Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1900, p. 3

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bank of hamilton georgetown branch aqonoral banktngbubinoq3 transaotodr correspondence sohoitod department interest allowed n auroa of onl ijol f ah nml upwardi from day of ilejmttii t uv of wllb irawal no formal ilea i 1 m deuya in drawing money farmoiv ihthiness bollcilod notes of rmjk atuaa fanner dlkcounlmf an i monny loinm i t eilfmato tmelnras purpose our oillcctioa dojmrnnent h fuel illy lor malli u prompt reiuriia 6 nottis handled anil money adduced on tuxuuul orarno at low rules of iplernl travellers mro notified iliat 1i10 hank 6t hamilton ami lla kranrho leant circular notes oflriq i rovlndil lllpb of ilnplajad i imlloj wlikli cari u caalioil vlllnul charge t tro il in in any tart 1 1 llm wtul i iap dnicr hamilton xatabluhad 1b73 capital paid up 51703212 rcscrvt fund 1234119 total acts 1 1827357 amirtuniuii caliler b forsayetu agent gootrgotown bran oh the news at home tty or a local cnaraii an vary llajm into raj at in a school supplies ah the new book all the new scribblcrvv -at- oocv hynds 1nicloiveal moid papnfm vunen comb hair ilrukltea hair 14 in i ancy toilet siapi our jvtoc aro low quality tha lwl oeo hynds aoton ont jiaxua rroaa lj juott rec jjreis tnunsday ootoiji- it iib tooo little localjbriefeets whloh cauaht tlia bymm or sara of fra tprasa ratortera thla waak than ltattmug day xl da batbaovm irtdeaj apple plejdrij u a popalajr ai j oat now tbe weajtern axoaralonlau bav errtrad bom again 1 ploy man i bv ueuaephareott wjiioooopv bu pnlpu next holiday no country oh earth baa itrealef eaaea for gratitude tied canada tbaaknllntf aoolal aud aaurlalnmenl la kdox oharob tbla aientr tb afternoon train ifolntf mail ruw lee tee four mlnntee aarllef tbew before at sal a ibanaaftuinrf aarvioa will b lield la lbamaibodlat obarob tbl morning from 11 to id oaloc dr d itobartaoh reriutraratllloabae baen appointed ittlurood oflloaf or tba 00 ml n alcotlona tba firet beavy troel of tba aeaaou oaroe op taeaday bjbltteatiy fla week laur than laat year w 1 bm i lb iba rntumitt offioar lu kaat gray la tb adllof and pcopruto of tba bbelboorna mmmw tbaalaotloo campalgo asollamani la now on lt all iblnk badoua lu faiodara uon and aalbbofly good nalura tba bonaoftjoouand aowuiocdaut on toaaday avaning waa very tnoob aojoyed tbaatuodanea wa not wbat tba oooa aloo baarllod a fa oi oar ciluenm want to maaaaga woya ye at oa in pball villa on tdaajay tbara will baa lafijar altatidanoa to jbrla vmt tomorrows tlecwouu ulua baay urn baa coma tba morning aarvloa malnlanbaj on monday and will cnntluua during tba fall andwlnlaf tnontba ibalarca baw bdlldlilk at 0tmy h unuarlaa la up and altoloaad ii will afford wttob uraatar aooonttdodallca far tbia importaut indmtty tbaoahaiatiwlltwqj fluea qf apflt- danltf wbloh bllfbt baw prottatt aarloua from tapping off tralua at far tbiy war in taction at tba q x it dapal durlutf tba w4k itv mr louoa at tba uuolulaa obuiotl oooapiaj til a tulpll of tba uapuat cburoli on uuuday aftarnoou ltar mr moal uti u bavluu hi vaeatlou al hi old boooa at uarola tba uilrty fifty prturtuolal eonvaolloa of tba uabbatb tloboo aiaodlatloa of ouurlo will u bald hi unkjivllla ualt tuaaday waduaaday and tburaday aotoil will ba rppeautad at tba d0oau tloa kflaa lottu k wltinlnj provlaolal laatalrar for tba woman obruuan tam paranoa union will ajjraaa public moat tngaiitlba uaibodlat uborob on vauay at tamoofl at tbraa a tilock and in tba o lagakalifbloolodb ura tboa kua lvaldai aa a vary intaraallnif vaporl of tba prooaadjoi of tba woman a ulaalonary hoolalyv annaal oouvantlon bald at ingaraoilj wblob alia atuodad an dalagata fmwj aotonattbauioutbly maauu lat tbua day ttr fbomu laalon ulvar uumi ufa a fraak of ualyr- fct tbla oilloa lba otber jay lu tba fortd of i u pppr b planlronl wblob tba flrat luou bad baad gatbatad and bairlu a hanoud ofuyltouh wall dawalopad kull bouia of wblob wara tlpanaj bud a third crop of tloaoma ituluara i wtabuua tba uaw kutu now baluif tdlnad out at llrowna liaolul im anton bash and qoor8 in uyogk j if yon ara bulldluk or making impruva inaiit nail at tlmwu a 1ui1uk mill wltb youv ordat a altwk aaab laam lbu laaj4allabtawlm jllgblai ujashj bjbla doora lu atooki 100 10 1j tblck aodaflulf iii iblok aolld tnanldad 4ml ralaad pai1- j lortl 10 1j ibub front doota wltb or wllhodt glaaa top jiua uaoni jhoprialor main hyaa aotou knox churcb immi 8admj tba lla j u bmltb it a of cooaa- town praaohad laat bnnday in knox ciurab itaaf mr lldheraon oond noted annlvaraary aart loaa in llnma cbi walkaa on tba aaoiaday ur bolb aarm 00a waoa mnob an joyed ia valortammte jknuufj on monday foraooon wklla ongaad lo bar raoralns wock hra angoa lawaoa aftnea fclratl bad 000a rim to atap onl of ki loll an door riwi alu allppad on tba door tap and fall fraolurtnj bolb bonaa of tba rijcbt limb baiwaan tba aokt and tba bn tba aooldant oooarred aryalmply mora mtfitrlo xjght i- leotrlo light eontlnuea to grow in favor meaara jobnatoa i co bava inatallad a trnmbcr of ufibla in tbclr fnrnltura ware- rooroa aevaral additional llgbta bava baan put in tba ireabytarlan obnni and tba naw war ran block baa baan rongbad lp and tha inatallation will ba oomplatad wlmn iba piaauro la dona a lively apart by a ummvy tem ooa of tba big tannery taama ran away irom iba u y it warebooaea on monday forenoon wltb a load nf 800 dry hldee thiy ran at abraakuaokpaoadown cbarob htraal aa faraa lotoria avanua diulbd ting lildea all tba way tba drlvar ur i mcgregor cam up wltb tbera in a ulnnta or two and found tbat no damage bad leati aualaluad frtn toomhlp contribute ftoo at ibo aoaalon of krfn towuablp co on tut al owlnga on batnrday a depnutlou oompoaad of way of nalaon aldarman ltrle and tborp air doff and air icttaa waited on tba rnembera and preaanted tba olalmaof tba winter alr for aaalatanoa to help to defray tba eipeoaa of tba boild log now lu oouraa of eraotlon at oolph tba deputation got an at unlive baaring and alter aome oonaidaration on tbe object tba council granted 9100 jm old ijnaaoaj jkaahaaaj lot over thirty year iboma bbaga baa doua tba bolk of iba pump buslneea of acton and vicinity ovdng to bia dlaaa- lroua tire two yaara ago and atibeeqaant aariona lllnaaa la baa not continued tba boalneaa lo any extent kowbowaver bfa aoo obarlaa baa returned from jobne town n y and will eoodaoi tba bnaioaaa upon aurgaraoala a new gaaoliaa angina pomp- making and otber machinery la being put in iba abop on main street and tba baalneea will ba axtanalvcly angagad in ur rbbage bndaratanda tba pomp boal naaa aa no other man in tbla aaotlon doa jrm wltb itbumorlmm tba itowland comedy co wblob oon elude a tbraa hl bngafamanlbera or monday evening uai ia one of tba beat all round bbowa tbalhaavlaitad oar towri for a long time thay ara a vary gentlemanly and raapaoubla lot of peopta and tba antora in tbalr variooa role ara uptodate in every way tbey ware graaud wltb good bouaee each nlgbt and will command a good eadlanoe any time ibay may vlall oar town again uowmanvllle jnoa tba oompany will oooopy tba town ball ac too for a weak oomraeuelng nut monday mud inat trfk council n sb3qion finance anil blaotrla llat uta subjaota olaouaaod council mat on monday evening at eight oolook uambara praaant j ii iaaraon itca- john wllkama john lark tha com ml 1 1 on finanoa preaar tbair eliteentb raport and rcoommanded paymanl of aroourla aa followa uooollllnauo oil a bteplienaou ril m 1 to i haran lntnbm w 60 ua uaaeral bimmio eulla ii w c ubol 1 a u ool 131 1m liu u m ra ndd by nth raport of jut rtad bo coming and going moved by j willi m jtobn clarke thai tba al tbe com co i lire 00 final ca adopted certieil the jqaetion of placing all etroel lal on aide aireeta in tbo vicinity treea in tba contra of ilia ftlraet waa onaaad and it we decided to grad change tbera t tha growth uf tba tlrolrlo light xf apokao of and tha oonataiilly gmwing demand we dlacaeaad it waa raptrlod tbat about i0 lempa are how mau bap plied wltb curreut tna council adjournrvi at nine unlock aladi lly limiihouou uimii newton baa- beau vilting at- iba boaia uf iter brother john in lamia tbe peat wark or two ha la lying very iii wltb typhoid fever mr john moore and bia bun llort have returned from tbalr trip to i aticaeler obwand traakforuiud rockwood tlia vui laaaa lusltaa all lie rwiltnkin rlbuia to uila 00 to run if you or roar frlende aregojagewer oaahallar fpor if jroa liave rrlenuavuiuog you droit m nl to liia faaa mlaa molioblao i uvaa ttllawmk la ka a poeillon in toronto j mr h thuruli of taeewater la vialtlng acton rlatlea and filonda mrs lawla weteuii of toronto returned homo uai weak aftef vlalllng at the old home mr j tpenditg 1 iu few jj of mollne iii u ooba at br girlhood a 1 ofjuhnelown m v during the week with di lu toronto k iff o wltll mr in a at siioaeu a larga ooogragaunn iuv ac orawri 0anr41 baoretary of tp worth laagnea and bnnday bolioou at tha urlok obumb laatbanday morning tba audi- anoa included many of tba member of the tpworlb leagoe anton luv mr grew apoka front jamaa t jo and ampnaaiaad tba need of bplrltual qoickaaing al tha oloaa of ibaoantory i thai tbara la aalva hon fur all who noma to god through jaau glutei and that to ancompllah tba aalva tion of mil ood work through human agaooy tba happineee jo and laxsry of aavinj a aool waa vividly pointed onl tba merman wag mml impreeelve one and waa ntuah enjoyed by tha heaiare tha coavoutiom li4mttom tba following delegate from acton a handed tha liberal convention at uiltoll laat friday wblob tendered b v uoklu noa kaj tba unamlnou nomination aa tbalr ataudard bearer a j moxlnnon aeorge uevlll john uoorailjoha gam mama h 1 mooca dr g x kallyjoho kjnnady ctobu warnn ir u j mckabb and j kaynon tba following gantlaman attended tba conearvatlv t30ov4ouon ou monday when mr uandaraon waa again tha tinamlnoo ohoina of hi party jamaat llon w a btoray john wiluama corga ilynda w h ilenny h jean vt maodnnalj i jranau john ii fdal thawa ii b mooonald and v m uander eon jaynrwad al obuainwu n v a very pretty wedding waa aolemnlaed laal vadnaaiay avaning srd oo lobar at tba ealdanoa oi tba paator of tba fief ormed ohnzchrwbad laalie vrankllu tboxetou and i unlbeui vialorla merlin war dniud in uarrlaga by luv john van uurk tba earamoov waa wltnaaaad by twenty or mora trautivea and lulimau frlanda of tha hrlda and groom afjuiyheautlfauramani branoaa war praaaatad to the yoong ooopla and will find a plaoe in the ooey lioma to be ooouplad by tham at no i3o nnrui 1erry btraau ur and mr iburelon raoeived tha haarty congratulation of tbelr frudda benaaut au arcli of autumn foliage jobnalowu jltpulua tbamauy frlanda of iba bride in aolou and vlolnlly unlu lu extending beat wiehea to the happy ood pie j vtlsudly viuutd uttett a party of ulna ladiaa and gentlemen from tba krld teania club drove lo town laal thurway afternoon and played a match wltb tha club bare derknee pre vadud the flniablng bf all tba avauu bal tba boor wa aa follow ui ia uouauut uu uauiun and utaa luuli lt uia 4gmc ttj w ara at u i v air luoliatdoii and ulw vow lie uai uu kloi and uud uoora m 0 tabwrtka a noualaa auulw and ouruef beat ur llinilluui aiut ualrtejail 10 t us ulobardaou and ualukr v uuu auj coab uu is m la unauuliaj 1 unbardu ut uoara i ta t uallbaav ltalilfcxil uodulaluj or tfamutod v uurnay qdflubed tba vrla paopla ladlaa aapaclally ahowed lha advanlaga of plediy of praotioa the bonia olab ladle beta t layawl very utile lately but ttiey lo t up a good gauia uavaitbelaaa tba game wa ed joyed very muob by all and aa it la 1 rlne dnunibn to be included in tha a ma dlatrlnt aa tba anldit club uavt aaaatuj aome llvaly game lilry ba tkuaotad tbad vor arattilaea ah and uvor leava your order al urowii funlug mill acuu auction b h bivuuiiv out u7tb lha farm belaiujldg to tba ualton katala lot vti ton 1 uju ing 100 aura bala at ulark hot a aoioa ooa o clonk wu hauaruaar auoljouaar to cudtf a cqtu in onb t takalaaativa llhmdp gaiuli yauau alt tha ami lie i convention of the r p worth iagnea of ouelpb dfelrjct will u hold li tha methodlel church here on tburaday bib kovember a very interacting pro gramma haa been arranged our cltlaua axtand a bordlal inviutlon id tlia hpwortli laagoar of tba ihulcl m tha yarn and knitting bualnaaa of mr j tt wood tha anlarpriaing manufaolurar who raoenlly purcbeaed tba bragg property bare wltb ila ateam and waur power la rapidly growing mr wooda buajneaa l principally with tba glove manufacturer and ba baaonllwawd a urge and prohtabla trade wltb them improvement and ad dlliona to hi pramlara ara in oonlampla tw 1 the raoant aaunaioni and improvemanu to tbalr premlaa raoontly made by meear uarri jk co- of tba old eetebllehej woolleu mlllahei ara imporlant tba new two etorey warabonaa la a model in point arrangemanl and will facilitate tha ooal baaatnf tha tba range of gooda bow to road ont by tbla arm id m credi and tb vxhihlt aljh fair laat weak waa a revelation to many tha variety of pattern line of good and una quality of many being a complete anr prlee he a 0 grewe general bcreury of iba hpworlb igaa toronto condootxl tba eervloee in tba method lal church herd go bnnday bight a political meelingswad bald on tueeday evening in tba town ball injheliureet of uiacoueerveliae candidal- mr kkpr- tha fall bbow waa a grealar anooaa than vl the g raca laaa ware larger by 0qtha at any pre vloo year tba ax blbita ware up lo tba nana audio tetbalf thai fanny work waa of a better olaa than for mar yaara tha oonoart wad wvll alunded bat waa bot up to tha beaal crowd for a fair oon oart miaa m ldh aloooooouf mlaa teraaa lannigan aoprano mr harry fcay hamorul and mr itickaby aeootn paniel gave tlia program ma which wan exceptionally good mr cre uai pent a fow dayi frlanda hr mlamuie lltinklcv w an moulay to epend a wa frlanda thure ltev u v au kurman of kllleraey mau apinl a day or ao laat wrak wltb aolou frienla uiaf laird and mle ltydar of aotoa wera vltuiug mlae ward ell yealerdey ouelph aju mr a j murray of uockwood and mia heard of alexandria mnn vultad actou ftivud tin monday mr johu a mcuril rtturnad laat tburaday from a uu daya trip through new york aud lennylvaula mra hunter of marietta mioh who had been vlaitlng hat mother mr jem hhaw roturned homo wat week mlaa mabel llrown relurnei lo lorouto halurday evening after epend 1 1 g a moulb with frlanda lu aolou and ouelph mia clara llvertnoe of toronto returned bom on uooday after apau ling a oouplaof weak at the home of mr b day mr john matthewa and mlaa maggla returned to toronto on ueedey tba family will epend lha whiter lu tha oily mr wm jean aud ohltjrn bava returned to their home lu oloveravllle aftnt- amending two men lha v 1th aolou frlanda yur kauwiokj conuollrrof varkarwa a gueet for a few day during lb weak hi moorecrol mr connolly aud mr moor ward college oliurn away back in jmi aavantle iuv w b moalplna ii aialnbarnla tbla weak atuudlng iba golden wadding of bia paranta tbey will shortly remove to jaorgatown and will real da in tba bareon age with him tbara j mr david to roll and family will ahorlly remova t bl farm in jj m regret will ba felt in lha removal from town of thla exoelleul family who bava for doxan jra been sataamad raaldenu major john davldeon oualph of tha i gib vuld batury iiral urlgada bu bean notllied of hi promotion to the brevet renkof lieut colonel col davldaod bu baan wltb lha battery for over twenty year mr and mr 0 0 itoaand mlwltuillu bft3orfitowrjrp4nrhatorday aftaruoou ilh aetou friandaon tlia golf link bare tba altarnoonwaii til boh enjoyed and gwrgelowp link u a h nearer malar uhalng- cwew80ns counbna v a number from bare inland taking li thai world fair at eho on f rlday j mr aud mr j 11 nicklt wera vary anooaaafnl aihlbllora at aolon and llook wood kihlbjlioo al ablorf tbey r oelved ux flrat and four aaooud prue and at iloakwood four aral and two aaoond priraa on grain and butter mr jlobt orippd our genial poalmailar opened tip bid atora laat weak with a full una of bew rood mr crjppa will ruu hhl aiora wa baliava on tba oaah turlnolpla and aa bia hooeety and at ian lion to bual baa are well known wa predict for him a vary euooaaefal fntnrav quite a number from bard at landed the kpworih ijeagua aarvioa oonduoted in tba llrick church on bnnuay bv luv a c craw of toronto thay ward all dallgbl bd with hi axoellent aermou a dahghlful aoolal parly wa bald al tba bomd of ur j h kiokll on friday even log laal about forty gnaata ward praaanl and war boapltably antartalnad by tba genial boat and boelaee tba evening wad apant la tripping tba light fauualht and varloa olhar aoolal amuaamank lvary ood voted tbat it wag 000 of tha mwt an joyabla a van la of tha aaaaou lu lb tbd grapbophou eanaart riv n fibtwih l avatihigby 1uv oad kuoblng wai exortlellt but ill atundauod wag amall ura n vorbaa waa auddanly cllud to toronto to tbd bedaida of her mother ura daa auduaon formally of thla place who a aarlouajy ill with fever wa tluoaraly hop ur andaraon may aoou raoovar mr aud mr llobt wltaoa and family oi jman uulav and ur and ura cao looker of anion bpnl bunday at mr ilobl crlppa ur tbo ituulaud mia o xk6 of aolon apant bunday at lb home of mr llobl oibhon mr h oreweou and ur kud ur a crewaon of luther aput a few diy wllli friend liar a mia a audefeoo oi aaton vulud frujida heed on bunday- ur and ura j murray returned bfinia on monday tnoruing from i heir vary pleaaaul two waaka vilt with friend id haru u tort huron dalroil laaluglod audolhar uloblgau poltita jiw il jiwaaiah6rtughjuid ouildrou vlaltad frleiida at churchill on uuuday klna quality tbldl u lltiaof kboa oat rdera will bed advertlaed lu our colutnnr aaoh weak for iba uext iwelva tiioulli kug qual ity bhoed ara juitly fainoui lha aallefao tioii of hi oomforl wear and ahipa- will aonvluoeyod that thld tuallly of alioed id iaatoaoomlog famouu o tbd aeutiuld bhod traox through your dealer wa aak you to try a pair of king qualify bhaaa you will than ba oonvluosd of tlia error in buy lug oheap bboad head thaed advaltua knantd qaraiully tbey will b1p you in aalaollug fuotwaar gold inedal awarded at lha 1arl 1 vpoalllou 1100 tliaad aboad ara mallnfactured by lha j u klug co toronto tbd only feolory it canada thai hlanufauthra ladled uho better titan tba a mar loan attic which come into cauada with a i par ceo duty taken out of ita ijuallty king jullly ladlee abofld arn mada in all iid to ot the feet aud have an alegaitt a poajreuo wbsu buying ehoed aak your local i100m for mug quality example is better than precept it is not airw life say but wht hoods sarsaparittz doestfiatteib-therstoiyr- thousands of testimonials are examples of iuhat hoods has done for others and what it ivlti do for you dyspepsia i waa weak an 1 had raliiil ia ij hn lyrta an 1 in llgaatloo in mvira furm tr ill 1 mr 1un jm ttlea or iummi a karai irllla n in wfel end atrong lafi wiiijau amriikuiwur wlilll t ont a good modlolne havo taken ilmxla haraaarllll in tit r family aa a at rl ia medlhrt nit i li i hikki 1 llll fir hlllotniktaa anlxin i w tii mlrlnoa very rrtertlva y t in j irn hi h1 wn know li f m hareaiarlllii la n cimk hirhllclne ilh i itw iutllaier lion atwu0 out g uo4 11l eaiallrf iiu j the beajrrlullia uj tye t heaa larfeearirjaz 3hrchins in cups saucers and plates just krciivui 100 doz 7 in colored tiakfs itegalar 1 rloa 91 00 our irica c a doa 100 do colored cup and s tuccrb i olorb itrguur i rloa ii 00 our irlcevoedo 13c tire ind vi it our art room when you arc in our chin t pal ice tux notxp rxa tptorx fvu c1iia rjklacx j a mccrea qublph it pays lo buy at bollcrh 1 1 1aysjo buy at uallerls absolute security genuine carters little liver puls mutt baf slsritituro 0 vaay aaaatl e4 aa aaay law aha aw aagaao carters m nuiuiuil n 0udai na iiuomrui fottuliuvu roi cmmmno rat uujw nu to 1wc0bmii1s lltlmr oure ick hkadachk voriuud many render a mart udbappy it la only blmeelf thai eau makd hlmeu daaploabla carlyu a 8plkndid waii bovuunih tha viwtly jhrau and wulty slir at uoutraal have aunouuoad their two pre mluti pin urea for thld eedeotl 0a of theiu will ba particularly plaaalug to oaua dlan ii ii otltled home from tha war a plot ura of oua of canada a eoldur reluming home from lha boulh african bampalgu ii ongbt id ba k klrong tavorka lu canadian homaa tha other i tarhapi tha mpet noted plature tvr piulad it i a reproduction of tba fatnoua hoffmen a ohrlal lu tbd teuipi tha dmiy utmljuhd wtillyslir company oaruloly plvd kuhiorlber a big dollar d worth if thay kaap on avry canadian lioma will bava tbalr papar buhaorlbard get both plolurad with a yr a auhaorlpilpu for oua uollxr navar aliuw your leetb uiilead youoan bit chas la nelles to acton ciihtomor dxifiaje october v atfr dimcauit on wall juijch will ahaw you ianjjiia 1 chrs l nbll6s wrlirkatv budlph about choosing furs ifycu find ifttr a few months that you were deceived in a fur its poor comfort to know that the dealer was deceived too for yoo pu iou his ignoranci our experience maltes purguarantce ol some value were especially tron in ladiesfurlined capes fur goats buffs mens bacoon goats 10 per cent discount houbcclcaiiinfj his cormm net d in a rc tt njuliy houitj j util new curtiins new carpets new oilcloths and linoleums new rugs and mats will ie wanted during the pait two wcr ks we have passed through the custom house bevenl large import itioni for this dcpirt- ment you arc likely to find here jut whit you want hut here is tha point wo- want specially to emph t ie lo show you that it pays to buy at jiolkrtv wt will hold a pt cial houefurnihhing sale this week during which til n carpets lcce carfains darnask garfains poitiers qiigiqhi liqoleuni door mats ilearri rags and art- squares will be iibjq lo 1 casli di count of 10 pi r nt n matter what hertce loperccnr will lie trken off the bottom of your bill it pay to buy it bollcrtv ilwtj md espeei il ly o tbib week e r bollert cfe co 25 anil 27 wyndliam st gijkiiih in the face of a steadil advancing market wk juaiuntleouj plllscnt plucrs dtemacdonald 8c brother the lion cuelph g new p fresh goods 2 1 lowest living 3 prices miuuiiu -w-nsn2- grocery and provision store ii john r kennedy mains aotom having ojwnel a naw biiclnbs in llio iboe line in ilia nramlum nn main strut imoiv nccujilttl by mru j adam j liav nlaaeiirdln invltina my friend and lie cmtl tnlimty in genoral lo inipact my ttoclf i im thai i can willi confiifonca alr a aliare of lliolr iulronajia lacuna my knod ar all fraali and of tlie lhel uallly and cubtomar will find price ur fixed at vcr rraionablo ftgura ti10 sloclr cdiultb of btawjk and sanoy crrooeslbs canvbo aoobs and abiii delioaoics mttlts vioeitablbs and phovisions tlinll aro duo 10 any penon who doc anollier a blndne and patron who bava monay by buying from ma will it doing their frlanda a klndum by informing than of lh fact cood promptly dellrrwl a call aollcllad john r kennedy st he looks smart and wins attention by his clothes in t these practical days opportunity seek- ers are measured by their attire and t those below are left our handsome woollens and artistic tailoring produce j business and full dress suits that t cap the climax of style results should beconsidered before prices but t our figures make these suits doubly t atollcivcn l 111 karu futeolara blu and i saw uaami huluna tiut ulaul i 1 tniwmf inga u lu our aa vtt 11 au tlw 17a e nelson guelpha morohaiit tailor ami mona rumlsher e aud blacli atfl to j aaitn i lr ttar jmstruth6rs7 bo upper inzyhohw st cublph btool of a lax j41 v j v- wuhlstob i purchase in largo quantities i bclcct only tlivncwuat i obtain tlio cloacat cimli rriceh whloli atnablu f to supply tiiy oiulomera wlul oooa aooda at u10 lowaat vrlob henderson fe co cloting and jvteris enrnisninga hen visting the fair we extend you a cordial invitation to inspect our very large range of mens boys and childrens clothing you will find every thing in this department superior in qualit and style our mott 11 w goods at low prlcos you will require a ncwjliibtcrorovercoatsoan why not buy lt today wc handle shoreys celebrated over coats and jojsj wncjajrefuly guaranteed our fallstockof hats caps underwear ties shirts collars mitts shoes is complete give us a call before you icave town henderson co glksgom house hcton vvjltoxies oi s all our mens and boys watches have prtngles new invention f0ii keeping out ifltt it makes a perfectly dust proof case out ol the ordinary case which is never dust proof when first bought by the watchmaker the prices of our watches are so 7 s7 s12 lt ami up the jmslbr cublph l mojls o110 hundred dollait woitli double berlin shetland elfss s1ngl15 berlin eide saxony andalusian rando sa zephyr icewool angora wool c f goodeve co mill st kcton f fit 5tra n value i iloiiovy gburney cst value i -in- x glove i btylroom suite pvirlor suitui sideboards fxtcnsioji tabled dining uoom chairs lounges easy chair rocker springs mattregjei curtain poles carpets oilcloth when 111 gitelph call and ll us j jvc struthqrs pftlestlvs black qress materials in llifl wud roalmof llluclf preaa 1 al rlco iliero in milling tlitl conwa up to tho itamunl and excellence of ilia i finally wcv jveat jlkkln an ua control tlio silo uf tufm rooila lur aclon wa cm alwaya allow j comnliila nukfbrtment oi 1 all atuirt uvaiil of lie jtliodii iattt to lha talulanl llioy roiketciil ilaj lil ejd point of perfection otialnod iji lllack umu blnila lw a com pie i o rane of tuinuii an 1 1 ui la buitnl la ur blirla and suiiiiik new fall yrapperclleii and flannelelles an i lcaiii uatikdjiifct rocelvotl pame linetib and powelllnob valun unpr6ceiiilel loimig 1 vi k valij1 in 1 ai i cohs1 i or co il nwi you know llid mrfttu uf lha ii 1 c an 1 cn i ij i n porfcclly ilmymil and imw graceful a lijura ihoy help rr iry a idir 1 coruits id lu kuo tlia uoji good values in gollon dlankeb our htmk of grofiias j mpeui gurney co mill st atrion 4 eej t full stock hiiiih kiti-nihlivn- u

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