Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1900, p. 4

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all except bad ones there arc hun dreds of cough medi cines which relieve coughs all coughs except bad ones the medicine which has been curing the worst of s coughs for6oycarsisaycrs cherry pectoral here u evidence my wife mii troulded with txrtd ytarj one day i thought of how ayev cheiry pectoral aaved the life of my elitcr after tha cloctoie had all given her up to dla bo 1 purchased trd houlea mid it cujoj my wife completely it look only one bottle to car my kuicf bo yoa a that uuec hot tied odd dollar wh saved two live we all cml you our hcail felt thank forwhat you have dona ford j ii lluroxfmaconcol jan ij 1b00 jqijofjeift1nic you can get trial bo tile of cherry pectoral for 35 cent j ak your jmggiit f apm afb t tiatt jfwe rek tuu11hday ootobkil iiuj ldoo the woman who jlannbssbd thehoii8e i tiad deoldod not lo disturb lb beep of trap that arthur cited berneaa and whao alio inaieted on sending ma la the village for aupptlee thai ehpiiadoverlookoir i was rather annoyed but u wa oal of hi a jobatlon in walk ao far end i won i an willingly to the etetye to prepare tor the trip alio followed m in eboul id hour end ben lo orlllolae in a way thai did not improve my umpor for i wea taking a great deal of trouble to ohllge tier flbe declared tliat there ahnold be two atrap around ilia mrii walat bat in pita of her protests i put tfa seoood coo over the back where it would ba of uw in h i ping to hold tap the hand f waggon and drove away ijolle plueeed at my aoooes my good humor did hot nol leal long bo cusaot ih vuigav joonlerltjr of the faw people i mat id going down a steep hill my attention we oonoentratad on ttia handles whlob suddenly proteoled i bom arlvea above lb a mare a ear wbo a man who wa pasting aboaldlook at your bellebend i i bid no chanc to ply for lb keblola wumuhokdowalhaulfal a rate that left him far in lb rear before ooald have inquired what ha meant uy belt wu a plain bleokellk on with a heavy steel book la and dot ukaly to attract at tenliou even in tba country aaloaacludod that tba rxpreeeloa wea a oalcb phrase e pi torn ixl eg lb oral conception of tba wit and tot called forth by that arttol of olothing tbla was oontlrmad whan i ml a amatl boy who aaluud ma with lb umi idiot lo raraaik j smilingly rapllad by aaklug iii til wbara ha rol hla bat nd if bla toolbar knaw ba wu out uy urbanity almost fallact howinr whan a mall in a lop haatf draaaod ilka a mlnlalar draw up hla boraa and brtfan oumnly u frland your hallybaad va i know i anappad jlook al yoar own your ballybaud la ba inaiataj dotf jnauoajly wbara did yoa bt that bat v i bhotiud with aoddd pauloo drlvloff rapidly away mil join wbova hla niat atari ii by wuklntf un hour out it hi day llookafeljor iba jtl klna aaftir onolipa lba lij 000000 a buaineoa way rkfirm twoua pur for twantyv a oarna1 hi wanly t ioaltlii to iko ulll 1 uut u illli tnalto by adhc f u followlic do you know that weakened nerves produce disease and suffering i ii ahotild boavary tilaliaduty to jat all the monejr ha roil kvrp all h can and glva away all uo oail j iluy 0 nly wlal an 1m p aid for and look upon labt aa at ok th alfiral lyaaa andtl an kill 5 uv within your iomri and dont think too much of juur nlhbor a tood furtuna i krap a roenrd of all oijmnjiturea and rooipu o that ai tba and or aoii yoar you md tl wholbor you aja wvliiff anoujtb nronay to pruvlio anaintl tba in- vltabla rainy day any 01m can maka tnooay fow can aavo it 6 jftva 4 ibounh atrary aot of jour waai under tho aorutu of yoar blturaat mtoy jutwtwny awolow till u what ttifi ky toa who uka ilooja itaracparilta for aorofuu iciaui arupllona oatajirb lhanmatlam of dyapapala ay it onraa promptly and pflrmanautly axon aflr all othar prvpatauona fall you may laka thu modlcirm with thu ulmoat ooundanoa thai il will do yon md ood wbab it baa dona for olbara 1 will do for you if you sen jtjn our paiitltb 50 ooo day a man oallad at lba oflloo of a certain nawjpaporand aaid to tba adtlot hlr your papar aya that i am daad wll rvpliod tho editor lr it la in our pa par ii la correct h if not oorv ft btro 1 am all rajoloed tha oilier wall it can i be lilpod all tli editor llul i bxpocl ju looonlraliol it aald tha injured man no loan l do that aod tha editor aa wo uovor contradiot anything that appoara 11 uuf paper i will do lba only uilng i on do to morrow i will t ul you inlbalutof birlha a terrible cough coiutlpallon lm i l by iiomla 1ilh tho jualliy of tlm lift of ovaryona u lba um aa tha quality of hla lova iwedan borrf iattya lllie ate amall mora ml tea but om a a doa and var doi oounta tbar ara no blaiiktf if peopl would only treat coach and m in lime with lr ila norway- im kyrup ua wtmld ba fawef uim uilau 711 aavoreat noiha ru oolda hrnrmililila and croup an i w tlral ataa of eonbump lion yuiid kriulity to uiui powerful lung hoallilfrvmnly lljiwlietmn thoa carter north pori out aaya i o a aovar oohl which anttlnd on hiy ilimmt and imiga ao lliah i could anarrvly atmmtk atwiva a whlaper 11 alao hiul a trrrlue oonji which my frwnda thou bt w nld a- dd ma lo my arara t in 1 diffint ni-li- hut all falul lo lo iu buy j1 until x hwk ir won1 a nor way 1iuo tlyiup anl ua coo ion la of 00a bottlo oomnlvloly cured itu uwl man am ilktifgg aeuea lojiod aiiyliilnji ling too full of them iw joab hill ilagyardk yallow oh u prompt to ira liv and aura to euro oouyha ooij aora uiroat pain in tba ohojt boaraauaaa fjainay au irloa 32 tmau womau may bav olgara named after them but tnoal of the llow dlaeaaco artf named after man tffj gating jfout aojtotbkxjlwz tliaia a wondarf thlnjcf w are tolng lo 6a homa other day and harbonl wa hop to drift lata ham otbai dy wlur folded henda tba aara- that trail w welch aad walt for a tatorlug kau vo all tha folda of ail ula aall ifoma other day wa kuow v tntul toll if ver w wlu homa other day v llut wa uy to ouraelvea there ri utlk to llu uomaolbet dy aodaaaafrrtiuwlajur en unul at lut wa and withdrawn tba atrmnjrui of tha bor wa 1nad upon horn other day and wbau wa are old abd our raoa bj run home other day wafrel for tho- thlort lhet hilsht hava ba uatam other day wa uim tlia peth that leada u whar tha heckouiutf hand of inlul deapalr lejuj ua yonder out of lii hara uouia other day souinvilu journal marrlafa i a lottery id which tniaataka their liberty and woman their bapploaaa why na kroping aad wblnlnrf aboat yoar oorna when a 33 oent bottle of ilailaaraya corn cora will raroo them 7 olva it trial and yuu wilt not regret c 1 a woroaa qollw about tha age when i mry- i tiiarry bf imty uavct all lo gl4 relw anid tbey our if ulvau an boneat ulal if all utd tnlorobee were alephanu aoma women wouldut tuaka any more turn ahoat lhhi i there are ao many eougb rnedjoin in the market that ii la aomatlmm dlfllioll lo 111 which lo buy bul if we bad a oogb a oolj or auy afltiotlou of lb throat or luuga we would try ulaliwa ah ii coo lumptivo syrup iloee who bev uaad ii think it u far ahj of all prepare uootf reoommaiided for auob oompuinu tba litllo folk ilka il m it u aa pleaaanl joj yrup no woman ii aver happy or liaa any wriukla ull aba tu fallau ltt lov we aud apoddltuf ibooaauda lo maka patty 1ilu kuown our uiouay prov our fallli a trial will eeour your couveutlou in lba aoula barbed ww fducd lo boip tha eatllaoff wa hava uo belutlori in aaylutf lbat ur j v kiiogga dyeauury oordlama without doubt tha beet liledloloe avar lu ttwluoed for dyouury diarrhoea dioura and all aumtuer oomplajbu aa alokneea oln it promptly jlvea teluf and uewar falli to affaot a poaitiva nura mothera hiiouu navar be wltliout a hotlla wbad thlrohlldraii ara uethlug ba aura you ar right tbeu itl lba ftirl go aliead vat a clear oouiplajtlon take letlya pjna- lhy uevar fall to dear tha klu ibouaatld of ladle tfweajt by lhebj ijoroe year ga oua of lba blggeal rail road oorporatlona of uita oomjlry am ployed a ooufldetillal peaoauiakar wltb lba idea of prevenlltik aultf aa far aa poeolbu for per aoual damage il haw provoj a prodlabu inuovatlou and la being takan up by oilier lallroada val and lean that is babies- fat they are happy and sal lean they are nlitliei happy norsafet apart from being entirely healthy or not quite well a fat one has much leserve of vital strength to resist any sudden iuilic while the lean one has little oririff reserve i he way to be fat and well is scotts omikioii of mtlaivcf il little only a little not any if healthy and plump already let well mough alone faiaavb ocjlory oompotind the only truo nervo modjoino tunrnflrratocictr it bullda ut and keep a in trrot- condition that grwatt narv- oui 6yatorn when lba marvalloua oomplexlty dall oaoy and powa of tho hayaterjooa utfw ayaum la folly raalued w are bot aor- prlaad at lba tweeplng aart ion of dr laulnrt 1rtjeaaor of clinical uadloina in uehmhn uodioarcollwoboa0 that all dlaaaaaa are doa to lealooa of lhe bactona ayatem or in 0111 worda diaaaaei teen it from a weakened or dia- itubed dervoaa ayilem it wa lb ilfa work of that great pbyalclatt dr pbelpa lo gl aaffarlng roea and woman a rnadlolna that would aot dlreotly on tba berrooa eyatem pr pbalpa auooeeded nobly aod wall lie placed paluea celery compoond before boma of the ableet pbyalolana that aver aaaambled lu dartmouth radical college it met with tbalr full approval and tbey ai odoa preaohbed t in thajr praouoe aad toaai it a ufa aavor whan other meaua faluj today ten of ibooaanda aoucd tba prelaeeoj 1aioaa celery compound lit wverywrhwetowillbjca of tbla ooiiti neat peopl aid fouud wbb owa their ufa and good health to palnea calory com pound nature nerve medicine and herse lf you ate aleeploaa irritable dee pond don i tuorom or have fluahee bbllle acid- be of baud and feel deficient tone iu ibealomaob and luuauiiea bear in mind your nervoua byeteni oeeda atteotlon aad repairing no othar madlnlna lint ialnax oelery compound can do lba good work for you and make you what yoa abould ba vlgoroua alrouii and bappy delay are dangaroua tha iillia adita and pain of lodey may tomorrow devel op into agonuaaid mlaerie one bollu ot lba wonderful 00m pound will work mighty and bappy ebajifl f v if a mail look bad and praooouplod for about alu monlba afur bu wife dua all the women will eay ba fairly worablpped thi ground aba walked on iiiui nftriteircwf liur al aaay ba aeeeueel by tweid a r that patcur mccu0 -i- aw wbau a titau baa a wblta daub on bla boulder be oau alwayi aay lla ohalk of n billiard oua but wbau a girl auiell of brll llantina aha oau ouly dtiy lu ho family living lu ft bilious oouulry bould ba without parnuleaa valabla pilla a faw doeea lakau now and tliau will keep tba tilvar aotlva oleauea tha atoutaoli and bowel from aubluou matter and pre veil i aoe- ur j x prloa uhoau merlin co ind write hava triad a box o parnuleaa pllla and nuj theii tba beat inajlolna for v aver ami agua i blvaavajt uaed to iteaulooaaaruaaia lontak 1 1 heavier afelel ona foot ira ih orm vei i lba tboueanda of peojda who ruth lo ao worthy ft remedy aa boulb auwrtciu ht- vlua aa a hut retort would get it u a aral rcaort how much ptlaery aij aufcerium would ba up ted i y bave any tierva duordar you neednt auffer a inluula 10114aa x iboumaild leatlluooua 10 iuov it j livtty pholoraphr kuowa thai womau havent got auy oauwletiaa by lba way they alwaya hava llielr ploturaa lakeu in b other clothe where other fait tb jj iufty wlla pnva ibalr power to euta kvery time ft tuau gala married ibera i eoma womau wba maka up bar nud that aba would hava refueed blm auybow if ba bad beei foul enough to ak bar ulok iiedeuhei bowavrr annoying and dlplmeow la kilvrly ourwl by iaaa llvrlllij 1iiy lira my iu uka aud rjfriiu the aglug tf tlmlr ketiulred lung tloraga i t uolridt la a few hour 11 a few ii lldren whloh l uw oomp rly i ly children cry for castor i a strong and vi evary org of tha b t up and invigorated by mr y w irr urlin ont wiya 1 kutfcrj fqr flva yeai with iialpltatlon nhortnaa of breath mi npiumii- nn 11 i ulti lutliojioaia hut mil box or milhiirua ari fijid krva pi1u romplfuly rtmnrrh all thm dla- trikuluir uyuiplnuia i bavfl not kuffeiml allien tavilhf thi in and now php well and foul ktronu und vlforoun uilhunm llonrt imd knro plllu euro all dlhattiijvd nrlului from waak- liaart worn out uono tubuei or watary blood tfucks of imuioflatiom agents it laatated thai imn have been diverted froi tenlun lo aattla llirr ynkelnimiralloi in u dialogue la reptcae place imiwcch two euk ftkippa ibel by hi il ti 0 tdoka of 1 he foil w have taken btuila who la i no 1 aboard the oara oulaidi bh i ulth uf aknt n 1 n jo mini i we bad in luakalahewit 1 agent nn 1- ir i lh lll our alock jnl froao lu daalb 1 y ilia uiiiiiiki froela 7 agent uo 1 ndall ufrt 1 here waa that little red now lhal w tird to keep ellva in lite cellar through the winter if you ibniauibnr aha nt 1 ut euuiohow ami waa frcne aolid oulaidc and iwiuni till july lint that wiliewl ltr ml agent nu j- ihavrd nut t n air wby dlni wo mllu locrui r m bar all thai huinmor wl at dlaliogulahea ua from oua another ia varying relation with infinity maeur ilnck are w loeelug vltak t than aomlblng la wrong tothayouug it alwaya tnreka iroulle it la a warning o auy one unu they era already too fal boolla kmnlaion olieoka thu wl aud brluga up your welghl again ilorrow coooralejiika an oven topped doth buptf ibe heart lo oluder mhake peares aak your drugil for paltya pilla if hit liaanfi tyit tham w urancloainil 1 he prloa 0 ceo la and wa will aupply you a man lovee a womantor w batbe iblpka aba ia j a woman low a man for what aha thluki aha can make of him if h will lal bar thach childhun to bavl rrom the lima a obit i boy or u la four yer old he ur aha alioul i be ivan a re wrokly ellowbuwua luatlcr iio amal for pocket money 1 hi may take the orm t payment rur norlaln jill aervicea ifiileiadlhe nlliufif thu vaod baa the kerpiuit of hala and ooela ituirftup lliaduatliig or ths lay room ur it may lie glvanlnfaaimpla komeohillruii ara nlurajly i tlln rprn i ihrifta and mleiwrly taught the vii of money iii that rnimallva prrii uheu bablta at flxfd aie likely tu retain the bebil tu lba and of their dy if a child rvabxra that ha oliuot eat hla qako and beep it that if thlu week a alwima ia all pent afonday tlnsrn will ta uolhing left forlueeday wnlneatlay ant thurada ho vary aoon yrpi ibu i la ol pnroiivl m p5uaibilily iu tha arpandilura or hu nickel or dime lo ii beat advaiilan ulillllto mlb dtmam uogan do you b i lava in drcatua mikat dugkn ialtli au i do i liat nigbl i dhrvamad i waa a walt n an in tlm mornln ao dhrealit kem ihrt jemajolkb rlvavls cannot turn back tba tlda tha demand for dr ago little rills u a marvel cheap lo buy but diamond in rjuallty baalill nauaaa coaled tongue water braab pain after bating akk beadachevbauai fijvs dflccltirjleaaantly jo cent 37 nolhlng ia aapartor to tha human mind aava blm alooa wio mada ii bt liana veulura atlentlou iu tha world of homaopatbla medicine ba bean la very aouroe of pro- krea aa iu poll tic aud rallgton tha dlf nouueof opinion aud tha individuality of man hava boon rout lo tba diaigr meat by wbloh lhe alandard of thi bodu- bavd bottl tlovatod tjaltb-rnoe- hrmmt ianr ii u finny hif of onr fmoua preparaliona foremoel in ii lualratlon of which truth aland ilia world famou remedy to general debility aud languor quiulna wuaaud whiph wheti ohtaluabla iu ill itanulno atrengtb i miraculoua creator of appotlta vitality and atlmulanl lo tba general fertility of lba ayalam qulnlua wina and i la im provsmanl baa from tho flrat dlacrary of tba great virtue of quiulna a a niedica1 aijaot lean oua of tha moat thoroughly dlaeuiead reined ira ever offrl id lba pub uo ii ia oua of tba great toula and and natural itf glviug atimulaula which tha medical profaialau hava been compel ud to reouguua and preaorlba olaaaru norll ttp aud lorutau of toronto hava gliiati lo th preparation of llulrpura qululua wlua tba great care dua to iu unporuiioa and tba alandard akorlliuo of tlm artlola whlob i hoy of fur o th puhliu oomea iotn the uiarkal purged of aj tba dafeota whicvr aklllod obeoifvallon and aouutlha ojjulau lias pointed oul in tho uiptrfot prpa ra tloua of th laltar whin a 111 an ipanda eo niach buying driukk for all hlafrlauda thai bla wiiaoajit keep lb olilldran drued properly it la aaid that ida haarl la in tha right plana people recovering pro fataumaula yypbold or soarlat ifevar blpbtbrla l orlpp i aay serloua slokaee hltra tha herva yon i ha tlleod rloblne ha suataulity hotioa f mhburaa mart aaid hrv pllli it uwu known that uflur ay aaiiouit ilhnaa tha heart mid m rr aci rutrantcly hi au ml tlm iuumi i tlly tmpovrrlihrj i ur tluui cunditkuni ihtra u mi ruuuly npiula milumiu iii ut and nanu imla ii r btonuall tlm vll il fucii of luuly whklidiu am ium imp ih d and wruktui mr 1 uarnirottjuliiirroill aihmii av yaat hu i i ud u nvrm altaik f iorlfa width loll uiyayalat ltt an cd ronditloii i nmj not viigjin ktiriytli and waa i ry imrvouu auilau uh ut mjjlil 4d gut up in tha iiuindu m1 iuvmi ua win 11 i mint lu htd i bad tut t iu rgy and waa in u mlavr- iihla wllobaili mllhuni i- uilmiil nerva 1mu whih i hut huvhrd pmiiurli iii uil m coiullliiiil of lillevry tu goid hiallli lhy ikikllupiny ayateui atteugllf vikii in v iu rvo tiiiiicd tiiik rhiiiltiivi il in- hi mmj uhj mttlj u in w tnuittifiiwi i in stilly i 1 iniliin lul tinill in uilv m kulhinitf fuml lh ill alliitauf tm4p ur auy ttlwr vnu tlhteea not belug ttatutored iu tuheilng i learn lo pily tboea in afluoliott virgil collo aud kina y difmoulty mr j w wilder 0 p lafargevllla n y write i am aabjetit to aavera attack of oollo and kidney dlmoulty aud find parmtleea tlll i afford ma great relief wbila all other remedie bav failed they ara tba beat medicine i bav aver uaed in fact ao greal i tha power of tbla medicine lo elnauaa and purify thai dlaeaae of ajmoet every nam and nature ara drlvan from tha body lova ia au tcha in a uaw plica aa an all roundfamlly remedy ona that alwaya abould ba lu tba houw for au amergonoy dr paltya pilleduoount any thing lu lba ruarkt they ara ao amall a child can uka thrm with aaaa ye ono a doea woman pula on after aba bin ifot bar lialr combed on th looming aha expaola aoma womau to oorna to a bar gastoria vet infiau and chlumii tha in tell act ia davaloped only for aaith- ly thing and by earthly tbluiti du pre ita ao pltauut to uka lhat children cry for it bul lla death to worm of a kind dr low worm fiyrup price 2so all daalan trulli i ai inipoatlhla lo b ooliaj by any ouiainl touch a- tha auubeanj ull tqh tmviai or 13 yamtrv stauvd- irib i vol railed catarrh prwlnce deaf bea lu many caaaa capt llau connor ol toronto canada waa deaf for 1 a year from catarrh all treatment filltd lo roluva ur a knew a caiarrlul rowder gave him relief in ona day and la a lory ahort wblta ttwiuairiclet hint entirely it will do aa much for you 50 canta j3 kvery womaii uiluk aba known liow lo galalou mllb ita inn batlar than ih other woman da hundred lava uehed to tha cood petty phla have doua litem a widow alwaya temiuda you ot boul map luilant ilallaf guaraulaad by ualng mil burua dlarlluu il6dha powdara no da nrekelug- after affeol tha two in oat iniporunl proprtia of aoul ara aituplioily and ibimortallly iloa mlul pkudreft cry for castor i a gelling- married u a lot like laying nut a porn you hava lo bava a special talent for it doea your bd aolia 1 1 aka a patty do your bak acba t taka u petty do your aij acli t taka a putty aud do uot taka auy olhar nulllmr oheeea oabbaga fltll hor hakrd beanaahoull avtr ba mi iuto lba ufrlg aratur tby al leava au mlur ot which il i dinlaull lu rid tha refrigerator and lhey ao llevorttia lood tronword by aa mow york polaltt- attar yeaianf leetliiguiid coiupadum 1 tiav no baulalkin hi aalng thai or agnew a cm im the heert i tt quickest aaleal aiul auieel ktuiwn iii modi calwima 1 um it in my own prauh a ltellevna tha ih1 axule fhiii f la and llevrf fall 1 i eli it iiialuol ihhty mini j it will work while you bleep without a gripe or piin curing cojistipatlon baiotianjtssasicic hc ache and dyspepsia and make you feel better in the morning uvery old majd la a living mounnianl to aoma woman who didn t maka a good man mlaerahta if you ara ft dyawkptto uka petty a if your baok aoliaa taka pottys if your bead ache taka imtya if you are nervous taka paltya if you ara weak taka pally a pellya will maka uta alck well aclfclvqyuauonibas- slmilatliiftttal food flnd rcuta ijtht5aifldaniidijawcl30f imams iiildiikn ftomolcadsliottciiectfuj- incss atidhestconuiiu nduxr onnjmmqrphino not mineral not najjootic apcrfiucmcdy rorcomlip- llon sour slonuctldiaitfidea worms jconvulsiojxs fcverish- dcss and loss or sleep ftevf tfdhk see that the facsimile signature is on the wrapper of eveby bottxje op castoria oaaterla la eat p la aaab veuw ealy it la ao aiu u ehu daas allew aayeae u aeu yea aattua ahw aa tka alee premlae tiat it ia jeat aa eeed aai wih aaeww every ter- ba afiealwiyectoaetolulx lien ara all alike and italuaky for oicut woman theyra not all different clatlcta kui him oat orutohoaj lai smith dairyman of grlmaby onl write my limb were almovt uteles from aclatlca and rlieumtlint and not wltluundliig my eilcaiu for phyalclana jtmuat give the credit whara it bcloiik i am a cured man loday and south anieri caa hlmumatlc cure mutt hvs all 4ha cmdlt it a it marvel n uarrlao ia lika moil other good lhlnu4 lla mighty aaay lo el to much of ii tba iloraa uoblaal of iba bruts oraatlou whan aurtarlnj from a cot abraaian or sow darlva aa much benefit aa its mialor ia a like predicament from tha haallug moothinji action of ur llionia lclectrio oil limeuau awelllni ot tho neok aliff ueae of tha joiiiib throat and lunga are rvjlevej by il lola of our raal duly to tha lord has to badoinkhi ibeilv go it wont hurt 103d people foiling bob mccready abov la ft apleutlld portrait of hob ifo gvijy oua of tho bust f kitlatl rljcrm in cauada lie la a mruilnr if the ottawa ualvertltr taaui and lioa tin it in all nf iti cua mplo uilil p inatclicb he la a biiiuijui apacluiru of robust canadian intiuti n1 but alrag aa ha la ha hi a known idiot it la to auffer from dy 11 papla ijo arrlanalv atflkt ad wfl ka it th tnufus of tbepast 1sd0 maaon that ha waa not at to co out llh bta taaui 1alua lu tha hack nod aides la t null lent haauachp and the awful panii ha autfckd after catlug tba rvault of au lidpilrrd dlgietlloii waru 1 blm that ha waa lu uo coudlllou to play football tha bardrat of fth genie ltld h lacked tin aaajigy a 1 r carry itlui fhroueb a cam babjib ii ootuultad bla uhyblclaulhut that lugiu gave him 110 rvllaf at ttilu blaga ba wrluu i waa ail laid to try or llty illla ih uiw reuidy that ou f bay faunj auurad tua yaa wonderful la it alfect 1 waa hktpltral but ha aouuded thalr prauaa ao pfteututly that i waa at laugth induced to try tbuiti j be ftf drat d drove tha palu away aud at ilia and of a wnk i kjuluad my tem aul 1 hava riuia through imv of our uuiwat aaaoo lu ilia iwat rorui that i bav aver uteu lu lr ivtty hla rw a ton tu thank for nf dua uiaulllou lhvy are tho- bvat uudbu i inw t vr tawn i by maka nu ao atrobe- aud m full of iiiirgy i fir on akall nur take any ntbvre wbn i fl tu uel t ktrmigthaitrr knell la lli fafomiueil idtwki of thi w ii known attilet p aud tuck wulbelbfl- wllrt i hi widrrt tiiunly if yniir ilrunajtet unit aniiilr vu wrll- lv ua an l-h- irtv ml viit ixdll al holiu h ijmi ahrraalirlir llly urltlnetm experienced undertakers bydcalmgwitli nsyouarc assured of the mobt cartful attention and everything- done in the most skillful manner and plcato remem ber tliat we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other fuiieratsupplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speigfcht fc co hcton grand trunk rajlway vn itttaanr rrinrae kiiitu au i 11 ikitreu mui uell c l i ul i mlll luolf oiintfweet utnem and a a 1 lijuafui iuai iii 1 1 tbla tluii lblo wl imo n juheail 1ujo wbtir will j you want oatmkaii o t ohjlt 1 gugrton wmd ogh jutiilvs brjthd yba yeet hi uk iitaiket t all wide ekkk deelera ue- it t kuua ualltyudceellatil x upnuy uouroi wanted agent to fill permaucnl podllous wllh at aoddpay all kuiiplle frm chance of iirouiollou lo ood wn uluo ilfialrn toiiuj food a ctili fcillmr un whota or part tlm tokcilour jifcparalloti for tha dcmruxlion of the in ock moth calorrilur known a aatarijxiiajaine many ofour bilcimcrttariy thu aa a aide lint and maka conalderalily more than their ckpcntmttlicniby wo haa tbfl uracil hiiorlmtnl of clock ofaiiy nursery in canada peo ple prefer our rooda htcauta of our guaraniea all our alock la lent nut under goxcminrnl certlhcale proving clcanllncia aud frnodom front oiicue apply now for tcrllory stone wellington tohonto dunlop solid rubber carriage tire a new urrisd lira hut males riding on all roada a pldiiuro economical loo fori it doc away with lba illirallou that shake a nd lircaka i ia carriage a bhapeibtaea betweeu the rub ber tire end the a tee i rhuixe praeuu tha ereetjiuj tbd eutting which bthar ur are aubjeef to fa uta hilil al ui big fair snd at once for 1 roo tire calai fjut giving prices of all tlics tho dunloptipo company toronto nsi btjohw wihmtmto momthcal agents wanted sor yjnroprosated yjlstrlou good iay to good men axcujljf yovu jjjstjuct you wx coutua utascmf mow froteht and expross the ptltuu nuuacav co growlin a compielalluaof murxrylock indud irltf many bow virletieaofllardy itoac ornamental bhrult nruf tree all block rumranleed fma from ban joa scaltf wo liold qotetnuneut ccrtlfl- oai of inapeoliori covdila bur blook wrlto for cataloguo pelham nursery co toronto canadas sons on kopje and veldt an authentic account of tho canadian contingent in tba south african war lly t o manpila ii introduction by very kca i rlnclpal grant l i d haud on ollicui dcsuichca of utml col oitcr and other commanding ollicea al ilia front compleio iu o 10 votime 500 pjgej richly llluslmtcd only i 50 agnto coining money gi 1 1 uli picosplctus tho oradleygarhetbon co lliltotl urantiotdf onl- l adirertising j is tho pulso that forct the blood of butlnesa througti tha arturias of tha pro tnakilo hiislnaa catihluliuieut toraorrows businoss tifo dcpcutli upon lo day t nthcrtlsini when tlioailveiliuinienl la in lba 1 ul i 1 hi st il produces ufa t why iujuui the 1 hyv plllss ooa into tha reader a houta gocain and lllsiluwn with hlui- it u 011 tliu lutild uhtla i10 oolblul lu hla banda ulurthd 11k1l it uby hu wly bithi aa bm luiiniu iba chlhlieii a clmhoa it reaclma hualuud and uila w tin n lliny ara in an approach ublncoudllhi that is why i uui aiknuiii in 1iilv ulirr iujl lo lha un iiiniliaitl l luu uijy other kind of udvululnti yftiv ir vou wrlipuu uonvincuo hcton saw planing swjtlwt st mbnufmoturora and daalors in all kinds o drlssku akd undklssld lum blihrlathakijkhikriufi sash uoors and i1linps window and doou tliamlb all kinds oi indoor anpout dooriinisii ilaviiii a ucll attorted alock of lumber on liand orders will in all cm bo pramplly filled prices are as low n any oilier mill turn luc quuwarkeijual lu quality custom loacul al any tinto jno xvjlns jauki bliowm afauaja jvojiwehk all lilido of uood an hand and promptly ulivertwl to any part of ilia iqwn patents guaranteed ourfeeieludietl if wa fall aay oeeaeadiea fclcltii and diikmi any lanelkw will tnoiiiitlly irfvive our udul f mu lli luuutal tlily uf a4jh lluw to obtain l4tlll ulll uwu iniutu 1alcuta aeimnej through tie a tv4itt f uleatnar upnuc uejiwltboiilc1iairiu tilu falamr kuiiaa an llliiaiialcd an wklaly ctiruulnl jihiriial coiuullrtl i y mamifartiiirihhiul inveetiha uf ud tur utiiple c ny vmik juuih vicyoh j kvah5 a co kvaaa f jig waaim c patents promptly secured will til lltailh invent and lliw uii u kmbadkd iiit i akwnaxbajtetoh ur wwmii j your lnwnlkmwliil on 1 iul uil wllluil you rrear our 1 jiiliui at liv ultmlr ii u lirolialil tamubli ui iilji1hu mvuliy lf m t lulaluhla illlutlll lu uuv i ii tllguislrvfuiuufm funiulied maiuom ut aatawxom yatxrrr houcit8 a kxwt tlll a uhdtall luulufia iueltabrt rululila lulwul h iuollj iukkmale aajud lu4i4 lai 1 uloliv kwuil hul uw anuilu auiilui welir w iaktiuu mw wulpul luuruukim i u hillu4 aavhllluu jim j lihlmu aoojythu tujlui mama dcstaaja cofvatborr ac m afcejj ami mmmijmunm ey suiftv urvdli t tthket vee wbetker ua milv ti ta lolil l voluble lti ii auiui hun4u w i i- uim r lu hnifuuuhu i 11- uhm lw hiebl kllwh lun wlejhwtm wllhl tewe sclcnllf ic hmcrkan el vwmua bit molmlet iirt im l ttukllrl jmib

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