tarry mora at oooo eeat tbla obaraouf utlo reply cbuua arolitoan hawyoikclty oh oaoaaik bw hlkermoam uandfol of floa sand planed on ft board to rub yonrflaurona oil wben iroolng ejeo ftpleoaof paper aataraled wltb keroeea and lb band treatmatit will maka iba ironing prooaw aaelet be wise today tls madness to defot it you ore woory wornout au- iwrrw rlnfr ttw pnlnv oolery compound ne8chibed vervwhere by the ablest physicians tb popularity of lwa celery ooos poood u wide and ai tended iu oaera era fonnd in every olau of aoolaly tb lfglvlng powers and virtue- of iajwa oelery com poood are landed by tb titled tb noble lb wealthy a well u by tb b amble aon and daoghteni of toil it ba eaved live of all bondluon of people biter tb fajlare of boneei ftbd worthy pby alolana iajoe a oalery compooad u toor talaed of duonaaed preecrlbej aj4 ifujolraj into than any otbat known remedy and bo other m evr bad knob btroatf an 3 eoovlneinrf leatlmoclabt at tbla um whao bjo and woman bava been uabered id to a aeaeon of rapid and daogerooa obanx lby locor fearful rlaka if boob troablaw um rbaomailain nearalgla kidney and ur domplalata atomaob ov rangamanla and blood d i ere beglecud tb oa ol palneg celery oom poood will alokly ragnlau lb bervaa olaana tba blood banlab ateeplaeaoeea beb ralgla and rbenmatum and pot ullrand kldnevp in perfect wocklutf ooodluon lalae celery oom pound u not a pa uol tnedloln illi great pbyalolana praeorlp- uon fully reoojcnlaed by oar tnoet amloent doolor in tb treetmenl of dieeftm a trial of one boll will doovlnoa wy bo sorer on of tb tbot proeperoaa laventore of lb day u mr oeorg weeuagboom wboa wonderfal brmk ba broagbt blm iii fortan ol i0 000 000 children cry for 6astoria- tb theory uiat baad deaceoded from um teookay doeen i aem bq rldiooloo attar yoo bavw wawn tbe aoorobarw in a boi upyol raoe lajialuer 11 iu are tb ladiee favorite catbard u tbay do not grip or pain elokeil or weaken or eaaaw tb eliglileet la oooveoleue vrloa 30i all drutiguu aa albany chap wu ouo ulwad bu oholo lo tta to uia penitentiary or liv wltb bu wife if oboe tb former on ooodltloo ihbl ab abould b kept oui to iuv43 la a ily tb dfciiuu io flop cailiig ixceui you iklvdlildr t talent la iruig uikct iwxii vilotll uf on suit 1 ihlwjuljdtttuat tilkuluctl a tvaw tre in tit limlinritt of iliuiudi tcmuct it hat movi tlwl oi a uiy tit hi dl f anythlhg tml cvryuiiij lui rrliuxw and um taliul ulfii after iim nibil will aid ih uoutli lu tlojiig ll vorli 6olualto sj teou a ua go dowu od yonr bauda abd knee alaluuu plea what oa ear lb kball i do that for pat t oaba 1 wabt to draw bb elapbaot dr jd kellotfyauyeenury cordial u ft apeedy euro for dyeantery dlarrboaa ebolerft autiimer oomplaiula inoldanlal to ablldrad uatblllif it give luewllau relief to tboae butferlug from tb i tflalll of induorelkui in mllbg uiirlp fruit cuotiiu bera eto it aou wltb wonderful rapidity and never fall to wmujuet tb dlaeaa no ou beed fr cbolelft if tbay bav a bottl of tbl biedlolu ooovanuiil llerllu ba 10000 utpboda iotidau 1000 h tiunmrimdutto u wuy be eeoured by taal rafurr ucogo ll i a great tnlafurtun uot to beve mlbd lainl f well uor j-g- armgh tou ellenl ueooe tb orlgld of every lltiparllbeaoa kafacb lred uiaj j jobueou iiiulefall aluaay i wau troubled wltb earaob for ft long um and bolbtuj helped to bo 111 i uaj uagyarda vllow oil wbluli ourj mo bouipuuiy it 1 ul 1u owr nneti vspoeed dawl ibet w j tb till voioe tj lb ellenl moitlfur butjn tbaaiuall ftrorat ery day acu of children cry for castor i a mb could find fjot them to jinltor io a varmonlacbooltbraw up hi job lb other hay eeya eu exchange wban ftakad what wea lit trouble lie aaid i m honoal and i won i aland being enepeoted if i find a panoll of bandkar obief ebouwtlla act tool wben i m awpeptng i alweya look for tbapwnere jivery little while the teacher or aome one tbafe ia too oowardly to faoo mr will give me a alur wby ft bills whl ego i aaw written ou tit board liud the leaat oommoo mo lit la wtlli looked from oellar togarrcl for that mullli 1 u 1 4 wouljo t know tba iblotf lr i met it intbaalreat laft night in bbj wtion on tb blackboard it aabl find tbe grateal oommoo dlvieor well i eey to myeelf botb uf tliam thing are toil now aud i ii be aoooaed at alaalmit m eo i ii quit a sarnia lady tells i lo mtlbunis i icart and nerve pills cured htrncr- vous trouble and strength ened her weak system mllbtirrt hcaa und tierta 1 ill am an iriraiimablo ixwxi to anyuno auffofmi from any diaraao or jatanjrment of ihrt itojrt or nocv or whoaa mood ia thm and watery blrm 1- horning of il gepr0 strr sarnie on i u in olftlktafl whoiotcr rncn with thia remedy well worth corv amorm it la aa foltow i i km plcaad tu rev iobudcimi mtllhirn heart and ncrva itlla to anyone auffettny from norva truublo no tnatlfti bow wvero or of how lonjf t landing for year my nerve bava been in ft tmibly weak cundiiuxi butf kdllburn heart and nerve hlla which i rot ftt geary a ilmrinncv liavo alrentheaed them greatly and invtgoratel my avatom leaving ma iu oxlu furnot making known their vrtw i cannot refrain from m com mending thewtpilla tuallauocrnraaaaanlcndulciire fo uanrotuacia and weakness if we ooittd iread tbe eeorat lilalory of our umle wo abould qnd in each man ufa borrow hud buffering abougb to diaarm alt boauiity tlleepleeauea i duo to uarvou vxolle- mant tb delicately ooublltuled tb flnabolot tb bualoce mh atij tlioa wboe occopalloa tocetalo great maolal tralu or worry ajl buffer lea or more from 1l bleep i lb reelorarof ft worried brain and to get bleep clean e tbp atomaob from all imparl tie with ft few do of 1etroew vefoiabl itlu bclallne ooated oootainlnjf no mercury aud are guaranteed to give batlafaollon or tba money will be teldqtlcxl many a man tougu nbakit out bl maeter undoing salt rheum a severe case permanently cured by b u rclock blood i had salt rheum in my face ana band fur three year and couul not pet any tiling to curonu till tued hurdock itiood hitters on ukingf tho aral bollle therowaja tteaxtbxniiorthobetlorftnd brtbn time tbe becoml boll in wit fmmiod i waj fpmpbitely cured ami bavd bad no return dtthe diaso biucd i bavt rftt failb in 11 it b a a cur for blood and bkln dluaaea all uauj bruce sbclbum n b uoalnee worrie ftrw batd to be tb caqefl of twelve per oeul of tbftaae of inaanlty for iilernnl or external ua hagyarda yallow olloanuot bdb0llaj ajft paiu r llovlug and aootblng remedy for all palo to prevvul that ahlu to tb akin wltb wbiob ao may aia atmoyed lb warm wefttb uaft lllll oampbor in lb water while bftlblng- lb fao for ft oloar oomplexiou tbk palta ill la tbay never fail to clear lbs kiu tliouaaud of ladle bweajf by tbam tbar la uotblug ignomlnloua about pov erty it may fcvn asrv a bealtby bllmulu to great aplrita bob mccready abov la ft aplndld imrlrali ut i lab ut dawedy on- oi tb ut fwiuii nlayor a canada h u a wemur arrlbe ottawa ublramlty unxa and hut uu tu all of it eiiaitihlouhtiln uialctea 1i u a bnuudld kpluu u rluat cabadlea maubooj hat ktroutf he la b ba knowu what itl la uilter rrem djapeuala nrumly ft d wee he at tb autiutg of the iutt ftkwj waaon that h vu uot a bid to ua out wltb bu tealu ldllih it the back olid kldaa lu loroiltteut beadacbo aud tl awful p4b h butfered after eallujc tue reault of au lutrhl isaatlan warded blu that hj was in bo condition tu play fimlball tb bardnt of nil gaule uaejdee k lacked j ajr ao carry tdul tbrudch a em halgu ii cubaulted bl phyelcuu but that gentleman gave blm bo vuf atlbu tae be writea i wa advucd to try dr fatty 1 ilia tba bew remedy that bo bf bay rrtattd aaaurad me va wonderful b ll effect 1 wan akeottcl but be bounded tlilr brelu ao bralauudy that i wa at length uduceq to try tbaul tbe vary ormt dm drura lb pal a away and ftt tba end at m wtcw i rejohud uiy iu and i have mm lb re ugh one uf our bardeat baa anna in the wat turin that i have ever ba lu pr i city 1 ilia are alone to tbaak fur my hue roudlllon tbay are tbe brat tnatllctaa i bave ver taken tbay make gad at bu t ku rull at energy i tnr on aball air aka ear 4bra wben i ferl tu dretl at m btrriiathenar much i the reciiuet datfcm v tbla well known alhlali and aucji will tw tb eiperubce r evetyon whu ima lb wonderful remedy k your driiirt rannnt aaiijilr yon wrtla- t ate eerloelne lrt luctal bottle at tltl fo hu adtlreeatfaenr lty aiadlrln- co ottawa ceuaoa delays are daacerons a until pimp a oa yoor foe may eeem of illoe eooeei lenoa bat it ebowa yoor blood i impurr and impure blood u what cauera moet of tba dlsema from wbiob prople aoltar lie tier beed tb warning given by tb pirapu and purify yoor blood at once by taking hood baraaparllla tm medicine core all d i doe to bad blood luolodin eerolnla end aall itwum t the non irrltaltng oethartio hood idle tb obief ufdoe of alienee la to bory all uiat la etll and tba chief oflo of epeecb hi to ducloa and to dlaeemlnal all tbat u good let tbia bo done wltb elnodrir and oarueetoeee and le no oriliolam dlaooorag it for it ultimate boat to nbaracur aud to oondoot la eetabllabed beyond a doubt tbay never fall mr 8 u uougbner laugtun write for a boo i two jeer i wa troubled wilb inward pile bat by bee ing iermeue iille 1 wea oomplelely cured and although fooy year have elspeed alno ibao they bae not returned iarmeleae ill it are ant i bilione and a epeolnb for the enrw of laver and kidney complaint lyapepele collvnee llead ache 1ilc etc and will regulate uuf acretana and remove ell biltlooa mailer tb afencbeeler hblp cabal ooal im 000 060 nover worry tkw ihrm ami go jviut your kudneeelliay uu tbelr w wbllat you ara doing your ir arimiw liver fill are eyatem rcnovalor blood purifier and builder every gland and tiuu in tba whole anatomy la benefited and atlmobued in the bie of them odoee in ft vial la centa al kiperlenoe ba proved that lbs looiter an eogagement the mora liahle lb la in be broken dh wh are apending hume da to make ietty imia kuown our money provj our faith a trial will fteoure yonra ii wbo make a baec lea itjalnuatlott ftgaioat ft neighbor integrity or honor 1 guilty of an injnetlo which i alroci and mooetron lu oomprifcod wiui tb petty depredation of lb deeplcabl tblef who break into bl granary and aurrvptl bnaly barrio away bl corn where oan i get bom of holloway cord cut t i a entirely cored of my corn by tbl remedy and i wltb eomo more of it for my friend ho write mr j w hrowa cblcago aaleamjilcrjairpuu front goi many c3stor3an sat lulanu and chhdroil zl jzu wben a pabllo otan ba loet hi grip bu will not do mucb band abaklng wltb con tlltuenl tb 1 jaagajt aw m aajullaajii i flil many wbo bavwdled of oonaumpuott dated tbelr trouble from arpoeur followed by a cold which aeiuedoa tbeif lung ahd in ft abort urn tbey war beyond lb akill of tb beat pbyalolu limit tbey beed ulobla abtl conaompuve by ran befor ll wa to late their live would bavwbeti apared thlk medicine ba uo ejaal for curing ooagb cold and all atfeotlon of tb ibroat and lung in aom bonae there la uotbtdtf tbongbtr of eloept to give tb baby ft ckenc to bleep southjajuvjcaji kjdnoy ouro 1 tba only kidney treatment that ha proven equal to porreot alt tb evibt tbat are likely to befall tbeen phyalcaj regulator hun dred of tealtmonul to- prove fit curat i vo mer 1 1 of tbl liquid kidney apocific incjue of llrlgbt duee dtaute irritation of um bladder inflammation dropalcal tendency dont delay as tb 11 of mail ba bo pftwnabop klutldrej bav teeiifled to tllfl fwl imty id bav don tbeid tb mat ibat lu glved tobgr da troy a blaowu bouw how tbla au ifiok do you ilk to bear it if not take bootl lmulalou twill fill out jour bubken ayee bollow cheek end tbln baud wby not bav a plump tlguret donrtrdiaeae bteaf a taarcb ohyod w may divide tklnkar into ibo wbo think for tbuaelva and tboa wbo think tbrougb other tba latter at tba rule uto tormar ut bidoplloa only tlie light wbiob w bavw biudled la oureelvea can ilium in mootharv doe your bead aoba tk a patty doe your bok aob tak a patty doe your aid aoba lk a itty and do uol uk any otber dout ait irna draught if 0d dl tbe doctor will in all probability b tba on to cabb il aluiiliou lu tba world of lmmeoalbld medlalo be beetl it very eouto uf pro gree ft itl poliuae atd rallgloath dlt uoultit uf oiilulou and lb individuality of mai bav bead parent to tb dlaagre tueut by wbiob lb alaudard of uiee bodu have beeu btelod tio wltb tuoel of our fatnou preparation foremoat lu 11 i miration of wbiob truth buud tb world fatnou remedy to general debility aud lauguor qulniu win and wbloll wbad obhaluabl iii ill geoblne btrebgtli lb aiulraouloua oreator of apptlu vitality juid bllknutanl to tb ueueral fertility of tba vyateui julnlu wiua aud it im proveuianl baa roui tbe url dleooiary of tb grat virtue of juliilud a a mad leal ageut beau ou of tb tuoel thoroughly ditoueeed rouledu 6vot offered to tb pub llo h 1 ou of lh great touloa and and ualural uf giving aliiriulauu whlob lb llladiojl profaealoil lltva beetl oohipclm to rougiiitatid pneorlb lleaer norll ropand lyhiau of loioulojav glvu to lb preparation of tbtlr ur qululna win lb great ear du to it ituborlauo and tb blender j ekoelleuo of lit artlol wblab tbay offar lo tb pull la ooui lulo to hiarkal purged of all lb defeol wbiob aklllad obeerveliou ld aoitfullmo oj in ion bav polu tad out in tblemureut prapera tloua if tb jatlar a doctor aluudlug a wit wbo wa vry 111 apologlbed tut being let on day by baying thai b bad lu atop 0 be a utau wb6 bad felleuewu a well did ti klok the buuket 1 bijaltad iba ulber deamth or lunooy kric u allmullte f tr it will li otiiiiiiil ijlilyi ii l ly uf wtngluuh ol bdiulmdhwdle1 iwuuilinoltl i m at wuiih i a run thlvuthi ilolul ly hlt y a l m iidvl shillt anwti ii nmwik iif lwlwl u lx tlla jiiwd ami ihi i wii ln muiy 1 tonti thi amli tuw1 iy btr rj i- uu ll b4 disbasborm8 in darulabbflb a new burro baa been added 0 lii aaloon driobrog bbll 1r oabrman of tba chjoao cl medical jteelib dfpar men i baa made the ttatement for publica to a a warning that i lie drinking of beer and other liquor bardaud axil i frora aueee whlob haw beeu vbbanl in water 10 which bundred or other kiihh have bran aueed la danger if thousand of germ of dlasaree innlullug lb of tbe moet loalheome kuowu to mavjicel praollce are otdlcald in the water from the band and lip of drinker fur inelanoe a man with cerraa of tjpliold fever on hli up may drink a glaee of beer t another roir bring along tb baelltt of diphlbaria i a third may have embryooin of amallpox on buolotbee and broab u off ou ibegbua tbua dr oehrmeu aaaurr the drinker at public- bare that tbey lun the rk of alejraollug a oom plica lion of dleeeeee whlob would render ualhtul the wltdeet iraegiulpge uf a man enfferin from uellrlum irvmena it abould bo obeerted however thai lu oara of the belter cue the rle are wiped altar having been waahcd but ibit do not mend matter a lb germa oiing tu tbe towrl and arn glen a anrer grip uf tbe glee while in prcceea of dutnbntlon a a ptoeentivelj infection lb doctor u geat tbe waahtog of the glaeae in dunlog water milch would carry tit germ down where tbay would beoomo harmlea muilt keei- up ttlu courage- a telegrepli oimretor in milwaukee vi one day trying to call up an office io a email town in tbe interior of tbe lata where lb instrument wa prvaided over by by a woman lie waa about giving up lo deapair when ftl oeralor ju another knell town a few mllea duuul from ihe tlrt ttokeil out tbe juoery what du you wenr i wan t mia ll at ll ville i bav bou trying lo get bar fur the leal i alf hour ibat uholb ing came tbo le ly there a young fel low clerking in a dry good euire uiare wbo baa been trying to get bar for lb jaat three year and ho la uol auoceeded yet dout got diecouraged tbe old reliable remedy for diarrfkba and dysentery brarv mr tbo sherlock arn pruw ont recently wrote i uewo if 1mywtloifltlirweiyvaraol agre wee taknvry bau villi dtarrinew arid wo thought we arn k toloo lief vbcrt i rcmrmbercd tluit uv graildntollicr blway uact pr iowlera txtact of wild m raw berry and ofim ut4 1 ka t it aaved hef- bfe i otet boltuand ravqit to cl undancrilielhuu dum aim iwjirtffwgtrt beltf r aud klcpt well tluit uicbt bbe proved ri4ht ajougt ami wa eoon conv pllcly cured tb man i poor indeed vjio caunot in aim way help bl neighbor if ouly by word of aympelby ftnd uulee b ba the dlapoallion to do tblawbenbo la poor there iiu1 likllabood that tb luaeeealon of klobe will traliaform bbi nature if you ar a dyepepuo taka pelty if your back ache uk petty if yoor bead aoba tak pouy if you are nervoua tak petty if you arw weak uk pally llty wtil makatb aiok well many a girl wbo marrle for uuur re peoti in bast fttupsfylng baajaclie are cured ik bead cleared abd tb bra lb briiibuneil by muburu hurllurf headache puwdera ihey do not weaketi lb heart lrloa loo aud iso tbe common lurartly bag 1000 eye to tb fly i therefore oauibt by tba amall boy tb latter appear a an army of glaula tloa cured in 3 to o nljehta oiw application bke relief dr anawa ointment u a boon far itching pi id or dlinddleediagpiie it vellve nuickly xa permanently in akin erupt inn i it blauda without ft rival 1 hoiifciudi of lelimonuj if you want avldciic 35 centa aj tbay uavr pardon wlio bav jona lbs wrong latuut uallef ur kohl januluge mautflelj out writ i bav uted on bottla of dr low toothache oum foraeveietoolliioh and received instant relief xwaidra tbla it acted aa a aplaudid tauprary fllliafi 10j iba ohurabtof aiiiialluw in landau poean iuooiua originally given lo it for tba purpoaeeof buying fatfoli for burn lug berelioi tired housekeepers blsordered kldneyd bring thorn multitude of pauia und ttchok iiuw cjun woman siv out boforo the ay work i fairly btiuu and uluk tiilo si obiur utterly woru oul hub tho hmi in work rtiliut ba 1 na oveii utouli til back doe aoba and tba iiajui tale rvady lo lurat ultf wntnti oah fc uiulorautul why tliy arw iiavr bbrong why tlio ulght dj not bring rent why llny ard aiwayy tlrwl hav no ftppeilu ftud bodiii to ba palim aiu ahe alt ovwr a a rule uio roal emu of tha troubla la tha laat oiie tbouuhl of it all ooiiie f una lliel aaj delloau bllu fliur of tba moueeewyu xst ordr and a a renll thu uric aold and ouier ihiiwmiu that tbuy ought to carry off araiwot back lulu the uyetoul l hr no lit trjiifc to t rmluf uuul ui kidnny aro rnturcil tu iumiiui hi aaau1 aaft ciulnki ut way la- oompliali ua 1 to uk huaii kidney plu 11 toiiulv for ail kidney it alliiuilnru mm martha h proa i itllaulvwdlgby co n tl 1 timxnluy wruu a follow 1 lav tuuoll jafcu iu klaiiug thai duau ul luy pill have wuiuuv fully luptovwluiy health i hd beall buffering willi buue bank for number uf yai ajnl at tlie tlinw 1 began taking doau pdl i wa almoa finable to do any bimaewurk i iiavw bl llir u4 aud timet bay by hve ukn the puin vl f y bea ami rli my aliuuttb 1 tloji t utluk tharn iu any olli r rtiwinuv luall doair kidney pill for kidney uuubla anhiclabaeprcpjiralion tor as slmilaung ttairood attdrecula ihtbfstojboxiisubowclsor imams iiildhkn prxrmote3lcsuonxjerful- ncjxndifcstxodlalns nduier jnuat morpliine nor mtneral notkakcotic aprfltlinclyrorcor3up- tton sourstoniuxhdiaithoea worms jconvulsionsfcvcrishr ncss and loss of sleep tacsunk signature of new yohic see that the facsimilb signature of i is on tse wrapper op evebt botttti ob gastoria oaeteeie uwtiiu eaeabw uukaj ealy it la set eela u balk iha auew aayww u aau grand trunk railway- ittnxu wear uoint kaarr wall 10 la in i iwau 8 33 a m a u m 1 kimmi inula n kapr kairea uell c l a i ulc i tlutn wfl u ml a in j w m lnlnkmtlaidiii a lid 6 6 i ll tlila tliu- tlil- waul nui hnl iui itii it junebmii iux auion motliiuu ami itpiiait- shops hkmlvnillmlki 1 l irll t a uk wall muv4 w hi a i tl a ofalwun attlitf tiu blaebmltlilna woul aauataalvry i lanuai iilite or itdpuman itnld awl hlll doila ujtibx o lb fl m fmlm ui ll tut- biij n j experienced undertafcers bytlcoliiig willi us you arc assured of the most cucful attention ane cvcrytliinf done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only chargo lor embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeral supplies and at grcat- ly rcaucc3pricc3rcaskcg delivered j a speight co kcton agents wanted for yjnroproboatad dutriou good jay to good men aarcijjic yotk jairjwct rott rux fftilgrrt and ex0ross oll tug psjhau nuueuitv co growing a compietolluo ofnuraery block includ tig many new variolic of hardy hoae ornamental shrub and tree alt block guaranleed free from baj3 joan scale we hold government cortlfl- cato of inspection covorin our stock write for catalouo pelham nursery co toronto tt canadas sons j on kopje and veldt an aulbenlic account of iba cauullan comlngnu in tlio south african war lly t g manpiu a introduction by ery ue principal grant i i- d bxtod on oificfal dopalcbea oi luut col oiler fiiittolknr commanding oiticcra al um front complete in one vuumc soopajei richly illuttralad only 1 1 50 agenla coining money gi t 1 kli pkomi ctiis tho urableycarhetson co llmltod brantlord ont 1 do all il olnaan4knara 1 rafalre r7iriiiad of ally make im w baltbeeeros papei- makers a georgetown 4 onlario book t ngws qolorsd john r barber the business man who has no tclupuonl not only miss s all the convenience ol the telephone service but is lost to the com mercial world elephonc 13 th tjreattst business agency of tin century see that you are associated with it wanted agcnl o ftllpuuianont potlllom with uat good pay all upnllm clianco of jsromoiion lo ood fri w al rietlra aonift ooil a liiwhejvwiiuia urtparrttrnclotfiirour preiuraiiotl for lh dctirucllon of tbe iuauock moth caterplllai known oatahpirlarlne many ofour ulcimcnoiny this oj a sldo flu and maka coutldcrably more thin tlmlrcifpettm thereby wo liavo tlio 1argit aioflmciit of lock of any nurury in canada ico pi prefer our good becauu ol our guaranto all our stock u lctitiout under government cerlificaie proving cleaiilltuu and frmdontfroiri dlaeaae aply now for territory stone wellington toronto dunlop solid rubbe carriage tire a new carrlato tiro that male riding on all roods a pleasure economical loo for i does away with tba vibration that ulukei and breaks be en trills x eliaped btw4ii tlie rub bar ur andtha itcwl turuje reventa uietirai iui aujleutuug wliloli otliar urareauljmtto fu uie lilblt v at ui big fair send at once for iyc lira calai rut lvlai prlcca of all kiies butter trappers farmers and dairymen who a iii ullo dail ubl fijilulne vegetable parchment lok mutu wiia11eub 1 iii mwjr is not an i nllatloil specially mad ill oenitany fur llio canadian hiuu r mjilol 111 ttlllary uillllaa ar porfoci it will wjlii liloclmli an 1 will mil lalnl llui liulur liucltmiliiillalluti ah up i ililu luillrr malum uui ft nut ilia hleht iaduod prk iai iiut tt a u litoliw ioia vatwvau is u w l is i 10 4 ti 3 write for simples or call at the free press acton tho dunloptiro company toronto bt john winnifco montiieal patents guaranteed our fc returned if we lil any on fcebulhe wrh aud vlfwtiuuuu ufaiiy iuvcuilui will 1 iut6tly lkrue our uj tub u fia cuoocfbluf ulcuml ulty of ui te low la ouali idleiil ieul umii t wleal auiej tiiotihuaa leetllw i iile at our eiijiijr lsilcuta uleu out itiitmnb ua iolve uinle eu iii uiiilr ku i j uly clicuum iouual nuiujltril 1 y afaiiularluwrii aud inwtif lriia foruuil leaiy tfmtm audiau viotom j kvahs a co julynf attorney kvatr r vvap a patents prdmptly secured i yvhlrif w our inli riwubtr ihhilh in imi ajl ow ou rn nwlml you nrvw uur i t itiln iruhetily tuiun i 4lutloii rtlw majuom e uxulaa jraxrr koajtorroaui ancvkmti waurai a akel eh an ill nit tr aalai tr feei lwit la wthal rjwtiuj u iuiiviitr aawlaih llnnamitulr llflbhi 1 ittvri riitt i pnf laniiiiamuf la ii lljnniali alitiu a lklrkcale kpnfam heate wllluttl u ill tliw sckniiflc hmcrlcan aheajleiietelrllie lw wal ij i4r hiu4l4u ur fnlai i lie b anij twin u w jmf i i kir wt ti l ouuiajkii vdalm

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