Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 4, 1900, p. 4

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t consumption do not think t for filnclc mombnt that consumption will er strike you a sudden blow it doci not come that way it creeps its way along- first you think it is a little cold nothing bur a utile hacking then a little iqss cough then e little loss l i tr inwcihrjthen n barrier- t trans railway f4ytm ud cough then the fever an at he night sweats better stop the disease while it is yet creeping better cure yoyr cough i joday r you can do it wth cherry pectoral the pressure on the chest is lifted that feel ing of suffocation is re moved and you are cur- jj cd you caa stop that little cold with a 2s cent bottle harder coughs will need a 50 cent size if its on the lungs the one dollar size will be most economical i vofl4ntly iwukwi ayer ftterry ikkkii to all toy tliwu i bui ualujf it toovlnnjovii ralajty eoty jno i fmliiinll und ny life 1 h kiorm i ju 4 ibm vot hutlaoo loera will iw wtm at aay hbh aa- oiiand trun ijaltw system tho paoptaa popular lout from baiurn point to tho waal and th qulckal mnti moat dlrot rout to tho paolmo coast kolie vu mcago and it through nootfoo rusorlona tullman ttupojt oars anil eleanily upholld nod com fortable ly coaahe run on all ihrnoffh irejit any f th orand tidnk hallway hum will 1 all informal km aa i o rout fare all on application ieopleet ihetorouluiyelr tbla year who vialled tba ari oaltery aod admired he pelt ll ok alao look lima lo i o peel uw view of jjenedlan aoaoary which a tnoelarlullcelly arranged o lit alalrway leading- to the aral gallery oo lha ao aid oflhe main ball knft thl mo1 traollv dlaplaj was made by lb j rand ije ctoit jfm jrs thullbday ootouut alb 1000 tttotlrifl joiebt wjjjn aas awav tail you what whan btaa away we hav jolly utu i key what w tnak a elnrlou bolaa there ha oh to kin out hoy dobeijaulr ahdeanubl it we uy uy 1u ail rieht wa v ft vtould every day at our houae wtimi bia a away wa lion i hay to anymore her 1 1 our boot eleaii at lb door wo on aaold tt whan wa rlaht v waahaj or bet all rbjhl tio tuid jioluia u la eiou all plefc up lb udn- k drop lu the allay wa uu play with iha suiltha wbaa tuaa away hut mduialiow 1 hudly kuaw couraa it tuu aj auofa uilngj n huh it kind oi aatu to ba luthac looaaouia ilka yoo im no oua round- to hmlla etc aluic llalp a wlow do a uilo hljilo uia laaaona fcvay jy kfraj uri btrajsht whatl tola a awdy no oua har whau thlue ar llo la tll us what t do ular ua up uu tuaka it tjbl aud ulk aailoua ilka xt bhibt hair ctur prayara imd uplva rooad 11 wa r klaaplux anuj aad aouad itomauduffv wroutf lu word or play at ourhout whau i away l it ionooury asucctlsbkulbundavscitool alwtya wciiikou ttti ilaa a llvd iuyarlounjdul pom lytumallo vuilln ilaa a uortual claw iim an attractive programme hw a choir or au orolimtra or both urifaii uuijmraiio work umm au xoaueal primary uaohar ilaa eaali acliolir own aud brlui 111 11iiu ilaa toaohara who ptmlio aili tlaalaj rya alunliod to the raajlajj di ood liuralur uakapcjftiy to offrldtt for mlaaiotm v ileaoultm uintlu priratry dapartwaut hi afj4v for twahool 1 llittti are too many paopu in ui ohuroh whooaut b rlfiiaua la cloudy woathar if you ar m tlyawptlo uk pttyh it your hack achaa take rltya if your head kohmttikatatyi if- you are narvoua uk 1eltyti if you ar wok taka lllya iillyi will maka uisalok w11 articu of food thai ay tuada of aluu or of milk uhpuld alwy la kpl oavoraj ti both milk and uillo are literal aaavou lsra of tho air aud auorb uol tnot but iterrtu iniuul ilaliaf uarautaaj by ualuit uu buruu olbrllii hnuaolis powdar ho da prkalnu tfiar twaol illuauatad aaano aloo iba route uf that popular road for ourlila and traelara biranrara who vullaxi the kahtbulnn bad to a taw mptiui uoodd u lbir labed kasaaaaruia of aoiaal pbotogiaph ijpkaloi lbs karjeil apd dalkhunl wuiexy in canada tanging from tba bubbling brook and iron atrwama to the wild ruggad yl tnajeallo beauty of muakokam tho vry harna uuakoka la one i known ovan to paopla yrbo have ba foot in thai territory that l ooee brinjia op vlalooa of an ideal euro mar reaort flab ing asouraiona ibat irival the rnoat rioted kuropeen reeorta the aoene of beapty apota in maakoka ke of tuya dlatriot and around kawartba lakaa imply f aaoloatintf and auggoalad a country ajrooat xj tap 10 for the portamau or ibo lovar ot naltore the view lakafl a loo j the coaat of main and in tba kaatrrj bulee ware alao worthy of oou what probably appaalad moat atroorly to the toorut ware tba anap ahot of the uigb knda of ontario dpiounj prauy aoromar bomm faoln a i ream tliat the anglar at onoa prortonnoad tbo home of peokled babtiae plaold waurt on the aboree of wbloli ooroforubla looking a am mar not uw kre looated idaaj plaoee in bob to opand ibe hot kabintar month ooo of uia rncri aulkloit view in llm ooluotlon waaooaof ibeoolebrmudubadow rjyar lb abadow of tbo mum and iu oa oupabta being reflected 1 tbe aroootb wair a0 parfaouy that it la raally dtmealt to dated tba dlffomte between the abadow and tbo rlvaf tb arrival opka aitaoiec at uoakokm wbarf u varveeiietlo attd taore eloquent in proalmlmlofl tbe ealraotiva feataree of tbla ignnur rceort their ooluraoa of huratara tbo wbrt la pack- aosrlliratiaiyrowd7wbne alralobod along tbe w ate tho eatoaae of a cooplo of aoore of dr which hevo been broojjht down by uie btmura daadly rifle tbero are many other banting eoea true to life for tbey are kctnaj pbotonrapba atid tbo caroara dooa not lie ao n caaeral mlo viabarmajia look in mtwkoka la dlf- fereol from what la raoarauy conveyed by tbe tarm ae tbo pbotograpba of a bamur of opuadtd oatobeo amply teeluy la act lite lit muekcke a atofy wltboot wocda oould bo read by any pnoo who could homo of tbo view of ibe ka war tba ukae diaurlai wart a taveatiion avan to cana- dlana for it la ooly compazallvely reoeally that tbla roolantlodlauulnaabeaci opod up to tonrlala lbroarb tbo ormod trunk hallway oocnpatiya agreaeive pofloy of wplorlng onr kortbero ilegeooa tbey are looaud boilb oi ielerborooxb and undaay and oombln aoaoery wild and rugged wltb haro and there a lebdaoap that mlitbt paaa for an idealula dream of lamutr hunl soma of tbo aoaoeo tepre- aeoted ware a likely bpot for baee ilunulng ibo lupueof vl ui v yw- rom lluckinitborn jalla aa laland iandlog on kawartba lakeo and a lostkou lial lllvar tbo eoepebot of tbo annual recall on tbo kawartba lakee pictured very aptly ono of tbo pooaar bporu iodulged fn by v 11 lore tbe monarch and uu herd wu probably oo bt tbo plotaraa which om id for lh moet rerlerat admiration it protraje a aoeoo once a oomparallvaly common eight in tbo wild of canada but no ooty tnel with in til highland of ontario tbo aporumeve pmradla tbo vlowo are of th very blgb- ot typo of tb pbologrepblo art and ware obtained at very great upeoae that tbey were tpprecuud wa qttlu avldootfroad tbo oonalant tbrongof vlalloto who lingered around tho exhibit toronto mull oj kt upl 71b 1000 fhh ondbal of lauohthfl hinoo tberallao allaoaed tbo rtal aon of atrona and woold bav prevailed thro ugh vldioou had nol utyaeee beet biro about tbe eboaldero with bio ooeplre every men who bee uplred to e high plane evary atateeman who baa ariuad for a rreal aauae every eoieatlat inventor vnddtoovererwbo baa blaudoot a now path for prngivea baa bad to dred the alia t a of ridicule rrittre than the attack a of ignoranoe trial by are la a bard teat but trial by leusblarta the ao pre roe ordaal men will lae death when tbay would ion from rldl oau a aertooa attack on a new move- rnanl eervea bot ko aotidlfy it where a aneet would otteu duperao iu for ceo and ao laughter baebeooma tb loglo of ud reaeon a anr ll qnal argarneol for it i harta a think and eaay to laugh and rooe met frer not to laugd wllh the crowd laet it turn and laugh a it 1mm in relikion it iiuratuib in ic what man woam tlaalroy he brat maia ndiouluov thfa u ae it ahould be a great idea or a great man ct navar laugbed down and out to tbe end tbo aoeptre at common aaoao prevail vuv thoogb the otowd tare uf laugh it paually dlatruata tbe men who provoke it and uuoooaclooaly bogloa to reepeot tho one whoarea vare lit bl par- poee deaplto it and if vkdioou ha it aboaa it ha to uaea u punolnre the aham for all lime and wlrtmlmna lb real to il dual tnumplt charla v wingata iattya ill i- are am one la a doaa and tbera ate no buokw umra mlteebut verj duae counlo h would pokxle eugru to know what borne ton mean whan thy put a j turn i puo in tbe hat it ao ptaaaant to taka that children cry for it but it death to worm of all kind or low worm fly up 1rleo 25a all flnr klwmld bot bo kept lu a aloreroom or pantry where there ia cooked food aa it readily obeorb odor ignoraiioo of tbia fact aooounta ior poor broad oltanar uiau a inforloy quality of floor ilnndrad have testified lo tba ood ietly ill have dona tbm are yod uoaliut vleu t then aomeiblng i wrong totboyoang it alwey mean trouble it 1 a warning to aay one unlce tbey are already too fat booua kmohuon check tbl wal and bring op yoar weight again muaiard b tobe eaien v inateaj of in tbo form of peat mad front rnuatard liauni ahjfilpiajr vood aupplla tb abalanoo for rpli ing tb wait of tba body ml give atratigtb sleep afforj lbs opportuaity for tba repair lo ha mad both are umdaaary to bultu if you taul aat and bleep taka flood barwtparllla il orte gootl pplit and loam ilia digauv orgaua aud it give lb awatt rmtful ilaapof bhildlinod nauftoitt hoody do you feel tired itf the morning boes sleep not brint kefrcshmeni you fel wretched ouhim and wlhr ibt la tbo tnornhi do fn tbo tnornhig you went to bod il u kt awhl coiulitlod aa tired an loo ewlouo to neglect and uulca you bav the heart end toervou ayaft w atortband and thebwu ewuifhsd by bunprisbs in qtonb major uavettl i told you eorgaejit major that i wont bav any linen ijing on tbe r rasa on the pared ground t rirgeont major teo air but ftlajor donl give me any bota iii make en example major oringing up lit man on the muddy path cwmnany mar f k lima i tbeo they advanced on that linen and did their drill on it and tbe man lhouht they never lied auob f ud bfifor hull will draw a veil over the proceed loa when hie tood lady invited him inlo lb kitchen lu ahow blen the rranll of bla eaeertlon of authority tbe limn wa bl mbaf d0an5 kidney pills a in tbnan day of tmilntson it la wrll for trwrythtita bo careful wlut bo imy ktiociajy u tine neccaaarv wlwn a matter of irajlhl involved them are ao many imllallona of doana kidney iillaoa thomarket aoninof llmm alnolut ly worthleaa lliat wo aak you lu lw prtmular to ao lliat iu full namo and tlm irailu mttrk of tb xfupla iiaf am on mvrry lo you iniy without thia you r not thinif hi original kidney pill which lu cuml ao many lavrfr caua of kidney complaint in llm uiutrd slate auatrwlu- ami vnjfunil tm mill tm horn in canadxj til ixian kidney tdl co 1 omnia with regard labparkingovr th front gat a good deal oan b aald on both aid attention in tb world of homeopathic mdloin h be lla vary eooroo of pro tree a in politic and tvligion tbo dlf floaltiwof opinion hd tb individuality of man bav been parent to th dlaagre men by which tbo etaudard of lhee bodie bav boat tlovated bo with moat of onr famoua preparations foratnoatln 11 lualretloitof which trulli uad tb world faruou rrocdy to genoral debility and languor quinine vin and which when obtainabln in lu gknuln alrength i a mlracolou creator of apjietlle vitality and alimulant in lb reneral fertility of lb ayetem qalnln win and it im mvenieorraaiirffinribellrardleo th g virtue of qulnlna m abroad leal two cduld do it lila1 a w 1reiichrrabii ilaaal ilwltaarlaod yeara ago hy au adva whoa ruling paeelon ia the eaceut of mounlelpv ahunnod by moal other louriata who valuo at laaat llielr aotindne of limb hotriad atrenuoualy ui acalo tit coajtai born fo lb aak of omviiigojitie name ojxn the poak but all 11 tit wore vaill th neit year be roturnixl to the attack and etontually by taking many pieoaii tlooa arrived kt the aununil oil l appearance arttl labia il hole he recount ed lie eiploltul the company and lu formed them uiat be hedlplanud on the polk bin allk flag oontalulug hie dame anbroidared in largo oluuaolora at kngllahmau who had llatued allant ly toa from lha table and marched out of tb hotel two daye af urward a parcal waa delivered lu th adventuroua flaul ii pid ii aud found inatde bla blue allk hag wbluli hi iuitllah njjlibor al tb labia d bote bad won from the peak by bla owu pluck and tlerfng unskkn tjlquts we now a y a batter oap u15 cltmai lb hammer tor balliiiga lla powder on th fawof lb water lhlocklhriuvkylo ui ailuallou 0l a higher fore than th bow of th mountain th hod that ia uead for carrying ooalv to newcastle tb ladder that would reach to tb up of lb morulotf a ullor who bad th turu to th clok orfrundhlp i nor tbo bruah that a man u wltoti b paiala tbo town red tb deuttal who would undallav lo treat tb teeth of lb alorm lb i lad el pill a jfatflrfiu ii lake aom billing like b100 a yoar le keep a railway carrlago in working order in great urluiu is baby cuh1ng teeth watch him carorully on tho first indication of dlatrhosa give br powlora extract of wild strawberry mdbomm lfaw and krrvo i ml collars 1 alniott certain to r4iru ir fred ii gnjliaw w known ymm tiail of itanrui onl aayni i h a had a yat uul of troubl wrilb my hratt for four year i wa ejrvily jkttatst and my cilenenlcauidnwliaurtlolliroliviolbiilly i had tlilkhtfb and ahortneaa of brealli and often aroe in lii moniiiit fclutg a lirwl a wluin i umt lo lid i wa irmbly narvouv llilbuni irt and vtvd ii 11 hav dona wondrm for m tliuy 1lvj r ui ore d my heart to rcfubu jtillhy action uivinjf mo twcu aouud iklfidalrpvkiidtiikiiibniy iwrvoua ty- teut strotndlftrhi v aailburn itaart and nrv pik r 6c slwkofjfwli icatall drujrtvlu or by uail ttia t uiibura co llmllcd ti nmlo out bikouaue 1 cured by flood pill idateitifyou would lum b allot if you would b aaf aa mi all rouudfatully rnjdy 00 that alwayi abould be lu tb bouaa for ii uirgeiiy ur iellya illudlaoouul auy llilog in tb market- thayer o amall m child oau uk tbam villi ug yt one a doa in vlaiina uuplioua booth ar f unilaliej with ubpkiua baatlng um lutorlpllon wip 01 your iboua tb uapklua h olifiiigod frjjuntly and ii im ufd i hi twrvo o ktmp iba moullipiaoe of lha iiietruitiaula ira from tulcrob losing flesh indicates inkitflicicnt nourish ment it leads ttiuuuwncssv clecplessncxs general debil ity and predisposes to on- fiiiiiiption and other prevail- ing dihcmhc to guard against theic take thi stdhdard rtricdy for ailwdhtingdiscaies in young or old it improve diges tion gives flesh strength vigor and icsistivc power 1 w 11 ii 11 a r l mi ihjwnl t bwu lu ou flratolaaa road a peogar augina ii 1 aild will avrg about hfi000 mil a year or uy 100 mil a day aud it will eouauui about 70 pouuda of 00 lo um id lla th llf of an tuglub la about 10 year ruby up and a dear compualod th prld of woman have you iol llia cbaniia ihrougb torpid liver couahpatlon ullouifteia or nrvoutrti br aguows uvr hlla will rmlorw lliarn to you 40 hit huble lit a vkl 10 cctlla act ilk a charm hover grip g eluding f wllb anothar u ouly roundabout way of bragging of jouralf do your hd ach f taka a wtty ijoe yourbaok acb 7 tk a itty ioe your aid aobt tak a tetty and do ttot tak auy other too hiauy ittu go lo praying ju a goj waul lbro lo go to paying tb wbiep ldor 0u ba beard farther lbau uiandor aak our drujfgul for peltyalliu if ba baaot got tbam writ u ncloaing tli price to oeuls and w will aupply you if aorn inau bad killed qollatli tbay would remind tb lord of it avary day of iba woak agent boon 00 of tb moat lborojhjy dlecuaeed rum edit ever offered to lb pob- llo il a on of the greet loulo and and natural ufa giving klimulanl which lb medical pjofeealon hav ben compelled lo reoognlxoand preacrlbe kleeara korll- ropandtjyman of torooto bav nlveu id lb preparation of their pur qulnlu wli iba grcel cva dua to ii itnporttnoa and lha klandard enoellano of tb artiola which tbay offer lo lb public oome iuto tb market purged of au th defeat whlob hkluod obeervallot aud acldutlflo oeutlluil ba pointed out in tha i iiinfurtoct prapa ra tlooa of tb latlcr foot baa tb rnovmul that wa ukrd a oarriag children 6ry for castor i a a mean mau oatt gt religion but b oaut atay uionud kwp it dr pelly iiever fail la glva rviuf aud lby our if given an bomat trial itauguagaof tb aoja tbo oxcakiug of on boo i a tbagraat demand for a puauut hf abd rrhabla anlldolo for all atfacliona- of lb throat aad npjt jj folly met with in illckla aull connumplivabyrup ii i a purely vtghahta compound aud act promptly and magically u aubdulug all oough coldt bronobhia iufwmnialloii of lb lung bin it la ao paulua that a child will uol rafuaa i aud is put al a prloa lht will not anoluda lb poor from 1 la banaflla 1 b impromptu reply it tb louebbtoo of tbnitn of wit ttj klottakilohq nsiano way b juit tliat incipient form of kidney uiicasa which if neglaclod will dvlop into alulf liorn am lllrtrvdng dltordar that will laka long ltdlou irwaintaiit id cur don t nag k liackaxb ataga ov th mo mldlou ot l tb amarlcaj kuinay cur atop tba jt lu uaat and cure 30 castor i a for intiau mil chllinm h tontektbieluui faaay l iiw ly orald attun 1kg fayvnf luicoao it 1 uobur to pardon titan lo puulab tha proprietor of wrinl- 1ilt ara 0011 uutly tooelvlug alter blmllar lo tba fallowing whlob mkplalu ilealf ur jobb a ha hi wlerlod out write i uvar ue any niadlclna that oau rua farm- iilta for dyppla or llvar aud klduy oompuiuu tli rjur aijuaruuoed aftarutiliig lbuj wa woudelr at a aaf family uiedlclua lrm vl vfglabla fill ttan ba glvu in all uaa rriulriug a uatliarllu ham of tb devil lw1 blpr all olo ti tha pulpji in church undor iho norv lh rh 1 utkl uhii lid i if h1 h uvtiliiy no u dfclilly nllnuld vl tut iuluit unl lulslta bull of il w frl rtl i ulutl f wuluuu of i nl i 0i u tu a iirvu vl hl ujil i ihhii ai nivi wll a iuuiw d in d h11 tbay otvot pardon who bav doua lb wrong llx oil tba biuet oonolutiva 4al moay rpaudly laid urora tb publio la iba coluiiin ot tb dally pr prove that ur tbooia lloleoulo oil au abeoluuly punt oouibluallon of u of tba fluoal ramadui oil ia asitleuoa rvtuedia rtumauo palp aradloau affaellona of tb throat imj luug and our piua wbuud aora utnaoaa turoor burua and lu jurie of horua aud oatua kya ara no y whsn- maka llvam walar cigar amok i gaii eat what i like many people fcuffur terribly with p uu 111 tlio btumuch after every iiioutliful tliey eut l wpephin und indigestion keep tlicm 111 contunt mi ery after trying tlio huiulretl nnd one tawfancied remedies without imich boiaflt why not tna the old rchuble uurdock itlamltjittorti und ohtuin u perfect uud periuuieiit ctirer lit a im ttciu in point f wa troubl d wllb itdijhtnii and 1i1 vp ptufnf ihrthiof fuuryuiu h tried ulmit avtiy tuuinr round hint muddifc-r- i ill ilyikpua n in ih a but yot lilllurw i llnrf alarlid muiu llurdotk iuwhi itil th uud wl 11 1 ba j imlhud lha huul u11 1 u i vuu almobt will bul tiviilttiued u tf it uiliirbd comblrd thri tlid 1 lywell lufow t 1 llo- uun i f 1 llf ii ii ii i c 11 u hiik wltmut iv auw 11 11 1 ll ail 1 11 lulv r 1 1ik will t h 1 ii lakt tuabciauk uruuela j lot weatl n liabiohj- dail tliow culling what is k2s2s castor i a cftxtorln im for iqfiuiu tutd children coatorio i hitrmlchrt hubjbtltut fof coetor oil porriboric dropi i utul kootlitno hyrnpa it contoliim uoluior opium morphhio nor otltnr nurcotlo hubataiic it is xmcaanjit iu fftiunmtoo u tlilrty wcat5 y millions of mother citstorltt lrutrm wonjim nnd nllnja povoriah- mhrt ciutortu ciircitljjnrrhqoaruid aviihi colic cuntorlu nllovch todthliig- trouble cujrci cojiatl patio 11 nnd 1 flatulency oiuttoria ohiiituliutes tlto food xoffulotcrt tho btomoxlt nnd isowcls of infants and children irlvlnn itenlthy nnd nntiirn hloep castoria 1 th chlldrtm lruincea the mothers friend grand trtjmk railway castopc iuu u aeiorl i enocdloit cllllih x4lti r bud me rj ii guod avtt updtt dxlr lliutitt dm o c 01000 llt xmt costoria laplnl in mm iuprur lu any pv ux aacua u ijrli the facsimile signature of wcx appears on every wrapper th lull form aoon wuvtc und fade away when diarrhosa or cholrru inlantum acunu upon it a yon lov your child niolhr nnd wuh to tava hi life givd bun dr powir u lufract orwild btrawborry tlirr i no other remedy ao aaf to giv to clilldmn and noun ao effectual mr cha btinlli blioul iak man aa a 1 i think dr powler katract off wild strawberry la lht ttiediclii that ui ever mad for diaivlifba dyacntefy and aummor compbiliit ill tha imbl llnng to- iiv children wlwn they arotoelb in i bun alway utcd it in our own family and it baa neve at futld tti auftler who catohe tba amalloat flab tell th blli ua nagyard yollow oil i prompt lo re hav and aura to cur rotlglih cold aor throat pain in tba cheat boaraauea qulnay eta frlod 35 ouu flapplne baa uo blatory lor a claar com pu loo taka roily pill theyuevar fail to cldin th akin thouaand of ladlaa iwur by them canadas sons j on kopje and veldt an aullientlc account of ibe canadian conilogtnt in tlio south african war by t c uaniul d a introduction by very luvrprlnolpal craiil iwin iuadon oiholal depicbnfijeat col oiler amdoler commanding officer ut th front complete n 6na volume too patcs richly lluttralodi only i 30 agent comtng money out lrhh phospectiis j tho bradlcycarretson co limited n brantfordr oht agents wanted for 0nyopreoonlcd blatriou good pdy to 0ood men uecunx youji jjitjticr you rjpc comdd sxijioviow freight and emutobh palj t1ik vuluxu nuauutv co growing a complete lluo of muraery stock includ ing many new var telle of hardy hoae ornamental shrub and trees all klock guaranteed free from ban jose scale wo hold government cortln oat of innpoouon covering oar 8 took- wrlto of catologuv pelham nursery co toronto farmer utifaar what thsy aow but lb amptrama uaw what tbay gathar dt vor gtaafevai tplrteubpici taablctts medical icuno by accnent tin corril lite potency of tlia pmtjjij le 11 panacea fur uouuch irouhl prrrniage of vrgruhl prj inn cotiia fruit riialrs 1 an plnin i iiiiliipfniliht eati of dytipjatyij nilijcinjii f atlrr ejcli inal uitl cuio tuol chfoni cavt ao in k xuit 35 cent jj a rinl in lb ja n metlwilt llawara or deiparato itepa darkoat dayi ii va till to morrow will liavo paiacd away vary many rurtoua tlln annually from oholtra god klnilrod aummar 00m plaint who might bava bo aaved if proper tamed ua bad lwiati used if attaoked do uot dalay in cetlng bpltlo of vr j d kellogg pyaantarytiomialtiie mod loin a that navar faili to rffsct a euro tboa who bava ud ll aay it aott promptly and thoroughly oubdu tha palu and dlwaif if tho doctor orders bark baa not li experienced undertakers h that will krap a monkay ahould pay for lb glaea ha break wbrootbenj fail ibara dr rltya imij jirova their iiwar to qui kiaaaiui averytblug a watch ticking can ha heard farlhr than bd licking uolbof orave worm 1muruiiuator la pleaaaul lo tak sura and fetfeoiual in dodtroylng worm many hav triad it with haal raaulta iba oholoieat flowar of victory kurvv tott- aejaorvtav dialreulug aklu diaeau relieved hyonapphchoo ir agnov olnlmeiil i a potent cur for ail eruption of lb akin jas gaatoat wlueabarra ky vaf uiua ym i wj dltiigurbd with telle oa ay baud dr agnawa oiul- burnt cured ll 33 cents 31 what root oovara tba moat nolay uoanlt tb roof of th mouth haw to oura ilfadaolia goina popl auhlv oulold mlaary day aftar day wllb baadach thar la rl naltliar day or night until th nexve ara all uuatruug tba oauaa a gauarally a dliurdrad atomaoli and a our cau ba affected by ualug 1arratlaaa vogalabla illi oouulu- lug uaudraka and daudeliou air fin lay warklyaaiijer i q wrlta l find rimelaa luu a fltl olas artiola for uilioua haadaoha itutlar ijuiokly alworb order and ahould b kapl iu a tightly oloaid jar if any ia left ovr ou a puta ll abouli b oovrd lllok ilaadaolia howavar anuoyltig aud dlitraeeiug u poeitiualy ourad hy laka llvr pill they ara aaay to laka aud uevv grip iba flrt row bf kummar in iba ba gluuiug of tba boating aaou wa ata spending tbouaanta to maka luv viu kuowu ouf lutmey pruva our faith a trial will eeour yout u mvr do aoyiblug ooiioeruiug tli reditu of whioh you bav a douu children cry for castoria bob mccready abav la a plflndbl portrait t ilol ifo draady on at tb beat football players to canada ho u a uisiuluv uf llto ottawa uutraraltt team aujthaa been lu all of lla cliauintonalilp mit cues uo la a aplendld iveclium of robuat cauaillau innuhooil but iron j as ua la ba baa known what it la td aundv tnom dyappala ik strloiuly afflict j wis it at tb opanliifi- of tlio paat lhoo kfatou that ba wa not ablti to 0 out with tilt team taluk lu lu back aud aide la tcruilluut badacbr sud th awful uau k autferad after tat lug th ravult of au luualred dbjeatluil waiuftd blui that ba w lu uo condition to play football lha tiardrit aji- 11 m- l ijalji ilia 4wrgy tuvbrrybttbiaroacbnbein oalgu 11 couiutlad bl pbyalcuu but that putl4iuau ev id in no relief at ibis ilac bs write i vruu adrued to try ur lvttya pit im lb new ruuiady lial 011 f lay frund aburud til waa woudarful hi ll atfeel i waa alepthal but li aouudaj llielr pralay o ptljntly that i was at uiifflli induced to try lbiu lb wry aral ti ia droia il imiiu away and at tit and of a wrek- 1 krjolnvd illy itebl mod i tlev ruii hi ion u uu uf iwir bnlrt aaun in ibo lhit orui tliat i bav aver bu in r istty hit ar u ty tbauk rur my rill luuolluiu ttivy hiu bit i vet ltljlilj i lim ivr laksn 1 uiy uiak ttnc fcj altoua and ti nit of viutray tn- oea atiall ttwr inkv any 1 tlirr wbn i frl in itiji if a alriibi r hiutl i lt ruinil tnttu of lul w l kiuiwu hth rt- hit 1 viiuti h iii im 1h iri elif uf rriie wihi iiipu bl m ubrriil miki li if rxur lrnult iv til ui ll rlil iii i i vl l ay una i ll by dealing with us you art assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful irtanncr and please remem ber that we only charge or embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funeralsuppliesand at groat ly reduced prices rjcliyered caskets j a speiqbt co kcton well id ma n 1 i pipraa 1 v ta kit ire kiitw a it iim 1 ml 11 c m 0 u 1 ulied nani inbi 1 tiukurifutiu mm loin wet0 til ui ant io t uoinakat10 a mlsl 1 i 4uneotti ivu0 u tuaj aoton mocliiuu and hinair shops tlltmuyoitlniluf t 1roofutur a iluwtl iuul ib a1 the mj j teeeeeiy uteaejulal reiltunafal ry aulailaullurl liflunu aiul to ao all blekemltbln wctulvor resell nwlotnt u a aauateatury manner we e 1141 maw loacliln of imvlaitiaat al any tnafee h utntnlntf aud rllutf duno main 8trol planingmllls acton ont john cameron archltoct and contractor uauufaclurer oflaab iloar wamm uouldlotj lu all atyla dhxssjxa uatciiuta efcj uovllilmo lo order on aliort uoue v1 aaaort atok oh ban j kl plloe loo john cameron roprlotpr sun savings and loao co head office tononto ont autharimtl capkaf adooooo 00 ten yiar maturity aluurca ar pild monthly inilalmcnta ot 50c per abar for 1 ao months when payments cuu ooo 4ki in mltlily valua lioo 00 lfoooy to loan at tfb uraithl bun or repayahloln monthly inalalmcnla on mppu cation lo njmcnnbb aontjlotoa i acton flour mills humphries 11awku proprietor highest market prlcts paid roil wheat anoot1ilr grains hat won wu ircai kior lltl grailc alway on liand ilouu tllop xilbblcld crackld wi1lat itc al loucst pdeca for cash hgmphroya hawtto 3af sazlllii adirertising is tho pulso thai forfea tho blood of buidiibts thruiili lha arteries of the pro kressho builnos oanhlhlmienl tomorrows buslnoss lifo dopnda upon lo j4y 11 advorlultii wlwi ilinadvcrllumtut i in lb 1 ulil ihl ss it produce hi why llocauu tfui 1 wii iuiss u lulu ilia rcider a houta goejilii bhi alia down with him it 1 on tho v it table uhlln ho eat ind in his haudn tiller tha meal ft is by hi wild ulia nt iha mondu iha children s clndityi it reaches hualutiut and wlfo whan llioy ara in an approach 1 nblo toitdllluti that is why adv rti4tlg lu 111 1 hv im li lrlii imiicr lotults 10 ih local incfchatit than uiy oilier lliul of ailvelljalng tdv it vou will uk oonvinqud ww wil liams shoes for summer wear hull grand range of summer i-oot- wcar the nic est stock we liave ever had and wc are proud y of every line in the store and only ask a chance trj show tlicja and quote yikj tho prices bpoclal for takinors wa liavo a apklal huhbor uoot for taniur and oihar wet u whicli w uuaranlm in o walrproo and lo wer looir than any otlwr maiofbool s uixm uiiairing as usuai w williams mill bt patents guaranteed ourleei eklcli aud drriitulaii o auy towutua v prouitrfly iu ihir olulou fie ooufnilba tie ptiutuily of umv how to ounlu a fat tut aiii uinii t iiwtt ukuli wcuiid tlirouifb ua kdtciiud fur ule at our iwhk mlcuu lakru out ibiouuk us ik f wei wulontcliarvrlu fua 1aramr ulcusu flu llluilialad and wild hmiut i louiuil vievdn d kvaha a oo iwifnf uutfmju ttvar idie waf c patents prdmptly securedl whlfruf lntrtliiir txula invl of illp llitw uu kki 1 wl hal led 111 iaiarabakalefa or uuvdtlo yuur eilutihinvmiriit ulul rt wli tm you rre our ooliiion a to uluhcr li u lirbbbly tultiilhhi u o malrt a kuvulu of atituloetbhw mjil hi otbur buiua jwjuuom uaitldit atmmt aolloitotal v kocpwito fitl a wbkl vuhtmhi nrajualm bf ua uifuelntu iuktml llvuj luuau- uutm f sat aojfi ww ki aua uourwr 14 rlyoxuil k aiw valit tut a ttfa uauilill bim itaaiaoieh fe-a- trricts laiiawiidbaitlaaa ba vbana experience manna dcaina cofvakuoa ac alltihieenln akkvtrh thlil utf iulk1 aaoeruitrrmir a4hd nee naciltw aw liivx iuhi le f 4iamv all u liu lihkmtlo4rtibu llal uathlumaauulluahua hmt 1 im iimm aae r ur hntnua miwul i allm ukamt lu adh elhihi x twi wu amlm taubuut tanre lu ike scictililic htncrkatl a etr tf blll h if ar iruhiuiii r tenhe ti a

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