Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1900, p. 2

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i li tt al vlialr rl latins haaajeitaa iii tt u ulttor mauull 1 wall t nil 1 y liar w wl it- einiial fl llruali ltuiaualla tj llutlliou uu iihj at ii l uuo of ii i fl 1- lroi on wxli bur ifjtti aiiimit i 1 3i i it u art ur ii u mr it- i rrt i tilt i in uliae to luttie meet dangbtarr of lli i ill uaatu lj u m teal f i w x llwr at tl e ralaletim r 11 llli i rui i n wl laedey oot or 1 i y hi itr h a u- o i 1 aoumi auiuultr i i t i kb ji uii u to mlu unrjr h 11 aul i j ur all lrw ttcult of i iinetmjuee 4nhawihmmuiiit tlie vital irtabv h iml llrkvlll on wejoaariay w v ii a iiera amiul ly ha will kl kajijrm win ii a ii 1 roulamea to jant teal mania li a illy dulitr of j olio ajeulsll i xj llralitue i ihiaivat lltlelub on oa lobar 4 ill al u m nl l-r- toil jamee ijorlbay mar- hot ii rollol 1 urn lata jama linda y tirmnnowo affwtnoyasn muf 4tkorl ciluy clhoot at the tea id an oa mrilhl4imr v aniitron6h colli mrtt rrnuyltt llalutl t diet al u lale john holgal- rvu aged th years be jkdmx jfm tyxtss mimauay 6cxoulh mil iwo edit notes j ho total sliiitaajmonkaouoa with the yukon dmrloljrorhlhjiy lit 1wj to dm 6lt lhoil war- 3 j167m and lha revenue wai s3 fiaofj 10 or balance to iba oredll of tho government of igfi itus ilia 1arlismoul ol danad ie dlaaoked viil i lie election will be held on the 7th of novomhor it ha uou known for tome time that hi a vent waa at baud bul tin ullug of ilia date will add uiluau and n drey to the contest aud donoantrate tha offort ijaoouro victory by both lrhaa idwtll or thu occsilon be 0n of ibo linrtail at id moai kranly oonteatal ieo i tloiu iii liar history rti iiikuy ajwouttloii km to ttifl enudl iiu to oouuat llil ooonty in ilia coming oleollon of mtlllwia or the uohm or com mo ii in tlid literal inuroala will oon l act at real tlio llbotkl cotived tlon will u hold in milton to morrow at 1 so hie oauddlalo will be ctaoaati kj at uirm oclock a uto mollag will b bald ttfbrtdclreaiodtjrnor tba poattuuur gonrl l foyld iillrlday tliagualpli metxuryty aud tba twlltlcal oandldaui wat tbara mm qothrla shook liaod with try armor jiremot and they all mij tkayjl voufor bin mr xloapfar klaad 1708 bbaa and bald ilowd you do 3067 uniea but ibaao dry buium ar tiarar inureiillau auffioo la bay lbs mummi on dldaui worn tboro very wtloli tbota arrftcgamaiiu bavo un bonililaud for lb4hmtnr or1w rnrtllljflrotscrhelv lntlluu throtiftb tba tioviooa dohng ibo wlu lor ul onion novambaf 30tb for whlcbulltyjagtm of r luva bn anftajioj who will bold fortb apaolally qa tlio iubjaola- 0 nold tloraa knd xjoltry iallntf al tba midwinter ialr wblob baitlua in clulpli oa dm ii hi all uia apaakero wl be ratbrl for yraiid union noliui tba uajftmant of labor h b ubllabaj by order of iatluidatii tumlar olborlkjrnf it oooelluuoo aot 1000 tbla aot wmdthd laat baulon al iarlutnanl uid majnud to on lb i bib ot july tba aaauon ralath d to iba dapart maul la ut follow with a vlw to lb dlamtulnauou 61 tuxmra aulluoal au 1 otbar itifomiauoti f auun to uia coiidltiou of labor lb aijulw abaji aaubllalt alii lmta tbaf o uuint ol laur wtiloli aiiall eollaol tliesat oj tmblub lu ault blumf auuillial kud ottiar infunmuoo v uuum to lb eon illlouj qj labor aba luallluu u i oonjuoi lixjuhlaj lulo liiiuorunt injtiatilal lu6tlou uiwii wblob adqual lularuiatlou luyuolal inuut ba avail u and laatia al uaatouoaluatary motiui a i ubllliou so b liuotru u uia labor cluutu which mliall eon ui11 inforiiattnu lar lrnapabxltlorn of labor niatkat alu kliulrj aubjaata ajij abaji ba tluuibutml or irmurfbu in maoruuoa wllb uruiawudoaudluoaa la thai babajf 1 rctlha bytbaiillulaur tba 1111 raoalvea it uoaml ud tblrd raadln or july otb aud by orjsr u council riaud july 10lb hon v unlock w aiijwl tiled ululalar ol labor ur mulook will nk at milton tomorrow cnuwaonb corners tba beavieit raluof tba unioji u 00 butiday it will u baueflt tba fall wbaat ind root oio tbaootaiiuai laumi la vary quumn tbla part of tba country a urtfa nnmbar froni bara alundad iba aolon liblbltlon and rporl it th baat fair avt lifm 111 aplon ayooj uuuibav alto took in tba fttlr at ilookwood on wji iioaday uav h mlddutou of toronto dallvaraj oua of uii iwii urmona vir iraaoliad iu tba tjotlio list cburob lier on hunday kaxl llibbatli iba cburob will u cloa an luv mr crows of toronto will priiali lu ulloam mr w orswmn ar lot about 011a liutidr i oord o wood laal weak by flra mr oaorkd kitobluf will flva a rnbo 1 bona 0011 cr i lu iba malliodlat cburob bora friday pvoiiititf aduilaalou flftiao and u11 oaula mr llobdil oripm ajiant a ooupla of day a lu lnlbpy jurluy lb wk milton mlu ijii al bliepard taiuiliar li hill vtry iii anil bur ouudilloii uoouaidarbd orltloal in tti mill in tba anolal aarvloaa lu tba mutliodwt oliuroli la yrojlu tba ratiiains u mm ilolal widow of tlis lala john i iolata wro lutrred in the oamatary liom on halurjay jtiuttorii ara aakail for 60 oordt hardwood for uu at tba oouuly bulldlnuato ba dillvard ulara lit marab mil ton tffaotloua wara ahawu to ba nwot diitially divided bttwu aoton and oakvlli lil vdday about ail njual ujimur altandati iba lalr lu fcab plana aiiall iiauianioiiie ploajtod that tby bad bau parllulpaiiu in moat auooaafu aa lilbltloua milton u to b lionor to morrow wllb tba t rnoa ur hon william mulock tba ioatinaalar latiaral aud uiulatar ot labor wbn will addraaa a public iiiallii in ibd town ball at ibraa o olook ihti i ibarala will fnrnalhr from throughout tba munty in luarrow and biql oiolr pauilldata for iba nouiiiul flbuiuuiiii v jbltaw uaral faalury patl uwar fl 000 wagaa laat uionlli nlwaya mr11 add to tbalr yaaia but ml al ui tbalr hoa1 duadri a tinthl nani attr than uiat ruha and alao uoloulou 16000 boer prironers parliament dissolved pronounced incurable lord hoborta cnbua thoy ara doll capturattl or burrandorlnu in largo numbara 10000 in boluiuiiq oil a v lit tvlim orfl v a daapatoh aialvad from lord ltuboru aaya 1 ha number af uloaaia oaplurod or urrandarot la daily hkoraaali u ami mut now atf nearly 10 000 man irnntandant millar baa aur roiidrad to tlou clary a ih bnnrnandaut ljlrkaen and ulbera ar- on their wynu 1returla to aurrandar a- detachment or tba london irlah endeavored to aorprlaa a party 6 uoarb near iltiltfnnlaln oouibar 4 but bad to tollra after thro houra flulit llj will u rnaii wouitdad tba uoeri auffarwl heavily out of 00 000 wound ad in the war in lloulh amoauuooo hava rtnrned to duly hooh rjulok rooovary of aucli a large per oantaaof iba wonnded rather breaka down llarau tlloolia ibaory tliat a modarn wai su impoaaibla owlp l lla alatiitller tbouull it la tiua 10 000 llrltlali hnldlara i gravu hi boulb afrloa loaamo m ajlm ool h mrkrtmara granjaoo will aall oat 10 u prepare a toai danoa in llruualfl for iba former ircaldent 0 tba tranavaal tba lattlr will ail tha dutch qrulaor aluul a few dya lalar iuwm oot tl ibo olty of london volnnleara bailed for l upland yeaurdy tbejr departure belnk axlandad by a aoena of iramendou aulbuaiasm hir alfred m liner lu iba oodreeuf an addroa thank in tbora for their aervloaa to tba lmplra told tbara that a atilt freator reception awaited lljoiw at homo in phince howard island gxcounalllor murray addraao an irtaraatlru latter to tho fraia praab daiuma fl rroa if bpaoa par ml la in your paper kludly inaart tba following i fin 1 in tba maritime iroinca every indualry booming tb ooal rolnaa of qapa ufeion anj nova hootla rattubtilnirhll aud jay the laborer baa tbla year ao far bad two advauoaa in wsaaudou tba lut of oolobar anolber rlaa of 10 lake affect iba mining aaui panla with otbar oompanle of tbla country ara llberalln tbelr vlewi of what la right and do not baliava in u rind inn lha uborardowli to a marau auatauaooa when raaplntf good profit at olaoa day and if dney capa draton whora tba dominion ooal rnlnaa ara and at waalvlllaaiad bullaftontjowa fjcoiu wbara tba anadla and drum mood rnlneal ara tha town a ara booming large atore hihilatmt pri alat aaidanoaa ar ohaay immpnaa faolorlaa ara in tba bouraa of araotlon tbaaa aia loma of tba algae of tba hood tlmaa that bjji wbila iba tner nbanl roawllly bay your good knowing tbey ara in demand and that tha oaah will bo forthcoming to pay bla bllla ala tba oaub of hah of all kind baf baeu above tba avaraga tbla aeaaon at ijunau burg aigbty urge hahlng aohooner ara anoborad in tba harbor for tha balauoa of iba aaaaon nonlatit with tba calcb of 1000 tnaaibmmhrntha lobatar in boatonaud othor am r loan mar kola u ao grait ibat at liverpool and look port wbara lby ara baught by tha ton amarloaa buyera atand ready to bid ltrwaiaiy pruaoil ajrolk cargo that 00 mi to port in oonvaraillon with tha fort man of tha large bteel and iron worka al trenloti i learned tbey ara overrun with order and ara working night and day in meat tba amanteoay tbakame with all other oon oarna i ohanoa to vlalt ihla apeak wall f tnaul tha crop is cap uralou and nova bootla ar not bp to laat yaara avaraga owing to tha drooth no rain having fa led during lha month of july aud auguil fruit in tha annll valley ii about thre- fourth of a crop thay uatully ahlp to tba old conn try markela about mulioa bajrrela tbiayaar thrtiquarur of a uilllouharralawlll ba lha ontalda amount and apploe ara not an good a rjudllly a li fortaar yaara ao tba old country buyora olilo lu prluoa- idward iiltud aud new uruuewiok eropa ar good tbey having hail plenty of raw tba oat or in tha upper part of tba lalaud la jual ulng barvaatad under dlfuoulty it baa trained every daj for a fortnight and tba orop hi ooualderably damaged tbalr fall fair at gliarlottetown thin weak wa a daoldad buooaa ii ulug tha only fair lu lha lalaud thay cama from tha thavilurmoat parta to attend it it and help tuaka it a auauolal auooaa and tbay auo eawlad lu doing y for through tha pra today i laarn tbay hava qulta a aurplua qummeraldj ph i li faat baoonilng a oombieralal oon ira a uaw railroad i balugaurvayad aoroa tba oouutry to ur mtuabtalpllitedaoa aud whan oompleled will add to the waalh of ibaplaca tha it i hoi man departmental atora ii lbs urgeit on ill iilandjmd a cradll to ilie puoa it balrtgrun on tba liiiiotliy 1alon plan about iwvauty ova clarke ara lupl moving merolianu say tbay could hardly gat alony wilbout it mr llolmaubuya anything lbs farmer baa to mark 11 il ba a banks of applca or a load of alraw ua never turua them away j paya market prloa in trada or oaah many thing f iutarait about tbaaa province i oonld wrlta but not wlulilng to ittlfl ii y vfninajj t will nu nn i iteiualn youra truly j a muaaiv flummarakla li i 0al fioth 1000 abhqhovu aaiigrovawaawaii7epraaailtad at ilia to w uih i p ialr al aoton aud a uiuil won a good lilt of prlaaa qaorg wrlgitleaworih aud w alaiandar balug tba tuaat auai ful oua warden wrlgglaaworth itft hi basl auemad fair ixld at aolon in i friday aud wiil to oakvllla aa a judag ou etiaap ua had a good llnia ibara bul no inambar of tha faquwlng tloolaly rejoloaa mora in iba anoaptlouil buoooarf of tlio aolon lair than lis tba matbodlat cburob bara will aborily batranaforiiiadiulululerlorappaartiio it will ahortly b plad in ilia baudi of tha papar hauuara and halutara lypbol i fewer upravaleut in tba ualuh barhood of horuby a promuhn younx man lloltart millar aldaataou of ilia u juhu miller or tbabaaa llua 1 aiutii dleil of ii lail weak yard moowrdy of agarlon aud hi aoil uayavd ara both dowu with ii bul not daiigarouajy 111 and w in 0oralalrd of tbaothooti iaijueelng oaorga lhotnpou ofrforuby wai alio ukeu ill laat wab a ulur raaajvad ua waak rnnj mra w it hall uf llau ml cal a formr roaldaut aaya tba ltmlly lu wrll aud dulug wall bat tha ohl haiii aud aucsmludiua form nuuauutly a awaal vlioil wbltib buy ilka lu tbluk kboul ulaaiid la iba bal 1 bea ul man mo bavr gala hi bal out wltati tba wrhnr abup 1 crowded nomlnntkina ftiioci far wflnnnday flat oatobari llootlunu o wodnoatlay tl novomltur thi camialun in luii hwav omwi o it uwliiuly kivomui 7tl nail lalbedata ota i fur lha general laotii a nir u01 win u bid t uanala wtg earlier odibc r 11 ut an order lit lla jumii ti tbla etfrot waa paatod alld a j ruved yaatar lay a j litou mallon will u laaurd to lay in arxxlr lalica therewith announcing the diaulutluu of tha preaanllftuaa ao 1 illreolltig writ or tba new olrwtioii lo laauo firtbwltb luriiable morn drcnmur uh iba hoard uf ngalratlon in oitlca an i ooutity lowna to prepam hi luta un r tlio rtfanbuxl atirfragaeiatam in ontario will ba aj pointed at otioij and will in unarly all caaaritxi tba aanie a uuiur ibo ontario happilvmahhifd prldnl cuuitlas in whom fro i riaadara am intovoatad tha roaldeuooof mr andraw llool ijuaalng waa the aoena of a happy nvenl on the afternoon of wadueaday oolabar hrd tba oooaalon waa the rnrrlm of t ba nldo daagblor at the borne to mr aloxtu ur lawaou bou of wm lawiou lxj of the a mo uiwniblj in the prmenoo of tba immediate mail 1 of tba youuu con in tlio diarruga lervlra waa performed by tho bride paalorrltotf ii a macbraou of knox cburob aotou iba brl la wai waited on by bar alitor hila 1 mma and tbadulleiof groamiuun wara prefer ma 1 by mr an j row lawaou afur lha coro mony the oompany aat down lo a ploudld welding dluuar to wblob all dl 1 ami la juatlca it tba boat or hplrit all jolue 1 al iba oloie of tba dliinar lu drinking tba health of tba brida and groom who raoelv ad lb baal wuha of tlirjlr friend in a jnoalhccflullliajiailljjr 1 b liawl mar ricd young poopla took ilia rain from aotou to vlll friend lu tba weal and will on ibalr rnlurfr uatlla iu their new homo whr tbey will no doubt en jay ilia gruh prosperity cou wa uka tha following aooount of tlio maniaga or itev w m kannawln of oui6m6a formerly an aotou boy from tha llrockvilla dally ar of wiueaday oepl jo a pretty veddlng wa cle bfam tll mnrnhitf in tha virat 1rnaliy urian oburoli when mia janat laibul majilab u a only daudhtar of john monlah eii wa util in mml hav wilhnl miller kauuawlu 1 a u d paalor of lha qmauaa prrbjlorun oburoli a urge number of friend of tba brida aaaambled to wltoo tha iutareillug ormony 1romptly al h uo lha brida 00 tarad tlia oburoli on tba arm of bar f alliar ubd looked banning n a coaluma of whlla organdie aud mouaellu da aoia with a large plotura hat aud carrying a boinjuat of whlla roao tiha waa taautod by bar oouiln miu ulanoha moray who waa ilka alaaallifadiuwliilaorgaudiihhaqaiad ahouixuat of pink roae iba groom wa aoppartad by tboa o brown who i iu ohdrgaof the imbyurlan work at malt land the nuptial wera oalobratad by lha llav or oatnpbalftiorlh nx moderator tba xroabytaruu general aaaambly and uucle of the brida aiu la lad by tha luv ilobt laird of brockvllla and kav dr mokenidaof new york a roaapllou waa afterward held at lha bride parenla iraaildeuoa on laorglna sir aot whara before arhank of frn aud flowr tha oung oonpla radalvad tbaoouiaiuhuquaof ilialr frund about thirty gufiata joined ajr aud mr kauuawln at braakfaat aftsr wblob tbey lafl ou tba 11 40 train for toronto aud olhar weatrn poluli carry lug wltli tham tba hail wlab of all tba brida la oua of drookvillaa ealoeiiiad and oulturad daughter and an honor graduata of quean a university i or aoma lima aba waa uacbsr iu modern language allua llaiifraw high bohool wbara aha waa bald iu high balsam tba groom la auo u houor gradualarof quean and oua of iba tlalug mlniiura in tba iraaby urian church ua la much baiovd in mi obarga at qmanim tba niibgau slouuor uaya twc tha moat popular of our young paoplo wera uuited in marriage by tha llav mr argo of duart ou waduaday oopt 27th al iba homa ol tba bride pareuti tbo oon tract lag parlle wara mr wm murray son of ur john murray and maniw of tba fl of murray ji don of ihla plaoa and mlu mabel lambert daughter of mr and mra levi lam bar t xba caramon yt 00k plaoa at 10 80 a m aud was wllueaaad by a number of lha immedlata friend and rala tlvai of tba young oouplr tba brida was drteied i a be gown of tjraain oaah tnard aud catrletl a lovaly bouquol of wblta roaea and oirualiona mualambrt made a oharmltigly baauliful bride xb larga ounibar of ornfcmaulat and uoaful udding paaunt racalvad allowed tba popularity o tba young ooupla afur tba caramony dlubar wai aarvad and mr and mm murrey toll on the 1 15exprafortheeait tbay war will abowarad with rlfial iba alajou wbara a numwr of frunda bad galbarad lo im lbatn off during thai wadding- trip mr and mra muarry will vlalt- tnronlo qutlph aud otbar poluta aaat and ipand aoma lima with tba brida alur mua marylsrlambert at atilm rockwood mr ooorga moffeoblba of gray oouuty told a bard of grada etaara hat laat frl day by auction tba entire tot waa dia paaad of atrgood prloef for fjadlug pur pogru tli a autmul air ou luaiday and wednaa day wai a gratify u auooee iba liall eililblt wara vary good and lha lad lea olaaaaa wera upolally tlua a vary large ooltaolioti of skilfully aiaoulad attlala ba lug ou tablllllou ilia grain and fruit department wara not ao wll qllad aa ou touia previous yaara iba wealhar wta glorluui autumn wtalliar and tba atlaud anoa urga pqn miij9 thb all houaaholdara praiaatnt xrd iroauaotlv ar littdraiittud iu or iir to railucsrtita -vi-nf- rartrj which a aald lo b tba urjjnl in canada lliomaa o walbluh ilia lllgbt hotlaa hamilton baa started an tinitibiiea iu and i r ffailug iwura than una third of bla antlri atook mora lhali twenty lavau tbouaand j7 000 yur la at an average r duollou uf about uuu third carpal at nearly all prion luolu uj rtoin uj upsa trya up to asniluitlur al 1 co all uf tho ihuroughly good mil fur wbioh tbla atora fauiou uaad luninaa o walkllia larga apeolal advaitlaauiaut in tbl laaud d m al la hi ovary la 1 r tbd gum 1 axiiilvo hroiihqiiiium 1 1j iweaajy ibai a knwliulnrjnrtnnlloriortliluri u sdvnru conuh gat trt and her oontir unit iturcnso wnu huou- uaaudr wllllamo ilnk plllo wava naotorutl itnr monlttt frrt luwvortr lulllai mrv agnej kirn who ral ua at jl agrloiu iii ot unllfal u h tlla a willi dor nl atory of bar oouipleta rcatora lion to beallh alter a 1 rolroled and dli traaali g i nrl hi f eilrniiie llliiei an i aba attribute lur iumil ba py oonlljlin under 1rovl iniiod to lha marvolli u cjnall lla of lr wiihame link 1 ill wbn mr lo rail waa called by- lha aaadlu juurlf whuhlalfx blamlaabiivhodl ally wo bio 111 0 i hint to her leaaalit borne wherefjn tba iroanilia of bar imlhef end alur she frly toll ibealory of bar iak ua an j rrcovory ii ho aald a few yearn ag 1 i buffered a pavra attack of in luminaon nf tba lunga and waa atlaudad by one nf iho boat j hyalntane in be nlty i oiled through bul waa letla oomplela wrack ihart jouid to no ahyeorttv taffortiiit alltbe lime from palpllalii inof tba heart tiajreoua pcnattatlan and a rlutiug aoimiliu my bo d i elan bail a illilfealng ouugb an 1 for montbu i never knew what il waa lo have a oad lllgbt a rait for two yoar iiiy life wa a terfvot rnuory lo me and under tlio dootiua urderaijl took emuulon till i waatialiaaaud with the algbt of it but all o uo purpoaa my life waa dl paired of by all my mond who were aa aurad by ilia doctor that my omo waa beyond the roaoli of human akill i waa vlaitad by the clergy of tuy ohiftuh and llalura of charity who weru vary kind aud looked upon ma a ono wboae earthly raoa waa about run i expurlhioiiud with all aoiti or remidlaa or my cough but without avail my drugglat at laat advibed mo 19 try dr willlama pink villi ditig fairly discouraged nivbrlhoibi i was par buadxl to inako lha trial when to ibo aur prud and joy of myblf family andfrlauda 1 bg to el ha an i tiy tha lim 1 ba taken aaveti or algbt boxes i waa ai well aa you dm ma now and aba laughingly addad i think u will admit that i dou t look much ilka a aiok woman uer mother who had uau llitenlng to tba tain of bar daugbtara long lllnuua added it jutt am lite drram lo ua nil that wa otica drapatrad of her lif when wa now ara iter the pink of health mr ioraii laid that when oil a vull to 1 ii eland about a yoar ago aba ooutraotrd a haavyoqld atidwea lbrancdwth m ra turu of bar cough but alia at ouca gol aoma of tha l iii and by tho lima aba bad raaobad it aw yok abwaaaawll as aver aitelni- bbo rilalad a numbarof in atan oa in which alio bad ad via i pariona buffering from chronic complaint to tska dr wllllama tink llll and atwaja with tha bet r bulla boa mantloiird particularly a iielca of bora living in boston who waifruu down and iu a wralohad ooudillon o liaslth but wab now a healthy young woman who owed bp fact lo iba usa of lha pills whii lha reporter was taking ida laava mra korau bald i am very glad to hava lha opportuntytoleetlfywhmtdrwilt hams ilnk pilli have dona for ma and you cau bgy ihul i shall usvar ooaaa to sound hair pbraasa aud i bloai tba good dlrifio lord ibat tba wara pi lima when i had 1 live lin iuy wny at a l ibo hope that i oould halton liuuhalo th convention to bo hold rtt mil ton tomorrow tha liberal 00 11 vent ion for ilalton will ba bald ou friday tha dalagalaa niaatlng in tbe hall at milton at 1 so aud at 1 5nlmb op oftnbtl willlam mulook will sddraa a public mealing limghoubc mr jamea nlokall waul lo darnia laat weak to spen 1 a few daya with frienls liiara mr alex grant baa been glvo a position on tba toronto polio foroa ajboul ibraa wesks ago mra jaiuua liud aay waut to quelph to vliil bar son dr lindssy au alio lafl homa hist slid bad not felt ao well in twenty year ltst weak hwaasiiddoiily in gurlph and died jin ihuraday ffce romalns wara convoyed from ibo rial unoa of dr lindsay to limabouia i rlday morn big and wera intarrad daturday llsv it j il qusaford bad oharga of tha aarvloaa at oifalnh itav it w roaa m a off b rod praj errand ilov dr wit iropo lo whom iba tlaoaasad waa well known made a very fooling address tba pall bearer wera it mtlvln wm hart dr gtewarj a w alexander james watt and dr ii rook tba aarvioss at llinebousa wara oonduotad by uev f parrln n a pastor of dectastd aulaltd by dr waidroba md itev mr itose ouhph and hev w q waluco d d llloor bt preubylarlau cburob foron o mr wallacp who waif a formtr i avlnr ai i waniiwirboiial friaud of ihs ttoeatl apoko of her beautiful cbrutiau qualltua aud o tho i iiplraitoii and a noon regiment wliloh bo bad faoalvsd froniber during tba years of life pastorate in oaorgotown and llmehousa a vary large ooncouru of frunda and neighbors attanded the funerals ltmahouia turned outalmoat tn uiata lo attend aolon pair list friday paiiuuuaiuiauiauct lalamlaliil suiest remedy for orams oollo aud diar rboaa aa a lltilmsut for wounds aud ipraiua it is uotiitallid avoid aub hliluua there a hut oua pain khior parry dvu- ua aud l 7 kltfnoy cry pal n iu lha back is tu cry of lb kid nay a for help lo rrcglacl iba call is ti deliver ibd body over lo a dlaoaae cruel rulhlea and linally ufa dcarroylug louth american kidney cma ha powr akia4 miraculous inr holplng iho uaady llludys out uf ibd nilra o dlaaaa it ioiiovp hi als buuis 3u children cry for castor i a the bight house the eight house eutubllbliod 1h43 hamiltono favorlto shopping plaoo oot 9 leoo wo wantoutoftown roaidonto to ishnro in tho great carpet bargains woro ottotinu nowadayflono third of our whole sloak lo reduood ii i line of thr advertisement diacrviii the most careful reading because it telh of the lu i carpet event n farai we know that over took pldte liihiimtlton- the best opi orlunity on tecord for householders present and prospective to gel thonughlil ge4d cirpetj- at a fifth to a half less than regular prices fn order to i educe i ur stock which is much too large we have marked doxirn over twenlyjeven thdu iandj27 000 yards or over three sevenths q our entire assort ment to ail fiveiagtof ahoul one thirdleiii than out former prices and tlicjrc all thororghly gijod car eta- in our well known superior malec wo propay tho freight on carpotsordorod by mall tly ill irntua conio lo llmiillluii ami wo llin carelu or yourclf h von oaji bul u ivai a impomllio mud your orilcr liniall hrt we huartntw vlll ii itinrnnrhty plrasart wllli iho vtayvrifil jnoltafirr tl v0 ahnlild bvi glallo mrjil yon linall uaiiilra of hid lliiia ymi may- inenlk ii and will mala up an oatlninlo if yoit wind ua meatureiiinnlh if you o n iiwyf of cirmin hv i r will un uum you can uflord lu mlta till olianco coma or wrllo prcimplly lltnl 1mi uhiani s135 best brussels for 100 lha very imul jiullly nl croalay mul 1 emplolon u 5- frume uritlji ilrm au in fifty different lultorns for any room or lull with 1 order an i wuiirt wllli utnlr carpoti in match ariktl iicjni in ilcalrrtllfj i badra including light uud dark bluo lain cotln fawn bronro olive an 1 nllo grrxm tile poruiarly qi j5 now illbiooayd si 25 brussole cnrpots at 85o an rxcallonl inako of llriluh hruasalu in u lirgn issort iiiciil of about twenty tna ntylns in enuci from suitable for any room or bull wllb ltardnrs au 1 souin wjtlt blair carpets to liialcli ltlal arlnly of colorings light dark and mod i urn illofliiom attrtctko iiobijjih formerly up to it 33 now at hjc a yd ioo english lbrubsols for 7bo yd a oo 1 satufnclory make of urusscu in a big rana of ftlwiut twenty league auluble for any aiylo of room or ball liorderi to inaicli nmi noma with sialr carp i a 10 match full assortment of uhadei wera up lo si now 75 a il ooc british brtisbols for gcc yd tun livuuniitf ttdri ui ti bin u f rr ifimw nml l ilglluh ilruaecln to mil lor c 5c border icuutch and some aie biiliablc for balls willi alnlrn 10 malch real good i calf 11 a and eludes i ormerly up to yx now c5c n yard i50axminsters at 125 crocs ley s and lempletonj hifli chis urillih axmln hero rich and beautiful iloor coverln for drawing rooiia libraries dining rooms balls and slalru usstoruiiont of choice shsdingn cnctcdiiifly allracilvo ilctlgns twny fua illilrrcnt styles with liordcrs ttnd uiiiia willi stair carpels to nialcli splendid value ut ji 50 now di 35 a yard bost 90c tapostrys at 75o tc7i who tuimslrya wllli unit cifliaclfttlb fair pngllsh mako thirty different pattornii tor any room or hall borders to mmcli and 10 inn with stairs to match atiracllve dsifii in every desirable obade formerly qtw now 75c n yd also be followiri harj alna in tapestry 15 stylou formerly 76c now goo yd 10 stylos formerly ego now ooo yard 10 btylod fonaorly 0oa now 35o yard ah of lb gaiumhc ii udod liiara are ugl ordra but soma alair horougbly rollablo urltkli makci be bialnivo and l ikuilum shadea no largo numlicioi designs in roxb as uolod aluivo and i hey all good llioro are light dark and wool carpets woro loo now 700 1 his is tha very beat pialiiy of 1 nglili all wool cnt- llifiy would readily bring their full prlca of ii which good nras know is low enough but wa have too many 1 uelve dcalfttbla iiatterna sullable for any room good hiiorliilcilt of coloring in hi he green red etc ibis uuka la a hoclatly f0041 one lo wear il sure to giwt the best of satisfaction formerly si now 7oo all remnants exactly half prloo a great many of them in alttw various makes ahitn bier wilton velvet urusiela and 1 apoidry ranglngln length from 3 o 13 yards prices were from 40c to i 95 a yard now at just i nlf price six large rugs much peducod trmplelon a aumhiater hupa very superior nuallty in exceedingly hand wimo effects lxira large ihereiore rrho 5120 ones at 90 twsqb oustitrsto allwool rugs lo par cent off stock loo large that s why deet qualify lnglish all wool carpal imnre lu ilia largest range of deaigns and fiatterns and colorlnga we ever had tbaaa are splendid or dining rooms altllng rooms and ticdrooms seven differ al ta 30 now lobs lo por cont homupunmiaimqu t c king btrt eiut oornor hugtuon hamilton kendalls spavin cure ill j ttjtu uu10 rwuh t r hu iimum hwi 1 kui ol v biatt kmu t ijij k uui i m t4u piiili l i u flulu kltll ilumi la r iik 1 nil s uaimuin lrlusl uibll aaallnlhuhlt rrartilrumll kuu iutl au ur itujjil r r k4ll h tlura all a rinllm i la llru ft dtt i ntndall co tkosbuqo pills vt if you want to save money bwnagyiinafftjtntfamatwsis ourtst jtllvduh faims wltu palnklller a madlelaa okak la use if ktwipla mf aajulw our for dkjrmpsdurhhocmcouoms oolbs hhtumatism ncubalou stt and bo oent bottle j bwahk op iuitatioh8 i huy ohlv tha qkhuthb kkrry ijavio vapwawv v qiulaiulmu vi otoctor 1 revaiils home ctoliliijj i iiim wllb bis iall xrloa vtdouverort at nearest kx it nrus oftloa tlatufaoll 11 guuraiiuail or money v ro l 11 j for on k jampq matthuws patcntoo aoton ont faaaaaikilaaavrajrjrjtl aoton mnchinu and uoimir shaym ilkhllvaiuhulll iroirlstor alluwall ejull wltb a i the msoblnert uada4iry louiaiutai alt rstialrs t muolilu try ani njiloullural luij lomoi u n 1 1 all bliilosiam nillug it ise al iwluuaiiluudra blaokiiiiltlilug woulw ru rojalia 1 ur nutxl n a ballafaolorv uiauuur wo cau riulr any akaoliliia or i m lanibul uf any make llaw aviiuiiilug aud niluu tlouo new telephone directory the bell telephone company of canada iimul i will iiublluli a new odlllou uf tliclr l ul aorllwrh directory wllhiit a fow dayu ihusucuutmnlllutluh luumlilu aubkcriuru mit uld place llialr nideia ul i lieu in oular ll4t llujr uauiua may a uir iu t 111 9 i 1 lorroclloni in mm iiimci of i ruiu or i llinl fit i din all i l ii 11 ii lai ilnril ul i 1 i i 1 in nu lo rniii ill nil u a 1 11kown ali i n ih i calmuimter call at the lqn guelph and see the new floor oilcloths and linoleums just arrived from england and scotland linoleums in 2 and 4 yd widths we have in an unusually attractive range of pattern at prices beginning at joctitndneiiiirpirtarlrlatrbquitfoyarth floor oilcloth squares with pretty border to put under your stove as carpet saver we have in many pretty patterns and all the needed sizes were the carpet house op the west d e macdonald brother the lion guelph lftu bbfrltnrnjihts piojierty foi niils mullltll lans fl vllla noily tor aale 11 eay 1h i i 1 wai iduititkkt i aolon kaum fok ha ie 1 tl alitliconeaealonol kqual illc alllfl v imott ia euil rusahl toroolo rast astltay stuayku 11 1- ii alui 1 i t l e 11 llit ocu lf a hi11 tkndkus wanted t nl lift will ba majvetl b ilia ar ijrll i lamoltlu ml it ami i pin x uf i lulmlar ucluh tfliaae uf 4 ai intfe elm boli sbviuh 1 ttialwi ij1 fnr tlia ltur uuiber inclu t 1 i lack aalj y uuiinr noi dksirahijioitksidknok fo siiat wuvuoail lroty o valrvua- x alob tacedllaixxullxl bf wui lilupa i aid 1 rera far sale tl boua la wall imflt baa elabt luon will hall and pulif lull cellar an 1 wivxthnna cntioaatail ftartl and autl htalilaaail owl li uaeiiiruia pramuaa tltar ta an aire of laixl wall look ad wlcjt chela fruit the pt f wluiln lhaoorpor alien of u a u living tnanuraelurlna town of aotoa owing to tl e troilinur oil valrvlaw uiuucr ulla truirty would lilakaa nlsdll slu fur eraub nua ui i sudtnn wlllbaaold the huggy aeason is not yet over and i luvo jl2 1 inl class ones 011 hand my own make it will pay yau to incpocl them and buy one and jol tba advaiilajo of i be closinf season a few good lumber wjohb on lund yet which i will tll at clott prices also plows and root pulpero now i ilia lima lri icru need weigh scale cjii and see wilton s new stan dard aooa lli lcaic livery farmer should have one chatham i aiming mill sold cheaper than ymi pin buy lhcm 0lflhflwaiqil buccoaaor io cborcbtoallzn tkke your tlmo will lx wolf trad you will ba aornrltml ttl ilia exlenl of 111 tlock your 1151t will bo filled perfectly and your taste suit ed driug tlia wild aud littld ones you their fool neels will lie filled equal lywell and at wonderfully utile cost to you our whole alteallon is given lo htiyhig iid selling liools and shoes aud them la benefit in ibis to you we are sure wo can convince you that liter placd lo f el your footwear is williams shoe store mill bt aoton hunt in t dofv lha out coma ol tieglaol or lud blood bkva a never falllnf balm 1 or agoaw a ointment will 1 thamc t attihliorn cataa soolbaa irritation bhuoit inmanlly after grat application it relieves all itching and burning skin diseases lu a day it euro piles in j to j night 33 cents 133 ea a pleasing photograph 1 aa yourself au others sea you hut let us pyouuit you nt your baal our work lu coin me ml ed not alone for the artistic met i is hut for lbs ciccl icuca and accurutonuss of ourlileueisei wtnl a a nrulty iciuir vnd it looks so much ilka you is the inevllabla oxclami h pkjutsihsl photo shtst kcton fts iu piilm tjsit do qtotho rtltl tjt doaitry tli btomaoh ti iiwiijuiliuj fi i rtlru mnmtiigtotuh mif 1 1 ii 1 ui uiii iiy i 1 i il 1 1 1 i i 11 1 1 i i 1 i 1 id lul lata u 1 i v 1 i 111 lkjll i lhllall iii iu i i i i o iii f i lg hhwllts y i i ll i l tl 1 og i u co lu l ji l 4 rocfciotood elesrators opened sepleinbar lolh inghest cash prices por t 1 wuicxr 1 oath i 1xau i 1 summer i i hyx 1 1 hidxs i sllicluicwj i i wool i always on hand i ijix rtcxd i yufuit i oatuxal 1 oillaxx 1 vlaxhxxd i i lvlviwil- i i salts i mallilxl and i o tnr geo j thorp o t iy b i at loin hockwoud guejph hct0n bkbrv spooia foe show day i fcavu your inter m multliewa lu 1 anlty hkiapanpcakkb hilm huuw 1a oidns for t uidh mubl be in not later lliati 1 tiuiajay dc matthews furgoods- the stylish kind and tba good kind of 1 ur aia not uecessar lly ilia same good 1 ur jew scarce this winter hut wo iwught tha aldus aoma lima ago anticipating a run 011 just the kind that oro popular this teiton and can olfr snblo uoralan and soul furs of excapllonally gooil cpjallty at remark ably low pricea according lo aba and length required hi iairfc and ufmobilling now is tho lime don 1 wall until ileadod badly or you will wait l n e lafontaine furrlor cuolph spices u a ex rxjixlluuekautl phtta wltttlc a4vstauv sxxd alissixcx xrc uixkd wjcxs all the abate wbolo or ground ilulcly put bplces in air lljit tin cam which vt contflt3 lu pdfki co nill l ion a t brown oumut ftiul uutlouur acton d 1uu lj1 illhif iu 1 11 111 ill 1 v ftyvl j 1 till i 00 1lli114- 1110 wo ifuamnt irf twllallu ulokii iopticail co 03 yonira gtraait toronto- vu

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