Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1900, p. 3

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bank of hamilton gborgitown branch ageneralbankingbuginesa transacted correspondence solicitod saving department intecpujulowcd oil umiul one uoiv eattand uhwards irfara day tt deposit lo day of withdrawal no f umalllles and no onlaya in drawing moooy jfarmcrh htmincah solicited notes of reaponalulci far met discounted and money loaned tuf cltlrnlo murines purpose oar collection doparmcnt hai every facility fur making comiit returns salo notoa handled and moooy advanced on account of mo al low mica of interest ttakftllara arc notified that lb uauk of i la mil ton and ha llranchd issue circular noteapftho ivovlncul dank of injtund limited ubkji can bo cashed without charge or trouble la any perl f tha world hkai opiicli iiamiiion jtalabuahad ib7j capital paid up 1703212 reserve i und 1 2 j 1119 total assets 1 1827357 jaukn tuuwnui 1 caaliler b forsaytril agint georgetown branch- wo make a specialty of keeping a fine line of goods suitable for wliddwg guts uiktiidav guts 1 itllnpshir guts call umimo our great virlaiy of htautl tal daw good- no troobla lo how loem oeo hynd8 aoton ont awnun itou1 the news at home tswutaa jxetitss tnuhbuay ootobeb mulllm little local bbieflets which cauicht that by aa or er pra prwaa report a re thla wmk ueltow een next wednesday official nomination next wednesday the nomination and mallow een eoim tba name day secretary cfranl we in town on hal urday payln prixa money new tea ha a bean pat in on lb main una throe b tba q t it yard thankafivlna traveller war uurnm on tba uekat were good until monday anniversary servio will be bald in tba lfatbodisi cborob on eltinday lblb november mr joint ilawaoo new reaideno at lb corner of obnrob and willow utresu la np and enclosed a numbar of oar cltlxea want to onalpb lo attend tba loneral of tba lata mr j d moke tb meenit and rricklyer will aboclly eommeoe work on tba third baudlbtfol lb warren block he j k oodaan u a offielawl al thaskaglttim atrlaa at bt george cbaroh lowvill oo sunday tbacaa poulioa everywhere theaa day b twaaabalaa aaam to ba oood noted mora good aatwaaauy than jisael tba pmnw enoerer on taeedey filled up lb eieterne tor tba winter and waa t general f aooeptabla tba dally paper elate tba a dedelon at tba viabaeia lperlmnt at ottawa makaa it prohibitive for owner of private flab pood to take troal during tba aloe tb aaeralary of fcaijuaalui africa i tare society report ifaai ift per oaol mace mamberabip tiakata ware aold tbla year lor tba valr in aoton lba war bold tbankagwlna waa a great day on tba golf link moat ollb player in jowo oat to aojoy the dllbtiol day and a game of golf and they bad bomarooa mtw j- capuolobu bthotimi foawatda td day latter from corp uallanuna daled drlfaat trabayaai lup antf 9 ha rtparta that b had gunner moore and ooold are ell riht ilirald tba knox collar titodant ailaai onaryl boouty ku rapraaaulaj lu kooi gbnreb 60 babbalb van log by mr llobeit oraw who apant tba enmmer in jjrluab oolnmbla if gave ati iuuraaung and vltd daaorlpiua ol the work among tba miner- tba qaeatlon wu aakad tba um paaaal tba other day why waa the weakly market epilation dropped t tte prtnolpal raaaon wa that tba building on htgin fluaai propoaed to ba need a a tamp orary markal waa uaaad by afeaar w 11 btoray bon for tbair erowlna boelneaa for flrat olae b and doora laavi yoar order at ilrown planing mill aoton auction balb heoister toaaiov vlh ootobat bala 0 farm took impleroeou grain u tb property of 1eol kennedy lot i oou fl laijoain qaja a 1 o olook tuo iiktalwj a0 ualldar i wxauilu tin bw eldlurf now being uroad out at llrowu 1 lab log hill actoa 4 tliniiwho noolernplal pnrahanlub tnonmental or work of any uuoripuoti fur tbalr earnaiery plota abould order utkaot from the old reliable granite and rnarbl dealer 1 u uamtltoo ouelpb out al aapeoaaa allowed to purer eeer ail work and material warranted oompelltiou bash and doors in stock if yotf ar building or maaieaj l john warn miuailnirotl a ruolng allll with your order in toobaaa itajhv- ligbl llaai i llgbu i jhtw a llgbu 1 j4ilwj igbw- oor netook 3 10is 10 i tbtek and 9 bio h ij tlok aojld monldad nd raiaad panel 1 joao 10 1 ibiob vrou door wllb or without glee lop jui rmth proprietor lialn hueel aolou moatly of m looaj chafaotetr atnd vary urn intatraptlna ar jfajfianoat m adorn maeliaat air uokinnon mecung bar will be held in ibe town ball on friday avaninjr jnd nov addreenee will be delivered by mr mokibnon hon llicbard ilaroouri miniate of hmiit of oatarlb hon thome halo end other iteaarvad aeala will ba provided for tne ladle wedded jat toroala an eateamed young oouple in town mr w a landaborouai and mia ocuvia lvinwaofc lu tixonto last wed n ay and were quietly married by llav alexander mouillan 1 raabyurian mln later their many young friend are erlendiajf oongra- tulatlone tne yoong people will realda 00 voting blraet wha cum vote am noreaibaf 7 thefjoealion aa to what voter uu will be need lo tbl vrovioo at the coming leouoo baa been ana wared from ouawa all lbe provincial umu whloh ware oarliaed lo ont or before bept 11 1w00 wllj b uel tbl mean that in aimoet all the monlcl pail tie in ontario the t09 llata wall be need in helton tba lata of hfm will be bead aa ibl year 111 were not net lifted to in time to permit of blng bead la any municipality in the county vowlead comedy co the rowland comedy oo- have been playing to good boaeae in the town hail during tba weak tbey are oonaiderably above tbaaveraga travelling company and lbrir3ajaer olaen in every reaped monaay tight ibey played kerry uow taeeaajaveniog the xlle of krin and laat bigbt put on unole joah the lead ing parta are taken axoeedlnglv well the rnerabera being ijulte al borne in ihab role the company will play ban tba real of e weak approzlmteii mamt wbm xmklmg tba uwuj lighting aervloa waa aomc bat damoralicad laat week- id aome bnaoooantable way traneformera bnroed out on vroderlck eltree dower avenue and on mill street between wdlow and flgin and left atorw end ttudenoea in dark noe the loeirio ughl ooromlttee gave the matter prompt alien lion and new traneformera were aoou inatalled tba eeateru olreuit- of tba alraal ervioe waa alao diatorbed leal weak by a broken wire wblob took aavaral day to find volar on 3otu atrle on tbenkegiving vning a large audi enoe gathered in knox cburoh to perild pate in the ooffe aofllaj and te enjoy the illuatrated leoure on booth afriaa by uev thoeaaa wueon iloadon a larga n am or linelight view hnowmg thai art ol bouib africa trav by our aoldiar and the polnie of leading intereat in oonneotloa evertom llev i a fletnwup went to olenoalfn laat wck to eulit in th opaolog aervli of the new cbutoh tbvr mr dodd uft imi wrek iw oblu altr pending eaten weeaa in apveiel aervloh and in mimoaa mr ja molran ol toronto who he been vialllngju mr ileoeona left laat wrea and wilt go waet probably aa far a al betle i the revival arvoea lu the matbodiat ohuoh cloeed laat weak with good veealta mr orltlaodon went lo 1onaonby ha tar day wbere be i aaiiaiing iter henry illernmwall mr j joyoo retail ed ual weak after pending omtlme with friand in and around georgetown rockwood tba aixtb annnal oonvenlloo of the vp- worli ieagoeaof onelpli ulatrtot will be held in the methodut obordi uookwood on tbqraday jib novenbar an eioelleo programme baa been prepared mr v halo i raeidanl will prealde and addreeee and ppr will be given by rev t w jaokaon realdant of conferenoe llev b w izoldan rev n ijtand fcamoaa llev it- hfagrf naaaaaweyai rev 11 j harnwrll lunaonby uv 3 v key ii a cjoalpb rev j m ilagar m a aoton 1uv w u harvay r a veritua mi jennu mitobell ouelpb mra h a ooulaoo and mra ftagg neaaagaweya tba jnfant aoo or arthur rrlgga died on baturday from obolera infantum the f opera look pltoe 011 monday at lbe friend carta uuy the elector of tlii vldutty will have an opportunity of hearing the hun 0 w roe mr llogb uolhrie and other on wedneaday evening in tb in tar eat of mr llogb onthrle nabbaoawbva w i ihtha roar war veriou engagemanu view 0 johanncabarg and pretoria to ware abown many of the view abown were exoellent a law war not ao good while the running comment by rev mr witeon gave a vidnea whloh commanded an iotareal lhrongboal thn leoiura rav mr maepbereoa th paetor preaided thukn4ilmj i ia jewaf tba aarvloe in the varlou oburebe on thakagivlug morning war fairly wall revjhvoodden ua addreeeed ul albaa eongrrgalton at 10 so and 1u ii a meopbaraon and j m uagar u aum vreebyterlatt and the metbodul at 11 o olook tba aarmona war all appropriate to the oo and war oaloolalad to engender tbongbta of gratitude and thanksgiving to almighty ood for hi vlgnal uaeaing ol the year and the great harveal ail of wblob baa been aafcly garnered tba methodiet ooogtrgm- uon wa favored with lb beenlifnl one bweelly bolemn thoogbt randared by mr cbajla rjpaidiogv of the central liw bjtarlan church qnartatta hamilton bieiurnerai 0 tho x j ow on tb evening of aoton fair john u duff eon of tba well known bora b john duff ol lb town una erin waa made tba aubjeot of an unprovoked attaok by john maud wboea farm adjoin thai of tba col over an old una fanoe diapota another mrrk was naada npoo young doff at rook wood kair by john mand and hia brothar william tb anioel ol thee di tarbanoe wa ubarg ol aaaault againel tb maud entered before magi aire u al acton and onalpb in both pa the maud eauled out of ooort paying coau and al anion reave faareon bound them over lu buret ol t00 and at onalpb mayor malaon had them bound in a00 to kaep tba pao for a year disorderly oon dual la evidently vtf boprohlahl jbtiee wttdlm vlmu e w c v v kotareating poblid meeiln bndat lb aupiooi oiwctu war bald in tba matbodiat cb vriday ajtarnoon and evanlng hie 0 bar lot u wlgglnat provlnol1 uoturar for tb w 0 t v addveaeed bolli meeilexv la lb altarnooa he emphaelaed th need of tempera n work where to wor tb loauanoa to be gained by tnatructloej lu ie bltujay hrhoolnow lo ovarooma tba nlgmratta- levll and oibar- point mr uagar praal uant preaided tb btteodanod al th eniug waa muob larger mia wiggin gam aa bjloallenl addrea bpon tb aim of tba w 0 t it touoblng upon woman buffrag aha deemed women to be tba equal of btad and declared that wbed womn olat politic polltiofl will b oleati and moral iaau will ba ought to a buooeful urmlnallon am- a reault ol tba aervlom lb local w 0 tu ha added the name of aavenlevb new knambere la ibelr roll daring lbe evening rv ii a maophroa delivered a abort add and hev j m hagat m a acted a ohairmad tb obolr lad tb aioging a vamag hthaaaaut hmdly iieraf tb death on tbanaagiving vaning 61 mr muke wi ol mr 3 d mok ldkaut cam a a ahook upon ibl 00m rnunlty binoe beoomlng toother aoma two month ago mr mrka has been in a proriou aut ol health and with a view to relief an operation waa performed 0i wedueeday lie debilitated oonelito hon wa bilahl to reoovar tb ahook and a geoeral oollape of th ayaleol followed with tbaad reault noted biuo oomlng id aoton two ar ago a brld mra moki ba mad many alnoar frianda bba waa vary highly eeleemed wnd bad axoallaul proepeoi for a long and happy tnajrrled life ht stricken boebeod bud baby daugbur bae lbaainoareeleympelhy qllotloa a ehorl fauer bervlo waa bald lu th bom on friday evening by rev h a maapbaraonv- tba rarnain war oonvayed lo onarph ou baturday and inter men look plan lu th family plot in lb city oamatery on bunday altenwod tba following gentlemen from anion anted a lb pall bearer a a beoord ai tliultuvuu j tj dunn 1 jr jf h oorry 0 v un nd a 0 warren rv il a maapbaraou drove up after hi morning arvle and ooudooled tb faneral ite al unelph aeeuled by rev j a roe ronraporting citiaeo irt ore mr b v mokinnoo the liberal oandl dai held vary uooaeeful tneetlnga at knalobbol 00 wedneeday evenrng rrook villa on tltnraday and campbvllvlue on friday ll ba made an xoalleot impre ion during hi tour of tba luwnahlp and neaaagaweya will give him ganaroo aap port mr mflkinnou ha been eooompen led by exoeluul apeakar al each of tb meeting all ol wblob ba bnen wall attended there wa quit aa array of mana there war mpklnnoa lba oandldal mooregor tba chairman and mooranay malrhtaraoo and mocaba the apeeker a plaaalng and appreciated feature of the meeting baa been the inleraperaing ol the addrea vritbpatrvoaio aonga adnirac4yremiered by mr chart bpeldlnf a wall known pro- reeaional eololat from hamilton mrhend addrvad a t in rrookvlll friday bvaainif naaweje t now wrll informed on bolb clde of politic mr and mr jobb mokinnoo bad tb pleaaura of vnlertalnlntf their oooatn mr b f moklrdc lb liberal nandldal al their- borne on 1- rlday coming and going vlaltora to and from aoton and varlouaotharparaonal notna tberaaa paaa lavltaaall lw reader to eon- rlbute to tbl column if rim or year friend aregolagawayoaabollday ltporlf von nave nr talung jni drop a eard to tne faaaj mr frank mauvcva ol derlln wan vlaltad frund 15 gborqutown to golf or haa evidently oome to th vltll to aoton ol a number ol llw pread th cooukiou golf link have been laid out in tb park bbd vicinity and now young men bbd maldaaa old mad and madamea may ba seen dally driving lofting and palling lb drlarlv bard rubber tpbere from greed to green thanksgiving wa quit a field day for golf and ao erioa ba tba craw bcooma that th telephone ha been in requuuoa day altar day for ordering nw bupplle of club to nw vlailma already there i talk of a challenge lo oaleld clab re k a vey i mentlonad a a po albla muciou or to rev a 3 rrll b reotot of bt jam cburoh ourlpb 1olluo are lively in ibl vicinity mr uandaraon bald a meeting al tb glen otf baturday evening and mr moklnnon hi nerval on tba earn atenln tb bw deak and aau la th idbllo bobool ooel 1m i the publlo behool hj an aurollmenl oil ibu and an average auendeno of ibi an intarealing anion tbankaglvlng ar vine wa held lu lba raptlal cburoh laal reday moruing rav 1errln and uaaon war the bpeakar tba goo olub held their annual live pigeon oontaat 00 tbabkaguing day mr and mr b v mtikinnou j toronto war guu of mr and mr wetherald laat week crbw6 co ineukaglving day paaaed off very quietly n our village th u h narn a quiet in tbl part ad far and unlem ll b oome mora eioltlng later on it wihjm the qelat4 geoeral aleotloa ever bald in tbl pari of tba ooujourv mr jaa itaroahaw ha enlarged blank rot lb and paint bbop and baa greatly tmprovaottb lotaiior mr lumahavrhair done a remarkably large baelnee lo lb peal year mr ala crtpp inland luovlug bl aawmlll to mr ilarwood a both bear bpeedald uall wek ii ba a urg amount of timber to cul wblob will keep him there until lb beginning of urxt year ha 1 buey tbl week euttlng the timber h ha od hand bar mr n vorba i very buay ibl fall pultlngi6ldbul hooriua in a larg imbiber olbublaes mr w v gray vl lied bl father mr f oray hlhaburg ou0uudy mr d cabn of ttitithac wa in our vluagd on tiun4y mr r mokeowu ol 1m1 mill i vultibg bt mr d mokeowu mr 3 ii orlpp bpaut tbaukagivlug holiday with frund in otlt mra k forbta returned bom from toronlo ba baturday aa bar niotbar mr ja abdereod i reooverlug from het to omflh a cotd in one dav takeleaauve urotuo talplne tablet all draggle velmnd tbebmnff tf it fail to ato w utovea elgaatura t va aaab boa mr aud mr walker of aolou ipeut bdbdayalmr jaa oabibu mi nclll riowu ol abloubpeulatlay ut u with bex erland uja lexa qauu doting the weak t mr t j douogbua weut to uaull til marl la1 vwk mr and mr j uaaale ol aolod aiut bunday bt lb bum bl mr murrey mr jam momlllau and aon laoblatt ultbonkgtving holiday wilb friend id norvel mr and mm au crakbuud oblldren returned lo their bom ifj 1ruton bd tu day after pending a ooupl ol week wilb frianda her mr jam fjrewaon mut laaltj ttb irlandrt larle taylor of aolou bud bl daughter mi taylor of hamilton landed the vio in th ohurob hare add oalud ouiiuoda on bunday mtihtummd hmdiy cut mr tboruaclibu enliir bt rreid mucaa oo work aleb4l bl tlgbl labd badly between to fluger wllb a knlfa laat friday baverel uf lb ouid ware ou be ha a very nor baud mr alar beeord hamilton laat freak mlaa jeaau waldie wa bom from toronto a fej daya tbl week mrv m a clirlatla of toronto la a pending e few week in town mr morlov of tiualpb wa tb goaet 00 thanksgiving of 3 k corry mlea hattle noble of toronto vialted f rlaode in the old home laat wreak mlaa meml milne nf toronto apant thanksgiving with friand in town mlaaea alio and kibel tboma spent sunday with friend lb fcimabouae mr oordoo flaodaraon of hamilton wa bom for 4 day or ao lal weak mra ii a maopbarann and babe raauraad from 1 1 ami item 00 batorday mr charla wen bam ol hamilton visited aoton frlvod daring the week mr c bpaldiag ol hamilton pent thanksgiving day with aoton friend cr and mr a 3 tienilee vial led friend in radio on thankaglvlng day mr ji r wsilan manager merchant ank waa in tjronto over tbejikagiving mra ueorge law aoo ol rerlln apant ivaral day during lb weak with friend ir and mr jam brown a pent a few day daring th week wllb friend iq toronto dt ileger ol hmllb f1u visited hi parent et tba matbodiat parsonage tsa thursday mra j b rlurof winnipeg i vlelllng bar alaur mr tboma rennet and other friend her mr w f bmallfield ol tba raotew mtrumtj u praeldanl of tb reofew voung jubnral club mra george laweoo ol rerlln- bpenfc eaverai day laat week tba goeat of old friend here mia moartbur ol toronto wa b go al the home of as counolllor franoe thankaglvlng mr thn llvermoreol toronto vialted berblatwvmrab day lor a rw day daring tb wee 4 poor substitute f inward worth good health tnxvsrdly of the kidneys lever and benvets is sure to come if hoods sar- smparilfa is promptly ased tlii ancunu a fair oiitsiiln an i u conanqaent vlgnr in uin frame with tlm glow of healtli on the chunk god appetite porfnet digration pur blood luomm of appctlto i was in poor health trouuud wllb illisliwaa ured ferllng and lose of apitltr i wa mmpleuly mn down i took it ml a hanuparllla and altar awhile i fclt ran li utlar 1iomi saraapa rtlla ballt me tin ijici a ituassxt old cbelaea rwwr otuva cpja bmouaneaul- i hare been troubled with bceidarhe and ulllmtanea and wa bidchran down tried hood aflara pa rtlla and itve rneejleknd nontm hd a hfoaaiaow defoe h treat toronto ont nf nil utm uu 1 jaj ey lahljt in rcups saucers and plates- just rhcrived ixjq do 7 in colored plates rsgula lrleetl00 our 1 doe coo a do 100 doz colored cup and s liiccrb 1 colors regular irfoeiloo oar 1 rlo 7 60 a do be sure and visit our art room wjicn ou arc in our china palace j tux tfotxv tea stojtt and can a ralacx j a mccrea qdixph pays to bity al doluru mutual it pays to liuy at liollirts tkenew shoe mr mccahe of toronto mad hi friend re father feeny a brief vlalt 00 thaokagivlng day alise allie abd 1 hemu lain were guest uve thankaglvlog at their father bom lo brampton during bar btey in acton mia wiggins w o t u heparin undent toronto waa a guest at the matbodiat personage mleee daisy and kdilb nloklln war bom from onalpb for thanksgiving they were eooompen ud by mia niobel a oolleglat friend mr dr mokaag went lo toronto jo notion on flatarctay avaoln xo apend few day al tba presbyter un mabae 1th rev j w baa and family mr- liiln churob a highly eateemed revident of blreeuvilu died ibara laal week he wa falbet ol mr 0 r ohuroh hdltorollba bl4clvllla j mra fell bnyder ol toronto spent a few day with friand bar during the week bh wa en rout home from an extended wait with friand in nebraska illinois and michigan mr and mr if mokariben of toronto pen tbankaglvlng al lba bom ol xrid ulpal t t moor mis may moor turned with than lo toronto whar aha will stay lor a lew day mr h a maapbaraon wa ballad to arthur on monday evening by tb death ol ad olj and vary warm friend mr david tbompnon lid oond noted th funeral vio there on t n eed ay af tamoon mr j r downey editor of the aoalph jtraltl cam lo lowd saturday venlng and hu irland dr j 1 oogblan drove him t to ralllnalad wbare be wa given an opportunity ol apeaklng- al mr guthrie meeting mr and mr h p moor ult on moo day morning for rrookvlll to attend lba lba eabbal convention of tb provincial bunday bobool convention they will blao apeud a lew day with friend id montreal dr henry hmllb 0 norfolk v we in iowa on friday laal with hi brothar mr7w7trmilh6ttabirc thr brother bava dpi but for thirty year dr bmlth uagraduau of victor i udi varaity u went to the state doxlng th gel allan la au to ba around dally and ho aoon togrow liraiiga ifo-eleain- lu lba opnnly read with grealar id ureal lb discussion ol th political question of lb day bbd ll will bob ba surprising to be lb ohl geoliamau al tb poll on 7th pro pivp childmhn bupfocathd terrible raaulta aluhdant upon m plrw in montrwal tuesday uomlrta muaraiul oct u a bra which broke odt lu a small leoemenl bous bd aroham babll una at lu ibl morning resulted lb lb death by bunooalion ol ave obltdrvfl tne father arthur lebland a bboenieker wa badly burned bet wl u tb mother wa duijf ailgbtly injured tb efaildred were idau upper room and were tlad before th flrernen oou id gel near then the empress thh great popular shoo for womeri has proved i favoril tlw quality fit and medium wajuy style are perfect mlda in wide and narrow widths prions 92o0 s3 fio s3 oo s3 qp hfampeton solo of shoe for men slyliah perfect filling shoe 0 varioui makoa the wear guaranteed for boys and girls i luo and coarse bhoeweer school shops they uurjjkn iron and fit tlte foe a confidence exists between tlw people ind the store born of long acqu tintaiicc and many years faithful service i hat comes of the eerttinty that pitrons get the largest selections of good at our tore and whatever they purchase at the lowest cost it e in be given for together with freedom from pressure to buy wherr visiting the store or looking at the- goods and ibsolute satisfac tion with the pivilcgc to return what for any reason doc not suit after it is at home the few exceptions being certain things like comb brushed jnd blankets that never should be returned 1 he confidence increases as wc do better we c in trust the people to di cover what is to their own interest and- wc only look for busine while rendering right service r we call special attention this week to mckt ordered ciothlnk kedn nmjnji hats mfntia new neckwear mm h madr up overcoat boyk hadf ai ovcrrontw obk v boyn vudonrrar e h bollert co 25 and 27 wyntuuun st guelwt- onlcrad woik ami kefulrlnit rcceliw rompl atlcnllon maim bt aotoh kejstjsty bros t i he-looks-smart- and wins attention by hiacfotlies in tkc3crnicticai daysppportdnity crs arc measured by their attire and those below arc left our handsome woollens and artutic tailoring produce business and full dress suits that cap the climax of style results should be considered before prices but our figures make these suits doubly attractive to good dressers via umrf fut oolon blu ud blulf 1 lu n tootchboluaja irom t30toj30 hwu mm amwliul 1 dpll bm oar m vail lux ud tu r e nelson cuelph merchant tailor and mens furnisher glkscow house ladies jackets millinery press suitings gentlemens overcoats and suits newest designs fit closest pncos a complatobonfea otj boys andyouhsuitsaj j henderson fe co clhsgow house wcton two ic things now t 1101 ww goods or lba holiday bmuan wam- 1awh lo mak your hotiva ulln lucuolltll lu iiig llookstoiil ior 11mm two lltw ii will iwy you ajya cha8 l nelles cuelph about choosing furs if you find after a few months that you were deceived in a fur its poor comfort to know that the dealer was deceived too for you pay roft his icnouancii our experience makes our guarantee ol some value were eqpccially strong in ladies furlined capes fur goats huffs i mens bacoon goats spectacles dont you think that atter all it would be cheaper to buy a pair of spectaclesfrom puinole gliliii and have your sight tested properly than to take the chance of being fooled by a ped lar prilnfgter thq jbuvtolbrj cublph this week new labrador herrings new red herrings new luppercd herrings new bonclcs tish silmon sardines finmn haddtcs new figs dates raisins currautb chocolate- cocoa and aborted spices h also a lot of faiioy good cfgoodeve i in- the face of i bfcodily advancing marktt wi gumlanlll ouii plllsi n pltlci s i tt me gbrocery and prosri8ion store ijltfflfwlfff new g fresh goods t z lowest 5 living 3 prices liuiiuululi hsvlnrf uend a nw lmlaan in the ubova iltke4 in wut nmilwu on main trl lately occupied by mm j atluma 1 have idcaaura in iitvillni i ly rlfiiidu ait i lba com munliy lo koiicral o lnsmct my slock 1 tool hi i i can mrltli cunli liicti awl a nharti f tbair palronsgo liocausn my good am all and nf the imtt ilalliy an 1 it loucta iii find price am fnci hi very reaaonaiil f guica h john it kennedy main b aoton hvjvvwv d e macdonald sv brother the lion cuelph l st kj umuii of btavli amd vanoy orooeiuhb oakhid qoodb attn tabl1 ckiioaci1 fruits veautables and prqvibions 1 wl due lo any person who llocs an illmr a un w an 1 ultwiu vl o ttt i uioy by 1 uyli fnmi luo will bo dolu llirlr litrnd u lin liioty hit in 1 if hwu f hiu fact t oodi piuu ptly ilelueioj a utll njlkllod john r kennedy

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