Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1900, p. 4

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the whole truth theres nothing so bad for a cough as coughing- theres nothing so good for a cough as ayers cherry pectoral the 35 ccat size u just right for an ordinary everyday jold the o cent ue is letter for the coogn of bronchitis croup grip and hoarseness the dollar size u the best for chronic coughs w in consumption chronic lron- chitts asthma etc the wlbu cou8k i hill tiirl 1- miii for prreldnil lil ihn a-lvai- 1 wi in mi opon ono roil dui jli ll l ll o ll 11 t mi hiiu k 11 ii li hall the cam iiel 1 n i uiii 1kiv pan of milk dont mm it dial lb old urinlmoilir uird uy nlrlfiu if yn ar- udiitf lu do m favor dont nytll it by iiiur cioiu wimtitr maimrr llvu t o noti d bow iiujiii of ihl bluliil ue n i ordinary family litarro- t home one aaaed a mother 11 elm bellow 1 in tlio laying of hauda fur tint ouro uf dleratoa hi a id eh did for had nntualy enroll her twy uf mobiiitf of olurtlm inthai way whatever yu may ihluwur lhliikon or rwhloe aartdody yuu tyv yourohud you mail not withhold the pror puuuh mcut fr dfaoudlanm lei ll uver bo done in nir cool off it down ami think wail till to morrow do ariylliltm re i her then bnivoke 0i11m topth by your own hot tamper thuhhorlssotts pltqphecv ialliid white a slulent el harvard llnlvrlty xbhip hrooka was welkiiiu in thoyardono day with proftaaor who aaked hint ihal he intended makiiitf or lihusalf i tii lhlukitnj of umwiiuity auawbr od the youth then banish auoh lhouuhl saldino profoeaor earueally your banner of patch would forever bar you from belnii auoooeeful in that oalldiji matiy years uur when ill it jp llrooks waa ouo of ha world ureal pulpit or lor a tha laoat expert eteuouraplior in inland lookdown one tif his sermons and said any ftuoirephnr who lhltias ha haa ooikjuerod fast talker ihoulil try philips llrooka lntllt home juurhu concoutibi or uwuct boundg wt if worj a 1i100 lliit tiiui wan tlio liilut uwiid yt thy lirit worlilu iuir oiijjht to he ioih1 cnoitirrvforrt 1 n tlyhr e a r ltmity comforl ilylo if- p jrmtc unci duribilityro llio point unit uon tlu old nadil ii pik0 iiml viluo tn ike it ilic clni o tlkmimuwkofjhlit who loiov how to ciixt iistc- tuiry and cijnfortihlj sjootuk tntocrpurpairi mado by thitj d klnrfco llmltad toronto xlitm i maul ijincqhaytt hew jlra yuar nrr t if lliey r weak mt au ttml liarvima and hvily duauatod rant lu and nit ii dm tninilnit iiirofrmliid your ttlomt imhii- filriiit iifria dnpauc opmi rlli thjuulilirf 11hxi ilolktj hrni rfl nik tw rmrrrw wrrmtt tjyimttehtn atil vilalijtltlit tlin ttni ii uivn4 wwrrl rflln ami i mir txirtoua troirt llnli taking u today lidlceat4in r nurnl by llixxla n aatunly ueir ahuiild ha a ilirly a altikiui niatr ot nuko iha rlaiu hpruliifd arm sljecton tttxts mmwdky 001011111 i8iii iwr ccijr oitttjj dalits wimw ju4inv tjlkxh rjj htuai wliwtiiajjy taknalliaktratiyou it lldllk tliahouia had loalht jin j uot a on of u dara wluk x hrr aud thi vt kuji hold liu lmui moll lih llu tut w atokl jin j all ilia war uf un iim put wliaii dailjy ukd ui kltiv oil wlibti lio uk4 uib htiat and xaj uiail itatflua lo tc iba hoiim r itid hnifcd it tlirou ati tlnouftll tliau viiueu klcla at jjuik ito uick lud jack itrabl 110 find a ml wtilu itiuuuia uuclii ualilud u10 door wllbu iladjy tax u10 hlraf ji11 j tliau wliit daldy 1ji1ihj it dowu willi all ida tilelit atd main v vou d rily uil 11k lla awful frown waa cauiluy lilui a imju lliluka wa r filslilauihl wlil wa howl hut wa don t car a ra we jut vralaiid aiil that u all wuwi jadtly takaa ii10 fctrai stutttd a common uxpui1imncb icotio 1 mr jolmaon t ouid toclv up work ronialii lu tlia hoau aud lake oald of hlmaalf oti aoaoutit of a dreadful orofuu aoid on oua of hlf lltuba scutitf 11 mr johuaou readi a uatl- moolal whloli tll of aotofulou troubled ourod by ilooda barparjlli iiareolvoa to try it ikeoi 111 ht jolltlaott lla uketl ll botlloa ol hooda oaiaiillla ii u aorofuk aor in cured he la fcjlijji alrouttr has h hood apitlta aud ii alio to atuad to hu work ho wriui a tmtlmonlal iuiutf of hit faxnufleuoo wjtli hooda banana iii a hud lrooiiltiuuda it to othara maldaua uowara and uiluutora aljpeiid are loaa than rovirt lleuaro of womig w dout lal woauy utiaw at tha vllali o your oil i drill dive tit em dr lowu llaaaaiil worm flyrup and tliayllaoon ba tld of tlied naiiiltoti lrlw uto mo utin can thriv qnua hlu wlfd uta him loa your heail aaha taka a i titty hai yviur back acha 7 taka a ratty ljoa istkaj lstty aud do not tak any olliir- two things wd should nnv hd auury at what w cant help and what wa can mra rrejliinubl qaordaonl wrltw my little ulil would oouuli ao at olgut that iialthir ilio nor 1 could ut any rol i avu her lit wood norway 1iua hyrup and hui thaiiktul to nay it ourad bar oouh tilokly itandora by uu mora than ilia k ter lluuuraj hava toatiflsd to tho cooj rtlyn itllu havu dona than i ullka and aaliiu nut out tha kilo lie 11 flro ilauyarda yollow oil lit nromil t6 te il aiidu aura wjujuu coijj anr0 throat pain in tha oliaat hoariauosit julnuy ato 1rloa cwnu nolhiuij utitera a olosjd handr aak vmir jriijli for lattya illla u ho haint ol thorn writo uu enoltminu tho prioo co coiil and wu will uupply you tut your hand iwioo lo your bonnet for one ia your iouch- at thb baltla olfmoldr illvoir an omoar ohaarved an irunman lakiiitf ahalur from the miaiiiya flr aftsr tli ouaiauiajn 1baoftlor thlnklnij lo taka tat down a pot aald wall pt how did you sal during tha u tt4llil nt v lmltuad pal i ml aa if ovary hair of my liaad wan a bandof itiuatc and lhay wer all plyltt homa bwal you need the kjnd that hasglvennew lite to others paines oeleky compound the only banisher op diseahe- othoy ooloiy propawllouii vlyo wortlilomi imltntiona- palnoo hm k llfo savlna haoord that no othar modlolno curt uvor cauut tha niadioiua that haaourad yourfrlanda and noiflh bora tha wondarful nibdloal pra- brlpllcni that haa tha approval of tha ablaat medical praotltlonara ta aurely iha kind that you staud in ued o at lb 1110- mant pallias calary comtiound la to day tho only 0jjtioy umlar hoavan that oan aavu you if you ara auffarititf from rhaumallain neuralgia liver complaint kldiiay dlaaaw tlyanapiln narvouiuaaa and tha trouhlaa that arias from polaonad and foul blood it curt tha lok ab aurely an tilybt follows day tha extended reputation that tainaa oaury compound baa won an a ufa taver has induoed unadrupuloua mau lo folat woithlaaa imltatioua ou tus public many poopla ara daily tlaonlvad by theea mlwr- ahla frauda ifjou hava decided to umpaluaaceury com poo ml ad that lha name iainivh u on every w repp 4 and boltla that you purohaaa vhtu you have aeourail lha gouulns pln you hava tha only medi cine that oan effoctually hauuh your load of nilaery tnd auffarluu a id ulva you a haw vhjjorouii and happy ufa ualur buy than borrow mr- t j ilumaa columbui ohio wrllaa i hava beau aulioted for aoma ima with kidney aud llvar complaints and find rartnaw pilla llio ihi tuadlolna for tbaaa iiraaaaaa tlloao tlludo not ouio plu or tripiuij and abould ba uaed whan a oalliartlo la required thoy ara galallne coaled and rolled lu tha ilour ot llaorlas toprabarva thalr puriiy and ulva tham a ploaaaut aurkdiblb-tavu- batter cat ray bread iu youth than lu old k twltohy muol and 8lop- lattnaaa- tbohopouaa hart aickiieut thlmltlaonamanoromaii whoaaiiorvna am aliatlered ly dlaaaao can beat ka plctur in con i r a t with a patient who luu beii lu lha lplh haatmrti ilratgeil from tlwsiit by soulli anwrlcau ntrviiia gaorft walls tar at paraal out aaya i owa my ufa to it llverythlngblwfalledlocura food mkdicine srjujujjiulhinn of cotlliver oil is equally food and medi- ciuc a littlu of il sots titers tpmacli t woilcon some easy food that is medicine how docs il set the stomach at woih hy niikiiijhtienlt iy cieating stiength by tuin- iuj the nil into body and life ihu is food 111 1 i a ullwhl luuw rje a fools bolt la toon uhol luby llrauty you always think of a prmty uahy aa plump mil ohubhy llootla umuliion gives jiial lhi plumpnaaa not too fat futl ftiogyil for hm dlmpua tofomw t hlira mary otlnjitoi jauvar opt writoa my molliur had a badly apralued arm nothing wa uaa i did hnr any uooj thou fatkwr holu4jyar4 yhow oil aud ll ourod niollara arm ill a taw dayu prloa oj canta a man may lova tho kirk wall anou yli ml yol not nwaa bu rlilitif ifittatntplot it hurt tlic pain nausea and dis tress that dyspeptics- suffer after xery nual can all be p tinaneiitly r flioved by i3ur- duck blood bitters it tones up and restores tile stomach to normal condition so that it digest food without causing dibcomfort 1 1 eres proof positive xi h m 11 ibpladt h1 im u7i cntlc wrnn 1ln dillou iii- 1 lmo lieon u aiiit r r from liv r ninplnlnt mid dyn- julnii for tho it nit ti jinn mid fill vri7ui nihil i could not itili iiimli fond 111 it hurt mo to tut my frlnmhi ml u dont ou try 11 1111 i did no 41 sin two lntki ulilcli mndo such u rinnph t rim hint i run now cut any thing i llko without itcuiiuliiimedlieom- fort but tor bo alono than in ill company thora 11 nolhiuu harh about xmca liver pills they aura oonatipalion dyspapala alok headacha and bilious apella without rlplu puryinii or nickinliitf price j5o a man has no mora than ha nelu tho uood of tllloaophy thar ara pills and pills but xit ajuwo lb iilu ol 10 ceiila 11 vial leaul in doinand thu ealo bordara ou tha phenomenal siurkibii uvor constipation or ioular lowau ar the procuraara of many phytlcal dl jrdr tiicmi liltla wonders remova lha caum 40 la vial for 10 cants 5 lleltar ba luoky than laoky mans con au an all roundfamily reinody ono that alwayg ahoutd bo lu tho luiusa for au emnriicy dr pollys plua dlkoounl aiiy- ihlnh in tho markel they ara ao amall a child oan uko ihom with aaao yat onos a doaa a fool may glvo a uiio man counnol inalant ilaliat uuaraulaej by uairni mil burn 8 tlid uoatlaijio powder hodu- pralnjafuiraflacl- a man ta wull or ill aa fio ihinka inmeck lika ll too a fair m i dun doworlom will hava mora woaarj than huabanda we aro epaiidinu tlipuaanda to main imtva pilla known oir manuy provoa our failh a trial will waurp yuum a toj wont clji if joinlriko him with a uin h wltoflteiircoid uui in may bjbcurej ly ailli th2 kaytmf itecottp uemer- au laavd off au ioiih au ll o play lu food ur pultye liavr fall 10 k relief and limy euro if ulvun au honcal irlil icavo a wfhoiiio hahhid yon itll ao puhaaut lo lakn that ohlhuan ofy for it but llu daatb to worm uf nil khid iv luwm worm hyiup prloa llati all ilaukru itamova au ull lri aud h will wllliur imtyii lulu io uinalt mad iuhebul miu iu a don anj uvcry iliu1 i oil 11 1 u ihuro aro no hunkj nnvur ijuli ofututy ur lnui ohlldren cry for qastqria thuukanda llka her tena m0i00j llevtirti limine wrltaa i owe a mrbl of kralltuda to lf tlloinaa lolrotila oil for outing loqof a aavora cold that iroublod ino uoavly all laal win tor- in order o give a qqtatub 10 a rraoktntf oonbhttafcoaitoao vi thomau ucleolrfo oil tlirlo a dy or ultenar lr lha ootitth booiu rcodur ll llcl- eaary many kmr boolhuck has managed to ahipa in boclely t where others fall there or ittya 1iln liiuvo uiairvincftdjiittv ha who lu n uullty or follloii lu notan lea aa himaidnee uuarular uliumaluni mr ii wilklnao illralford out aaya 11 affords ma much pluaatirn tj ay that i eaporiencatl rreal rrllef from muacular rheumallam by utluji two boxes of mil- bntnmuioilinho ill 1rlc- ufio abol lla a friend lo youraelf and olliora will castor i a vor infants aud ohildroil vrfes jla thstliulif you wili to bo called cuou hibora and melona are forbldduu fruit lo many peruana ao couttlluled that ilia leant induluencaiu followed by attack of oh dyhanlery rlphi to thcaa paraoiim ara not awara that thay can indalua to their heuita oontant if thay hava on hand a boll in 0 dr j i knl loitus lalery cordial a madiclna that will clve uimndiata relief and i a aura oura for all auiimr oomplainta dofora you oboui a ftleiid eat u pick o aaluwllbblm itching- bumlrtaf skirt dlav eaui ourod tor thlrtyftvo oonitj dr afmws olnlmanl relieve in onn day and cures teller ealy ilhcunt scald hcid tetania ilarlwirs itch ulcers blotchej hint all cruptlona of lha akin ll is soothing and juktintf amj acts lika iiuko in tha curn of all baby humors 35c 7 bfilur jjiro fiw than a falw friend lor a olftar oomplaxlon uka lollys pills they never fiul to clear llio akin thousand of ladlos awnar by them better thai bui uhould weep than bearded dion oiok headaches however annoying and dlaueaaliitf la poaltlvcly cured by liu- liver piiij thay are eany lo lake and nbvor kripa ull ba envied than pilled strong and vi evory organ of tho body tonod up and invigorated by mr f w me jvnikhiicst e merlin out fijb- i tmrfiirtil for flo years ithii piiljiltntlon fihortuiuii of hrdth buopti wiiom mid pnln in tho htnrt lint ml u of milhuruu hi art mid nervo ill lu coinplctdly rumovrd nil hit tin dla- lrfilii hvmploniu i lmo not niffored bliicotnlhijtln m mid now ehip well nnd furl btrontc nnd iyormiml milbnriih henri ntnt n01 mi 1illa eura all duoubou nribliiu fiom uuuk lioart wdrti gift rrortwtiiiuiiuiirwrttnury blood boiler a dower iu a irl than with hor uybpfpla and indisliou 0 w unow ti co hyraousa n y wrlloa riaaaaadud ua tooroia ofpiut no ara lliufl tnoro of pariuoleom pilli thin any ollir till wa knap they have a great raputaiiou for tha cure of pyapepiia and llvar complain ur chaa a ouiith liudaay writes parmeleeu pill aro au exoellant medidine my viator haa bean iroaliad with severa headaclie but theie pilla hava oured her bob mccready alova la a aoluudlil iiunli f 1nl if cvuy one of itie iidli t ml ill ilim canada lie it- 11 1n1111ltr f tin oium unkarftlty teaiuoail ii i i n 11 in nil uf lla champloublilp uiatclim up in n tpundld apacluicaof rubuit clinfulhn hinnbuoil tiut strong aa ho la 1m baa known ivhut itjuln aulfdr from dykpepalu lo lerloimty utulct j wka ita at tha optidiii uf u14 iul itcwj maaou that ba was uot obli to go out with bis team ialuu in the back nod aides lu- icrmlttaut keudauhe und the awful pause lie auttursd ofjjr vatlutf tliult uf au liiuulmdulfbuouwflrudftii tllab wau in uu condition tu play fiwluii the- hardest ot all ganica uealdea thm 4etad tlte urby to curry film tlroiilu k eytii- palxu lis couiultcd his phytjclau but that uullduiaii gaa liliu no rvluf at this ataee lie writes i liui advlacd to try dr piiliys pilla uiu uuiv raweiiy ibat oa h r l ih of my fthitida dbaiirod tue wus wuujurful u clirktet purijod of all hi its a tract i wuh aktptuat but bo aoundeov ukilhid tlitlr praluds uo qcrlttutly tbat i wau at loublli luduciid to try lliom ilia yry trf iod diovu ilia puln away ami jit be ai4 of a wtk 1 rojuluud my uaui aiul 1 lava iwiini itiiuijub out of uur lierdml baaaua in tbu liut runu ibut 1 hayo evr icii in i l illy lulu r uliiiiii lo lliauk fir my n viuiiiiiiii tiny iu i- ilfiittj 1 m v r tuln l tn v ike uo atroa aul lu villi of in ry 1 vue aua imor lk auymiirs vlmi 1 i hi i4 r ahitlur- kurtrla it uikm f ibis v ii l1111 alii- will bo hloi m vrtaj mu lie fftst illrrili mr illy 1i1ii- ottawa rniimlit belter a little hearth lo warm you than a hltf qua to hum jou atlaullon lu the world of homooratblo niodioltit liaa bean ill very sourooof pro lirosu as lu politloa and religion tha dif bcultlii of oplulouu and lha individuality of men have been parent lo tha disagree men by which the standard of lhasa bodloa hava hoeu t lova tod ho with tnoat tif our fmoiii preparation oreuioalin ii- luttrailou of which truth etanda tho wot i- faumus ramtdy to udiiural dobilily and lanuuor qnhiino wine aud wlnyli when obtainable in in uenuluo itronuth la a miraoiiloua creator o appetite vitality and atimulant lo the no n oral fortuity of the ayaluiu quinine wiue and ll iii pruvetneal kau from tho ilrsl dlaoovory of tlie uraat vlrluua of quhiiuo av a iptdical eunit lufii nun of llio niool tiaroiijlily ducuuurd rumudiia over ofore 1 to the pub lie it la ouo of lbi lroat lunlo and aud ualural lite ylvihd elluiulaiila which lliu 11ie1u01i pjuifeaalon hava baau compelled tn raeo prwuailbj mueara ijorll lop and lyman toronto have ulveti lo lha preparation of llmlr pore qiliuiuu wiua tho urat earn dim lo llu liuiotiic and ihu tttndurdoiorlteuca of thnarlioht which noinuj into the 11 doicou whloh nkilli1 ouarvatloiu and boiuiililjo opinion ha viilod out u llio i lupuffuol prepa ta iloiiaot llio uilir a upur lu ihu hu hfil rib two in uu tha pro y id out u gltavo ij oaturhl 1 liainjilr initaiih nl of vamping inkljlmoiil ctiiiijuiiywujhlonioii lj wia or iu 1 waa altlklod willi rhmnh caunli k imdhu atul lralmuj y aiiuluu only hjhi uu huiporary inlluf until i win indura lo iibn or auiiowa lurht iod 1 ii 4vi ulmot in taut iclk1 iu niuu- y okcnrrra orlonoevitv llir james tlawydr a well known pliy- airlan ir hirinltiuhaui haa bo 11 ronlldinu loan aiilunoe in that uin ihn awjrot of lhiukily keep lm fnilnurlnri iiiiioimii riiiiidaidtiifltila and llir jaine no mion why yrrn llil rtov uali hundred i kyll i mm ale llaiuti yuur rlubtld ii konp yuur hadrimiiii window oju ell utht i- i llavo a mat in ynuf hmlrooin door a do not have our txhluntad bllallit lha wall i mo cold tub iu the tnuriiluif hula bath at lha uiujwrtilki of tlio boly 7 kaarclao bolore broakfaal ll lat llttlo ineal aud aeo that it la well tucked 0 jluratliilts ihink no tnllk 11 ratplonty otfl lo fml the oil whloh deuoy dleeaan kriu iu avoid intoiloauth whkh dlroy ihoaaoalja 1 uaily xxaroua iu the opii air 11 allow no pel auunala iu your uvliiff tooinav thay am epl lo carry about dlao jorma ll llain llacouulry4fyoiicu 1c watch tha lhr dsrdrlnkitiff water damp and drvlua 0 ifavo cluurfo of oooupatluti 17 taka frequoiit and abort holidays ih limit your aiiibltlou aud 10 keep your temper how hat pomtaol got itu naml hal iorlauo wau named for jual what tha word oonvoya a portada for cats it ia on iba wmulpeilrlvar jul below the out- let ol tha lake or llio woodu lon n0 bofora lha oouutry wa aettled aa it la now ihtro was a porlaito at the point wliern lha town iu built for ihu lbousmlu of muikralu that pauud from lha rlvar to lha uka in winter and bank aalu to ihn river iuaprliilf at ihooulutof tho laku there lua waurfall oiilitwm or twenty ool hlh thai tha rati could not pans over an they wtnl around making tha porta yu in the clutch of consumption dont nefljct that wmltiit lmcklnp coii find aunfiriti lha clutch of coiumuptioii itb uu eaty miiller to atop it now by tikinif dr woods norway pine syrup tills plcauatit remedy lioalu nnd uoothes ihu uinjnt and brnnchiil tubes aud cures hnjffiruiuand chroidc couha when other rntilirfnil mr w 1 cinn writing from morpetli onlaiym i lionely bolltvn i would hava died of coiimimpiinn only for dr wooda norway pine srup liixvo usd it for ejirs inuf conidir it hij no tnjuaj tr uovcro coldu unit throat troublos tho devil ia ulwaya jood lo berflnuara there ar ao many couh medloluea in iba market tbtit it la aoumtiniea dlftloult 10 tell which lo buy but if u had a couch or a cold or any aflliotlotiof tha throat or luutj wa would try dickies anil uon aumptive byrop tboaa who hava uaad it think it la far ahead ot all other prepara tions recommended foilmoh complaints tha llttla folks lika it aa il ia au pleasant aa ayrup if thlnu were to bo dona twice every mau would ba wise children cry for castor i a if you tall your servant jour aeorel you make him your master there can ba a diffarenoe of opinion on moat bubjeols hut ihera j only ona opinion aa to tho reliability or motlur oravea worm lurmlualar it la uaff sure and effectual a hold its a mean mouse that haa but 0 hotter without a stomach than with ona thats ot a constant hurt to il dr von si an a pineappla tablals kllinulala th difoalka orln 16 1 olid bnjoy tho food thinijs o life and tava no bad eifecti carry them with you in your icst pocket 60 in boi 35 cents 48 wqarluu a rouyh rldar hat dooant civo a mail erwarismwiisl r- ltyou ara a dyapepllo lake pellyd if your back aches take pattys it your huad aohes lake pattys if you ara nervous lake polly a if you attrweak take pattys pottys will maka lha sick well ililjh waler ilo prlw if lilltw utuaaaaaarlly ralio the p kidneys 7 tho v4 0rnt tbuvs 17 ri lwhih r hit 1 mu y a i llul tl tiiiuilino -ymt3- r u fcjjsl i ii m miiu- clo i j pimui lifi it iim- titoui iiml tn11- om iiiiiiiiiii i 1i11 in ll im for lu 11 lo ik jui jr iintr tliu kili jil doans ffief will fic tlutnut 1 joitlholiillimiimllon nud lonj siiuu iivj uw to tho uthinj huh mr7rl nnd ihioulm f oatunl st tiirmihrt out 1 nd 1 about 1 ht ai u i j t 1 11 m ih 111 1 ir i liuijplnhimyballt mrrtbohulii- it vt m had that my ulj hid tu iiv 1ot thlhi ill uki doctor h im idu atoi in mii r in ih uhi v urn bludih r my i il r i 1 h ul d w uli it brnlt dust kdny pmn it v it mill pdintidl m t 1 my 1 ih u uui if it t i t a1111 llirin ihi i ntn lic from l1 1 lluai iii i c irjciuven pills 11111 ly mi i iiln ul 1 1 t 11 iiliii 1 i i 11 11 1 fiu iiuliill i l ll- lyllu tlk lhkir wliulli uu i rikolfat hi 1 what is castor i a v snwvnvn ssc cuhtorlu ih jbr inftvuta and ohildrou cimtoria ih linniihhh hiibhtltitto for cantor oil paregoric prop and toothing kyruph it coiiiitlui liolthor ojfum morhiii inir athm kitrrotlo mibiitaiicr it irt plennunt tin kiiurtliittm ih thirty yurn tio by mhiioiim of mothnru ciihtorul tlchtrojm vocmn nnd ullnyt jtovorlmli- iuhti oivulorla iirutf dlurrhouivnnd wind colic citmurla relieved jttmitliliiif trotibhm euro cuiimtlpnttloh uiul ilittiiloncy civhtorla tuihliullntcit tlw 1ood ruulntw tlio btoniiich und uowoik of xnfuutx tud chtldrdii fflylny liitilthy atiu iiuturul mleon cuxtoria u hho c liiuitccii jcjudmotlicrif imeiid 1 t oivand trunk railway i 111 ifja i l8rea r ti n j- i i i a ill ma n f i il lid mali f 1u 11 1 n r tui1 id li tu j i jlin ulu iwi oliudronh castoria castoria tlilllr any p taatoru ia an enollciil lntlldii furl caatorjay u mi well i1jl l clilulreii ikjilira bate reialrllyjolj ui lliat i txumnxml il a i ti u 1u u nvl iiua llr lulu mrltlou kuowtl to tue da o coaioon lul afati if a aacuaiu i jiriollv a the facs1mile signature op wz aoton mathiuu and kenair khons ituullvriitltldli 1 l1virmi v 111 wll uiild willi a i ill liiadtlum lary lulll 1 ii1 i lik 1i mij aurlultiial ll illtlilntf lm uliarjln u nut j all ir 11 r main stroat planinc mills acton ont john cameron arohltoot and con tractor appears on every wrapper just published canadas sons jubj on kopje and veldt an authentic account of tha canadian coniliitnlb in lha south african war ily t c marquis d a intrdduclloil by very rltavcpdnclful craul liuuajouadaldipalchtflluti col otter and other eotiimnitdluk oiheors at- tha rout complcto in one volume 500 parrf richly illustrated oulyi 30 agents coining money get pkui prospiictus tho bradleycarretson co limited brantford ont agents wanted for tjvoprobaritod dlotrloui good pay to good txan tatcuiae youu qxstmct ron tux cotjiaa sxjluon now frolght and ex proa e altl the putiiau nuushkv co rrowhitf a complete line of nursery gtock-inejnd- injf many new varletlesofhardy hoses ornamental bhmhi nnd tvms all block fiifiranlcd free from san joaa seala wo hold govoramont certlil- 0x1x0 of inupootion oovorlng our 8 took wrlto for catalouo pelham nursery co toronto bscperignced xtrldertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attentiord and everything done in the most skillful manner and please rcmem- bor thlmys only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hqarse and stock of all other funeral suppliic and atcr ly reduced prices caskets j delivered j a speight x7 hcton c advertising is tho pulso 11mthrcci hip blood ot hnlnr through ibn aitorlra of the prd lreaaho liualncaa cstibllilimciil tomorrows buslnoss llfo dorumilu upon to day u aihertiiluk when hid ndmrllieinetit iu in the will irlbb it produce life why hcclili0 the 1 ul 1 iltl ss hoes into tho ruuder a houui jocalnund li iu down with him it la on the uhla uhllu hu mtu iiuhn hh handu ulurihe nieil ll h by his v i on uldu au niio niembt the children a dollies it reiclnil unhand and j wifn whon limy utn in an upproaili l ubln uiudlthgi that is why advurlulim in tho 1 mi im aa luliijin imlier ikuls lo iba local innitlimit tliin miy ulliar kind ol am udvirlilnk 1 illviv vou will uh convinced uaiiutaolurvr of ttili tloora ktatuae tioulillni itialuly jjcia7wo jla ratita uj uovldwa to orjer ou aliort nolle john cameron proprietor w barber bros paper makers georgetown 4 st onlario nosnis colorob pkpers jol oiin r barbeh fall1900 cooipsr kicins kbiiiohmijiil tkllontj l iiakiho tli beiul annual jlniiouiiea ulan i to llialr iialroiii aud tliaiuiuus unrlly uaa in tliauk tliatn for uialr peat avoid ami linna tly will coulltiua to itroulxo tlio up to put tailor wa have j ml pauj into ilock our vail and wluur iuimiruuaiia eoutui uitfnf mutikoo tnouakiuhoo vall oveuooatihciej tlou ua trouble to tliow our goodi i la luaure a uood aelaollou m wr or mouey roluudj cooper akins main st acton thke a look lhrouili william docl of looluetr hh ucck your tlmwill lo well spent and you win be biirpriicd at tho extent of lite itocl vour feett will be fitted perfectly and vour taste suit ed urine im wila and little ones you their foot needs will lie filled equal ly well and at wonderfully utile coil to you our whole altenlion tu glvtjii lo buying aud telling lloota and shoes and there la benefit in ihib to iou wo arc bum u jran convince you that tlio pjaca to act yout lootwoar it williams shoutore mlkci st- a0t5m nopxtna c qmsicimltv ana phommtlv donu patents guaranteed proiiillyirctve our opinion fi nureniluu the lulculallllty of mine haw lo gualii n 1alcitl acnl uiwtit rr iil kunl xcurj tiirmiiili in ulvcitlmil ur kale at our eutwiitc lalenta lakm out lliroiuh ua receive ttalu wlllioutcliarhf iu luu 1atumt itbcoau au lllitairated aiil wllely clrcillai itwrual conniunl ly mntiufarluiria and hitelori uc lid for winplacoiy vhkk addiau viovoh j uvahs a co itteut attafntyi kvbhb f tlleig waajm i o patents promptly secured i firs i hutul uu avouabakaloli n uiiiinrliii hidbxl tnoaluoiir wllll you rre our onliilon bi to liitburdl la prtiwmy mu nt v miiko n utuuy ff bijlc4ilaua huthjtlinouiur lunula ltlaliuat rufuruuum uiulnbtl i kujuom i uxuiau avtxirt holi01tohh a atxvkjitlj rtll a ulihul liuliif i uruluaua tof ue iouuililu iuiihil if iiuliiliu luiloliillu aiiiui kui do years expenienca 3 itvactiulliiil huk oiil blr aairtlir mi lil i l4lr an ilvkillottawllhur imlelilatila iuilf- lllwhhirl wnlfl li tulil lirt 111 ival 1 jill j tof riilhlij balaiil 1alwtla 1vj if iali aluitii attl scientific hmcrlcan a lulni ill lllrill l 1 i sntt ia v uwiiiii ut

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