Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1900, p. 2

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vftucuiiftomnuonbmdaroetouvtuf to mr and un wn vrenob a 4infblr xi kjmjtd malty ituioctobw b lit llutndh m allllao wlllum a latadaootouu to ooml lavaa dauatikw of ut lata 4faora lto dibd llurrujkh in kviwtlm oa itmdif o0mj1 lalay huffman ad st 7ar llaiuoa inluxikwoowae balnniaj kmlt lost ilia lutant oa of arthur urtaxa wlmjixi in anion oa fjandajr oct hat u if r and wn jerlo wiiiium a mo ukmiu ilaotcatown oa bonday oaioba lub adroa j uo ad u hn ii moalw jo daya hwrttat lui ootolw llsoil loftnaily oftlaalpb paraobua inaaraoll oa tn fl jaotttovorru wlf of ur j o ijb juton jfm jrs tmulhua kk ogtoder aslb 1000 editorial notes job ti tlouat of vara ktgin nominated u lit ooowctlvw candidal jn wealuruo mr usdtbso kinnrdii flaring retired ikrttid in halloa fear h p moklnooo i mm lug with the moal eot oa raging recaption notwithstanding bl mnlufanoa baeloe intarasl b la paulaf up a vlxorlooa om palgn and u aotivt ly angagwd in tb work of organising a wall a in alarnpfng tho friaod of bla childhood nro utboal aatlo or bla obanoa toronto filar tbo ofloubjaf th attorney uaowral department wbo na bsag aooaiio lb country for irampa for the paat weak or so t a port that lba iroviao u remarkably fra from ibal variety ol past at tb mmct tlruo wbleli iadoobtlea do to lb pouey of tbo aapartroaot in roaodla tboaa tip at tabular interval toe kmm urn peak tb jan ad tan ooollngana in booth afrio mii sail for horn with honor erowo log iii banner ilka a flams and oar lady of tb bnow la feuing raadyiofiliurvw uwra bar own whit flag of peso and waloom tb lomlnloei baa every reason to be proad of them and nd ooi it meal id faar of invasion whan it baa aaob seasoned detachment to band todafeod 1l nw york thum electors of hallbn kntutuirj a you are iiouijucsj aware luxve uccpte1 tbo liberal nocoiaalion tu candida to for tho tv presentation of hoi ton liltliocomnymsofcaniulaj icictl tu ttcnd the next three woebs lit the county but it will ik lmrhjduj uf tnc to mw ovcry elector in tlutt abort time nnd i thercfoit la to tho liberty uf setting my view on publlu mattcn beforo you in uiu addrr and of ajtkinjf your upkrt fur what 1 belleva to bo tho moat far teeing the muttl irjrtuav tho moet tryly jatnotlc gttvcnunont that canada bail ovef bail you bao troatt ami i hojo yotl liavo felt that wo aro liaving jooi umeu- tli beat in tho quarter o a century but vhat usui made the jjood time id it not timt wo have mom rnoitey in ci where docal tho money come from cet tho figures of our trade uatiatlci tell kspocu lo uk yar lap nnjttljam mipot or u yw lm urtafa tbo oaodldaloa minn llandonon and uonlidnoo ara boaulng lhroagb the tarioo polling ditunona of um ooonty pablia mmtloks art baiobtld buhtly ftod lb contaai waffta boiior u tbo dato for tbo alaouoa ooma barr ttnoojih tho oam palira u a tplrlud ooo li u bmlag oanlad ylthgty fff ttntb tkjsrlft- uid tbelr friod aro ooofldaot of vlotory two vaoka mora will u tbo jooatlos the vote in i boo tho offlou roturno in tho lt houao of common uloouon iba rotoroa of tbo o4 in jono 1sqc wban uaaara uaadanoa and wajdia war tbo oaadldataa waion oat ofacialty aal follow aitar lb taooaatl mo town lull- upcbi 4 auop- upojld uliota tt vou klu4 bhs iluaxlmotom no a town 1u1i m t juadiof uckmo u fjcj upoiud u1uu 4 voudkwludbth ko ft bprotrf a id glwuuio4 tat ufidud bftluu at vetwtoluolou ukouavow ho it trwo uji- w it oou rt iioom b upoluj lajlou ul voi- lud xt ko iv town uait u 114 upolud ullotj b voi v1w niwuuiwati no u 0tnptulti iu h llrookvuu 1w w ktmtelbull u k1i1 ujlou 1 1 vou- iduj au ko la yni kjwt w luibria w lull a ucbaol w u fpiay tat the dominion election sir wilfrid laurier for canada s f mckinnon for halton the chief itenut of ntcreae were kcft- and tooiury in uwu brooo our vana kndo wo ulllvjlriitu vu4 iwjud al oixvjuut ko w town hau- u uhuii luwluo ull4 ul vol polud 41 taiuaiu ko fcf boym al m- uiunqnla 11 w liill h vaumm uutm d 31 11 ft mounj only s tonoro voi tbu ur llalu mr uuwl htajorlly lu tbo ooonty waa ia1 if tbou but don an lujury to aootbw tathar owu i than tli 11 nbw hklribh oovuhfjqhh appolritmont of bovorol mow mon to admlnlatot colonlon uum oot m blr uoiaalltu alfrod uabooay has boon kppoiotad oowroor of trlolddauij tobago laland knd will u auoootdad aa tiowafoor of tbo wludnard ulauda by blr ilobort baxlw jluwollyo itoar aumlostrmlo of tbo oobqy of lba uauabla and forowtly admlotainator of lobafo lalaad air harry langborn tboatpaori wbo boa bono odnsiautrctor of ill vlooonl alnoa ittsm will b iranaiavrw to loou blr fradarlob ultabou itodaaoo wbo aln jhu8 ha boon uovoraor nodoooauandor la ohlaf of th otd ooaoolouy fa baoo ppoiild lfuor uf lot uubndoo toj inctmm in rum lrooau boot ui3uu to tot13s1 tho tola increase in tho uxport of orm iroducu alone wax from ab ooo in i96 to s 000 000 in looa ierhap aome of your conrvauve friend may 1m inclined to dispute lhcoo ft gnre although inoureytilheyii compiled from tbo otctal atatutlcn ttd i ahall therefore quote tho laat sentence from the black lettered leading articlo i hall and emiiro t ridiculous that tbo yankee ahould increafco their klc 18961900 by 5i- 000000 while wo increased otirv by only 970 000 000 now dear air just take thco figuro and ieo what they prove tba ytikoc wltli 70 000000 of people luve increacod tbeir cajwruby su 000- 000 or exactly y y per hcail while we with u popuuttori of ti 000 000 have l or 113 per head iii other wonbl our export during the paxt four yeaitbavo increased in proportion to our population over 5 er cent fatlw than tboq of tbo umfod state our enemlett tliemnolvw being jndge now i claim and i ask you ntf mm ot kouml toroinon teaie whatever your lolltic may be to judge whether my claim i reasonable i claim that tho laurlcr government dctcrvcj a largo tlinrw of crotllt for thit great yearly add tioti to tho wealth of the country i hecatue it carried into tcucccudul operation n xystem of cold dtomgo from the canadian fanner to the untuli con- kumer one result of which 1 that caua dbtn tut com j tared with australian butter qowkellatn tho tlrltiah market two ccttbt a pound higher titan four year ago mid other periahable farm product have correspondingly increased their market value 3 ilocause by tu practical loyalty tbo laurier government luut won tbo aytupa thie of uie llrhuh people at u banquet on tho 18u1 of jutle 1b07 during tho fetivltie of tbo queen juulee bir wilfrid laurier wald lord lau downe liu mentioned tliat a day may come when tho r- mpiro may be threatened thu day unoivemary of tho uattlo of waterloo remiud u tliat at oil time kngland luut proved bcriclf aue to win her own wars but idtould a day come when it should bo 111 danger tb eiriftthehigloornltt allyi ug tireiiwlitchtodou tho hill aud ill the colonic and though wo may not ho able totlamuuiww kliallgivenlltbebelp within our mean- foe this proiuua and for his glorloua jnnmncofjuul4c0villllj lot ul evuipmeut and transport to boutb africa of the cauadian contiugeflt our conker vatlvejriendi who are all thing bo all men if by any means they may gain nduie are aikrriguie peopla of fjucber today to turn mr wilfrid laurier out of power vor thu kaine promue and for thu name verfornuuictj w lett t hall for uiat other pnuif of practical loyalty which wo have given in admitting the good of tluj motherland at a tariff one third leaitliait uiobs of ttraugeni the great ilrltliji heart ban itecome no littbritled with kentliticiiu of fneiukhlp and klnuhlp towartu ud that our gowl command tho prcfereiice everywhere over ilka com moduk of foreign origin what wonder thuii that canadian furmortf liavo nuly douuod their trade with llrltulti what wonder that tho 1irituli oov trniuoitt ha iijkiit tlreo piuulcni of u million in the urchasa it luuiuliau lioredurlug the past year and nearly million and a half on canadian canned good ami olhi r pro v uu uot to kpeak of largecoulracufortullltaryclotjilug wljat bvttllj ballot 31 votm ilu vouu uajuilty for hhjmmu u blllwi lllu lio voua bollaibooi tbo rwaod for lb lar tatltaur of apolud ballot w tbf bm of tb bw duo bajlot bo vou waal ooonud wblob war uarao oouid lb diao tbo baa bar ofipoiud ballot for mr wldu wu doubu ibo markad for mtf uaodanoo tbl wa owlo to ur waldi bau baing ko ntoob aborlar and kuor wblu bpao bajo 111 kfur bl mom tb ballot to b bd id lb oomlng alaotlooi will hot hat tfaja fault bat wing klmplar tbc ill b fw bpoilod ballou lu hm uat foolnlou huoiioo aolod pojud bu vol and va mr uandaraoo a iorlty of us in lb uu abuoo to ibo looal laglalauir lbr ww tad vota pollad bar kad col kn lb ooowtu iuujr if oveu iliu yraild kliowlng udl ill a four yaiii b looko1 jmou uum tho day of uuoll thing and if lu that world kluatkat which evory yar take ninety million worth of bottor alone in which lu 1s9s- we wild one million worth and lu iiioqoo five million worth wwmay in tonyai- tforo aell fifty mil lion worth i what wtmder if instead of the twelve or fifteen carloads of grape peaebe war and other tcudcc fruit shipped f roni crlmab andlturllug bm li ltrltalu thl year wo may in looo uhlp twelve or ftftau hundred carkwd i 3 lleaue tlio lllteral goverunteut inured the nttolitiow of tbo rrrtasantlne aguliut catiadluu tattle iuiing the fuito1 state wilt the wonderful result that wbll in the muyu 3otil i90 tho whole value of oattle enporiel to uie inltl state wu 3l j7 lu the ut three ynt of liurtil rute the valua wil 93 914 4fll ingthuaieartjitiluheiliuy claim 1 1 the jo vera man t jn fortcrwg lnttcad of crippling trailo y aide you what hau been done in other illrcctionu 1 tbo financial itubrcmciit has iecn kticb that 111 average annual do fit it bos asj during tho thie yai of conservative- rule ending june ifl hnij been nvritt into nu avi rage niiuuiil nrplaaf 3 1m3 tyj for the tbree im of i ilwral rulo rmhiig june 1 b- j tho surplus for tho year ciullug juno la t in enurmou licing ovut ft mxi imhi tltlcni ingonhnory expenditure only or nearly 9i ikmixhi ilediicluigiapltalexpndtliuo tn rjilway ranul and other public works kruieiiitier iii the upe ltd expenditure f iwaily two luiulinu 1 n tho ixiilh african war tint iou ofttte management lm ben 111th that notwithstanding tho reduction on letter kmttage from thre cent to two tent the ednblpihrnent of 317 new office and tho imrabel mail carriage of 1373 tf mllrt the lwt of tbi postal mrvice for 1b99 a iutiared wttl h has lieen reducvi iy 70 31 tlio crow nest iasu kallway ha tteen openei i hurt mat ling the kootcuay and russlaud nil nee to get buiijdic of canadian coat ami canadian tmkis mid jinmiua which they formerly krt fjom tbo utillod slate at tho kame time the government o 11 condi tion of it aid obtained from tho c 1 h the right to regulate freight ruici between all polnb on the crow net kallway and point in futcrii cauuhi in a woril i claim that the i aurlnr administration ha omducttrd tho btn1 neta of the dominion on buitlnca princijci and ha madu a fraud miclcm of it i am lurn if tbo iloard of director of any bukitieut cormrittiou hd handled it altain with similar efficiency not a stockholtlor would raie hm voice ugainsl tbeir relectiou i am imre thitif your municipal couucillont bavo managed tlu aftaim of your town or township a well they will have no npitositlou in january next i therefore on bujne principled support tlio government and oil the jkatne ground aslt you t supmirt me thottiuvmiimi7iillinjdaiittciairtlaire mime muttakc but theui have itcen trifling let him uiat ueef imule a mutato 1 1 hi own bublnee throw the first stoue we ntuht epmt the govrutunt to- make ruulake in the future it is quite possible that in uie exercise of my itlde pendent judgement i may even find it necessary to odposo aomo measure luti duced by them but i am sure that nevcr ha canada keen autatecman more bonent aajiia iiclrc-lohervelliui-countjy- tiiau sir wilfrid iancr and noef baa canada ucn a man with sneb tniint for government since uie day of the great fat rjoh n m acdon aid n mftn gut wl prwnal friends and admirer i had the honor to count myself altliougji unable to agree with him on all public question but uiough to much ha loen dono by iir wilfrid laurier miuh remain undone a railway ctnuiiuii nin lw estaulslnsi nluwiujjfi thin reform is fiercely opposed by sir charles 1 upjwr tito pritsent railway chargeji esjicclally on f produce o fruit are uniply iulquitouv an will imj ihnwii at my meetings tbewj charges mutt ho low ored and transportation facilities in crcamxl mottopolutlc arrangcmeiibt between the railways and other jteat corjoratiouii miuvt ive put nu end to for ever and the many rcform to uhlch sir wilfrid laurier clan da committed nuitt be accomplished a ipecdlly ai setinu obstruction will permit even that veil cranio pretbobuttori vetomnchine ol blr charlo muid 1m refontied in all theo good workii i will ait if tho klectora of ilaltou lo will it in closing i must makoahrlef personal reference it u urged apalntt my can ill da til re that i am now o tioti retiilcnt i can only ank you to consider if old hal ton li uie place of your lurtli your boyhood your early maiilwod asit m of mine whether if you were to move to toronto as i have done you would ever lofco your interest in the place mid the people wiui whom you have spent your best year judge my feeling by your own and i do not fear your verdict ott the other hatid i do not hedtate to say uiat if i were lu iurllameiit and any question concerning- the interest of ilalton aa for example a propocd outhge in u10 tarilf affecting one of your manufacturing iodtixlricti or a iicstlnu ai to the freight rates which railways tdiould ho allowed to charge 011 your produce i kay that if 1 uch a question ucro to ante the wide experience that i 4mvgaiudhi aamwouautbmtim iorterand a manufacturtr would gi myopiuion a u eight and an liilluencc nniougstjiiyfcuaw immiwr whlohi could not poiiuy have posesad bad i remained to tlim day in georgetown in other words b i mckinnon a 11011 rivudeul can ila much more tor halton utau h v mckinnon a resident could poaaibly liave done hopbtglo veoyqu at one ortlher of wy meetings and tluu you will givo iiiq a frloodlyidiake of the ham if not a vote i tun vory truly youni 0 f m0kinn0n trimnu october istlj 1300 wiuun ila tlio prosperity or tbo country iiiatgely ay s if pcf cent owing to t lie pujuy- of plhtt at m uulldirjo tonotu oot xard a lilll ufor 3 ioloo tbl knornln prlvst watohmau jajoa qbawbarjdlaoovarad kmok laaulnif frool tb window of b lop kloiey bf lb motxluaoo llnlldina allaud kt tit aoolb wt eornar of mallbd had col bo o afur kaoariniolo tbst tb oaralakor 1 tllbu auj ils wlf bad baod and war toakiu tbair wy dowu tbo nr aaosb b turuod lu au klarui od tb arrival of tbo jlronwu lb karlsl wwok wa brought into brtvlo attj ralaj u it full kkuut a dlauua of hi ft kpjnl tbowall of tu balldlu lb bra koo boon ajruwl ibsk tbasaok was eout idgwf tbliatur shaft kbd thai tlk dv lad fclariad in tb aogtu room in tb baa tb d4 bad by tbu ufcrt tdd wy tbroogb tb oauing of 4b roob kbd wwf qwiokljf kobdood by bard work of lb dr knn tb total loa i btliaoolod at abool tl000 principally maj up of damax dou to on of lbuoite bootor boad to operate um alovator tb luaj u o0tard by in auraao tb 00 a of lb tlr i uukuown fcltooogb ll i baluwad to bv orl i ro dofaotl llo wlr tb building laitd by dr ibl morning rplod tu mm uoauoytd lu tb uoubl ola fir hmr oocanod mmm inv lt l t g if- u v uoklonon utiroiit yukat bomlna for halton i milton ba annosl thsnkagtvlng aarvlc waa liald ip kdo cburob laal thoradar morn in itav georga rlabardsdo of lba uklliodlsl cliaicb prasahsd an impraml itaod maslar ooltius bsi baatr 1 ffarad a position wiih lba 4hlb hlulinder hmnd ortoroolo wbldll til arrattuintf 10 niak a flv week a tour ihiouuh lba lullod fliau u will llkdty aocapl air ilanry ilandoiaou oily kaanl ol lba horn lu ion fiorrs co for quebec it i tod bla bow hare isal fk plia poui aarvlcoa being bald in lba ma t hod 1 1 olurob at inert i g lu lu ureal tli troubla bat wean fclilum an i lofl hop r oarpal faelory bs baan aattlad 1 urt hoi trrelii to kcoapl 30 liiataad of 00 a par uralauroamatic wa hope ltd la tbo last or tbla unplaaaanl affair one day last waekt gambia wbo works at mr koroarwlls lanlng mllla had tba top of bla lbuuib taken on wblla opratng o of ibo machine last weuaaday ma ara jarvla of tb iluyn shipped uil brarfy bora to vlo toria uarbor to 10 ua li ut john waldl lumbar taupa oohaurday lllgbl aatl una if mr im 000 bus bora g it iduksd by su tbr bursa that had ut looa lu tb klabla and 1u lag waa brookati su badly thai lt to be shot ittfamtt a trua friand unboaom froely ad vino inaily aaalst raadll adenlura boldly taka kll pstlanlly dofnda oouraraoualy and duutinuo a friood ancbanotly inquiry i humau blind obodiano brutal trulh uaver lose by on but ofton suffer by the olhar absolute security genuine carters little liver pius mutt benr plbotoro 0 am cwsunli wrawif tk w itawy wamah ntikwm cartlko foi oiniktm ma biuoouetsa m foi toimd lives roi coiistiptioa roi uuow u roi rareomkexiai jtlh cure sick headache grow girls should be bright chbhhpul activb a b a qrekt nsponlblllty root upon mother at thl pnrlod a it in- volv- tholr- daughters puturo hnpplrioa or mlaory sows ifaoful hint ltoay ehka bright aya mi tustlo lp and a good sppalitf re th blrtbrlght ol avoryglrl luaa kt tb ootidlllotlm that baapsk prfrt ha i lb util bufortuttsu ly this li not iii coodltlon of uiouakud of growlm glrli on vry tlio may b fcon girl with pu or callow couipuxloti uu gold kloop shouldered klid llstlas doe tor will tall than tli i they ami n us alio or fd oihar word that tbair blood 1 poor thin and walsry if further quaalloued tbay will tall them that ibis ooudluou lasd to diolinw oousumpllou kud lb grav what i neadid i a biodllu thai will mtk new rlohv red blood sloiigtbdu tb utrvp nd ibuu rator tb vlor brlithlnihi ud hopafuluo of youth vor ibii purpoa uo blbar dl oovary lu tw ktiusl of uiadloin osu qusl vt wilhuiariuk 1iiu for isopl and thooasiid of one bop i a girl hav beau msdrf brii i fcrtiv slid stroug tbrouab their u aiuuuu tho who have bn brouubl back almost from lb grv by ltu of 1m1 utdlln u mis m c 1u alftmaiar uo yrybo w tb waul uxativc akoait4iioliie rabut uaroasut bf ht ikuabrt d la wlr qu mia maroasux uyj it giva m tb jtruttdjlaaltira to mpcakulllalianffu i- bsv xpruuod from tb us ol dr wll llh ti iiiij vnf sata yf in wlsoousin with a tolstlv whar i d woud my tluitudylugkuglibkad nnialo inuodlnri lu uisk tba usohlngof the ullar my profdou 1 wa uvr vry tlroo and uy kludie fstlguad ma muoli wbu kboot fourlao i beosm vry psl luff a rod from kawi baadaobts tud wikkuoaf i oouaaltaal k doctor td kollug oil hi i kd vlo ralurnad to can the fatigua of ui jouraay bawvar ruaj uui wars euid ntislly i got so weak i muu uot walk with out balu i was lrb6ly nsl my ay lid war wwotleu i hsd ooutiuuouj bead kobo and wsi so tier vou uiat thk least hole woold aal my uatt uaung vioienuy i klnioal lotbd food kud my walgbt wa reduoad to blnoly nv pound nsilher dfutor biedlelueuorauytblng ala that i bad lakotl up to that tlm amd of ih kligblcst beotflt i wa ooufluad to bad for burly k yr kud i thought thai uollilug but death oould and my suffarlllga- ii up plly ku kbijuaiuuuo bf uiy fatbars ou day brought- in k bos of lit wlllliiua asukillr and urgl ui try tbui i did au kud i thought loy hklpd in some uud my falhsr got ukwa afur i lud tiaod few box slimy fflud oould a they wr blplug ma tud by lb tlm i bad uu nlus boy i wm 11 joy hig bttr bub uiat i had aver hd in my ii r b fur tud bkd kiuj nflftaii pouui lu wsudit i ull you tbla out of gfktltud uo tbkl otbar youug ulil wbo lusy b weak kud alokly may know tba way to ngslu tbolr halth old wbo mr fuat kalarlug woinshhaftjl kd l tit mopt orlllosl pa old of llilr live upon ih of wbloh i bay rooalv i thl limdpudllilrfutuihspuliid nagleat may iuei altbar su atiy gviv or a 11 f of miry if mothar would lu slat that their urowliig dsuuhur um dr willuui 1lnk lmi oecaalouslly ridi i blood stroug uarva kudgootlbeauh would follow if your doalar do not vp lb pill 111 it ooi tboy wilt b wut post paid kt to oaola a boa or sis buxi for i to by td drawing th dr william madloiu co urookvllu out rjvoieueztilt3i hi li j4 x i v kendall spavqn rxw t it w j y tt wt b j aekbaa tu emosbuwl fulx vt gff n b cd all v0ub with painkuierj i atula cbaat in itsnhl i slassj taf and qauk car fr i 9okjtmpsdiaitrhoejioouoh3fi j colds rheumatism b and much of that purity uepena on perioci kidney filtering tbeso orusns aradlaeasod and will not perform their functions man will sack in vajn for strength and woman for beauty south american kidney cur drive out kll iniriurlllo through tlio body ultcrera repair weak spots 6 wanted agents to fill pofnianenl poiilona with nat good pay all liinpllm froo chance of promotion to jood we also desire 101110 ood acontu either on whole or part time to tell our preparation fry the destruction of the imisock motll caterpillar known m oatahpiltjaiune mai side fine and than their expenses thereby we have the lar assortment of slock of any nursery in canada ieo pie prefer our toods bccauiio o our guarantee all our slock is tent out under gotcniuiriit certificate proving cleanllnea and ffoodom from disease apply now for territory stone wellington toronto iv of our talesman cany this as a fine and make considerably more uttfo but 8archlr4rrr von staiis hueappld liiblelsnro 1 ot bij uau ooua dote that contain injurious dru or turcot ifi ihay aro tho pure vu table pepaln uie meilktiikl extract from this luscious frujt and llja labials are prerared in us ulatkb1d form as tbo fruit ilulf limy cure liullgoiuon 6a lu a box jj conn 6 yc will lead thif kail and winter in low prices for young iartncjb stronij wit- cht every watch case ilttcdwith our pa- tent oust prcvcntof it tho stem savage co watcli repairers wwidham sttcct guelph jfltia libtrimmrnts hquse bf eommens klcction halton county a 1 iii io miiunf iii iff llrl i l lll acton friday eveng november 2nd the right house iramiitonb 1avokiti mioii inc i lacii 75 cents for 100 carpets our big ilxti of carpel still con i in lot makes a very slroog tbisc kuortmctil it made up of good four iram ltriiboi ilruuels tliat were if yard and ihe best ten wire kngluh tapestry wiih uniaws back that were noc styan twenty ojgh ft h fferen r sty to- frotgtwi o and f cterjggy for any room or hall light dark and medium shade now all 75c a yard 65c wools for boc 1 about nine style of good all wool tilled c c carpets full j6 incheii wide reversible variety of coloring regular value co and 63c fcr 50c haw flannelu tlpeolal our full slock of grey llannel is in and tho value are exceptionally rood careful buying has enabled us to offer you some genuine bar splosfor loatkncaytb 300 cy re well worth jsc and the j5c one in grey and navy blue would be good value at 40c 1 urther details all wool grey 1laanol plain and twill tt value a inches wide aoc per yard afl inches wide ajc per yard detler quality light medium dark and ox foul croy plain and twill sh inch worth jftc for 0c still hotter make in plain ami twill voy light medium knd dark greys ab inch regular value oe for 33c wruppereuoa laid instead of 15 cenu iwottly ktyleoof gool vrrapper ettci variety of slisihs in check floral stripe and ialslay designs regular value 13c or lajc now walau- rtannella wahdj look exactly bke real french flannel bat coat only about half ancy patterns in spots stripe flcurdolbi bow knot polka dot and figuredeffect great -variety- ol pretiy now st three qualities l 33 13 and 1j1 hsnneleite waist a special hoe in h smooth and tioocy faced nannelertes largb anortmeo t0t patterns 73c cheviot at 50o tbl i really tbo most siyllah make of drea fabric for fall and winter wo offer a special line kt this price in 13 different shadings including greys blues fawns brown and red mixture 43 in wide estra good value 30c plaid at 76o- veryurge lot of handsoaur camel hair and ilomeapun ihaid for skirts all shade a loch were f 1 33 and r 50 for ftc malkordors receive best it t tot inn freight or ttspress railway station in ontario on all mall order amounting lu 5 or bent anywhere on request prepaid to any more sample thomas c watkiiis king sfc east cor hughson st hamilton fclaby humor- dr agno olnl- meat lootbes qulels and effect quick ktad effective cures la all skin eruption common 10 baby during teething time it u harm us to tbo hair in ca j fkkld mead knd cures fcteiua salt rlutunl knd kll skin diacaac of older people 33 cents 33 purcoods the stylish kino and ihe ood kind of 1 um are not naceaur lly i ll uma good i urs are scarco 1i1u wluler but uu lu lha tklus some time kgo anticipating a run on just he bind ha are popular thli scasou and can oiler bablo uorslan and so a i furs of ticept tonally itxu quality at mmail ably low prices acconllnjj tokliuandlenfih reijulred y itllattib ani kumodfi i ing now la tho lime don 1 mill until nooded badly or you will wait l n e lafontalne rurrlor cuolilt thilbe papeks in one tlul uua of biseueal sartoauend knd 11 stoog attlsla ulctii laa iealara at lutaaung weekly malt and empire 1 sitninw nuani si peryekft llsuue of liwd f with sub- sadudn fm- i60j country gentleman the only agricultural ncws- fiaper and admittedly- the cading agricultual journal of the world blabemkw me ubr pap bntmid to eooipu with it in miahflnahfm oi ajltoqial slan oln tb acuulunl kkw4 wilb k div falnna sad aoaapuuaia bot ko atuaintad by aost rotuwb of tbo drop fcfkfcm wpwtv tuat aooounl of m una ut levrytmn ihldtkl kmblbulu to all country residents who wish to kblil up with thk timfs children cry for- castor ia it wire kiijiesa to dlaniitu uhui svery thlug thai ldiiiulvl a ciutaih mmrimu for curing crsnipa dltrrbojiuddyiaulary la by ulnu win uihar ihta medlolm hsa auatajnod lba blgbat regulation fur over f0 year avoid aubatituta there la but una imu uuur iarry davm mia and fcdo ha that bsu mor knowl lu hsii judg luuut 1 mad fur auothrr man no more than bia own llauyard yultow od lu inomrii to r have kud sure o our nouglni onlda bur throat piu in lh lhust boarsduea quluay tu irloii j5 cent announcement eitraardlaary jfhli it known unto all men k3 tiat charles ebbage liave returned to acton and opened 1 uiop on mam street in the rear of a step- licijbons blackitnitli hop lor the manufacture and sale of all liiiuls of pump from a cibtenl pump to a pump suit able for a well 150 ft deep also cistern watering troughs and general jobbing oubinem i liope by close attention to business to receive a sharo of public patronage orders by mail will receiveprompt atten tion repairs executed while you wait ouaumth k11i1aqm kulu m accou hlnu bubkihpuati moo two 8uuorijuault3 80 your bubmhplioiij 000 ukk0uf ihpuouumht 0 luuubil ov zjliulku cxu1ui will fof iatiiu ott uji tujiiu club tmuy mouuu ftul trij lot bo ouiu upioimjcw cohu will uiiu r 6 hwtt it will var uivlv ibuchm in uy wr id bmsuy 111 1 luther tucker k son albany ny buggies tlio lugy laascn la uut yet over and 1 liave 12 mekinnon when addioues will u ilellv qocsljons of lie day f p till i uikhai canuii1at1 hon u10h ard hakfjoulir mlnuler of llducatloo of ontario hon thomas bain and othjho biaeuaaloo invilxl tual aiad lot lba 1dufi tba ebalr will ixtakulal fcutloolock piopcrty for sale rma and villa trutty lia iphy to wu 1ikuktu11rt jbaum kmt sale tlllt valuabla ptarty eonulnla 100 una wortmu on tba waal half of u1 buol bwlnwty in utaslr coor n ll no at bqaaapr uitu k nuyri id 1 aoiwok ul tarodlo ra1i astray stuvtua upon lb prwou a- ot tb imdar bnud lomaea i kuaalog aboal th lat ofoetobr a htinipalili ram ownat will od miwin lb animal allcif r uahh de8irable re8idence for sale tult vikacrwm pptr iwou laoanilr ilj ty u now osarvd for aaw tu- btmuala nil b ka aicfat rooms wltlt ball and panuy urn oallar and wood boo eoanactad f lard and aof swaara im boaaa utma of lanj wall atoekad wltn eholaa trnlt- tnaoropartyla vltbta utaoorpar- auea ot ui utrila manafaetttrta town of aoa owlaa to la prailcnu c vklrruw vaasaaary utta propactr won id tuaka a aeiaodm au forf tnuboom sad jti will ba aold on aaay sarin for pajrueaur apply al vmxm raaa oflto aatee ool aoton marliino oiid hciutir lsiiow urmuyaklndkll lmpuur aliuwwi saulpfwd with ad tba taablnan t loiuu all rapalr to tusenla- sry and arlanltnml implamasta and to do all k lad ol atm a 111 of bacboalnm and hnral lilanaamluuag woodworm rapalr tarfmwl nkwallafaotory tea an na w oa rapalr any baasbln r implaeoaot of any tnak baw bubbalnjj knd dlla dons thke a look ihrouji wluuma stock of footgear ibuweek your time will be well spent and you will be surprlaed kl ihe eitant of lb slock your pbet will be filled perfectly and your tut cult ed bring lba wife and little one iflzith you tlieir fool need will be filled equal ly well and kt wqodermlly utile cost to vou our wliole attention is given to buying and seliiaajuuotlaild uloes knd br is betiifil in ill to you we kre lure wo can convince you lliat lite place to gat your footwear is williams shoe store uiu bt aoton riocfcwood eleiratc o hua lolb highest cash prices wtaolr i 04x71 i 1 jfcu i uxuney i ityjc i i jftojc i 1 iumjxwij i 1 wool i always on hand jtfxlxj i rlovu i oxthxal oxlcaxmi i i yiaxsmi i 8uliwtt i i salt i uamtxl aad ttoodult i geo j thghp c uy sutioui uockwood t cuclp iiaa judnmuul ihsu wll m muro il tbsu balual hick ilesdsoljtm bowevar ktuioylug and dlatraaaiug la poaitivrl uurel by i ana llvar 1iln lhy sr oay tu lake kud uavargrlpr luly iruat thy ball ay uia alf a hi ball motoin1 bkkbry j c uattjihw jvouwio- uko iiikurlmlu of urejj we luiidlo ahd lul 1 imklt cakes reteuod every luy now that the uralltar larool ue ktllng ull be oituau 1uvru i lrailau aiuw tmt band hiy own tnak ii will pay you to inspect thamaud buy on and let tlidadvaulhgo of lite cloilug aejsou a lew rootl lumber wagons ou hand vet which 1 will bell at cloe irlcv alw iluwi and hoot tilpcts now u lba util frur umj wikii scaio call and toe wuson a now blau dard ooo um scale kvery farnmrsboald liave one chatham ruining mills sold cheap r than you can buy llwiu uk ilui waaon j n oneill succosaor lu otilp a mokoualo c bof2g bttoiiftlsi ouilaw hollu iteuur llilce liiuea a ucek of ukcuer ii ordeied jjuve your onler jc matthews uoiia ma fctix iki uj yui i m syiaaii loo ltatolum loo irfrww tmrtmi m 0lobb optical co 03 yonj9tr4 torontow r- iew ideas hair xlnudt comb tooth brush cloth uniahea i uhsi s ah ilia ulril itylio bee our pad i lkal knvo s1a1ion1 ky neuet oeugni ultli llss ii each omii lo match n w lot ol il louuis j uu arrival aw fir saniide of ladle ivirfumeulotlei a tbrown obauslat kial buuotmr- acton

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